Review Article

Phytochemistry, Anthelmintic study of herbaceous aerial part of pubescens (G. Don) and Review of Novel Effects of Diosgenin: A Derived Steroid Vijay Nigam Daksh Institute of Pharmaceutical Science, Narayanpura Road, Chhatarpur, Madhya Pradesh, India.

ABSTRACT Diosgenin is an aglycone of the steroidal saponin, dioscin in yam and is a principal raw material for the industrial pro- duction of steroid drugs. It belongs to triterpene group and is of great interest to the pharmaceutical industry because of its estrogenic effect on the mammary gland. It plays an important role in cholesterol metabolism and it is responsi- ble for morphological and biochemical changes in megakaryocyte cells. Diosgenin is an important steroidal metabo- lite used as a starting material for the synthesis of steroidal drugs, as it exhibits estrogenic activity. Work concluded that diosgenin possess therapeutic actions such as anti-inflammatory, anticancer. Its anti-inflammatory activity is mainly due to COX activity. Diosgenin is reported to stabilize lysosomal membrane and causes uncoupling of oxida- tive phosphorylation and having strong oxygen radical scavenging activity. Keywords: Kallstroem; Diosgenin; Steroids; Sapogenins; Estrogenic activity.


A spreading annual herb of waste places; introduced in Type: Simple habitat of waste places of Flora of Howrah. Plant is her- baceous, not woody and round. The large are up Leaf Shape: Ovate-suborbicular to 8 inches long and are heart-shaped (cordate). The leaf blade's basal lobes are rounded. Leaf veins radiate from Leaf Apex: Acuminate-shortly caudate a single point. The leaves have long stems (petioles), Leaf Base: Base is Cordate and are alternate on the stem. are small, yellow- ish and fragrant, hanging in relatively long clusters Leaf Margin: leaves are Entire (panicles and spikes) up to 4 inches long. produce "aerial part of the plant" that are attached closely to the stems where leaves attach to the stem (axil). They are grayish and somewhat irregular. Compilation Kallstroemia pubescens

• Kallstroemia pubescens. • Kallstroemia maxima. • Tribulus pubescens. • Kallstroemia longipes. • Tribulus maximus. • Kallstroemia minor. Morphology

Flower: In axillary spikes, small. Flowering starts from September-November. Fruit: Oblong. Field tips: Stem twining to the left. Leaves are 7-13 nerved from base. Fig 1. Aerial part of Kallstroemia pubescens Leaf Arrangement: Opposite General Habitat: Moist deciduous in the forests ie flo- ra of Howrah, Indian distribution.

eISSN: 2523-6709 Diosgenin (25R-spriost-5-en-3β-ol) is a hydrolysate of pISSN: 2523-6695 dioscin contained in the rootstock of yam and it exists widely in the natural plant such as

Correspondence: Dr. Vijay Nigam, C/o Ajay Lal Nigam, 27- New Colony, Above Bachpan Play School, Chhatarpur, M.P. E-mail: [email protected]

