Spring 2009 ■ Volume 20 No.1 ConservationCoastal League

Land & Community

Celebrating Celebrating 20 20 Years Years

Celebrating Celebrating 20 20 Years Years

Celebrating Celebrating 20 20 Years Years photograph by John Moore 20th Anniversary Twenty Years of Conservation Spring 2009 Vol. 20 No. 1 Dana Beach and Jane Lareau Look Back ______Staff Director Dana Beach To hear and watch the rest of Dana and Jane’s interview, visit the Conservation League’s Web site at ______Regional Offices_____ www.CoastalConservationLeague.org. South Coast Garrett Budds Reed Armstrong Andrea Malloy North Coast Nancy Cave Grace Gasper What inspired you to found the Coastal Columbia Patty Pierce Heather Spires Conservation League? Patrick Moore ______P______rograms______Dana: “There was no organization Director of Megan Desrosiers Conservation Programs at the time, in 1989, dealing with Program Directors Nancy Vinson land use issues. Jane – my friend and Ben Moore Josh Martin bird watching partner – and I were Project Managers Hamilton Davis concerned about habitat loss. And yet Lisa Jones-Turansky Katie Zimmerman the environmental programs that were set Director of Communications Brian Barrie up were all about water quality and air Communications Manager Gretta Kruesi Newsletter Editor Virginia Beach quality, which obviously are important, ______Development______but did not deal in any way with the spread of development across Director Nancy Cregg the landscape and the loss of habitat. Membership Alison Geer “We spent a fair amount of time looking into other models Grants Coordinator Wally Pregnall – the Chesapeake Bay Foundation in Virginia, the North Carolina

______Administration______Coastal Federation, and the Georgia Conservancy – and ultimately Director of Administration Cathy Forrester came up with something uniquely South Carolinian, in that we did HR and Admin. Tonnia Switzer Director of Finance Ashley Waters things that nobody else was doing, and we weren’t entirely sure they Data Manager Nora Kravec were going to work.” Administrative Assistant Angela Chvarak Development/Finance Assistant Amanda Watson Jane: “One of my fondest memories in those early days of the Board of Directors Conservation League was of our Office Manager Marie Thrower Laura Gates, Chair going to the Post Office everyday and calling from a pay phone Bill Agnew Mary Kennemur Will Cleveland Fred Lincoln because she was so excited about the number of new members we Berryman W. Edwards Cartter Lupton Dorothea Benton Frank Roy Richards had gotten in the mail. She literally could not wait to get back Vince Graham Gillian Roy Richard T. Hale Jeffrey Schutz to the office to tell us. She would call and say, ‘Twelve! We have Hank Holliday Libby Smith twelve new members!’ We went from a hundred members in the Holly Hook Victoria C. Verity George Johnston Trenholm Walker beginning to somewhere around four to five thousand today.” Advisors and Committee Members Paul Kimball What were some of your early battles? Hugh Lane Jay Mills Dana: “Early on, we got various tips P.O. Box 1765 ■ charleston, SC 29402 about some things going on in the Phone: (843) 723-8035 ■ faX: (843) 723-8308 Francis Marion National Forest, such as E-Mail: [email protected] Web site: www.CoastalConservationLeague.org the cutting of hardwood trees. This was a big problem around the country – P.O. Box 1861 ■ Beaufort, SC 29901 hardwood removal for pine plantations – Phone: (843) 522-1800 and had been going on for a couple of decades. What we didn’t 935 Main Street, No. 1 ■ columbia, SC 29201 realize was that much of the native forest had been longleaf pine in Phone: (803) 771-7102 the Francis Marion. P.O. Box 603 ■ Georgetown, SC 29442 “So Jane, my wife Virginia and 2-year-old daughter Nellie, and Phone: (843) 545-0403 I took a trip down to Thomasville, Georgia and spent time with All contents herein are copyright of the Coastal Conservation League. Reprinting is strictly prohibited without written consent. Design by Julie Frye Design.

Cover photo by John Moore 20th Anniversary

photos by Scott Key Powell, John Moore, Ben Williams and Dana Beach

Leon Neel, the nation’s longleaf guru and a the coast of Florida, which has all sorts of protégé of Herbert Stoddard, who was the Celebrating problems as we know, and is so counter to founder of fire ecology management. We our natural, meandering creeks of the South had our eyes opened, to put it mildly, and Carolina Lowcountry. decided at that point that we needed to work “Around 1993, developers bought the less on the problem of hardwood removal 20 Andell property between Kiawah and and more on the restoration of longleaf pine Seabrook Islands. It was a tomato field and systems.” Years the developers proposed to put a 60-acre, Florida-style, ‘lock harbor marina’ in the Jane: “At that time, it was right after field, which was to be connected by a dredged canal across had struck in 1989, so there was an opportunity for some Haulover Creek to Bohicket Creek. There would be 400 major decisions to be made on the Francis Marion since yachts in this hole in the middle of a tomato field, with the Forest Service was having to rewrite their management waterfront condos around the hole. plan because the mature part of the forest had been blown “DHEC characteristically approved the permit and the down. The question was, ‘What should go back there? Conservation League appealed, spending five years fighting What should be done?’ the project, which would have created the largest marina “The Forest Service proposal was to continue what had development in . We brought in experts to been done before, which was to clear everything out of analyze the water quality models and eventually uncovered there and replant, in rows, loblolly pine; in other words, a little known statute in Charleston County that stated put in a commercial pine plantation. That was one of you cannot build marinas on Outstanding Resource our first major battles, which was to say, ‘That’s not what Waters (ORW), which Bohicket Creek was. So the county belongs in the Francis Marion. What should be restored is voted against Andell Harbor, the League overturned the the native forest that naturally belongs there.’ DHEC permit, and we ended up victorious; but it took “And that was a wonderful success. The Forest Service, five years.” with some prodding, did rewrite the plan and today is very proud of how much they’ve restored of the native longleaf, Jane: “And today, if we had not fought Andell Harbor, we even winning an award for their ecosystem restoration. would have Florida-style monster development there and And to this day, the League continues to monitor the elsewhere along the coast. The Andell story is representative management of the Francis Marion.” of actions that the League took that were pivotal at a certain point in time – Andell Harbor and the Francis Marion Tell the story of the Andell National Forest being good examples – that if we had Lock Harbor Marina. allowed these things to happen in a certain area, the rest of the coast could have likely gone this way too. Dana: “In the early 90s, it was “Because the League took these positions and said, not clear exactly which direction ‘No, this coast deserves better than this. We’re going to do South Carolina was going to go better than that’ – and this has been the standard that has by way of development. Florida been maintained – as a result, I think the South Carolina had a certain model, which was essentially dredging high coast is better in every way 20 years later.” land to create canals that produced more waterfront property for the development market. What resulted was this bizarre, manmade hydrologic system of dead- end canals lined with houses and sea walls up and down

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Grassroots Activism Leads to Lasting Land Use Reform “To plan is not to spoil the trip.” – African proverb, related by Lula Holmes, a 1939 graduate of the Penn School on St. Helena Island and a 1994 graduate of the Penn School for Preservation

Empowering Citizens and Communities protect and save them for future generations. The default position of “can’t get in the robably the most important way of progress” or “sprawl is inevitable” no achievement of the Coastal longer washes with many of our citizenry Conservation League over the last and representatives. They have experienced 20 years, working with citizen first-hand, with the Conservation League at P activists and conservation partners their side, the satisfaction and exhilaration across , is the evolution of a new of saving the places they love and charting a mindset and understanding of what it is deliberate, thoughtful, hopeful path toward we love about South Carolina’s cherished prosperity for their neighborhoods, their landscapes and communities, and how we can towns and cities, and their region. It’s a mindset that embraces political participation – whether at the town hall or planning board all the way up to the State House and Congress – as a fundamental privilege and obligation. It’s a mindset that holds public officials and government agencies accountable to the people they serve. And it’s a mindset that can transform the local Citizen involvement across South councilman into a town father, the average Carolina has led to important developer into a town founder. legislative action at the State House.

Laying the Groundwork

n early 1990, the Coastal Conservation League invited Randall Arendt from the Center for Rural and Henry Richmond, founder and director of the 1,000 Friends of Oregon, to speak at a Coastal Land Use I Planning Conference in Charleston. The newly formed Conservation League was joined by the Lowcountry Open Land Trust, founded just a few years earlier, and by the more well established Historic Charleston Foundation, Preservation Society of Charleston, National Trust for Historic Preservation and The Nature Conservancy in co-sponsoring this first-ever land use conference for coastal South Carolina. New Urbanism founder Andres Duany woke up Lowcountry Mr. Arendt had championed open-space planning in audiences with such statements as: “What doesn’t work is the modern Massachusetts that allowed for limited development without suburb . . . You can make it look good, but you can’t make it work.”

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sacrificing the rural landscape, a use movement taking root in South relatively new concept at the time. His “It is your town. Carolina. He woke up audiences with message was simple: “Change your Developers come and statements like, “Planners will tell you, zoning before it changes your town.” ‘These traditional towns don’t work.’ He advocated clustering development developers go. But the That’s absolute bunk. The traditional in order to save the countryside and towns are the only things that work. traditional communities. As he put it, land patterns they leave What doesn’t work is the modern “It is your town. Developers come and suburb.” developers go. But the land patterns behind endure forever.” Mr. Duany also made the they leave behind endure forever.” crucial connection between soaring Mr. Richmond was involved with within regional “urban growth infrastructure costs and sprawl, expenses the development of Oregon’s statewide boundaries” that encouraged infill and that were overwhelming communities land use planning legislation, the redevelopment within urban centers. in the path of suburban development: first in the nation, and he credited These were new ideas for Lowcountry “Each day in Florida, our continuing the program with keeping much of South Carolina, but rang true in their growth requires two miles of new Oregon’s countryside rural. “In the application to our traditional landscape highways, two new public school ten years since the Oregon land use of farm land and small towns. classrooms, two new school teachers, program has been in effect,” Mr. The following year, the Conservation day care services for 14 more children, Richmond explained, “we haven’t had League brought New Urbanism two more police officers, one more a single open ground or freestanding founder Andres Duany to a follow-up jail cell, two more state prison beds, subdivision or shopping center built in conference, again held in Charleston. 100,000 gallons of water and sewer . the countryside.” New development in Mr. Duany’s speech is still remembered . . do you get the idea? Those are the cities like Portland was being contained as a watershed moment in the new land figures for the state on any given day.”

