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The Murray Ledger, March 8, 1917

The Murray Ledger

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Recommended Citation The Murray Ledger, "The Murray Ledger, March 8, 1917" (1917). The Murray Ledger. 478.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Murray Ledger by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Candidate Cards in one Shipment Received by the Ledger this Week.---The Largest Shipment that Ever Came into Calloway—We Bought Them Right and Expect to Sell Them Right LEDGER

die blanket hung across your celled [n command by Col, custodian of tbe. court lutose sod earths* a bought slnr inehes When Hen. Bragg ted his ar- above where you all downT AT my out of Mississippi into Ken- rdemwTittc-'tteJcet and always ter worrying with the cussed, tucky the First ('.on federate Cav- ; supported its nominee* and. i* all-fired thiria until you lost what airy Regiment was "attached to asking the voters of the county little religion you had, did you his arwy. ser>intr under him ami! ever try to separate yourself from the other generals who succeed' nihility and fitness for tius posi- the tarnal glue pot? O-u-c-h! tion anii tf he is wdrfhy"of your Oh my; Oh me! Even now it support will appreciate any as- mukos the cold chills chase down sistance given him. Mr. Kline our spine like buckshot down an is in tbe prime of life and there The best price paid for lugs of Five new aspirants enter the cave trough. | is bo question butwftat he wtmld the 19t«> crop ot Calloway coun field for county oiliee this *eek. ! make a splendid jailer. He wHt ty was paid on the loose lea/ Following is presented the names eapvass the county in an endeav- floor here Wednesday morning of three and elsewhere can ;be or to see.tV vsters and person when they sold for $10.80 per founds cards from Will F. Jordan ally solicit- tbelr vote and »u|* hundred pounds/ The Ledger is and 0. J. Jennings, for sheriff: not informed but ia of the opin- ion thdt this price is possibly the highest ever paid in the history of the county. This makes us stop to think and inquire—when all theiugs and low leaf are gone what will good leaf be worth? If wars and rumors of wars are responsible for high prices on low grades by what rule of rea- soning does the same wars and rumors of wars force the price Murray High -School Nolo of the better grades down? Say,

kid no;-

TTamo" irulari- d

"hard working, "hontst young gen- tlemen ami is splendidly qualified to fiH the duties of the offief of ssawsur. titrhss EUk'JtWWMSy] ar,d trisnris thrcui • tree*- [hits.

the? •iping Tects.

cas tones jrtak

C. P. Kliae far Jailer. week and will come direct to The announcement column of Murray from Louisville. The the Ledgir this week contains company will hold military aer- the name of.Mr. G. P. Kiine. of at J^-grave c.f Lieut. Hile ' the Concord district, as a arndi- their arrival here. The fo>- date for the office of Jailer, sub- lowing night an open reception ' ject to ttiffactlon Of tbe "Ttenjo- ;'w?^ be tendered the boys. Every cratic oters in the August pri- patriot of Murray is aakedtoaid mary election. . Sir. Kline iff'one the Civ i, League in making this of the sturdy, reliablecitizenaof •anl?ni°>'»ble occasion. The re- that section of UuTeSflnty whew«-«eption will be in the court house he resides on a farm. He is one and full detail will be announe- of the most widely kaown men ed in due time. Some expense of the Concord district and en-will be incurred and every ci ti- ters the race with" the pledged zeu is invited to heln. Make this support of many friends. Mr.'home coming arousing, patriotic Kline states that if elected th£•<>«*»'»d let every man, wo- -peopte will never have cause to '"»" and^hiid in Murray and C*l- complain of hia official acts as loway wHcorot? hoiw these boys.




Inaugural Addrsss 0*liv*r*d M*nd*y

snd Oath Tsksn la inaugural Stand Bsfora Throngs.

Washington.—Woodrow WUaoo took tha oath ot OCTlcs tot Li. second tana ml 11;01 p. m., Sunday. March i. a is* •faitfM altar congrssa had adjourned. mth a stsru Inflection In his rotes hs repeated the oath as lt_ was read by

FLOOD 4nt of th* United States aad will, to the best ef my ability, prassrrs, pro Mssvy Levte Expend it wrws the Halted States." Al.nj Mississippi. Before a desk piled with eiecattrs bualaea* laid before htBr la tba clos WaMitngtoa.—Declaring that "this las Bears ot congress and surrounded Is a nece»ary piece of legislation." by mentors of hi* official family, th* tbe president signed th* Humphrey* president reaffirmed with aplWtod flood control bill at tha executive hand aad (rare features his promise manaloon, ia th* presence of Seaator to uphold th* constitution In whatever Ranadell. of Loalaiata: Senator Rob- Make the Liver ertsia may una ft mil the natloa In th* ln ma. ot Arkaaaaa. and Eaptaiaau tlx* Humphreys, of Mlaalssippi, Do its Duty chairman of the hot^se committee on Nine times in ten when the Bvar I* flood control; and Represontstlves right the stomach and bowels are right. Dllsn. ot Louisiana; RuselL ef Mi* CARTER'S LITTLE A, aouri; Curry, of California, and A. S UVER PILLS at tbe passage reading Cfld'wsU, of Memphis, president of gently butfirmly CO B -7*9 Lord ir our refuge; a wr the Mississippi rirer leree ssaseS* pel a lazy limer to present help In tfene or trouble." - "Ton Join a national farm loan *S- do iu duty. A aodatioa and contribute your mort- Cures Cos-^fl Cblst Justice Whits admlnistared la affixing bis signature te the hill gage to a great federal land bank pool •tip. uoo, the oath aad waa the flrat to extend th* president used the pen which dtgMtiflM. of mortgages. We bare provided "ths Representative Humphreys wrote the ^ machinery for this purpose snd adopt- flood control bill more than ten months ago. At the request of Mr. ed rules for Its operation so tbst th* Humphrey* tills pen wa* presented Interest of sll will be aafeguarded. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRKX to Mr. Caldwell — When your mortgages are massed to- Genuine mu*t bear Signature gether, a federal land bank will take these mortgages and issue bonds against them; sell the bonds to lares-., tor*, and re-lend the money to farm- er*. Tbe pooled mortgages of the farmers of tbe United State* wilt be RAILWAY FARES LOW THEN security, for every bond. The high character of thla security means that people who have money to Invest will gtred In a pool of hl^own blood Competition. .The original litigation jghich. led np to the killing was a divorce suit filed In cnlculutiitg rite recent big In- by Mrs Tompkins about a year ago. crease In .railway fares. the powers She was granted the divorce. Subse that be unfortunately took the present- Foreign Secretary Zimmerman was qoeotly Tompkins filed a salt tor day ordinary rate*, remarks "London asked by a staff member of the Over- 000 damage* again at Miss Emms Hoe Tit-Bits. Travelers wohld have been seas News "Agency shout the report tetter. Win Hostetter and Jim Hostet that a German plot had been revealed ter. brothers snd slater. better pleased had they taken aa a to set Mexico to declare war againat basis the fares In vogue sixty years the United Bute* and to secure .ta- ago. Competition then reacted most pes's aid against the OhlteS Siattes. beneficially for the traveler, touring Secretary Zimmerman answeredi 6£R«ANY RELEASES U.S.MEN the winter of lSnS-57 the. fare from ~Ysa anderstand that It ia tmpoe London to Peterborough wgs one shil- ifble for me to discna* the fact* ot Feur Americans, Held By Germans. ling. the distance being "d miles, and this •revealed plot' Just at this mo An® Finally Releaeed From during tbe same period the ordinary ment, and under these ctrcumstsnces.. Custody. return fare tK-tween York and London* L therefore, may be allowed to limit StJ miles, was fis 6d. • my answer to whstls said In the Eng- {Vjfnhtffo ftls I xmdon} —Four A year later there was a competitive lish reports, which certainly are not' American* from tbe^jjjamer Yarrow effort to capture the Manchester pas- inspired by sympathy with Germany senger traffic, with the result that the -At noon Monday the pieslgent took dale'! wboiiaVT'teen ijflsiners in Ger The English report expressly state* double journey of SSr -mlles cost bat the oath again on the inaugural stand many for thqre months, have arrived that Germany expected and wished to five shillings. After thst the cotnpM- More the capitol. He might have here. They are Dr John Davis. To ramain On terms of friendship with nies heesme more commercial and less omitted Sunday's ceremony under Iambus, Miss.; Orville McKlm, Water the United States, bnt that we had town. "N. T.; Dr. H. D. Snyder. Nor- philanthropic. precedents, but he decided to comply prepared measures of defense'In case folk. Va.; Richard Zaxrtskle, Engle literally with the constitutional slip the United States declared war wood. X. J. The four men were prac Took It for a Protest- Nation that he take office at noon en against Germany. 1 fall tb see bow tically destitute. Mrs. Slnger- Tbl> paper says that of the fourth ot March. sack a 'plot' Is Inspired by unfriemW . The men reached here .with only ull animals dogs seem to evidence th** Vice President Marshall did not take nesa on oar part. It wwarid mean keenest musical susceptibility. nothing bat that we vrratd use mean* the clothes they wore, and will, under tbe custom of tie sea, be supported Mr. Xlnger-I goes* that's ntlrtphr. hi* second term Monday at the apodal enlversally admitted In war, tn case "Te*; haven't you noticed how our the United SUtes declared war. by tbe British consul until it is possi session of the new senate with the hie to send—1 hem home They ow* dog tries td slug when I dor* asual vice presidential Inauguration "Tha most Important part of the their release before |h» r t* tjiaind p r—of - "Oh. I've heard Mm make a noise. alleged plot fs Its conditions and tbe T2«Amerlcan; who were on tlit hut I thought it was in tbe form of form. Tha whole "plot' falls, flat to Tarrawdale. to the fact that, as phy the ground hi case the United State* YANKEE GRIT FINALLY WINS slctans or veterinarians, they ranked does not ^wlw® war against us. Ab4 as -irfflvTts. sad were confined 1" the No matter, bow loose Nhe engage^ ment ring may be, tbe diamond never IT ire nsmyr ait the~tepdrl' I11«M officers' camp at Kartsrtihe Th* consider the posalbiUtlea of hostile slips around Out of sight on a girl's Sailors Stuck to Ship snd Safely Con- ; horse tenders- and sailor*, who com act* of the United State* against us. linger. "- ' voy Vigilant to Britiah poaed the bulk of the American cap- then we realty had reasons to do so." Port. I tiwee. are still held. In "quarantine" at the prison camp for enlisted men at Do TV en. •ra brought their ahip. tiie Vigilant, Old Fashioned

