Time to meet the new guy ... We've got a letter Bobcats hire Mike Kramer as Head Check out what an MSU Football coach. student has to say. page 11 page2

ASMSU Tuesday December 7, 1999 Issue 28 Volume 9-' 1 - SU well-prepared Keep on Truckin' tr millennium bug

compliance team, ,.,,foch formed rgcn Bergman earl_:, in :>larch of 1998. was di­ nentWriter ,·ided into fiye areas. each coY­ ering a different aspect of the uniYersit) 's facilities: heating, Are you read) for Y2K? power. telephones. networking L\ en if\Ou aren't, :\ISU is. and computers. "\\ e think we're in "We're not concerned · f>ood <:hape for Y2K," <:aid \\ith the electricity and heating d rodd, di1ee- aspect of it,·· said Todd. "\\'e belie,·e "Some mmor :\lontana Power problems\\ ere "hen they sa\· that p iJncE' Team. found, but the\ are thev have run their tests.·· A team of kno\vn problems ~taff mE'mbers Todd 1 ~!SU has been with known solu- alo;o said the uni­ king to insure ti on:-.." wrsity has a back­ :\ISL" ''ill not be up S) stem that is Varn! f 1 • d•rectc J) the so-called ready to kick in on lennium hug."' Dec. 31 and that many computer facilit) staff has soft\\ are S) stems, the ear planned to be on the .mxiliary o will bnng a host of prob­ \~stem. Dcmson noted that s related to software pro- much of the equipment used for 1s that record the ) ear us­ heating, Yentilation and air-con­ nl) the last t\' o digits. This ditioning is date insensitin?. aftect al: equipment t'iat re­ nwanmg that it does not reco~­ on d.ite sen iti\ e progr.im- niw d. tes. She said other equip­ ,,." ment needed onl)' minor adju,;t- AcLOrding to Patricia ments. 1bon. assistant director of ------' ersity relations. the Y2K -,ee Millen nium page 4

SU senior is among Photo hy Sol ew Rhodes scholars Leon.ml }lsociated Press The Rhodes program, the oldest of international Derek Trucks flooded the Cat's Paw last Saturday with classic study a\\ards a\·ailable to American scholars, \\'as cre­ jams and southern blues rifts. A senior biochemistr)' ated in 1902 by the will of major at "lontana State Uni­ British philanthropist and ;ersity. Chelsea Elander, was colonialist Cecil Rhodes. ong 32 American students Including the 2000 NASA satellite will carry Ctamed Sundav as Rhodes class. a total 2,886 Ameri­ flCholars for 2000. EJander, cans have won Rhodes schol­ bf !\iissoula, has said she arships. This ) ear's entries plans to attend medical were judged from 935 appli­ UM researchers' software hool and is interested in cants representing 323 col­ men's health, public health leges and universities. to scan the world. and oncology. Other RhOdes scholars Associated Press At the university, researchers used a $7-9 Earlier this vear announced Sunday included million grant to design software for Terra. The lander also ''as nclm~ d a two pa ratroopers from the project began in 1992. Truman Scholar, one of 65 U.S. i\Iilitary Acadenw.. \IDS A satellite that '\'c\SA plans to launch on "This launch represents a milestone in one selected trom 657 candidates res(•arche1:s from \\7illia m Dec. 16 \\ill car~ computer software designed b) of the most significant research projects on tlw at;om11Ck. and l\la ry in \ 'irginia <1 nd a L'niwrsity of '.\lontana research team. campu:-; of the PniYersity of '.\lontana ... said lJM Rhodes scholarships Ken tui:ky's Centre College, The Terra satellite is designed to prO\ide President George Dennison. prm 1de fort\\Oor th re<' \ ears' and the G n iH~rs 1ty of South dail), detailed information about the health of The uni,·ersity team headed b\ Stew Run­ stud~ at Oxfo rd Unn erstt\ in Earth. The craft is the flagship of the l\ational ning contributed software for a satellite England. · ..;et' Rhodes scholar page 4 .\eronautics and Space Administration's Earth Obsel'\ing System. a series of satellites equipped see NASA page ti December 7, 1999 2 Opinion~, Ediloriab and Lctler~ from the 1v1ontana State lJniver·ity Commu Decision to give lab space to researchers harms undergraduat

To the Editor: inconvenience. By reducing the lab p In response to the of Biology 310, the Bi Erponent article, "Student fees Department will effect to fund research Jab" (Nov. 19), I impair any future F!Sh and\ would like to enlighten the Management undergradu student body to the happenings ability to complete their d in the Biology department. First reason is that this lab la of all, the Biology department foundation needed to com was initially going to cancel the senior level biology courses lab portion of Biology 310, Ichthyology, Ornithology, Comparative Anatomy, to Mammalogy. For example, provide space for Dr. John will they be able to work thro Miller's primate neuron dichotomous keyin Mammal research. Only after professors, they can't identify various like Dr. Lynn Irby, calJed foul did structures. I see this as a se the administration come up with problem that undermine the lab space in Gaines Hall. mission of the institution top With this new lab space the students with an undergra administration has imposed education. Further, this d · restrictions prohibiting the will limit Biological Sci students from spending time in undergraduates in the Jab outside of their normal employment pos.51bilities, as lab period. According to Dave employers require spe Varricchio, the instructor, knowledge provided in co students m the past spent an such as Comparative Verte average of two hours a week Anatomy Ulb. Forbes behind, but opponents outside of class in the lab John Miller makes it studying. The article made it like the students will actu sound like this restriction would benefit from this change still \Vary - of his 111oney be a minor inconvenience. additional lab space. The fa complaints. a flat tax. This time, he has Having taken the course from accordingtotheDirectorofF by Carolyn Barta Forbes gets a chance to broadened his social message and Dave last Spring, however, this see Lab page 3 Knight-Ridder Newspapers make his case face-to-face against picked up conservative support. is much more than a minor Bush on Thursday when all the Last week, a dozen national DALLAS - Steve Forbes is GOP candidates debate in conservative leaders linked to the behind. Manchester, N .H. It's the first such early Ronald Reagan years In the race for the forum the Texas governor has declared Forbes the only ~true Republican presidential attended. conservative" in the race who can nomination, he's behind in Iowa, win. Of those still in the primary The Exponent 1s published most Tuesdays and Fridays throu.gho~ behind in New Hampshire, hunt, Forbes has been the most The Forbes backers said they the academic school year, distributed free throughout the Uruv behind in party endorsements, aggressiveingoingafterBush, who doubt Bush's commitment to such and the Bozeman community and is affiliated with the Associated behind in national media consistently gets 55-60 percent issues as reducing the role of Students of . attenli0n. support in national polls. Forbes government, cutting taxes and Still, opponents view him has been mired in single digits. fighting abortion. Editorial Policy The E.x]xma1t welcomes letters to the Editor and guest editorials from its warily because of the one area in lnarecentNewYorkspeech, "Bush is essentiaUy an audience. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and addressed to which he's not behind - money. Forbes said Bush has more in establishment Republican," said the Editor. Guest editorials should be no longer 600 words. All "You can't discount the common with Democrats Bill conservative activist Paul Weyrich. submissions should include the authors name, address and phone power of a limitless pocket," said Clinton and Al Gore. "His administration would not be number. Anonymous submissions will not be printed. The Expo11e11t Mark McKinnon, advertising "Gov. Bush is vague, I'm dominated by conservatives but by reserves the right to edit all submissions for rontent, grammar and consultant to GOP front-runner specific," said Forbes. Republican establishment people." spelling. The E:qxment also reserves the right to reject any submission. George W. Bush. Forbes said he is looking Richard Viguerie, longtime Signed editorials represent the opinion of the author and in no way refll'd Forbes, a mmionaire who forward to stressing differences conservative publisher and direct the opinions of the f.xpo11L'1il, Advertisers, ASMSU or Montana State heads the Forbes Inc. magazine with Bush on education, spending, mail guru, said former President University. Unsigned editorials represent the opinion of the editorial sbff empire, largely is self-funding his taxes, Social Security and health George Bush "never walked with of the E.xpotzmt and do not reflect the opinions of Advertisers, ASMSU or Montana State University. campaign. I Ie calls himself the care. conservatives and the son has never only "real" conservative with the On taxes, he said, "the typical walked with conservatives." Editor • 994-2455 Sales Representative • 9'l4-2bll resources and organization to last Texan pays more taxes than he or '"We've been a little too Marcus Hibdon John C Rose over the long haul. she did several years ago." On quiet," he said, promising that the Managing Editor• 994-2224 Business Manager• 99-1-159\l Already, he has spent $t9 education, he said, Bush wants "a group will fan out as in key states Michelle Tokarski Paris He>dgson million - almost as much as bigger role for the federal on Forbes' behalf. News Editor• 994-2551 Advisor Bush. lt hasn't yet made a dent government ... 1 want to go in the It's in Iowa and Ne\' Jason Lehmann Carol Ferrie in the polls but Forbes said he's exact opposite direction." Han1pshirewhere the Bush bubble Features Ed~tor- 994-3840 Graphic Designers convinced he has a winning A week ago in Arizona, he must be burst, they said. Iowa's Jessica Shoemaker Mari..'" Vogl Rebecca Trimble strategy based on two factors: accused Bush of learning policy caucus kicks off the delegate Sports Editor• 994-5482 - Pricking the notion that positions "off the TelePrompTer" selection season on Jan. 24, and Ian CoMeUo Formatters Ladd Gould Bush is the most electable and believing that "government New Hampshire's first-in-the Art Director• 994-2614 Kevin 5<."0tl Oren Connell candidate. should guide our future. n nation primary is Feb. 1. Sara Irvin - And uniting conservative For his part, Bush has said Forbes' standing in Iowa, Photo Editor• 994-2233 Copy Editors support behind an issues-driven he's grounded in tlle philosophy of where he has spent 45 days lo Jay lham• Amy Petaja Gina Rumore campaign. a compassionate conservative who Bush's 19, represents his effort's Photographers Writer.> "Bus h 's whole thing is believes government should do a high-water mark. His best Sol ll"Onan:I, Zach lanner, Eric Nadia Dunn, ,\shlcv Brodie k.ltie Fcl"b'llSOn Par.;c.ms, :\l,m Bc'P.-Jiin L.bhcr.Lal) inevitability," Forbes recently few things and do them well, and measured support is in the low Gart land. Bobby Sidcnbe'b lit Ashl• told a Waterloo, Iowa, crowd. private and faith-based agencies 20 percent range. Sales Manager• 99-1-2206 Coogan. Gt.'Otf H.1mmond. l\licah Paul LaMarche Andn,,.t>n, BJ Ft>tt, )l'nm Roche,,,.. 'There's no philosophy, there's should pick up the slack. "Once the air of Sp.inglt>r, Chun:hill Thoma' ~.J. l.1c no core issue that's motivating In Forbes' Jooing presidential invincibility starts to collapse, the Homme, Bri.m Duszynski. ~,,re Smith M<>rgt'n B<·~m.m people to back his campaign." run four years ago, he drew £t1>

U: What do you think will happen when the clock strikes midnight on January 1? Photos by Sol Leonard

"I think a few "I think everyone "There'll be a few "I think there will "I think if the people might be will breath a sigh of minor glitches but be a few minor world ends no one inconvenienced reliefwhen they nothing major. The glitches and a lot will notice because for a few days." realize their biggest problem is of drnnk people in they will all be paranoia was a11 for people's fear of the world." drnnk.'' nothing." Y2K." Alana Amunmd Brian Brush Denk Sonderegger Markllben Bambi Bisson Freshman Freshman senlar Senior Freshman computer Enalneertng Bio-Med Math /Computer Science Malh Bio-Med

You thought it couldn't 'orbes: Voters distrustful of Lab: Education compromised happen in our town. is lack of pre-requisites continued from page 2 continued from page 2 Services, the lab space he refers Biology Department should You thought an to is slated as research space, not take a step back and evaluate Excrement that big only tee ls come off," said Forbes said Bush has fumbled in some undergraduate lab space. How this decision before its existed in the fantasy mpaign manager Bill Dal Col. areas and undermined his do undergraduates benefit? The reputation is tarnished and fe think we are a solid second efforts. only benefit I see is the research undergraduate education is life of d the threat to Bush in Iowa." Still, others say Forbes has dollars and prestige that this undermined. Otherwise, adolescent boys. Of the first six states to vote, too big a hill to climb. project provides to the undergraduates might be wise 1rbes won two in 1996 - "Apart from his department. Don't get me to look elsewhere to get a degree !!aware and Arizona, and he's pocketbook, he would not be wrong, though I believe in the that is worth more than the Think again. -ganized in the other two, South considered a serious contender," value of research, I just don't paper it is printed on. Excrement. uolina and Michigan. said Whit Ayers, a Republican think it should take precedence But analysts say some consultant in Atlanta who's not over an undergraduate's James F. Wright Coming this Friday to 1ters are uneasy about Forbes' involved in any presidential education. Senior !w-found fervor for Christian campaign. I believe MSU and the Fish and Wildlife a .newsstand near you. inservative issues. Ayers discounts Forbes' "Steve Forbes in 1999 is a chances because, he said, "He mservative, pro-life, pro­ doesn't have the pre-requisite hristian Coalition issues quality that most Americans look mdidate, which he wasn't the for in a president - a record of st time around," said Steffen success in a high ranking political STAN LYNDE AT THE BOOKSTORE! :hnlldt, a political scientist at position." >wa State University. Some Never having held office is Stan Lynde will be signing copies eople, he said, "are a little bit a "difficult hurdle to get over," mical." Ayers said. "I can construct a of his books on In the TV air war, Forbes' scenario where he gets to second olitical ads have focused on his in a number of states, but not December 17 - 11 :OOa.m.-1 :OOp.m. ositions on issues. His first." lITlpaign has produced, but has Forbes has batted away that Refreshments will be served ot aired, some that raise criticism, saying people believe Please join us. uestions about Bush's record it's time to elect an outsider. "It's s governor. time," he said, "for someone For now, those remain in who's not tied to the political ne can because Forbes aides class." 4 December 7, 1999 ASMSU Exponent

Rhodes scholar: Senior plans to attend medical scho1~ t Millennium: Systems Y2K compliant continued from page 1 continued from pa. Carolina's marathon-running cadet corps. prevention. "The phones have been problems were found, but homecoming queen. One of the AIDS "We're at the beginnin Y2K compliant for sometime they are known problems West Point and Yale, with researchers, William and Mary's the epidemic and not the enc now," Todd said. "Just the with known solutions," Todd three selections each, led 26 Eileen Robin Cardillo of Fairfax, will still be an issue in 20 yea voice mail was updated over said. colleges and universities with Va., soon is to take her research she said. Thanksgiving." He said they are students chosen to receive to Ghana for more study. The South Carol According to trying to fix the problem Rhodes scholarships. William The second, Michael homecoming queen is Carol Denison, the cables that while disturbing people as and Mary and Harvard had two Lanham of Gravel Switch, Ky., Parker oflnno, S.C. She has" connect most buildings on little as possible - the Rhodes scholars each. an 18-year-old senior at Centre prizes in engineering and campus to each other and to problem is with PC's, and The West Point College, does work on the chemistry researcher, a dan the Internet are so old that they all need to be converted paratroopers are Craig Mullaney mathematical modeling of and a marathon runner. they have a date ignorant at the same time. of North Kingstown, R.I., who diseases. He plans to study for a Elliot Gerson, Americ system, and the cables to the According to also ranks third in tl1e nation in doctorate in mathematics at secretary of the Rho1 new buildings are Y2K Denison, the installment of competitive skydiving, and Oxford. Scholarship Trust, said that"' compliant. the Banner 2000 computer Melissa Sturm of Chatsworth, "Everybody is very Harvard's two selections t The central system made the university Calif., who also is a member of accomplished and there's year, the school has 2 computer system on campus computer system Y2K the army judo team and an definitely an element ofluck in winners, the most Rhoe was recently tested for Jan. 1, compliant. accomplished violinist. there," Cardillo said. scholars of any U.S. instituti 2000 and for Feb. 29, 2000, "We are certainly The academy's third She eventually would like Yale is second with 1 the extra day for a millennial thin Icing," said Denison, "that winner is Elizabeth Young of to teach at a university and do Princeton, which was r leap. we are now Y2K compliant Branford, Conn. She is West research on the brain while represented this year, is th "Some minor with Banner." Point's brigade adjutant, maintaining her interest in with 181 and West Point responsible for discipline in the AIDS education and fourth with 73. Increase in serious crime reported among women in U.~