Planning – In it for the Long Haul

s South Carolina faced the prospect of record breaking population growth, some of it attributed to retirees A opting out of Florida, citizens began to take the words of Messieurs Arendt, Richmond and Duany to heart. Already, South Carolina was losing 200 acres of rural land a day to sprawl. Between 1990 and 2010, well over half-a-million new residents were predicted to move The Charette – Citizens and local officials use maps, aerial photos and computer to the Lowcountry, nearly twelve imagery to plan for their communities. times the number of people living in Georgetown County at the time. But development was being repeated up the devastation of our rural landscape. the Conservation League discovered that and down the South Carolina coast. It Not long after the 1991 conference, local governments in the Charleston was obvious that there was a lack of the Conservation League began advising area, for example, were allocating nearly accurate information about regional communities such as Mount Pleasant, four times more land for projected growth and a lack of coordination Awendaw and Edisto Island on long growth than was actually necessary. between local governments. The result range land use planning initiatives Upon further investigation, the would be continued wasteful extension that would take advantage of some League found that this practice of of water and sewer lines, countless of the latest information, technology, over-allocating rural land for urban unnecessary roads connecting far flung and mapping tools. A year later, the subdivisions and shopping centers, and League also started working with a (continued on page 6) c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Land & Community

Beaufort County Growth Management next six years, Sam worked tirelessly all local governments that zone land to Committee on the development of the in assisting Beaufort County with the develop Comprehensive Plans to guide county’s first Comprehensive Plan. drafting of their Comprehensive Plan community growth. Just below Beaufort, on St. Helena and in 1998, celebrated its passage. Sam and Associate Land Use Island, collaboration with a Citizens’ The following year, again with Sam’s Director Michelle Loy Sinkler were Advisory Board who opposed the assistance, Beaufort passed the Zoning also providing technical and political five-laning of Hwy. 21, evolved into a Ordinance that put the Comprehensive support to Charleston County for the partnership between the League and Plan into law and established South development of their Comprehensive the historic Penn Center to establish Carolina’s first Purchase of Development Plan, which eventually passed in 1999 a sea island land preservation school. Rights (PDR) program to help protect and was considered the strongest ever The primary goal of the Sea Island rural lands. in South Carolina in terms of farm Preservation Project, as it was called, On a state level, the Conservation and timber land protection. It took was to educate sea islanders – black and League had launched a Quality Growth two years and 60 public meetings and white – on how to sustain traditional Campaign in 1993 to work with hearings for the Comprehensive Plan communities and rural landscapes in the gubernatorial candidates to advocate to finally become law in the form of face of rising development pressures. for statewide growth management and the Unified Development Ordinance Then in 1992, the Conservation planning legislation. By the next year, (UDO), which passed in 2001. League hired its first, full-time Land South Carolina passed its first State Use Director, Sam Passmore. For the Comprehensive Planning Act, requiring

New Horizons The deal was lauded the Lowcountry Open Land Trust, The Nature Conservancy and the n 2002, following a five- as one of the most Conservation Fund – working with year effort on the part of the private landowners – put together Conservation League and a broad innovative conservation a conservation deal permanently coalition of conservationists, and historic preservation protecting more than 13,000 acres in I business owners, farmers, the Ashley River Plantation District. legislators and citizens, the S.C. agreements in the nation. They raised $14 million to buy General Assembly established the S.C. conservation easements at Poplar Grove Conservation Bank – a vital source of and Middleton Place (a portion of the public funding for land conservation and demand that Dorchester County funds came from the S.C. Conservation in South Carolina. Such a program abide by its Comprehensive Plan. Bank) and secured voluntary easements would complement local planning and The plan had designated the area as from the owners of Uxbridge and zoning initiatives to preserve the state’s “conservation/preservation” – but until Millbrook plantations. The deal was rural and historic landscape. By 2004, that designation had been put into an lauded as one of the most innovative the bank was fully funded and over the actual zoning ordinance, it did not have conservation and historic preservation next four years permanently protected the power of regulatory enforcement. agreements in the nation. more than 130,000 acres of natural Megan Desrosiers was the League’s Then in 2007, Dorchester County and historic properties, either through Land Use Director at the time and Council approved a Historic Overlay conservation easements or outright helped to organize and provide District for the Ashley River, protecting purchases. technical expertise to the Poplar Grove 32,000 more acres of land from Around this time, two significant opponents. As she put it, “Poplar sprawl. The following year, with parcels came up for sale in the Ashley Grove’s development scenario would encouragement and participation from River Plantation District – 4,500-acre have brought 10,000 more people to the Conservation League, the county Poplar Grove and 6,400-acre Watson the area, almost one-half the current updated its Comprehensive Plan to Hill. The threat of 3,500 homes being population of Summerville.” direct infrastructure improvements built at Poplar Grove was enough After a year of negotiation, only to areas designated for growth, to galvanize the residents of lower the Conservation League, Ducks to employ design guidelines for new Dorchester County to hire an attorney Unlimited, the Donnelley Foundation, developments, to guarantee that new

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Infrastructure: Roads to Ruin That same year, the League also began a successful battle to reroute U.S. Senator ike land use planning, Robert Byrd’s “Detroit to Charleston” infrastructure planning is highway (I-73) that would have plowed absolutely critical to the health of through the towns of Georgetown and a region. Over the last 20 years, McClellanville and devastated the Francis L the Coastal Conservation League Marion National Forest and the historic has had to beat back a steady stream of Cooper River Plantation District. Here ill-conceived and wasteful infrastructure was an example of a major interstate Courtesy of the Post and Courier Courtesy of the Post projects – namely new and expanded being drawn up by highway planners roads and sewer lines – that often pose with absolutely no input from the more harm than good for Lowcountry affected communities. The initial route communities. Extending and building of I-73 as planned would have wreaked new roads and sewer lines in rural areas, havoc and destruction on some of the far from a town or population center, Lowcountry’s most prized cultural and is a sure-fire catalyst for speculative real natural resources. estate development. The resultant sprawl In 1994, the Conservation League places untold burdens on a county’s also successfully convinced the S.C. infrastructure and raises demands for Department of Transportation (DOT) public services that most rural areas are to redesign a Hwy. 17 widening project ill-equipped to provide. through the ACE Basin, reducing The combination of stricter county zoning For example, in 1991, St. Helena wetlands loss and preventing strip codes and private conservation easements Island residents called on the Conservation development. Shortly thereafter, the will prevent further sprawl from threatening League to stop the unnecessary five-laning League partnered with Horry and the Ashley River Plantation District. of Hwy. 21, which would have eliminated Georgetown County residents to oppose the centuries-old Emancipation Oak and ill-conceived routes for a Carolina Bays development pays for itself, and to opened up the rural sea island to sprawling Parkway and 701 Connector, again require that necessary improvements development. After a 5-year battle, the St. safeguarding untold acreages of wetlands to roads and schools be completed Helena Citizens’ Advisory Board, together and wildlife habitat from the destructive when new development comes with the League, defeated the Hwy. 21 path of unnecessary new highway online. In 2009, the Conservation proposal, thus protecting the traditional construction. League will work closely with values of this sea island community. Dorchester elected officials, planning staff, and residents to translate the Comprehensive Plan into rural and urban zoning ordinances. Such planning and conservation milestones become even more important when one considers that Dorchester County is the fastest growing county in South Carolina and yet, until recently, two-thirds of the county was not zoned. In fact, Dorchester’s only zoning designation for rural areas was the term “absence of control.” Before the Conservation League began working with county officials, development had proceeded in a random, de facto manner. Now Dorchester is becoming a leader in Sprawlways– Sometimes new and expanded roads can do more harm than good land and community planning. for a community.

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Saying "No" to Unnecessary Sewer transportation and DOT reform, the and Water Lines Conservation League labored for two years to change the way road projects oorly planned new sewer and were decided in South Carolina. In water lines emerge periodically 2007, under the dogged leadership of as well. It took three years League Legislative Liaison Patty Pierce, for the Conservation League, a host of advocates worked with key P working with the citizens of legislators in the House and Senate to rural Dorchester County, to stop a pass the DOT Reform Act – bringing sprawl-inducing, 35-mile sewer line in at long last an objective, analytical 1999. In 2004, the League collaborated approach to road project selection. with residents of John’s Island to That same year, another oppose a 30-inch water line across the groundbreaking law passed – the rural sea island that would have fueled Priority Investment Area (PIA) Act unnecessary and unsustainable land – that would change forever the way speculation. A year later, the coalition infrastructure is built in South Carolina. prevailed in reducing the water line to Five years in the making, the PIA 24-inches, a size in keeping with the bill, sponsored by Rep. Ben Hagood traditional growth of the island. with assistance from the Conservation While bad projects continue to crop League, promotes coordinated land use up, the Coastal Conservation League and infrastructure planning among local has worked steadily over the last two governments and agencies, and provides decades to lay the groundwork for incentives to planners and builders for better decision making when it comes concentrating development where it is New infrastructure can generate sprawl if to infrastructure. Beginning with most needed. not properly planned.

Challenges Ahead League, with the backing of Attorney local landholders and town and county General Henry McMaster, is leading the officials to create a 25-year master plan hile the Coastal charge for annexation reform – amending for the area that will provide property Conservation League has South Carolina’s outdated annexation laws owners a degree of certainty about the laid a good foundation to improve public notice requirements, future of their region. Like Georgetown for sound land use and limit “shoestring” annexations of County, large tracts of private timberland W infrastructure decisions, remote properties, and require all new are up for sale in Jasper. The goal of a there are many battles yet to be won. annexations to conform with local land master plan will be to guide anticipated At the State House, the Conservation use plans. growth and development into areas that Meanwhile, ongoing development are appropriate and make sense in terms pressures put Georgetown County at of existing infrastructure and traditional risk, where existing zoning affords little settlement patterns. protection to the hundreds of thousands Hope abounds for a healthy and of acres of private timberlands that prosperous future in the Lowcountry. have gone on the market. As a result, In the following pages, you can read a Conservation League staff continue to sampling of some of the many innovative meet with county council members and projects that the Conservation League staff to explore planning options for has collaborated on with communities, safeguarding the county’s rich history and citizens groups and elected representatives healthy environment. along the South Carolina coast. With Farther south, comprehensive regional your continued support and involvement, At Risk– Existing zoning in planning for Northern Jasper County and we are changing this region forever, and Georgetown County falls far short of the Town of Ridgeland is well underway. for the better. providing an adequate blueprint for The Conservation League is working with directing future growth.

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Yemassee Revitalized

This is the story of the Yemassee Revitalization Corporation (YRC), an organization that arose from an understanding that a viable rural land base and a healthy, functioning town are not mutually exclusive. In fact, each is necessary for the success of the other. The YRC partners – a marriage of the Lowcountry conservation movement and the Town of Yemassee What's Good for Town is Good for the – understand that addressing the Countryside economic well-being of South Yemassee’s new Town Plan provides a revitalization Carolina’s small towns and rural blueprint for downtown and designates tens of thousands communities is essential to long of acres of surrounding timberland and farmland to term conservation objectives. remain rural.

thriving small town in the early – annexation. Farther north, the small recent annexation of Binden Plantation and mid-twentieth century towns of Hollywood and Awendaw development is a perfect example. – where U.S. Marines, heading tried annexation as a revenue booster, While the Binden annexation is for Parris Island, arrived by train resulting in the creation of “necklace being challenged in the S.C. Court of during World War II – Yemassee, municipalities” – 11-to-15-mile strands Appeals, the Yemassee Town Council has with a population of 860, is now of disparate parcels far from town centers unanimously adopted a new economic poor by any standards. Most and far from any existing infrastructure or development plan that promises a far of its downtown commerce did public services. more sustainable future. The “Town Plan notA survive competition from businesses This ill conceived strategy exposes for Yemassee” is designed to provide much that set up along I-95 and the subsequent towns to land speculators, who “shop” needed economic development without growth of big box retailers in the wake of their developments to struggling introducing sprawl into the rural areas of the interstate. municipalities like Yemassee, which northern Beaufort County. Left with few alternatives to enhance typically have laxer zoning than the The plan was funded by the Coastal the well-being of its citizens, Yemassee surrounding county, affording developers Conservation League and the ACE Basin at first chose a quick fix, one that has denser unit-per-acre ratios, in addition Task Force and executed by the planning already failed so many communities to promises of public water and sewer firm of Keane and Company. Company up and down the South Carolina coast – all in the name of “growth.” Yemassee’s president Tim Keane worked with town

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e see Yemassee, page 14 Land & Community