had qui', how they battled for three day* With terrific gales and "the sub- Newspapers Credit President Wilson marine peril waa brought to light With Crest Caution are being *uppl«nted daily Washington —Secretary Lansing an London.—Under the heading "As wi^aa they arrived here. thorites the following statement In- , by newer and better things. Asked why they stuck to the ship other Step Forward." the Westmln reference~lo the German Meilcan Jap- ,ste r Caret te says:__ This ia particularly true anese" IntTlgue^ "President WITknf advances on?, "We do not believe tBaf Japan has ,ste p at a time, not. shipping or rush- where health and efficiency tho three "men.-»aid : . . had^any knowledge of this or that she lng opinion.1 trot allowing toll oppor "Well, I am an American clttxen, are concerned.- wotffd consider any proposition made tanlty between each step "for opposi. hut 1 wasfi't born in -Glasgow for by an enemy." . 1 tioa'to develop, it there is any. and A* ts Mexico, the *ecntary **A- | for cautious counsels to prevail It Administration Bill Paaaea ttl. hundreds of thous- Washington—The administration "We have confidence that Mexico, igreate r caution is possible. - Clearly ands of homes where cof- rrrer.ue hill, designed to raise would not be a party to aky «a«bi

Is bed b*caua* It Interfered an with mj work. The swimming la my bead waa nearly continuous, f could oof stoop down It woaid make me ao dizzy. I think I used Cardui off sad on tar two or three years, using to that time about 8 or 10 bottles. - I began to feet A nilliyiii nasal cotumiaabm headed by Hear Admiral Lulz <'arreiio lias nrrlveijjn America to take poaaession the Improvement In health- befor* I of ili.-w ten submarine* which »er« l.ullt at Qillncy. Mas*.. for Great Ilrtthln. The llrttlsh government turned had taken one bottle, but kept on tak- thru over to Chile aa part compensation for two snperdreadnaughts being built iu Kngluuil. ing It until I got in perfect health. VHad It not been for Cardui I know I Would hare been dead. . . . Now I am GERMAN DESTROYER BATTERED IN SEA FIGHT K jenrs old, and wei;h about ITS, sod am In the moat perfect health." 01 re Cardui a trial for jtmr troubled.' It should do for 70a what H

Hard-Looking Man. — .-- "1 saw a hard-looking man a little while aso," aald the homeward-bound, citizen, "Van didT came from the lull-rent evl officer. "Whlt-h way?" "Down that street, oSloer." "Well, eoiiie show Be. He's the tel. low we're looking for. !I«


