{Cj* Tlie KNlllHKllK i* pubb*lu>il twice a week, generally, ami OF I NBOttOBS, virtue of a I).-- tlirve time* a week •luring the iusmuii ol‘ the State [.egivlatuis,— kjIAl.i; &e.—By 'N crelul order of the Circuit ~U HI be to the I tli > cime •** Five HoII.iik iimium, able in uil- Superior Court of Caw -■‘Old, highest ANCERY —\ I in; ini A —A l It tile* I'uce, heretoluru, pet pay and "4Abidd«bi.Jdrr, tor l:<:,UOl:sat .VM hidden ill till- vancu. of w be re- of the of cash, Anderson's Brick Tavern in Two »i I h Notes OltarterU.I, specie-paying banka (only) ill Chancery county Louisa, pronounced in ^ Clerk s Office ol the Circuit Superior Court of Enw y-iburt ('osi^roN*—ImI ceived in payment. Tbo Kiiilur* will gum It II too tbo of remit- a suit therein wherein «'">■ of I'Ybrum v, j j'--’ *afoly depending, Thomas 1* Rem-toe, u„, ./ Mud for the „f llie 4lh ting them by mail; tin? piMluge of all letters being paid tli* writers. William W. and '•■ 'hr Estate of Chancery county Buckingham, Monday, February fcj, leviU. by Cane others are and William Ai.lh...iV \Va.ldy. jr of IdUU: On motion of •XT' Nn paper w ill tin discontinued, but at the discretion of the plaintiffs, day Junuury, IN SENATE. Mr. Leigh, all bare been McAllister, dec., administrator, and others are defend- women, hoys and ,rirls, Samuel I 1 he Senate Kditor*,hntil arrearages paid up. Iv J very Sanders, Plaintiff, lie Chair communicated a from the Commis- adjourned 'vtioever ants, I shall sell to the Va,Uat,t,» “'»«"* wbicli are two nr very repurl XT’ will guarantee tliu payment of nine papers, shall proceatto highest bidder, for Sa. ,, good against Ihe HOUSE OF have the tenth at in oaw^ers. Sinking Fund with a recom- REPRESENTATIVES gratis. cash, the of on GARLAND T. ! 1 homaa *‘»n7"«»f .concluding AliOLITION OK CllisvillC' county Couisu, Friday WADDY, Sanders, executor of Samuel mendation that the Board he .1 ii SLAVKKV. Tlilt MS OK ADVERTISING. the -itilli ol m r% Sanders, dec'd, discontinued, and that some Inr day next, all the q °J deceased. I in Iiis own the House of One lirst February negroes bcloug- , Anthony IVaddy, Jr,, ain.1 right, Francis Sanders, William disposition l>e made of its and on •t*/“ s.|iiaro,ur less, insertion, 7.%cents', cnchcontinonnce, to the estate ol Sander*! papers records. Referred ii ton Representatives, Monday, Mr. W coni* titg William consist- 6»*—tds* James M. demanded that No aJvurtisuineut inserted, until it lias either been paid for McAllister, dec., Sanders, Win. Purcell and hi* lI In lire Com mi lieu on the question should be so- ol two two Mary wife, for* Foreign Relations, and ordered to taken or assumed by some person ill this city or its environs. ing men, two and three or LANJDh I ^ 0n * boys, women, iOll ^ merly Calvin be — cli,"si* ,)f Mr. lour ft^jJLAlL BALE.—In conformity with Mary Sanders, Sander*, Samuel Sanders, piinted. Pinckney s ,u- children, together with all the household and kitch- solo'ir ,,’llo'Tl"«U W ,‘Cl pronounced the Court of Stephen Sanders, Eliza belli James mid 1 he Chair a “nK tol,“uilU‘° abolition en by Superior Chan- Sanders, Hooper aUufeCnnimuiiicetcd report from the War pc- furniture, A. G. S'“Jecree "r blal"»l«n Jndilh his and Win. Efions, Jko Hiw A D V E IMISLJII; M'S. SHEPHERD, District, the 4th. wife, Winston and Ins Department, and estimates of the Trustee anil l&JO.ma suit ,U,e August Sally wife, transmitting surveys Commissioner. between William M James Sauders, Thomas and John expenses for the °pi"ion of lhi* Swoop,-, plaintiff Sander*, Sanders, re-building light-house on '* House, Congress ciiani i:uy reports-tucVuG 8ft—2aw4w* and John Nicholas and Brandywine ou‘;,M.lh,al’i‘:’ lr,e in _T*n' _ Alexander shoals. with Garrett, Defendants. Referred to the Committee on Commerce. r any way in tho scribe rs have the first * *e defendant*, 1 £ V'errerc slavery just published volume of virtue ol a decree of of March at the lie plnmtitl dead, and the Mr. Kent t'causr it meow Id he a violation 4‘ the Circuit Court I I * °,n d!»y next, tavern of being defendants, James presented the memorial of the Council ,.C°*u,,,b,at of Reports of Cases decided in the Court of Chan- Superior John in the town M. William ol the City and High BYof Caw and for the of Anderson, of New sell «t Sanders, Purcell and his wife, Calvin city ol for an » "**“*• '"politic, dangerous to the of : Chancery, county Henrico, bo Canton, pub- Mary , praying appropriation to L.u.Z cery Maryland Theodorick Bland, Chancellor.” on to the Samuel uul m the By pronounced the 5th of in the auction, highest bidder, for Sanders, Sanders, Stephen Sunders, Elizabeth preset vjlion of their harbor. Referred to the Price On hand, n constant of Law day December, 1835, ready uioney.thc On motion of Mr. ijill. supply Books in suit ol David G. Williams apPurlenanc‘?- *•» ll>c Sanders, James 11 r and J uditli his and William Committee on Commerce. Underwood, the was fiist agninst Win. D. Ser- proceedings of said suit nope wife, uiken on the qneslion every department, ut the lowest In a new Wren, mentioned Winston and I first branch of tho price* press, gennt of the City of and Sally hi* wile, James Sanders, Thomas Mr. ot a sentence, with the edition of 44 I loffiiinn's j Richmond, Administrator of I King, Alabama, presented memorial from llie 'L ending Course of Study,” much F.dm d lie land to which the decree and John ol and decided in Legal Wills, dee d, who was Shcritf ol refers, is a tract contain- Sanders, Sanders, not inhabitants of this Legislature to devise some i Columbia," L affirm- Orders for or Nottoway one being Alabama, asking Congress iwivo,,ulv, ns JoiJoiva:-'nr‘Ct enlarged. by mail, Law Miscellaneous | and ng hundred and fourteen and no mode county, Administrator of Samuel we acres, on the waters country, having ugent or in fact, known by which Iho laud over which a rail* ami Attended to. Grcenhill, will lying attorney contemplated Books, promptly carefully to to n"d Hunt's one within the same-—Oij tin* road to A,,iU,, sell, the highest bidder, for cosh, at Char- °f. Slat? ^r*r Creek, mile below the motion ©t James Anderson, connect til.; waters of the wills those Cu Ant,,ony> Ash, Ashley, Bar- WILLIAM A JOSEPH lotteproceed irgnua and administrator ot the NEAL, Court-House, on the Ititii day of Mills, three miles above New Canton und of the pluintiiV, It is ordered, That the said Alabama, be and to Ren‘,",or>?