Raising Goats for Dummies
Index anatomy • Numerics • beards, 27 body parts, 22–23 4-H project, raising goats as, 16 conformation, 105–106 digestive system, 23–25 eyes, 27–28 • A • hooves, 25 ABGA (American Boer Goat Association), sheep compared to, 28 45, 258 teeth, 26–27 abomasum, 23, 24, 25 wattles, 27 abortion, 211–212 anemia abscess FAMACHA method of evaluation, 186 caseous lymphadenitis (CLA), 190 from parasites, 185, 186 infectious, 189–190 anesthesia, for disbudding, 147 activated charcoal, 166, 202 Angora goat (breed), 13, 49–50, 272, 273 ACV (apple cider vinegar), 89 antibiotic ointment, 166 ADGA (American Dairy Goat Association), apple cider vinegar (ACV), 89 35, 52 appraiser, 106 advertising, 262–263 arthritis, 188 age, determining by toothing a goat, 26–27 artifi cial insemination, 210 agouti color pattern, 42, 43 aspirin, 147, 153, 166 agriculture newspapers, goats advertised asthma, milk drinking and, 12 in, 107 attention, giving adequate to goats, 297 AKGA (American Kiko Goat Association), 47 auction, livestock, 262 albendazole, 187 AVID microchips, 157 alfalfa, feeding, 84–85 allergic reaction, 169 allergies, milk drinking and, 12 • B • alpaca, 64 B vitamins, 167 Alpine (breed), 37, 257 baby monitor, 215, 219, 221 American Association of Small Ruminant Baermann test, 186 Practitioners, 165 baking soda, 89, 196, 227 American Boer Goat Association (ABGA), Banamine, 147, 153 45, 258 banding, 153 American Cart and Harness, 130 bankrupt worm, 185 American Dairy Goat Association (ADGA), COPYRIGHTEDbarbed MATERIAL wire fencing, 56 35, 52 barberpole worm,
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