Despite the upsurge in the crin1es each year,just over half of and robbery each dropped 4 comprise 16 percent of convi IMS Campus total number of women being which are simple assaults, and 70 percent while sentences for felony defendants and peopl. arrested and incarcerated, the percentoftheirvictimsaremales, aggravated assault were up by the corrections syste 1 rate of crimes committed by the Justice statistics bureau more than half. The number of including commu1 - More women has followed the reported. convictions for rape or sexual supervision. women are being arrested and downward trend of men. The remainder of violent assault more than doubled, Arrest rates were higi servingjail time than in the past, The crime rate among offenses by both sexes were more although the actual number of among juvenile than ac 1 according to a Justice women was 19per1,000 in 1993 serious: aggravated assaults, cases was relatively small-from women. Department report released and dropped to 15 per 1,000 in robberies, rapes, murders. 202 to 442. Last year one of eve111 Sunday. 1997. The rate among men Between 1990 and 1996- The number of women in females between the ages o The increase in serious dropped over the same period the latest year ofavailable data- prison increased by an annual and 17 was arrested. It was crimes committed by women from 135 to 99 per 1,000. felony convictions of women in average of 8.5 percent between arrest for every 42 adult worrt comes at a time when the Moreover, three-quarters state courts increased 42 percent. 1990 and 1998, while the rate for Violent crimes comrni1J national crime rate-the number of the 2.1 million violent crimes Convictions for fraud were up 55 men increased 6.6 percent. by young women has increasH ofcrimesrelatedtothesizeofilie committed by women each year percent; drug offenses up 37 Based on complaint and 1/2timessinceiliernid-198ct population-has been declining. are simple assaults on other percent; and violent felonies up arrest reports, women account Women usually victimil The report by the Bureau of women. 30 percent. for about 14 percent of violent other women. More than tln • JusticeStatisticsdoesnotexplain By comparison, men In the violent crimes offenders and 22 percent of fourthsofviolentcrimescornrntt why crin1e by women...... is up. commit about 13 million violent category, convictions for murder people who are arrested. They by _women were against womei t

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ozernan community pays Freshman faces charges of ribute to one of its finest Internet hacking ssociated press When it hit, Anker was covered with about a foot of avalanche debris. He received several cuts PEORIA, Ill., - A Bradley on his head. They have healed in the nvo months University freshman could be in big since the incident. trouble if accusations that he tried The two months since her husband's Anker and Lowe were the best of friends. In to hack into the Web sites of 400 European corporations are eath have been a heartrending, yet inspiring, the dedication of his book, "The Lost Explorer" correct. x-perience, .Jennifer Lowe told 1,000 people who published this year, Anker thanked Lowe for "his Companies from around the world notified university ttendcd a memorial senicc in Shroyer Gym on continued friendship." officials that someone from the campus' network had tried to he Montana State University campus Friday During an interview before Friday's tribute, break into their computer systems. According to the Bradley Scout, Bradley police traced the would-be hacker to the ight. Anker said he and Lowe "were cut from the same "We received hundreds upon hundreds cloth." The quality he valued most in Lowe was residence hall room of Blake Ferguson, 18. Ferguson was using pon hundreds of cards and letters and they mean "his energy and his exuberance for anybody and a computer provided by the university. Police said Ferguson told them an ongoingjoke between o VCI} much," ~1rs. Lowe said. "It shows how e\erybody,." Anker said. uch Alex touched all of you and how much we Climber and "Into Thin Air " author, Jon him and a buddy from high school prompted him to try to can to you." Krakauer of Seattle, described Lowe as unaffected hack into his friends PC. While trying to do so, Ferguson told Alex Lowe and photographer Dave Bridges and down to earth. police he unintentionally scanned corporate Internet Protocol f Colorado died in an avalanche Oct. 5 on Mountaineer Jack Tackle spoke about his addresses. That access, investigators said, could have resulted hishapangma mountain in Tibet, which at 26,291 climbs with Lowe that extended over 20 years. in the alteration of computer settings ra nging from turning eet is the i4th highest mountain in the world. Although the climbing itself was rewarding, the desktop icons upside-down to disabling a keyboard. we was part of a six-man team that intended to real fu n came from the friendship, he said. Still unclear is whether any or the affected companies limb up and ski down its slopes. The expedition Rennie Jackson, a National Park Service will press charges against Ferguson. While most attempts to as called off after the avalanche. ranger, said he remembers Lowe calling him many hack into sites failed, Ferguson did gain potentially damaging "The community has been incredibly times with the invitation, "Let's go climbing." access to about 12 systems. The case is being reviewed by the upportive," Jennifer Lowe said. "I want to thank Al though he was Jess than enthusiastic when the Illinois State's Attorney's Office. 11 of you here in Bozeman for everything you've invitation came in winter, J ackson said he would one for me and my children, including yard usually go. Man asking for directions ·ork, babysitting and wonderful meals fixed." "You don't get that many times to be with Family members, climbers and friends paid greatness," Jackson said. "Thanks for those phone busted for possession of drugs ribute in music, speech and film to the man calls, Alex. I won't forget your laugh." DAVIS , Calif. - When deciding whom to ask for help, horn many have called the world's finest climber. The loudest applause at the tribute for Lowe consider this: Police at the University of California-Davis Admission to the nvo hour memorial was $5, was for one of his sons, wh ose dignified arrested a man who asked an officer for directions. with the money going to the Fund for the Children performance on the fiddle conveyed what words of Alex Lowe. could not. The officer, sensing that the man smelled of marijuana, "Alex's strength and drive came from the Lowe's oldest son, u-year-old Max, said detained him and asked him to produce identification. When heart," said cattleman Tom Mcclay, who grew up nothing after he climbed to the stage to perform the man did so, the officer discovered he was wanted on an with Lowe in the Bitterroot Valley. "I feel there a bittersweet piece, accompanied by his teacher outstanding warrant with the Sacramento Police Department. was another star in the night's sky when Alex was Nancy Padilla on the guitar. Davis police arrested the man. A subsequent search revealed engulfed on the mountain." When he finished, Max quietly left the stage. thatthe man also possessed 5 grams of marijuana. Davis police Mountaineer Conrad Anker ofBig Oak Flats, "Thank you, Max," said Gordon Wiltse of charged the man with drug possession, too. Calif., said he was close to Lowe and Bridges on Bozeman, a professional photographer, climber Shishapangma when the avalanche started to and a close family friend. "That was b rilliant. Yell move 6,ooo feet above them. dad would be so proud of you."

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Give the Army Reserve your serious AuroBoov } - 888-5~ 0- 542 0 consideration. E X P E R I E N C E1Nc 917 Bridger Drrve ·Bozeman Think about it. "FULL SERVICE AUTOBODY SHOP" Then think abou t us. EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE Then call: ·CLAIMS HANDLING ... EXPERIENCED •UNIBODY & FULL FRAME .. . EXPERIENCED •REFINISHING/COLOR MATCHING ... EXPERIENCED (406) 78!-7070 Butte ·IMPORT & DOMESTIC CARS & TRUCKS ... EXPERIENCED Also watch for new accessories (406) 586-8571 Bozeman •DEER, ELK, ANIMAL HITS.. ..OUR SPECIAL TY including blank tapes, CD holders • I SATISFACTION GUARANTEED! CD repa1r, etc. BE ALL YOU CAM BE~ •PICK UP & DELIVERY SERVICE ARMY RESERVE ·SERVING ALL OF SOUTHWESTERN G UNIVERSITY SQUARE 586.3232 MONTANA & BEYOND 1-CAl ' G O CATS! --- 6 December 7, 1999 ASMSU Exponent Four students injured NASA: Satellite will monitor changes in environmen continued from page in Oklahoma middle instrument that has multiple functions. Those dioxide and other gases, responsible for chang functions include measuring photosynthesis on in global temperatures, will accumulate in a global scale. future. The satellites also · school shooting "Software like what was "This launch represents a measure changes such written here at UM will deforestation, wildfires an "doesn't even know who it was provide users directly with milestone in one of the urbanization. TMScampus he shot ... There was not a hate land surface images," most significant research Running and some ofh thing. I asked him why. He said, Running said. "Previous projects on the campus of fellow researchers plan to b 'I don't know." satellites have offered only at California's Vandenberg · An armed 13-year-old The boy did not appear to raw data and required the end the University of Montana." Force Base for the launch. I user to build the image. This Missoula, the launch will b middle school boy wounded four be remorseful and had a blank -UM President of bis classmates just before 8 look on his face, according to advance should significantly George Dennison shown in a room at the a.m. Monday, and was still published reports. expand the variety of uses Science Complex on Dec. 16. trying to pull the trigger when The boy, a seventh-grader, society makes of satellites." Running has worke he was subdued by a science fired all the rounds in the 9mrn Satellites such as Terra will allow with NASA since 1981, when the agencyexpandei teacher. semiautomatic handgun. He researchers to monitor how rapidly carbon its scientific research team. None of the injuries were was approached by science said to be life-threatening. teacher Ronnie Holuby, who Injured at the Fort Gibson also serves as the safety officer 1986 Company Middle School shooting were at the school. founded in School officials cancelled two 13-year-old boys, and a boy Bozeman, MT and girl, both 12. class for all of the district's 1,850 Muskogee County Sheriffs students. There are about 450 • Introduced Deputy Terry Cragg said the boy students in the middle school. tD Instrument Product Line 1989 Introduced Bozeman_ _ ,, [Upcoming events: J Automated Career_,_Opporlunities_in LO Test System Dec.a 1992 lntroduced Please join us at our There will be a University Chorus and Chamber Fiber-Optic Orchestra concert Wednesday, Dec. 8 at Reynolds Recital Open House Hall. This concert is free. For more info, contact the Music Product line Department at 994-4641. 1993 Introduced Wednesday . December 8th Measurement 4:00pm to 7:30pm Dec9 Product Une The Department of Media and Theatre Arts presents • Opened ,Japan "Ignatius Explains It All For You" Thursday, Dec. 9 through ILX Light-wave is a leader in test equipment for fiber optic telecommu­ Saturday, Dec. u at the SUB Underground Theatre. Show Office begins at 8 p.m. and tickets will be sold at the SUB box office. 1996 lntroduc:ed nications, which is one of the fastest growing industries in the world For more info contact MTA at 994-3902. Multi-Channel today. We are growing rapidly to meet this incredible market demand. The Museum of the Rockies Classic Film Series presents Fiber-Optic ILX Lightivave was founded in Bozeman in 1986 and has achieved a "The Lord of the Flies" Friday, Dec. 10 at 7 p.m. Schoolboys Source for WDM fourteen-year track record ofgrowth and success. More importantly, our are stranded on a desolate island and resort to savagery as 1998 Opened Aber they struggle to survive. Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning fature has never Looked brighter! novel by William Golding. Tickets will be sold at the Museum. Optic Test and For more info, contact MOR at 994-6018. Measurem-ent Dec.10 Division in Jfyou are interested in Learning more about our organization, the indus­ The Ceramics Guild is holding a sale Dec. 10 at the SUB. Colorado try and types of career opportunities that we may offer, come to our For more info call Josh Marcus at 586-4095. • Openi!d Service Open House and talk to the many ILX team members. W'e may have an Centers In japan The MSU Women's Center is sponsoring a Women's and Europe exciting opportunity far you! Coffeehouse on Friday, Dec. 10 from 7-9 p.m. at the Leaf & 1999 Opened ------Bean Coffeehouse in downtown Bozeman. Everyone is invited to attend and all women are encouraged to perform. Share European For more details on ILX Lightw1tve and mployment opportunities, your music, stories and poetry. Bring your instruments. (P.A. 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100/o discount with Valid Student l. D. December 7, 1999 7 Your Source for Art, Activities, Concerts, Lectures, People, Shows and Reviews ruckin' erekTrucks and plays for sold ut Bozeman crowd

"Sorry, if\ou don't haYe a stamp or a ticket. I can't let you in." That's \\hat the bouncers ere sayi~g to. the poor souls who didn't get to the Cat's Paw in time to see the Derek Trucks rnd perform in front of a maximum capacity crowd. \'ootie really outdid themsel\'es when e-' decided to bring this 20-_\ear-old slide guitar prodigy to Bozeman. l had just gotten off work around 6 p.m. and thought. just maybe. I'd stop into the Cafs .a\\ to see if I could chat with Derek Trucks. Lo and behold, there he \\as. walking across the ance f1oor. There were only a few folks in the bar. but their interest was in keno rather than 1is guitarist for the Allman Brothers Band. Trucks was more than happy to sit and talk while he finished eating a pear. I asked him oout playing \\ith the Allman Brothers and in regard to Dickey Betts, be said, "It's great playin' ith him. He's definitely one-of-a-kind." Last summer. Derek toured with the Allman Brothers on their 3o•h Anniversary Tour. I ad a chance to see one of the Portland shows and Derek held his own among the grizzled veter­ ns of the Allman Brothers. Derek explained that he only had fi, e days to practice with the Allman Brothers before they kicked off the tour at Red Rocks. He had listened to their music efore, but had no direct involvement until they asked him to join the band. Derek learned the band's set list in only four d~s. because as Derek put it, "I didn't 1ant them to wait on me. It was nice to be able to surprise them!" Derek is constantly touring and when asked how he spends his spare time, he smirked and said, "There is no spare time. We tourall the time. If there does appen to be a little extra time, we do laundry-ah, the glamour." Talking with Derek, you would never beJie,·e he is only twenty. His grace isn't limited to his guitar playing. While we weretalking his cell phone began to ing. Instead of answering. he simply· reached down and turned it off. His style and composure is a rare quality for musicians in this day and age. \\'hen I returned to the Cat's Paw about three hours later, I saw an entirely different scene: the Vootie security guards weremilling about and the band was nowhere to be found. The bouncers were doing a nice job impersonating Sih·er Backed Gorillas while keeping their eyes on the pack. The band definitely took their sweet time getting started, but when they did the bar began to move. Warming up \\ith "Preachin' Blues" off their second al­ bum, the sold-out cro\\d seemed surprised at what they had got­ ten themseh·es into. Derek is a regular slide gui­ tar samurai. His Gibson SG be­ gan producing sounds that shut some mouths and opened some eyes. According to Derek. "Bozeman ·s .i cool place. The t'ro\\ d is so ,·aried." Saturda) ni1d1t tht> Cat's Pa\\ was a about .is ,·arit>d as it could be. Sonw folks looked as though the} \\ere celebrating their :.!O-year high school re­ union. while others looked liked they were just out of high school. While there \\'as \Cl'\ little room to dance, en:ryone seemed to find enough space to do a little hippy jig of their own . . Derek doesn't use a pick during his routine, so it \\as really amazing to watch this guy pla}. Bill .t.lcka) was a \'Jrtual blues powerhouse. His \'Oice "as about as bluesy and passionate as the\' come. By the time the second set rolled around, the crowd was really lubed. Thei~ energy seemed to inspire the band. When Kofi Burbridge whipped out his flute, it added a nice splash of jazz to the funk and blues. They began wrapping up the evening with a Bob Marley instrumental. Diehards who stuck around seemed very appreciative, so the band continued with a Grateful Dead cover. Bv then it looked like it was all o,·er. The hippies were happy, the forty-somethings were smashed, and the rest ~f us, ~ell, we were truly amazed. (Clockwise from above) Pickin' machine . .However, with a little encouragement from the crowd, the band played an encore consisting of Sonny Boy Derek Trucks makes his job look easy. W1lhamson's, ''Good Momin' Little School Girl." Keyboardist Bill McKay belts out the blues. When the concert was over for real, one extremely happy fan walked by, saying of Derek, "Man, I love that Kofi Burbridge's flute playing added a jazzy guy, man. I've gotta go give him a bug." With a little perseverance, he got that hug. Shortly thereafter, he passed out in the parking lot. sound to the Trucks Band funk.

