HanSEL: Italian Hate Speech detection through Ensemble Learning and Deep Neural Networks

Marco Polignano Pierpaolo Basile University of Bari Aldo Moro University of Bari Aldo Moro Dept. Science Dept. Computer Science via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy via E. Orabona 4, 70125 Bari, Italy [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract maggioranza: Support Vector Machine (Hearst et al., 1998) (SVM con kernel English. The detection of hate speeches, RBF), (Breiman, 2001), over social media and online forums, is Deep Multilayer (Kolmogorov, a relevant task for the research area of 1992) (MLP). Ogni classificatore e` stato natural language processing. This interest configurato utilizzando una strategia is motivated by the complexity of the task greedy di ottimizzazione degli iper- and the social impact of its use in real parametri considerando il valore di scenarios. The task solution proposed in ”F1” calcolato su una suddivisione this work is based on an ensemble of three casuale in 5-fold del set di training. classification strategies, mediated by a Ogni frase e` stata pre-elaborata affinche` majority vote algorithm: Support Vector fosse trasformarta in formato word em- Machine (Hearst et al., 1998) (SVM with beddings e TF-IDF. I risultati ottenuti RBF kernel), Random Forest (Breiman, tramite cross-validation sul training set 2001), Deep (Kol- hanno mostrato un valore F1 pari a mogorov, 1992) (MLP). Each classifier 0.8034 per le frasi estratte da Facebook has been tuned using a greedy strategy of e 0.7102 per quelle di Twitter. Il codice hyper-parameters optimization over the sorgente del sistema proposto puo` essere ”F1” score calculated on a 5-fold random scaricato tramite GitHub: https: subdivision of the training set. Each sen- //github.com/marcopoli/ tence has been pre-processed to transform haspeede_hate_detect it into word embeddings and TF-IDF bag of words. The results obtained on the cross-validation over the training sets have 1 Introduction and background shown an F1 value of 0.8034 for Facebook sentences and 0.7102 for Twitter. The In the current digital era, characterized by the large code of the system proposed can be use of the Internet, it is common to interact with downloaded from GitHub: https: others through chats, forums, and social networks. //github.com/marcopoli/ Common is also to express opinions on public haspeede_hate_detect pages and online squares. These places of discus- sion are frequently transformed into ”fight clubs” Italiano. L’individuazione di discorsi where people use insults and strong words in or- di incitamento all’odio sui social media der to support their ideas. The unknown identity e sui forum on-line e` una sfida rile- of the writer is used as an excuse to fell free of vante per l’area di ricerca riguardante consequences derived by attacking people only for l’elaborazione del linguaggio naturale. their gender, race or sexual inclinations. A gen- Tale interesse e` motivato della complessita` eral absence of automatic moderation of contents del processo e dell’impatto sociale del can cause the diffusion of this phenomenon. In suo utilizzo in scenari reali. La soluzione particular, consequences on the final user could be proposta in questo lavoro si basa su un psychological problems such as depression, rela- insieme di tre strategie di classificazione tional disorders and in the most critical situations mediate da un algoritmo di votazione per also suicidal tendencies. A recent survey of state of the art approaches that indicates the presence and absence of hate for hate speech detection is provided by (Schmidt speeches. The task is organized into three sub- and Wiegand, 2017). The most common systems tasks, based on the dataset used for training and of speech detection are based on algorithms of text testing the participants’ systems: classification that use a representation of contents based on ”surface features” such as them available • Task 1: HaSpeeDe-FB, where only the in a bag of words (BOW) (Chen et al., 2012; Xu et Facebook dataset can be used to classify the al., 2012; Warner and Hirschberg, 2012; Sood et Facebook test set al., 2012). A solution based on BOW is efficient • Task 2: HaSpeeDe-TW, where only the and accurate especially when n-grams have been Twitter dataset can be used to classify the extended with semantic aspects derived by the Twitter test set analysis of the text. (Chen et al., 2012) describe an increase of the classification performances when • Task 3: Cross-HaSpeeDe, which can be fur- features such as the number of URLs, punctua- ther subdivided into two sub-tasks: tions and not English words are added to the vec- torial representation of the sentence. (Van Hee et 1. Task 3.1: Cross-HaSpeeDe FB, where al., 2015) proposed, instead, to add as a feature only the Facebook dataset can be used the number of positive, negative and neutral words to classify the Twitter test set found in the sentence. This idea demonstrated 2. Task 3.2: Cross-HaSpeeDe TW, that the polarity of sentences positively supports where only the Twitter dataset can be the classification