Movie·Rldio C;Uide's New Yur (Over, Slnd~ WU I Bib, in Dllptfs
• The Editors' Note: BRAINCHILD of BABY SANDY H[NVllL[ ;s tad,y I bright ya~ng thing of veteran writer not .uik lour. Whtn sht I,pured lISt yur IS Miss 1941 on producer of radio Movie·Rldio C;uide's New Yur (over, Slnd~ WU I bib, In dllptfS. As MISS I94Z-9hotogrlphtd by JlCk Albin--Slndy n Mort lewis is the .Ultt I Iottlt IIdy. As line IIf Hollywood's lop thild IhHpllns. unusual human-in Sind, il distussed this week In ;I Movle.Rdio GUIde pitture. terut broadcast story w,th s.ome surprising renl;ltioM "'out movie (hildren. It·s about broadcast "How Hollywood S;lfegulrds fts Children"_lnd it', on ,Ii' 4 in9, "Behind the Mike"(NBC,Sun.) liTHE commission hns no plM, no in hnve become" monster more horrible tention, or desire, to go into cen than some it htls crented for entert<'lin sorship." ment. It didn't. Fncts "re, when the Thus wns ChoirmM Jnmes Fly, he<'ld history of this wnr is written, the first of the Feder<'ll Communicotions Com chnpter must concern rtldio which first mission. quoted by vnrious newsp<'lpers fltlshed the news, then interpreted it. on December 15, only eight doys <'Ifter Which brings up Mother point. the Japanese <'Ittnd on Penrl H<'Irbor. Movie·Rndio Guide nlso htls moved President Roosevelt's nppointment of swiftly in this crisis. Not so SWiftly ns n Byron Price on December 16 to <'Idmin· rtldio wnve CM trnvel but just "s ister a portly mnndnlory, mostly vol· swiftly tlS presses cnn roll.
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