Working Across the Landscape Highlighting the work of the Coastal Conservation League's Land & Community Program 1989 – 2009 1991 1990 w CCL begins work with St. Helena Island Citizens’ w CCL sponsors first Coastal Land Advisory Board to oppose five-laning of Hwy. 21 Planning Conference, featuring Randall w CCL initiates fight to stop I-73 from plowing Arendt and Henry Richmond through Georgetown, down Hwy. 17 and 1989 w CCL prevents DOT from cutting through the national forest and Cooper River w CCL opens its first office, on King St. down three miles of oak canopy along Plantation District in Charleston, with a staff of three Bohicket Rd. on John’s Island w CCL hosts land use conference in Charleston w CCL founds Lowcountry ReLeaf in w CCL begins assisting the ACE Basin featuring New Urbanism founder Andres Duany the aftermath of Hurricane Hugo Task Force with land use, regulatory and w CCL begins successful campaign to road policy issues impacting the ACE persuade the Forest Service to restore native ecosystems to the Francis Marion National Forest 1992 w CCL membership exceeds 2,000, bolstered by grants from 13 charitable foundations and supporting a staff of six 1994 w CCL establishes Sea Island Preservation Project w CCL opens South Coast office in Beaufort 1993 with the Penn Center, educating sea island w CCL awarded Conservation Organization of w CCL begins work with Beaufort County to leaders on land use and compatible economic the Year by the S.C. Wildlife Federation develop a Comprehensive Plan development w CCL submits improvements to Francis w CCL teams up with local residents to w CCL hires full-time Land Use Director Marion National Forest 10-year plan stop a highway bridge and resort w CCL convinces DOT to redesign Hwy. 17 development slated for Sandy Island widening project through ACE Basin w CCL begins campaign for DOT reform w CCL holds first conference on managing private lands for native longleaf pine 1998 w Beaufort County passes Comprehensive Plan shaped and supported by CCL w I-73 is successfully re-routed to 1995 Myrtle Beach w CCL joins DOT and Council of Governments w CCL and its partners decisively defeat on transportation planning initiatives 1997 the most extreme “Takings” bill yet w CCL partners with Horry and w I’On traditional neighborhood w Time for Kids names Dana Beach Georgetown County residents development wins approval with “Hero for the Planet” to oppose ill-conceived routes 1996 help from CCL for Carolina Bays Parkway and w CCL leads opposition to multi- w CCL and partners successfully lobby Congress 701 Connector million-dollar, 35-mile long sewer to include tax incentives for conservation w CCL leads coalition to beat line in Dorchester County easement donors in the American Farm & back harmful state “Takings” w Sandy Island saved - permanent Ranch Protection Act legislation protection afforded local Gullah w CCL launches Charleston community and 12,000 acres of Greenbelt Campaign unique coastal habitat w Victory on St. Helena’s Hwy 21 – widening plan defeated

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2002 w CCL creates Web site and Action E-List 2003 w S.C. Conservation Bank Act passes after w CCL helps pass “Neighborhood Schools 5-year effort on part of CCL and partners Act,” which eliminates minimum acreage w CCL and Awendaw residents requirements for schools successfully defeat town’s ill-conceived w S.C. Land Use Dispute Resolution Act 2001 annexation, subdivision and water passes providing reasonable measures w CCL assists Concerned Citizens in service agreements proposed for housing to resolve zoning conflicts between opposing 5-laning of Hwy 162 developments on the edge of Cape landowners and local governments w CCL joins battle against 50-mile Romain National Wildlife Refuge water line through the Francis Marion National Forest w Charleston County passes a Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) 2004 protecting hundreds of thousands of w 2005 CCL teams up with lower Dorchester County acres of rural land residents to fight suburban-style development w CCL and partners work with landowners and on 4500-acre Poplar Grove Dorchester County to permanently protect more than w CCL works with sea island residents to 13,000 acres in the Ashley River Plantation District oppose 30-inch waterline across John’s Island w CCL and conservation and preservation partners w S.C. Conservation Bank receives full rally opposition to oppose North Charleston’s funding attempt to annex 6,400-acre Watson Hill w DOT yields to citizen concerns and modifies 2000 w Morris Island saved after Charleston zoning Hwy 21 plan to fit community w CCL opens Legislative office in Columbia code prevents intensive development w CCL’s Greenbelt Education Project and w Pedestrian/Bike Path on new Ravenel Bridge is Strom Thurmond Institute publish Tricounty completed thanks to campaign launched by CCL Urban Growth Maps for metropolitan and Charleston Moves Charleston, graphically revealing the threat 2007 w of uncontrolled growth. Dorchester County Council approves w Beaufort County approves $40 million Historic Overlay District protecting some 32,000 acres of land bond referendum for rural land protection 2006 w Priority Investment Area Act signed with support from CCL w CCL assists Beaufort County residents in into law requiring coordinated land use contesting ill-conceived annexations and and infrastructure planning development plans for McLeod Farms, Binden w DOT Reform Bill signed into law Plantation and the Mobley Tract requiring an objective, analytical w Woodbury and Hamilton Ridge tracts saved approach to project selection 1999 through Heritage Bonding Bill promoted by w CCL begins its 2nd decade with 17 full-time CCL and partners staff working out of offices in Georgetown, w Harmful zoning changes defeated by Charleston and Beaufort and supported by coalition of Charleston County landowners and more than 4,000 members and 43 charitable representatives with leadership from CCL 2008 foundations w CCL launches “A New Way to Work” campaign w Beaufort County passes Zoning Ordinance proposing alternatives to extension of I-526 with help from CCL and launches state’s first w BCD-COG begins development of regional plan Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) program for Tri-County area with assistance from CCL w CCL halts 35-mile sewer line through rural w CCL assists Yemassee with a blueprint for Dorchester County sustainable growth w Charleston County passes Comprehensive w CCL assists Plantersville and Awendaw with Plan, the strongest ever in South Carolina, with septic system maintenance and repair, averting technical and political support from CCL extension of sprawl-inducing sewer lines w Dorchester County Comprehensive Plan passes

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A New Way to Work

For Land's Sake– Innovative and less costly alternatives to the extension of I-526 will save the rural character of John’s Island and at the same time relieve traffic congestion in Charleston’s neighborhoods.

alting expansion and new I-526 extension is completed. to I-526 will create for metropolitan construction of unnecessary The Coastal Conservation League has Charleston, and to communicate support roads is only part of the opposed the construction of the I-526 for these alternatives to our elected equation to preserving land extension since 1995 because of the threat officials. and community. The biggest it poses to rural John’s Island and the lack In January, transportation experts challenge, in the event of existing of transportation benefits it provides. Glatting Jackson (commissioned by the traffic congestion and gridlock, is Studies show that extending I-526 will Concerned Citizens of the Sea Islands H developing alternative solutions definitely increase development pressures and the Conservation League) submitted that are cost effective, gentler on the land, on John’s Island and the Maybank a 59-page New Way to Work Master Plan, and community friendly. Highway corridor. Instead of wasting Implementation Plan, and Analysis to Traffic congestion is indeed a problem more than $420 million on extending an the S.C. Department of Transportation on metropolitan Charleston’s Savannah interstate style highway across a rural sea (DOT) for consideration and acceptance Highway, Folly Road and Maybank island, we can direct our resources toward as an official alternative to the I-526 Highway. But the proposed extension of specific, local traffic-relieving projects and extension. The Glatting Jackson I-526 across John’s Island simply moves at the same time avoid generating sprawl. report has been receiving national and congestion around rather than providing Through community advocacy and international praise from leading urban long term solutions, according to data a growing grassroots campaign called designers and planners. and maps from the Berkeley-Charleston- A New Way to Work, the Conservation The New Way to Work plan includes Dorchester Council of Governments League is collaborating with business such innovative solutions as constructing a (COG). In fact, the COG maps show owners, neighborhood associations “pitchfork”- type intersection at Maybank that Savannah Highway and Folly Road and residents to raise awareness of the Highway and River Road, as well as will still have failing levels of service if the opportunities that proposed alternatives adding and connecting secondary streets

see New Way to Work, page 14 c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Land & Community

Saving Sandy Island

The Coastal Conservation League began working with the residents of Sandy Island in Georgetown County’s upper Winyah Bay as early as 1993, when the League joined forces with this small island community to oppose a permit to build a bridge to the northern end of the island. The focus of the debate was whether the bridge was to be used solely for forestry, as the permit applicants contended, or whether the bridge would eventually bring resort development to the island.

t the time, through various partnerships and corporations, Roger Milliken and E. Craig Wall, Jr. – the bridge permit Historic Legacy– The New Bethel A New Way to Work applicants – owned roughly Baptist Church of Sandy Island has 16,000 acres of undeveloped conducted services for 115 years. land on and around Sandy Island. The Sandy Islanders partners was nearly every aspect of –A an African American community of Lowcountry heritage worth saving about 120 slave descendants living full- for future generations: One of the time there – owned approximately 200 Southeast’s finest examples of native acres and a total of 24 homes on longleaf pine habitat; spectacular cypress the island. swamps; numerous endangered plant Situated between the Pee Dee and and animal species, and a strong Gullah Waccamaw Rivers, the properties of community. Sandy Island comprised some of the Consequently, the Sandy Island largest tracts of developable waterfront residents teamed up with the land in South Carolina, nearly double Conservation League and the Southern the area of the City of Myrtle Beach. Environmental Law Center to wage a A 1990 plan drawn up for the island three-year legal fight that resulted in revealed plans for a resort/residential the state Office of Coastal Resource development for nearly 20,000 people. Management denying the bridge permit The State reported in in December of 1995. Endangered Ecosystem– Sandy early 1995 that the plan outlined the Meanwhile, other threats to Sandy Island’s long leaf pine forest has the highest building of a two-lane bridge, followed Island surfaced in the form of four concentration of endangered red-cockaded by the harvest of the island’s timber, and new road projects, one of which would woodpeckers on private lands in the world. eventually the construction of 9,500 have run down the center of Sandy villas, town houses, garden apartments, Island, crossing the Waccamaw River condominiums and estate homes, plus at exactly where the islanders’ village least two golf courses. community lay. Conservation League What was at stake in the minds of staff, along with the Winyah Bay Task the Sandy Islanders, the Conservation Force and attorneys from the Southern League and a host of other conservation Environmental Law Center and the S.C.

see Sandy Island, page 14 c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Land & Community

Yemassee, continued from page 9 council members and staff to create a Murrells Inlet called “Murrells Inlet 2007 plan that concentrates economically and Beyond.” viable development within a logical town The Town Plan includes a revitalization footprint. blueprint for downtown Yemassee, as well To implement the plan, leaders as the designation of tens of thousands of from Yemassee, with support from acres of undeveloped lands to remain in Yemassee business and land owners, their present rural state. The first project several charitable foundations, and the is to restore the old train depot, which Lowcountry conservation community, leaders believe will be a catalyst for further established the nonprofit Yemassee economic development. When towns Revitalization Corporation. YRC has like Yemassee focus on rebuilding their named a board of directors that is broadly downtowns and enhancing their existing representative of the community and also assets, they turn away from practices like hired its first executive director, Sue Sledz, indiscriminate annexations that threaten who led a similar effort for the Town of the surrounding rural landscape.

