The Facts About NATO
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III The Student Newspaper of the University of Detroit Mercy • Free I I I The Varsity News I L Wednesday April 7, 1999 Selective Service issues again at the forefront Volume 81 . Issue 18 By David Kukier determined by the lottery. If more VN Co-Editor men are needed those 21 to 25 Inside Around their eighteenth might be called, youngest first." birthday, male U.S. citizens Though a number of exemptions The facts about NATO BROOMS AND BAGS received a notice in the mail to from conscription exist - among Detroit's clean sweep looks register for the Selective Service, others, .occupational and NATO {l'{orth · include newly- forward to another good year. conscription to the military if educational necessities, the "sole American Treaty independent Eastern Page 3 necessary. surviving son" clause to ensure Organizatio~, European nations, The recent deployment of family continuation, the entered into orce R.romp.ting concern NATO troops to "conscientious COllEGE GALS LISTEN August 24, 949 as Jrom Tormer Soviet Serbia to stem -~~'-"-'""'''W'~~~. 0 b j e c tor" a counterweight to republics that their One book has all you need the tide of ~W;~i. -~.• ~.~'w~~~~~~~.' ~~~'" ~"0i ; e ~ s ~ : a ~ Soviet military and power had been to know about campus genocide of geographi£Power comRromised relationships. ethnic "There hasn 't been values would Page 5 Albanians be violated by .tol/owmg World War Tra{1itionallY.., the under the a draft since 1973, combat - in a II An alliance of role ofNATD in regime of Serb but.... }} time of great Western European outsiae affairs has HIGH HOPES President need of and North American been tOfrotect - Selective Service Mailing/arm Titan baseball hopes to turn Slobodan troops, such powers NATO natiofla sovereignty its luck around. Milosevic exemptions recent'fy expanded to and human rights. Page 7 again brought "",,!.~ .. ~.~ can be "the draft" to discontinued. FOT more on the Kosovo conflict, see page 2. the forefront of A Selective BACK AGAIN issues facing young Americans. Service brochure from 1966 lists Tigers' coaching staff brings "There hasn't been a draft since three pages of exemptions. A back some familiar faces. 1973, but if there were an similar edition from 1972, at the morality of the draft. "You're Arney said. PageS emergency, and Congress ordered height of the Vietnam Conflict, fighting someone else's fight. It's "While war may not be the another draft, Selective Service contains only one page. not your own choice," Slimak said. nicest way to go about things, it's would conduct a birthdate lottery The possibility of drafted Junior Dave Arney, however, important that we as Americans This Week to decide the order in which to call Americans again serving in an views the draft as service to his stand for our ideals. If that means men," reads a recent Selective overseas war has sparked the nation. "The President is our we die, we die." Service mailing. "Men who turn 20 concern of some UDM students. Commander-in-Chief. We Freshman Brad Gradowski WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7 in th'at calendar year would be Freshman Jesse Slimak assumed that he could run this agrees, "We're supposed to. We called in first, in a sequence expressed confusion over the country when he elected him," have our duty." Martial Arts Self-Defense Class. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Ballroom. Contact: Intramurals. THURSDAY, APRIL 8 Protest plans reminiscent of Vietnam era Theatre Co: Biloxi Blues By Phil Barash "In many instances, with (Preview Performance). 8:00 VN News Writer enangelical fervor, they [college p.m. at M«Auley Auditorium. A Kosovo inspired students 1 adopted their cause and demonstration slated for noon were willing to use violence to see FRIDAY, APRIL 9 outside of the Briggs Building on it furthered," writes Herman J. Wednsday, April 7, brings back Muller, SJ in "The University of memories of Vietnam era college Club WRKO at 10:00 p.m. Detroit: A Centennial History," " protests across the nation. describing the late '60s early '70 in the Student Union basement. "Today's students are era. apathetic," lamented third-year From student unrest also MONDAY, APRIL 12 English student Greg Upton. stemmed a new legislative body, "Kosovo seem~ to have hit a nerve the University Senate that was to . "Let's Get A Job," 5:00 p.m. with them, though." consummate the switch from ivory at the Marian Hall Commuter Although the tower Lounge at Outer Drive. recent years of decisions to a Contact: Student Life. campus life ~ .;;.-"""7'Zw'''''':: w~:;"';~~~tq more liberal have been "commons " Martial Arts Self-Defense marked with . "In many process of Class .. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the little political lawmaking. Ballroom. Contact: Intramurals. activity, past instances ... [college S 0 m e record shows a students agree high level of studentsJ adopted their TUESDAY, APRIL 13 that it is once awareness cause and were willing again time to among U of D bring the PRIDE meeting, 12:35 p.m. students. The to use violence to see it imp o.r tan t in Student Union rm. 203 . year 1970 saw a furthered }} issues into Contact: PRIDE. climax of light. "Students opinions, -HermanJ. Mllller have always Events Committee meeting. contradictions, been in tune 5:00 p.m. 'in the Colleague and frustrations, with what's Lounge. Contact: Events that poured first happening Committee. into a 500,000 plus march on around the world, especially when Washington, and later in the year, there's injustice," said Glenn Lectures Committee. arrest and trial of university Knott, a Marketing senior. "If they meeting. 5:00 p.m. in the protes tors. fee l strongly enough, they should Colleague Lounge Meeting A 78 hour sit-in followed the do something about it." Room. Contact: Lectures arrest of the protestors, and a wave Individual opinions on the Committee. of support from both students and situation in Kosovo vary, however, faculty resulted in reevaluating and students expect Wednesday 's At UDM in 1970, students rallied in protest of the Vietnam War and the restructuring the administrative gathering to provide a forum for draft. Rallies were also held to further student rights. Photo from the dogma. free discussion . 1970 Tower. 2 THE VARSITY NEWS April 7, 1999 ,NATO campaign claims 300; Join. ,one million ethnic Albanians , currently displaced - Become a member ofthe Varsity News staff. See campus like never before. (313) 993-3300 1---·-----·---.. ·· .... ·................ ·...... ·.. ·- .. ·..... .. ·............ · ......................... .. ...................... .. .......... .. ·_ ·.............. ··· .. ·.. .... ·.... ·.... 1 The lender that helps you b r i n 9 order to all your law school financing needs. women, men war . huddle in a wagon as they are removed from their homeland. Photo . courtesy of Albanian House Newspaper. i ByApril6(dl!Y14)ofthe reports, 300 civilian ) I Kosovo connict -- a casualties and an additional dep'loyment of NATO 3,000 wounded. NATO's I artilJery in. resp'onse to bombing campaign began after , Serbian President Slobodan talks towards ' a peace Milosevic's program of the agreement between Defense '''ethnic cleansing" of Secretary Richard Holbrooke ,Albanians -- had resulted in and Milosevic folded. No I an estimated '1.1 million anticipated end to the conflict displaced Kosovars and, is witfiin sight yet. .~ according to Yugoslavian you are missing so much fun sifting there ... Finding rh? right. financing for law schooi doesn't h:M.' to be a t.ill'lL Not when yOw rely or, K?y F.ducati.Jn R.:SO!JrC0~: We provide a ful( range 01' \,h'V schooL rinan(;ing ~)f(vLcts and seNices, maKing it f:ii'f); to bucat!c):) Rp<,ouru~ Line' t0oay. W~''f''<c (en ain y(}U'~ t T0tu~ n a ravort'!nte verdict. 1-800' KEY" LIND Varsity News. Interested.In JoIning? 993-3300. Key Ed~CdT.ion Resources THE VARSITY NEWS Wednesday April 7, 1999 3 e Varsity News University of Detroit Mercy 3800 Puritan Ave. Detroit, MI 48238 Phone: (313) 993-3300 Fax: (313) 993-1120 Email: [email protected] David Kukier Letters to the Editor must be signed, typed Co -Edit o rs -i n -c h ief~ double spaced, and must include a telephone number. Email is acceptable if it includes a Brad Bowman Layout & Design Editor full name and telephone number. Opinions expressed in signed columns are Katie Arsulowicz Copy Editor those of the author. Unsigned editorials re flect the views of the editorial board. Nei Jennifer Krzys News Editor ther necessarily reflect the opinions of the trustees, administration, faculty, staff or stu Kelly Johnson Editorial/Opinion Editor dents of the University of Detroit Mercy. All letters and articles submitted become the sole copyrighted material of the VN. The Jessica Dzwigalski Features Editor VN also reserves the right to print letters in part or whole. Yvelette Stines Entertainment Editor Single copies are offered free to students, faculty and staff of the university. Dan Savich Sports Editor Published most Wednesdays, September through April. Kim Hazelmeyer Ad Manager Nancy Dunn Advisor Copyright (c) 1999 by The Varsity News. ditQrials ~nnual Detroit Cleap Sw!!ep looks, to be a success a all1, thiS ear The City of Detroit is now in the process gloves to all registered volunteers. of planning its sixth annual spring cleaning. The Detroit Department of Public Works This day is set aside for neighbors and urges residents to not consider Clean Sweep friends to join together for the biggest day as a bulk collection day. "spring cleaning" of the year. Bulk items such as stoves, couches, Known as Detroit Clean Sweep, the city carpeting, refrigerators, and mattresses , 'Tn1nk Sunny days on the'beaches of Lake St. Clair, rollerblading to is calling for residents and non-residents to should be put out, for pick up on your come together for a citywide litter and neighborhood's regularly scheduled pick up Metro Bea~h, ~alling at Lakeside and picking up some transferable debris clean-up effort to create a safer and day.