task. These approaches suffer used to classify the Facebook test set from the lack of generalization of words contained into the bag of words, especially when it is cre- The Facebook and Twitter datasets released for ated through a limited training set. In particular, the task consist of a total amount of 4,000 com- terms found in the test sentences are often missing ments/tweets, randomly split into development in the bag. More recent works have proposed word and test set, of 3,000 and 1,000 messages respec- embeddings (Le and Mikolov, 2014) as a possi- tively. Data are encoded in a UTF-8 with three ble distributional representation able to overcome tab-separated columns, each one representing the this problem. This representation has the advan- sentence id, the text and the class (Fig. 1). tage to transform semantically similar words into id text hs a similar numerical vector. Word embeddings are 8 Io votero NO NO E NO 0 consequently used by classification strategies such 36 Matteo serve un colpo di stato. 1 as Support Vector Machine and recently by approaches such as deep recurrent neural Table 1: Examples of annotated sentences. networks (Mehdad and Tetreault, 2016). The so- lution proposed in this work reuse the findings of (Chen et al., 2012; Mehdad and Tetreault, 2016) 3 Description of the system for creating an ensemble of classifiers, including a deep neural network, which works with a com- The system proposed in this work is HanSEL: bined representation of word embeddings and a a system of Hate Speech detection through En- bag of words. semble Learning and Deep Neural Networks. We decided to approach the problem using a classic 2 Task and datasets description natural language processing pipeline with a final task of sentences classification into two exclusive The hate speech detection strategy proposed in classes: hate speech and not hate speech. The data HAnSEL has been developed for HaSpeeDe (Hate provided by task organizers are obtained crawling Speech Detection) task organized within Evalita social network, in particular, Facebook and Twit- 2018 (Caselli et al., 2018), which is going to ter. The analysis of the two data sources showed be held in Turin, Italy, on December 12th-13th, many possible difficulties to face in the case of us- 2018 (Bosco et al., 2018). HaSpeeDe consists in ing approaches based on Italian lexicons of hate the annotation of messages from social networks speeches. In particular, we identified the follow- (Twitter and Facebook) with a boolean label (0;1) ing issues: • Repeated characters: many words in- We follow the same step of pre-processing ap- cludes characters repeated many times for plied by Tripodi (Tripodi and Li Pira, 2017) to emphasizing the semantic meaning of the transform the sentence of the task datasets into word. As an example, the words ”nooooo”, word embeddings. In particular, we applied the ”Grandeeeee”, ”ccanaleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee” following Natural Language Processing pipeline: are found in the training of Facebook • Reduction of repeated characters: we scan messages. each sentence of the datasets (both training • Emoji: sentences are often characterized by and test). For each sentence, we obtain words emoji such as hearts and smiley faces that are merely splitting it by space. Each word is an- often missing in external lexicons. alyzed, and characters repeated three times or more are reduced to only two symbols, try- • Presence of links, hashtags and mentions: ing to keep intact word that naturally includes this particular elements are typical of the doubles. social network language and can introduce noise in the data processing task. • Data cleansing: we transformed the words is lowercase and following we removed from • Length of the sentences: many sentences are each sentences links, hashtags, entities, and composed by only one word or in general, emoji they are very short. Consequently, they are not expressive of any semantic meaning. The normalized sentences are consequently to- The complexity of the writing style used in hate kenized using the TweetTokenizer of the NLTK 1 speech sentences guided us through the idea library . For each sentence we averaged the to do not use an approach based on standard vectors correspondent of each token, re- lexicons and to prefer strate- moving during each sum the centroid of the whole gies on the dataset provided by the task organizers. distributional space. This technique is used for mitigating the problems of loss of information due Sentence processing. to the operation of averaging the semantic vectors. We decide to represent each sentence as a con- The two bags of words (Facebook and Twitter) catenation of a 500 features are, instead, created directly on the sentences vector and a 7,349 size bag of words for Facebook without any pre-processing, also if during the messages and 24,866 size bag of words for Twitter tuning of the architecture we had tried some con- messages. In particular, the word-embedding pro- figurations that include bag of words without stop cedure used is word2vec introduced by Mikolov