New Way to Work, continued from page 12

parallel to Maybank to disperse traffic providing alternative routes for the 56% errands. By removing more than half of and relieve congestion. A traffic study of the drivers on the highway who are not the car trips on our most congested roads, conducted by Charleston County, the commuting through the area, but whose these alternatives to I-526 solve traffic City of Charleston and the Conservation trips begin and end there. congestion more League demonstrates the effectiveness of The alternative solutions that Glatting effectively, impact this solution. Jackson has submitted to DOT reveal far fewer wetlands Similarly, the COG maps show that a community west of the Ashley River and parklands, extending I-526 provides zero benefit for that is free of traffic bottlenecks, contains and cost mobility on Savannah Highway. The New roadways designed for cars and people, much less. Way to Work plan connects the street-grid and provides street choices for the quickest running parallel to Savannah Highway, route to and from work and for daily

Sandy Island, continued from page 13 Environmental Law Project, successfully from The Nature Conservancy, to defeated these potentially devastating buy Sandy Island and place it under Jamie Francis Jamie infrastructure projects. permanent protection. Owners Milliken With the threat of a bridge to Sandy and Wall generously lowered the purchase Island now eliminated, the idea of actually price by $1 million and the deal was purchasing the property began to look sealed on March 13th, 1996, thus saving like a real possibility. The appraised, one of the jewels of the South Carolina undeveloped value of the Sandy Island Lowcountry and ensuring that local holdings totaled $12 million. residents and landowners – the Sandy Straight away, The Nature Island community – could continue their Conservancy and the Conservation cherished way of life. League, working with DOT, crafted a proposal to use $10 million of DOT “wetlands mitigation bank” monies, combined with a $1 million donation

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e In Tribute

Leaders of the League

The Conservation League’s greatest strength is the dedication and courage of its outstanding Board of Directors. The board is responsible for setting policy and maintaining the fiscal stability of the organization. Thanks go especially to the League's five Board Chairs, who have led with exceedingly sound stewardship and extraordinary vision.

n 1989, publisher Charles Attorney Will Cleveland “Pete” Wyrick accepted a accepted the chairmanship in call from Dana Beach to 2006 and together with Program chair the board of a new, Director Nancy Vinson helped private environmental draft and pass South Carolina’s nonprofit based in first regulatory protections Charles “Pete” Wyrick Charleston that was yet for marsh islands. Will’s to be funded and fully commitment to an expanded staffed.I By the time Pete turned constituency led to the successful the reins over to attorney Carol development of the League’s Ervin in 1995, the Coastal 5,000-strong Activist Network. Conservation League had grown Since 2008, former Carol Ervin to some 2,000 members, a Board management consultant Laura of Directors numbering 17, eight Gates has led the board, staff operating out of offices overseeing a successful $8.6- in Charleston and Beaufort, million capital campaign with and support from 18 different Campaign Chair Roy Richards charitable foundations. that has funded three new In 2001, community activist League programs – Energy and and philanthropist Charlotte Climate, Public Health, and Caldwell became the League’s Sustainable Agriculture. Due to Charlotte Caldwell third board chair, inheriting these five outstanding stewards Environmental Law Project, successfully from The Nature Conservancy, to from Carol an even stronger and visionaries, the future of the defeated these potentially devastating buy Sandy Island and place it under organization that had expanded Coastal Conservation League infrastructure projects. permanent protection. Owners Milliken to offices in Georgetown and looks bright indeed. With the threat of a bridge to Sandy and Wall generously lowered the purchase Columbia and increased its Island now eliminated, the idea of actually price by $1 million and the deal was staff to 17, supported by 43 purchasing the property began to look sealed on March 13th, 1996, thus saving foundations and a membership Celebrating Will Cleveland like a real possibility. The appraised, one of the jewels of the South Carolina of more than 4,000. undeveloped value of the Sandy Island Lowcountry and ensuring that local Under Charlotte’s superb holdings totaled $12 million. residents and landowners – the Sandy leadership from 2001 to 2006, Straight away, The Nature Island community – could continue their the organization successfully 20 Conservancy and the Conservation cherished way of life. completed a $6-million capital Years League, working with DOT, crafted a campaign enabling the League proposal to use $10 million of DOT to broaden its program areas and expand its staff and expertise “wetlands mitigation bank” monies, Laura Gates combined with a $1 million donation even further.

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e Legislature 2009

Reform DHEC No More Dirty Coal or the last 20 years, the Coastal Conservation League has been Fthe Lowcountry’s watchdog, keeping an eye, in particular, on the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) and monitoring whether important environmental decisions are made in the best interest of the public and according to the best available science. Unfortunately, several factors, including a confusing management structure and a convoluted appeals process, have photos by Debbie Parker Debbie photos by resulted in numerous failures by the Students protest in front of DHEC’s Citizens from across South Carolina agency to protect the integrity of South Columbia headquarters against a proposed gathered in Columbia in February to Carolina’s natural resources. Some coal plant that will add approximately 93 protest the DHEC approval of an air examples include: pounds of toxic mercury and millions of permit for Santee Cooper’s proposed coal tons of CO2 to the atmosphere. fired power plant on the banks of the Pee Coal Plant Air Permit: Despite a Dee River. record that clearly demonstrates that the proposed Santee Cooper Coal Plant will add nearly 100 pounds of toxic mercury and thousands of tons of CO2 species of fish with dangerous levels of Fair Share to the atmosphere, DHEC granted mercury. an air permit for the proposed plant. Water Bill Furthermore, the plant would be located Beidler Forest Threatened by on the banks of the Pee Dee River, which Racetrack: DHEC staff issued a permit his legislative session, Senator already has dangerous levels of mercury. for a large race track that would have Wes Hayes (R-York) has re- discharged stormwater into the Francis Tintroduced his water withdrawal Hazardous Chemicals, No Cleanup Beidler Forest, the world’s largest permitting bill (S.275) that will give Money: In 1995, DHEC’s board allowed undisturbed cypress-tupelo forest. South Carolina much needed oversight the owners of a 279-acre hazardous waste Fortunately, the decision was overturned over large withdrawals of water from landfill on the shores of Lake Marion to due to the leadership of the Conservation the public’s rivers and streams. The stop making payments to a cleanup fund. League and Audubon Society. Conservation League worked closely When the dump was no longer profitable with Senator Hayes to draft a bill that and cleanup time came around, the The Conservation League is working will protect the interests of existing board allowed the owners to escape to change the structure of DHEC business and industry by guaranteeing liability, pinning the $84-million cost on to provide more transparency and a permit for current withdrawals; S.C. taxpayers. accountability in order to achieve more providing a measure of certainty to effective protection of our health and prospective businesses by ensuring a Mercury Poisoning: Until recently, environment. The League is advocating reliable water supply, and promoting DHEC neglected to post warning signs replacing the current DHEC board healthy rivers and streams by using the at access points to waters where fish structure with a single Executive Director state’s guidelines for minimum flows. were contaminated with unsafe levels appointed by the Governor. The League of mercury. Unknowing fishermen is also encouraging the legislature to look would catch and eat fish from these at the appeals process to find ways to contaminated waters with no warning bring the best science to bear on agency of the possible harmful health effects. decisions in order to reduce the number Every river in the coastal plain has some of appeals of bad permits.

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16 Legislature 2009

Energy Legislation Progresses No More Dirty Coal Making Our Voice Heard Energy Standard Act Renewable Energy Initiatives Introduced in the Senate Debated in the House

enator Glenn McConnell (R- epresentative Joan Brady (R- Charleston) and other Senate Columbia) has introduced a Scolleagues have introduced Rpromising package of renewable the Energy Standard Act that would energy initiatives with the support of enhance existing state building efficiency thirteen other House members. The bill regulations by adopting the International authorizes utilities to pursue renewable Energy Conservation Code as the energy energy projects up to 100 megawatts standard for state buildings. The Act and to recover their costs as deemed

would also require that all new and appropriate by the Public Utilities Parker Debbie renovated state buildings must comply Commission; to encourage investment in Conservation League Lobby Day drew with this standard and that local building research, development and demonstration many members to the State House this officials shall enforce it. In addition, of home-grown renewable energy winter to engage their legislators on the Energy Standard Act adopts certain projects, and to provide homeowners and issues such as energy, annexation reform, National Building Codes also related to businesses the freedom to install solar and restoring funding to the S.C. increased energy efficiency. energy technologies on their homes and Conservation Bank. businesses.

Statewide and has set up a taskforce to review capacity issues, landfill capacity Moratorium continues to increase in South Carolina. on Landfills Furthermore, important environmental siting and permitting problems persist outh Carolina has twice the unabated. landfill capacity it needs. And South Carolina needs a break from in 2007, 28% of all municipal landfill permitting while the taskforce S Club Ramsburgh, S.C. Sierra John solid waste deposited in our landfills reviews its regulations. In response, the Citizens from Marlboro, Cherokee, Lee was imported from out-of-state. This Coastal Conservation League is working and Charleston counties – including three amount has risen steadily as statewide with community groups and legislators chiefs of the Pee Dee Indian Tribe – voiced capacity has grown over time. It is to build support for a bill calling for a their support for a landfill moratorium at clear that South Carolina has far more two-year, statewide moratorium on new the Senate Medical Affairs subcommittee capacity than it currently needs and that and expansion or replacement landfill public hearing on March 17th. The ongoing increases in out-of-state waste permits. subcommittee voted in favor of S 324, a could pose a threat to public health and [Go to the Conservation League's resolution to place a maximum two-year the environment. Web site to view the My State Matters moratorium on new mega dumps in the While the DHEC board has TV interview with Senator Gerald state, while DHEC revises regulations on recognized that the state’s Determination Malloy regarding the moratorium these huge landfills. of Need Regulation is “broken” legislation.]

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17 Members' Corner

Going Solar Delete Apathy! Andrea Malloy Andrea Courtesy of Coastal Community Foundation Katie and Matt Baas, League members Former Conservation League board in Beaufort, have gone solar with ten member Billie Houghton and her 224-watt solar panels installed in their husband Alan have installed 20 flat backyard by Argand Energy Solutions black solar panels on the roof of their Moses Laura as part of the Palmetto Clean Energy Pawley’s Island home. Installed by (l-r) John Sperry, Charlie Sneed, Program (PaCE). The Baases can sell Carolina Solar, the panels can generate League board member Libby Smith, what they generate from the solar panels up to 3,300 watts of electricity, enough and Mary Edna Fraser at the Delete to SCE&G for 9.3 cents per kilowatt to power the couple’s lights, appliances Apathy party hosted by Mary Edna and hour. PaCE will give them an additional and hot water tank. The Houghtons were John to oppose construction of a .5- premium of 15 cents per kilowatt hour. the first to obtain such a system through mile-long seawall near Kiawah Island’s Those returns are expected to reduce the Santee Cooper’s Solar Homes Initiative. Beachwalker Park. The seawall will Baases’ utility bill 30 to 40 percent. facilitate construction of 50 new homes on a shifting sandspit. Walking Old Woodlands photos by Steve Cregg Steve photos by

Dr. George Thompson with Hampton family descendants gather (l-r) League board member Mary Kennemur, Amanda McNulty of SC ETV’s for a photograph: Front row – Hattie Dennis Kennemur, Jamie McCullouch and “Making It Grow.” Amanda led and Mary Fleming; Back row (l-r): friend stand in front of the Woodlands Plantation Conservation League members on Rab Thompson, Harriott Hampton house. Built in 1896, the farmhouse is an excellent a tour of Woodlands Plantation Faucette and Mardie Faucette. example of Folk Victorian domestic architecture. near Columbia, home of journalist and conservationist Harry R.E.

Hampton (1897-1980). c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

18 Members' Corner

7th Annual 8K for H2O Gullah Voices Nancy Cregg Nancy The College of Charlestons Masters of Environmental Science Program sponsored its annual Folly Beach 8K run and 5K family fun walk on February 21st to Courtesy of University of South Carolina Press of South Carolina Courtesy of University preserve and improve water quality in the Charleston area. Conservation League member Genevieve “Sister” Peterkin of Murrells Inlet has co- edited a fascinating and revealing collection of her mother’s interviews with former slaves A Defining Moment Volunteer of the Year and their descendants entitled Coming Through: Voices of a S.C. Gullah Community Fun Winter Events | State Bailout? | Half-Shell Heaven From WPA Oral Histories. The word-for-word www.charlestonmag.com interviews – containing African American stories, music and folklore – were conducted

® February 2009 by Genevieve Willcox Chandler between s THE HISTORY ISSUE s 1935 and 1938 in All Saints Parish on the Waccamaw Neck for the Federal Writers’ 101 Project. Moments that Shaped Our City Rob Leak Rob Dione Leak, pictured here with two of her four daughters, was named Myrtle Plus! Unlikely Hero This Old House Seafood Harriet Tubman’s An 18th-century Paradise Lowcountry bridge Georgian reveals Feasting through Beach’s Volunteer of the Year for 2008 to freedom hidden treasures Murrells Inlet because of her work with Greenkeepers.

Courtesy of Charleston Magazine Courtesy of Charleston Dione helped raise $18,700 to buy 113 The founding of the Coastal trees that have been planted along Conservation League in 1989 was Robert Grissom Parkway. She also named by Charleston Magazine in donated trees and flowers to beautify their February issue as one of the “101 the triangle where Ocean Blvd. and Kings defining moments that shaped our city.” Hwy meet. Dione and her husband, Rob, are long time members of the League.

