St. Edmund’s St. Mary’s Fenny Bentley Tissington

November 2019 50p

St. Michael & All Angel’s


St. Peter’s St. Leonard’s

Parwich Thorpe

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Why do we always start our conversations with the weather, and then we often go on to talk about our physical health?

We have formulas; the way we interact, the usual topics of conversation, sometimes safe, not contentious, polite and companionable. Are we sometimes guarded, defensive, and too private, keeping inside things that might get out of proportion or become a great worry? If we are blessed there might be someone we can share these thoughts and feelings with.

My job is to go straight in, as soon as I can, with Spiritual matters, the wellbeing of the soul, or our spirit, as we face the difficult weather, and the challenges of physical health! How are our relationships, how are we coping with the uncertainty of Brexit, of finances over the demands of a commercialised Christmas which is looming? There should be no topic taboo with a vicar. Death? The meaning and purpose of life? Bereavement and grief? Loneliness and depression? Any of these topics a priest cannot give physical advice, but can reflect on God’s love for us all, and His messages and promises for us in the Bible of reconciliation, blessing and forgiveness. I want to be a good listener, and sometimes there isn’t much needed to be said, just to be there in times of trouble. Sometimes I do have contacts that can help with practical side of life, and with the agreement of the person I’m talking to, can help. I bring my experience from my previous life too, in business, in organisations and with people.

It is wonderful also to get involved at joyful times in life – times that celebrate the key stages of life – birth, marriage, celebration of community life. I am always touched when I am involved in a community event; that you invite me, and even ask me to pray a grace, or hand out cups and awards, or help with the washing up now I can stand for longer periods of time! We’re continuing with our small groups too, in Tissington, and Thorpe, perhaps you’d like to try that out. Everyone’s questions and views are valued.

I pray every day for our parishes. In the week I’ll be walking around, with my dog Scamp, and driving to deliver weekly parish newsletters, visit people quietly, and lead Morning Prayer at 9.00 am inside the churches. This month I’m able to bring the Vicar’s Van around too, so I’m looking forward to the wonderful views, spending time and hopefully putting the kettle on for visitors. The dates are in this magazine.

I am here, as your Priest, for everyone who lives and works in the parishes, not just the regular churchgoers. Do get in touch if you think I can help.

Revd Carollyn

MORNING PRAYER Said Morning Prayer at 9am in church November Alsop Tuesday 19th Thursday 14th Friday 29th Tuesday 26th Thursday 5th Thorpe

December th Wednesday 6 th Fenny Bentley Friday 15 Thursday 28th th Monday 11 Tuesday 3rd Decem- 8.50 ber Monday 25th 8.50 Tissington Monday 2nd th December 8.50 Friday 8 Wednesday 20th Parwich Friday 6th December

Bacon and Pray- Please accept my apologies in ers 8.30 advance if I am unable to nd attend as planned due to Saturday 2 emergency, funeral or un- Thursday 7th predictable circumstances. Au Revoir from Rev’d Alan

After over 4 years as a curate I finished serving in the Peak Five at the end of September. I’m now completing a portfolio which will be presented to the Diocese in January 2020 so that I can be signed off and the Church of can be re-assured that the last 4 years as a curate and 3 years at theological college have been worth the investment. All of you in the Peak Five might be a better judge! And so, I wait to discover where and what I do next.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone in the Peak Five Benefice for their welcome and support; it has been a pleasure being with you for the past 18 months. In what has been a relatively short time, I have learnt so much and enjoyed some new experiences. I’ve met some wonderful people who are fully committed to their communities and certainly make the villages in the Peak Five vibrant places that are full of life.

This isn’t quite goodbye, but more Au Revoir given that I continue in my role as Agricultural Chaplain 4 days a week travelling all over to connect with the farming community. So, you may see me passing through the Peak Five on my travels.

**I’m also coming back to Thorpe Village Hall on Thursday 28th November at 7pm to share my recent experience in Israel. I joined a 10 day seminar looking at the history of antisemitism organised by the Council of Christians and Jews at Yad Vashem, the holocaust museum in Jerusalem. All are welcome to come and join the evening.

Alan Griggs

THE VICAR’S VAN Back again! Carollyn welcomes everyone to the van; walkers, villagers, visitors, for a cuppa, to borrow a Christian book or magazine, or a chat about prayer, personal circumstances , dogs, camping, wildlife; enquiries about services - just about anything! If you'd like to invite me instead to visit your home please ring 01335 664 132 and leave a message with your phone number. November

Alsop Tuesday 26th Alsop Moor 10-11 am

Fenny Bentley Monday 18th 2.30 – 3.30 centre of the village

Parwich Monday 11th by church 11-12 noon

Tissington Thursday 7th by pond 2-3pm

Thorpe Friday 16th Glebe Lane 10-11am

Rev’d Carollyn McDonald Bible Study

Advent starts on Sunday 1st December, so next month’s magazine will be too late to start us off on our ‘waiting’ time for the joyful celebration of Christmas Day! I plan to place some resources into our churches to help you, and I hear from the Archbishop of Canterbury that a Follow the Star booklet is coming this year once more. That gave a short daily reading and picture to contemplate, from Christmas Eve through the 12 days of Christmas.

I think we could start before then, and provide a counter to the commercialised build up, which is well on its way in October!

These reflections are from Ruth Burgess’ book Hear my Cry, Wild Goose Publications, 2005.

Isaiah 43:5 Do not be afraid – I am with you! From the distant east and the farthest west, I will bring my people home. We pray - O Gatherer, seeking your people in the cities and the wilderness: come put Your arms around us and bring us safely home.