The lie 1 man destroyer V-09 at Anchor Ia the bafbor of Ymuitieu, JjoUanil, where It took refuge after the recent We hare sojnucb confidence in tha battle between German and British light sc-a force*. It was v.-o bailiy ilnmnged by British shell lire and the deck wonderful soothing-and healing proper- ties of Cutieura Ointment foe all skim troubles —PPfawitted by hot be tin RESTIN6 AFTER HEAVY ARTH.LERY WORK UVING STATUE IN FRANCE wttb Cuttcura Soap tha* -we are ready ? power* • presant- 1 l»ndon are been en ae a ity yenrw Encouraging Example. ted Ino*t "When you begin to think this eons- I taring try is not democratic, stop a moment sre from and study the average traffic police- one sbil-. iltes, and ordinary l London* dray, gets exactly the same treatment mpetitivf that ia considerable, but the principle Increase of Deppeita. •f discrimination. Ut the school share Depoaits have Increased In tha In all of the items of revenue, the new I state banks since last August tax added as well aa the old." ' a total of H7,7Si£02.M.- Thla A revenue producing bill was intro- report waa made bv state Banking duced by Representative W. B liar Commissioner Speer. While, the buai- rey. of Webster county. The Ml pro- ness in the other department*~ef tha Tides that IFTery corporation. Joint banks have increased largely, they stock company or association doing have not kept up with the deposita. 19 thai "f business tn the sute for profit must The other increases are, surplus $22t.- 1.-net- thn pay an annual special excise tax equiv- S.S.42 and undivided net profits *1U. alent to 1 per centum upon the net in - Redismnals have decreased. nBrtehr^ 00m-- of such company. $1*7.(21 -W. and the amount charged For sick headache, bad breath. how our Banks, building and loan associa- to fnrnllmt tad fixture baa bean aa-. Sour Stomach and tion*. Insurance companies, corpora- Juced I11496.0S. Assets. rft>t speci- tions paying a franchise taf and cor- fied. have increased $23S.«05.«. wnile constipation. porations organized solely for reli cash in haait truriucredfted S!. g Km - charitable or educational pur Tha report shows depoeita subject posr. are exempt. The bill is modeled to check. I«4.4M.KX-*«i surphjer-»7.~ after the national income tax law. SS.J3S08; undivided net profits. II.- Such a' brtt is workttur"snrccssfuHy "STSU.TB; tm»-«eiTOtts, la Connecticut, and the Indiana iegla 04. as compared to J3T.lI1.03t-ij: lature just passed practically the same loans and diagonals, Si4.17i.iKXI.Oi, as nqfijMbot from the English front, showing "Ternmie" enjoying a brief measure If the bill bryonies a law compared to redis- breathing spell after heavy artillery firing. fntiy S.OOrt corporations In the stare counts. »1W.«€»; bills payable. WJS.- will be effected by the .provisions of <0S. as compered to tiliMiSt. tfce meaawe. The bill of Reprcsenta "tire E. D Stone Ssaa a license tax on SEA WASP" OF THE BRITISH NAVY thetlsrs, open Iwwiaea and movtne-oi.1- J ture shows of ten dollars annually for The death scatcSrr SisresM- w> each one hundred or fractional part of Prank Post ell. negro boy teavtoied of the- seating capacity. ' m- killii^p J. J Robertson near Hopkwr Title, Fefcraary H, l»l«. was zeveraad The bill Of fWpreaeutattvw w. A by the Court of Appeals IB an optntoa trv Judge Thomas, becnuae the lower court, g-.visg inxirnctiohs In regard to i a dying- uatement, did act leave-* to the Jurr to"determine whether < lb* statement actaally mas made The statement ot Robertson, the court aald. was properl.. —** y admitted --•' . . _ Carter >ae Highway Terms, i ' oner county agreed lis the ter^is "Hive yam a Bet* noini. Sirs. Come , of t^ Fgdtral aid highway The ' cpnntv was boMtwg wit" against the »pJ" ---- - \ -.7--" f allpulaBons. and tltlieps of l>ewt» aSc -Yes. Id leeii I got ^r the lAt tlmt ; Greenujt were seeking «A get the robd we were in dVar risked we all joel i wbich forms uart of the Midland Trail , a Qlft. '*. 1 a- ;k» >in|f and wwt atatc report such sales to the state auditor. ON FIRST SYMPTOMS , "t never knew such a optwtstent bar- I ihlghwav w - * - use "Rcjki inc- ami be cared. Do not mw mnn Jinks. I ilnn't be- wait unti) the heart orpin is beyond Contract Onesided. Reappoints Blackburn.. HwMk; has ever earned a dollar in his Governor Stanley has reappom^ett nwlr. 'Renovioe' I* the hear: and Mesrt anOT.-~of"NashTllle. caa no: nerve iconic. lHe» JOc W SUkV-^JLtJa- be pT+vente.l by Arte* Chandler Coff. ; Tred R RU-Tt^lxm. of Stanton, mem ,tT\ - ' - —"' 1 * - . —I'anTiSmali^BB^BWW^^ ' :H'e doesn't need to. He has sweh ber ot the state hoard tvr kgricnlture. of the Art* Club. Lexington. Irom' The ten you talk the less Ukstf a |>eryaalM- luocu* that n»t~>l* .SB sad appelated James B. Rash, ot Hen teecWng (trainaUs 4rt tB. Ovmgtoa. yen are to choke If compelled lo swal-. ffhen, rtlf German subm'arine ncflvUtes tifflAf a mrwe tn the Brittsh jrefne* htm They even «aj that once, Frankfort or Ham 111* or within twew .low 1 our wonis * late? the Inst ibfoment* from this country were being nude of .V*J "Haina a Vm. lie bonosid a nlrtui Iron* ty-three allies of tti»»« Ctttee, the LettchSeld. weep*" ill lo "*l by the Habemnee Howl corpora- &oi4cbetw»~ . ' ,t< .. rnert of Appeal* aald la an opi^U" "lion, nnd I bet they have prwvrd to be the-hack bow of the KnglMs e.imtniity's . • ',', b> Jedge CarroO, afflrmtng the Fay snrieubniarlne defense is attested by the fact that nearly 900 enemy submit- ' -With These Few Remarha etto Circuit Court Saxoa waa brought rlnesliS** been destroyed or csptureii These remarkable "sobmartne chasers" Mra. IVate- My husband always aaja to Lexiagton under contract with An- arp so feet long. 12 feet beam and draw but 4H feet of water, thereby making hkx* ten yrwra yoShger In this dreea. Aupado attack IneffecfUe. With n~VTeara wj. the contract, (be eenrt aald. kfera nal- laterai and gate Haasa no c owe Id sea THE MURRAY LEDGER WE ARE CAR LOT BUYERS OF THE FAMOUS l ft p • if «••.!. i ii • iii- i - 'I _• •...!. TTT".. 1 .' • .JJ1_!_"-'•••C^ — fetsrad at tb* IMMIUIBM at Murray. Kentucky, for tranamtaaton throafh - Uirmalla M aaooud olaaa matter. tttSMMMV. MAHttf* m? McHenry - Millhouse Manufacturing ANNOUNCEMENTS Company's Roofing Products The ledger ia authorized to Thu {afermatioa May be of* Valae ta •onoune* the following candi- Mtaj a Mother ia Marray. 4itn for offtec tn Cittawiy coun- WHOSE TRADEMARK IS ty before the primary election When there i* added to the wt Saturday. August 4 1917. sub- ! many care* inseparable from the ject to the actfon^of the detflo- rearing of children that affliction The Roofing That Never Leaks of weakne** of the kidney* and auxiliary organs, the mo(her'« fm Sbetiff lot is far from a happy one. Thla JOE CLARK condition ha* often keen correct' 'X'HEY are the largest manufacturers of good roofing in the U. S. A. TOM M. JONES. ed by the u»e of Doan'* Kidney FELIX L. BAILEY. * Their roofing is made on a wool felt base which is saturated with a Pilla. When relief com«* the Wadei CLINT DRINKABD. mother'* burden will be lighter Gilsenite Asphalt saturation, which is forced by air pressure through ev- DEE HOUSTON. expec and ber home happier. Hard! WILL P. JORDAN. Mr*. Flora Love, Price St, ery fibre of the felt. The felt is then compressed making a strong dura- O. .J. JENNING8. Murray, aaya: "My little boy ble base. This description applies to our smooth surface roofing as well Far Cooaty Coart CM- ' waa troubled both day and night R. M. (Thai) PHILLIPS. with too frequent action of the as the crushed rock face, surf aces. _ «r- JOE W. WINCHESTER kidney*. A friend recommend- O. W. (Lun») ADAMS. ed Doan'* Kidney Piltatomeand Our L 2 and 3 ply Veribest and Durable roofing we place with you I began their uae in hia caae. It. KENNETH MATHENEY waa aix year* ago he wa* trou- on the following conditions: A written guarantee of 5, 8 and 12 years. bled and two boxes of Doan'* Coated well once within 18 months of application an inexpensive coating. BOBEBT E BROACH. Kidney Pill* were enough to cure appea C. A. HALE. bin). I am glad to praise a med- the fr icine like DON'S Kidney Pill*." Crytta] Top Roofing Green Slate Surface Roofing Thed Price 50c, at all dealers. Don't Weight, to pounds per square, complete SAW. S? PnnPTNn This grade of ornamental roofing is sur- roots LEE CLARK •imply ask for a kidney remedy with galvanized nails a«.d cement. 1IMU faced with a mineral containing a beauti- appea > , , T. P. OLIVER. Crystal Top Roofing will last for years Il/X'F F TSISF ful and permanent green shade. .The min- -get Djan's Kidney Pills-the and needs no painting, is easily laid.and Tr4 fm Jailer absolutely free from coal tar or any other eral surfacing, while giving a beautiful emplo d-tewriaUr? substance. - -—-• • - - \—- green effect to the face of the roofing the N WERT ALDERSON Props., Buffalo. N. Y. This roofing contains a high grade as- fjmt L, 1 which will never fade or discolor, al«o fur- Bridg phaftsaturation and coating. It is fire. A77 / wj j SA I MARR. nTfheg at the same time a weather-resist- been 1 brand proof, acid proof and weatherproof, HBaHL /aa^i I ing coating that can be depended upon for ALLISON WILSON.- and is sold at a reasonab'e price. Crystal ^B/ HJ* I GEORGE E ROWLKfT Do not buy something which Top Roofing is surfaced on the weather \ ~ '^"lBSB. ™ M service for tnany years to come. engag PERRY THORNTON. you already have. You have food side with crushed felspar which is firrtjly Green Slate Roofing is recommended for freigh small homes, good barns or any class of W. G. BLAKELY. which you feed your horses, cat- embeded in the asphalt material, forming pamy. the body of the roofing. The remit is a CLma.-i or Vertbcsl Roofing buildings where an ornamental effect is G. P. KLINE. tle and sheep, but when you The Al.BERTL JOKE?. _ want medicine, bay 'only medi- desired at str.aii cost. It Is made oh the ^FtiTthermcre. it presents a^and'some ap- tf«£££!iMSSSSSSSifSiZ heaviest wool felt used in best grades of otfist i cine. That is what you get in pearance. There ir no similar roofing on f I^.TUi.V^-^u^S'JiSS^ roofing and is 32 inches wide, wfcighs M) a new B. A. Thomas' Stock Remedy. the market that can equal it either in dur- I££""fT,fTT7i,iiandn "rVSnnrTi1 cupiet We sell it and guarantee it to be "ability or looks. Put up in one Equare rolls |,i»i»i«t. . pounds per roll, complete with galvanized WALTER DARNELL. containing feet - frails and ct'uien t. *f»g < WALTER CRISP. mwCetae.-- Weteft you that ft will tone up the entire system of ELMER E. WILKINSON, your stock and aids digestion, MaptiraUs. Samples of Roofing and Prices Mailed Up6n Request * rooms thereby causing them to get all baildi the food -value oat of the grain In connection with the above roofing we can sell you some cheap ft ture.- T. F. CAHOON. that you feed them -Sexton Bros. f*i nil District roofing, but QUALITY COUNTS. Yours truly, " V r JOE F. THURMAN. | ANDREW WILSON. Liberty District ii you can nna space fn your A J. BURKEEN. paper you may drop in a few cpera lines from this section of Callo- Hughes & Irvan Lumber Company SS date c At the J. B. Hay Lumber Company's Old Stand. : Reed igfacb