- Bell, Bockee, Boon, houl- Feb. 13. Lite Hu! Tuesday February, may passed, determine the dm’ l ,vI’ ?r"n.’ [00—2l*J HnokstUers, timure. that valuable Tract of ”r i'" absent defendants do here on the first of mode in Which it shall he for H,,,‘ch> J. Carnd, containing 752 3-4 acre's, appear day April paid Ref. rred to tlvo Com- Cam 1’ Ct?i>1 U;?Wn* Bynum, Ualhoon, to I <*rni to it imUee on Carter /. WAY.—Was committed to the of Mor- belonging the estate of Paschal Grcenhill, lying in next, show, any thing for ihcingrlvcM they the Post Office mid Post Roads. u7’ Casey, Cliambers, Cha- jail the “nd or can flit* suit Mr. Chapin, Nath. II. in the State of a county of the lands of R 1 «®nlai,ls abundant SI*v» why aloipiuiid should not, in McKean presented a memorial from a number of Claiborne. J.iF. H. KUNAgan county, , Negro slave, Charlotte, adjoining of ,'ir,i,V‘» quantifies all Claiborne,’’"m who Gams. Francis knoWn '** Hie things! bo in the name and condition as it was merchants of Cleveland, Coffee, Coles, culls himself Basii., and says he had to u Vaughan, William Jones, Francis Pol- Richmond plight , praying that an appropria- Connor, Craig belonged Thomas ,narkelmarked°?ilbc b.v Hie name kmdae.w*n of James at the tune of the decease ol tion be Mr. Lane, who Bold him to William I lard, Pollard, Martha Cook, Charles Hutchin- River Slate. the said Samuel may made for the erection of u new custom- De,**rry» Dkekvraon, l)ou- George Stewart, If the above and be Sanders, bhday,bledaT'li U“iUi<7’ Val'i“’ from whom he somo time son, Price's estate, and William Smith. day advertised piove the proceeded to a tinul decree in the house in that Referred to the Dromgoole Dunlap, Effner, escaped past. Said negro was J will be inclement, sale against them, city’. Committee on Com- Fairfield, Farlin, Jan made on the first fair name of James merce. forester, krench, W. k. Galbraith committed to the of this cuunly on the 21st [82—2aw3w] COMMISSIONERS. day thereafter. Sunday ex- Anderson, administrator of the said Fry, Fuller, J. G.r- jail day of] 2,et> Gruha,n, Grantland. Groves, height, Stocl.s, at Public cclI,!cd- ■' ° presented Tde’vRley, J lldll?I l n’ the lelt LAND, Crops, §-r. bu forthwith inserted in some Iron* the ou the the U„ner, Hnnnegan, A. jaw swollen, quite black, and strongly formed; Auction.— II not ?.lbrua7 B6--3awUta newspaper same, subject of pre-emption laws Hardin, Harlan, VALUABLE previously disposed of by private published in the of ami Indian had on u very old dtab round-about and and the and city Richmond, for four week* suc- reservations, representing the evils of Iho i "awk,nH- Huynes. Henderson pantaloons, contruct, subscriber will, on Monday, tile 15th lots~for yah,7* c„- mid So, :rX“4HaT.S’ j an old hat. The said he is about 47 day t/utown<>/ cessively, posted ul the front door of the court-house latler, and that the he 1 Howard, Howell, liuhley, negro says years of ol if if on next Housesluiiibni, tluvanna Ihi praying system may discontinued. lull 'ihn !°pkl,l,'i Hunting, February, fair, not, the Aur sell county, —The undersigned of this A Return'd to the J. he tells different tales about his he has day, up- determined to county. Copy—Teste, Coiumilli e ou Public Lands and- Jackson, Jarvis, Jenifer, age; escape; says on the premises, to the his remove to offers the the j u wile near highest bidder, TructofLand, nuying Richmond, n. c. Committee on Indian Affairs. Cave H. John- Annapolis, Maryland, with Mr. in the of following very valuable and desirable F BARGAINS! BARGAINS !—The 1 ho sale will be °Ut ,ue given to Leighand Shepley,from the Committee on Re- lor 'n 1rb1J. Sutherland, Taliaferro, Tay- g conducted by Exeai S. 11 cun Aim, ,OU!it■8' ,,ouse, and an excellent security according the Act of and lor, lhoinas, Turrill tin. JL® to remove from this of. the Kiilcs ol l Assembly volutionary Claims, made unfavorable ou ihoinson.Toucey, Towns, subscriber, wishing city, Auctioneer. 30. 84_tds garden™*11** tins curt, and it repoils several erwood, Ier» for Male his slock January appearing by satisfactory memorial* iclerreci to that committee. Viimlerpoe!, Wagensr, Ward well, Washing, of HATS, CAPS, whole- The that are not ton ** &.C., by OT above sale is postponed until FRI 10th ,,U’ w,,ic,‘i!» "ell for a evidence, they inhabitants of this : Mr. Weeks, W lute, L. S. sale or at reduced DAY, TW°’,T l,0V“, n'?d adapted country from the on Williams, Williams—lGT retail, very prices. instunt. FIxum S. ran>ard, lor which tliere is a most It is ordered, That the said absent Leigh, Cuimnitlee Revolutionary Hubbard, Auctioneer. desirable opening in defendants do appear C to which jftuys—Messna Adams, H. Allen, G. V. RAYMOND. tliis phice at as the here on the first amis, the subjects had been Bailey, Banks, Bond. picsent, nearest establishment of day of the next March and an- referred, reported B* N. L$. OF I,AND in Prince kind ut that term, trills for the relict ol the Calhoun, G. Persons indebted to me are request- EilinurU on the nny note is twelve miles swer the bill of the legal representatives of James Chambers, Childs, respectfully t^lALhHirer County, distant. plaintiff; and that a copy of this uml Llark, Corwin, Crane, ed to make as as G. V. Jljijiomaltirj..