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19 In House

Josh Martin Joins League working with the League on development issues in the Awendaw area, where she resides. Former City of Charleston Planning Director Both experiences led to making the protection Josh Martin has joined the staff of the Coastal of our rural landscape her top priority. She Conservation League as our new Land Use joined the League’s staff last fall to work on Director. A Summa Cum Laude graduate land use and development issues with Nancy of Clemson’s Masters of City and Regional Cave in the North Coast office. Grace earned Planning program, Josh was previously a B.S. in Education from Baylor University Community Development Director and Town and a M.S. in Human Physiology from the Manager for the Town of Bluffton, S.C. Josh University of North Texas. Josh Martin was born and raised in Burlington, Kentucky on a family beef cattle farm. He came to Grant Coordinator Joins Staff South Carolina to attend Wofford College as a Wofford Scholar and became student body Wally Pregnall has applied his administrative, president there. During his tenure with the financial and writing skills to various City of Charleston, Josh served as project Charleston institutions for the last 20 years. manager for the Magnolia Development Having earned a B.A. in English and a M.S. Concept Plan, the John’s Island Community in Public Administration from the College of Plan and the Long Savannah Concept Plan. Charleston, Wally has been the Grants Writer He continues to remain active in the Congress and Administrator for the College of Health Garrett Budds for New Urbanism and the Seaside Institute. Professions at MUSC for the last six years. Before MUSC, Wally served as the City of New South Coast Director Charleston’s lead auditor, Mount Pleasant’s Compliance Auditor, and Charleston County’s Having grown up in the Lowcountry, Garrett Senior Staff Appraiser and Tax Assessor. No Budds is returning to coastal South Carolina stranger to the world of science, he has served after more than a decade of schooling and as editor and copywriter for three published working in Montana. As the Conservation works, including Blueprint for a Cell: The Director and Staff Attorney for a highly Nature and Origin of Life, by Nobel laureate respected regional conservation organization Christian Deduve. in western Montana, Garrett brings a unique Grace Gasper combination of legal and policy skills as Air, Water & Wildlife Team he takes over the leadership of our South Coast office from Patrick Moore, who has Expands moved to Columbia to join the League’s Katie Zimmerman has joined the League to legislative team. Garrett received a J.D. and work with Nancy Vinson as a Project Manager M.S. in Environmental Studies from the after working at the NOAA Coastal Services University of Montana and worked both in Center on performance metrics and strategic environmental litigation and natural resource planning. Prior to her job with NOAA, Katie policy upon graduation, and more recently in led several research and outreach projects the protection and restoration of the 22,000- on environmental sustainability in the square-mile Clark Fork River basin. Wally Pregnall Lowcountry, with particular focus on green building, environmental justice, community Georgetown Welcomes empowerment, and water quality. She earned Grace Gasper her M.S. in Environmental Studies and her B.A. in English Literature, Political Science, A native Texan, Grace Gasper moved to and Environmental Studies from the College South Carolina in 1997. Captivated by birds of Charleston. of prey, she began a career in conservation 12 years ago working with The Center for Birds of Prey and served as the Center’s Medical Clinic Director for ten years. She began Katie Zimmerman

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20 In House

Congratulations to In Memoriam: Tonnia Switzer! Dr. Henry “Pat” Worrell Director of Human Resources Tonnia Switzer, who joined Long time League supporter and activist Dr. the League in 2001, will Pat Worrell of Marion, S.C. died in January, marry Robert Smalls, Jr. on having valiantly battled prostate cancer since May 2nd. Robert is a native 1995. As recorded in an interview for this of Hollywood, S.C. and is a newsletter in 2006, Pat was passionate about a lot tugboat captain with Stevens of things in life – in particular, his community Towing Company. For their and home state, his wife Hallett and their honeymoon, Tonnia and children and grandchildren, and Murrells Inlet, Robert will take a Caribbean where his grandfather had built a waterfront cruise. cottage in 1933 and where the family spent every summer. And it was through Murrells Inlet that the environmental community gained a warrior in Pat Worrell. In the 1980s, he and his neighbors Wind Power in this quiet fishing village successfully defeated a marina and fish processing operation that had Communications Manager been proposed for Smith Landing. Pat later Gretta Kruesi has recently joined the S.C. Environmental Law Project’s become a National Kite Board of Directors, the organization that had Boarding Team Rider for assisted in the marina victory, and continued his Naish International and Pacific community activism to the present day. Boardsports. Gretta is pictured As Pat stated at the conclusion of his 2006 here off the coast of Maui. interview: “We need to be good stewards of our natural resources in spite of today’s development pressures. I believe that some things are worth more than money.” For Pat, those “things” included fresh oysters and shrimp from Parsonage and Allston Creeks (“sweetest in South Carolina”), and the view from Cedar Hill Landing across the salt marshes to Drunken Jack’s Samuel Whitworth Island. Pat’s memory and legacy will live on in the beauty of his beloved Murrells Inlet. “Whit” Waters Patti Wilkinson Armstrong Whit is the son of League Director of Finance Ashley We join in the grief of Reed Armstrong, Waters and her husband, Project Manager with the League's South Coast John. He was born on Office over the loss of his wife of 45 years, Patti January 24th and weighed Wilkinson Armstrong. Patti died in early January 5 pounds, 10 ounces. after lengthy hospitalizations. Patti and Reed very Welcome Whit! much enjoyed gardening, birding and walking the nature trails on their beautiful property on St. Helena Island. Patti had been very active in civic and community affairs both on St. Helena and in Rhode Island, where they lived before moving to South Carolina in 1995. She was loved and adored by all who knew her.

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

2119 Thank You!

LIVE OAK SOCIETY Contributions Received from February 1, 2008 - January 31, 2009 The Coastal Conservation League works very hard to ensure that all donor names are listed correctly; however, occasional mistakes do occur. Please contact Membership Director Alison Geer at (843) 725-2066 with any questions or corrections.

$10,000+ Joanna Foundation Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill Mrs. Mary C. Everts Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kellogg Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Fetter Penny and Bill Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lane Turner Foundation The Hilliard Family Foundation, Inc. American Rivers, Inc. Mr. Hugh C. Lane, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vardell III Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Hilliard Anthony and Linda Bakker Mills Bee Lane Foundation and Family James and Margaret Hoffman The William Bingham Foundation Ms. Bokara Legendre Joe and Terry Williams Billie and Alan Houghton Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Berry Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II Yawkey Foundation Dr. and Mrs. Todd P. Joye Butler Conservation Fund, Inc. Lyndhurst Foundation Dr. William Kee Charlotte Caldwell and Jeffrey Schutz Merck Family Fund $5,000 - $9,999 Linda Ketner and Beth Huntley Ceres Foundation, Inc. Mertz Gilmore Foundation Anonymous (1) Bob and Jackie Lane Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty Mrs. Alexander Moore Ms. Molly H. Ball Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leath, Jr. Ms. Frances A. Close Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Moses Banbury Fund, Inc. Dr. Franklin Lee Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation Charles Stewart Mott Foundation John and Jane Beach Lasca and Richard Lilly Strachan Donnelley Family Charitable Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr. Virginia and Dana Beach Dr. Suzanne Lindsay and Mr. Bruce Lindsay Lead Unitrust Post and Courier Foundation Henry M. Blackmer Foundation, Inc. The Suzanne and Bruce Lindsay Mrs. Vivian Donnelley V. Kann Rasmussen Foundation Mrs. Margaret N. Blackmer Charitable Foundation Vivian Donnelley Charitable Trust Steven and Barbara Rockefeller Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer Magnolia Development LLC The Festoon Foundation, Inc. Rockefeller Family Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Cleveland Mr. and Mrs. John C. Maize, Jr. Dorothea and Peter Frank Gillian and Peter Roy Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen Dr. and Mrs. G. Alex Marsh III Nancy and Larry Fuller Mr. and Mrs. John K. Runnette Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall Laura and Steve Gates Jeffrey Schutz and Charlotte Caldwell The Edward Colston Foundation, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mather William and Mary Greve Foundation Ms. Dorothy D. Smith Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cowgill Mrs. Harriet McDougal John C. Griswold Foundation Libby Smith Mr. and Mrs. P. Steven Dopp Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr. Ms. Carol B. Ervin Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mills Hillsdale Fund, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Tenney Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Fair, Jr. Sally H. Mitchell Holly H. Hook and Dennis A. Glaves H. L. Thompson, Jr. Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott Fennell Mrs. William Moredock Mr. and Mrs. George W. Fennell The Morning Sun Foundation James L. Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. David Paynter Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert Mrs. Joan C. Pittman COASTAL LEGACY SOCIETY Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Kassebaum Grace Jones Richardson Trust The Coastal Legacy Society honors those who have provided for the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kimball Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr. Coastal Conservation League through their wills or estate plans. By Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laco John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation making a gift to the Coastal Legacy Society, you will join this group of Lau Associates LLC Mr. T. Grange Simons V extraordinary individuals in their commitment to protect the Lowcountry Mr. and Mrs. John E. Masaschi Mr. Matt Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Irenee duPont May Ms. Martha Jane Soltow for generations. If you are interested in finding out more about naming Mrs. Frank M. McClain Charles and Jo Summerall the Coastal Conservation League in your will or estate plans, please Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meier Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Theriot contact Development Director Nancy Cregg at (843) 723-9895. Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr. Jane Smith Turner Foundation Mr. Guy Paschal Mr. Robert L. Underwood Anonymous (2) The Pew Charitable Trusts Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr. Price R. and Flora A. Reid Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr. Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Mrs. Alexander F. Schenck Ziff Properties Charleston Russell and Judith Burns Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Schenck Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziff Charlotte Caldwell Southern Environmental Law Center Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Coffee, Jr. Susan and Trenholm Walker $1,000 - $1,999 Ms. Marcia Curtis Anonymous (4) Howard Drew $2,000 - $4,999 Drs. T. Brantley and Penny Arnau Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. Dennis A. Avery Carol B. Ervin Mr. J. Marshall Allen Mr. Arthur L. Baron Dr. Annette G. Godow Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. Allen The Arthur L. and Marcia S. Baron Fund Miss Florence E. Goodwin Mr. J. Anderson Berly III of the Ayco Charitable Foundation Katherine M. Huger Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Chace, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Liles Clement Crawford and Thornhill, Inc. Mrs. Ann R. Baruch Dr. Thomas R. Mather Mr. and Mrs. Munroe Cobey Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Blagden, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper III Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Boone III Miles F. McSweeney Mr. Hal Currey and Ms. Margaret Schachte Dr. Eloise Bradham and Dr. Mark George Ellen and Mayo Read Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Cutler, Jr. The Brumley Family Foundation Trust Mr. Jason A. Schall Ms. Connie Darden-Young and Ms. Amy Bunting Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tecklenburg Mr. Jesse Colin Young Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting Foundation Janis Hammett-Wegman and Charles Wegman Mr. and Mrs. Berry Edwards Bob and Cris Cain

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22 Thank You!

