Detroit Alone Passes to Victory
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SUNDAY TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY, MOO) •A Sunday. October 18, lUI~ PART 2, PAGE 4 DETROIT Keeneland Results Sportsmans Park Entries MONDAY BLOCKED BY YALE -l*hb, claiming. 4 year- FOR A PUNT NEARLY FIRST RACK- riRAT RACK- *I.OOO. claiming, *-year Michigan *» mil*; Defeats JMAVY old* and up. 'nidi A furionga: and up. Rnitua <L.ltirell> 11.20 *2O 400 Talent 11* (McComh*) *2O 4*o IxCol Morocco 110 9 High Alone AlfadiMo 2xMinorra 107 lOxflorixen lag 10* Detroit • (Haahaml Hard Bl*rult *0 3x8ally Jo 107 llaDoctor Radar 104 Ttm* 1:14, off 2 02S. 1 Fly 10* High •Home Again. 4 Mantlon 113 13 Let'# Oold Flag. Vote. AxHaaty Rax 104 Unquote, , ‘Flying 1 Star 107 13xRIi Northwestern, 34-16 Rorkwick, Ju*tlr* M 14xCounty fenny OxPlay Oraanock 104 AntrlmllO Donna. ‘Baragua and Indian alao I 7 C Not# 11A 1* Bold Mtaa 109 City ran Axßtrlng (Continual Thrw) Big Ban Band 104 lAxtOadoon 110 from Psf« In •Meld. *• SECOND RACE —*, claiming. yaar-nlda furlong*: cross on a romp by Merv Pregulman for SI BKCOND RACE—WOO, aiaiden 2-yaar- and up, 7 punt that found Mich- IxMornlng log when grabbed one o| old*. V mile. Mall 9 Corallan igan's blocking shield sending him yards he (Scurlockl 900 440 2 Dr. Bonaa 111 10 Tuaco 11* Fair Tip 33 00 Jana 10* Graham's passes for a score. Fir* Kabo iMcCnmbM 4.20 320 3 Sly Oal 10* 11 Southern 50 yard* down the field. Prep Sports 4xllllnota Tom 113 12 Three Banga 11* (Ix>ngden> 3 *0 men football On Count Feartea* A Untie Walter 120 13iAxeleon 10* Michigan showed a definite Backfleld in Tim* 1:14 2-6. off 2 32>*. Bake 10* riding atop the gravy Hun Albert. Dina. « Sumatra 111 11A 14 Goodness against they a habit of Winding Vatdtna Sam lAaDuaky 113 weakness passes, but ye Call, Magneeium and Laay 7 Coma On 130 Prince They grab the headline* By HOC ORFJEVE ’‘JjSiKsSSjRVf Calladon. Rock Love 109 ISxCagot 10* made the crowd forget this each train. Tong* al*o ran. 5 Valrtina wasn’t « Detroit authority *I.OOO, claiming, they grabbed hold 6f and glory. But there While the THIRD RACE 2- time the or on the varsity competition in the THIRD RACE—WOO. claiming. J-year- year-old*, Alt furlong*: football. person in the stands consider ,1 Marla Elaoa 103 9 Camp Liberty 103 Franks th* be abolished old*. N mil*: lOxLlberty field who begrudged nigh schools should Dta«o (Gorman) 650 3*o 800 3 Hy Shock 100 B 101 fit- Valdina UxStage Door 109 U. M/i First Score great of hero when he came to make wav for a physical Fag (Scurlock) 6*o 3*o 3 Side Order 111 hand the school authori- Leo’a Brandy (Adam*) 4.00 4 Brilliant Jr. 10* 12 Random BraazelO* out of the ball game late in the ness program, Tim* 1:14 4-5. off 3:03. A Bottle Knight 104 l3xVan Oraanock 10* Michigan scored in the first 12 cities have j «xArrive Maid quarter. ties in other major Navy Crn*a, Wlae Chance. Mataro. Jo on Tim* 113 HxVentura 10* opening quarter final ‘Camp Ftrat, 7 Pacific Maid in* lAxßrnwn Mate 10* minutes of the their varsity activities Kapl. Akrontown, *H*ltran. * I Flying He had crashed through time expanded *Treemontlan al*o ran. SxSnuthland Miaa 9* 1* Ever 11* when Robinson took a punt on his and handle all-out ph\sical edu- Old Wtsard and FOURTH RACE -IVOOQ claiming. 3 26-yard eame prancing and again to throw Wildcat backs —tnald. year old* and up 1 l-lA mile*: line and plays had cation jMrtjfraws as well. Son Michigan's for losses. On other he claiming. 1 Inuro 10* 9 Elmadm 114 back to 46. of FOURTH RACF Woo 8-year-' Connie Ann 11* lOxConrad F 10*j oncoming in- A. H. Pritzlaff. director * mile*: 2 Wiese hit the line for 32 yards submarined under physical education in old* and up, 1 1-1* 3xßaby Norma 11 Spaedy Squaw 1111 to let other mates make health and Jim Pat (Barneyt 14 00 7*o 4 20, Joy 103 12 Bellringer 117' and whipped a pass to Madar for terference Chicago public schools, made VlbvM HP Traumelu* iWetrt 4*o B*o , 4xPrlncely C.ift 10* 13 Ebon Flag 114 tackle*. He seemed to he in the Burning Stick (Scurlock' 3 00 37 and then Wiese led a line bat- the the following statements in answer AxEplget 109 14 Fly Me 111 line, every and certainly Lynn Time I:4* 4-5. off 3 31. AxCamaraderl# 113 15 Swift Sue 10* tering attack