Life of Haridäsa Thäkura Advent and identity of Srila Haridäsa Thäkura Thakur Haridas made his appearance in this world in about the year 1451 A.D., thirty-five years before the Advent of Sree Chaitanya, in the village of Budhan in the district of Jessore. East Bengal (currently Bangladesh) Haridäsa Thäkura appeared in a Muslim Family. His parents names & family details are not recorded. Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura writes that Srila Haridas Thakura is Lord Brahma….. And that he also is Prahalad Maharaj, appearing in this age as Haridas Thakur! (ref. CB: SCM declared this in the Mahä-prakäsa lila) Identity of Haridäsa Thäkura (Srila BVT in Navadvipa dhama Mahatmya)

Brahmä was afraid that he might commit the same offense during Gauräṅga’s incarnation so he went to Antardvīpa, the central island of Navadvīpa, and began to meditate. The Lord understood his mind and so came to him in the form of Gauräìga, and said, ‘During my incarnation as Gaura, you will be born in a family of mlecchas and will preach the glories of the Holy Name and bring auspiciousness to all living beings.’ He who appears in the Dväpara-yuga as Nandanandana Çré Kåñëa descends again in the Kali- yuga as Gauräìga, taking on the mood and luster of Rädhäräëé in order to display the most magnanimous pastimes. Haridäsa Öhäkura used to chant the holy name on his beads 300,000 times daily. Throughout the entire day and night, he would chant the sixteen names of the Hare Kåñëa mahä- mantra. One should not, however, imitate Haridäsa Öhäkura, for no one else can chant the holy name 300,000 times a day. Such chanting is for the mukta-puruña, or liberated soul. We can follow his example, however, by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasé plant. This is not at all difficult for anyone, and the process of chanting the Hare Kåñëa mahä- mantra with a vow before the tulasé plant has such great spiritual potency that simply by doing this one can become spiritually strong. (CC Antya 3.100) Deliverance of the prostitute AFTER LEAVING HIS HOME, Haridäsa Thäkura stayed for some time in the forest of Benäpola, which was situated in the area of the village of Benäpola, in the district of Yasohara, which is now in Bangladesh. He constructed a cottage in a solitary spot in the forest, planted a tulasi plant and began to constantly chant the Hare Kåñëa mahā-mantra! To maintain himself, Haridäsa Thäkura would go to brāhmana’s homes and beg for some food. His saintly presence, activities, and practices began to attract a following amongst the local inhabitants, and news of his glories also began to be broadcast to other regions. The local administrator of those parts and a holder of large tracts of land named Rāmacandra Khān became agitated at the Thākura’s growing influence. He was envious of Vaiṣṇavas. Krsnadāsa Kavirāja Gosvāmī calls him “the chief of the atheists.” He could not tolerate that such respect was being given to the Thākura, so he designed a plan with the help of his ill- intentioned friends. Envious Ramachandra Khan “Ramachandra thought that Haridas was weak-minded young man like himself... engaged in uttering the Name of Hari merely under the impulse of the moment, had become a sadhu being denied the possession of objects of sensuous gratification, and, therefore, would be drawn away from the path of holiness by the actual contact of any object of sensuous desire; and thinking thus and gaining over a certain harlot by holding out the prospect of pecuniary reward, he sent her to the solitary cell of Thakur Haridas.”(SBSST) Haridäsa Thäkura assured her, “Today it will be possible for me to finish my chanting. Then I shall satisfy all your desires.” “Kindly act as my spiritual master. Instruct me in my duty by which to get relief from material existence.” “I know everything about the conspiracy of Rāmacandra Khān. He is nothing but an ignorant fool. Therefore his activities do not make me feel unhappy. On the very day Rāmacandra Khān was planning his intrigue against me, I would have left this place immediately, but because you have come to me, I stayed here for three days to deliver you.” “Real faith can alone lead one to the presence of a pure soul. The material mind cannot reach the proximity of a sadhu. The harlot possessed the spiritual faculty by which it was possible for her to really approach Thakur Haridas.”(SBSST) By his offenses to Haridas Thakur, later when Lord Nityananda came to Ramachandra Khan’s home and sat on Durga Mandapa, he committed offense against Lord Nityananda also. “Ramchandra Khan lost his caste, his wealth, his relations and everything he possessed as his own. Offences, when committed against devotees of the Lord, are not forgiven even by Bhagavan Himself. They are the worst impediments in the path of God realization. Offences committed against the bhaktas bring along with them manifold sufferings, not only to the person concerned, but even to many others. Over and above this, it brings complete destruction of the place, i.e., the village or township itself.” Nämäbhäsa, Haridäsa Thäkura and Gopal Cakravarti “Haridāsa Thākura said, ‘As the sun begins to rise, even before visible, it dissipates the darkness of night. With the first glimpse of sunlight, fear of thieves, ghosts and demons immediately disappears, and when the sun is actually visible, everything is manifest, and everyone begins performing his religious activities and regulative duties. Similarly, the first hint that offenseless chanting of the Lord’s holy name [nāmābhāsa] has awakened dissipates the reactions of sinful life immediately. And when one chants the holy name offenselessly, one awakens to service in ecstatic love at the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa. Liberation is the insignificant result derived from a glimpse of awakening of offenseless chanting of the holy Name! Gopal Cakravarti said “O assembly of learned scholars, just hear the conclusion of the emotional devotee. After many millions upon millions of births, when one is complete in absolute knowledge, one still may not attain liberation, yet this man says that one may attain it simply by the awakening of a glimpse of the holy name.” “If one is not liberated by nāmābhāsa, then you may be certain that I shall cut off your nose.” The Majumadärs dismissed the unfortunate Gopäla from their service, demanding that he never darken their door again. All the members of the assembly, including the Majumadärs, fell at the feet of Haridäsa Thäkura and begged his forgiveness. The Thäkura did not take the incident very seriously, but the Lord did. Within three days the arrogant brähmana was afflicted by leprosy and as a result: “… his highly raised nose melted away and fell off. The brähmana’s toes and fingers were beautiful like golden- colored campaka buds, but because of leprosy they all withered and gradually melted away.” Çäntipura: Association with Advaita Äcärya. Advaita Äcärya said “Feeding you is equal to feeding ten million brähmanas. Therefore, accept this śräddha-pätra.”