Mr. Hacker Caldwell Dr. Robert Payne and Mr. Mark Essig and Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCann Mr. and Mrs. John M. Cart Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas Mrs. Martha Craft-Essig Dr. and Mrs. J. Stuart McDaniel Nancy and Billy Cave Dr. Leslie H. Pelzer Mr. and Mrs. David A. Creech Mr. and Mrs. James D. McGraw Mr. Anthony Cecil Plantation Services, Inc. Mr. Malcolm M. Crosland, Jr. Ms. Christie McGregor Mr. and Mrs. James J. Chaffin, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell Dr. and Mrs. William F. Crosswell Mr. and Mrs. Dexter C. Mead Mr. Elliott S. Close Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Quigley Ms. Rebecca R. Davenport The Nelson Mead Fund Coastal Expeditions Mrs. Charles D. Ravenel Mr. and Mrs. Alvin E. Davis Charles and Lisa Menefee Mr. and Mrs. James Coker Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Reed Mr. Chris Davis Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson, Jr. Curtis and Arianna Derrick Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mirsky Nancy and Steve Cregg Dr. Georgia C. Roane Mr. Christopher DeScherer and Anne and Ben Moise Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cross David W. and Susan G. Robinson Ms. Amanda Honeycutt Mr. James W. Mozley Mr. and Mrs. Wade C. Crow Foundation Ms. Ann W. Dibble Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Murphy Mrs. Mary C. Cutler Mrs. David Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Clarence M. Eidt, Jr. Dudley and Ann Myers Jane Tucker Dana and David D. Aufhauser Mr. and Mrs. James B. Rothnie, Jr. Mr. D. Reid Ellis Mrs. Thomas E. Myers Mr. R. Gordon Darby Rothnie Family Fund of Fidelity Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Nussbaum Mrs. Jane Blair Bunting Darnell Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ethridge III Mr. and Ms. Robert M. Ogden III Mrs. Emily Darnell-Nunez Bob Rymer and Catherine Anne Walsh Ms. Nina M. Fair Dr. and Mrs. J. David Osguthorpe Mrs. Palmer Davenport Mr. Lee Schepps and Ms. Barbara Cottrell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feldman Mrs. Heather R. Osterfeld The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Dr. H. Del Schutte, Jr. Mr. Robert W. Foster, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Owens Michael and Megan Desrosiers Drs. Ryan and Erin Smith Dr. and Mrs. James H. Gault Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Parker Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed Dulany, Jr. Southern States Educational Alison and Arthur Geer Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Ewing III Foundation Inc. Drs. Andrew Geer and Susan Moore Dr. and Mrs. B. Daniel Paysinger Ms. Margaret D. Fabri James Gustave Speth Fund for the Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer Ms. Patricia A. Pierce Mr. H. McDonald Felder Environment of the Open Space Mr. James R. Gilreath Mr. and Mrs. William E. Pitts III Dr. Paula R. Feldman Institute, Inc. Ms. Melanie Gnazzo Mr. Frank W. Rambo Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M. Finch Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stoothoff Dr. Annette G. Godow Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ransome III Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Finley Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen Blair and Nancy Hahn Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey K. Richards Rev. and Mrs. David Fort William and Shanna Sullivan Half-Moon Outfitters Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rosengren Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Jan S. Suwinski Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Hanlin Mr. John Salvo Mr. and Mrs. E. Stack Gately Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Symington, Jr. Dr. Kit M. Hargrove Mr. Richard B. Saxon Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr. Mr. Mark C. Tanenbaum Mr. and Mrs. D. George Harris Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schaller Dr. and Mrs. Gene W. Grace Dr. Ann Truesdale and Mr. James Truesdale Mrs. Charlotte McCrady Hastie Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheetz, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Maybank Hagood Tom Uffelman and Patty Bennett Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch, via the Dickie and Mary Schweers Mr. and Mrs. James M. Hagood Mr. and Mrs. Greg VanDerwerker Ayco Charitable Foundation Sea Biscuit Café Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Hawkins Vortex Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Head, Jr. Dr. Sally E. Self Mr. and Mrs. John A. Hill Mr. G. David Waller Oliver R. Head, Jr. and Mary M. Head Gift Dr. James G. Simpson Mrs. Robert R. Huffman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb Fund of Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr. Holly Jensen and Marty Morganello Sally Webb Mr. William J. Hennessy, Jr. Mr. G. Dana Sinkler Ms. Nunally Kersh and Mr. Robert Stehling Ms. Sheila Wertimer and Mr. Gary Gruca Mr. Fred B. Herrmann Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith Dr. and Mrs. John J. Keyser Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop Mr. Edwin Hettinger and Dr. and Mrs. Mark C. Stamey Mrs. Dudley Knott Dr. W. Curtis Worthington Ms. Beverly Diamond Dr. and Mrs. James Stephenson Mrs. Hugh C. Lane Ms. Martha C. Worthy Hilton Head Island Audubon Society Mr. John H. Tiencken, Jr. Scott and Gayle Lane Martha C. Worthy Charitable Fund Mr. William L. Hiott, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Timmons Mr. Roy F. Laney Mr. and Mrs. John Adams Hodge Ms. Leslie Turner Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lawson $500 - $999 Mr. J. W. F. Holliday Robert E. Turner Charlie and Sally Lee Anonymous (4) Dr. Melanie A. Hopkins United Way of the Piedmont The Little-Reid Conservation Fund of the Ms. Carrie Agnew Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Horlbeck Mr. and Mrs. Beekman Webb Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Ms. Helena Appleton and Mr. David Lott Mr. and Mrs. Calvert W. Huffines Dr. and Mrs. James D. Wells Leighton and Caroline Lord Ms. Vivian D'Amato Asche Robert L. Huffines, Jr. Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. West Tish Lynn Mr. and Mrs. Paul Avery James and Page Hungerpiller Dr. Tad Whiteside Mike and JoAnne Marcell Paul and Mary Avery Charitable Fund of the Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Jackson, Sr. Mrs. Betty C. Wiggins Mr. and Mrs. David Maybank, Jr. New Hampshire Charitable Foundation Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnston Dr. Dara H. Wilber Mrs. John L. McCormick Chuck and Betsy Baker Ms. May Jones Ms. Walda Wildman and Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Beaton Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jules Mr. Mack Maguire Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden III Mr. and Mrs. Franklin D. Beattie Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth S. Kammer Mrs. Harriet P. Williams John F. & Susan B. McNamara Fund of Mrs. Katrina Becker Melissa and Michael Ladd Ms. Margaret A. Williams the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Blackbaud, Inc. Dr. Diane D. Lauritsen Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McShane Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Wood N. Lay Mr. Perry L. Wood Mr. P.O. Mead III Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Bowers Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Lee Kincaid and Allison Mills Judge William Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Leland The Moore Charitable Foundation Ms. Susan Hilfer Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment Ms. Martha Morgan Mr. R. R. M. Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Fulton D. Lewis Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Carson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lanneau D. Lide Foundation Leigh Mary W. Carter Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William C. Lortz Mr. Hugh Comer Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter David Lyle and Anne Aaron-Lyle Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane Morrison Mr. and Mrs. T. Heyward Carter, Jr. Magnolia Plantation Foundation Mr. P. Sherrill Neff and Ms. Alicia Felton Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Childs Mr. Joshua Martin Mrs. Elizabeth B. O'Connor Dr. H. Paul Cooler Dr. John Mattheis Ms. Elizabeth F. Orser Mr. Jack Cordray Dr. and Mrs. Brem Mayer Live Oak Society c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

2319 Thank You!

NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERSHIPS October 16, 2008 – January 31, 2009

SPECIAL GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brailsford III Ms. Nancy R. Redding Mr. Leslie L. Bateson Mr. Richard Brendel Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Reed, Jr. Ms. Lynn C. Chiappone Dr. and Mrs. William Y. Buchanan, Jr. Dr. Rogers Reeves Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Clarke Ms. Ruthann Burgess Mr. Dan Rogge Juliet and Jeffrey Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick H. Burr Mr. Legrand A. Rouse II Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Daniels Dr. Joseph J. Calandra Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Salley Lenahan and Sylvio de Rouin Mr. and Mrs. Christopher W. Campbell Ms. Mary E. Sharp Mr. and Mrs. Calder D. Ehrmann Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter Rep. G. Murrell Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Cable, Jr. Ms. Angie C. Flanagan Ms. Jessica Cecil and Mr. Mark Crawford Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Smythe, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Cantey Ms. Rebecca M. Floor Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Christian South Carolina Conservation Credit Exchange Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Carling Rev. Rodney Foster and Rev. Jody Foster Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Clarke Ms. Heather Spires Mr. James R. Carlson Mr. and Mrs. John F. Green Dr. and Mrs. Brian G. Cuddy Ms. Judith C. Sterrett Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Carney Bill and Eleanor Hare Mr. Tucker Fisher Dana Ms. Patricia Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert E. Caroff Mrs. Eaddy W. Hayes Mr. and Mrs. Emmett I. Davis, Jr. Dr. Robert E. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Carothers Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Helms Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dias Mr. and Mrs. James L. Telfer Drs. John and Ruth Carter Ms. Eva Horry Dr. Nick Elksnin and Dr. Linda Elksnin Mr. John M. P. Thatcher, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chandler Katy and Dan Huger Drs. Douglas and Diane Ervin Drs. Christine and C. Murry Thompson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Chmelik Kiawah Island Golf Resort Dr. and Mrs. F. Strait Fairey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. F. David Trickey Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Clare Mr. Chris Kouri Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Fink Dan and Cindy Tufford Mr. and Mrs. David Clark Mr. and Mrs. Langdon D. Long Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford Dr. Robert Van Dolah Mr. Malcolm L. Clay Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lybecker Dr. Sandra L. Fowler Billy Want and Sharon Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cohen Capt. and Mrs. William L. Miles Mrs. Eric G. Friberg Mr. and Mrs. Kurt O. Wassen Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Collister Dr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Notz Mr. and Mrs. W. Foster Gaillard Waste Management Employees' Better Ms. Sallie J. Connah Mrs. Pamela Oliver Dr. Sidney Gauthreaux and Ms. Carroll Belser Government Fund Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conroy Mrs. Eleanor H. Parker Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. John Waters Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Cotter, Jr. Mrs. Charles D. Ravenel Dr. Juliet Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Westbrook Mr. and Mrs. William M. Coughlin Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Sheldon Mr. Vincent G. Graham Mr. Joseph F. Whetstone Mr. John C. Creed Dr. Daniel Silver Ms. Joy D. Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wilfong Mrs. Carol R. Cutsinger Dr. Robert E. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker Ms. Carolee Williams and Mr. Douglas James Dr. John Mark Dean Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Westbrook Ms. Amy Horwitz and Mr. Norm Shea Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Howe Dr. Louis D. Wright, Jr. Dr. Gordon Dehler and Dr. Martha Ann Welsh Mr. L. Milton Hughes Ms. Wendy Zara Ms. June N. Derrick ADVOCATE ($250 - $499) Ms. Susan G. Dickson Anonymous (2) Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter Hundley Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Zolman Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dodds Mr. William Achurch Stephanie and Noel Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. H. Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hydon CONTRIBUTOR ($100 - $249) Mr. Paul Donnelly Mr. Winthrop Allen Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Jennings Anonymous (6) Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Dorn, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff Dr. Joseph M. Jenrette III Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Abrams Mr. and Mrs. Anton DuMars Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Avinger, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Tapley O. Johnson, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Allen Mr. D. Reid Ellis Drs. David and Becky Baird Mrs. Lisa Jones-Turansky Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Allen Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Everett Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Balbach Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jordan Mr. and Mrs. William Byrn Alsup III Ms. Phyllis W. Ewing The Rev. and Mrs. C. Alex Barron, Jr. Mr. Glenn Keyes Mr. and Mrs. David W. Ames Ms. Carol H. Fishman Edward and Adelaida Bennett Mrs. Louise O. Kohlheim Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Anderson Rev. Rodney Foster and Rev. Jody Foster Mr. Joseph P. Bennett Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinton Anderson Mr. Richard W. Foxen Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. Bentley Mr. and Mrs. John Kwist Dr. and Mrs. Louis M. Andria Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Foy Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bergan Jonathan Lamb Mr. William E. Applegate IV Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Fraser III Mr. Rhett S. Bickley Mr. Terrence C. Larimer Mr. and Mrs. John R. Arwood Ms. Mary Edna Fraser and Dr. John Sperry Ms. Donna Billings and Mr. Dennis White Mr. Merrill D. Lester Mr. Frank H. Avent Mr. William Frech Dr. Nadia Blanchet and Dr. Kent Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Jon P. Liles Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bainbridge Col. Royce W. Fudge, Jr. Mr. J. Sidney Boone, Jr. Mr. Jack Limehouse Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Baird Mr. R.J. Luxmoore and Ms. Annetta Watson Mr. and Mrs. Archie E. Baker Dr. Christine Gerber and Mr. Randy Gerber Timothy J. Lyons, M.D. Dr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Baldwin, Jr. Ms. Emily T. Gibbons Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mark Mrs. Mary L. Ballou Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Gimarc Ms. Karen E. McCormick, Esq. Mr. Rodney Barlow and Dr. Patricia Fithian Drs. Donald and April Gordon Pat F. and Suzanne C. McGarity Mrs. Tracy Barrett Mr. Scott Gordon Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller Dr. R. Randy Basinger Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grady, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Moore Mr. and Mrs. William D. Baughman Dr. Timothy K. Gray Mr. and Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty III Vickie O. Baumann Mr. and Mrs. L. Marion Gressette III Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Myers Caroline V. Beeland and John M. Moore Mr. and Mrs. J. Penn Griffen Ms. Sis Nunnally Mr. Herbert Berlinsky Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Griffith, Jr. Dr. William F. O'Dell Mr. Charles J. Bethea Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hadley Dr. Patrick M. O'Neil Dr. and Mrs. J. Hartley Bowen III Mrs. Carmela S. Haklisch Dr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Ogle Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Bullard Bill and Eleanor Hare Ms. Hadley A. Owen Ms. Brenda Burbage Ms. Sandy Harjes Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pennebaker Carleton and Mary Ann Burtt Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Harrigan V. Adm. Douglas C. Plate Ms. Barbara H. Burwell Mrs. V. M. Haselden Mr. Norris Preyer and Dr. Lucy Preyer Mr. and Mrs. McBee Butcher Lewis and Kim Hay Mr. and Mrs. Ward Pritchett Ms. Paula W. Byers Mr. and Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