— virtue of a decree of the Also lots 4or 11,0 relief of the heirs Cushing, Darlington, Denny. payment early possible. R. •p By eight well and in a order inserted in some .a 7 oi'Tliointon Taylor, t circuit Court of enclosed, high slate of l>C'forthwith newspaper published winch ttiut Richmond, Feb. 13. DO—3t Superior Law nnd for the cu tivuf.on He l.iinks it in the of read, ami ordered to a second ie'r.’r V-.Kul.,0r* Lnicoiii, S. Cg formerly property Steger' June, 1835, of “Robert Gibson, plaintiff, Jam°8 Claims, which the pi litions on the had been Ml'kT’ Love, Mason, Mofurty, 7 will make his next season at U,ver and K,‘"awlia col""y- R. C. B C subjects l L) J Esq., Thomas Har- Blake B. Edward im improve- ELDR1DGE, bills for i,rlivc’ against Woodson, Radford, and Chris- nentsThnts, which are now in J;l" 5* releired, reported the relief of James Sutherland iVeed1 »na0’ M1 v,1,S’ Beurcc, Phillips, Potts, & Co.’s store in the of and ut 1 progress, mid will run within 73— wflw vey county Charlotte, Wal- topher B. I ns a ft w and Rebecca his f..r the relief of Sprague, Vinton, and of — Webster, ker’s Church in Strong, defendants, shall, Commissioner, yards most of the above lots. wile, Patrick McGivens, Whin/1blwu,c»*> lultlesev .17. the county of Prince Edward. Particu- to sell to the HIV I'.R and or the jeiiel of proceed highest bidder, on tins utrore that AND KANAWHA COMPANY. the representatives of Col. David lars and terms will Thursday, /icing fui/y Ulty lie recurred on appear in due season. 3d of March the description might at- Ala of the President which the second branch of the day next, Tract of Land, on which tempt to give, would fall short fAMhbmeeting and Directors of the Hopkins,deceased, were read, and order- v'u THUS. K. MARSHALL. very upon examination of James River and eu to a severally sentence, being the words in and Edward Radford has and known as the the ! Kanawha held in the second italics, decided in tlio resided, farm property, and the future Company, City reading. atliruiatuc, us DO—w3w* called of the I of on ftir. follows: 13._ “High Hill.” The sale will take at the lie to let improvement place Richmond, the IDth of truiii Lite same place prefers those who may Ik- desirous to Saturday day Dec., yvmte, committee, reported un- 1 rai —Messrs. r■ 1HB GETTER lavern of Mr. George in the town of Farin- examine and purchase’ llcsoterd, That the Stockholders of the River favorably on the ol ilans Ash, Ashley, Barton, Beal. Bonn, Bell CELEBRATEP OF KAi'ims, Jeffries, decide lor ihcinst Ives. the Janies’ petitions Hamilton, and ot the vdle, at the hour of 12. This truct of land Apply ore- and Kanawha other than the ol the lute Bovec, Boyd, John JL ECLIPSE.—‘l'liis distinguished Stallion, who now is situated Company, State, be, and representatives laotd ami tliecom- Column Bunch, Bynum, .. JOHN Stirling; on the *.to ate nullee Cnllioon, J1.ould,"» looks und feels like a four will stand tins Appomattox River, and is the snmc I U,,P n M'ENTIRE™ they hereby required, to into tire Rank of Vir- was lrom the Caoibrelcng, Campbell, Carter, Casey, Joint year old, season, conveyed by Columbia, K-b. 2. 85-2aw3w pay discharged further consideration at BLikc H. \« oodson to Edward or one ot its the sum thereof. GUpiwun, Chapin, N. H. Claiborne (lb3tl) my sou Edward s, in the county of Radford, anil coutainiiur ginia branches, of Five Doi i.ars u1'^' J F. Dinwiddiej of one hundred and PROPERTY FOR on each share of Stock held Mr. !V Glmborne, Cleveland, Conner immediately on the old stage road from to upwards fitly acres, (the precise LEASE.—For Rent by them in said Company Tipton, from the Committee on Allaire. Coffee, Coles, Croiir Petersburg rpUVKRN<>r ,e on or Military j Cramer, Du number of acres not but at Rockf‘3l‘ before the 8-»th of u biil an 1 Cuahiiwii, vis, VVarrenton, N. C., 518 miles south ot und I? known, will be ascertained on tlic nine day next. reported lor tile LmvnK*nt Deberry, Drum! Petersburg, pre- irr or M*"*’1 ««P February making appropriation * Doubleday; vious to the of It is Ridge with the Farm order thr. President and ol t wo ol airfield, Farlin north of Brunswick Couri-houae. lie is now at his day sale.) within four or five miles Mountain, and nbout half the Ihj of Directors: companies Missouri and Indiana militia. who W K Forester? French, stand, ol the furniture for j T|l T’( ,r'r' J It. to serve ’marcs at the town ol Farmville. Persons to necessary the house. The GIII'I l’KN Scat tor it. were called into service for the Garland, Gillet ready $100 season, at its desiring purchase M ,, DEN, protection of the frontier* tirnban. r n"‘T‘r Garland, payable can situation is not geographic!” IN. R. J lie J. on view the land at time to the excelled, nor ran it be instalments that have been the Indians m 1S32. Graves. Hull, expiration, the 15lli July next, and $100 to insure a any previous day of sale. equalled by any in culled for (in- against Road,and ordered to a seuand nAri1"’G. Hamer, Hannegan The land will be sold the world tor health and the nre as Harrison. mure to be in foul, us soon as she is known to in accordance to the decree of the novelty of scenery; and it is the cluding above) follows. reading. ^ Hawes, Hawkins, Haynes, llol- payable maini fure 1st Howard be in or with. Court above referred to; which decree will be read thorough lor travellers to and from the instalment, $1 per at the time of sub- Mr submitted the “°pk,n!’ Huntington, Huntsman, foal, purled Servants sent with mares, at and West share, paid King following resolution, which fy,* Ingham, boarded the time and of sale. Southwest, tics on the table one It. lM. gratis, and mares fed without limit at2o cents a place (between Charlottesville and Staunton ) scribing. day: Ct Johnson, Jolnison, from the lliere no gap of 2d due Jit That Johnson, Henry Jolmson, fine and extensive with the Terms—(Extract “One third of being easy access, except this, for 70 instalment, $2per share, 30lh 1835. suited, the Committee on Naval : Kmnnrd, Klingensmitli ir day—Very pasturage, Decree:) miles either •W June, Affairs be in- Emismg, J. L. cure to the purchase in cash—one third in nine way, which the roads to a do. do. do. 2r«tli Strocted to into the Lawler, Lee, Lea, greatest prevent accidents or escapes, but no lia- money months, brings focus at $5 Nov., 1835. impure of a i Lcmiardfl.ogTnityl and this to cross the 4th propriety establishing for Unit the balance in months.” Bonds with point mountain. The house do. jji.j do. do. 23th I83(i. at m the * bility any may happen. Eclipse and his get are eighteen ap- is very Feb., navy yard Baltimore, Slate of and W’ Mai*'lU 2V1“nniV*» MnrUn«J- Mason, securities will be large and Jan that Maryland, loo well known from tlieir characters and proved required for the mo- commodious, having twenty odd rooms, and they report their opinion to tho Senate. McKern Maury May, McComas, McKay, performances and purchase now in I '■_72—wtf ^.M„?Ia»»n.AlcK,m, Mercer. to more. ney; it is expected that purchasers will be good repair. wish to for this situation Mr. Swill submitted the Mellon, MeCene, Moore, Muntgomo- say prepared a acquire' which ly, to execute such tenant ol was also following resolution, Morgan, bonds, at the time and place of sale.— good qualifications for the business; to such Cancer, considered and agiceii to: Muhlenberg, Owens, Page, Parks, 1 bitter- an one it AND TUB ART OF HEALING son, l alloo, tranklm S 1 whose colls are on The will be a would be a home a GENERALLY. I Pierce, w, Alt, just coining the turf, having conveyance made, when final decree of permanent and larer busi- To hr. Editor Lesolced, hut the Committee on Peltigri Peyton, Phelps none the noss as the of the S. II. Tele Military Affairs he Jos. more than four years old, six of which have Court shall have been traveUing is graph. instructed to into the Pinckney Render, Reynolds, Ro-’ only pronounced. the immense, particularly during Editor:—We have in inquire expediency of niakin pro- bertson Ripley? Roane, been and five ol them have been If the 3d of Spring,Bummer and Autumn noticed, your paper an vision to extend to Rogers, Seymour, A. 11. trained, winners from Thursday, day March, 1630, should not months—the Virginia advertisement Dr. the oldcers and soldiers of the Shepuerd, Shields, one to four mile be a fair the stle will Springs MR. by Marshall, to cure the army3 btunduler, Steele, W. heats—liis colts are large, strong and day, be postponed to the next fair contributing largely thereto. Applications to Cancerous proposing benefits ol moral and Ulmferro, Taylor, Thompson, me now at the diseases, Fistula, &c. We have boim acc us- lelig'mus instruction. ioucey, lowos handsome, some of them have been sold da>’- NATHANIEL Commissioner. Columbian Hot, I, where | Mr. Benton submitted the lurnll, Vanderpoel. Ward, very high—he PRICE, shall Richrnond, tomed to believe that these diseases lor following resolution, which lon, Washing- will stand this season at Prince Edward C. remain for a tune—after were, the most lies on Weeks, While, and L. Williams—lU7 (I83(>) my son George’s, in the H., January 23. 81_J2F* which, 1 shall he at the but tiro table one day: near part, incurable; having h id an of wit- county ol Chesterfield, about twenty miles from Rich- premises, lirooksvillc Post Office, Albemarle opportunity Jlcsolccd, Thai the of the Adams, Chilton Allan, lie A LARGE and culuublc trad Lund in nessing some of the practice of Dr. we think it Secretary Treasury be di- man Allen, mond and within one mile of of Fauquier SAMUEL hi., really rected to inform the Anthony, Banks, Petersburg, Moody's tavern, v 0 LEAKE, would be cause Senate whether the Bor. Beaumont, Bond, Boon. 19c County fur sale.— virtue of a decree of the Su- 2. the of to that wc Mint of the en, B. and is now at his stable to By rebruary p_r, # serving humanity say United Stales is Briggs, Brown, Win. serve,mares at $l>0 the Court of Law y have been astonished at and Calhoun, Carr, George ready perior and for Henrico The h Arena find the success his efforts. regularly amply supplied with bui- Chambers, W,n. season, payable at its on the IGtli Chancery county, jKf r«i|crick>t>urE Pairrsltura Con uolhul'n attending bon nnd for tl.e Chaney, Childs, Clark,Corwin, expiration, July next, in the case of vs. to inse rt ll,- < We have seen some foreign coins, and ; Crane, Norton Norton,” the ru<|ue*led u,;li to Wic amount of *•> cases,the appearance of drew gold coinage; if not aud the able as soon as the undersigned’ word their ttlinvo, 5l>,* lllu|u for_ which, ll.at he communicate 1>e,‘"y> F.vc- $100 insurance, pay mare is uccnuats to this office. Iron) all his to the ” n gl°!V Hickeison, Kvans, Commissioners will, on Monday the 28ih of March around, expressions of hopeless and opinion Senate on the’ ! * known to be in foul, or parted with, one dollar cash to the day despair, measures to be to Granger, Haley, Hard, Harlan, Ha- next, at in the of seemed to human and after a [ proper adopted ensure such supply in I; }y L^Jler« sent Warrenton, county Fauquier, before 4 VALUABLE FARM FOR defy skill; yet, few weeks future. *r 3 e,sU'r’ groom. Servants with mares, boardod without BALE. ThTaub. \ u’ vv ,,our- Howell, Hunt, In- the front door of the Court-house of said 1»- <®r sale under the treatment pf Dr. M., the to uli t,eraoli, W. n^riS°n’1 and mures fed us desired at cents county, pro- ■or'P?f his tract of Land, lying in the disease, appear- Mr. in Jackson, Janes, Judson, Kilgore, Lane, La- charge, per day_ ceed to sell at to the ol ante, is removed. Wright, pursuance of notice asked and excellent and public auction, highest bidder, a county Cluster field, miles above effectually obtained given, porte, Lawrence, Lay, Jot S. Very extensive pasturage, well tract of eight Richmond, and We lake leave, and introduced a lull to Lincoln, Love, Mann, Ma- enclosed, land in the of near Cer within a hall mile ot pleasure in calling the attention of o amend the act to son, Mc< with fine lying county James 550 any more nrly, water.