Written by PJ DelHomme Photos by Sol Leonard 8 December 7, 1999 ASMSU Exponen Student ceramics sale Winter Heritage held in time for holidays Album captures concert musicians' magi and fairly ine:-..-pensive to produce. Ashley Brodie You can easily sell a cup for $10, player of the year by the International Blue Exponent Writer Ashley Brodie Music association. but would have a hard tin1e sell­ Exponent Writer ing a sculphtre for a thousand Tim O'Brien is part of the new acoustic bluegrass movement of the past twenty ye Friday is the last pay day of dollars at school," be stated. "Ce­ the semester for MSU employees ramics are art that everyone can He was recently critically acclaimed a The second season of Winter Heritage con­ Grammy nominated for his recording ~Red and, coincidentally, the day cho­ afford." Twenty tothirtypercent certs \Vill visit Bozeman on Sunday. The show sen for the annual Ceramics of the sale's proceeds will go to B1onde,tt which is a tribute to Bob Dvlan's so at the Emerson Cultural Center will feature New Guild benefit sale in the SUB. the guild. writing. His recent work mventively combin Grange, a new ensemble of phenomenal string classic bluegrass .,..,;th his Irish roots. From 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. student Senior ceramics major musicians along with special guests Laurie Lewis Critically acclaimed Todd Philips, V\TIO made ceramics art will be on sale Adam Swang adds,"the ceramics and Friends. tered acoustic bass over the past 20 years, just in time for last minute holi­ guild brings•isiting artists to the New Grange, an all-acoustic American folk received many Grammy nominations, · day shopping. university, while providing the and bluegrass hodgepodge, features six talented The Ceramics Guild is made opportunity for students to sell his first Grammy award in i983 and his seco and acclaimed artists who create an extremelv up of ceramics artists from MSU their work." in i996. rich sound. · who are concerned with giving Swang's current work de­ In addition to the winter concert, Ne Philip Aaberg, who in the past performed e:-..-posure to student amvork and picts a variety of clay community Grange just produced a self-titled release ri with wonders such as Peter Gabriel placing the school ofart in a more dwellings on a small scale. corded in San Francisc and blues legend Elvin public light. while generating "I've always bad a fascina­ Various mandoli money for the guild. The major­ tion with building, and finding Bishop, has ap- banjos, an a1 ity of funds from the sale go to­ such monumental dwellings in­ peared on cordio1 ward the Archie Bray Foundation spires me," he said. more than fidd11 in Helena. Swang's inspirations arise 200 al- MUSIC lruzij The Archie Bray from a combination of the bums. foundation,located in a former Anazasi, African Dogon cultures, V10- coun brick foundry, houses a family of medieval, Roman, and Egyptian linist, REVIEW a gu local ceramic artists. 111e Ceram­ architecture. fid­ t a r ics Guild recruits three to four The guild is "helpful for young dler, meld t artists in the spring from the artists to see the opportunity to sell com- gether to ger foundry to speak to student art­ their work," according to Swang. poser, erate a complete ists here at MSU. The organized opportunity to sell producer, pool of sound. Thi Josh Marcus, who pulled work provides a type ofgratification and educator Darol masterful compilation mostl the Ceramics Guild out of dor­ for dedicated student artists. Anger poses as a founding member of The consists of pure buttery acoustics coupled wit mancy two years ago, is a sculp­ Swang described, as an ex­ David Grisman Quintet, Montreux, and the occasional light, twang-tinted vocals. Bits c ture major whose main focus of ample of such dedication, seeing Turtle Island String Quartet. As well as O'Brien's Celtic tradition resound throughou work combines wood ~th vice president Chris Coutre winning the Best Jazz Violin award, Anger has the album, especially in "Goin'; to Boston." metalsmithing. Despite his art asleep in the studio by the kiln numerous grants and awards for recordings, The album's complete package proves tt concentration, Marcus chose to waiting for it to reach tempera­ movie soundtracks, solo work, and composing be reminiscent of Grisman's work. reestablish the Ceramics Guild ture. under his belt. Overall, the new release carries a heartJ due to the utilitarian nature of ce- "This is the type of commit­ Master of the mandolin, guitar and violin, but light and mellow presence. It receives twl ramies. ment you will see in the ceramics Mike Marshall also began his career as a mem­ thumbs up. .. Ceramics are marketable guild and atthe sale,~ Swangsaid. ber of the David Grisman Quintet. The release of the album coincides witl Alison Brown, former banjo member of the Winter Heritage concert playing at th r------~ Alison Krauss and the Union Station, finally Emerson Cultural Center in Bozeman Sunda formed her own band which produced five sub­ December 12. Tickets are available at Cactus ! ~ '! sequent releases. She was also crowned Banjo Cd Warehouse, Grateful Shed, and Books Etc I I Tuesday Night is MSU NITE I I Free Pitcher of I I Pop I or I Beer I with pu rchase of Large or Jumbo Pizza : I. Not oood with anv other offer ------~---~------~

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S•)l'o tfOlllOU Nlnt [HOUT, Y 1,rN'{lq """"H '3 0£OE '2W ....,., llJ $'.""!~ s:>w MA..O .,llllO.TOou.Ai.Ct -ORl(.Nl(Ul,KlQ\AMWIO UOlll~NflHUKlllf _Y;7(1'Al'llll '111 tJ OE bllJtO-M.AJOUN Dl'VCllSfl E 9'. OE 0 IOUll ... 4ltl!J1 L"U()ol MIO! unEtucn SCIMCC N J.k.i,MJ M.AllUA.I...... ,,.,.. UUOl SOil r.t,,lSIS•ClA.s:~ICAllOU llWIO'i rAU N'A/11 .. llUflCltl..L TUEOfUES Of lffl[IV'AHONAL llllATICJtG 2fllJW .... ,.,?S .. S./0(111 l''f.ll'.l'J"{Clrv£5 UfJ !..OtHl... 'UfWIY ~ ounccn t«JMN' &Ulvte£s., eotnc.. • AMEil. &lll(YI '"'" M l'Sf(IUfS Uf" SfCV ...... ovnoESS SONG OF IQNfO "00 .. .,.~ lllW l'(ltOS-0£UnAY l.rnoooEOTA MOOIU fl(MJ 1H W'ESl f.;tVGllEEK rCJUS.Y. I .. nlMIKC £N('"ol!."'lllEJ>QlfmtrQMl'NflOtl ... 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CANllNE SffOfUYSHOf l'llACUCM..OUIUl IOFllM ?NlJ~•. V.' COMP, lOC.fC WOUKS 4·WIC0 ... SlloW rl11:.£ M.Mlil',Ef UNllOHMUflAUs.M 31'1190 $1'00 7111'MI CNlEY MJVNtc:EOOOON1'C0lEMIS111Y,l'AllT U 11.lllvt;.Y•.. "1 so11fJ ~ s~~~ CNtllOH ..O)(f\H •OJSll•Al ~l.AllON aCJ~llllWlf~fJ,.,,l(UOVK •HI• ll('"''"Vfll OE • 15 SllW CAlltlCO!E ltQW TO WVf Fflt(NDS 1H'lUCl'fCC 1'£0f"lE .. ••w Al tEl.,AllVlASS£..t;SM(Nl I I SIU \I} CALUA.USIKW .SlUUlll;..,,ICLMNI.~ Gllll't Mt S17!.tl CNlf1 CltlCAL llEMA lOlOOY AHAS " 2MJ'llll~· HC: 140 sir.,... CN..QA.VStttW t1Ufltl0t4.cc.M" .., ... fW S"ol!'.o CA111Ef1 EMl"lfUCAl AM'flOl\CtllS 10 SOCICA..OCOY ,,,., IWMJUOOf(()I"' rNJ& v lll E rot.I\ AlfOU I/ l ...... 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IJOCUMEHIAll1'J1l"Yt5l.IJ lO " " CONFUCfUS Nw..EC1S Of COHfVCIUS t(»l.FOICJj ., ... ,. , .... s11•o11 s .. r; ,, l'llQr£5SIOllN..C~lllUCllt>llMNW..lMUfl 311Ut7 "'"' COtA. Y Cl\AlY lAOYI Sl '".O ,.., $ 1 /llU llWIS IQ.AI« l Kl 'l.Ol I k)H .. COtlUYEll N\ACTlCN. HCH'Nw.a:nuc r.IAllSllC~ .. CIJo'El\ALUUUA. .. SI W CONl\AO llEAlll or UNlkNESS-UNMN11l)t;(lJ\00YEll) .. ... ~. llCMCHIS °' lilEG.•lE.UESOUl;. ME.ASVHE .. "25 COHIW> tlEAnT CW: ONlKH£SS ,,., .. IJ"tECfOlr'S VOICE. COUllAOS l'tKX".f\AMS1MAMFESIOESUH 2'UlllClNI IJk.JI 70 """S1tl0 .. ., 00 ECONOMIC ~M..YstsOf roor"t.11JYnn1rn 2ta.Jt7 ""' COt.f\~AY WOMEN•l'UOl.tC rot.ICY ?f,lllQlf S1IJIJ..,, MAfflM.lEMS<;HOOl 1CAQI $11'1JSCAHJ.Wi 15 ST 50 COOK 1115fOllY°'NAUl\AffY[f"l.M .JUfn ,, ... ,, • SJ/tel ., voo MAUI FIS'\.OaJOAllY &GflOCl. l[lct .. lt:!i " COONll WA.YWENEV'EOWUIE .. ... 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COUCH Okll1AL•NW.00COMMUt-...AUOUSnl~ Slll'J/ S.'llllt.I l'flESCtlOOl N'rUONllAIE t"IW:llCES ,.. ... COUNTS OVCll lllf N£Xf llll .. $111("1 SlllO COflEMPOIWIY ISSUES •4 LMVEt~ 611119 '''"'" cuw~ MOllE WOllk rou MCHllCU SJ 1mt1 NE ""'~.., l'NlfY l'tUllCS .. AMCllCA .. C0Jt NEWlllSTClllUCAl..UltfWIYSIUUY ,..,• '°"" SEl11NC'iV11lOIUONfWlE .. CIWO la./MAHUEYElOl"UI NT fllllll't" S"l l"• JU ... ,., W..\111«1 J'.CJl'I C"oOIJOf .. """ COAK) lflJMANOCVElCOJUH smn1£ f.IECIWf!CAl MEA.Sllfll.Ml.HIS Mll!'l NE 1 J.4r,no CMW\.EY STllAJ[Ot(S rou CUf.>IHQCOHll:.UI llLMllNO zt&J~'"""" Vl:OS'"'" o•n St-I r.cl POSTl.:MAM CflUQt WALK TWO MCJOHS .. .. $1{!1"1 S IU I.Al COMf'lE IE AAH0 SOHA.1 AS.Y I 7S Cnt.SW[ll OUAl.ITAllVE WfOUlllYolU:::;(MtQll.IESKiN ... ~,,.. s1-...J SVMPtt()NV00-31"E Fl.Al lrl.AA>llOP.M.... , CfKlNOH a w.GES "' n-tE l.NI) .., .,.., J..JIJll llW&ATfOWOANf cnosov FCOlOGtCM.. IMl'ElllAl.r--.M .."' AUYER rSSM}1MQ.IOlDf 411111 HE cnoss WEST'S l(OJ\l £HYM10HMCNI OT nur.W.ESS 311199 N( tiu s-t•w WOMUl'S WAYSOfKH()Wl\IQ..IVlllNfttY to ,.,..... ,,, "'"".,.,, Cl10SS WEST'S lEGA.l E.HVIOOHMf .·SIU c.l>E·WlCIJ: JIU~ 14E SIW S.,I r.. NM.. T Df'Elltt-a QIUTrJIE.11 SfOINll .. Su'""' lllEASOH OFTHE »ffEUECIUAl!\ .." SlllO ClA.OCll150t't OHK.llUt.IUCltlAW !tfll•ll SI'·" rou "'' MCl•IECMlE Of llCHJIY Cl.A.lCH Cl•M9M.OC-ok.Jol. 111(.()ltY ... SIUW ,, 1'S SOffG WOl IKS I ,," T.I ...... ""' C\A..P MANACl'HG PFOl'lftllClUlt&tlCi YOOUSf l I) ., s. .S"\.4 rr, SOHOWOl'KS I 00 CM. V {SW) (;UMt.l»«;.S MANAGINQ A coorEllAJIVE Cl.ASSIK>OtA .. SIJt"'I MOfW.S•lEC'llCOl.\llOH ,,,uo PRflClf'US Of- .. "'"" ClR> Pt"-osortrf OF SCIENCE . .. ,.,.l•I EM~ TECH Fi\.151EHIHO Wl1N"E 511116 OE "'" CVfVlY NV1nttlOHCOUIN${llNO o COMM~US S!Gftls.«'INJ COMJUT £ ITUlt S"'"'UiOJ \,.V-OllMAH ... rwtt t;"S "*"'," ,, .., l. .,., ,,,.,.,""'"' BUGS IN 1HE SY'STEM CUfNE:ll lilYSICS -SIWS10GUE.. 4lll'Jlfl Ill; "' 1rJ Slft 1!t NllAl>tOEAf .,"' .. CVlHEll rt fVstCS 4111')11 l'E SfSOO (... Cit' St;ltl llrtFl'41UllE flWICAISE..TOlolE I "'"' cunLEn NOIUll(UU ''"'"'"' 2"I ..,, ~ ..w OC'IEU'£nsoH lHllOUOtiQIW 1AOOl.£St.;CtA.E SIHOO" IJNl.lH lU[OUHK"~ Ot.OllAI. SEF..MOt.Of~Y .. .,., ... • WAYSOFSH.l«l n 1 r.oo LW.Y ..,lllOTOHSECTlllOLOGY • l.14Vl:.J~JY SllW Ltt• 11 llEE lAM..OOUES UETWECH I ril,AS•l, ...OHC.IUS 79 20 S7.1S DNM-tOf\ST M(N4...ru, Of- Uf\ESS ""''"'t~I s 11.01 .., CfWl Of' l...aJC -'l>WllStMIK>H lfltOO tl~W OAMllOSOI lOHCJr.lANNnllQ.OOVOf"Ullllt•ltH Y~ ..., $ 1(,11\) .. rt.HJ OF SEOUENl l.Al.1PAl\N.lU N..GC.1UlllNS ., s1ro1io OAMflOSCH lOHOMNf NflUOlOOY or uumsu Ul .. Y I .. .. RE l AA. a.IAHAGQllEHl OAYENPOUT romADl.E IK)MA.N nEAOEn S1!JO f(lN IW"aJK0'6 WOii b """',,.,, UAVUSCIN Ellf'\.Ol-.0 ENllll ••., ~·w """ ,, k•OO OUN faJMNf SEfMCES"t ,.., "'.. ,.,,... OAVIOSOf'f EXn.OI~ ENIIH. ST 00E. SCX.CC:OHOlfrlY JltEUJtJM •OOIUl.l..l•I Y ,, $11•0 OAYIO!;OU LOOSE CtW fOE llll ICE 'fYOMlH OF~ I IES ,, s1·~ ,. ,. 011 LI. MEJUCO SHC£ NJO'Ct.\JEIQ .,,., OAYM;S nrntUU~M~~f'OIMATf ., IWll'EOCCX..lllS SllAJY Oll.E HEW nEYST~ .," sow DAYICS FTTll MIUACl.E ..... MflllCAL IEl ..K>lOOY . .S(ll".U'ft IE.Xf·WAAI JIC)•I $41•1 uA.YtS unu OUlJE 10 A.UIOCM>.nHU..ct.E 1• .. HOW COllH'oE3 WOOK ... )ol,t•t UAvtS O[IUf... orMAlll .. C'.tAl•IC .. '""' LEAllN...a Wf\.NJvtEW·WJCU ... Sl1W OAY HOW TO Wl•IE1ll\Jfl..&f..ll SCA IH•-11.: 1~A11 II !".lll!Jltl FlllOAYNIOUI uoms .. IJEll..U GECJIG' W -'llY JIEMMSJCODG•~l ' I S 2'WO tHIOO MICllOl'IOt..OOY J'JWQ\.£& 1E.lJ'\.Ol\AllOHS 4 1Hrt 70 M1~""' OEUUSSY SH...-0 OUAIH£TS ., UI Ft.nlH UAL EOUA !IONS .. 91 Ml r; OECKCR OECKEH"S PATIEflNS OF EXl'O!".lllON 15 15111-e Ol"f£J1CNl&Al EOUAflOHS-SIUO.. ~H WAH .. 19 SfJ75 UEEH ANM.Y~Of HWfSl'OUI ,,UIUMLNA .. " .,,,.,,.. I Sii r; l\E.Al WOll.OSCNIJ9«J1IW.nONC.'\ UUllA\JSO UEUIENNH NUN .. tfS l l AJMEHl AfKJN• OOQIES 11\A llON SltW OCGMM Giil.AT JOOS ron rcm.JIOlOtW M.AJ(JtlS ... CCll.OHllll'l'S t.IOO£l OF OtE WOll.U ""'" OllEIW l.ArtlE.JiolEllOOflO(EUE lllEHE .. OC"oOOVEIW«J fltE COGUOS Sl".CJElMAfl UESTOf: WOtftJEllSCIEHCE ,, AllUUTTU£WN..1l lJCHES Sl'([CllCIWH ;>tl1'3 l.ANGUAC'.E.CU.1\.11£.•~IEIV .,""' ... UUlf CAIUOOlllJ'tlY wmtEMArlC loW'1CU Sllltl MAlll "4E:Utul.I"; .. PU'liS..SCl.JkX5 ,..,., ' $-ti ~ urnsE 111ACK NIJ rnu MNNAl llOCntNlW.-sM ., t1ESCNlfES MUMTATIOHS OH FlflST9'.. 0"'....ot11Y JIUtJ CON"Q..AflOH OF rt... osonrt .,,"''".. ., U£V'lrT LN«\UAGE• ltEAlllY ...... t"E fllOl.OGY OF" stl.UiEl IAl lY lt()CKS "' .,.,., OEYOfl SIAUSTtCM. OUAUTVDESK'Jl1COHllW'JI... lffiO s.... "' U(YOOE rtlOONll..llYtSfAHSllCS Fl(NGll V11'J~ 4111-.S" NE MAit FOii AU SEASONS .., s,:1r.u 41119"> HI: '" l1£VOt1E l"ttOIW.1UTYtSlA1 rn:tK\11 -S IUU SOl..H MAH '*A.OOY OF r~-K.S ,.., ..., .. 7 ~JW UlAMOtCl eot.UJNICAJOf I 10 WOllWOOf( ~:~IW..L.NUiCN'EAUCllllCIU11£ ,.., ... ,,..., OICKENS 011£Af txrECIAllONS ... 5111'1 tlE s•.oo UICKlHS I ~I lJ TIMES ... Al'NNUIJMCQ!NeCSOf M.AlflWALS ....,.., 5111'.IJ l.M::l.CUICO ~ISOf"Vll.WftEAIJIJGS itt .Mll.11(;,qvf_ 1lllltfl UCIOtAltVQrw.Jll(JlflOCllSo<-OMl1•111-.11,cu..c;; 00 ,.,.. UUIOff SlOUOIHOTOWNlOSOCll ..EltCM IL'tlnU TO ElEtll~ l'OWtllS'ISflf.C. Ill.II .. ... ,,t.., lJKfUUnfEO flft... OF ClEClflONC llSllliUMf NIAllUff ,.., .... rAMll.Y S119E:SS MAflAC£MUll .. I'• S' 15 UtETnlCH l'EOA..E"SCllffAOfltEfltlSIOUY JIW)9" .:..K ESIAfE l~IGofAJl.AllOlfl... Cll wr.n. .. uE 0 S.ltlfl MOllf't0..00Y<>r11JMNIUlOOUC£llS SlllM .,.. CNW.O ClolNDCll ·:--C.NSllrYF (1111,;S OtOO, ., 4U s17•,i1 Oll.l.NIO 1tACHHlOASIOHEtOtAUC .a [NOllM10P°'IOl..StllE.lflMEA..'i Wl"-t.1J~ 4111 1" s p/;rs OINESEN LAST I Al.CS 1"1'941419'::l) "'.... ·lllS 1'W'r..l'OIUMHOOUM.llA11VE •l"c.MIMAltiWI SOOI .. IWIEWf lACOl 1M.ESftlG7"'7.JIG"V'JJ .•. El(Ctnott1CO(VQS1Cl""'I 119l.\MIV W.\.U 7111W OINCMAN llltY!"CM. lfi'lltlOl..OOY 31JC;;K~ ,, HAl\/llE•l'ftClif'(UlfESOF $Ull.S '11 '" wn "'"" 121119'1 ... w ortllO tiWlMACQtllUW'Y l'AllK>l,t'l f>tUAli'tl 4lllP'J~· ... SYMl,K>NVl«H •IC ,..K'.Jll.Qr\11 ., Hlllftt Olflfl MAN\JM. or WOOOY LMOSCAJ'C l'\.N~1$ ...... 10 HI[ lOf'OflHCWOlllU '"'"Ml,~ f"-Olt UtXOH lESSOUS Ii Ml0f.UAUUl1Cl0SS 11llYJll .. fWfOEl.NtO UY\lllOlOOY ..w OfYIV*fl l,.nCHAlUl\E 4111Yll >IT t"""'-1.EO s.:-1!'• OOIO TIU tKJUq Of SKY ...... IJEVUOl'MENlM.lY Af"f'nOf'lllAIC 111'-"C 11['1~7 s7•,u .,. •• !)ft '"' UOMllOfl" WUO lllll.CS AMrlllCA7 " JI M'l'llC OWHC ("'JIOVHJRAU:1nu IN Y&IK.JiltA. .,.., OOUU[ JOt .. OOtlHFS roCTllY :oi•t .., l'I lolfl.. r.t.IJ£HTS Uf""E OF SlAY\. T.l Si t•• 0011\.N«I IJOt"->lftTSlll\r-iMllllllCI •'lll.XlU 7•111~ Ill ()S uorn tN NfGfn "' " S>W lJOlltl VASCU AU I'\ AN IS Of MQt41N4.A llVUfKllOOYoMNl~MfNI VI WAltHSllUJ'J "' S)\11)"1 llOOIUS MC)flNIKl C".. U.. ., ~""KY 11no11• 11COr:A.1lAMAlUV' "" Cftlltr.ifllYCOtlllAl~ ...-OllllOIJt:lll 7111'11 OE t.o•u OOSIOY(VSKV um rs rnoM l.NflKJKlllOUtl) .."' ... Dec. 10 17, 1999 HOURS: Mon-Fri: 8:00-5:30 BU Photo l.D. Required Saturday, Dec. 11 10:00-4:30

