IN SPORTS: Back from injuries, Kiick knocks off No. 2 Sebov at Palmetto Pro Open B1 USA TODAY Wednesday attack on Congressman stuns capital C1 FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 2017 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 75 cents Palmetto Health, Greenville Health System to combine BY JIM HILLEY company, nearly half of all that can be redirected back to make South Carolina healthi- the new company. How the
[email protected] South Carolina residents will improving the health and er,” he said. “Together we will company will be branded has be within 15 minutes of the meeting the needs of citi- continue to ensure our com- yet to be determined, he said. At a news conference in Co- new health company’s physi- zens,” he said. munity members, including The two current CEOs, Bea- lumbia on Thursday, Palmetto cian practices, hospitals and During a five-year period, those in rural areas, have ac- man and Riordan, will serve Health CEO Charles “Chuck” other health care facilities. that could mean access to as cess to high-quality, locally as co-CEOs of the new compa- Beaman Jr. announced Pal- Beaman said the efficien- much as $1 billion, he said. based care.” ny and share leadership re- metto Health and the Green- cies and improvements from The two systems are com- Beaman said a 16-member sponsibilities, according to ville Health System have the new company are intend- bining from a position of board of directors, made up of Thursday’s news release. agreed to come together to ed to translate into better fi- strength, Greenville Health him, Riordan, six members The only change to the Pal- create a new, nonprofit health nancial performance and put System Chief Executive Offi- each from the Palmetto metto Health board of direc- company.