Although both of these transcendental Vaisnavas were well aware that social convention is an unimportant consideration when it comes to transcendental hierarchy, still Haridäsa Thäkura was always careful to observe social etiquette to preserve the peace and tranquility of society. He was fearful that Advaita Äcärya would be subjected to criticism on his account.

Advaita Äcärya was highly respected in Çäntipura, both as a brähmana and a highly learned professor of the scriptures. Nevertheless, he was subjected to a good deal of censure and criticism for his honoring of Haridāsa Thäkura and for his association with the Vaisnavas of Navadvīpa. He never cared for any of it. He was happy to act strictly on the basis of scriptural principles. The Kåñëa consciousness movement, therefore, is a cultural movement that does not care about local social conventions.

“I am the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I came here to test you. I have previously captivated the mind of even Brahmä, not to speak of others. Your mind alone have I failed to attract. My dear sir, you are the foremost devotee. Simply seeing you and hearing you chant the holy name of Kåñëa has purified my consciousness! Please give me the holy name of Kåñëa and thus make me fortunate, so that I also may float in the flood of love of Godhead inaugurated by ÇréCaitanya Mahäprabhu.” Mäyä, the illusory energy of the Lord, then worshipped the feet of Haridäsa Thäkura, and he gave her initiation by requesting her to chant the Hare Kåñëa mahä-mantra. After receiving this benediction, Mäyä left with great pleasure. Haridäsa Thäkura Arrested! Haridāsa was placed in prison like an ordinary criminal, but amongst the prisoners were many pious persons who were joyful at the prospect of getting the association of a mahā-bhāgavata like Haridāsa. Haridāsa was placed in prison like an ordinary criminal, but amongst the prisoners were many pious persons who were joyful at the prospect of getting the association of a mahā-bhāgavata like Haridāsa. Haridāsa gave them an apparently undersirable blessing: “May you continue to remain in your present condition.” Even if my body is cut into pieces and I give up my life, I will never give up chanting the Lord’s holy name.” Haridäsa Thäkura beaten in 22 market places!