© Authors; 2018. International Journal of Current Research in Physiology and Pharmacology; Sumathi Publications. 5 This is an Open Access article which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, provided the original work is properly cited. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) Vijay  Phytochemistry, Anthelmintic study of herbaceous aerial part of Kallstroemia pubescens (G. Don): Review glucoside [1]. The discovery of diosgenin Rotavapor) at a temperature of 40°C under reduced pressure. The extracts were stored at 4°C until needed in the tubers of the yield yam has made it one of the for analysis. most researched and studied herbal product. Test organisms Many health benefits are associated with diosgenin, for example, prevention against cardiovascular disease, Liver flukes (Fasciola gigantica, 2.2 to 4.4 cm in length) cancer and contraception [2, 3]. Diosgenin is an im- were obtained from freshly slaughtered cattle in the portant steroidal metabolite used as a starting material Bodija abbatoir, in Ibadan metropolis (7.40°N, 3.92°E). for the synthesis of steroidal drugs, as it exhibits estro- Earthworms (Pheritima posthuma, 5.5 to 12.5 cm in genicactivity [4]. Diosgenin has indicated effect of re- length) were collected from the water logged areas of ducing the level of serum cholesterol [5, 6]. It is mainly Chhatarpur, M.P. It was used due to its anatomical and used as the initial material for partial synthesis of oral physiological resemblance with parasitic gastrointestinal contraceptives, sex hormones and other steroids. Dios- nematodes in human being). genin has received considerable attention because of the variety of them promising pharmaceutical properties [7, Anthelmintic bioassay: The anthelmintic study of the 8,9]. The consumption of diosgenin has positive actions flesh and peel extracts against the selected worms (P. on stress and inflammatory conditions. posthuma and F. gigantica) was conducted according to the method described by Ajaiyeoba et al. with slight Collection of Specimens modifications. Plant extract (10 g) was dissolved in sa- line water to make stock solution and different concen- The different organs of this plant were cut and removed trations of (100, 70, 50, 20 and 10 mg/ml) were pre- from the plant and fixed in FAA (Formalin 5ml + Ace- pared for the anthelmintic assay. Albendazole (10 mg/ tic acid 5ml + 70 % Ethyl alcohol 90 ml) for histologi- ml) was included as reference drug, while saline water cal studies, transverse sections of the different organs of was included as control. Standard drug and extract solu- the plant materials. After 24 hours of fixing, the speci- tions were freshly prepared before starting the experi- mens were dehydrated with graded series of tertiary ment. For the evaluation of each plant extract, five butyl alcohol (TBA) as per the schedule given by sass, worms (same type) were placed in a 9 cm Petri dish 1940. Infiltration of the specimens was carried out by containing 25 ml solution of methanol crude extracts of gradual addition of paraffin wax until TBA solution plant in the tested concentrations. The plant extract was attained super saturation. The specimens were cast into dispensed into the Petri-dish before introducing the paraffin blocks. worms. Observations were made for the time taken until paralysis and death of an individual worm. Mean time Sectioning for paralysis (P in min) was taken when no movement The paraffin embedded specimens were section with the of any sort could be observed, except when the worms help of rotator microtome. The thicknesses of the sec- were shaken vigorously. Times of death of worms (D in tion were 10-12 um. Dewaxing of the sections was per- min) were recorded after ascertaining that worms nei- formed by customary procedure (Johansen et al). The ther moved when shaken rigorously nor when dipped in sections were stained with toludine blue as according to warm water (50°C). The LC50 was determined using a the method prescribed by O Brien et al. Wherever nec- linear regression. essary, the sections were also stained with saffranin and Epidemiologic Studies: Diosgenin has been used in fast –green. The microphotographs of the sections were traditional Chinese medicine for treatment of urethral made using Olympus BX 40 microscope attached with and renal infections [10]. Diosgenin, made by hydroly- Olympus DP12 digital camera. sis of saponins, which were extracted from Kallstroemia Physico-chemical Standards pubescens, a plant which grows in India, shows pre- sumed ability to minimize post-menopausal symptoms Physico-chemical constants such as consistency and [11]. In Turkey, diosgenin is used as a good antispas- organoleptic characters and the percentage of total ash, modic, that it can be used for cramps, coughs and for acid-insoluble ash, water-soluble ash and extractive muscular spasms [12]. A new Indian source for diosgen- values and loss on drying (LOD) were calculated as per in is Costus speciosus, which is used to induce apoptosis the Indian Pharmacopoeia (Anonymous, et al). in cancer cells and to reduce high blood pressure [13]. Diosgenin extracted from Trigonella foenum graecum Phytochemical Screening of KP Extracted with Dif- commonly called fenugreek, is a leguminous plant na- ferent Solvents tive to many Asian, Middle eastern & European coun- The extracts were tested for the presence of alkaloids, tries, and is used as a hypoglycemic agent in type I and flavonoids, glycosides, phenols, resins, saponins, tan- type II diabetes [14]. Over the past decade a series of preclinical & mechanistic studies have been conducted nins, volatile oils, carbohydrates and amino acids using standard procedure. worldwide to understand the role of diosgenin as a chemopreventive agent against several cancers. Plant extraction Experimental studies: Diosgenin plays an important Five hundred grams of powdered of aerial parts of Kall- role in the cholesterol metabolism Roman, fraction- stroemia pubescens were macerated separately in a 2 L ated the liver using diosgenin to elevate biliary choles- flask using redistilled methanol as solvent for a period terol and found that diosgenin can be absorbed through of 72 h with intermittent stirring with a glass rod and gut. A lot of experiments had been conducted to show filtered using filter paper (Whatman No. 1, Whatman® that Diosgenin significantly induce apoptosis in various Schleicher and Schuell). The combined filtrates were cell lines. Sahelian et al, studied the effects of sustained concentrated using Rotavapor (Rotavapor R-210; Buchi delivery of diosgenin on the adrenal gland of female rats