Gold Medal Field Seeds The Sure Growing Kind

Sons Pm! .Right Off Witt "fiets-H Place Your Order Noi Loiusvtile Seed(°

WTTflake pleasure In entertain- ing those who come. All the christian people are invited tc- attend the sessions of this ion'.i-- tuto. Th« first meeting will be. hold CO Wednesday evening at [51 p storey. i^'.'X' and 7 o'clock, Mata-h 1 I Morning, afv.Tanan and «?»**ttinyon TUlU us*. Friday acd Saturday. tcr ••e -to1.-lti" l«i Teas vit»s will he h»ld. —H/W. SM.II tm * veer. RrM4r., tkrlyel. ' :r( <>. Pftstcr." t .. ' Mi?? .'Nellie Gulr wljl assisi - 'A11- cxpgft '"opticiaH" (tf~-reae-xp^rierice will Mrs. C-vhran at BarkWb-tnr tti' test yotir eyes for yoa here fivo. any time, and as- tho_mikineo' departi.ittit She sure you of a perfect fitting giVs.- Ti .inngrr wv Ite» all her frieads oos. to d«?tay one day i: yoa are troubled with tW eyesight. ' v . .. - .- We Havs^ Stscl'oi Frames From Which You May ftooK SfeJ Fra«« Coniplele^j: ,, JJ .4 Filled RiaUrw F,aa„ tnmplefr $3 S® U 57 Ta. w _ „ . ""

fete* W. A. Brown, cast of Iferdin. Mrs. Harry Morris ia a patient has moved to Murray with bis in the Murray Hurgieal Hospital LOCAL and PERSONAL • family to reside. where she was received for an W, E. Mulberry returned home owratioo. Monday fr>mt Mtama.'Fla.. E. B. Holland left the first of! Mrs. W. P. Brisendlne, of tho . Don't forget that we have all where he spent the pait several the week for the St Lou's and kinds of plow gear at Cochran's weeks. mirkets to buy seasona- at Bsckusbnrg, Ky, Mrs. V. J. Dwaly returned mcichaudlM for thtf firSLJjL ' We have all the latest styles home last Friday night from a B. Ht-llami & Co. in drccs goods, as- we went to several weeks' .visit to points in Morton Nicholson and wife, of market early aqd gut m» chgice Florida. •ipnngvilie, were the -ffttasta of patterns. J. A. Cochran Rgbt Humphreri. of Blrmlng [their daughter, Mrs. S. C. Hoi- Mr. Lou!s Casey has a p«i ham, Ala., has been in the city |C«»mb, and family, Just west"of tioo with J. A, Cochran at Hack- Ibis wttek the giwst of his par- j tho city, during the post. wtd.. uibutg. He cordially !r. \ ites In . ents, B. G. Humphreys and wife. Mrs. Ira W. Harris, of Fulton, friends to give him a call. The Civic League will have a Ky., died the past week at about Ed Brown, sen of Wra. Brown, very important ipeeting at !1:W HO years of age. She was a res- of Wadesboro. left today for For- o'clock Friday afternoon at the ident of this county several years ney, Texas, tu«i>end some time court house, Everyone urged to ago, her husband being a' broth- with his brother.—HardIn Enter- bo presant. er of John and Rufe Harris, of this county. Elisha Orr, a highly esteemed and widely known citizen of the southwest part of the county, died last Sunday after a several weeks' illness of measles. The burial took place in the Oak Grove graveyard. Vernon Hale left Tuesday for Louisville, Ky., where he will join Company L and be muster- ed out of service. Mr. Hale came to Murray from El Paso with the remains of his brother, Lieut. Gibson Hale some few weeks ago and remained hereon a furlough^ Mrs. Georgia Ellison, widow of the late Wm. Ellison, brother of J. A. Ellison, of the east side of the county, died the past week in St Louis, Mo. She was- a daughter of James Jones, a refei- jtfimt of Murray in its earl? days and is well known to many peo- = pin of ftg-phsa ' — 7-—-



