Articles Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Rhenium Cluster Complexes and Its Relevance to the Prospect of Corresponding Technetium Chemistry

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Articles Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Rhenium Cluster Complexes and Its Relevance to the Prospect of Corresponding Technetium Chemistry

Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 145-148, 2005 Articles Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Cluster Complexes and Its Relevance to the Prospect of Corresponding Chemistry

Yoichi Sasaki* Division of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060-0810, Japan

Received: July 31, 2005; In Final Form: September 30, 2005

Metal-metal bonded cluster complexes represent one of the important groups of compounds of group 7 elements, technetium and rhenium. While the chemistry of rhenium-rhenium bonded cluster complexes has developed extensively in these years, corresponding chemistry of technetium remains largely unrevealed. A general rule to classify the metal-metal bonded structural cores in terms of the number of d , is presented, and existing Re-Re bonded cluster complexes are summarized accordingly. Recent progress of hexarhenium cluster complexes has been introduced as a typical example. From these overviews on the Re-Re cluster complexes, it is suggested that the chemistry of Tc-Tc bonded cluster complexes is highly promising.

1. Introduction given first, and then the current status of the area of rhenium and technetium cluster complexes will be briefly surveyed. Technetium and rhenium belong to group 7 elements and their Then, as a typical example of the progress of rhenium cluster chemistry is expected to be similar to each other in many compounds, octahedral hexarhenium complexes will be respects.1−3 While the chemistry of rhenium coordination com- reviewed. From these brief summaries, I will try to show how pounds developed extensively in these years, corresponding the chemistry of technetium cluster complexes would be versa- chemistry of technetium still remains largely unrevealed due to tile and promising area. difficulty in handling of and in accessibility to this radioactive element. In order to discuss the prospect of still unrevealed tech- 2. Structures of Rhenium-Rhenium Bonded Cluster Complexes netium chemistry, it is very useful to survey current status of rhenium chemistry. Rhenium-rhenium bonded cluster complexes are known for the Rhenium that is located just below technetium in the periodic oxidation states from +2 to +6. Core structures of such cluster table, has the most versatile coordination chemistry among tran- complexes depend on the number of d electrons and therefore the sition elements. This is because rhenium, as a member of group oxidation states. Since each Re-Re bond is formed by the dona- 7 elements in the middle of transition metals in the table, shows tion of one d each from Re , the maximum number characteristics of both early and late complexes. of Re-Re bond formed by each Re depends on its d electron While rhenium tends to form direct metal-metal bond to give number. For a multiple bond, the number may be counted as its various cluster complexes, numerous stable monomeric com- ; for example, for the Re-Re quadruple bond, the num- plexes are also known.1−3 ber of Re-Re bonds is counted as four.11 For the multiply bonded Rhenium takes wide range of oxidation states from +1 to +7 dimers, one σ, one or two π, and one δ bonds are possible, energy under mild conditions. Various air stable complexes are known of the σ, π, and δ bonds decreasing in this order. in the oxidation states of +1, +3, +4, +5, and +7. Thus rhenium Figure 1 shows the core structures of some typical metal- takes the widest range of stable oxidation states among the metal bonded cluster complexes associated with d electron transition elements. For example, with a rather common tripo- numbers. Although the correlation in Figure 1 only provides a dal , tris(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (tpa), rhenium gives simplified view, it would help to summarize systematically stable complexes in all these oxidation states with the coopera- various types of metal-metal bonded cluster core structures. tion of appropriate co-. The typical tpa complexes are, For a series of metal-metal single bonded clusters, metal ions I 3 + 4 III + 5 IV 4+ 6 2 3 4 [Re (CO)3(κ -tpa)] , [Re Cl2(tpa)] , [Re 2(µ-O)2(tpa)2] , with d , d , and d electron numbers form the metal-metal V 3 + 7 VII 3 + 7 [Re O(OCH2CH2O)(κ -tpa)] , and [Re (O)3(κ -tpa)] . A bonded core structures with triangle, tetrahedral, and octahe- similar hexadentate polypyridyl-amine ligand, N,N,N’,N’-tet- dral shapes, respectively.11 Figure 2 shows the existing exam- rakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenedimanine (tpen) gives unusual seven-coordinate species, [ReIVO(tpen)]2+ and [ReVO(tpen)]3+.8 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 VII 9, 10 This ligand takes a unique tridentate mode with Re (O)3. These complexes are only limited examples showing the ver- MM MM MM MM MM satility of rhenium coordination compounds. Such structural M M versatility should be inherently found in technetium chemistry, M M M MM MM although the research is limited so far. M Here I will focus on metal-metal bonded cluster compounds, M because, while such compounds represent significant part of M M the rhenium chemistry, corresponding technetium compounds MM have not been paid much attention so far. A general idea of M summarizing the metal-metal bonded cluster complexes will be

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. Figure 1. Correlation between d-electron number and typical M-M FAX: +81-11-706-3447. bonded cluster core structures.

