European Data Summit competition matters

October 23rd–25th, 2019 The Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation, Berlin European Data Summit Day I October 23rd, 5.30pm–10.00pm

5.30pm – Registration, Coffee & Croissant 8.00pm–8.15pm – Break

6.00pm – Welcome Address When Data Affects Industrial Policy – Do We Need To Rethink Merger Control? Christian Hirte Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 6.15pm – Opening Keynote Damien Geradin Furman Report: Professor/Partner, EUCLID Her Majesty’s New Digital Antitrust Law A New Competition Framework for Europa? Giulio Federico Philip Marsden Head of Unit at DG Competition (Chief Deputy Chairman, Bank of England, Co-chair, Economist Team), European Commissionn UK Competition Network Case Decisions Group Member, OFGEM Enforcement Decisions Panel, Editor, European Competition Journal, Professor Martin Peitz Director of the Mannheim Centre for of , College of Europe Competition and Innovation - MaCCI 6.30pm–08.00pm – Panel I Platform Monopolies – A Clear Approach On Data In The EU Competition And Industry Framework? Philip Marsden Deputy Chairman, Bank of England/UK Digital Competition Panel, Professor of Law and Economics, College of Europe

Thorsten Käseberg Moderation Head of Unit for Competition and Consumer Policy Rebekka Weiß in the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs BITKOM and Energy

Lina Khan Yale Law School (Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox) / U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial and

Moderation Pencho Kuzev Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation

#EUdatasummit European Data Summit Day II October 24th, 9.00am–6.00pm

Welcome Address 11.15am–12.30pm – Panel II Ronja Kemmer When Privacy Affects Industrial Policy CDU/CSU, Committee on the Digital Agenda

09.00am–10.30am – Panel I Eline Chivot Outdated Antitrust Control? – Center for Data Innovation, Brussels The EU’s Response To Leverage Of Market Power And Exclusionary Abuses Marco-Alexander Breit tbc, Miguel de la Mano Head of department / Artificial Intelligence Vice President in Compass Federal Ministry of Economy Lexecon‘s Brussels office Christiane Woopen Natalie Harsdorf Co-speaker of the Data Ethics Commission Deputy Managing Director Austrian Executive Director of ceres, University of Cologne Federal Competition Authority

Pinar Akman Susanne Dehmel Professor University of Leeds BITKOM, Member of Executive Board

Lina Khan Yale Law School (Amazon’s Antitrust Paradox) / 2.00pm–3.30pm – Panel III U.S. House of Representatives, Subcommittee on Data Mobility Beyond Data Portability: MyData & Data Antitrust, Commercial and Administrative Law Trusts – Better Alternatives To Mandatory Data Sharing?

Silke Hossenfelder Malte Beyer-Katzenberger Head of General Division European Commission, DG CONNECT, German Federal Cartel Office Unit G3 – Data Value Chain

Viivi Lähteenoja Deputy General Manager MyData Global

Oliver Bethell Google / Director Competition 11.00am – Keynote Data isn't the new oil, it's the new CO2 Peter Wells Martin Tisné (tbc) The Open Data Institute, London Managing Director, Luminate Moderation Lina Rusch „Background Digitalisierung & KI“ @ Der Tagesspiegel, Brussels

04.00pm-06.00pm Meetup MyData Moderation: Walter Palmetshofer

#EUdatasummit European Data Summit Day III October 25th, 08.00am–03.30pm

8.00am–12.00pm – Workshop 02.00pm–03.30pm – Session 2 Zweites Open-Data-Gesetz und die Umsetzung Digital maturity level: der Open Data PSI-Richtlinie in Deutschland where is the German health care system? Vorstellung Gutachten Prof. Dr. Andreas Wiebe How to measure the degree of digital maturity of individual providers and sectors in the German health- care system; and how to establish an objective way of EUROPEAN DATA SUMMIT – eHealth Sessions comparing health infrastructure and performance at regional, national and international level? 12.00am–01.45pm – Session 1 Ein Datenspendegesetz – Sebastian Krolop Unüberbrückbare DSGVO-Hürden? Chief Operating & Strategy Officer, HIMSS

Keynote Henning Schneider Jens Spahn tbc CIO, Asklepios Bundesgesundheitsminister Dr. Afzal Chaudhry Paneldiskussion Chief Medical Information Officer (CMIO), Cambridge Tino Sorge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CUH) MdB Dr. Gottfried Ludewig Prof. Dr. Dieter Kugelmann Ministry of Health, Vorsitzdender der Datenschutzkonferenz

Chris Berger bvitg

Working Language: German

#EUdatasummit Impressum

Veranstaltungsort The Academy of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation Tiergartenstraße 35 10785 Berlin

Tagungsleitung Pencho Kuzev

Organisation Pencho Kuzev Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. Politics and Consulting Klingelhöferstraße 23 10785 Berlin T +49 30 / 26 996-3247 [email protected]

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