No Phone Calls Please! HAii fl M.OOtlll ucs ;"t•Hol twUEU UOU('ol,AS CONl..l1'1S•MOtll\SOf INllfM..1 t;tlt M ltU 'II N.Jl/NICt.U ACCO..ltfll'Cl 1111 ... 14{ IWIEO ,... ~ NAHllOfllf(~f-1~.lA!.~ N.'fl/NfC£U Ait:X;,Q}fOH:) 'IUt.A.IE.ML.tJ.O Giii~ NJ" IWU.04 00'1\E £\llO~V'o\l:.11'.:W. rtlA(.lll·~ ~~ ;-uu.,,'" llM10000( l0lllU\A1VllE 1TllM OC: OflEil\VflS OtSCU\.... E ¥tlHIOUf Tl.AllS mun .WllllS AlllOl'ltCU. IVll( l"'IOKVOS MNHIMNIHO ~IHY IN ltl( t lA.~5'10ClM fWllllS COW3.M0..1 WAll:i_•wtlCll(~ rt.N'f',£ rUl"'A.11 ...... ' "l'° IWW'*S """ f1f\l.N1U PfMN OI' Nt0l£... X llAY Cll'rSIAl I OC.llA111Y OVflHJIJAllVr ON MAUAL.Y"'.r. Wl\.0 5-lll'f'I" f.!·'""' IWUUS l.lttlfl~ l•.U::N1 CONIUOl SYSIU.4~ Ufll.OlfU fl1&tfl> ...... ,., OUNHllAllVE OIE.M NW. YS. .. SOllf MNo1 Sllltll ""'"... IW11l fltJfllUU t C/.OlllSlflr' II('." nNl•l'f\V. t'llM..~ltCE•~.K.. I :"; M'll or l'Ol'-'.AllOU Gl..HCTlt.S :Jlll.l'tl WrFV M(IU(I~ MJIOM<.ll!Vl 11 CHtlUl\,(W '""'"'"'·lllfll.I , ...... IWIVEV OAAl'AS Jl(UUUOH llUl\ION [)IPUH !iYSIU.1·.t...:.~.li:;.Moil'f""'l llM't.M NI .. s1--• ...... '° AlJOK.HC(.l ltE t.IES~ Ot( srtM(ll '111.W" 11.t\SSl"tE UINt>lll G110U1' [IJU\;.A1"1 EACll'lkJUM. Ull.llllt:H 19r1Al 11111•.... fll $111fl un: WI fHOUI PNlU,( ~,.,,,., lfAVl.,NK) 1.111'11'...,(.l)C)VI' ltlV\,;l\IKJfl.,,... UJ ,_.,111'"' UI Sll• I ~1lltOf"'OlOOY..SlllGUE.1WNJK. lfll 0(1 IAJSl ....INC"olk.)Vf' ll~flOHAl l'SYYKA.VOl''°"W •~ 111 •r1 tlt s·1•, llAVllN-0 AHTlt!Of'a..OOY HllUf' MA.'>S M£UtA ntiO (nllfl'fq tl( St !'I HAWIOllS COfr>UM{.ll llOIA.YtOrl W{..t]Jl;;6 n11M fll. IV.WlltulWE lllJSI ~IN GllQUr STAlr1lOCAI. ('.OVE.llUMlNT tlll'" ()E" J.l!IU •1CA1Sr c,.: srvu-1 nNu~ 11.AWlHOllNE .. ouvrF NA llfUEHCA.C:.SOC COMl\tll IOUl1tftJlll ... SHl .. I NAUIN,ft{_l llAWllk)I~ IAl..lS ., UVE Wtt(J'<:; llUNtnNO AMUllCAt CUllUN VLAHS "111..-...... , HA\Vlle()fV{[ YOUNQ OOOOMNt l•IOW'tf•lHllrll SUt"l!H .h.V• EASl..W. 0UJ .,.,)tNI (JAYS llENl•-IO COMIVICfll(UACCl F/WHKJWS.~ 11(.Al)H COMl'\111:1"1C'"JW'llC.S C VfJl';JIUfl .. lA.10H ts.l.AMtC Hl'IHOflY M lilOUAl ltlSIOUY ) IJ'-0 ,,., .. , ltEA.11111 IUWAllO..'llO Cl.A.<;.~ tOC.l'J l lt~tn 14l 1 MNIAl,f Ml U I SlltU COHIL ...'00.Alty tfY{'.'il ... lNI~. Wr.n11·.-c. .'N..t• UC:CllT lllWAJIOS Vl\AW1HG Otf 11011 Sil.IL Of UIWN lllYoU.1' 111 VHll S111u UEl'NlTMENI CHUl AS~ LEMA.II llCll.UNf UEXICl.H uvr" .. ::.aCRSoH SOCtAl M[~ REN)fll USUEV NIGi if COUN 11 IY 91 ,, "' UUfO n ..<;ENt~R lEAI.,., 10 f'\.AY THE I~ UU0K I J.11(11() &OHM lU( R£YOl.UIJOH .... U(NllCnA " £lllOW w11mtK1 wn 11 rowen 11rv'HI S:>1ll 14M£11k:A'S tlSTC.IOY I/ 1,StNCE 19'$ JllJ'Jf VE' HEnof.NWW4 "' ElC'"olt>I VO'lUtU,41UY .....,..,,JCllY 1nv .. 1 SI I ~ ! fnnoTOllt(OfllESOFlEM ....l !tHI 'II NE llllJfU llVlllMCUCUllt IllVII" ...... ltHt.UY lll.Ar.11.0(AOl•llWl';l'N.uA.lklNOI Hl(WUH ltCtHlOOIQ ClUOTT CNC!KlY lHW•OUMCNf 150Ca.IY Wl"l'J UVCHIM 1FllAClU11l Ml.cu.or l:J«.Jl.MHIL.S •Ill• nus llFCOMING A MASICll Sl\IOf NI !WINI l'Mtf'~t Hlll'I/" (){ $1101 ~IJ:SOO lt(SIOO• fflCOONt:S n ll"t[S Ol:SEAllQtMC11t IN 1"$Yl,;lt0l!JOY W11HfOllLA.; Cilll.., s .·101 111($5' ()UJOf flll(IJIUSf .. CllOll MASKS .., Sii" IUVSflllM.. [H(\H(UWj(loli.lNfAc.1,..MtMI ,...., .... Of' leatS ll'StE..., CASJ\lJU\l ICA .. SOUJ '"""" INllV:JllllAI... CNGHEOW'ofOoMNf.AQ"Ml.111 CllCA1MTY IS OUfl JIWltrlON .. rnorncu NflHOl'C Wlf"E JI ·~1 ..... ,, lllU. I (lllWlk.H lOYf MllAClfll N(W1I Xl'ANUt.lJ LU •• , GlOU141.. lA.ISt~CSS TOlMV ...... HIUEY ...... roM..PlAHO Fll>EVEL J&r-.JCW4 C'Oe.lf u.J I lU .. 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'•Ill• OWAJ1mrv ~·IO(~ S1UOUJIUC.U,.L.Uit:U ltlllUU .. ... fACa.ln'IJ(~Vof 11.U •1 VlilllO ,... ,_, t..WAJtlNlY MICtK1£~ ,..o.•a""'".. v,L.A AOVAHCW CAI.CU.VS .. lw.;Mf.U lWO NAllOH!'>: u.rN4'1(U•l"'Uo\l w.tllW UW' .. KOSlQF tnstonvor NlCllJECnJnc ,..., ... llALN lill"ICll'\CS or ll()MflA..OOY ... KOUlf'llO Lr A()(ll~ 91' a w..1.EHGE IWWf Slfl't,,400tfCI~°' II llllAK.Alol(n ltHOllNHIJfl "' tlA•llS10N fOllCSMAHIUIKf/WUUUC> fL ..d i.1111,. scon IOt~ll lt'.ICUIUG 101,IOlAC Wl'llt. W AJ 11 l"'t" ~11t ( 1'NIJf11 IW,CS IM1A1KJH 10 llCN•. 111 11111'9 NC KllflOl.11 ltfAflNtfoCOOlflOOf UUl.UWi\.OS wrJi.~ .. IW.l tl(I AfNJol..Y Al KO•SlOf CllNAWAKCS .. IW.l IH f.UIOOl.S UW«U MllA.L GOt-INA C ..fO MY llEN.J Offl JllllVlf".. IWl'CIVI lltOUC""H•KUOW\(IJ(".( " M.llY IMMU'UOOV 1£:(1 IWAlll lllC>t.MUWOCM. UA:l'SOf" l•AWHAUVlMl..111 ll;U(ll. SfAllSHCM. f'tUHt..Y 11:.Plk.lllf',..H I WA ...USj 1 IVPK\Clt 'II"' Kl»l"I l..._C'-.KltK) VOl)tl NAf\JUAL. lll.:,outa;.(S "\4Mll ""-~ l'AllU.. OOY fl(l-.W1 '"HI~~ ro r-'ll.\l.l(l COMl"UIOI MSU l300~STOR:E STUDENT / FACULTY OWNED SINCE 1931 Titles are not limited to those listed ...... ACK Titles and pri "'.: es are subject to change. OE=Old Edition, NE=New Edition Pending ,.,..,., MC.il.IES C<:;Ol.OOY ... roou ron nnv 1Ulll 'J1 '11 00 MOHJOOM(llY Al'f'ltfll S TAll'il lC'>•l'ftOUAIJl.llY rlCUGll!i 11...,.,.. """'' lUC'.llll lUNr. STAllf.llCS ... Unlimited Quantities MOHTGOM(llY lfHRO TO S IAIJS1K:Al OUAlllY (..(Jfl1110l ,._,.,, MJ U I MUtflr..oMC.UY $-111111 M'r1..-.At11<.E..SlEO M.,nt[lr!l rW#O 101, OOOf( I 0 ~ .... """''. ltlTllO TO l'f\ACl lCE Of S1Att:... l"-S •"'"'' l U U I , ..111"'9 100 S I I 7~ ~I.' r.u r~AOC'fn .., t.t1r-1 rmcE llCOl'IY.N'l'\.ICAUOtl'>..Sll.I CilJI; tt:.LlliU.1 MQll-.&..EY ffFOl11UHAfE JUHO.N..CT f'fHff rtU:C'MJ:fll CC..Mlf• 1115' I t•.lll't'J .....,,..,.,."' l'IUCC. 1ll(OflY1Arf'llCAUOflS $AOl.(t ""'°''· ,, .,,. Sil.I'! lNC>SOVllO .."' uone UIOl'lA " 1•.HIM .,.-. 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CUL rW«J TI LAO "" h\lf••EllG f'UTUOE ~ HIE UOOK s• r· MllNCE ....,,," ....."'"' tNnoENS SJOflY OF AI M,.IU[Cl\JOE :'tU""tl .$-l llO ,, 00 , ,, r., l'tUNCE (05l13"4"311 ... OMCS LlfO'Nt.Eltl+O Youn ru1ut1£ )'(lW , ~,~ II ,.., 1.11 Sl !IO OAIE.S AUf'W ll\M l IHCQl.H lo&AH OEJ lt.lJ 11 IE MY I I IS ., SI ~41 mitU~lWI ... rf1INCE (914C)Ht077) tUE.V)AI uE OATES EAllllllll:SINO ., ,.. , SAIWl!'lAIH• TAU. """ Of)llteH CQt'5fl lUCllOH H.~"(CllOH IWIJlJVOK 4111 ..1 SI.I~ luvtfl nuNS TilflOUOtl 11'•0111Cfl SlOIUES '""' OIMllCH NIOUUCllOU or llEM..HY JHUotl It , , .. ~ .. " 111•o11 lWo::liC UtOl.OOY or MICIKMJOr.NftSMS •fllUJ" A M'-1Ci'"" OOlllCN r.lCULI OF l*"I •V FWWolCIN.. MAllKET!;•WISTllUIK>t.rs JI} ..._,,~ OCOtn>R AME.lllCNt 00Yl.IWM.Ul.19V'J UJllUf 4 11t"'J UI;. IW Vl'Jlll ,..,.. .. '"'"' NE ...... w.»«ISSOll YMN«l SAGAS.HORS£ OtSGOV CJtF AMCI ltCA SI ~ ()OAIA (MSC.llEIE·llMI; comnul SYSILMS ..,., ...... , nxcn ... St fJU OOlt:.SUY l'llOC l()CfMrY IMl'llOY IN COt4!>11lJl..:llUH ... $..:'''""lltlll lf.\Jlt't l"Sl'Ctl ,SCKHC£ OF J"SYQIOOYNAMCS ,..,y, ...... OOHAUY CONll Ml"OfWIYllNtaJISTICS :1'1111.1/ S llUO $ 1101 1.Of'" rAAlll:l.CS•t.YSIC~ .... ,,, OHHS1CIN .l'lllN •IC-.!-it.ILS jl'l) !IU l!o S UIOI lt(VQ.1OF111[ MASS('S !lAlllA I OUMAI) v SIUI MllK£11f COUIEMl'OfWn' 1((.lfM.OOV 111cvr11 OOIE~YGAST rl:u 1ter...~c f"n 192' SOlll.I .&AOOfZ lWJl.H un.0t11HO t\El.A1t0t1S111-s ... O~IA COU€0f nrNU Ill s~.• ..,, 411"'IVft191 f.li:. S!,011 lOYt. •t 11111£ llUE Of" t11Ul.CUA ... '""" on MAN MJYAHl..EO IWIMONY ...... , Sllt...t 4111•1/ SUIMI "4AUIUHEll 10MEY NUll~l«l nifONSIS• ntE"1 M.119( .. 11 .... C>nMAN MJYN ICEO IWMOJN WKID< s1 •1no !Jtll'lll t.1-.llSOE;H UAS1C IAA.INNllA.DLE CM.CULUS ., OCIMNI ElEMCNllJlY IVJIMON'f·WQ.l '" SI"''° S I IS MUSIC rlSIOltf SM«".fNO 4111"6 S14 00 ...,,,.1 rtlOM Ill[ UENIT .. onMNi QW[US flESEA1ta1UL.t.::rlClAh'illM v;i.uoutl ""1.';J,NA MOSttY'S ow:uK>SllC•lAll n.r.r 111 rs:11C•" t::. \IG II( IU\.... l£U S etlfllO fO EtNllMlUldttUAl tNGll .seem."£ 1tll'"""' 98 l'AIU([I\ SCCHl 11'(!>1\.thSIN".C l lOllllUU SJ",Qtl !>11111'1 $..:.'\11111 li&All lWS 1-'AlllfMAllCAl ti.&Elllorf'llY~ 10 l'AllKlll MACllOCCOfK.IM!Wi·WX:.U !.o.Q ?t•• s1•11 • 1 !;. lll UU l~Ut UAll•t COGHlllON 4111 1.ift l'AlllUH MAC"'.llUlCOt~SSIU GOl. lkL.L.NLI S ll•I St•tl'• -..Arl*:H nEAOIN<".S F'llOMCl~ l•t£10ftlC .. , l'JUU IA.lO ()N'£11';11Y 111 AM( lltCA Sl'JIJI+ lflUOJ1 lrat' COllCGE AFFEClS SllAH.H lS JAAflll[WS OC.U 1'ESIM.4C.tH l'NW..U.LS llCV oO.l'NIUCl> rASCNIEUA .. J.l)IO ...... ,.....,. AOIVCV\.1Ufl[ & lllE S IATE UKI 1'110CC$ • LtOOfl•SlXrEHCE .. 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NiAL.Y~Cl.A5'; •W'lllW: Wl\1'...K 2tlJ'I/ $711)1 PU\KINS MlHEllAlCYlY MCCOllMICI< ro'WEll OF rusmVE lEAattNO ,.. $111111 """°"""" rtll'f.IUS THEOflE IK:M.. ISSUl:S IN Lii CIWIY HISIOllV "" l n'UflOl.OGIC ~YSIS•OEStOI" ~I A.I !Ill MCCUEN P(llnY Flffl AIU or l [CltMf.Al WIUlltlr. " ..,.,., ••,)TT rwrsr:sttYIHOUtf\Y.v l•Y~ 2fJ .. S."ttr.. ru111v 1ttlll0100UJEC1 OUILNll:UULSk..1-tf~ C •• " IV Pf!~""'" ~ .. SI J'1 MCOlllMOO TUrotlAU II l,IYSICS ... f'll:.~""""1f M£El lllE HAtM:S MCl'Nl.NC.J HVI~ OVGNOSIS1tflEllVlH1 KlH 31U9' St'JOO .. 0£ $111• 1 "' rElt:nSOH COMll\llUllK.TWOf"'5 "' MCCAW Ill; rt«) IS OClJEVN) 7111'-'G S IUOO t;'tJOI PElCHSOll C".£Nl)(f1£0 SlATts 92 "C<'.al (IK"M((IH) "4ECU SIM ttflUO IOlJYll S:IUI rElCllSOtl ...... 1 llNlJTR OKJMl.OW.~or ~.t'Otll ol Xllu..E ~. $1/ Uf) S.11 1.. ra-..•11.S "'""' """" P£1EllSOH OfllClftArtQH 10COUNMl..lf"'l 4111 !.rl UCG<.\J.Jf1CK llllNICllY•tMQ..Y lllUW'Y 2UU•"6 S lllUJ • I 1' s11 r. 1 '[ 11 ~1 lll!Ok'.tl l'AJ\N,)l(",MS $-1" ~41 MCOOUJf1lal llE. vi:;oeKJ rAMl..Y IUEllAl'Y ... SHJW Cc>tf:\111UC l'\.N'*HNO_CUVll'MlMT,oMt;lltvUS ~Ill~ ... l'£UlllFOY SIHlll UCGllAW llOOllCHlD CONCCl'IS or""' UIC rnM•M.l 2'Hll'ltt .. so"° rn:wren SIJ U I UCINIOSH ClASSCAl soaol.OGICAL lHEOflY VI .. ,.. l'llllll-'S I llM IN1 llOlJUCI IOtl .. S IUUU s1;111'.J MClllT WOflKS(J("IWW.Wf MEL\IUE G2 POUlrT UAUGlllOIOf" I~ .._..liEn SIN • TllE CAl.Vf"ftST 10 S'".IOllO"' IUWIO r ... N~ 1.;ot11HS(UKlpUUl'fllNI) Sl•I" MEfW\W,4 IW•IUC>Oltot" AUlA. l•COfllHJlf'U 11.AA.;AllUf( .. NE S U UJ ltVllCllOH CllYltKI OF LOT •t s.: •1.111 l"llflMAT) ,, .r. t nt Marn ll'KX>WMQtl FA 1'I Cll." Sl '•I fW.llGEO ONIEC nNO me lK>CUMUHAH'( 31Ml'lll 1•, MEY£11 Vtl.¥15 Fll()M OUll StlOES "'91 flALJl(lS UOltull OI' IJIJllAL ,.ct.or.unrt llltJllll tu S'I i!I 'AVSlttE El.fMLHIS 0.- OUANIUM (lt'llC-"> ...... ,., "St.til"l l\AOllAKIUS11t4NI SOIJllCE UK. WI tf40Wf vt-tl.Q<"....oruv $10 1'• _,_,_, ,. S'100 "4HlOTOIMSS•tl(.A111WISI01 IW)O:>tVICll WElU ECOlOOY :.ot•••1•• Siii ...... , OHUUClllY ., s.c1•o11 l\AK(\ ll Xllk'XJIK OF fNA.Y l'llACl"-l _$.."Mi.I Ul ...llAUWfl..ca.A ,. s11•. llAMAGE llOMNfAIH lf#U'llo '-"'"'' ""- 'en On.AM.A OF H IE Glf'.l lU a ll.U ll(V ll SJW IWKJ f'OllUT AINflEAIJ.!IQlll NUllV(JlSAJIY llJlllUtf ., SI U.I ....._rn CCON ISSUES rOlt COtfSUMCJIS 111111P1 1 S I'.,,., IWOJAU ~MAI. ,,IYSkA.OOY 4111\11 Slflt11.1 •un CC~O'l'Ul ... K:~~S llllll"'J ,.. .,. "'tECl lANICAl. v1011A.TIC'.'lt4S wr-n.11.sA -.11>..-;. s-ir.lS ""1rn EllO~Yor Tli[ f'EOl'LC ...._llllNIN'IAlk)fl 11 Sl1111 llAVlH WOLOGYOF M.AHT S lEXT ONLY GlllCf'I µ11<) -l(f\ M(ASl.-'llUIUH llY l,tYS LIAA.AIOU Wll'f1IKIW .•• ,.Ht l.7'+ 1\ """ "10 111 $"'1?'"' ""1!0 MOUYE5 rofl WfUllfG .. .,,.. 15 s1 •.?'• f\AYtr.fOIWt Of'CIV.I WSl lESCAllCll f'llll •11\AC llAY Ul~~.C:OCll.. I Y _ oll\AWI 111 llAVIOll 1111 ~ Ill S;t t ;•o, Ml.UH M(XICOl~ 1Ql lY 94 Ill S IO•t 4U S141r, llAY MNIAOEJ.IEUI ~lll A1 ft~ AltU UC 11WU.rl!J 11.ACW, COUTUAC1 "'' ""°' Sl.IUO ENllY t lllllll kX>IJ 1'11001~:.. Wlll 'll Ulll.)OINQ EHGUSll 711J9t SllW llE/\O """ " ntlU l N~OsrN•E GJ Ul.1111CS s I l~J ... , llJOAlA.l..f.~ """"" ll(IMNI mo1nc1 1oc11l111t")(it1r.c.11'111!.0tt !tlll'lll Ul sr.1 ~ 1 ..,.. f XJ'LC.W.,..-. AMEIUCA 1•!.o S lf1IS " .. llCMAl lOVE All 04.KE I Ott W(STCllU TflUtll $.'."• .__..ESOlAlu.l. .. orwoEOUYES s ~.ou llCYNOLOS SCIUll(S • SC:UQlAllS r.uE 10 fllAHS r.ill lK ,11111 "1 MA.'HEIWfr. rAM&. Y lltEIW'Y 0 SfJ(tll " "''"' ...... " ' OllllA I rNINl/Kl•A..~l "iS !';Ct(N\..l:. f'ttc.11..(~5 ~ JIUUlf'o SOt• I ...... lltAll'LE or Ill( CU..l>EN l'AVll.IOft SI OU SIUI llK. 11 All.ASOf TllE ltif I k.-lll.I \YOfl..U Mll501 'hrtlNlt'i .u11~1 NC .. ,, $.111•1 UUlllJ:O lllCIV.llOS li.11 '(111/\LNIGtllVE KALL~OI' '·llltftl ...''"". w lllCl lNNIS ll l"S IJC.) ti A(V.IU !'>OflU!J Uf l l M WQlU[U KAlFIJiO!'KQr vuut~ 'ti"'UHU !.1111!1•1 "'"' MSU :SOOKSTORE STUDENT I FACULTY OWNED SINCE 1931 BUY BACK Dec. 10 Dec. 17, 1999 BUY BAC HOURS: Mon-Fri: 8:00-5:30 Saturday, Dec. 11