24 Thank You!

NEW AND RENEWING MEMBERSHIPS October 16, 2008 – January 31, 2009 Mr. and Mrs. Knox L. Haynsworth, Jr. Ms. Sis Nunnally Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Von Ende David and Sandy Cowen Mrs. Forrest Hedden Ms. Rebecca O'Brien Ms. May Wahab Ms. Betsie Danner and Mr. Vincent Brennan Mr. and Mrs. Bennett L. Helms The Outdoor Shoppe Mr. Claude M. Walker Miss Kathy Davis Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Helms Mr. Michael Overbeck Mr. and Mrs. David C. Walker Mr. and Mrs. William M. Davis Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Hines Mr. and Mrs. Bryan A. Pack Mr. and Mrs. William H. Wallace, Jr. Mr. Fowler Del Porto Mr. and Mrs. David G. Hodges Mrs. Eleanor H. Parker Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Walle Mrs. Renee Dickinson Mr. and Mrs. James H. Holcombe Joseph N. and Joy B. Pinson Mrs. Jane O. Waring Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Dieter Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Holleman III Dr. and Mrs. T. Carroll Player, Jr. Mr. Jack V. Webb Mrs. Barbara J. Doyle Mr. Jonathan Holmes Ms. Susan Priester Mrs. Mary Jo Whitley Drayton Hall Mr. John R. Hope Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pringle Mr. Everett Wilcox and Ms. Jan Pomerantz Ms. S. Kimble Duckworth Mr. and Mrs. Ozey K. Horton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. William H. Prioleau, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. G. James Wilds III Mr. Henry Dunbar and Mrs. Katherine Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Howard Mr. James M. Prutting Ms. Jennie Williamson Dunbar Mr. Richard A. Hricik, P.A. Mr. John L. Quigley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson Mr. Harley T. Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Hucks Mr. John Ramsburgh Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Eggerding Katy and Dan Huger Ms. Cheryl Randall Mr. W. Chisolm Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David J. Elliott Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huguenin Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Ravenel Dr. and Mrs. John W. Wilson, Jr. Ms. Linda Fantuzzo and Mr. H. Edward Mr. Robert Hunter and Ms. Doris Garrett Ms. Suzanne C. Ravenel Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wingard Warmuth Leroy Phillips Hutchinson and Julia L. Mr. John W. Ray Capt. and Mrs. Richard T. Wright Mr. and Mrs. John L. Faucette Eichelberger Mr. and Mrs. I. Mayo Read, Jr. Mr. David Wyanski Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Ferguson Mrs. Vera C. Hyman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rensberry Mr. and Mrs. Douglas G. Young Mr. and Mrs. Helmut H. Fiedler Mr. H. W. Igleheart Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Reves Mr. Simpson J. Zimmerman, Jr. Mr. William Fishburne Ms. Anne F. Jennings via Network for Good Mr. and Mrs. David Rice Mr. and Mrs. Edmund J. Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. James S. Johnson, Jr. Mr. Frederick W. Riesen, Jr. Mr. Robert D. Fray Mr. J. Edward Joye Ms. Beverly Rivers Mr. Curt L. Fuhrmann Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jung Mr. and Mrs. Claron A. Robertson III Mr. and Mrs. Robert O. Gamble Dr. George T. Keller III Ms. Catherine G. Rogers Dr. and Mrs. Robert Gantt Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Randy R. Romberger Mr. Edwin Gardner and Ms. Whitney Mr. Paul Keyserling Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Rone Powers Dr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Kirkland, Jr. Mr. William E. Roschen Mr. Michael Gardner Mr. Ed Kozek The Roschen Foundation, Inc. Mr. David Garr and Ms. Deborah Dr. and Mrs. Andrew S. Kraft Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Rougier-Chapman Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Hobart W. Kraner Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Sanders, III Ms. Grace L. Gasper Ms. Julia Krebs and Mr. Roger Hux Mr. David Savitz and Mrs. Virginia Wallace Tom and Sally Gillespie Ms. Nancy M. Kreml Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sawyer Mr. and Mrs. James Girardo Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Kreutzer Ms. Elizabeth W. Settle SUPPORTER ($50 - $99) Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Goldstein Dr. and Mrs. Seth P. Kupferman Ms. Pamela B. Shucker Anonymous (1) Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Gowe Mr. and Mrs. Will H. Lacey III Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Sifford, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ackerman Dr. and Mrs. John W. Gray III Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln F. Ladd Mr. and Mrs. James Silvers, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis R. Amis Mr. and Mrs. John M. Grego Dr. I. Grier Linton, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Simmons Dr. and Mrs. K. Eric Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grochowski Ms. Meg MacLeod Mr. and Mrs. David Simon Dr. and Mrs. William D. Anderson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alan R. Gurd Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Madoff Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Sims Pamela and Glenn Ashley Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gwyn Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Malley Mr. Philip Sine Ms. Mary M. Ball Mr. Barry L. Hainer Andrea Malloy Harriet Smartt Dr. Lisa K. Barclay Mr. and Mrs. J. William Haltiwanger Sophia C. McAllister Mr. David R. Smith Dr. Scott D. Barton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Hansen, Jr. Mr. Charles L. McCallum Margaret van Bulck Smith The Beaufort Garden Club Mr. and Mrs. William R. Harms Mr. James O. McClellan III Col. and Mrs. Norm Smith Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Becker Dr. and Mrs. T. F. Hassell Mr. and Mrs. Van McCollum Mr. and Mrs. Park B. Smith, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hay, Jr. Ms. Eileen Mary McGuffie Starr and Phil Snead Dr. and Ms. Dennis O. Bernard Mr. and Mrs. Marc Hehn Mr. Robert A. McKenzie Ms. Robin Solomon Mr. E. Dean Berry Mr. and Mrs. Eric C. Helfers Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillen III Dr. and Mrs. Frank Spinale Dr. and Mrs. Charles K. Biernbaum Mr. and Mrs. William C. Helms III Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. McPherson Dr. Timothy Spira and Dr. Lisa Wagner Mr. Ron L. Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Hewitt Mrs. Mary O. Merrick Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Stanley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John S. Bracken Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Hill Rep. James H. Merrill Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stanton Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Braxton Ms. Olivia Britton Holding Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meyers Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Steele Mrs. Elizabeth Brockinton Mr. and Mrs. Guy R. Hollister Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Michaud Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Stoney, Jr. Ms. Margaret F. Brooks Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Hunt Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Middleton III Mr. and Mrs. Dave Stormer Ms. Gail Brownlee Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Hutson Mr. John D. Miller Bertin Stuckart Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Brownlee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Jaycocks, Jr. Angela and Howard Misthal Mr. Frank Tarantino Mr. and Mrs. Henry S. Burkhardt Ms. Jo Jeffers Mr. Warren Moise Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Ten Eyck Mr. and Mrs. Alan Burrell Mr. David C. John Ms. Mae T. Moore Dr. and Mrs. David J. Tennenbaum Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter Ms. Judith D. Johnson Mr. Tom C. Moore Louis and Jane Theiling Mr. Mike Cataldo Mark and Frances Jones Mr. and Mrs. William M. Morrison, Jr. Ms. Barbara Thomas Mr. Ronald H. Charron Mr. and Mrs. Edward Keller Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Morton Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Thornton Angela M. Chvarak Mr. James O. Kempson Mrs. Carole Moss Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry Timmons Mr. and Mrs. Hunter L. Clarkson Mr. Thomas H. Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Jack Muench Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Tisdale, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence R. Coleman Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Killin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tisdale Dr. D. Edward Collins, D.M.D. Mr. J. Mike King Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Muscari The UBS Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Peter Conway Mr. Kristopher King Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Nolan Joan and Martin Ustin Mrs. Drucilla C. Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kohler

Ms. Susan B. Norton Mr. and Mrs. John L. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Coward Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. Ladd Marks Honor paintings by