The muslim guard thought: “If we beat someone in two or three marketplaces, they die. But we’ve beaten him in twenty two marketplaces.” They thought, “He has not died, and moreover we see that he is smiling! Is he a powerful saint? The Muslim servants were very afraid and began to plead with Haridäsa Thäkura “O Haridäsa, we’ll be killed because of you! Although we’ve beaten you so much, you’re still alive. Therefore, the kazi will kill us.” Haridäsa simply smiled and replied with great compassion: “If my remaining alive creates a problem for you, then I will give up my body right now.” He then proceeded to enter a deep state of meditation on Kåñëa.

Lord Caitanya revealed ….. receiving the beatings for Haridäsa Thäkura ! Solitary worship of the Lord! A poisonous smell began to manifest in the cave of Haridāsa Thākura, and the offensive odor created such a noxious atmosphere that no one seeking his association could tolerate it for more than a few moments. All of his visitors, finding the acrid smell and toxic fumes overwhelming, met together and tried to understand why the atmosphere appeared so polluted. Some learned physicians in the village (who were also experts in the treatment of snakebite) were able to ascertain the cause: a large serpent was dwelling in the cave-like dwelling with the saintly Vaisnava! Haridäsa Thäkura was surprised by their request for him to move out, since he had not noticed any burning sensation, but replied: “… since you are all suffering and unable to tolerate the burning of the poison, I will leave tomorrow for another place. If there is a snake in this cave and it doesn’t leave by tomorrow, then I’ll leave and go to some other place. Don’t worry. Let us all chant Kåñëa’s names.” “The large wonderful snake looked most fearful, yet it was also very beautiful, being colored yellow, blue, and white. As the brāhmanas saw the brilliant jewel adorning its head, they fearfully remembered Kåñëa . After that snake left that place, the brāhmanas were overjoyed to find that the burning sensation was gone. They all appreciated Haridāsa’s marvelous potency and developed great devotion for him.” Snake charmer and the King of snakes!! While a snake charmer was practicing his art, Haridäsa Thäkura came to watch, and while the charmer chanted various mantras, Ananta (nāgarāja) appeared in the snake charmer’s body and caused him to dance. As he danced, the Lord of Serpents began to sing about Kṛṣṇa’s dancing on the hoods of Kālīya at Kālīyadaha Lake in the Yamunā. As Haridāsa heard the wonderful pastimes of Kāliya- Kṛṣṇa, he became overwhelmed with ecstasy. Seeing the wonderful symptoms of ecstasy erupting on the body of Haridāsa, Ananta, manifesting Himself in the body of the snake charmer, stood respectfully to one side. An envious brähmana, who had observed the behavior of the Thäkura , thought that Haridäsa Thäkura was merely an illiterate and foolish person, who gained the respect of other ignorant persons by an artificial display of ecstasy. This is a clear example of ätmavan manyate jagat— one thinks that others think as he thinks. Thinking to take advantage of the situation, in a display of imitative behavior, the pseudo-brähmana crashed to the ground and became motionless. Immediately the snake charmer, who was still possessed by Lord Anantadeva, began severely beating the brāhmana very violently with a stick. The anguished imitator ran away screaming. At Puri! Out of Vaisnava humility Haridāsa Thākura replied, “I cannot go near the temple because I am a low- caste abominable person. I have no authority to go there. If I could just get to a solitary place near the temple, I could stay there alone and pass my time. I do not wish the servants of Lord Jagannātha to touch me. I would remain there in the garden alone. That is my desire. Haridäsa Thäkura said, “My dear Lord, please do not touch me, for I am most fallen and untouchable and am lowest among men.” Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu replied, “I wish to touch you just to be purified, for your purified activities do not exist in Me. Ratha-yäträ saìkértana!