—The greatest care taken to prevent ac- Fauquier, River, containing acres who provide for the settlement McKennan, M.ller, Milligan, Morris, mautowu, and within 8 or It milc3 of Warrenton, lomr of about of cleared and your readers, may he sullering from these distress- effectually of accounts Parker Dutee J. cidents or escapes, but no for either. Stnr’s equal portions woodland This between the United Stutes ami Pearce, Phillips, Potts, Jr ,Reed, Rus- liability known as the Forest and farm has so mg to the advertisement to. receivers of public mo- blood and Effingham estate, conluinin* been careful diseases, referred |,mn, Sloane, character, performances, as well as the to improved by management and neys, approved Marcli which was read \uHenc-fc, Smith,Spangler. Sprague, per- acres, according actual suivey made some the use of clover mid that JAS. C. 1707, lw.ee and r> \ formances ot his colts, urc so mentioned in Skin- years plaster, nearly the whole of it CRANE, rclerred. VA ■ l,10,,,tfJn. Underwood,! iuton, Ward well, fully ago. It was then divided into nine or now AlU'llI). JnlV7. ner's parcels lots, with produces clover About 20 acres are THOMAS, VVh,u,C8Cy> and S. Tu.f to render it for more kindly. good Mr. the "Am1*/’ Williams—7(1. Register,as unnecessary of rented or farmed out: these creek meadow a Wright presented memorial of the Chamber of * to be the.view being lots were pan of which is in CORNELIUS CREW, clause of the resolution was read as said. VV. It. JOHNSON. divided into herds grass Commerce ol the of New L V* *Vr follows; four parcels containing about GOO acres and hue EZEKIEL City York, the such reasons each, produces crops. Ti„. wood has been DAWS, ° * urging passage Assigning for these as so as to make just ^'11 now before the House of l lie conclusions, in '1 convenient farms of each cleared from :>0 acres of RICJ1D. C. Representatives tor judgment of the MONSIEUR ON SON will stand this season parcel. away good tobacco land, which GILLIAM, the extension of the time of committee, may be best calculated to (183(1) J he land will be sold in in such as be JAMES payment of the the at at Halifax Court and parcels way to ac- may brought into cultivation with little CASK IE, duty bonds enlighten public mind, to to my stable, House, Va., is now commodate very labor.— falling due mi the of New repress ugitution, allay at his purchasers, and upon the of sale a 1 wood land is valuable City York, subsequent to the’ excitement, to sustain and stand, in fine order and condition, for mares, day plat lie. from its contiguity to of the preserve the just rights of tho ready of flic whole land, divided into the and the A^FRENCH. great conflagration JGlh of December and nl the season, and insurance. For separate tracts, will be Liver, with which'the wood can VV. VV. MARSHALLS said lust; slave-holding Stales, and of the of this $<>0 $100 further and facility be REMEDY FOR THE PILES. he felt bound to a few people District, exhibited. This land is situated in a coun- carried to occupy momenta of the time itn.l to re-establish other see handbill*, Arc. \V. W. very healthy Richmond. The wood is worth 80 cents An infallible for the of the and particulars, HURT, and is believed to remedy Piles, (which has been Senate, in lo their the the harmony tranquillity amongst6 try, be fertile, and well to the per coni as it stands on the tested bringing attention, summa- various sections of the Union.” Halifax Court Vo. adapted land, and contracts for the by various persons in this and tion* contained in this House, culture of Indian and sale ot city elsewhere ) memorial. Thu memorial i The 13. corn, wheat, rye, oats, and in re- several hundred cords at that be had to suited question on the of the February U0—3m price annually,cr.n may by VV. VV. at that the of the adoption foregoing" " was ds. to is well situated. now lie applying Marshall, the Mari importance of the hit] had to the gard society, made. Hie are sion llon.se. passage been fiirmntive ns fellows CH improvements nearly new, and ,,,Cr°'JSt‘d U,B culyil ANCERY- Vihoikia.-1 At rules taken in tits Terms of Sale.—One-third of the to sufficient for the by had taken purchase money comfortable accommodation' of n fami- If satisfaction is not the will be already Clerk's office ol the Circuit Court of Law be paid in nine months, one-third in J he situation is given, money returned. llC/ IN Superior eighteen months, ly. healthy anil the water fine. Deference to cured Lunar 1st. und of Prince Edward and the residue in two During persons of Inteli/.— William Because, by the expectation of time fur Chancery county', the 1st day of years from the day of sale.— my absence, applications be addressed Fluvanna payment 1830: Bonds with may to my bro Petitt, county; Mr. IJacUet, Caroline county excited by the p.-.ssage of the lull in the February', approved security for each instalment, bear- thcr, Col. Peter F. Smith, ot Edward j Senate, a large William T. Manchester, (who is fully llnss, Colesville; Idl’d Johnson, Cumberland amount of bonds had been Hollered to Woollen, Adin’r. of his late wife, Eliza- ing interest from the day of sale, will bo or the •empowered to sell and the pass the time of required convey land.) or to my Mana- county; Thus. Skinner, E. Sarn’l Mathews and to remain beth Woollen, Elizabeth Pli’ff. who it is will be Mr. Thomas City county; payment, unpnid, and that a call now fir formerly I'erkinsoii, purchasers, expected ready with their ger Cheatham, upon tin- who Brunswick Mr. Prince the sureties to execute said premises, county; Noble, Edward county immediate payment of these deferred bonds against bonds at farthest, on the of will show the land to to would John day persons disposed purchase it. Mr-Miher, Goochland county; Mr. produce great additional Rudd, Adin r. of John Rudd, and in his I he title will be retained until a shall Jauney, Alexandria; distress, and en- deed., sale.. convcyance JORDON SMITH, William P. the of immensely3 own and as Adm r. of John M be directed the Court. „ u VVyclie, Petersburg. danger solvency the debtor merchants. right, Williamson, Islium by Vl*1 a so to s<> ^ acres of Clements and PHILIP T land, upon most Bept. 41—wtf lid. the Sally his wife, William und > ol which the wood is Because, merchants who have bonds Sudberry HARRISON, within three a 2n.