CERTIFICATE IN CLINICAL ASSESSMENT A one-term CPD clinical training course This clinical training course in Clinical Assessment is normally available to counsellors, psychologists and analysts registered with BACP, UKCP, BPS, or BPC. Course Assessment is often the most challenging and intriguing function of therapeutic work. When undertaking an assessment the therapist needs to be able to evaluate models of mind; while simultaneously being aware of the patient’s risk and scope for therapeutic dialogue. The therapist will also be aware of the subtle conscious and unconscious communications of the patient whilst at the same time, assessing their availability to relating, and noting their needs and concerns during the assessment interview. In It is a complex and demanding task and currently there addition to this the therapist is attempting to make seems to be limited clinical training and writing in this contact with the most troubled aspects of the field when compared with other areas of therapeutic patient in the hope of being able to evaluate intervention. This psychoanalytic course has been potential, and the capacity to engage with and designed to fill this gap. It is aimed at therapists of all tolerate psychological change. modalities to enhance their therapeutic skills as assessors. To apply Application forms and further information from: Urvi Bhatt, Education Manager tel: 020 7419 8898 email:
[email protected] or on our website at http://www.thesap.org.uk/training-and-events/advanced-professional-development-courses/clinical-assessment-