TO: All Priests, Deacons, and Pastoral Staff

FROM: Reverend Joshua R. Brommer Administrative Assistant to the & Diocesan Liturgy Coordinator

DATE: February 19, 2013

RE: Observing the Papal Transition and Sede Vacante

The words of our Holy Father, Benedict XVI, at the General Audience in on Wednesday, February 13, 2013, direct us in these days:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As you know, I have decided […] to renounce the ministry which the Lord entrusted to me on 19 April 2005. I have done this in full freedom for the good of the Church, after much prayer and having examined my conscience before God, knowing full well the seriousness of this act, but also realizing that I am no longer able to carry out the Petrine ministry with the strength which it demands. I am strengthened and reassured by the certainty that the Church is Christ’s, who will never leave her without his guidance and care. I thank all of you for the love and for the prayers with which you have accompanied me. Thank you; in these days which have not been easy for me, I have felt almost physically the power of prayer – your prayers – which the love of the Church has given me. Continue to pray for me, for the Church and for the future Pope. The Lord will guide us.

The period of transition reminds us that this is a unique time of prayer for Pope Benedict XVI, for the Church, and for his successor, the future Pope. During this period of time, pastors are asked to explicitly observe this time with what is recommended below by Bishop McFadden and in other suitable ways they deem necessary.

All during this period, devotional prayers of every sort, especially the Holy Rosary, should be offered for Pope Benedict, the Cardinal electors and the future Pope. The practice of praying the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory be to the Father, outside the celebration of , for the intentions of the Holy Father is encouraged, especially for his health and well-being. Prayers explicitly for the Pope are also encouraged, such as:

V. Let us pray for our Sovereign Pontiff N. R. The Lord preserve him and give him life, and make him blessed upon the earth, and deliver him not to the will of his enemies.

4800 Union Deposit Road  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111-3710 Telephone (717) 657-4804 ext 354  FAX (717) 657-2453 Bishop’[email protected] 


 At the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Harrisburg on Friday, February 22, 2013, Bishop Joseph P. McFadden will offer the Noon Mass for our Holy Father Pope Benedict XVI in thanksgiving for the Petrine Ministry he so faithfully fulfilled.

All clergy and faithful are welcome to this Mass. Priests are invited to concelebrate.

 Parishes and other communities of faithful are asked to commemorate February 22, the Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter with similar attentiveness, calling to mind the ministry of Pope Benedict XVI with thankful hearts lifted up to God.

 Parishes and other institutions within the of Harrisburg are asked to set aside the three days prior to the Holy Father’s time of renunciation (February 26, 27, 28) to celebrate the Mass for the Pope found in the Roman Missal, Masses and Prayers for Various Occasions. White vestments are worn. The Lenten weekday readings are preferred. The Lenten preface is used.

 The Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful all throughout this first period should include this petition as the first:

That Pope Benedict XVI, who has served the Church faithfully as Supreme Pastor, may know deep peace and consolation as he turns to a life of prayer for the Church, let us pray to the Lord.

 All levels of educational institutions and other institutions within the Diocese of Harrisburg are encouraged to arrange, in addition to the Eucharist, if possible, occasions for the Liturgy of the Hours or a Liturgy of the Word or Eucharistic Exposition or devotional prayer to pray for Pope Benedict XVI. While certainly encouraged throughout the period of transition, this is to be done particularly in the three days prior to the Holy Father’s time of renunciation (February 26, 27, 28).

 The Holy Father’s name is included as usual in the Eucharistic Prayer during this period.

4800 Union Deposit Road  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111-3710 Telephone (717) 657-4804 ext 354  FAX (717) 657-2453 Bishop’[email protected] 


 At the Cathedral of Saint Patrick, Harrisburg on Tuesday, March 12, 2013, Bishop Joseph McFadden will offer the Noon Mass for the Election of a New Pope.

All clergy and faithful are welcome to this Mass. Priests are invited to concelebrate with the Bishop.

 Parishes and other institutions within the Diocese are asked to select a suitable occasion soon after March 1, 2013, other than a Sunday of Lent, to celebrate the Mass for the Election of a Pope found in the Roman Missal, Masses and Prayers for Various Occasions. Violet vestments are worn. The Lenten weekday readings are preferred. The Lenten preface is used.

 The Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful all throughout this first period should include this petition as the first:

That the , under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and supported by the prayers of all the members of the Church, will elect a Supreme Pastor for the demands of our time.

 All levels of educational institutions and other institutions within the Diocese are encouraged to arrange, in addition to the Eucharist, if possible, occasions for the Liturgy of the Hours or a Liturgy of the Word or Eucharistic Exposition or devotional prayer to pray for the election of a pope.

 Each Eucharistic Prayer is adjusted during the period of the Sede Vacante so that the line referring to the Pope is omitted. This begins at 2:00 PM (8:00 PM Rome time) on February 28, 2013.

4800 Union Deposit Road  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111-3710 Telephone (717) 657-4804 ext 354  FAX (717) 657-2453 Bishop’[email protected] 


 Parishes and other institutions within the Diocese of Harrisburg are asked to select a suitable occasion soon after the election of the new Pope, other than a Sunday of Lent, Easter and its Octave, and a Sunday of Easter Time, to celebrate the Mass for the Pope found in the Roman Missal, Masses and Prayers for Various Occasions. White vestments are worn. The Lenten or Easter weekday readings are preferred. The Lenten or Easter preface is used.

 The Universal Prayer or Prayer of the Faithful for several weeks after the election of the new Pope should include this petition as the first:

That our newly elected Holy Father, Pope N., supported by the prayers of all the members of the Church, will be received as Peter among us to build up the Body of Christ with the Word of salvation.

 All levels of educational institutions and other institutions within the Dicoese are encouraged to arrange, in addition to the Eucharist, if possible, occasions for the Liturgy of the Hours or a Liturgy of the Word or Eucharistic Exposition or devotional prayer to pray for the new Pope.

 The name of the new Pope is inserted into the Eucharistic Prayer upon the announcement of his election.

4800 Union Deposit Road  Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17111-3710 Telephone (717) 657-4804 ext 354  FAX (717) 657-2453 Bishop’[email protected] 