jn the grate left tK house and1 went lo the Home fl%*T|IP' LISTEN TO MY TALKS EVERY ton, a short distance away, and; WEEK; VOU WILL BUY YOUR, when she returned found her ba- by V clothing tn flames. The lit-! GROCERIES FROM HY STORE. tie fellow suffered until Moadav night when he posaed away, Buyiagjproc erics is the biggest,job ia every Parham jiteJll fr.«u be- hind the coiffure tn the back—- . Bottles ITOnfl: In readtnfr one «.f n«- Kidney hntl been anting ou U>» edge nurn'i book a lit led 'Win lor I'aUirrh,' ilf'Her chair, staring. PERUNA t dt*COV«TCd tlin* Knuu VU Mary Roberts Rinehart "Ttmr," ahv auul -"1 knew It ! TliU. fttfeghljjffh, A ft^r l j^d * I aken on I jr. house la fatal I They're making au old thr..« b.iitIf* ot IVruim 1 \\u«i cuiy.l tells the atory woman of yon already." ller tow waa.. of the rntnrrh I now advite avWy- I regie. . bedy treublsd with oatarrh to tr.ta He sucked calmly a< bia dead pip*. Hartman'a Peruna, aa il la a sore eure for catarrh. , "Katie haa a new prescription—ceo "Prtrnda to whom t -recommend ft" |J"" (or bread, It hue more bread »od lUA-Uil ma Uml it la alau good for VV my « believe that a girl of eighteen should bo thrust Into a position where ahe tnmedt. Yrwer ulrbole*. ti» cake of yeast— headache, dullness, and patn M the I MS B a al I alely liaa all of her Illusions about life aniaahial llku a gliu* hodl. a place, where mdnre, Jr. ill Brush J1 "' wry-ssttjS^- -a. J.^ .. 1 III J »ho sees Justice defeated and evtt thrive, where the good suffer anil the weak are ci- "If* perfectly terrible I" ahe cried. >t„ . Mich, writes "I had Those who object (a liquid medi- ^^ ^^ plotted, where little children pay heavily fur the etna of their grandparents? Just "Heeeuee you rent a room Is thla house been troubled with oatarrh for a num- cines can new 'procure Paniaa Tab- read this Installment of "K." Picking up the threads of the atory. you will recall that a strange and charnrlug la no reason why you ahoutd give up ber of year*. and had been taking your personality and your—your Intel' young man. K. LeMnyne. becomes a roomer at the Page home, where Sidney, her mother Anna, and her old How It tickles h man's \anlty when Protected. Ugeiuie. Mother sayl yuu water tha •aald Aunt Harriet, preside. Through the intluouce of dashing I>r. Una Wilson, Sidney goea to the hospital aa he t« asked to settle 0 disputed point t Iroruitd una troubled with ttwltge*- (lowers every uiuraiug. and lock up a probationary nufsd. Minor characters to the story are Dr. Ed Wilson, family friend) Christine Lorena. her tloti. -whleii mnrle necessary n careful chum who la to marry Palmer Howe; Joe Drummotul. her high school aweetheart; Katie, the cook, and Char- the houae before you go to bad. 1—1 Pimples, botls, carbtmctes, dry up snd supervtslotr of his diet, tkir night nt lotte Harrison. a uuraefb love wtth Doctor Max, who In tarn Is playing up to Sidney. never nicuut you to adopt the family!" disappear with Itoctur l'lcrvr'. Unlden dinner- lie naked for it second helping Helical Uieooveiy. Ia UblctJ or liquid. K. removed his pipe and gar«d ear^ -of dessert, a neatly Into the howl. "NT,. PonnM." an hi liW ntlYtf. "rttn't CHAPTER VII—Continued. "It's the truth," doggedly. "Uood-by—and ilod bleas you." "Hill Toft has had kittens under the Hla Estimate. you remember fhe Inst time jroa ate so Hut he made a clutch at hla aelf- She went out. und lie cloned the door porch.'' he suld. "And the grocery-man 'l^lowi .!««'1 overythlnal' much pudding, how 11 math? yuu dreuut 1I'specti He was acting like a crazy softly bchtnd her. 'No, only almut UT . cent * ami hytiri anil tlgSfg MM boy. and lie *|f l MB, »lt of prjoji- nil' wtrlw uf wilHBtHiwtH^y* • 1 •• two! "Welt. I dpn't cure." he whfapereii." to know bow she felt "When are 760 going to the hoapl "It miiilo Lite d renin thin I lind a great at she Hked htm as Sidney never forgot her early Un- touch lis ewSK-tbat she did not want p ream una of the hospital, although to hurt Titm. But she wanted to make the; wttt chaotic cuuugll at llrst. It dear, too, that she knew now that There were uniformed young women aha would never marry him. . Shu coiuiug aud gulag, efficient, cool-eyed.. Its Condition. "This /.eppelln raid business tines thought she would never marry; but, loMr of voice. There were- loug via- ant serin to lmve pantiwl out." tf ahe did. It would be a man doing a tas of shining floors and lines of bedg. "Xo: purndoxleully speakliu^. It hna man's work In the world. Her eyes There were brisk lutrrucs with duck g«me up." ; turned wistfully to the houae across clothes uud brass button*, who eyed the Street ber with frletHlly. patronizing glnncea. BREAD WITHOUT 8Att 18 TASTELESS K-'s lamp atlli burned overhead, but There were bandages and dreaaluga, IT cross, feverish, constipated, lila restless tramping gbont bad ceased. and great white acreens, behind which A medicine chcafwlthout Magic Ar- nica l.lnlmcnt la useless. Beat of all ytvniupc "Cva'ttu alii ornit tttad OytufQucimi He most be reading—he read-a great were played little or ttlff dramas, Ifnlments for sprains, awelllngs, deal. She really ought to go to bed. baths or deaths, aa the ense lulglit he. bruises, rheumatism and neuralgia. [A neighborhood cat came stealthily And over ull brooded the mysterious Three »ttes, iSc. SOc and *l.l*).—Adv. across the Street, and atared up at the authority of the KU p^ritttfftiirtit of the A laxative tmfctr «rre« a-slic* 1 iilld little balcony with green-glowing eyes. training school, dubbed the llend, for A Bird Joker. tomorrow. Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their "Come on, Blfl Taft." ahe aald. abort. /.t inost surprising Australian bird iKiwets, which become.clugscd' up wtth fCome on."' Twelve hours n dar' from seven 1° Is- the kookooburrn. off_ taugtiini: Jnck- waste, liver gets Mulish; atomach t Joe Drummond. passing the houae seven, with the off-duty tntcrmlaalou. ^gg ooee ID the quiet bun I) for the fourth time that evening, Sidney labored ut tiisks-whleh revolted conic Jtrnd penis ol nor.ieriotts. III-H-U- li'urd her voice, and hesitated uncer- her soul. She swept noil dusted the ing laughter, tine la: not Inclined to I.onk at the tongue, mother! If coat- tainly on the pavement. wards, cleaned closets, folded ahA'ts join |n the merriment. It att peoms ed, or your child Is llsileaa. cross, fev- "Joe! Qome In." snd tow eta. Tolled bandages—did ev- aa foolUb and weird aa if un. Iillwt erish. breath bad, restless, diremt't eat "It's late; I'd better get home." erything btTt nu»e the sick, which waa 1...V were disturbing a congrepatlon tn heartily, full of cold or has sore throat what aSyniB CotntTl® do. church. When the source of the laugti- or ally nlher children 'a ailment,--give a At night sfce did not go linrne. She ter is lorated It turns out to be n silly- tmspoonful of "Cnllfornln Syrup of aat on the edge of her narrow, white liHiking bird with cliiuia>-, Miuare body Figs," (hen don't worry, because it is He came slowly toward her. bed and soaked her nctitng feet tn hot ami open mo til It, siltiiifj aie-on.s-ruedly perf.'etljr harmless, and In n few hours "Well?" he said hoarsely. water and witch-hazel, and practiced od 11 stump. nil this constipation poison, sour bile "Why haven't you been to see me? taking pulses on her own slender mist, ami fermenting waste wiH gently If l have done anything--" Her vofee with K-'s tittle watch. .move otjt of the bowels, ajid you have' a wen. playful child iigaln. A thoT'. was a-tlngle with virtue and outraged Oat «f all the long, hot dayi two •HwtMttp.- — A Jierloda stood out clearly, to be waited , ongh "Inslile cleansing" is oftttme* all "They're Making an Old Woman el that Is necessary. If shouIiT be the 'Tou haven't done anything bnt- for. und cherished. One was when. . You Already. first treatment given In aai. •rtrtrncsa. carly is the afternoon. u-IUi the ward He aat down on the edge of the bal- has been sending short w eljht. We've cony and stared out blankly. bought scnlea now, and weigh" every* tiling." "California Syrup of Hgs." wltU'h.-iie* full dlreetlons for baW^s. chin?ren of It—" "Yon are evading the question." all agea and for grown-ups plainly "I'm not blaming you. J was a fool "Dear child. I am doing these thingi printed on the botfflp. ' Adr. to think you'd ever care about me. because I like,to do them. Vor—foi I don't know that I feel ao bad—about some time I've been floating, and new Business Troubles. the thing. I've been around -seeing l've'got a home." "Oy, oy, snch a- jnH-slness!" aome other girls, and I notice they're Sidney gazed helplessly at his Im- "Vat's up. Cohenstelii?" glad to see me, and treat me right, perturbable face. He seemed older "Ve soldt a mall u N'l of teeth mit too." There was boyish bravado In than she had recalled him: the halt a gold plate for four tollurs ilywn und hla voice. "But what makes me sick No Obatruction Before Them. over his ears was almost white. Apd t u« a veekf .ua la to have everyone saying you've Jilt- 8*>ni*» S«n Fraudst*o W^n on their yet he was Just thirty. That vms payment ed Inc." , t" Eo.reku Ijy (into < nm»» to a f«»rk Palmer Howe's age, and Palme*, 'Yy don'I y«Mi lake ilf tofih away "flood gracious f Why. Jtw. J never TiPtlie nn+t were utH'ertain which scorned lite n boy. But he held him- from hlinT' promised." *- t* • 1, ~ self more erect than he httd in the first tu+tuke. FjPtiliy, they|iinw an old man "Well, we 'took ^trit in different rtnrg of his occupancy of the second dlpjifng In a"hlllf«td«> u short distance j v ways: that's all. t took it for a prom- ttoor front. - " JT T-*™^ nhon d — TTrey dr» »m \ii>. nnd wl» n jiosite him tme.caiieHJ tw«> wvekn tfut ia ihr woi*l4i . ^uiauaa u Ustclebs iuta— Ths 1o Kun^iia ! W»> w«nf to KO-fti-^Jivka^! "liff Ii a terrible thing. K. W# think Quitting drives, out nularia, the Iron We want to. go td^tireta^" we've got it, aftid—it'a got us." builds up (he system. 50 cents. man gaa«'uck •" .. , : i f si n gl e i it »'ttt*wyra-not to thTnk It "all was I "One grvw up and^ got. married, and—and perhaps had clilifiren. And when one got very old, one died. Irately I've been seeing that aome llmrs ~s|a rni 11. k 13 life ""really consists of exqeptiona—. cldldfeB wlio don't grow up, fln^ LIFT YOUR CORNS ;;rown-ups wlio dlf before they are old " Tito ••p^^riorM never .bores .us And"—thfs took ah ffforlt but she OR CALLUSES OFF hly slk^t funny storteo.