© 2005 The Japan Society of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences Published on Web 12/28/2005 146 J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci., Vol. 6, No. 3, 2005 Sasaki

2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Re(VI) d1 Re(V) d Re(IV) d Re(III) d Re(II) d Tc(VI) d Tc(V) d Tc(IV) d Tc(III) d Tc(II) d N N Cl Cl Cl Cl PR Cl O H O O N N Cl 3 Cl O O 2 O O N PR3 C N N N N Me Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Tc Me Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re Re O Cl N N N N Cl Cl Cl O Cl Me O O O Cl R3P Cl Cl Me N O N N Cl PR3 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl S Re Re S S Re Cl S Cl Cl Ph3P Re Cl Re Cl Re Cl S Re Ph3P Re PPh3 Re S Cl S Cl S S Re Figure 3. Correlation between d-electron number and the structure of some Tc-Tc bonded cluster complexes.

Figure 2. Correlation between d-electron number and the structure of some typical Re-Re bonded cluster complexes. ples of Re cluster complexes. It is seen that the general view of the basic structural cores is successfully applied to Re chemistry. For example, a trivalent Re ion has four d electrons and can form dimers with a quadruple bond, or octahedral hexarhenium clusters where each Re ion forms four Re-Re sin- gle bonds with four neighboring Re atoms. Other type of clus- ters like triangular trimers with three Re-Re double bonds is also known. Tetravalent Re with d3 electronic configuration may form Re-Re triple bonded dimer or tetrahedral tetramer Figure 4. Simplified MO characteristics of hexarhenium(III) core. with six Re-Re single bonds. It should be noted that the bond order of edge-shared dimers of a d3 metal is complicated as the and hexarhenium cluster chemistry, have not yet been studied order of δ and δ* orbitals are often in the reverse order (δ > extensively for technetium. δ*) depending on the interaction with the bridging ligands.6, 12 2 Pentavalent Re with d electonic configuration prefers to take 4. Some Recent Developments in Octahedral Rhenium Cluster monomeric oxo complexes, but Re-Re double bonded dimer is Complexes also known.13 Triangular trinulcear complex with two Re-Re single bonds is another choice of cluster structure. The Re-Re Among various Re cluster complexes, hexarhenium(III) single bonded dimer is the only structure for d1 Re(VI).14 An complexes have been studied most extensively in these years.17 example of the dimer given in Figure 2 adopted the extreme The complexes with an octahedral Re6(µ3-E)8 (E = S, Se, Te) 2− expression that assumes highly basic ligand CH2 coordinates core show various interesting properties which would likely be to Re(VI). The alternative way of considering observed for yet unexplored analogous hexatechnetium com- 4 between Re and CH2 is of course possible. plexes. The structure of the hexarhenium core is seen in the d For the metal ions with the number of d electrons larger part of Figure 2, in which six ligands oriented outward are than 4, dimers of reduced bond order may be formed, since called as terminal ones, and the eight µ3-ligands occupy cap- additional d electrons would occupy anti-bonding orbitals of ping sites. Since various characteristic properties of hexarhe- metal-metal bonds. nium complexes described herein are a reflection of the It should be noted that overall structure is completed by the electronic structure of the hexameric structural core, simpli- cooperation of appropriate ligands that stabilized the given fied views of the studies as illustrated in oxidation state. For the higher oxidation states, highly basic Figure 4 are considered first.20−23 Octa(calcogenido)hexarheni ligands such as O2− and N3− should be required. Chemistry of um(III) core is featured by strong bonding orbitals of the Re- tri-, tetra-, and hexanuclear calcogenido-bridged clusters with Re σ bond which are in deep bonding oribital level. The Re-Re single bonds have developed considerably in the last HOMO region is mainly composed of capping and terminal decate.15−17 Mixed valent cluster complexes are often found ligand filled orbitals. Orbitals in the LUMO region are mainly where the bond-order as summarized above have to be modi- composed of empty metal orbitals which are basically of π fied adequately. character with regard to the metal-metal bond. Therefore the hexarhenium core is