Questions to consider - Where have you experienced home? Think about what home means for you. Imagine yourself being at home in the loving arms of God. Relax and feel secure.

Psalm 145:18,19. God is near all those who call. God hears our cries. We pray - O child of the manger, totally dependant on Joseph and Mary: come and show us our vulnerability, our need for hugs and smiles.

Questions to consider - Reflect on your own vulnerability. Try to give lots of smiles, and if appropriate, hugs today.

Isaiah 35:3 Give strength to hands that are tired and to knees that tremble with weakness. We pray - O Lover of the little ones, their guardian and defender: Come with your angels and cradle Your children, and guide their stumbling feet along the homeward road.

Ideas to consider - Be in touch with your own tiredness. Try to breathe in the energy of God. Pray for the little ones in your community. Pray for those who stumble.

Extracts published with permission -

Courses across the Diocese for the rest of 2019

Come & See: Creating a Culture of Invitation in Your Church - Sat 2 Nov 10am - 1pm, St Thomas, Derby

Vocations Exploration Day - Sat 2 Nov 10am - 3pm, St John, Newhall

Occasional Offices & Mission 3: Funerals - Mon 4 Nov 7pm- 9pm St Oswald, Ashbourne

Church Buildings – on 4 Nov 7pm-9pm St Andrew, Swanwick

Church Buildings - Mon 18 Nov 7pm-9pm St John, Newbold

Occasional Offices & Mission 3: Funerals - Tues 19 Nov 7pm- 9pm Emmanuel, Swadlincote

Come & See: Creating a Culture of Invitation in Your Church - Sat 23 Nov 10am - 1pm, St Helen, Darley Dale

Vocations Exploration Day - Sat 23 Nov 10am - 3pm, St Michael & All Angels, Alvaston

Church Buildings - Mon 25 Nov 7pm-9pm St Peter, Chellaston

First Aid for Children's & Youth Workers - Tues 26 Nov 7pm- 9pm Saints Parish Centre, Chesterfield

Stained Glass Windows

As we continue our tour of the five churches, looking at their windows, I come to Tissington. St Mary’s is an ancient church, with signs of the worshippers, patrons and building maintenance over hundreds of years. Many people come to see the beautiful story of Noah’s Ark, the rainbow arching over the land, now drying, showing God’s promise. The East window, behind the altar (always!) brings us close to Jesus as He offers us the bread and wine in remembrance of all He did for us, opening the door of Grace to heaven, to Father God in prayer, and to everlasting life.

But the windows I most notice at St Mary’s are the clear windows, made of ancient glass, set in those thick stone walls, held by skilfully applied lead. Through those old windows we can see the estate, its trees, grasslands, and sometimes even the livestock. We can see passing ramblers, visitors to the tea rooms, and locals going about their business. We can see little children arriving at the kindergarten, and ducks wandering around the village before returning to the pond. We can see the Fitzherbert’s Hall, built with solid stone, a place of hospitality and patronage over generations.

Those clear windows let in the light so we can read our Bibles and hymn books, see to set flowers in their vases, see to clean the pews and floors, see to greet each other. The windows provide a frame for life. This is the life blessed by God, as we pray month on month in the church, for our community, for our country and for God’s world. Everything we do comes under God’s care, from the smallest, insignificant action to the most generous and life affirming moments.

I know that St Mary’s provides a dry space for many visitors and locals every day of the year. Opening the church buildings is a gift, thank you to all those in each of our churches in our Benefice who clean & tend, lock and unlock day by day, to make them accessible and welcome, places for people to meet with our Gracious and Loving God.

Rev Carollyn

Peak Five; Five Year Framework

Greetings to you all.

At the end of September, the Peak Five churches held a special morning to discuss the future for the group. We thought about how we might work together, relying more on each other’s strengths, experience and also to gather more often for worship. We thought about how to listen to our communities; our villages.

❖ We heard about how Thorpe church had sent a questionnaire (Ministry Action Plan) around the village, to listen to what was important to neighbours, and what was important to the congregation. ❖ We heard about Carsington Deanery, some statistics and trends in our area, and also about our new Bishop who is settling in and also listening to the County, her churches and the needs of her flock. ❖ We thought hard about the buildings we have inherited form generations of Christians, how we use their shelter, history, and the limitations presented in their facilities and accessibility, and use them for other community purposes? ❖ Could we be adventurous and make some of our services different to provide opportunities for different people to come? ❖ How can we provide support to our neighbours in times of crisis, sickness or need? ❖ Are there people in the congregations who would like to get more involved in the services – leading prayers, leading worship, reading the Bible? ❖ Could others be invited to join our PCC Management Committees? ❖ How can we support community groups? ❖ Are there people who experience a call from God to something that would benefit from some training? There were many questions that we need to return to consider. And some questions we might ask our wider communities, as Thorpe did in the summer. Most of all we try to hear where God is leading us. There’s a famous saying – “see what God is doing and join in”. We can see in so many ways how God works through each of us where we are, through worship, through the Bible, through fellowship, and we also know that there is much mystery that we cannot understand or see any meaning about.

The Strategy Group will meet again in the winter to analyse the many helpful and constructive ideas. We will follow up that Away Day morning in the spring. Thank you everyone who attended. Please keep praying for this time of opportunity to deepen our discipleship and share the Good News; with Christmas coming, a perfect opportunity to share “The Reason for the Season”!