OIEOs..u.te AH.AS OF NU'I W(S T S•-4 111.1 SIUU\A \JFV(L..Qr 'n't;M MUSJIC.N4111_V I~ nns ltU5CKCCrffl .. SUTTON OUtUE. TO CllNICAl.lY SIOutrtCNH f"Vfltfl AOU.\HC IUSCCTS OI MOtHANA i.01•1 I nOCMHILU SWEU lEG4l.ASPECTS OF AUCHENGll •QJUSl'flOC GllltlO•• 110ESS 'twr fC E.NOlr~(EI UNO .... ,,, "'"!#6 TAHA QrEllATkJIMS llESEN"lCll· WfJ1~ t•llPO rtOOEllS A."'rEClSO' WESl(l\tf c1vn..ll.AtK.>ttV I .~Ul!t1 OE " 1nr-cs lll £ SJ'o41HNll111K)H 1[)1.1 Ol'llY :>ta1•rn s"'""11;.... TANSEY GA.llONEJTS Nlf 1HOOOGll 1HE M'OES 1011196 HE 7111,.I OE $HW lAO MEOW«:N..•tlEC.5YSTEUS tN llUl..lJllGS "': :" '1CJMN[Y ACCOVNT INO INf'Of'\lotA I ION SYS 1LMS noMost.11 S..:1£UCl!c>r ENT(.)f.tot.OOY <4llH•" S-4,P'.tt lA.Y\.on DEEF l"fK>OlJCllOU•MANAGEMrnr OECISIOt~ " D lAY\.00 OOMU ., l~EN fle'.'~t(TE MAlltlMAft\:.Moll!i Ni'llGA lt()fl:; I s;o,111n """"° llOSEN l'VIK..11.'.: FINANCE .. ,...... lAY\.011 CAY $.11 UV .. UO!;lllr!LAI... cs~t:Nor ll(llAVIOIW..11( ..,[Alk;ll TAYlOfl fWIGEl'\.NfTSOF~r~ •I ""'"'-1111•111 Nl S.1'"41 r~w WlllllN(l l'Al'(JI!> IN 1•f,Yt,;flUlVOY ,. TAY\.Ofl nou. OF THUtfl>Erl.HENl MY cnY llOSOr.F l'llOflTWllllOUT llOUOlt ...... lAYlOO &QENlaF-IC FM\M N4IMl l'OOUUClOO '111• 5 St• ~,.,,., " lk)SS AS FOU ME.1MY 11\JUSE .., TCHOONfOGlOUS IHTEOf\ATEO SOllJ WASTE MAHAGE.MfHT (2NUl"'.J llOLLNSlsu.tJ'S lEXIUOOK Nl/llC>f,!Y ~111 'J/ .s1 ~.w .. nosse or ,. TCHCX.IN«'.JC.l.OUS WATLll OUM.ITV ., 19 .. llol$fNJU CYl\N'llJ OE UEllQ(l\AC ltY(l[~ HfEflM:S\SONM. rnocec;.c; IN l'SY\.fl0111l1W'Y 31101>1 UC. 0 • lflll'l:.t S•llJO 1'1Ufl>CE TNOtf\l ~nt~ WOfllll l'Q llt\...-S "'"' 111N.'(5 l1f\flWWC FA5'tt0rl (W1111[ 1,.'0VEll) .•. WOH•. 0 l'Olil~ lttlLl'OUI ~ ,11111' (It ,;UU:HI N( TllOMAS UHF CAI flE l'tlOOUCHOU •• UOVl\KE "00$.11!.. r DISCOVt1SE: ON lift Of~ Of INEOUN.llY HIQf.V.S lAIE H-Clll tllOUC'"JIT<:;<..'ffll~·l (Ult«l •• not,n...';EAU k1•"0 .,'"' llClOS$EAU SOCl.Al CON111.ACT .. TIIOt.\l'SON OUSIHE:SS STl\Afl'GY MME·WIUISK tilll99 • IWUIY l'OnERoSOltcll~ll'S S IONE ... ",.. $.ltt•. t•IV"'IPSOH C\.ASSICS WEST lUCHrJ.MO.AGt.S.llEHNS_V2 '4111Mfl • UHfltnE TllOMrSON SHIAIEOIC MGMT, 11111" ME. • """"""' t;°llllJ"J~· J.,:'11111 IMlfNSIEtH C\JllUIW. l.MOSCAl'E •HUl11 0 1iaJMNi GlOO lltOnE'.AU Crll. tMSOOEOtENCE oOHIEll ESSAYS "'u ..• "'" :M\U!IS .. llUOIN HOtA.JNEAltGllE lOOkltlN.. nu.t lltOHl'E l'EOM.£0FtllE SEV£HJlfnlSE 9(i 711 1PY 1.1'1'""''.(J 7{, "' I MUNO TOI I 0EVIANCE.t41CllAC1K:INIST l'CllSl'Ct;TIVE lll;llNEY CVIUIENf MED~~· lflEAIMEUl.IWt .JDlllt!> OE Nl•K:trt.ES or MA1!i_ANN.'rf.I!~ p.on11 ;11nJ 7G U.lY WOMllll'U.llJr.. S .•CllN!ir.r • • llWIN JUUi.Hi ~"'"" Cl/JIOOUE sn l'ft/l,!;l WHKSlllS HAGNttll:.11 Jl'U~IU • 1~11 "'""J.l ;.... 1MOl:.1tllNE NIEC ESl SlAH Ell STVWl\kUIC·WMAJOWS MUlft()tl\\'Ullk !iU Yl.A.lti Of"INtMN WIWllttG •f HEWVEHTUIU:Cl~lkltf .. 111 "'1 • 110::,.llt~ TMMONS S.• '·1" 1W«>CO PHYSICAL CflEMtSTnY ~lift'; NE 11\ISD<.IEWtcl Sf WlllfEJ\.IE.XT .. , S14;r, '" c.AMEnA rouncA "' TITOti WOlll.OS Of tr.rvS-C.J...C.Of,tCN;U>\SCS <:!JU ;jil)D!. ttE 10 $11• SJUO f[MIN&SM1 lit[ WOMEN'S MOVEM(NT .,"" TllON WOflU>50FJ.AUSK:-3C.Af.Stlli:.!iQHLY JUU Wi NE OYAN"'"" s-1110 2 S.lf urnw1r rnconv ll!OU WOfll.OSOf MUSK: lfl.>rJ..I HE .. SI O,IJO .. 111'>9 ln11ACIU AU'IOCACYtOf"f'OSJllOH 1081AS INSlitEll'SGUllE lOW1UflNOrr.;c11(Et11lV "'"'" II ~1111 '" '" llYIJlll IN IH( l'EOf'\.FS vnEUESI 10tlSAKV YOOl\OsonHTllOCONIEMl'.J.Af'ANESE WICO ,...... ,"' s•. ,~• " " SA{ ll~H,A, l ls.SA 1\\A.)(.llllSTEflltCS •• T()f(NI [Alllll ron SM.E ,. '"SI SAUN< OEMC..tof f-lAUfllEUWOlllU .,.. ,. ,., TOl.SfOV FOUftlEllSUMES SN"oOH llOW 10 COf.. lOCl cotlf,lt()fl ACllOtl ll(Sf AIM.:ll "'"" TOUEK AGlllCUl TIA\Al. MlOIJUCf Pl~ ='IRllkl J.11 i~J ~ ...,.,, IJ.AIA ~ll1UClUUES.AlC'.OntllMS.1AJtfl INC•• .. lQMPKlNS LANGUAGE NrfS .. lllllft S..'lll CUl tvnE 11MrEnw.esM ., toooooo 1'00'£ ru101iw.. 1oa1U001.Wteo u • ttt:V•4 $."'llU .. "' SAKUl\AI"""' MOOCIVl OVN41UM MCCIWoftCS TOfllOf\A MICUOOIOlOOY ~ f>lll•• UE VlflJ£rt lllE. UlOOU SUl'I TOOT(ll\A rn.tlOFNfAf•Pf~-tE~Kiol.;ul.)E rtllllfi OE "'0 ..... SAUSUVIW nm J..'•Ot•I ::1FU Slf1VC1Ull($ U(f.flON•lllflA~l .. 11146"' "''" 10flTOl\A. Pn9't0FAH.Af •l"lrYS·TEXT Slll'Ki OE Sl'lMOO S?IJll l:'S~...... ,..,,. 1JN1Y ur CA~ UU:GOHVllll11Vf• UOOK lOlER SCltOOlt!':.OCIElY JI ...... Jll 1111•111 !> s.vi7o; t;N.VIA A... ~E~SME NT ltlAWICK HOICSOtl LOVE IN A lAMn. fAMtlY .} .. STAlt!5"" " SAfllllE trO EXIT. fHllEE OntEll IUYSflAUGE roUMM> .. llK>YKA SM>Ht$01US1En outO( ACl,,ESSllH rrmut ...,, .. ""10 ...... f"lll.OSOf"'tlY Of JEN4-rAUL5NllnE ., 1Ut\AOlNt SlUO 00£.f"IW!Ul COllrl'llS.IU:::V•EXr JllU 16 SNll"OE .. MS INS111\/1E Ml' "~ VE•~' 3 rtw1Nn :J 1 'urn .wJCu !Ko T\Jflt'°'6UOH \JNOEllSl""'°"'° f'1fYSN-lfllK'.'I oAJIOI 7111" ... SIWEtffCOIJE·TIA llALl.S llVH ro IM...Al.111 UlllW lUf\NIJ\A.l. IEXC(PllONAl..UVES..lE.Xf (n&W '"IJIM SAVM ,..., ~ s..~: I SCHMflS COOf'El\AflVf.S,PlllNC oNlACllCI .S TUJltlEAIJOE 11£11 lOEnENOENJSOflUCK .. lNUIJ OE SCl OF AM'\. El.ECTll0 _1991 E.UtTlOH·WICU tf1EV)'l9 8-1 0t• SCHHAAJVlO EHVl10f"·~:tn •SOCIETY W\IOt GUltJE lOCllEM..ENO.PllOCl.JESK",H•ECOft. ....'''" 5COOl.£S 11L"C1rN..l ~t:HOLISll ..." \A..OtCH MIOWIFE"S 1 ALE ... S. l,'1<111 6Ctf0lES TEJCTllOOK 2UU'f!t VSTA saiOOlS P'l'K>GllAM C\KVICUlUM (THHSJ fJOH"' ... SA '.II SOlOU ME~W4fC.(j: Of' f.NllU(AJMCP01rMA.ONr. VAQIC!tl SUOOTINO 10 U.l SJl\,111 .. 3110 9'J SCUOflE OllGNACQtEM&STllY·SJUO.t'*.: tlAl/OlllWtUI ., VN..ETIE ALOUM·WIT~ "' SOtOTT MAllUN'u.L.YNS I 00 SIA11Sl-....S VAlE" [ smJIOOHE5-lA8 MNl ",..,,.. Sll 10 ""'"" '" SOM>Ef1f COMf'\.EfE SOHO CYC\.£S ,,''"" "° VM.ETTE SU\.l.ACK)HES-wtWPl WHEN SHOW IUJINS101lAiM ., Sl :.o"• WM..Z'E VN..ETIE ~l\JACIONE~TEXT ...."'' S I~ ""'" SQl\Jl.J:W«J.Ell lNE rou WNl.U s tVUHIAM ,,.. , 111!.o ,, ..., SIOIJ() YAL.lENT'tfE Col\Alff3 ~l ""'" ..._ SOl\.Hl nn.c;r coonse "' oe-N1::.1w..11clATIV1rt ., ~ MIJ.. VAL.lENlffE nAHC'.E OEVQ.OPMEKT tlMPttl.JYEME»lS ,.., .S I~ .. Wf&OFCMN SCUWNlll VNIOEGl\M.r"F l'tK>rOCIW'ttlC A.TI.AS fAJIOlOOY LAD. ,,., .. SllOI! SCUf'fQTY WlfNESS ,.., ,," Ot! YANl>ENOOSCI l l"E.">1 ICtlJE COUSl"SI vet .. ()l~ICtlMOClll;;MISll!Y ., MAGE11 rnOOAY '" VANOEflf'll.AM EAlllH Sl11UC1UllE ....,,,'" SEACLH CtW:UIS lllY rffOOAY.SllJ ClX oSc.ANJ.AN• :JflllWI NE '"""~""' VAHllOf\EN lllSTUflY OF IOKJW\.£1K:.C su.nt..E ,_llt.a.>5,lltlAIUS1 :0CIE.UCE ... YAl"QUILDEll lR U.AlNfC( PYlWMJ UI IOO M IE 2111,J.all" •• S£UESTA CONCEPl .s or rnorollAMUIJM..i lAHllU~ES •IHf>CI '-""'" "' VflNHOflMNI EXEllCISE l"flOO ron Ol.IJ£11 NU.1S ... 7 SH' $£.Ul'WolEI( WHHE. Fon COlUGE ., !iii.I Sol•IS VANS1CK1.E PltOC'.J\AMMINO utCOOCON lltt..tiEllS *"' C ... Sl-Uf\A. L'tCOOEt.ECllKJHIC C!OCVUS Wf(.;.U lCl.0111) •lll llfl 5 S-.llt,.oll VlllE /ltlJ/£.IMCNi HJIW'I UTEllATVllE UE.V91 "'' oc..11.1nt ~llt1fl MOSO'n' l'tfYSfCAl EXMOHAllUN ltAM)llOOK VESE""TH'MONINJH GEOl.00.C PIJIEHT MA1E'llfll IJ'f" I.ION! SOtlS ..."' ""'',, SU\IQ ,,, StlTZ IJEBAVtOllAl MEV MAtJE IUl*.MOUSlY ~'lE .. "'"" ~ N4 nn.oov OF GEIUMN UlEl\AIUllE VOL I .. JllU"• N[ ,,. SE.KIA.DI l~llCEflllON VIVW• ANlllOlOGY or OEJMN4 llf£1\"1lHlE VOl 7 ...... llEC\llESSIOH ANAi. VS.IS '''""' VfvtAN ..EOIA OF MASS C0MY.NCAf IOff.Wi'M:.U CO !.l119'J 01' .... 1:;r"" 5"1f() S£NOCll rAnfWAYS 10~Ef'.NJo,Nc.;.V "'~' l'NllUIUllON "'"" VOGt.En WlllJCfrsJCMKY ,.,...... S\ UI S£NNI\ t:.SSENllALS 0£ ClllMNAl JUSI k;t: ?NCl Ufl '* YOLU-WIOT 000-'Ntc CHEMISTI1Y·WICll JUll~ S."111 SQl!IA [!lS[NllJ.L; OE 0 SUUJ w..wswonn1 PlNl£T'S TillY OF COG+AFrECJ.DEVEl.Of'WEllf 5111'6 ;o; S?t• 0 .., !->EHWAY l'tlYSK;S FISCt 1ENOOS WIMQl1 l,IY$1CS •lll 'lfi oE WAGNER MOOEFYfc:Alll'£NlOY (flEVJ96 OE sr.('U .Jll.lq.J .,... SEYllOl.T lltnOWJNG 1U[ [Ml'EltOll Fl\CJM ln<:;IK)l\SE .. "'"" WAKJT" PflOf.rnAC.OF N1CHJJ£l~ ~tlHT/ ClASSICS OF l'-U.ICAlJMfMSfllAll\Af .. 111•1/ J. IOI~ WM..KE.l\ COl.011 rvnM.E. SfW(ESl"(NIE Ml():;t}MMEfl Nl(',,ll'S ottEMA jllC.V)ll si r... WAlJICEll IXM)IKJSTIC 1EAQIHGO' llUJll)Cl "' 18 SIU!~· , s11•-u •"'"'IST Sf~£~'£AttE SUt.ll;tt IS•HAHUA11Vl: l"OC.1"t'> .. WAlkEll EYFMTNESS llANUOOC>l'l.S FCX,Sl..S .. .. i-1110 . 1111'12 NE ....,, StW.ESl'E.NJE TMCU,l1~111E5'111EW (MOtllltSI WAlKEH VEllTEOUA.TEOCSSlCflOH . SllAKESP[N\E H"/EUll!Nl(..llf " WAl.l 1,.;noH FOf\ s.t«>ErtS !JO ... J:l.• un n SWIN>W1 rn•~ OF~IUMMECtw.lk.S '"'" WAlLACE UEA1UollEl\ll1HOFSVIECA ... ,.,,.. lt!I·• ~L4Plll0 OllfAT DIVM'9 W.Al.SH NOl\MAL FM.W.. Y PllOC£SSES ,...,,,:. lll lltl f,lllW ,..,. .w\W l'AIWIOX Of" IHIENUOH WANG IE:Jt.o"OflCED~l:ElEUEStllH SI '.O sr.o• l"flEllEY frw.M.f'.N.<;10~ WA11E MlYEHIUltl!:S .. SINrJtlO-n:a.JN."ES ,.., .. .,,,..., Sue SlfEl'tlENlO cut ltvAnO Wl..OCllf.IEs.'> "' WAJlE MlvomAIE:'> f'f ~Vf/2..QlS ,.. ... SI 011 SHEnJENll> WHAT l~AJM;tHr(C1UflE7 "' "' WASHNGTON TECH.CAlC..Wi~GE"OUEUIY ]fl.HIS " "'n SHK"ol£V MEUI E.NQNEEITING ()[StGU "' ~ ..... , WA.<;tMtK)TOH TE'-'ICAlC WINW..GEOl.aE.lllY.SIW.sot..k MAN JllOt'G sa llb'I Sflll(.lllU TAU; OF GCN>AltfllOC".£1 1 tr. W,\SlftlKllotl ur 0'°'-1 SlAvt.llY !15 " $02\ MJ'HNI( I V[ILSlJS GOOUE5S .. ",. WAlSOU IN1J100UCHOH TO MASS Sf"EC'lllOMElll't Jl~91 5r,7!1 ...... AHl • l'l IYS1CS ., WAlSON lr.O'llANA 1'48 ., i.c.uo :-.tITTOYlll SKOffSOfllJC 11i..ac.s WEil HEO CAf,WUllE CA.l ••• \I~ ... UIJ .. .9UoC\VA't.(X)OK MOIOO CONTUOl '" - .. Wl:INEll IJEMSal .,."" St ro4,1 .. ~-.o CElllMONY ""'"'' ',.,,.,''"" W8NMNUi OUNllO(Pf\ESS. ron M.AG .. 11.X'.H ...... 0 sroUYU:.lL[ll WEISS ltOW PSYCHOTUE.AAPY WOllKS l'llOCCSS1lECll ''""u• ,._, r~1 Sk.VEl\lll.An ~ .SVH1wtlClll~ WCITZ SE.\UNO .wlGOl.lJM&NE CO JllU"' NE .... SIMON 0Nfl1E.nQV~ kNOW\.EIJCE "'NO SI I JS WElOI FOOlS Cnow ~ .. ,114 •1(1 Sii 00 .. nn e OEV\A.NCE 'WES lFM..l UFE OF ISMC H£WlON (CHUO) ...... uE.1\STN«Jl'K.1 OtFrEflENCCS 17;5 .. """"'' 'Mlmi:.N LICVClOl'1NGMOMl SKUS ;:).I f.."'~"" ""°'IS MASICIUNO ACCC"'.. 't '2000 t'JIU V J.111•1 "" WtllfE HEAfoMASS fl\N6FUI lllO'JM""'°" .. J.Q:S ....SlfK".H"""" S'f'~l Al't'tl TOCOMl'Ul(ll INILGOLS +Mrtl ,,. S-'l!.11 wtllTE Pt1YSO.OGY1m:x:;JIEM!SlllY OF' l'UOIV\H'l"Vll:.S Slt"'OlElON rl..M SCfllllU..ING ;uu•11 i.-. t •l ""'00 M 11 IE llEMEWCJUNQ NIAHAGlw-1 .... f.WSEH INfltO fO tHCOUY Of' COMIVIAltOW m·~ .. ""'" Wltll E SITE NiAL YSIS CXAGRAMMl'fG t~FO FIAHOL Sf;"tD SKI.All llOUlNGl Kl\l[Y• IHIE NAllUt.fS WOUf( '""'~' s11• SJ(OltffCK rAMll. v., llW"r.ltkJH IUlll•f'I s1•1•.u WHI IE Sl'ACE AUJACENCY NW.YSIS .."" >Hll90 SKOOO NW'i OF ft.ISlfllJME.HfAl. NW.. !tlll 'ltl s•.1 1~. WHI r E TEFUlOfllSM .... 7111 0 ..... 5\.AVITT Nusronwn:s.J 1111111 Wllll FOllO .,I UOOUCTOflY rsru IOl.OGY.s 1 l.IJEN r GVIJE. 1111'9 SLIFE WHAr.aOEHN.> Ill( llE~IUO ..., S7 \Jll v,,JffNEY \.#40EltSfN&Jl'«\NVUY1k..1N 811199 , S.11 IS SlOHNE APPULU tK:H.JNEAfl COH IAOl W.U INEY UNUE.llSf~MJTllWL\Ji~JI "' """ •• OJ 7 S.... JS ..... EUEUQY IN WOf'l..U llSlOflY IM ""'"" WHI Tl A.KEH TElEVISIOH vtlOOUC TIOH f.Mllll IOil 01:.S 1-t.OVEO l'OEMS ., IU 'J.""'07. Wt£Sl:.NHW.. SUNHOWEn ,. SMlrH )Mlf\O 10CtlEM.ENGl1 TtlfllMlJl.IYN. ~111 llli t:a1u WIESNER WOMENoGENU£1\ IN EAltl.Y ~llH EUOUl'E ...... "'' 911191 NE s S."151 StiMHI lW:.EINEAll.Yl'fll.Al>Elvtlll\ SI~ WfGO •lAHOUOOlt Of" ,,UfSt>awlS :JS S.16'il SMllll MECES OF f'\JflGAIOll't' "" .,,~ Wft.COX EXl"E.naMEHIAlOflO.CtlE.M Slrov.t.lSCAL.EIJ"f,I 2NU9S "" .. WllOE M·om»..:;E OF UE"4G EAf•A:sr SMUii VASCVl.All ~ r FAMIUCS 11 Sllf!o .,... ..• CllUICAL AAAIOMY FtMUJ SIUlll NfS t.111 tt!J NE SOUi Wfll.01 lJASIC ElfCT FN·~uvsrnv anctJt IStMAO l SUELL SIJCID StlEl'£NOEl1 r[HSl'(Cf MNIKE1lHG WIOlUE t'ASSl'\)Uf V,._lEY 111511.'ffY OF AMEJl.NICHAEOlOOY Jt1J'i:J ""' ~""' l.'V J.tJ(IP SUOEY»« WATEll Ct4EMISTllY "' S/ 1100 W..llAMS CllrMINOlOGICAL TIIEOflY 31"1 .. ,., Sl•O!l Wlllw.tS flE:r\JGE .... Sl'~E l'IUHCt.Totol All.A.'" rAVl 1 llFlAll ll llOQC.S '" l'SYCll.>J'f'\. 10 l[Al;tUUO-Wlt'A.o;sW\)llU Ylill.U J.llVll 'tVl.LJ.Al.IS STY\.£ TQWAID ClNlfY•QllAC£ ",. .... SNOWW\H snvor11 MO\.HllAINSoHIVEllS WITlfQUr HIU wt.LIA.MS WEA1 lfEU OOOt( llEVlSflJ• UI, lA I EU ?UU!li .. Sl•W ;:tU"9 SOOEll l'flACllCM..GIJE.TOUNOtSYSl .swos.~ ltllJVS Sl•t~ 'Nl\.MOOE NlYSIOLOClY OF SPOllT•EXEli..;c;( '"" "" Ht SOCIETY MrO rurlUAMENTAlSOF TOOl l>ESKlN '4111'JU J,.1 7'"'' W'll,SON A~T rtGQV oHONNlOFll ENlll'CS 1111199 OP ~:'\ 2 s111tG1 so.l. SUflVEY KEYS TO SOil TAXONOMY 8111')'.J WllSOH MANAGINO llEAl nl rtlOMOl"ION Nl0<'.4 lAMS .., SOUt.fGEn Al)OtUKJNlST WOMAN Af'.Nt•St lHE. LAW .. "·"' Wl.SOH ftCSEAfOt l)EAS FQll 111E ClAS.~lOOM "' .... Wl.OMON IN I llOOUCINO l't lll<)SOn IY Giii!'/ NE ''""' W)NOA. IE ROCKY M()(.JNl Al~ Fl.OW9l FWEll ...... r;otlOM UUAf rno I'll(> 6 rM'WllJOWS !·MAii 1!'>11\111 111"'""1.i \'N45l0tt USP .. ., ...... ,,,,, .., VllSlER VUtGiMNI .... 1'0UN'JN:i ruuu or rrn·.1tMoUYNllMICS ~ !tlltllll ... :?1~1 RJ NE $1\tGlll SOf'H00..[5 N~TK".cJNE..UNAUl\lKlEU •n WOLF ELEMENTS OF NIOTOGIL.Wtr.4':.IH'I" l~o&.ltllfll ,. .. S<.H'tlOCl.ES NlllC"oONf' (OllU2U21'4X) "'"'Sl !olJ W04.FE FASllONI ,, ... &OPUOCUS OEl>U'VS llEX-1.RMD'lltJG[U ., WOUSTONECl\AFT VlNOICATIOt'4IVOllfSOFMEN• wotr.tett 2H $'HG "' W\)()() ESS£H.WOfU) OF r5YCU rttt 'l~j_E_STR~ " SOf'HOCl.ES HlflEt HIEONI l'l.AYS "'""SIUIJ SIHIG srFAK.'i Lk;;.lllNO NI OTUUNAll INUIANISSvt:S ?NUltr,"' WOOD ESSEHHAl WOfllU OF f"SY04 lll.X r ~ "" WOO() l.Ft aE.itSmYoMOLECUl.NI IJIOlOOY Sr£AJIE 5'Gli OF TllE OCAVE1! OJ """' "" W000 SOil. OEHAVIOVll•CfVl STA1E !JOI'. "4E.Lll ...."'"' Sf'EMS FOOO rllOCVllEMEllf l"Ul.CltA..<;SMO r0t1t~IOf1r SlllOO " ,, ... """' WOOOWAfllJ STHN"'OC t'.AJtE.£11 ()r N CIK>W,UEV ·•111 "''/ 4 Sf'EHCEO 1i1ACAflrlllOSJUUY()f' i.11on 1 s111'> rnnM ··~ "' \YlllC,,.H lllf'..llWAY ENC".-.eeEIW'O ,111-. St'tUSEll llJf... 111) Sl'CtGtlfS l"t$ lllY .'\IUJ'J.I S·l llU \•,pl "' VllllGllr l.lAtAJfACl\JtlfNC.1Sv:i;1f U S. ... Sl'tflVOOEL. 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SIEIMN-l SI tAOOWS Of ltlUWI IV s1;r, ZANIOlO AOVNiCEU O..-.rMlASE SYSTEM:, Sil"° s 1nrt lEl IF.II~ Of /IJWJrLLA !-.lUAllr ~·110 " SlECVltn AMElll~ wna f\S UVINO Sl'ACE $,'Ul.I $1f.OUCll AWll(Oir-ll(r"'O"'C -'''"'' STEGNE:Jl OEYONO Tiil llUtltltlElflll MllUUIA.N " S/110 SlEGHrn ca.1rc1u> ~rornr~or WALlAr.r s1r r.Nl-11 .•. .s1 ..... srcr.ueu Wllt:.111 Ill.VI 111110 Sll'IU!.o 1u ll MUN.AUL Sl'lllNO Sl '.11 STECJl(ll Wvt.r WlllOW "' SllAI StEltl Mfctl o(lfCllllCAl EOUU'IAllll I llM.ll<..S 8111'1,I'" NL S1UU11 !:olEJrlUECK OIW'lS Of' WllAlll\l'lNCVIN\..LA!:.51(.I Sl'-4l srEIN£JI I IOMCl 1 IN EHCUSI I "' \ IY• SlHllJA S()CtfJ •l"OllTlr.Al 11111l,O<:;Ol'llY ~11111n"" SlfVEHSUN l'llOVllCll()fK>f'l:llMUMI -Wt,.\,CU ldli''"I 51111£ AllJS Vf'UAJl 1999 t11111 5TOK":1AU M(ht(VAl.AJl1 $JI l~I SlOLUA U£Vtl OFW(!C"if t.l\JSIC tllSTO(IY (\.lUlllJ MStJ' EOOKSTORE OWNED SINCE 1 931 11SU Exp~o~n~e=n==t______D _ec_e_m_be_r_7_,1_9_99------glish actress Janet McTeer stars in JTumbleweeds'