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

2519 Thank You!

Dr. and Mrs. Pearon G. Lang Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Schwiers Ms. Pamela J. Edwards Mrs. Ginny Waggener Ms. Deynise Lau and Mr. Jerry Griggs Mr. and Mrs. Harry Scott Mr. James B. Ellis Ms. Susan E. Waites Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Leard Vic Sessions Ms. Judith A. Ellis Dr. Bruce Waldman Mrs. Angela E. Lee Mrs. Phyllis F. Shaffer Dr. Frances L. Elmore Mrs. Laurie Waldrop Mrs. Clarence W. Legerton Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer Mr. Frederick N. Ferguson Ms. Kelle Welch Ms. Margaret E. Lewis The Honorable and Mrs. Vincent A. Sheheen Mr. Frank E. Gibson III Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Wilch Mr. and Mrs. Robert Long Ann and Jim Sidford Mr. and Mrs. Mike Giese Ms. Carol D. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Lustig Ms. Elizabeth Siegrist Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Gift Dr. David Wishart and Dr. Josephine Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mamunes Ms. Sara Lee Simons Mr. and Mrs. Jay S. Goodman Mr. and Mrs. Chris Wood Ms. Jean E. Manning Mr. Uldis K. Sipols Mrs. Becky Hamler Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Wyndham Mrs. Robert T Matthew Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Mercy Mr. Matt Hammond Mr. Shemuel Ben Yisrael Mr. and Mrs. Dennis D. Maxwell Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith III Cmdr. Susan H. Hancock Mrs. Noel C. Young Mr. and Mrs. David B. McCormack Mr. and Mrs. John Gettys Smith Mr. Gerald Haram and Ms. Barbara Gould Mr. James McKenna Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth, Jr. Ms. Claire C. Harrell STUDENT ($15 - $29) Mr. and Mrs. David J. McLean Mr. D. Paul Sommerville Mr. and Mrs. John N. Harrison Anonymous (3) Mr. and Mrs. Tim McQuinn Mrs. Joye King Steele Dr. and Mrs. Harlan G. Hawkins Ms. Peggy L. Andretz Ms. Dolores J. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Stein Mr. Daniel E. Heagerty Mr. Earle Bensing Mr. and Mrs. John P. Miller Mrs. Edward R. Stell Mr. J. B. Hines III Ms. Karen A. Bostian Mrs. Dorothy Minotti Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stuckey Ms. Julie Hollings-Bower Mr. Jim Brown and Ms. Penny Lee Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Moore III Mr. Thomas Stuckey Mr. Charles Holmes Mrs. Alice N. Burress Laura E. Moses Col. and Mrs. Paul J. Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Henry M. Knight Mr. John F. Chilton IV Eisuke and Daryll Murono Mr. and Mrs. Alfredo Temelini Mr. Michael Kohl and Dr. Jane McLamarrah Dr. Norman J. Cowen Susan and Kelly Murphy Mr. Thad Timmons Dr. and Mrs. John F. Kososki Ms. Marianne C. Daleske Dr. and Mrs. James T. Myers The Rev. Dr. George J. Tompkins III Ms. Carol A. Krebs Mr. Daniel H. Daniels Mr. and Mrs. William H. Naylor Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy Ms. Georgana L. Lackey Ms. Francine M. Dionne Drs. James and Noreen Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trussler Dr. Norman Lassiter Mr. Calvin H. East Mr. Thomas S. Nesmith, Jr. Mr. Peter Veneto Mr. Malcolm Leaphart Mr. William L. Edwards Mr. Robert F. Neville Ms. Virginia E. Wagner Ms. Caroline W. Lee Ms. Mary Fetscher Dr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Notz Mrs. Nannie Von Stade Ward Mrs. Emily V. Lee Mr. David Finger Mr. and Mrs. Robert Oeters Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Watson, Jr. Jane B. Locke Mr. and Mrs. George Galos Mr. and Mrs. D. Henry Ohlandt Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Watson Mr. Matthew Lockhart Ms. Cheryl L. Garnant Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ouzts Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wehman, Jr. Ms. Patricia O. Lowry Mr. Charles F. Gibson, Jr. Mr. Kenneth M. Padgett Ms. Jenny Wiedower Ms. Cheryl A. Marlowe Ms. Leona B. Hall Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholas Papadea Doris C. Williams Ms. Mary-Catherine Martin Dr. David C. Henshaw Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parker III Mr. Paul Wojoski Mr. and Mrs. Lee McBride Dr. and Mrs. Dwight J. Hotchkiss, Jr. Ms. Patricia Wolman Mrs. Janet K. McCabe Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hughey Mr. and Mrs. Frederick M. Zinser, Jr. Ms. Charlotte M. McCreary Ms. Kristen Kelley Col. and Mrs. Thomas G. McCunniff Dr. and Mrs. James B. Key REGULAR ($30 - $49) Mr. and Mrs. George E. McMackin Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Leahy Anonymous (2) Mrs. Frances W. McSween Mrs. Thomas J. Leichner, Jr. MD Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ackerman Ms. Nancy Meyer Ms. M. Angelica Lopes Mr. Ted Allen Rev. Dr. and Mrs. David S. Moorefield Miss Brandy Lytle Mr. Alexander Alperin Dr. Maxwell R. Mowry Mrs. Deborah J. Merriam Ms. Renate Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Todd Murray Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Morrow Dr. David M. Andrews Mr. Gerald W. Musselman Ms. Roberta Murchison Ms. Cynthia Aulbach Smith Dr. and Mrs. Eric D. Myers Ms. Nancy D. Myers Mr. and Mrs. Donald Backer Mr. Karl F. Ohlandt Mr. and Mrs. Tally Nesmith Mr. Matthew H. Bassett Ms. Jean Pendleton Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pagnotta Mr. and Mrs. James D. Bell Mr. Anthony L. Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Harmon B. Person Mr. and Mrs. Ronald H. Benner Mrs. Anna G. Pinckney Ms. Margaret A. Phillips Dana Beach Dana Dr. Nancy L. Bickford-Jordan Mr. and Mrs. E. Raymond Plourde Mr. Joe Pressley, Jr. Mrs. Myrtle Brown Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rahn Ms. Jeanne B. Robinson Mr. Hayes H. Patterson, Jr. Frank and Peggy Brown Mr. Herb Rothschild Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ross Mr. D. Lindsay Pettus Mr. Dale D. Burke Ms. Judith L. Sawyer Dr. Peter L. Silveston Ms. Anne B. Powell Mr. Henry C. Byrd Ms. Alice Scheld Mr. and Mrs. Ted Skinner Rev. Harold B. Prince Mrs. Ann R. Chandler Mr. and Mrs. John A. Schweikart Bruce and Katina Strauch Dr. Carroll A. Quinn Mrs. Margaret N. Chandler J. Peyre and Clare Scurry Mrs. Faye Stuckey Mrs. Marguerite W. Rathbun Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan III Mrs. Sandra L. Rearden Mrs. Elizabeth A. Cochrane Mr. and Mrs. John E. Settele Ms. Tara Tyberg Mr. and Mrs. William R. Richardson Mr. George W. Cone Mr. and Mrs. Norm C. Sharp Mr. John A. Urquhart, Sr. Ms. Terry Ann Rickson Ms. Marjorie H. Conner Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Skidmore Mr. Harold S. Vincent Ms. Margaret Ridge Ms. Mary Ruth Craven Ms. Betty M. Smith Ms. Karla A. Voigt Ms. Dorothy G. Riesmeyer Mr. and Mrs. James M. Cubie Mr. James F. Snyder Dr. and Mrs. Usama Yacob Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Curtis Dr. Faye B. Steuer Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rutkowski Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Demos Col. and Mrs. Charles W. Stockell Capt. Edward K. Sanders Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H. Dennis Mr. Donald M. Taylor Mr. George W. Sanford Mr. Steven C. Diesing Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Toole Mr. and Mrs. Chester E. Sansbury Mr. and Mrs. Clemens Dietze Mr. James L. Townsend, Jr. Mrs. Louise Sawyer Dr. Adolphus W. Dunn Mr. William V. Turner

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

26 Thank You!

GIFTS OF MEMBERSHIP IN KIND DONATIONS Ms. Meredith Babb for Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Scott Homecoming Committee Ms. Elizabeth Barrett for the Hawthorne Family Edwin Cooper Ms. Tina Berger for Mr. Tyler Crockett Harriott H. Faucette Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Braxton for Mr. Vaughn G. Braxton Mardie Faucette Mr. Richard Dayrit for Mr. Jon Strother Ben Moise Ms. Grace L. Gasper for Mr. John Lynch Nikki Seibert, Sea Island Habitat for Humanity Ms. Grace L. Gasper for Mrs. Joan Patterson Ms. Grace L. Gasper for Mr. and Mrs. John Wall MATCHING GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Geer for Mr. Charlie Geer GE Foundation Mr. Robert Hawk for Mrs. Anne LeClercq GlaxoSmithKline Foundation Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huguenin for Ms. Martha Black The Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Mr. J. Mike King for Mr. and Mrs. Joey Cook The Freddie Mac Foundation Mrs. Lynn Maloney-Mujica for Tad and Debbie Daniels The Pew Charitable Trusts Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthew for Dr. Kathryn Matthew Stevens The Williams Companies, Inc. Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Sims for Ms. Meredith Sims Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Sims for Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Truluck COMMUNITY FOUNDATIONS Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity for Mr. and Mrs. Will Verity Central Carolina Community Foundation Mr. W. Chisolm Wilson for Dr. William Wilson Central Carolina Community Foundation Scott Key Powell Scott Key Dr. and Mrs. Richard M. Lawson Escrow Fund

HONOR/MEMORIALS In Memory of Mr. Reese I. Joye Coastal Community Foundation In Memory of Mrs. Patti Armstrong Mr. Thomas Foster and Ms. Celeste Joye Amanda’s Fund Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Allen In Honor of Dr. Kenneth S. Kammer William M. Bird & Co., Inc. Endowment Anonymous donor via Network for Good Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence B. Bennett Colbert Family Fund Mrs. Jan Cheslak In Memory of Mrs. Betty Jane Kauzor Burney Fair Endowment Fund Dr. Charles E. Friedman Nancy and Billy Cave Mr. and Mrs. Milbrey N. Gnann, Jr. Houghton Fund Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greenberger In Celebration of Ms. Nora Kravec The Ketner Fund Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hahn Harriet Smartt Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine Endowment Ms. Pat Harvey-Palmer Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Hewitt In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meier The Millbrook Fund Mr. and Mrs. Milton Parker III Anderson Interiors, Inc. Joanne and Alan Moses Fund Ms. Barbara Stanley Owen/McClinton Family Fund In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mistler In Appreciation of Dana Beach Mr. and Mrs. T. Ladson Webb, Jr. Fred E. Pittman Fund Wellesley College Class of 1956 Joan Coulter Pittman Fund In Memory of Mr. B.H. Rutledge Moore Pomerantz-Wilcox Family Fund In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Bonyun III Mr. and Mrs. T. Ladson Webb, Jr. Anderson Interiors, Inc. I. Mayo and Posey Myers Read Fund In Memory of Mr. Alexander Moore SC Green Fund In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joel Campbell Mrs. Alexander Moore Mr. John Best In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Morrison Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. In Honor of Mr. T. Heyward Carter III Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer Jay and Jennifer Mills Fund Mr. James J. Bailey, Jr. In Honor of Mrs. Ann Percival In Memory of Barrier Carol Cave Anderson Interiors, Inc. Community Foundation of Greenville, Inc. Nancy and Billy Cave Jim Gilreath Family Fund In Memory of Mrs. Elizabeth E. Phillips In Honor of Nancy Cave Mr. Jonathan G. Gibson Knox and Priscilla Haynsworth Mr. Thomas S. Nesmith, Jr. Mr. John C. Phillips Mr. Thomas Stuckey Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, Inc. In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Pinderski In Memory of Mr. William H. Chandler Ms. Ann Steyert Berry and Ruthie Edwards Giving Back Fund Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Sims Martha C. Worthy Charitable Fund In Honor of the Porter-Gaud School English Department In Honor of Della Coulter Mrs. Maureen Daily Ms. Ann Patterson The Community Foundation of Western North Carolina In Memory of Mr. David Sabo Alexander and Laurinda Schenck Fund In Honor of Mr. Charlie Geer Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Barclay Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer In Honor of Mrs. B. Stewart Foundation for the Carolinas In Honor of Ms. Julia Hall Ms. Lauren Stewart Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr. Ms. Laura Hall In Memory of Mr. Robert E. Swanson In Honor of Mr. Roland T. Harper, Jr. Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell The New York Community Trust Mrs. Frances W. McSween The Barns Fund In Memory of Mrs. Suzanne Thoms In Memory of Mr. Clement F. Haynsworth III Mr. William N. Salin The Bohemia Fund Mr. and Mrs. Knox L. Haynsworth, Jr. Feldman Family Fund In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Warren III The John Winthrop Fund In Honor of Dr. Paul Herring and Dr. Noreen Herring Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer Anderson Interiors, Inc. Pasadena Community Foundation In Honor of Mr. T. Cooper James Gay S. Huffman Fund Mr. and Mrs. George E. Simmons The Pittsburgh Foundation Printed on New Leaf Reincarnation • 50% Recycled, 30% Post-Consumer Waste FSC • Processed Chlorine Free • Manufactured with electricity that is offset with F.E. Agnew Family Fund logo Green-e® certified renewable energy certificates • Ancient Forest Friendly • Inks are formulated with more than 20% renewable soy and vegetable oils.

c o a s t a l c o ns e r v a t i o n l e a g u e

2719 Calling All Photographers! P.O. Box 1765 Charleston, SC 29402-1765

ll South Carolina For more information about the Coastal photographers are invited Conservation League, check out our Web site Ato submit their work to the 2009 Vanishing Landscapes Juried at www.CoastalConservationLeague.org Photography Exhibition, sponsored by the Coastal Conservation League. The exhibit will celebrate the League’s 20th Anniversary with shows in Beaufort, Charleston, Columbia and Georgetown. The exhibition jurors will be Tom Blagden, Jr. and John Moore. Tom is one of only 80 select Fellows in the prestigious International League of Conservation Photographers and has published numerous works of photography. John’s exquisite work is featured on the cover of this newsletter issue and his bio appears below under Cover Artist. Please visit our Web site at CoastalConservationLeague.org Celebrating The mission of the Coastal Conservation League is to protect the for further information about natural environment of the South Carolina coastal plain and to enhance submission criteria and deadlines. 20 the quality of life of our communities by working with individuals, businesses Years and government to ensure balanced solutions.

Signs of Spring Cover Artist: Charlestonian John Moore is a structural engineer by profession, but photography has been his serious avocation and passion for more than 30 years. His photographs have appeared in many juried exhibitions, including several “Southern Visions” exhibits at The Museum of York County and numerous Piccolo Spoleto shows. In 1987 and 1997, John had solo exhibits at The City Gallery of Charleston. photos by Dana Beach He is represented by the Corrigan Gallery of Charleston.