Rev Carollyn

Tissington Fellowship

Meeting in Tissington Chapel

Wednesday November 13th - 7.00 pm December Wednesday 18th December - 7.00 pm

A reflective series of Parables and how they impact us today. All welcome. Ring Richard and Joyce to arrange a lift should you need one. 01335 419319

Cornerstone, Ashbourne Methodist Church Approaching worship in Advent Monday 11th November, 7.15 – 9.30 pm All welcome

British Sign Language Course ‘Signs of God’ Workshop Saturday 16th November Speak to Carollyn for details and booking

Remembering Service Would you like to join us in a service to remember our loved ones who have died, recently or however long ago. A service with gentle hymns, prayers, lighting of candles and silence.

Sunday 17th November - Parwich 10.00am All welcome from all five parishes, or visitors

This Photo by Unknown Author is ACE Youth Trust Celebration Service St Johns Church Ashbourne, Friday 29th November 7.00pm

Celebrating the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service and the work done through projects, mentoring and support for secondary school children from Ashbourne and the surrounding villages.

We celebrate the achievements of the young people, the volunteers, Trustees and funders who generously support this valued work in our community.

Carol Services in the Peak Five You can see the future services and special services on the website ‘A Church Near You’.

This year’s Carol Services are as follows:

Saturday 14th December 7.00pm Tissington Sunday 15th December 11.00am Thorpe Sunday 15th December 6.00pm Parwich Wednesday 18th December 2.30pm Christingle Fenny Bentley Sunday 22nd December 7.30 pm Alsop

Please book your preferred service in your diary – we’d love you to come to your church!

McMurtry & Harding Veterinary Surgeons • Consultations by appointment • Massage - Deep Tissue/Swedish/ • 24 Hour emergency service Pre-Blended Aromatherapy/Hot Stone • OAP discounts on weekday afernoons • Facials • Pet behavioural clinics • Manicures & Pedicures. Jessica Nails • Free ‘Well Pet’ check-ups • Waxing Lunches & After Caring for animals for over 35 years • noon Tea Packages 34 Market Place, Ashbourne 01335 342227 07748 187 330 (Calton) 8 St John St., Wirksworth 01629 823034

TO PLACE ADVERTISEMENTS, Modern Indian Cuisine Take Away Service to Local Villages. PLEASE CONTACT For further details please contact Parul Weston either on 07944 016266 VAL KIRKHAM or [email protected]. See samples on Facebook @veganspiceco 01335 390458 or Instagram @theveganspiceco Leatherbritches Nursery Fenny Bentley, Ashbourne, Derbyshire Enquiries: Bill on 07713 743295 or 01335 390571 Open 10am - 5pm (times vary during bad weather) English Plants for English Gardens Herbaceous, Perennial, Alpine, Shrubs, Bedding Plants, Hanging Baskets, Vegetables

Goldstraw Interiors * Kitchens * Bedrooms * Studies For and Uttoxeter * Furniture It’s good to chat. The Workshop, Stanton, Nr Ashbourne Let our free telephone befriending Tel: 01335 324648 service brighten your day. Email: [email protected] Call 01335 210353 USE EMAIL SAFELY

• Do not open emails which you suspect as being scams. • Do not forward emails which you suspect as being scams. • Do not open attachments from unknown sources. • If in doubt, contact the person or organisation the email claims to have been sent by ... better safe than sorry. • Do not readily click on links in emails from unknown sources. Instead, roll your mouse pointer over the link to reveal its true destination, displayed in the bottom left corner of your screen. Beware if this is different from what is displayed in the text of the link from the email. • Do not respond to emails from unknown sources. • Do not make purchases or charity donations in response to spam email. • Don’t click on ‘remove’ or reply to unwanted email. • Check junk mail folders regularly in case a legitimate email gets through by mistake. • When sending emails to multiple recipients, list their addresses in the 'BCC' (blind copy) box instead of in the 'To' box. In this way, no recipient will see the names of the others, and if their addresses fall into the wrong hands there will be less chance of you or anybody else receiving phishing or spam emails. • Similarly, delete all addresses of previous parties in the email string, before forwarding or replying. • If you are suspicious of an email, you can check if it is on a list of known spam and scam emails that some internet security vendors such as McAfee and Symantec feature on their websites. • Most Microsoft and other email clients come with spam filtering as standard. Ensure yours is switched on. • Most spam and junk filters can be set to allow email to be received from trusted sources, and blocked from untrusted sources. • When choosing a webmail account such as gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail, make sure you select one that includes spam filtering and that it remains switched on. • Most internet security packages include spam blocking. Ensure that yours is up to date and has this feature switched on.

If you have lost money as a result of a phishing email, or via any other fraudulent activity

Report it to Action Fraud, the UK’s national fraud reporting centre by calling 0300 123 20 40 or by visiting If you are in Scotland, contact Police Scotland on 101.

Extract from 7th October 2019 Group Community Fire Safety – November 2019

Now we are into the cooler weather here are a few facts and tips to keep you safe:

Heating your home.

Central Heating Systems

• Have your Boilers, Fires, Flues and Cookers inspected and tested by a ‘Registered Service Engineer’.

Open fires

• Be careful when using open fires to keep warm. Make sure you always use a fire guard to protect against flying sparks from hot embers. • Make sure embers are under control and properly put out before you go to bed. • Keep chimneys and flues clean and well maintained.

Heating your home (portable heaters) ep heaters away from • Do not use extension leads for portable heaters. • Always unplug electric heaters when you go out or go to bed • Try to secure heaters against a wall to stop them falling over. • Only use gas or paraffin heaters in well-ventilated areas. Heaters consume oxygen so you could suffocate if a room is not properly aired.

Using electric blankets Never use hot water • Unplug blankets before you get into bed, unless they have a thermostat control for safe all-night use. • Store electric blankets flat, rolled up or loosely folded to prevent damaging the internal wiring. • Have your Electric Blankets tested every 3 years by an approved Contractor. • Replace your blanket when it is more than 10 years old

If the electricity fails Top tip Be prepared. Keep a torch and batteries handy, where you can find them.