Int. J. Curr. Res. Physiol. Pharmacol | 2018. 2(2):5-9. 6 Vijay  Phytochemistry, Anthelmintic study of herbaceous aerial part of Kallstroemia pubescens (G. Don): Review [15]. The changes in body weight, organ weight and Regulation of Diosgenin Expression: Regulation of histopathological changes in the adrenal gland of rats the diosgenin expression in Kallstroemia pubescens were observed and it shows that reduction in adrenal plants by different plant growth regulators was studied. mass may pose a potential for major endocrine compli- Treatment with 10-5 and 10-4 M gibberelic acid led to cations. Zhony Yao Za Zhi investigated the antitumor 43% and 19% increases, respectively of diosgenin in 30 activity of diosgenin in vivo and invitro. Tumor growth -day-old whole plants. These increases might be associ- inhibit rates were calculated. He showed that diosgenin ated with the action that this growth regulator has in has an obvious antitumor activity on S-180, Hep A, U14 stimulating plant growth and the biosynthetic pathway transplant mice in vivo and L 929, Hela, MCF cells of this sapogenin. A similar increase was obtained with invitro [16]. the 10-5M indole-3-acetic acid treatment. Treatment with 50 ppm ethepon increased the diosgenin levels Extraction of diosgenin: Methods of extraction of di- observed in the leaves of 15 and 30-day-old plants, osgenin from Kallstroemia pubescens, CH Wright in- growth of the whole plant being substantially reduced at clude direct acid hydrolysis, spontaneous fermentation, 30 days in comparison with the growth observed in con- supercritical CO2 extraction and so on. trol plants [28]. Recently, some researchers used a single enzyme such Dose: The amount of diosgenin to be administered per as cellulose, the amylase combined with day is in the range 100 to 2000 mg, preferably 150 to 1200 mg, most preferably 300 to 1200 mg. This amount acid hydrolysis to treat drug material, demonstrating may be administered in a single dose or in more than that about 70% diosgenin can be extracted from the ma- one dose which may be taken at different times through- terial [17-20]. However, the activity of enzyme gradual- out the day. ly reduces owing to the change of catalysis environ- ment, so that the catalysis efficiency of enzyme will also Pharmacological properties of Diosgenin reduce. Therefore, it is urgent to find efficient methods to enhance the stability of natural cellulase. Current Hypoglycemic activity: Consumption of commercial methods that enhance the stability of natural cellulose diosgenin demonstrated hypoglycemic properties, which include selection, protein engineering, enzyme immobi- are beneficial in diabetes by reducing intestinal disac- lization, enzyme chemical modification and adding a co charides activities. It has been reported using experi- -solvent agent [21]. mental studies in diabetic male wistar rats, where there is a significant increase in lactase and maltase activities, Production of Diosgenin: Kallstroemia pubescens is reduced intestinal sucrose activity. The activity of glu- the dominant resource for the production of diosgenin. cose -6- phosphate was significantly increased [29]. They were more than 1500t of diosgenin are produced annually. Kallstroemia pubescens cells aggregates were Hypolipidemic and Antioxidant Activity: Oxidative cultured in liquid modified MS medium supplemented stress has been suggested as a main risk factor in the with 2,4-D(2mg/l) and kinetine(0.1 mg/l). The cells development of atherosclerosis. Diosgenin enhanced the were treated with different concentrations of ethylene- resistance to lymphocyte DNA damage caused by an generating agent 2-chloroethylphosphonic acid (2- oxidant challenge with H2O2.The hypolipidemic and CEPA). 2-CEPA at concentrations of 50 mg/l, 100 mg/l antioxidative effect on rats fed with a high cholesterol elicited production of diosgenin [22, 23]. diet supplemented with either 0.1% or 0.5% diosgenin for 6 weeks has been investigated. Diosgenin showed a Diosgenin-Quantification: The diosgenin concentra- decrease in the plasma and hepatic total cholesterol lev- tions in a Kallstroemia pubescens tuber collection from els [30]. EC, India were determined by HPLC and their percent- ages ranged from 0.02 to 2.64%. The average of dios- Neuroprotective Activity: Human Immuno deficiency genin, recovery was 97%. Diosgenin was identified by virus (HIV) infection continues to rise in drug-abusing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and populations and causes a dementing illness in a subset coelution with authentic diosgenin standard in both of individuals. In-vitro studies showed that HIV pro- HPLC and GCMS techniques. It shows that Kallstroe- teins, gp120 and Tat,Tat + morphine caused increased mia pubescens is a potential new source of diosgenin neurotoxicity in human neuronal cultures with ApoE4 [24]. allele. A number of novel antioxidants has been screened and found that only L-deprenyl and diosgenin Bioactive Compounds derived from Diosgenin: By protected against the neurotoxicity of Tat + morphine utilizing the intact skeleton of diosgenin, OSW-1 and its [31]. analogues were synthesized.Its anticancer activities are 10-100 times more powerful than some of the well Vasodilating Activity: Diosgenin is structurally “fairly known anticancer agents currently in clinical use, such similar” to progesterone. It is the precursor for the in- as mitomycin C, adriamycin and taxol [25]. From readi- dustrial large scale synthesis of different hormones in- ly available diosgenin, 16β-hydroxy-5α-cholestane-3,6- cluding progesterone and norethisterone. The vasodilat- dione, a metabolite from marine algae was synthesized. ing effect of diosgenin was studied and it shows an It is a potent oxysterol, which exhibit a number of bio- acute, endothelium independent coronary artery relaxa- logical activities, including inhibition of cellular prolif- tion [32]. eration and cytotoxicity associated with induction of apoptosis [26] Role in Cholesterol Metabolism: Diosgenin, structur- ally similar to cholesterol, has been shown to decrease Certonardosterol D2, a polyhydroxysterol was stereose- cholesterol absorption and to increase biliary cholesterol lectively synthesized from natural rich diosgenin, which secretion without altering either serum cholesterol or possess a potent antitumor activity [27] total biliary bile salt secretion [33]. It has been reported that increased biliary secretion of cholesterol and lipid