__ due and liis standing, lying and a Oney wife, Thomas and his ROBERT C. NICHOLAS < hall miles ol Till'. LADIES AND ■ unpaid on, by provision ol' the irvenue Legriind Nancy wife, Manchester, the lands of GENTLEMEN.- Earni laws of the I Maltha William Jan. 10. adjoining Mr. rjnoiHlr. Music anil t luted States, Williamson, C. Rudd, John Rudd and 75—td Green Mr. fisher und otheis. -M- Fancy Store.— I have in store, am prohibited from their goods dailv I lie National Hull, j s from entering William Wm.C. li.tolh?enrcr, and tlio Oazctte and will be arriving ■ Walton,comuiillreof Rudd, Defts. (country paper) pub- constantly receiving, to the foreign countries, until the "‘•“"■j .V. u. iHln-il at \\ nro n. ., very glad sell, outstanding ;..»'•"» jiaii.mu, Haw- The Is ham «rrenl<«i, rci|uo«t..d in.nrt the above mlrorti.ament most assortment bonds are and those Harrison, defendants, Clements and his until ot <**■»»._ splendid of 3nd all other kinds paid; merchants kins, Sally wife, tneduy «alo, nnd vend tlioif bills tu tho «ul>«cril.on lor Pianos, have, therefore Haynes, HnzvUins, not p«yJ LI.ward for the of been to Homlcrson, lloUey, Hopkins having entered their appearance mid mu lit. apprehension ,.t DEN- musical instruments, strings, and compelled place their goods, thus given security n music, furniture, tne arriving, In- In an Act of the General nr-gro man to the many suhstantirrs. As public stores, without the usual y e J Huntington, Huntsman, according Assembly, and the belonging Estate fancy puffing is odious. 1 will entry for the oav I rsoil,rsol|'*VIi?!°W° Ingham, J. Jackson,VUu‘‘y’ rules of ibis LANDS FOR o decd.-He state i.ieiit that 4| Junes, Jarvis, Jenifer, R M. Court, and it that are not in- SALK.—The Sub- Anthony Wnddy jr., inacfe his merely that my Pianos are more duties; their to the amount ol Johnson c appearing they scriber otters tor ntwiut the escape beautiful, their goods, many Johnson, Judson, Kilgore, Klin- habitants of this MISSISSIPPI sale, on terms middle of December tone sweeter and millions in in Kinnard, State—on the motion of the accommodating last.—When last heard ! more that reinuiii'i’n tune value, remain the public stores gensmith, La plaintiff, several tracts of lie was a powerful, they unit,- Lane, Lansing, porte, J. l*c L Ins it is entered at Land, from 200 to of, seeking to a and nre better built s'ntd; that these thus Lawier, by attorney, rules aforesaid, and ac- varying 3,000 acres[ passage Richmond, by boat from ! longer, than all other inferior ones good*, stored, are ex- each in the counties of Goochland C. If. fie is rather and to unusually Love, Lnyall, A. cordingly ordered, thul the said defendants. Washington. Rankin, nnd War- low, black that lin can be learnt to on in posed destruction by in ir<>ai Ms!!*1rdJ,L,nco|n. Vuigau, Mann) Isbam Cle- in the complexion, lastly, y play half the fire, consequence of the i/re il Mann, Manning, Martin,J. Y. W. Mason ments arid his do ren, Slate of Some of the trncts in tlosliy taco, and about time of some ol the the J/f-",M. Mason, Sally wife, appear hero on the first Mississippi. intelligent, 40 years old other instruments; in are as seventy winter, almost obstructed Mason ir s. day are He polite | short, they condition Miison, ol Court and Washington county upon the and Yazoo lias probably obtained free and is much to sold of Ihe streets Snow and Maury, McComas, McKay* April next, answer the and Mississippi papers seeking em- superior many at other as a ; by ice, and the rc- McKeon. plaintiffs bill; and all of ns n places, church necessarily Mcfcim, Mercer, that a of Kivrrs, them arc believed to be first rate. I,rick and is to a Miller, Milligan, Montgome- copy tins o;der be forthwith inserted in so mo Emi- ployment layer plaisterer, or mny be mnk- organ with the broke out. ! if once and others his jew's-harp, tongue As SUitl"t;i,b,:U !y,° fires, l.ghled ry,Morris, Muhlenburg, Owens, Page, one of the in grants to establish in mg to some free Slate.—The above Reward to oilier musical 1,0 rt'",!,rk ,1'nl Parker, Parks, public newspapers printed the of Rich- either wishing plantation.) iyay instruments, furniture and fancy he convinced H-J city o< these counties, do well to will be to any goods .bir'ittlie failure to. T*1 Pearce, Pettigrew, mond, for two months and also confer with the given person who will deliver him to me tin y are far above I will I insure those thus oi'iYTp fc.l,crcr(- Peyton successively, posted ut subscriber at might any comparison. sell tower good*, situated, proceeded Phelps, Pinckney, Rancher, the trout door of or in his with his in Louisa or secure him in iil. than from the almost Joseph Reynolds, Roane iho Cuurl-liousic of tins Vicksburg, absence, friends, county, j other person in this go low. (hat , solely entire destruction of the Robertson county. Messrs. J. J. mid Win. any State—indeed, insurance Rogers,bchenck,Seymour, Win. B Shepard A Chewning II. Sims, of the same GARLAND T. will be astonished. new companies of New York the fire Copy—’Teste, B. J. WORSHAM, Clk. WADDY, you All Pianos, after sold, I by referred to, and the Aguslme H. place, from which some of the tracts are but a Mmr. memorial Shepperd, Shields, Shinn, February 13. short dis- of Anthony dtr.ri. will deliver gratis, distance under 4i) miles. j represents that the owner* of these Smith, Span! <>0_w8w tance.-- Reference for further Jan. 14. Haddu,jr., any | also ! good* are Anther information is made to Dr warrant and them in '■ to the aliuf. au,r‘‘r- land, 77-128F keep tune 12 months. I hire out imminently exposed danger of the further loss of fe.fi rro, l.iylor,fUn<^!