Alternative lighting Keep a battery operated • If you have to use candles or matches always take special care. Make sure candles are secured in a proper holder and away from materials that may catch fire – like curtains. • Put them out completely before leaving the room or going to bed. • Use a snuffer or a spoon to put out candles. It’s safer than blowing them out when sparks can fly. • Keep a mobile phone handy so you can still make an emergency call if there is a power cut.

Bonfire and Firework Displays

If you cannot attend an organised display and intend to go ahead and hold your own bonfire party, the Derbyshire Fire & Rescue Service asks that you follow the attached safety advice:

❖ Will give you vital information. ❖ What does the Law say? ➢ Fireworks cannot be let off between 11pm and 7am. ➢ Except Bonfire Night when they can be let off until midnight. And special occasions- New Years Eve, Diwali, and Chinese New Year, when the curfew ends at 1am the following day. ➢ It is illegal for anyone under 18 years of age to buy or carry fireworks. ➢ Throwing or setting off fireworks in the street is also illegal. Safety Guidance. • Only responsible adults should deal with fireworks • Keep fireworks in a closed metal box and take them out one at a time • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions on each firework. Read the instructions by torch light and not a naked flame and always buy fireworks from a reputable source • Light fireworks at arm’s length using a safety firework lighter or fuse wick. • Stand back after lighting. • NEVER go back to a firework once lit, it may go off in your face • Keep a bucket of water handy • Collect used fireworks with care, douse with water and bury them or place in a metal container • Keep children under control • Keep pets indoors • Take care with sparklers – young children should not handle these • NEVER throw fireworks • NEVER keep them in your pocket If you wish to build your own bonfire please follow this guidance:- • Site the bonfire well away from houses, garages, sheds, fences, overhead cables, trees and shrubs and well away from your fireworks • Don’t pile your bonfire too high, rather keep adding to it to keep the size reasonable – much less chance of it getting out of control that way.

When lighting the bonfire please follow these safety tips:- • Before lighting, make sure there are no animals hiding inside • Be careful when building the bonfire, so it does not collapse once lit • Don’t burn foam filled furniture, aerosols or tins of paint or bottles • NEVER ever use flammable liquids – paraffin or petrol – to light the fire • Keep everyone, especially children, away from the fire.

In case of an emergency. • In case of emergency, have a mobile phone available to call the emergency services. • Keep buckets of water, a garden hose or a fire extinguisher ready. • When the party is over, pour water on the embers before leaving.

Home Fire Safety. -- Smoke Alarms.

Please do not forget to ‘Test Those Smoke Alarms Weekly’

If you require and further advice on any of the items covered in this article please call the Fire & Rescue Service on 01773 305305

Keep safe, my regards to you all.

Tony Higton QFSM GIFireE

Alsop en le Dale

Altar Flowers

November 3rd and 10th Betty Fentem November 17th Claire Woodroffe November 24th Louise Woodroffe

The Altar Flower Rota will begin circulating this month. Many thanks to all of you who help to ensure there are beautiful flowers in the church throughout the year. Any new offers of help would be gratefully appreciated... there are always a few gaps.


Thank you for all your gifts of produce for the Harvest/ Benefice service. A large car boot load was taken to the Ashbourne food bank.

Fenny Bentley

Church cleaning rota November – Julie Mason & Lynn Whittaker

Church flowers November 16th – Wendy Carter

St Edmund’s Harvest Festival on 6th October was well attended and the gifts of produce from people and businesses were sold by auction. this raised £250.50 to be divided between Macmillan Care and the Padley Centre.

I thank the school staff, parents, children and everyone who supported this.

Christmas decorating in Church is planned for on Saturday 7th December; everyone welcome to help.



Pumpkin Scones Pumpkin Chilli 40g butter 1 small/medium pumpkin or 2 butternut 200g pumpkin flesh, cut into small squashes pieces 4 tbsp olive oil 225g self raisingflour, plus extra for 1 large onion dusting 2 red peppers, chopped 1 tsp baking powder 3 garlic cloves, crushed 1 handful grated cheddar cheese 1 red chilli 1 small handful fresh coriander 1 tbsp chilli powder 4 tbsp milk, plus extra for brushing 1 tsp cumin 1 tsp cinnamon 1. Preheat the oven to 200C/fan 2 tbsp tomato puree 180C/gas 6. Grease a baking sheet. 800g chopped tomatoes 500ml veg stock 2. Put the pumpkin pieces in a 400g red kidney beans, drained saucepan with enough water to 100g frozen sweetcorn cover. Bring to the boil & simmer salt & pepper for 10 minutes. Drain & mash with 2 dashes balsamic vinegar a fork then leave to cool. 1 large handful spring onions, chopped 1 handful jalapeno peppers, sliced 3. Put the flour & baking powder into 1 handful chopped fresh coriander a bowl, add the butter & rub 1 tub soured cream together until you get a breadcrumb-like consistency. 1. Peel the pumpkin & cut into 1in thick pieces.

4. Add the pumpkin into the mixture 2. In a pan heat the olive oil over a then add the cheese & herbs. Also medium heat, add the onion & red add enough milk to make a dough. peppers & cook for 5 minutes. Add the pumpkin & garlic & lightly brown. Add 5. Sprinkle flour on to your work the chopped chilli,chilli powder, cumin surface & knead the dough for 30 & cinnamon & cook for 2 minutes then seconds. add the tomato puree & stir well in.

6. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3. Add the chopped tomatoes, veg stock, approx 3cm & cut out with a red kidney beans, sweetcorn, salt & pepper & bring to the boil. rounded cutter using up all of the dough. Place on the baking sheet & 4. Reduce the heat & cook for 45 minutes brush with milk. or until the pumpkin is tender.

5. When cooked add a dash or 2 of 7. Bake the scones in the oven for balsamic vinegar. around 12 minutes, until they are golden, then leave on a cooling 6. Serve with chopped spring onions, rack. jalapenos, coriander & bowl of soured cream.


At the end of September we held a very successful MacMillan Coffee afternoon in school and we raised £165.91 for the this very worthwhile charity. Many thanks to all those who supported us.

Children and families took part in our Harvest Festival Service in Church at the beginning of October this was followed by the traditional harvest auction of produce, where there was some competitive bidding going on! The auction raised £250.50, this money will be donated to charity.

Our infant children have recently been pretending to be TV pizza chefs, learning how to film and edit videos on the iPads, as well as presenting their own cookery programme. They had lots of fun filming and making the pizzas (and eating them of course!)

On Friday 18th October the School Council and Mrs Fentem organised a Diabetes Awareness Day. The day consisted of a talk from a member of the Diabetic Society where the children could ask questions and learn about what it means to be a diabetic. The day also involved a range of activities including a ‘Guess the number of Carbs in the Sweet Jar’ for a donation of £1 per guess. The money raised went to Diabetes UK, a charity chosen by the School Council.

Our next ‘Quiz Night for Grown Ups’ will be held in school on Friday 15th November from 7.00pm. Quizmaster Checketts has written the questions and tickets are now on sale priced at £5 each including a chip cob and a pudding. Teams can have up to 4 players, but don’t worry if you don’t have a team as we will match you up on the night. There is a top prize of £40 for the winning team and all proceeds are going towards the whole school summer trip.

As a school we do not hold ‘Open Days’ like many other schools, but for us every day is an open day. We like visitors to see our school as it really is, so we are always happy to welcome new families to our school, anyone interested in looking around should contact us on the details given below.

If you would like any more information about any of the events mentioned then please get in touch, tel. 01335 350362 or more information about school can be found on our website:

Important Notice - Suspicious Emails We are aware of some suspicious emails that appear to be from clergy and even from Bishop Libby. Responding to the emails will result in requests for money or gift cards. Please DO NOT reply to the emails. It is important that we are all aware and be vigilant to protect our online safety and security. We are not aware Our Diocese of any system security breach and are in the process of compiling some website best practice guidelines so November 2019 that our churches can take action to greater protect themselves. Steps to take if you receive a suspicious email | @DioceseofDerby 1. DO NOT reply to the email. 2. Check the email address of the sender – is it the same email address as usual? The Venerable Carol Coslett writes... 3. Type in the usual email address of the clergy, rather than just hit reply. Better still, talk to them and check if they have sent this email. Remember, Remember…. 4. Run a complete anti-virus scan of your computer. It’s November and the night Towards the end of the month we celebrate Christ 5. If you have sent any money as a direct result of the email, please contact the Police to report the matter is dark. Searching in all the the King, when we are reminded that Jesus came cupboards for batteries for into this world as God’s Son, was anointed but Steps to take if you are the named sender of a suspicious email the lamps on our bikes - we crowned with thorns to offer his life as a sacrifice 1. Reassure any recipients that you have not sent the email and verify your correct email address. only seem to use them once for us on the cross, so that a kingdom could be born 2. As a safety procedure, reset your email password and any clergy portal passwords. a year! Before Martin and I of Truth, Life, Justice, Love and Peace. Our world 3. Run a complete anti-virus scan of your computer. moved up to Derbyshire this today so desperately needs this kingdom, where 4. If you receive any reports of money being sent as a direct result of the email, please contact the Police. had become a regular feature our world leaders talk truth, and where people of of village life in the 3B’s (Betchworth Buckland and all faith and cultures can live in peace. Our bonfire Brockham in Surrey) - because it’s the night of the traditions hearken back to an age where that was huge annual Brockham Bonfire. Once the batteries not so and yet how much have we moved on I Help for Village Halls have been replaced in the lamps and the tyres wonder and what can our part be in shaping the Rural Action Derbyshire (RAD) is delighted to be running its 2nd conference specifically for people who help blown up, with creaks (from the bikes and our limbs) future for our children and our children’s children? run a village or community hall. The conference is on Friday, 8 November 2019 at The Post Mill Centre in we wobble down the lane a mile or so and pass As Christians it is through our prayers, and a living South Normanton (M1 J28) from 9.15am until 3.45pm. the snaking collection of all ages carrying flamed torches in the annual Bonfire procession. Over the relationship with God that can make the difference. Village halls are often the community hub, the place where people get together for family celebrations, river bridge into the throng that already covers the How we live our lives giving time to God and showing exercise classes or a regular meetings of groups or societies. They are big or small, new or old and could Village Green. In pride of place stood the 60 foot love for our neighbour. For us still remembering and employ staff or just use volunteers to take bookings, manage the money and organise events. high circular bonfire that had been built up around a living our lives in the earthly kingdom, our comfort central pole over the last couple of months. must be in allowing God to surround us with love Not only do halls have to maintain the physical building and comply with a whole range of legislation, they also and open our hearts to receive this love in our need know the best ways to take advantage of their hall for the benefit of the community. Some enterprising The folks are already buying their hotdogs, hog lives. God will always be with us, through all our halls are now establishing themselves as successful wedding venues too. roast and cups of beer as we try to wind our way remembering, our times of sorrow and joy if we only There will be four presentations in the morning: to the other end of the green where we eventually make the time. • Improving long-term sustainability meet up with the previous shift of volunteers who • Investment for your village or community hall are shaking their - gradually getting heavier – red Remember, remember! • Communication, marketing and community engagement buckets. We swap florescent jackets and they hand The fifth of November, • Planning, funding and building a new village hall over the walkie talkie and we are left for a few hours The Gunpowder treason and plot; to try and collect as many donations as possible I know of no reason In the afternoon, delegates can choose two 45 minute workshops from the following: for our church (the charities are various across the Why the Gunpowder treason site). Should ever be forgot! Session one: • Income generation & fundraising The stats are amazing: 20,000 people gather round The Venerable Carol Coslett • Planning for sustainable halls the village green, over 4 tonnes of fireworks are Archdeacon of Chesterfield • Online Booking Systems - what you need to know burnt (£20,000 worth) and around £20,000 is given away each year in donations on the night. Session two: • Using digital to promote your hall, engage with your community and support your users November is the month of Remembrance, and this • Recruiting and retaining volunteers - how to get more people involved year we might well be remembering that once we • Broadband and the internet - why it’s important, how to optimise it and how to find funding were part of Europe! But our church calendar gives us All Saints on the 1st November, remember All Tickets are available through the Rural Action Derbyshire website at a cost of £35 + VAT (£45). There will Souls on the 2nd, Guy Fawkes on the 5th and then also be a number of exhibitors at the conference all relevant to halls from insurance and booking systems to those on our War Memorials on Remembrance furniture and funding. Sunday on 10th and Armistice on 11th November. More info by email: [email protected] or visit: Congratulations and Welcome to our new Readers From our Deaneries On Sunday, 6 October 2019, four candidates were Admitted and Licensed by Bishop Libby as Readers at a very special service in Derby Cathedral. The service also served as a Thanksgiving for 50 years of Reader Carsington Dove and Derwent Ministry by Women. Our special congratulations to: Autumn Newsletter Autumn Newsletter Katherine Mary (Kate) Brookbank The online Carsington Autumn newsletter can be The online Dove and Derwent Autumn newsletter Jacqueline Haywood viewed at: can be viewed at: Anthony (Tony) Hill Roberta (Bertie) Walker Learn more about your deanery and view deanery newsletters at: In addition, Brenda Silcock, who was formally Licensed in the Diocese of York was given Permission to Officiate in the Diocese of Derby. On a later occasion, Martin Cox, Licensed The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal 2019 in another diocese will be Licensed to the Diocese of Derby. Significantly, the service marked the retirement of Revd Canon Geraldine Pond as Diocesan Director of Vocations with additional responsibility for clergy well being and Warden of Readers. Readers in the Church of England are lay people from a range of backgrounds and experiences who are trained and authorised to preach, teach and lead worship. There are more than 8,500 Readers actively involved in ministry in the Church of England today. Men were licensed into the role in 1866, but it was over 100 yars later before women were permitted to become Readers. Legislation was passed in 1969 and since then the ministry of both women and men as In mid-March this year, parts of Manicaland, rich agricultural lands in eastern Zimbabwe, were devastated Readers has continued to be a vital part of the life of the Church of England. by Cyclone Idai. The cyclone brought rain, flooding and landslides, but worse was the devastation as a dam burst its banks sending huge rocks, some over 10 tons, down the valley, destroying homes, crops and livelihoods. The Diocese of Manicaland provided shelter in their schools and churches in the aftermath, bringing comfort to the bereaved, care for the injured, and food for those who had lost everything before the larger agencies came with support. The church has worked closely with other agencies to ensure the most vulnerable were not left out. But the church wants to do more. They are really concerned about the elderly and widows who are living in communal tents, often looking after orphans. The church would like to build them simple homes, away November Highlights - Book your free place! from the danger area. The government has offered land. Ecochurch As a diocese, we will partner with The Diocese of Manicaland, who will provide cement, bricks and Wed, 6 November at St Wystan, Repton roofing sheets, which we will finance. The community will then contribute local materials and their labour An introduction to Church, Spirituality and Dementia to construct homes for their needy neighbours. Each home will cost around £900 to build. We are aiming Thu, 7 November at St John’s Institute, Tideswell NEW Autumn courses and dates to generate funding for 20 family homes which gives us a target of £18,000. Carmelite Spirituality now added. Can you help these vulnerable people to have a dry home, safe from future storms? Wed, 13 November at St Helen, Darley Dale Reserve your place and view all Donations should be made payable to ‘The Bishop of Derby’s Harvest Appeal’ and sent to: Everybody Welcome other courses - Mr Edward Latham Thu, 14 November at St Barnabas Centre, Danesmoor 64 Birkinstyle Lane Winter Risks Shirland Thu, 14 November at Church House, Derby Alfreton Derbyshire DE55 6BS | @DioceseofDerby | @DioceseofDerby Parwich

November Parwich Film Show Friday 15th November


A beautiful period drama film, with Keira Knighley giving her finest performance. Colette (Keira Knightley) is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and artistic splendour of Paris. Soon after, her husband Willy (Dominic West) convinces Colette to ghost-write for him. Colette, in turn, pens a semi-autobiographical novel about a witty and brazen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultural sensation. After it's success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their adventures inspire additional Claudine novels. Certificate 15

Guardian**** “Keira Knightley delivers a playfully sly, subtly nuanced performance... Beautifully shot by cinematographer Giles Nuttgens, .. Colette convincingly conjures a late-19th/early-20th century milieu, to which it adds a thoroughly modern sensibility.”

FRIDAY 15th NOVEMBER 7.45PM Free Entrance. Refreshments. Raffle Parwich Memorial Hall

• Silent projection • Hi Fi Sound • Special hi-fi headphones for those with hearing difficulties, please ask.