Int. J. Curr. Res. Physiol. Pharmacol | 2018. 2(2):5-9. 7 Vijay  Phytochemistry, Anthelmintic study of herbaceous aerial part of Kallstroemia pubescens (G. Don): Review vesicles induced by diosgenin, has cytoprotective ef- Drug also shows sustained delivery of diosgenin on the fects in the rat liver subjected to obstructive cholestasis adrenal gland of female rats [43] [34]. Conclusion Role in Melanogenesis: An increased level of melanin is characteristic of a large number of skin disease, in- Large number of studies have revealed that diosgenin cluding acquired hyperpigmentation conditions such as possess therapeutic actions such as anti-inflammatory, melasma, post inflammatory melanoderma and solar anticancer. Its anti-inflammatory activity is mainly due lentigo. Diosgenin inhibits the melanin content signifi- to COX activity. Diosgenin is reported to stabilize lyso- cantly [35]. Skin aging is a consequence of both pro- somal membrane and causes uncoupling of oxidative grammed aging that occurs with time and aging caused phosphorylation and having strong oxygen radical scav- by environmental factors such as exposure to ultraviolet enging activity. Most interesting feature of diosgenin is rays. The supplementation of natural or synthetic dios- lack of intestinal side effects, thus it is used in the syn- genin has anti-aging approaches [36]. thesis of oral contraceptives, sex hormones. More recent Role of Diosgenin in Cell Cycle Arrest and Apoptosis work is needed in order to explore its new areas of ap- in Cancer Cell Lines plication. Treatment of tumor cells with cytotoxic agents usually References results in the breakdown of the cell cycle machinery, the cells subsequently entering into programmed cell death 1) Kartesz JT. A synonymized checklist of the vascu- or apoptosis. 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Int. J. Curr. Res. Physiol. Pharmacol | 2018. 2(2):5-9. 9