to the 1-foot play,' to questions from the Times. Prima Donna. Poeay, Knlghtfor* and 7My Bobby 111 lftxSprtng Drift 9* Waldorf more than once must have Milk Punch alao ran. from which point he bounced over. ••The C hicago public schools * Charming 10* put on a passing attack asked somebody on his bench why cur- r* IHhCu FIFTH RACE *1,50t1. allowance*, th* Graham ne\er ha\e contemplated FIFTH RACE l*oo, claiming, * Inaugural, 3-yaar-nlda and up, 7 furlong* to open the second quarter and five men were always in the tailing varsity aporta competl- year-old*, 1 1-1* mil**: 1 Vlnum 117 7 Grand Cantral 120 backfield. Franks More Refined (Farrell) 8.40 3*o 320 Polymellor carried his team as far as the Northwestern because of the Rather, 2xCa*h Baala 100 g 112 today, and lion war. Surprise Party (Adam*) 340 300 3xMordecal 112 9 Kant a r Rua 112 13-yard line. Julius Franks and was the fifth man extend (Murphy) 6.00 * It has been our policy to Ea*v Jack 4 E*plno Gold 113 10 Johnny Jr. lOg roused the Wolverine Northwestern will never have Tim# 1 50 1-5. off 4 nm. Pomlva 10A 11 Bob'* Dream 102 A 1 Wistert It as much as possible. Out Front, Dance Around. Orlando Olrl. A fif|th man. line and stopped this charge. A better Shop 6 Karliana 103 1 Physical Fitness, Too Straw Stark, fteaeon Call, Work and SIXTH* RACE *1.200. claiming, th# Pick, a guard who won the Texas 'jr:' Curlosa also ran. Sttckncy, 3-year-old* 1 1-1* mile* Wistert Stars t Too andjup. ¥ fitness pro- 1 Mum 102 4 Kokomo 10* game for his team with a place- “Yes. a physical - SikTH RACE added. Special Trlpawav 109 Fair Haata 10* ment, came in and delivered again. certainly deserve* to go gram has been Incorporated aa Event. 2-year-old fillies, V mile: 2 A Franks 3 Weigh Anchor 116 * Oay Man 118 This made the score 7-3. down as one of the great Negro it contribution to the war effort. Fair Weather SEVENTH RACE—*I 000, claiming, I- (Wlelander) 420 300 *40! year-old* and up, 114 mil**: Michigan soon afterward got the college football has seen. It Athletic training has been In- (Bra!th) 3 stars Valdina Marl 420 20i lxTurntable 115 AxCantata 107 ball on its own 46 and started a likely will he a long time before# tensified because It will provide Trustee (Adam*) 3*o Illlnol* star 118 7xßtar Bud 110 2-5, off 32. 2 was at for Tim# 1:14 4 3xOne Jest 110 * Doug Braahaar I*o 54-yard drive that climaxed anybody will outclass his play a background of ruggedness Lady Rebecca. Tetlmenow the not far l.lttl# Diana. 4xMla* Baker 110 9 Ml** Bonn** 115 by Paul White’s first touchdown, guard today. the who In .Y, mn Aerial Post also ran. youth, taxm v>if! and AxSweat Story 112 a 14-yard rush off tackle on a wasn’t far behind. future, will he called „ *I.OOO. claiming, S- A 1 Wistert distant SEVENTH RACE- 8900, claiming, I- EIGHTH RACE defense year-old* and up. 1 1-1* mile*: reverse. on punt*, always hurrying' upon to lake arms in of ear-old* and up. \ mile 112 Down « Rnberteon) lln B!ght 10* 9xEvtl Spirit {oup and Fl*h 9*o ft 20 3*o Llvary the passer, Wistert roamed th» his country. *O, 2 Dusty Wind 10* lOxSlr 112 Kuzma Cats In Last Bubble (Adam* i 480 3 11 LltU* 114 all afternoon. Only "Naturally, we faced problem* Joss Stick (Caffarella) 4 80 .IxMalsco 104 Gny gridiron a. 4 Prefer Transit 114 12xEleventb Hour 100 in instituting our fitness sched- Tim# 1:12 4-5, off 5 112 Just before the end of the half super-performance such as Frank* c.em W., Runaway Boy, Valdina Malta, A Grey Ivolr* 111 !3xWonan Is With that , ’1?,..1: * May 14xWood*« the Wolverines’ ground attack was turned in could cause one to ule. hut this war. ¦ Royal Martha and Wlnamae also ran. Music 114 tahj- we overcame them. 7 Tom * Ladd 11T IndUn 112 functioning again, with Kuzma in Wistert's play anything but "tops.’ inspiration, 8 Bucchel 10* 15 Very Trua 117 Vnder no condition are we con- , 18xTwo Ply lOt the backfleld for the first time Klmrr Madar. Bob Kolesar. Phil sidering abolishing varsity com- Jamaica Results NINTH RACE -*l 000, claiming, S-ytar- When the 20-yard line was Sharpe and Bill Pritula all lived 2-year- old* and up. I*4 mile*: sent to theil* petition. We hope to expand FIRST RACE 81,500, maiden 1 Starllk* 109 9 Transbya 109 reached. White was wide and up reputations as th#* old flltte*.