who fmve children, -but n Just lift them away "All knowledge that la worth while hurts in the getting." with Angers. Sidney cot up and wandered around lite tluh* was recordist exactly on th" the room, touching Its little rauiillur This new dreg Js an ether compound record, and the body waa taken away. objects with tender hands. K. watched discovered by a chemist. It UX-FOS tt AN IMPROVED CASCARA At firM It aeeini-d tn Sidney that she her. i . re was this curious element la called freexooe, and ran eo,lid not atainl tills ' IMS I tn V^ep i b I ttt M5 f-ve her. that when he was A DIGESTIVE LAXATIVE now be obtained in tiny She thought tiie nurses hard because with her it took on the guise of friend CATHASTK! % LIVER TOItIC > bottley as here shown at Uiey -took U quietly. Then she fogpd ship and deceived even himself. II Las-Fos is not a-secwt.OE RAIEET HTHT- very little cost from any that It was only stoicism, resignation, war ouly In lonely hours that it took cine tj'at is composed ot the lollowiog old- drug store. Just ask for that, they had learned. These things on truth, beeeino -a hopelenS yearning, tuhiuned roou ant hcibc: •T Was afraid you might think It Tse»ai4w. AppTy a drop or be. and the -work must go on. for-the tmjch of her hand or a glttnee CASCARA BARK presumptuous," he raid. "I haven't two. directly bpun a Tenilef ThTHr philosophy made tlu-rn no ten*, from her clear eye*. -any right, of coursc. And then, your corn or callus and-lnstsnt- tender. Sotnk such patient detachment "There Is" something else." she said •mother said jou wouldn't be offend- lv the soreness disappears. RHUBARB OOOT mnsnbe lha't of tha angels who keep alsoatly. "I cannot talk it over with -Shortly you vvUL.IUkI the BLACK ROOT mother. There Is a girl la the toswl corn or cull us ao louse tliat MAY APPLE ROOT "A'patlentr SENNA LEAVES ~ "Yes. She Is quite pretty. She has AND PEPSIN hrol typhoid, but {.he is a little better. She'nj-not n good person." • «-"' - "i «*' SI*M I 1111 "Af Srst I cMbin't In-sr to go nen, bur. I thlrorcJ.yi.hcn X hod to straight ea bar bed. 4—HalaaM very frank r>':t l'v- >t t.1 rriir this WJT with s-hvg rane. I worrted'a lot-nhoot It. becarf,^ aittimigh at tirat I lulled f;

pttal. delivering a little ltd ore aa ex- corn betweee-tbe' i—a, as well uU pain- How would you like to have travagance—because bow can I now. ful calluses ou lsittoui of your fi'ej. It your Sidney's place 7 wltU. thla Jof shining. C$1 Aart never dlsapisdnta aad uv-Ver burns, STEARNS' What .da you think wilt ha the about bow to keep KafilT'ln order bttea' or Inrtnpire. " your druggist effect en a&dney af tha atten- ELECTRIC PASTE klsiur rw anelts, and all *f hftsh't any tre'We yet. tell htm to tions of OOctor Mif, Lefiayn* things! And*—Vnd now , g,»id night." i little bottle for you from 'his and Joe DrutnmeAd—will It ShiTTinJ'mov^d to the door, and ha wholesale house.—adv. turn her head. followed Her. atooplng ruttle to paaa nncler tpe low chaddellrr.* —marriage n \mmnn wwrriw APPENDICITIS Good Sight" aald -Solf ay. HINUW :*HE-IA . IFIER DFLF riafe ahe worries beeaw* isu't DEVELOPMENT OF BIG fIEL0