°r’ Slct;le'J. 1G1 A I N LK.Sf I Win. J. Scott and Mr. Thomas Green of the millions tiius Jhomns, Thomson, Toueey, dk ft 11*.— I lie uuhticriber on die Richmond JIIE Pianos, repair old ones, and take them in invested, nnd that the I owns having MERCHANTS OF VIRGINIA -The exchange. | Government is lernll, Underwood, Vanderpoel, Vinton Ws- Vy 1st of February, taken Mr. Thomas L. Timberluke JOHN F. SCOTT. will sell Chairs lower than other equally exposed t„ Ihe loss of the duties 1 suhaoriber been amongst the sufferers any person ; and be ve- t upon tliese goods gener Wardwel^ as a the businesi '/I having in the inasmuch as all «,f W Washington, Webster, Weeks, White,* partner, formerly dvno by bint, will 90t great of the Kith ry polite, particularly to Ladies. hope responsibility for the of hittlesey, L. and 8. bo conflagration and 17th of December duties must payuicl Williams, Willinms_J(W hereafter conducted under the firm of Thomas I) SI A LLION.-—I wish to loBl *"» Oct. 13. GKO P. cease, ,1 tins further loss should H. tell or farm out, a young e»l»r« »tock of good*, leave to inform [40—lnt'.tm-w!)m] KNAUFF. be heaped -Ycps—Messrs. Allen, Evans, Win. A, Cuarlea -V Co.—i unions in want of begs l,w severe La Jackson, Goods not infciior in In* customer* ; “Irtady misfortunes of ihai wrence, and .. Ifry may-re- A Stallion, purity of pedigree to any and purchasers that ho Ins made afflicted j Phillips, Sloane—ti. ly upon a horse in America. He generally, (U.l|on finding always general assortment, and upon will be live years old next immediate to a fresh THit f'<4. f). ns Spring, preparations get up and now a day, moderate terms ns can T»e had in this ImjI lias never on supply, "‘■cause further of the ! market. appeared the on account of an nr- lias the pleasure of deposit importation*. daily HOUSE OF turr, acquainting them Hint lie is daily re- REPREHKiNTATIVKS THOMAS I). culciit, at which he public when a Mr. of QUARLES, birth, ruined him as a race horse* ami from hia the m-icnini- on an .tores, will, decision GdrIan,f, the ceiving manufactory various articles in his unproveu plan, wlncli ih to “."Tfl u bill Upon Louisiana,,,.,ksd unanimous co„. Ant door aboreMr. II. his superior any shall be a- nt of iho House to Jude's, St., Shoeko llill. impaired beauty. His parts, those line, embracing a first rale now in use in this finally had, impose upon the officers of submit and have excepting injured, assortment, viz. SlocUs, Shirts can with the customs .1, entered nn,.n tho P- 8.—Orders from the shall have are he is of country.—We say confidence, the of Ne w n country special at- very line; good size and of the richest d irk Shirt .'intors, that will thrash cty York, such a loud of oc- Journal, protest of Mr. Bosom*, fyc., and earnestly so- they with less horse cleaner cui«au.otf il (Iii(it** a* himself, Glascock, of tention. with black a Suspemlsrs, power,and to csiiiw and and Mr. tfeorgia bay color, legs to bis lie co- licits continuance of their at we great delay in I Robertson, or nearly up body favors 13, Cedar street.— than any other have ever keen—We ask a fair the injurious Virginia, assigning the reasons K<‘b vered a few mares season only placing good* in a condition for lor ihe.r voles last nnd himself a lie would here remark to sale. the first branch of 11_ proved sure those with whom trial, nnd we warrant them to have no doubt advantageou* against tl1(- Instructions __89—Gt He Was merchants, please—We -Itli in Mr I « and horse foal-gelter. got Golianna, his dam Sir be has not bail the of that will Ueenuse this mode of in incknry resolution, as thoroughbred MINOR,frmnVin by by pleasure dealing, that for many they supersede all others, wherever are importation, addition to adopted yesterday rglHKflne will Alfred, his dam Sir his lie lias they the danger ol nod Objection being Mr. I. gima, make his first season in the of grand by Harry, great gr ind d un years paid particular attention to the known or used. Our wan taken out Inst exposure delay, necessarily imposes made, Garland, of La., moved vie.inity was ilnxall s fine manufactory patent Spring, Ihe the rules mare Wor- «'-*>*« '« ni* as arc nnd we built and impo,ting me rchant suspend for the Milledgcville, Georgia,this Spring, ItfWi. Further par- imported Pomono, got by 2* "“p1* line, well calculated for the sold several last season, which i great additional exc use to| purpose indicated, nnd ask- tienlars brother to Pol- the southern and Western gave and trouble, and that Bn' °M hereafter. thy (own Waxy) by *os, by famous trade, and feels confidence in as- and all who used every delay increases this **** nny* ,"wt,on» which were or- perfect satisfaction, them pronounced cause of justJ 93. Eclipse. Terms moderate. AR. CRUMP. that be will be t« onmpl.tini. dorc?/- January 81—2nw1w snnng purchasers enabled to supply them them be tbe best they bad ever seen. We will sell *»n Journal in 2. on such terms as Mr. W. said he did not <*•*?*»• rrf|ti*ft*#9 to in«trt t).o hIk.vc twie* a Powhatan, February 85_2nwGt will give cntiie satisfaction. for counties or Stales on pretend to have used the Inn {Tflr°ffuur lnJ patents reasonable terms, and liwlr «e«ouot lo iliii offW*« for eoltoe* In addition to his severe loss would ‘l ,n Ilia Statement of its tl#ii It Y, full btother of Monsieur will in the destruction of his recommend all machine builders to our j l,u ,r,,:,noI" substance; Tonson, stand adopt plan. that he had re ceived it since* lie had the We will also 1 he had 001110 into UENthe season in the of H di- properly, misfortune to low: all his Hooks and furnish machines, built in the hi nt manner the Cham- OM ensuing CDUfl) vicinity l ayerr U-r; that he believed he had a INI ORATORS NOTICE-All ami has to tlm-e and to given just view of it* mn- persona in- fax. North Carolina, at dollars the nnd se. consequently fc!y upon whoa..