Monday 4 November, 12.45 in the Memorial Hall

Sausage and Mash. Apple Sponge & Custard All the main dishes are served with Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables

Only £5 - please phone Val on 390 458 to let her know if you are coming, and for any special dietary requirements

A beautiful period drama film, with Keira Knighley giving her finest performance. Colette (Keira Knight- ley) is transplanted from her childhood home in rural France to the intellectual and ar- tistic splendour of Par- is. Soon after, her hus- band Willy (Dominic West) convinces Co- lette to ghost-write for him. Colette, in turn, pens a semi- autobiographical novel about a witty and bra- zen country girl named Claudine, sparking a bestseller and a cultur- al sensation. After it's success, Colette and Willy become the talk of Paris and their ad- ventures inspire addi- tional Claudine novels.


Double skinned giant bubble wrap plastic Keder greenhouse 9’ wide by 6’ deep. 6’ door. 3’ square window opposite door. Galvanised tubular frame, wooden base. 6’ slatted bench

Offers invited. Cost £1000 new

Phone 01335 350239

Viewing at almost any time


p r e s e n t s

- Friday 29th November 2019 -

- Performance starts at 7.30pm -

Bar and refreshments at

half-time interval

Tickets £10, available from [email protected] or Cheryl on 07846 906848

Welcome to the Community Diary from the Parwich Blog for Alsop-en-le-Dale, Ballidon, Parwich & Pikehall For any events that you would like adding to the diary, please email [email protected]. For up to date details go to

November 2019 Date Time Event Location Sun 3rd 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft Mon 4th Children back at School Parwich School 9am to

Mon 4th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 4th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Village Lunch Sausage & Mash Mon 4th 12.45pm Memorial Hall Apple Sponge & Custard contact Val K tel. 390458 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 5th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Carnival & Recreation Committee Tue 5th 7pm Village Bonfire Parsons Croft Chip Van in attendance Wed 6th … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 6th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 6th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 7th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 7th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Sun 10th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 11th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 11th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Over 60s Tue 12th 6pm Pie & Pea Supper Memorial Hall with Bring & Buy Sale Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 12th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Green bin, Blue bin and food caddy Wed 13th … Parwich collection Parwich Ladies Group Wed 13th Social Evening & ‘Item in a Bag’ (Details from Dot tel. 456) 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 13th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 13th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 14th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 14th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class 3.15 to

Fri 15th Mobile Library The Green 3.45pm Fri 15th 7.45pm Parwich Film Memorial Hall Sun 17th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 18th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 18th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 19th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Parwich & District Horticultural Society Tue 19th 7.30pm Legion AGM Wed 20th … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 20th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 20th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Wed 20th 7.30pm Parwich Parish Council Meeting Memorial Hall 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 21st Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 21st 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Sun 24th 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 25th Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 25th 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 26th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Green bin, Blue bin and food caddy Wed 27th … Parwich collection 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 27th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 27th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 28th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 28th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class December 2019 Date Time Event Location Sun 1st 9am Sunday Football Parson’s Croft 9am to

Mon 2nd Toddler Group Memorial Hall 10.30am Mon 2nd 11am Pilates Memorial Hall Badminton/Table Tennis slots Tue 3rd 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 Wed 4th … Grey bin and food caddy collection Parwich 4.30pm Fish & Chip Van Wed 4th The Green to 7pm tel. 0751 107 6249 Badminton/Table Tennis slots Wed 4th 6-10pm Memorial Hall book via Cheryl tel 617 11am to Evie’s Artistic Session Thu 5th Memorial Hall 1pm More info: 390488 JH Fitness Thu 5th 7pm Memorial Hall fitness class Over 60s venue Tue 10th 12.30pm Christmas Dinner tbc with Raffle

Nordic Walking

Why go to the gym when you can exercise outdoors, even during the winter months?

A fast growing activity for all ages & fitness levels – gain fitness, lose weight, and improve health.

Nordic Walking poles are planted behind you to propel you forward. The use of poles means the upper body muscles are used as well as the legs. This means you work harder than usual (burn 30% more calories) yet the support given by the poles makes it feel easier!

45 Minutes Free Taster Sessions Wednesday 13th November at 10am. Meet at the National Trust Visitor Centre, Ilam Park DE6 2AZ Low Impact taster: Thursday 14th November at 1.15m. Meet at the Old Dog car park, Thorpe, DE6 2AT

Please wear boots & clothing according to the weather. Nordic Walking Poles provided for all tasters. For details contact: Janneke Gorzeman 07469895267 [email protected] Or book now: NEWTON HOUSE HOTEL BASSETTWOOD & TEAROOMS in Tissington Luxury Afternoon Teas is a family friendly B&B and Weds - Sun, 10.30am - 5pm Tearoom with seasonal gardens. Functions Catered For Tel Lynn on 07952 432096 Fully Licenced Bar for opening times. We have a Now open for Sunday Lunch Caravan and Motorhome Club 01335 310391 certified location site in a beautiful quiet location.