Activity to B. Incrsassd In Cul Pr» Suction Near Whlteabura—Largs

Whlleaburg, Ky. IndUutloua point to IdithuiI Uvyviopwui nctixiu. ui lust Onoel Try "Dodion'i Uver Tone" When Bilious, Contt! A WD HELP CUT DOWN HIQH COST ; In c-owl it..i.l- surroundlug Whltusburg pated, Headachy—Don't Lose a Day's Work. LIVING IN KW*TUCKV «V - 1m (h* ii*.xr etHirr anil ploasure: be vigorous and full ot am- Knott counties. by the Letcher futility bition. lint take DO nasty, danger- foul Corporation, of Richmond. Va. ous calomel. because It makes *ou and of ilw* Hasan (Mkom, » J end aick and you may loee a day • work. medicine. You'll kaoir It neil Tnorn John W Wright tracts of about l.dit) Calomel la uercory or .quicksilver, IDS, because TO* will wake up feel- Crops During Past Veer Too Msn acres, on the headwaters of the Ken- which fames necrosis ot the hon^. Ins fine, your llrar wlU be working, To Supply Average Rural. Family tucky river, In th<- Elkhurn Held, by Calomel craahes Into aour btl« irks your headache and dlsalneaa gone, • Itself, Is View of Cehen After In- W. H. I'otter, of Kona, Ky This w'lll dynamite, breaking U ap. - That's your stomach will be awaat and your vsstlgstlng Costs. no doubk mean the building of branch when you feel that awful nausea and bowels regular railroad line* Oodpaa'a Llrar Tons la astlrely Waster* Newspaper t'ntera tfewe Servlew Huu e leasee have been made for I he Llstetrto BIS' If ton want to enjoy vegetable, therefore harmless and Frankfort, Ky Parmer* of Ken- properties of W (1. Caudlll, .J. N. tha nicest, gentlest liver and bowel cannot salivate. Otva It to your chil- tucky are urged to Increase their crop Thompson', W. W. Long. J. C. and II AtisKg* you ever eipertenced lust dren. Mllllona of people are using pisntings this year, Commissioner of 1D. Day, H. O. FklrchHd and L. W. take a spoonful of harmless Dod son's Dodioa's Liter Toss Instead- of dan Agriculture Cohen uddresslng them to < fields and It has been' decided, defi Liver Tone. Your druggist or dealer geroua calomel now. Tour drugglat that elTacL lie saya: » - I nilely to start work within the hell sells yaa a SO cant bottle of Dodson's wm ten yon that lbs sale of calomel "After an earnwt and carcniTTurss."i thirty days, a new spirit haa Invaded la almoet stopped entirely here — Adv ligation In thla wtata rulativS to tha i the town, as the development will 4U«k coal of food prOrtUCIS---the nncati {•was mack for tke grqwtk and ad Ncr climate affec^ it for Flavor allies of lire—the basic cause Is that, "'vancenisnt orTHSItltlP city: ttuntfrwl* Lasts the (armers nf,Kentu< ky during 1916 ' of men will find employment the package protects it. Tou can prevent this loathsome disesss from running failed to plant and produce a sufficient Tha JClkhorn Clly Coal Company has through your stsbl* and cure sit tha colts suffering with It whan you begin tha treatment. No matter how young amount of food products, not atone to been organized at Praise, cuil of here. WRIGLEY'S goes to all aiMitlN's is sat* to uaa on any colt. It Is wondsrful how supply the local demand, but an inade- In the Pike county field The new It pr.vsnls all distempers, ruj matter how oolts or horses company will havo a DVD-ton capacity at any age are "oxpoead." All good druggists and turf quate amount for their own family con- parts of the world —in goods houses and manufacturers sell arOHM'S at 10 cants sumption, and aro today buyers Is the dally, and ehlp over the Carolina, and I! a bottle: •( and lie a dossn. srniisr MBnirai. flinchtlejd -* Ohio road tn South At CO, ('herniate aaS Beelerteleslels. Ueafcra, lad, IV *. A. open market for such— all seasons, to all classes. | latitU- Belboard points. Owing to ae- "The cltlsehs of the cities and towns f'rere weather, only slew progress has Quickly inspired. New Msstsr Explosive. are not expected and can not plant ' been made on the construction of the "Onbtis liua u lively linnKlnhtlon.' "Silver picric Hcetyliile," u bi-W el- -and produce these necessities, thus Fresh, clean, wholesome j I leaver Creek bram-h of the Baltimore "l'»e anticpd thnt. f»uhb* enn glance pltrtdvo til-uVMcrell I'V itnv. I>r .lullus relying upon the farmers, and when * Ohio railroad Into Whcelrlght. ;he over a pamphlet issued T>y some west- A. N'lauwltind, C. H„ denn of science ut both country and city people be-ome and delicious always new town ot the Kikhorn Mining rtr ern rsttmtiil nnd then mve-ntwmt the Notre I in me nnlveiwity, Indiana, will competitive buyers in the open mar- poratlon. In tbe Beaver field, and tha wedlc wonder* of Arizona n* if he hnd prove more ileslructlve, it 1* wii ache, dtzztncBB and nausea: at Utts llclotls and most nutritious ot ail fooda. tlons of add and nndlgeated food— Write the Skinner Mfg. Co, Omaha. remember as soon a* Pape'e Dtapepsin N'ebr.. for beautiful cook boot telllua comee in contact with the stomach all Girls! Beautify Your Hair! Make It how te prepare it In a hundred different sucb distress vanishes. Its prompt- Soft, Fluffy and Luxurtant-rTry waya. It a free to every woman.—Adv. ness. certainty and case In overcoming the Moist Cloth. the worst stomach disorders is s reve- Photographic materials are needed lation to those who try If.—Adv. Try a* yon will, after an application Prudent Decieion. _ of Danderine. you cannot find a single Would you go to war If your coun- trace of dandruff or falling hair and try called viiu your, scalp will not Itch, hut what will "Of cuuiw 1 would." niivu'ViedL.' ifit- yltifla. y"tl T'.t m-ilt he nrier a few patriotic • Itlieii. •tint-1- wuuW^fli'rt -weeks' nse, when ~yoq se# new halrr- make sure that my country we. ;;a!!- l^n-ff «i ftnit—ve*—imt real-' August Flower lng me. und not a lot of Icatha-lungtHl 1)- new Iialr—growing all over thf »cfltp. . .:'_r" " " . 1 . JLHE END OF THE R*L Jingoes.'' , / Wkaa th« stomach and IItw *rm In . A little Dander!ne Immediately dou- good working order, la ftinety-nin* cjucf out of rvrf* hundred feoeral Important to tSorMara liliiji ibo htfauiy af ynar luilf iVIT*'r' two hcillh pfeuUs. Kramlne carefully every bottle of ence bow dull, faded, brittle and Oreen'i Atrtuit Rower h*» wewn * CASTOKIA. that famous old remeBy •craggy. Just moisten -a cloth with Masalna and haa bwn und all o^r th. for infant* and children, and see that It ctrUtxad world Jurtn, lh.ta.1 SHyeM Pnntlocine and cerefolly draw it yaars. It Is a vnlm«l rcmedv PELLAGRA Bears the „ w weak stomach, constipation and nerv- through your hair, taking oue small ous Indigestion. A dull haadactie. bad of U- of L. Buy 80 Acre Tract Strand at a time. Iht effect B BP- taste tn th. nvMtW •• Otm wwaiss, m on Bsrdttown RostJ For SSO.OOO. med- ~Ubiv Suit rwal. Paoderlpe from any store jtcd prove H'tiiM'rfrf' ttuo. your hair ia its pretty, snil SfllV a* any—that It has been neglected or Injured hy can-less treatment—that's August Flower