considered as a poor π-donating and 3. Structures of Technetium-Technetium Bonded Cluster rather good π-accepting moiety. Complexes The hexarhenium(III) complexes may be regarded as a giant octahedron, by considering the Re6(µ3-E)8 core as a metal ion Figure 3 shows some technetium cluster complexes which and each terminal site (gray circles in the Figure) as a ligand are summarized based on the general scheme given in Figure of simple mononuclear metal complexes. By referring various 1. It is obvious that Tc-Tc bonded cluster chemistry is so far aspects of mononuclear metal complexes, some new dominated by only dimeric complexes. Thus, Tc-Tc dimers approaches to the hexarhenium cluster chemistry have been with single to quadruple bonds are known. The bond-order made. The hexarhenium core is extremely stable. The ligand depends on the number of d electrons. The hexavalent Tc substitution reactions of the terminal sites are very slow and forms Tc-Tc single bonded dimers that are stabilized by the require higher temperature (> 100 ˚C) to cause the substitution cooperation of highly negative nitride ligands (Tc ≡ N).18 So efficiently. Terminal sites can be substituted in a stepwise far, tri-, tetra- and hexamers with metal-metal single bonds are manner by various ligands such as halide ions, CN−, NCS−, 19 not very common for Tc. This is unlikely to be the reflection pyridyl ligands, phosphine ligands, CH3CH. DMSO, and so of intrinsic nature of technetium, but rather such compounds on. A series of the mixed terminal ligand complexes such as (4−n)− have not yet been the targets of extensive study. Namely, sul- [Re6(µ3-E)8(X)6-n(L)n] (L = P(C2H5)3, E = S, n = 2–6; E = fur bridged cluster complexes that characterize the tri-, tetra- Se, n = 3–6;24, 25 L = pyridine (py) and some pyridine deriva- Recent Progress in the Chemistry of Rhenium Cluster Complexes J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci., Vol. 6, No. 3, 2005 147 tives, E = S, n = 2–4)26, 27 were prepared. Geometrical isomers in the pairs of complexes in other groups such as Mo-W, Ru- were also isolated for the complexes with n = 2–4. By using a Os, and Rh-Ir, it is expected that a technetium complex would long chain chelating ligand (C6H5)2P(CH2)6P(C6H5)2 (dpph), show redox potentials more positive by ca. 0.5 V than its rhe- the formation of a novel giant chelate ring was found in a series nium analogue. Thus lower oxidation state is more stabilized in (2n−4)+ 28 of the complexes, [Re6(µ3-Se)8I6-2n(µ-dpph)n] (n = 2–4). technetium. Ligand substitution lability would be expected to A bulky porphyrin ligand 5-(4-pyridyl)-10,15,20-tritolylpor- be somewhat higher in Tc than corresponding Re compounds. phyrin can be successfully introduced into all of the six termi- In summary, rhenium cluster chemistry is now expanding nal sites of the hexarhenium(III) core.29 A kinetic study of significantly and its versatility and significance have increas- ligand exchange reactions of the mixed ligand system, cis- and ingly verified. There should be a wide variety of technetium 2− 5 trans-[Re6(µ3-S)8Cl4(py)2] , with py-d , showed selective sub- cluster chemistry to be explored, significantly contributing not stitution of py ligands but not Cl−.30 The results are in sharp only to basic transition metal chemistry, but also to wider contrast to some mononuclear complexes with dπ rich metal potential applications. Technetium cluster chemistry should ions like Co(III) where less basic Cl− should be the ligands that certainly be a highly promising area. are preferentially substituted. The poor π-donating and rather good π-accepting character of the hexarhenium(III) core References makes stronger coordination with Cl− as compared with py. The hexarhenium(III) clusters undergo one-electron oxida- (1) R. Alberto, Rhenium, Comprehensive Coordination tion to the Re6(III,III,III,III,III,IV) oxidation state where the Chemistry II, Vol 5, ed. J. A. McCleverty and T. J. Meyer, half-filled orbital is considered to be delocalized over the Elsevier, Oxford, 2004, p127. entire hexarhenium core. X-ray structural analyses of one- (2) U. Abram, Technetium, Comprehensive coordination electron oxidized species have revealed Jahn-Teller distortion chemistry II, Vol 5, ed. J. A. McCleverty and T. J. 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