words, with lowercase letters and processed by 2 (Mikolov et al., 2013). This model learns a Snowball stemmer algorithm without obtaining vector representation for each word using a neural breaking results. The n-gram size considered for network language model and can be trained the construction of the bag is in the range of 1 to efficiently on billions of words. Word2vec allows 3. The final representation of each sentence of the being a very efficient data representation in text dataset is consequently obtained concatenating classification due to its capability to create very the word2vec vector and the correspondent bag similar vectors for words strongly semantically of words. Sentences too shorts that cannot be related. The Italian word embeddings used in transformed into word2vec as a consequence this work are provided by Tripodi (Tripodi and of the absence of all the tokens of the sentence Li Pira, 2017). The author trained the model on a have been classified using only the bag of words dump of the Italian Wikipedia (dated 2017.05.01), representation. from which only the body text of each article is used. The corpus consists of 994,949 sentences Classification strategy. that result in 470,400,914 tokens. The strategy of HAnSEL is based on a classification process that the creation of word embeddings is CBOW with uses three different classification strategies medi- the size of the vectors equal to 500, the window ated by a hard majority vote algorithm. A stack- size of the words contexts set to 5, the minimum ing of classifiers with a Random Forest blender number word occurrences equal to 5 and the 1https://www.nltk.org/data.html number of negative samples set to 10. 2http://snowball.tartarus.org/texts/quickintro.html has also been considered during the design of according to their feature values. In order to HAnSEL architecture but, the internal evaluation classify an unseen item, the three is navigated runs on 5-fold cross-validation of the training set until reaching the leaf and then the ration of showed us low performances of the approach. training items of class k in that leaf is used as This analysis is not detailed more in this work due a class probability. to the page limitations of it. In order to design the ensemble, we analyzed the performances of some • Random forest classifier (RF). It is an en- of the most popular classification algorithms for semble of Decision Trees trained on different the text categorization task. In particular, we con- batches of the dataset that uses averaging to sidered: improve the predictive accuracy and control over-fitting. A typical parameter is the num- • with stochastic gradient ber of threes to use in order to balance the descendent training (SGD). It has the advan- precision of the algorithm and the random- tage to be very efficient with large datasets ness to obtain a good level of generalization considering, during the training, one instance of the model. per time independent by others. It uses the • Multi-layer Perceptron classifier (MLP). This gradient descendent as optimization function model is a classical architecture of a deep for learning the optimal weight of the sepa- neural network. It is composed by one layer ration function of the distributional space of of inputs, one layer of linear threshold units items. In literature, it has been successfully (LTU) as output and many hidden layers of an used for tasks of text classification, especially arbitrary number of LTU plus one bias neu- with binary classification problems. ron fully connected each other. The weights • C-Support Vector Classification (SVC). It is learned by each neuron (perceptron) are up- the standard Support Vector Machine algo- dated through back-propagation using a gra- rithm applied for the classification task. It is dient descendent strategy. Important parame- a powerful approach that supports linear and ters to configuring are the number of hidden non-linear classification function. Moreover, layers, the number of training epochs and the through the C parameter, it is possible to de- L2 penalty (regularization term) parameter. cide how much the margin of classification We evaluated the performance of the algorithms could be significant and consequently sensi- just described using a default configuration and a tive to outliers. The implementation is based 5-fold cross validation over the Facebook training on libsvm, and we evaluated different config- set. Moreover, we set the random seed equal to 42 urations of the algorithm: polynomial func- for obtaining at each run always the same folder tion with 2 and 3 degree, RBF kernel and dif- subdivision. ferent values of the C parameters. Tab. 3 shows the results obtained by the dif- • K-nearest neighbors vote (KNN). This clas- ferent classification algorithms during their pre- sic and versatile algorithm is based on the liminary analysis considering the macro F1 score concept of similarity among items accord- as in the task specifications. The values obtained ing to a distance metric. In particular, for do not point out significant statistical differences an unseen