Useful Knowledge. Mnimtrr—f«Hm ymf fTOT Whv. jsn STOCK LICK IT-STOCKIJKE IT to the hank und ask them to lemi it t«» >i»u. Ttet'ii tlr»-u twriiten. AM they thm't kiittw TOTI. thsf> all imny rwtia thai >->vi'll gvt It. Ida wouldn't get accent it they, knflT yo% IIBALTRY CHtl DBTTt rojie from health] ~ : Ylailuc- Uti! ; - — Diet, Exercise orDeath! Xlaixu^er- Y*>h iUay V'h'^othw* 'An eminmt medical authority wnteel thai food of, our city (elks die of a thick- ening of the artenrs or "1 kidney dis- thafir takstJr. A HINT TO WISE WOMEN ease . The kidneys bccome doRged snd IMerre's Pavnr- Itel'r<»cr1ptjnn. I'm t suffer tenure whao fjl fefiiale do not Cher the poisons from the blood, Nothing can troables will vantsk to lluaai* ak.t using liirf one tremble follosr* another, high equalltlnholld- "Feroeoma PTfee 50c and Si uo—Adv. blood pf*e*ucc damages the heart, artenrs Ing up a wom- " Vn^yju itoiFr suunia James p. Rgah J+ppintod. rarls. Ky- Mrs C. B Mitchell re in nvnlating and mining all hrr Frankfort. TTy Oowrnor " Stanley celvigr t telegram informing her th*i natural fancOooa, snd In pnttlng In appointed James V, Rash, or Ilender her father' Rltlah ygnarsdale. was feet or snkles. rheumatic twinges or perfect order every nsrt of the female spots ap(*-.mag before the eyea. system. Tt tPssern the pains and bur- son. a member of the state board of "truck »nd killed by a train at ljike "The my K it remedy is this: Kat dens, supports Snd strengthen* weak, agrtculture, to baeretfd R. t: Hassett. lend. Ha He waa SI years old ktiW » "meat ^iit ooce a tl«*. or hot at all. Plenty nursing mothers. oT«lirar*nn KrM lllackburn, of stjin. wtdowrr of outdoor excttiar, and -Viltk pure . ItH an Invigorating, r»*tovat1xe tonic, a soothing atM braelag nervine. te that he wftl bf vented hf Br. Pltsrw. who put together pain* h>M, try this wonderful cactoy May-apple I podflnhylllnV, aloos, Jsl.yp. pr»aiedSt*ly 1.000.00tt i^unds» was -eel*. JfMe "> P»« 1n the eler. Ises l^ io una V.J, when UrSVwrcs of BwEala, Ask at any drug store for - pleasant Prl- P Speaks * Parts, at 114.10 l^iulavlUe rtkxt- year to mark the cen N: V, dtseoee^rd and named Anunr leta,- STKI they can be had roHHtle money. Tbe first half Of the frsp waa *old u> -I'nvv of Ibe death of George Roger* Atari-, mrt potest tban fcthts. diaaoires 'The y contain no cslnael and arc r^gsV tat sama firm wt lii'.i. c- : Clarh. - _ • 1 •nc aad ai bot water dues sugar." Jlabl e eoaslltaeota, tbsrelorc banslo^ s * TEXAS WONDER, Th* Tot— Wander rate* kldmy and Madder trouble*, dla»<'i»..« yrav- Will F. Jordan for Shtriff ol.rOri'K UUbatM, w,.*k ami Injur baeka. Ylieumatlain. ami Irmirnlarl- tie* of kidney a and blartttfr lu bnttt tti.-tt ami wujnei,, IV'Xulatiw Idntider trnnw* In <'ti(I.|r.-n. If not The World's Greatest »fit. Sold by druinclaU.

Maxwell Moto. Cart are inexpen- Breeding Stock. We have two "The Kind Mother iW splendid jack*, a standard bred ' " I'.vctv tutif ir.nthcrjsouwtiyiit- sive to operate- and maintain. They honeopd a'hisftrterd shorthorn tequiitt no expert attention. And they jpet 1 know iticw s t»mi* tn be t>.avt Durham bull that will make tlu> tlonuaioed ai onr limV.e. Di-intoua. can be depended upon day in and season of 1917 at tho atablia of I.-.III. i. I< nljat>'»K, tlnHjjItnuU, bilVJIII, Com day out. Jim Melton in Xlmo at reason a- fiWi and |i'iaf I\e nrtet #*rt a fiakc- Natioi ble prices. Before breeding come Say fiitul* u iih Calumet. Mother H) I tit the only lUkuitt IWdef tb*< at hon and ace these animals. Wa are incui..* uniform iranlta. of Cap last operation, with the purpose of giv- also in the market at all time* Walke forhogs, sheep, cattle, etc., and ing the maximum service at the least mornii will pay market prices for same expense. after t Hatcher & Melton. 22211 Maxwell atock cars hold ail records for moo til Spriapill*, Ttaa., Ntwi. mileage per gallon of gasoline and per set oTTIres. Earl Adams, of Cold water, was in fine • No other automobile can give you greater in our midft last week and will HOT MMtW^M flghtin motoring satisfactlon,-rcgardIe*i of price. locate at Big Sandy, Tenn , aaa eomple 4nd If you weigh these Max well "features veterinarian. lng out against the price asked, you will be con- Lonnip Hughes Dado a buai Louisv vinced that the Maxwell really is THE ties* trip to Coldwster last week, when i WORLDS GREATEST MOTOR CAR Barnie McCiian was at Elk and w VALUE. Horn this week. boarde Bun Moore Sol Wetib. of Hunt Touring Car $635 Cabriolet $865 Cottage Grove, "viaited Mr*. the sta Roadaler $620 Sedan $985 Town Car $815 Vain v-Pariah laat wtrk. - _ i • All Price* f. o. b. Detroit Mr. Bill Gilili^flg hag his house about completed. Bill says he! seventl (Hkea his hew home better every 1 tbe tra FARMER BROS.. Agents day. tended There are" several Calloway ' CHlCAO; welcom boy a in tlietw* part* and there is at the i still room for more hustlers. ki clad Several have sown plant beds from tfc and there fs going to be a big i hundrei potato crop platted. Tom lloe i witnesii bands, era and _ n _ " 777 , —Murray Furniture & UnderUk- E. B. Thompson "train Kinglet jnK Co. Barred Rock eggs for hatching, js. • '..-_'.;.-' welcom $1.00 for 15. — T. J. Howard, Grass feed, -Japan clover seed love an Murray. Ky.. R- 1. Cumber-1 at' Parker &Perdue'a. The best beaulifi land pho::e 2 an luH. j grades en-the. market. - - -- After minute; equipmi and pro lowed b zens wl station, mory ai ment th liberty « time urn noon mc ing expt At 3 o the com] Cemetet ence of I of Women's- aimple I services Hale we sounded there wt the largt nuAditj is. TIOTf Csipt. CI; -t^tfOlt T tfeHvere< iliram ur it be in-material trimming or coloring will be revealed in c most dUwitve gtiri>t+-rHs

made of- fjab.tntine, poplin, jowv

poiret twill members tkllet J, crrpc ponded ti DRESESS to view said road and" required Han-,-wbo as you all know, was crowd wa and meteor. $10.00 to report upon tlie ad; isability of elecUd to the oflice of.shtrifi" on •ti eiwicss yarirtyr' establishing -same. Said petition the republican ticket. This be- will be presented at the regltfBF ing true 1 make no hesitancy in trrial- are featured March, 1^17, term of the Callo- asking 'the support of Calloway ious pair way County Court. 9:30 refr« a most comprehensive j^-ortmerrt, in punch, c tt} ntyrnoi! r 1 • ii a I ,r i c~ $3.85 Given under our hands thia SKIRTS February 17, lMt. were ser\ E. A. Grogan. J. \V. Stubble- city, whii •OUR ECONOMY SERf 'itTV. SJI ES YVU MO.\F.\rieid. A. J. Stubblefield, W. M. decorated Stubblefield and others. nations i

For Sprains, I^amfnes-t, LADIES OAR ME N-T SHOP SoresJ*emfrufer, Cuts, Rhrvumatism and fftats.