When participating in the Rathayātrā festival, Haridäsa Thäkura was appointed by Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhu to dance in one of the saìkértana parties, composed of Väsudeva, Gopénätha, Muräri, Çrékänta and Sena. In this way Haridāsa Thākura was a primary participant in all of the Lord’s Ratha-yäträ pastimes, and all of his saìkértana léläs. When it came to performing service and dancing and singing loudly in public, Haridāsa was not shy. It would appear from this example that shyness is not equivalent to humility! Srila and Haridäsa Thäkura “I do not know how much nectar the two syllables ‘Kṛṣ ṇa’ have produced. When the holy name of Kṛṣṇa is chanted, it appears to dance within the mouth. We then desire many, many mouths. When that name enters the holes of the ears, we desire many millions of ears. And when the holy name dances in the courtyard of the heart, it conquers the activities of the mind, and therefore all the senses become inert.” When Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu chanted this wonderful verse, Haridāsa Thākura began jubilantly dancing and praising its meaning! Sanatäna Goswämé and Due to drinking some contaminated water in the forest, Sanātana Gosvāmī Haridäsa Thäkura contracted a disease which covered his body with itching, oozing sores. Thinking of himself in excruciatingly humble terms, he considered his body useless, and without qualification to go to Çré Caitanya Mahäprabhuin Purī, worrying for the fate of those who might come in contact with him in that holy place. He thus concluded that he would give up his life under the wheel of Lord Jagannātha. Sanatäna Goswämé, having come to this resolution, then he came to the place of Haridāsa Thākura , and they embraced each other in intense happiness. Haridāsa Thākura happily informed him: “The Lord is coming here very soon.” Haridäsa Thäkura Glorified by the Lord “Haridäsa Thäkura, the teacher of the holy name, is among the most exalted of all devotees. Every day he chants 300,000 holy names of the Lord. I have learned about the glories of the Lord’s holy name from Haridäsa Thäkura, and by his mercy I have understood these glories.” “My dear Thākura Haridāsa, in this age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts. How will these yavanas be delivered? To my great unhappiness, I do not see any way. In response to this, Haridäsa Thäkura speaks Harinama Cintamani! The glorious passing of Haridäsa Thäkura

Haridäsa Thäkura Ki Jai! This is due to his fidelity to the previous ācāryas who have given different opinions about Haridāsa Thākura’s identity, and who have also accepted both the possibility and reality of one spiritual being having multiple identities or personalities.

Further references

“Rcika Muni’s son Brahmä Mahätapah and Prahaläda Maharaj combined to appear as Haridäsa Thäkura in Lord Caitanya’s pastimes. In the book Caitanya-carita, Muräri Gupta explains that one morning Mahätapaḥ gave an unwashed tulasi leaf to his father, who became so angry at him for this that he cursed him. Because of this Mahätapah took birth in a yavana family as the great devotee Haridāsa Thäkura.” (Gaura Ganodesa Dipika texts 93— 95) In the Prema-vilasa, chapter 24, composed by the disciple of Çrématé Jähnavā-devī, Nityänanda däsa, he concurs with the descriptions by Kavi-karnapura Gosvāmī and Bhaktivinoda Thäkura and also states that Prahläda Mahäräja appeared with two(!) Brahmäs: “Rcīka Muni’s son, who was named Brahmä, became a yavana due to his father’s curse. The great-souled Brahmä, who was cursed by his father, Ṛcīka, and Brahmä, the universal creator, met together as Haridäsa. Prahlāda came and united with them as well. These three mingled together as Çré Haridäsa Mahäjana.”

Srila Prabhupada says “On the mahä-prakäsa day, Lord Caitanya Mahäprabhu embraced Haridäsa Thäkura and informed him that he was nondifferent than an incarnation of Prahläda Mahäräja.” Some references say that Haridas thakur appeared in a brahmana family and then adopted by Muslim Family. But, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur says:

“Some people compose imitation literatures in which they claim that Haridāsa Thākura was born in a seminal brāhmaṇa family, and thereby they attribute to him insignificant mundane social considerations, born from their own ignorance. Such imaginary truth is always contrary to historical facts.” Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakura writes…

The sight of Haridas endeavoring with a singleness of purpose to take the Name aroused the feeling of hostility in the malicious section of Hindu society. The pure-hearted people were delighted with the spectacle of Haridas’ unprecedented love for the Name; but the evil impulses of certain persons imbued with [the] mischievous instincts of brutes were not subdued. One of the leaders of this body of haters of devotees formed the resolution of devising a method of defiling Haridas. This man, by [the] name [of] Ramachandra Khan, was very well-known in those parts. Under the advice of several mean- minded friends he prepared to engage himself in an evil deed. “The heart of the merciful was touched. He forgot all about the bad profession of the harlot— the unworthy object of the lust of many— and deciding that she was eligible for taking the maha-mantra of the Name of Hari in the manner that is free from offence, rescued her from the deep well of sensuality. Such mercy is not met with anywhere except [in] the heart of a Vaishnava. All praise to Haridasa! May your mercy be appreciated by all the people of the world...”