was one of your typical TV talk Ivf\' shows. But somebod) sent me a ht-Ridder Newspapers tape and I saw that it was a good show, so I did it. I think GaYin was NEW YORK - The most watching that night because there 1zing thing about "Tum­ was another actress on and he eeds," the lo\' budget but wanted to see her legs." 1-qu.1ht} mother-daughter ".Janet was telling Charlie a is that it mark:-; .Janet about her sister's kids and her re­ eer's first Americ:m film :tp­ lationships \'I-1th her nephews.­ anee. says O'Connor. "and it µm·alleled McTeer, the 6-foot-tall, :J8- th~ relationship Mary Jo has in -old Englbh stage \Cteran. is !umble\,·eeds' with her daugh­ 0\\11er of piercing blue eyes ter. Arn. So I sent her the script." a Tom A\\arcl for "A Doll"s The sc1ipt wasn't qmte fin­ st, te timon) to her im­ ished ... says !\lcTeer, "but the se talent scenes I read, I loved. They were Ben Brantll'\ of the New wonderful. So Gavm and I met, kTimes called McTeer·s Nora and I think he was expecting some greatest stage performance classical grande dame ofthe stage. eYer seen. Yet, l\lcTeer had But I was uncon\'entional and a er graced the si!Yer screen on little ballsy - I said (a bad word) side of the pond - and when a few times, and he was rather • did land the role of flirty shocked." them bombshell Mary Jo ··we went out for a drink," KRT photo courtesy of Fine Line Features Iker in "Tumbleweeds." it was O'Connor recalls, "and it was sup­ British actress Janet McTeer, center, makes her American film debut in "Tumbleweeds" with Kimberly J 1ost by accident. Thank a PBS posed to be, like, a half-hour get­ Brow11, left. 'show. together. But it turned into three "I'm a "Charlie Rose' hours. We discovered that we're kie," says "Tumbleweeds'' di­ from the same tribe. We have the went to North Carolina and just bones - you just know some­ one else's. So I was both a mother :tor Gavin O'Connor, who also same artistic sensibility. So Janet watched the people, because the thing is right. And I felt Kim was to her and a peer. We'd talk a lot. wrote the script and co-stars was attached to the film a year most important thing isn't talk­ right for Ava in my bones. We My respect for her is huge." ack, Mary Jo's love interest. before we shot it, which gave us a ing Southern, it's being Southern. searched all over the country for "We were very, very fortu­ f course, I'd heard of Janet, long time to talk about the char­ There's a languid quality to the a girl to play Ava, and we got hun­ nate to get Janet for "Tum­ mall those rave reviews she'd acter. Janet did a lot of home­ way they move, and it's about the dreds of tapes. I knew she was bleweeds,'" O'Connor says. "I'm en in "A Doll's House.' She work." space and the food and the Ava the instant I saw her tape. very proud of the fact that this is son ''Charlie Rose' one night, "Pla)1ng a Southerner isn't weather, which can get too hot to There was something about her her first American film." d a light bulb just went off in that easy," McTeer says with a do anything but sit back and wait personality - witty, bright, "I don't know if I could've ; head. I said, "That's Mary laugh. "It's especially hard with for it to get cooler." charming, and an absolute wise­ made it as an American movie this English accent I have. We Says O'Connor: "When I ass. I fell in love with her." actress when I was younger," "I almost didn't go on the only had the money for two ses­ cast Kimberly J. Brown as Mary "Kimberly was 13 when we says McTeer. "It's so much ow that night," McTeer says. "I sions· with a voice coach, but I Jo's daughter, Ava, the light bulb shot "Tumbleweeds,'" McTeer about the way you look. Either IS really tired and I had bron­ made a tape and listened to it, and went off in my head just like it did says, "and I was very keen that you're very, very pretty and itis, and I bad to do "A Doll's I watched "Coal Miner's Daugh­ when I saw Janet. Some people she not be treated like a child. We you play the ingenue, or you 're .)Use' five nights a week. And, ter,' "Bastard Out of Carolina,' and make decisions with their hearts, were the two leading actresses in the best friend character. It's tell you the truth, I'd never seen "Tender Mercies' over and over and others make decisions \\1th the movie, and her thoughts and not so bad when you're older harlie Rose,' and I thought it again to get the accents. Then, I their heads. I make them with my input mattered as much as any- like me." \pocalyptic action flick pits Son of legendary author 'chwarzenegger against Satan presents manuscript time, and we hope to have a ca­ ~atie Parsons must find his chosen bride and for such a central character. Ashley Coogan pacity crowd of 250 people." uonent Writer conceive a child to ensure his Kevin Pollack, Arnie's pal, reign. Of course, he must impreg­ jumped in with a few good one­ ...... True at First Ll'ht in­ nate her between the hours of 11 liners, but was little more than a cludes an introduction written Arnold Schwarzenegger's p.m. and midnight, or his whole backdrop in the larger scheme of Patrick Hemingway, son by Hemingway which recalls ewest film has all the makings plan goes down the tubes. Chris­ the movie. of Nobel-prize winning author his childhood spent in Africa irasmash hit, but is far too close tine York (Robin Tunney), Satan's This m0\1e is thrilling Erne& Hemingway, will be the and the political turmoil ofthe >a near miss. If there are any "bride" has had religious visions and interesting at times, but too featured speakerin a progr.un continent In his presentation, ther disillusioned people out her whole life and seems to have much of it is just plain silly. For Tuesday night at the Museum Hemingway will speak on the 1ere who will attend "End of been born for the sole purpose of exan1ple, the priests in this film of the ROckies. impact that the country had on tays" with the expectation of having his baby. would have us believe that "666", Daring the program, his father and his father's lit­ :>mething grand. I can almost 111e plot had potential, as the sign ofSatan, is actually "999" which will begin at 7 p.m. in erary work. uarantee disappointment. did the cast. As far as perfor­ because St. John dreamed it the Hager Autditorium, The book, which is a fic­ A mindless religious­ mances are concerned, backwards. Add a "1" in front, Hemingway will give a brief tional account ofa game-hunt­ humbed action flick, "End of Schwarzenegger wasn't bad at all. and gasp-"1999!" The year of talk on hisin.volwment in the ingsafari in Africa, also details >ays" tells the storv of Jericho He paled in comparison, though Satan! Unfortunately, "End of editing aM eompJetion of bis the relationship between :ane, an alcoholic N~w York City to the purely evil display put on Days" is fraught with such stunts. father's IJst manuscript.J:nle lirnest Hemingway, his wife op who must stop Satan (living by Byrne, who actually became Not only that, but there are too atFl.l'St l.ildrt, Hemingwaywill Mary, and an African woman. n Gabriel Bvrne's bodv) from his role, and made it seem fit for many holes in the plot to make it also speak on his trawls in Af­ True at Fjrst u,ht is the last aking over the earth, d~troying no one else but him. believable. Several ofthe characters rica, and will answerquestions book that Ernest Hemingway 1V1hzat1on as we know 1t. Tunney was somewhat de­ were also a little underdeveloped, from the audience. wrote, and the manuscript was Fulfilling the prophecy in tached from the majority of the After the presentation. a incomplete at the tin1e of his see 666 page 10 he book of Re\·elation, Satan show, which was inappropriate reception in honor of death. Hemingway will be given at Hemingway, a Bozeman the museum, where he will be resident, wrote an introduc­ available to speak personally tion and edited the unfinished with museum goers. manuscript of the story, v.hich "\Ve often do author pre­ has been relea-;ed in the JOD°' sentations [at the Museum of anniversary year ofhis father's the Rockies], and we are glad birth. to have Mr. Hemingway come .MSU students free and spt:>.tk," said l\1arilyn :\1u~eum member,; SS \\essel,