- please. Reference to Col. T. J. Ran- dot) ted to the estate fifty season, indebted to him to warrant") h rial .uggfttlions; in event tic A of the late Mrs Sarah W White dollars to furnish statements of llicir accounts Col Thomas John 1*. any hart given ||„. views vcnty-five insure. From his threat dolph, Macon, Sampson, William which a are notified and size, supe- and such us can make it <>f the; memorial deceased, hereby required to make imme- rior hone and his Citizen anil convenient to pay in a short Gilmore, Hugh Nelson, Francis K Rater Meri- hasty reading hnd impressed finish, Medley blood, it is Nelson, Ins mind. 11« was diate to the ml tunc, will confer a all upon aware that the J 7 """"'j ■ mruin ■ payment nndersignrd—A all persons hov- believed that no stallion is belter to the particular obligation. wether, of the county of Albemarle. I^etlers ad- memorial did rinrifin. adapted Archy not concern bill now ... t|,e Mu iiiir claims ugftinst the said will and WARREN dressed to C. any posae.aiun of the Senate.*. nrriaon, Haws, Hawkins, Heist* r estate, present them,duly doublc-Archy mares, abound in Halifax anil CARTER, Stapleton Sneed, Everettavilla, Albemarle I he flaxrltinc, for (which Manufacturer of Vs He.,ate ha.' passed it,o bill tiowartf, Howell, ll.il.ley outhentic^iod, payment. Northampton.) as a cross, both and than Stocks, Shirt Collars, Ac county, will be attended to. very many day. since, Huntingdon, Ingersoll, Ing- inform blood, is and he made tin* remarks in the »iam, W. Jackson, Janes, J. JAMES HAW For his Memoir and 13, Cedar street, late 130 Pearl. January 03 -,v hope that they might Jarvis, Johnson, Richard M LINGS, Henry. Engraving, (an Engraving New t’eoch the notice ol the* C. B. Jldm r. Mrs. Surah IF. no York, U-dli UHiii. rt,_ inembers of the other branch of Johnson, Johnson, Jones, (tf White, dee,eased. which by means does to the see January, Jndson, Kcnnon, Kill justice horse,) the 7Ii#bim ftutrhinann—In in rare it should be gore, Kirinsrd, 73—2n wHw of the A Peyton pursuance of Congress, impossible In present tide hlingrnsinilli, jr., Lane, Lansing, Uy _ MarcIrNn., 183n, inrricau Turf He TIM HER!!-The F|10the fame G J Register. highest pricec w»]bo B directions contained in the decretal order of the memorial to u,at on this Lee, Lee, Unuard, J W A will lie under the control of Mr. R. r|1IMRF.R!■ for srnsonnl bndf day. He did hope this Loyr.ll, Mann, Mnson! ait A NGKMENT.-Twier. given gor.d, wheel arid felloe* Court of in the suit of bill meet an iVl'iKon, M< Iwm Wooding. spokes county Powhatan, Win Chennult might and definitive action m that Mnj| Mckqjr, K^nrinn. IVIcKrou Mr Kim < 'olnmbus EAL1K PEYTON. didivernhle nt the early body Wlj'i'Kji and Pocahontas, to Penitentiary. Imnirdiale is and wife rs the said Thomas Hutchinson II. would not the result Mercer, Miller, and fromrb'!,s,,';’‘'-,br'l',s solicited. delivery Payton and speak of that action, but dm Montgomery, Morgan, Norfolk and will For information the cism.i was Me.l^ne, M«rria| Baltimore, commence on Monsieur Tortsort— respecting them, apply rithpr others, undersigned, as Commissioners under said or- , In the „,u Muhlenberg, Owens, larktr, Patterson I) Hie/th by -dam, Isabella—will to Col. Charles S. immensely important rest* of his I’srks, J. Monday, 1'ccember, to run only twice n Morgan, Superintendent. or to the said Thomas valued constituents rearee, week- ANVIL,stand the ensuing season (18315) at Halifax Court- der, hereby notify Peyton ; who, hy an I'helps, Potts, jr John Reynolds, Josrpli leaving Baltimore and Norfolk tTios. o is Hutchinson, unexampled calamity, every Monday ond Thurs- House, at dollars the and moncore, o. a. that there now in the hands of said had been compelled to their Reynolds, Honne, .Seymour, at 10 Va., thirty season, forty.five rcb.9. Commissioners’ ! ..present embarrassments Shinn, Sprague St.,rrr day morning, o'clock; ond on and nf>rr Thurs- dollars to insure. Ilia HM_ the said Thomas Hutchinson's 10 * he ol performances are loo well known Reyton portion of the pro- legislature the nation, and ask relief. Sutherland, Taliaferro, Taylor, Thomas. Turr'ill, Dn* day the 7th JeHO, will run ceeds of the sale of j January, they only once a in to comment. That he was certain negroes held (Ho late Mr. W. Orrwood, Vanderpoel, Wagoner, WnrdweH Work- Virginia require a race- fB^IIF. Ware-house of the by then moved that the * week, Baltimore and undersigned been James memorial, without read, L. and leaving every Thursday, Norfolk horse of the first at all distances, was having Hutchinson, dec’d., of Powhatan, and of. lie on Whittlesey, Williams S. Williams'* ebtss, manifested in consumed in the grral e.onllagrslion whie.li fhrlife, ing laid Ihe table and which motion 11^. every Monday morning, at 10 oVIoek. Should the na- his contests with oceur- ter his death with remainder to tbe said Thus. printed, pro- H Trifle, Medoc, Muckle John, red on the of the Kith P. Hutch, vailed without division. W«ys-—Messrs. Allan, Anthony, Briggs, punch vigation of the be Jessup, night December, they have re- inson and J. ( W. II. < Pafapscn interrupted by ice, the pas- Are Arc. ||is sire was unrivalled as others—which, if not for in a reason- alhoon, Calhnu II. Ihnd.ip. a race- moved their stock of (Jooils was applied The tin* Tirtphr C.rr, Carter’ bin,h'‘l at as Dry (which bill f..r continuation of the J "*osCr*i Annapolis, formerly and his dams were runners to the latest preserved) able time, will be disposed of by the ssid to the Cumberland road Ghanihers, (’hapinnn, iN II horse, genera- to the No. a Court, in the 1 Childs, Chtiharno, A Mann.ir., Martin ,l’ January (78-lftt) PEYTON. New York, Jan. 3d, 1836. 75—241 HOPKINH, pronrmuon of the v Manning, 4 surplus revenue, was taken up as the I ¥. Mason, M Mason, February pW-w4wJ Commit aiotur a. unfinished Mattry, MeComns, Miller Monro business; and, after some remarks from Page, Patton, J A Pearce, Pettigrew, Peyton, i’hillip*!