item, the k most similar items of among the approaches, but we decided to investi- the training set are retrieved, and the class, gate more the top three scored algorithms: SVM provided as output, is obtained by the major- with an RBF kernel, Random Forest with 300 ity vote of the neighborhoods. Despite the trees, MLP with 2,000 hidden layers. In general, simplicity of the algorithm it is often used in we observed that linear algorithms obtain a high tasks of text classification. score for the task supporting our idea that linguis- tic features are enough for defining a clear sepa- • A decision tree classifier (DT). This approach ration among the sentences of hate and not hate is another popular strategy of classification speeches. In order to identify an optimal config- used especially when it is required to visu- uration of the algorithms, we trained our models alize the model. The DT algorithm works using a greedy search approach. For each algo- splitting items into a different path of the tree rithm, we performed 100 training runs with pa- Not HS HS Precision Recall F1-score Precision Recall F1-score Macro F1 Pos. Task 1 0,6981 0,6873 0,6926 0,8519 0,8581 0,855 0,7738 7 Task 2 0,7541 0,8801 0,8122 0,6161 0,4012 0,4859 0,6491 14 Task 3.1 0,7835 0,2677 0,3991 0,3563 0,8456 0,5013 0,4502 11 Task 3.2 0,3674 0,8235 0,5081 0,7934 0,3234 0,4596 0,4838 8

Table 2: Final scores obtained during the HASpeeDe challenge

Algorithm Macro F1 score max iter=184,solver=’adam’, LR 0.780444109 warm start=False) SVC-rbf - C= 1 0.789384136 SVC-poly 2 C=1 0.758599844 The models are consequently used in a vot- SVC-poly 3 C=1 0.667374386 ing classifier configured for using a hard majority KNN - 3 0.705064332 vote algorithm. The ensemble obtains an F1 value KNN - 5 0.703990867 of 0.8034 for Facebook sentences and 0.7102 for KNN - 10 0.687719117 Twitter using the 5-fold subdivision of the training KNN - 20 0.663451598 sets. The implementation of the system has been DT 0.68099986 realized into Python language and using the scikit- RF-50 0.75219596 learn 0.20 library 3. RF-100 0.764247578 RF-300 0.787778421 4 Results and discussion RF-500 0.768494151 HanSEL has been used for classifying the data MLP-1000 0.766835616 provided as a test set for each of the three special- MLP-2000 0.791230474 ized tasks of HaSpeeDe competition. Tab. 2 shows MLP-3000 0.76952709 the final results obtained by our system in the chal- Table 3: Classification algorithms on Facebook lenge. It is possible to observe that the system training set using 5-fold cross validation. well performed for Task 1 and Task 3.2 which in- volve the classification of Facebook messages. In particular, it emerges that HanSEL performs bet- rameters randomly selected from a range of values ter fot hate speeches sentences than for not hate preliminary defined. Each run has been evaluated, speeches probably a consequence of the presence considering the macro F1 score, on the training of many clear hate words used in this type of mes- set using the same strategy of cross-validation al- sages such as ”sfigati” and ”bugiardo” in that cate- ready described before. At the end of the 100 runs gory of textual sentences. A symmetrical situation the model that achieve the best results has been is obtained for Task 2 and Task 3.2 that involves stored and later used in our final ensemble of clas- Twitter messages. In this scenario, the significant sifiers. The final configurations obtained for the use of specific hashtags, irony, and entities instead three strategies are the following: of clear hate words has made difficult the identi- fication of hate speeches. The cross-classification • SVC(C=1.76800710431488, task has, moreover, stressed the generalization of gamma=0.1949764030136127, kernel=’rbf’) the system. It has been observed that the writ- ing style of the two social networks strongly in- • RandomForestClassifier(bootstrap=False, fluences the classification performance, especially max depth=30,max features=’sqrt’, when the models are trained on a small training min samples leaf=2,min samples split=2, set, as in our case. Finally, the optimization of n estimators=200, warm start=False) the models inside the ensemble has been stressed more on the Facebook dataset consequently over- • MLPClassifier(alpha=0.5521952082781035, fitting on the characteristics of that type of mes- early stopping=False, sages. The outcomes achieved for the challenge hidden layer sizes=2220, init=0.001, 3http://scikit-learn.org/stable/ allow us to deduce important consideration for fur- Security, Risk and Trust (PASSAT), 2012 Interna- ther developments of the system. In particular, we tional Conference on and 2012 International Con- consider essential to mix the two datasets in or- fernece on Social Computing (SocialCom), pages 71–80. IEEE. der to allow the models to generalize better con- sidering the two different sources of data. More- Marti A. Hearst, Susan T Dumais, Edgar Osuna, John over, extra features regarding hashtags, entities, Platt, and Bernhard Scholkopf. 1998. Support vec- tor machines. 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