much more than a well­ Before you load another tory dating back at least one (maguro}, shrimp (eb1)1 octo­ Japanese food, especially armed Arnold taking on forkful of turkey and stuffing or thousand years in Japan. lt pus (tako), salmon roe (ikura), an ideal food. In fact, Ja the Prince of Darkness. holiday fruitcake into your cuisine -and the fish cont Yes, Jericho Cane fully mouth, please pause for a mo­ the traditional diet- is a expects to kill Satan with ment to consider healthier di­ growing interest and att1 a gun. This is not a clas­ etary habits. Perhaps we could Sushi has a culinary history from around the world. Ye sic "good \"S. evil" story learn a thing of two form Japan, get the material to prepar• line, it's a corm "Arnold where the average li fe expect­ dating back at least one dishes in Bozeman- the Fo1 versus evil" story line ancy is 77.19 years for males and op sells l\.lakisu (the sushi that puts Arnie, the su­ 83 82 years for Females. thousand years in Japan. An upcoming event\\ preme anti-hero, in It appean; that healthy di­ you and opportunity to . charge of defeating the etary habits are partly respon­ Popular Sushi fish are fatty tuna know this healthy coun most evil force in the uni­ sible for these results. Yes, close. This time, from the ' erse! ,Japanese food is considered one (toro), tuna (maguro), shrimp tional & cultural viewp1 You would think that of the healthiest cuisine in the (Sony, no Suslu: only coffi with a plot such as this. world! As you know Japan is (ebi), octopus (tako), salmon roe cookies \\ill be sen·ed.) some hea,·en-sent help surrounded by sea. and the diet (ikura), and yellowtail 11 young education< ,,·ould come around. depends heavily on seafood. In ministrators from Japan " right? Not so Writer An­ fact. fish is very nutritious (hanzachi). fer a presentation entitled drew W r.tarlowe ne­ Fresh fish contains a high pro­ leidoscope JAP&'l'-Insight glected to add any men­ portion of protein, rich in amino the Japanese Education Sy tion of God. or any godly acids & ,·itamins, and far less Traditions & Cultural D force at all. It is ,,;th this cholestc.rol than either beef or was orig1nall: a way to pre­ and yellowtail (hamachr). ences," which will be he] (coupled with the weight pork. In Japan the most popu­ serve fish. Seafood cured in Nowadays, we can enjoy Wednesday, Dec. 8 from 3: of too many action scenes. lar way to serve fish is rav•. brine fermented, acting as a eating various ethnic dishes even 5:15 p.m. m SUB 106 E. not enough substance, There are two ways of serving natural presen·ative. Later, though we stay in America. In the Come listen to their o and poor character and rm' fish. One is called Sash1ini. vinegared rice was adJed to big cities there are many restau­ vations & opinions, and inc plot development) that which is various sliced raw fish improve fermentation. Today, rants which serve various coun­ your understanding of Ja ''End of Days·· comes to a eaten b:. dipping in soy sauce a bite-size piece of the freshest tries' dishes. Here in Bozeman, Anyone interested can drop very unsatisfying close. and .Japanese green horseradish raw fish or shellfish placed you can eat Japanese food like any time! Ifs FREE!

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He to coach :'\1ontana State football , Malone knows the state of Montana and he has announced late last week that former Eastern maintained his contacts here on:r the years. Washington head coach Mike Kramer, who He'll hit the ground running and we're was the only candidate officially interYiewed extreme!_\ excited about the future of the for the vacant post, has been hired as the Bobcat football program .. , 30th head coach in Kramer compiled a Montana State history. 37-32 record in six Kramer. who had "As a head coach, Mike season s at Eastern expressed enthusiasm Kramer has all the qualities Washington, and is 30-17 regarding the potential to that were consistent with in the past four seasons. coach at MSU, accepted the previous program; His Eagles were 7-4 and the position late Thursday tied for second-place in evening. discipline, commitment and the "'We were in constant integrity." this fall, with two losses to communication with -Chuck Li11demnn11, NCAA Divis ion I-A President Malone during MSU Atilletic Director schools Idaho and Boise the interview process," State. EWU finished 12-2 said Allen Ya rnell, MSU in 1997, won the Big Sky vice-pres ide nt of student affairs, who title with a 7-1 ledger, a nd advanced to the oversees Bobcat athletics. "President Malone semifinals of the NCAA Division I -AA authorized the hiring, following the Championship playoffs. recommendations of the screening "I , along with my family are jus t committee, the athletics advisory board, the e nthrall ed with where Montana State Bobcat booster board, Athletics Director University is going as an institution," Kramer Chuck Lindemenn and myself." said. "We' r e very excited with the Photo by Jay Thane Kramer fills the head coaching position, opportunity Chuck Lindemenn has Kramer, pictured here at the MSU basketball game Monday vacated by , who stepped down presented, as well as with the growth of the t, became the 30th head coach at Montana State University after an eight-season, 41-47 stint as head athletic department. I certainly would like to it was announced that he would be replacing eight-year head coach. Kramer has been at Eastern thank Cliff Hysell and staff for laying the Washington for the past 11 years, including '; CliffHysell who departed MS U following this past season. the last six as the school's head coach. Prior see Kramer page 13 WSU falls to UW­ 'Cats get by CC Islanders First-year program Wilwaukee, 63-52 plays tight with MSU remaining in the game, before txuonem Staff the Bobcats scored eight Scott Barbur unanswered points to close to Exponent Sports Writer Jessica Wilhite notched \\ithin 43-39 on a Meckling L7 points. while teammate jumper. MSU could get no Three-point field goals Janelle Jonason chipped in 11 closer, however. as a pair of and free throws were the keys points and 11 rebounds to lift ,Jonason field-goals iced the to the game for the Montana the Uni\ ersity of Wisconsin­ game down the stretch. State men's basketball team ~lilwaukee to a 63-s2 \\in m·er "\\'e entered the first (4-3/ 0 -0) as the) defeated :Montana State L'ni,·ersitv on road t1ip hoping for a split.·· Texas A&:'\1 Corpus Christi (2- Sunday ,1fternoon. · l\IcCaithy said. '"\\'e let one get 3) by a score of 99-88 at home :'\1ontana State (2-4) was away from us at Northern :'\londa~ night. paced b~ Am~ l\Ieckling \\ith Illinois, and we were a little flat The Bobcats combined 22 points. while Kelly l\1artin this afternoon. HoweYer, the for 9 of 19 three-pointers and and .Jennifer Curl ~dded 10 first tJi p was a good e:-.-perience 30 of 39 free throws to keep points each. for us and we·re continuing to the visiting Islanders at bay "We didn't shoot very find our identity. We're only most of the game. well in the second half,·· said going to get better and better The Bobcats used their :'\lSU interim head coach as we get closer to the Big Sky good s hot selection a nd Frank l\1cCarthv. "We also Conference season." tendency to get to the free had a little troub.le with their For the game, the throw line to keep the lead press in the first-half, and it Bobcats shot 46 percent from throughout the first half. They was a struggle to overcome the field in the first half, but led by as many as 13 points on the 10 point second-half shot an icy 27 percent from the two different occasions. deficit." floor in the second stanza. Redshirt freshman Pete The Bobcats jumped out UWM out-rebounded Conway came off the bench to an early 4-0 margin, which Montana State 40-33. to provide a n offensive spark was their on!) adYantage in including 13 offensive boards. for the Bobca t s with 13 the game, follO\\ing a jumper MSU was led under the glass points on 4-of-6 shooting. by senior Lezlee \\'eedin. UW­ by Martin, who notched a They went into half- time Milwaukee (3-2) responded team-high seven rebounds. leading 48-41. \1ith a 10-2 run and entered l\Iontana State will host "We got open looks," said intermission with a 38-29 Carroll College this Friday at Conway. "When you get looks lead. The Panthers e:-.tended Photo by Jay Thane 7:05 p.m. in Worthington J ermaine Walton gets by two Texas A & JI-Carpus ChriJti the margin to 43-31 with 16:15 f I Arena. ~ee 'Cats page 12. J r :. ...: tiiJfiiaers amt goes strong toward the basket 011 l\londay niKht. 12 December 7, 1999 ASMSUExpoJ

.1 Cats: Lazosky, Conway each Two assistants selected 1 score in double figures, lead MSU . conti1111ed from pnge U join new MSU football st·' like that you make them." head coach Mick Durham. The second half was "They shot very well. We A two-time All-Big Sky tight equally dominated by had a tough time stopping Exponent Staff Montana State in the late 70s, Damber e a c h them." the first assistant hired by Cliff Hysell eig.i teams' ..Ttri:r New Bobcat head football coach, Mike ago. He coached Montana State del' Kramer has wasted little time naming a pair of linemen from 1992-97, and the past two t offense. "We got open forward T h e J o h n coaches, with whom he is familiar, to his new be has coached the secondary. Islanders looks, when you Lazosky coaching staff at Montana State University. Kramer Five defensive linemen coac tabbed former Eastern Washington assistant p u 11 e d get looks like that Jed all Damberger earned All-America hono ahead Bobcats Torresy Smith on Saturday, and on Sunday MSU players garnerd all-league kud · midway you make them." with 20 announced that he would retain Bobcat assistant times in his tenure. He coached All-Big: through points. Butch Damberger. All-America preseason choice Shon F -Pelc Conway, t h e Conway Smith just completed his fifth season at safety, and coordinated MSU's .MSU freshman shooting guard period, finished Eastern Washington, where he was the coach for successful special teams. but were with a the running backs. Four different Eagle runners "I've held Butch in high regard s denied career­ combined for six 1,000-yard seasons under Smith's was on Jack Johnson's staff (Great Fa! any chance at gaining higb 19. Four other tutelage. Smith was a part-time starter at High) in the early Bos," Kramer said. .. Cc' momentum by a barrage Bobcats scored double quarterback for EWU in 1993 and 1994 after against him, the elements of the tea· of three-pointers by the figures. transfcring from Illinois Valley Conunw1ity College, responsible for have alwayse been excell j Bobcats. The Bobcats MSU will hit the road and in those two seasons he threw for 1,275 yards brings a tremendous amount of l finally put the game for the next two games, and 15 touchdowns. He is a native of Peoria, Ill. lifeblood and a tremendous amou away in the last few heading first to Wyoming 'Tm very happy that Toressy has decided to competence to the program." minutes. on Dec. 11 and then to join my staff at Montana State," Kramer said. "He's Kramer said that he will not assign E "They've done a Corpus Christi, for a a talented young coach who I know well and who is coaching duties to Smith and Dan berger t heck-of-a job [as a first rematch with the Islanders, quite familiar with my style and system. He will be further fills his coaching staff. He indicat year program]," said MSU on Dec. 18. an outstanding asset to Montana State and our he will finish interviewing current Bobe; football program." members on Monday.

Pick up hamlJJ'I Bobcat Women's Basketball ~ vs. 1\\\ Set nail ~ .u: Ca"oll College ;_u' Pound nail Take a break from studying with the Cats! Hit thumb Laugh it off rrtrt ([Jr., Dr!.rx!Jlf r; r!.r J (] rJ 1 Work is good ( ;(j5 f) fl'i i!Jr;rr:r1f r1gf:r;ti Ar'~r1c I Get Your Free Tickets Early

1. Bring your MSU ID to the SUB or Fieldhouse Ticket Office and get a ticket! 2. Go to the game early and avoid lines!

"May 24, 1863: Henry Plummer is elected sheriff of Bannack"

This and other interesting historical facts can be found in

The Montana 2000 History Calendar by Jeffrey Smith

Meet the Author December 1OLh - 10:30 a.m. - 1 :30 p.m. Refreshments will be served M5t1 :SOOKSTOR:E STUDENT I FACULTY- OWi .IED SINCE 1931 December 7, 1999 MSU E~:;...;o;....;n;.;;.e..;..n__..;..t ______13 amer: Former Eastern Washington coach brings impressive record to MSU continued from page 11

:ation of this fabulous joined ' staff at contingent of Bobcat boosters, position, and I was very Kramer's Numbers m." Eastern Washington in 1989, Bo members of the football impressed with the pool of ramer's college and after five seasons team; and the M-Club, applicants and the way the Head Coach ng career began as an succeeded the legendary Eagle comprised of former MSU screening committee devoted Year School Record nt to MSU head coach coach. letter winners. their energies to identifying 1999 EWU 7-4 ;..rnold in 1983, and he Kramer interviewed for "We received responses finalists for the position. We 1998 EWU 5-6 le linebackers' coach on the Montana State University from over 250 people in had some high-profile people 1984 National vacancy before approximately regards to Coach Kramer's in the final pool and I feel 1997 EWU 12-2 ionship squad. He was 250 people. During the interview," Lindemenn said. that we got the right person 1996 EWU 6-5 ted to defensive interview process, he met with "Over 95 percent highly for our position." 1995 EWU 3-8 inator the next season, the MSU athletics advisory recommended him for the job. Kramer, 45, will begin 1994 EWU 4-7 er two years in that role board, which is mostly made He interviewed before a very his duties at Montana State ed to the high school up of faculty members; the diverse group of people and he on Saturday afternoon . He in his native Bobcat athletics department, impressed all groups, equally. and his wife, Sandi, have two Total Six Seasons 37-32 ·ngton for two seasons. including the coaching staffs "We were under a short daughters, Courtney, 16, and i977 Idaho graduate and support personnel; a large time frame for hiring this Gretchen, 9. Assistant Coach Year School Record 1993 EWU 7-3 ------..-,~ 1992 EWU 7-3 1991 EWU 5-6 Planning to Order I 1990 EWU 5-6 ~ 1989 EWU 4-6 1986 MSU 3-8 Your Textbooks I 1985 MSU 2-9 1984 MSU 12-2 On-line? ! 1983 MSU 1-10 Honors and Notes: I * Kramer was the 1997 Big Sky Conference I Coach of the year after leading his team to the Big Sky title and 1-AA I semifinals.

I * He was part of the MS U coaching staff in I 1984, when Dave Arnold 10 Smartest Reasons was named 1-AA Coach Why You Shouldn't: I of the year. I * He has coached in 1O . If you purchase the text through the Internet you have to pay three 1-AA playoffs, two shipping charges to return it for a refund. as an assistant and one as I head coach. 9. You can purchase your books with the One Card at MSU Bookstore. I 8. You can talk to an actual human being at the MSU Bookstore. The Exponent I would like to 7. You can find lots of used books at MSU Bookstore. congratulate 6. You can pay for your textbooks, school and art supplies, calculator, I sweatshirts, postcards and snacks, all in one transaction. I ------Martha 5. MSU Bookstore knows exactly what you need to purchase for every "Dribble" course and section on your particular class schedule. There's no question about which edition. I Middlebrooks

4. MSU Bookstore stocks every single textbook on your list. I ------and 3. MSU Bookstore, Inc. is a non-profit corporation owned by the I students and faculty of MSU, Bozeman. ------Joe 2. YOU are one of the owners of MSU Bookstore. Would YOU shop the I competition? "Spangletvision" I Spangler Y MSU Bookstore has the lowest prices on textbooks of any college bookstore in the country. COMPARE OUR "AFTER DISCOUNT" I ------PRICE TO THEIR PRICE PLUS SHIPPING CHARGES! for being selected I to the Intramural ~ Ball-league team.

This Dy1111111ic Duo helped M 5 tJ' l3 OO:EC5TOR:E lead Go-Go Expo to a 1-4 STUDENT / FACULTY OWNED SINCE 1931 record and and a tie for fifth place. Want to

Access&&:cellence 2000 INTERSESSION COURSE SCHEDULE Advertise?r ourse CRN number Section Credit Course Title Das Times Room Instructor 311691 31170 ART 2931493 0601060 1 Collage & Photomonlage Jan 3 - Jan 18 3 30 - 6:00 p.m LA 132 Warren, P Call our Ad 31171 BIOL 492 060 1 Seminar: Cancer Biology Jan 10-Jan 18 900 - 11:30 a.m. SCI 104 Dennis, M 31172 BUS 101 060 3 lntroductron to Business Jan 3 - Jan 18 1 :00 - 4'45 p.m COB 115 Kingsbury 31173 BUS 292 060 1 Seminar: Onenlat1on Jan 3 - Jan 18 900-10.15a.m. COB 309 Staff Salesmen. 312111 31212 CHS 4931593 0601060 3 Spintuality & Counseling Jan 3 - Jan 18 5 15 - 8:40 p.m. LA 220 R1emer-Re1ss 31213' John or Paul 31214 CHS 4931593 061/061 3 Strategies for Challenging Casework Jan 3 - Jan 18 5 15 - 8:40 p m LA 312 Davis. A 31178 CHS 590 060 2 WK School Counseling Internship Jan 10 - Jan 14 9:00 - 2:00 p.m. LA307 McKenzie @994-220 31179 COMT 110 060 3 Interpersonal Communication Jan 3 - Jan 11 8:00 - 4:45 pm LA634 Triton. M 31180 COMT 130 060 3 lnlroductron to Public Speaking Jan 3·. Jan 11 8.00 - 4:45 pm LA633 Gross. D 31181 ECON 201 060 3 Pnncrples of Macroeconomics Jan 3 - Jan 18 8·00 11 45 am COB 115 Farsro. F 30250 ECON 515 700 Health Care Economics Jan 4 - Feb 3 Ad arr 31182 EDCI 210 060 2 Educatronal Technology Jan 10 - Jan 14 9:00 - 3:00 p.m CA Sindt 31237 EDCI 210 061 2 Educational Technology Jan 10-Jan 14 9.00 - 3·00 p.m ED 210 LaCounte. M 31240 EDCI 210 062 2 Educational Technology Jan 10 - Jan 14 9 00 - 3:00 p.m. CA Hanson.C Seminar· Information & Library 31218 ENGL 292 060 1 Research Jan 3 - Jan 18 1·00- 2:15 p.m. LI 117 Smith. T. 31186 ENGL 301 060 3 Business Communication Jan 3 - Jan 18 8:00 - 11 ·45 a.m LA441 Gloege, R Financial Planning - Organizing & 31187 FIN 201 · 060 1 Managing Jan 3 - Jan 6 1.00 - 4.45 p.m. COB 215 Amundson Financial Planning - Protecting Financial 31188 FIN 202• 060 1 Resources Jan 7 - Jan 12 1.00 - 4 45 p.m COB 215 Amundson Financial Planning - Investing & Long Areal r 31189 FIN 203• 060 1 Term Planning Jan 13 - Jan 18 1·00 - 4:45 p.m COB 215 Amundson 31201 HIST 105 060 3 History ofWestem Civ Since 1648 Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00 - 12·45 p.m LA 309 Rusi, T diprc 31190 HIST 109 060 3 Current World Problems Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00 - 12:45 p.m LA 314 Fargo, M 31251 HIST 109 061 3 Current World Problems Jan 3 - Jan 18 115- 5:00 p.m LA314 Fargo, M rca gG 31191 HPE 492 - 060 2 Seminar Drug & Alcohol Education Jan 3-7, Jan 10 8:00 - 1:00 p.m. PE 117 Shaw, J. 31192 MATH 110 060 1 Mathematical Computing Jan 3- Jan 18 8:00-915 am. LA637 Chen,O 31193 MIS 101 060 1 Introduction to Computer Concepts Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00- 11·00 a.m. CA 008 Potzman ( Nothi 31194 MIS 102 060 1 Simply Windows Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00 - 11.00 a.m. CA 008 Potzman 31195 MIS 103 060 1 Introduction to Excel Jan 3 - Jan 18 9 00 - 11 00 a.m. CA 008 Potzman outshin 31196 MIS 104 060 1 Introduction to Word Jan 3 - Jan 18 9.00 - 11 :OO a.m. CA 008 Potzman 31197 MIS 105 060 1 Introduction to Powerpoint Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00 - 11 00 a.m. CA 008 Polzman for holiday givin 31198 MKT 301 060 1 Market Mapping Jan 3 - 6 & 10 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. CA008 Joki 31199 PHIL 115 060 3 Ethics Jan 3 - Jan 18 8:00 - 11 :45 a.m. LA 445 Gulick, W A very ~pcLial gilt for ; 31200 PSY 493 060 2 Consciousness Jan 3 - Jan 18 1 00 - 3:30 p.m. LA509 Havens. M very special woman. 31202 RD 310 060 3 Reading Wnllng Across Cumculum Jan 3 - Jan 18 9:00 - 12:45 p.m ED 213 Siebert. N /\ rl':1I 12" lon~-stcmm r rose, preserved antl •FIN 201 to 203 will satisfy General Educallon courses. dippl'

Registration: If you need assistance with registration, please call the HELP line for Miller's Jewelry instmctions at 657-2992. 2 F.ast Main Bozeman To use the Interactive Voice Response please call 1-800-441-0081 and follow the directions to register. 586-9_547

To register for classes on the web, please visit our homepage at \\W\\ msubillings.cdu and follow directions to register for Spring 2000 classes. lnterSession classes are part of Spring Semester 2000.

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AT THE BAXTER" ~ UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT AND OWNERSHIP A'e.w M~ /;Yi- B~, .R~u:J,,, &. :bi..'UU!/l. CaPtaln Planet encourages vou to An array of your old time favorites It's a connected world. recvcie this newspaper! and discover a variety of new tastes! Do your share. TI1 e most comfortable and affor·dable di11ir1g hulous For 30 way~ m help the emm>nmen~ "me Our catering office is now open - cont:zct Melissa Eanh Share. · e Rib 3-100 International Dr. !l.'\t or Trish al 586-1314 to help make your holiday or wie 2K (AD-I), ATTENTION &: Sat evening) Washmgton. OC 20008. speaal events plans at the new Baxter BRIDGER BOWL SKI AREA HIKERS/SKIERS 05 W Main • Downtown Bozeman • 586-1314 Hiking, skiing or any travel within Bridger Bowl's Earth Share. boundaries pre-season is not recommended. If you do travel within Bridger Bowl's boundaries pre­ season please note that avalanche hazard reduction ATTENTION! work using explosives does occur. Signs are posted in the base area on the days avalanche hazard reduction work is performed. Please stop at the REPORT ALL STOLEN administration office before traveling above the base area. TEXTBOOKS TO THE CAUTION: Back country conditions exist within Bridger Bowl's boundaries prior to opening for full time operation. TEXTBOOK DEPARTMENT Follow back country and avalanche terrain precautions. TRAVEL AT YOUR OWN RISK. BEFORE BUYBACK BEGINS Thank you for your cooperation. ~------, ...... • • · CamP.us Ent~rtainment : Arts ana EXhib1ts Committee ·• • The Campus Entertainment Arts and : : Exhibits Committee is looking to fill two: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 : positions, / and : 3:00 PM. vitality membe~ : - ~~~ . Open to childern in fan1ily housing • Pick up an application at the Campus • • • Cookie donations are \velcome r •Entertainment office or the ASMSU office.• • • • For more information can Bree Smouse • • • call 99-l-4370 for inforn1ation at 994-1 828 • • L.=:::==------=~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


ASivlSC currently has three positr 1 your student senate. is now I I Two are off-can1pus " · seat. I These are' ac ,v the AS~lSU accepting I Senate. · ' APPLlCATIONS I are allocated here on can1pu e pick up an appli- for Ho111eco111eing cation in roon1 281 of the SU efore the end of the sen1ester and '- learn about vour ~tudent ~enate and how vou can n1ake a difference. I .; - Chair & Senate ~~~i:1~line for~ re . ~ ,n...... :~appHcaHpns -:i+~~-ec~~nb~( T7/1:999 -:-: ". _'. 1 I Secretary. ~~:~'-~Y.·~i~1e ·ei~ne~ . 6ff~~-~PU!~ ~~~)_!1: .~";9:~-~~ -~;~9.~~~:\ct:~P~Y· ·:·.~· .,:J I I Application~

11 due 'I I December 7

l -----~ i ll:Zll.'t;:::riaa...:rr.a....:a :I SL :r.a. Cl. IE& ~ ~ r ~ &L Get AJu P On Holidav Calorie Overload Aerobics classes include ...

AFTER ALL, ISN'T" AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION IS WORTH A POUND OF CURE?" Pick up schedules and purchase passes in 202 Shroyer Gym/ cost is $10.00 for sen-tester. See You In Cla~s