THE COACH & HORSES Fenny Bentley, Nr. Ashbourne. A friendly 17th century coaching inn, open all day, every day. Good food, good beers and warming log fires. Telephone: 01335 350246

Your local distributer for ASHBOURNE AGRICULTURAL secretarial and printing services FARM & ROAD FUELS LUBRICANTS A traditional secretarial service DOMESTIC HEATING OIL PEAK OIL PRODUCTS combined with modern print PEAK OIL PRODUCTS (NORTHERN) LTD technology SHOTTLE STATION, COWERS LANE Tel: 01335 300445 • Fax: 300485 BELPER, DERBYSHIRE. DE56 2LG Ashbourne Business Centre, Dig Street DE6 1GF TEL: 01773 550417 Email: [email protected] Fax: 01773 550481

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The morning of Wednesday 16th October was really wet and miserable so we were not expecting a very good turnout. However, most of our regulars came and we also had two visitors. Despite the weather it was a really bright chatty session and I think everyone enjoyed it. True to the known generosity of the people of Thorpe, this small group donated £54.00 to the charity Readycall Macmillan. And to round off a really pleasant morning, when we left the Village Hall the sun was shining and it was a lovely mild day. I was away for this Coffee Morning but Julia Crosby has kindly described what happened on the day. A further £15.00 has been contributed by those who were not able to be present. Readycall Macmillan provides help to people in the Derbyshire Dales who are affected by cancer or other life- limiting conditions.

A letter was received from The Farming Community Network to thank everyone “for the wonderful donation in support of their work” which was raised at the September Coffee Morning. The letter sent by Helen Armitt-Warnes, Administrative Assistant, wrote in her letter: “It is reassuring to us that FCN has been chosen to benefit from your fundraising efforts as it gives us confidence that we are beginning to further increase awareness, both of the issues that are impacting our farming community and also of the support which is available. However, this would not be possible were it not for the kindness and generosity and hard work of people such as yourselves”.

Future Dates: November 20th and December 18th both Wednesdays in the Village Hall at the usual time between 10.30 am and 12 noon. In November, Clare Sales will come along and bring a variety of Traidcraft items such as food, Christmas cards and gifts for us to buy. Please do come along. Everyone is most welcome.

Ros Hunt


On Saturday 12 October, locals and visitors gathered at a Bric-A- Brac fundraising event held in Thorpe Village Hall. A wonderful selection of generously donated items provided a fun shopping experience and the tea, coffee and cake provided just the right amount of delicious refreshment. Huge thanks to Beverly Bock for organising the event and to the most willing group of volunteers who set up, served up, boxed up and baked up a storm. An amazing total of £614.20 was raised and will go towards the future renovation of our village hall.

Gill Frith has recently announced that, after a period of nearly 30 years of being involved in village hall duties, she has decided to step down from her roles as Bookings Secretary and Caretaker. Sincere thanks to Gill for her long-standing contribution and we all wish her the very best. Beverly Bock has kindly agreed to take on the role of Bookings Secretary from 1st November and can be contacted on: 350665 or [email protected]

Grateful thanks to Councillor Fitzherbert for awarding £300 (from his District Councillor Local Projects Fund 2019/20) towards the cost of replacing 9 cracked window panes in our village hall. A few days of fine weather allowed this work to be done during the middle of October.

As always, thanks to everyone for your continued support of the village hall (including my husband and his ladder).

Jayne Morgan

Macmillan Coffee Morning Friday 27th September.

The day is one of Macmillan Cancer Support’s biggest fundraising events for people and families facing cancer. Cancer can affect every aspect of a person’s life, from their day-to-day living and relationships to their finances and mental health. Macmillan is there to help people with cancer live life as fully as they can. Despite the rain, we had an excellent turnout as the community of Thorpe (along with a group of walkers led by The National Trust) came together to catchup with friends, drink coffee and eat cake in support of this very important charity. Thank you to all those who attended, and those who were not able to but still gave very generous donations, helping us to raise an amazing £731.03! Thank you to Allison, Annette, Denise, Irene, Janneke and Jayne for your delicious contributions of cakes and biscuits and to Liz for the ‘Guess the weight cake’ won by Gill Frith.

The Old Rectory.


Prior to the Advent Fellowship Meetings, St Leonard’s Church are hosting a social evening, where all are welcome to come and join us for a drink and a nibble and a chatter. Before those really cold winter nights start to kick in.

At Thorpe Village Hall on Thursday 7th November 2019 at 7:30pm

Looking forward to seeing you on the 7th.

The Thorpe Ministry Action Plan (MAP) St. Leonard’s is listening Vibrant in our Villages

Again many thanks for all of you that took part in our survey, apologies it has taken so long to give you feedback on our final plan. Led and guided by Rev Alan Griggs we put together a simple plan this was presented to Rev Carollyn’s “Away Day” at St Oswalds for further feedback. Our final version will be presented to all Parishioners at Thorpe Village Hall 7th November ( note details of the event are to be found in the magazine) , this will be part of a Fellowship meeting where all members of our community are welcome to join Clarke and Irene Lomas who are organising the event. We would very much like your help in organising some of the community events that you have suggested, such as a history of Thorpe and it’s community, developing an interactive guide for the Church and the village. Could we restart a community choir? The tremendous support for our Harvest Supper, Macmillan coffee morning and recent Bric a Brac sale show that for a small community we can come together and raise substantial sums for very worthwhile causes.

Please come along to the Fellowship meeting and share your ideas and give your support.

John Brierley secretary to Thorpe PCC



Christmas at Tissington Hall 22nd November - 8th December 2019 ‘Star of Wonder’ is well under way to being finished for our Opening Saturday. The dates we are open from 11-3pm are:

Sat 23/Sun 24 November Sat 30 /Sun 1 December Sat 7/Sun 8 December

This year we are using the top floor of the Hall for the first time and children may well bump into Olaf and Elsa. We look forward to welcoming you then.

British Telecom Pole at Home Farm Carole & and Ken were rather surprised to find this rather huge pole by the side of their property a couple of weeks ago. Neither the parish Council or the Estate had been contacted about its imminent erection and so we are now on the case to have it removed. BT were at great pains to apologise for the inconvenience.

The Ford during the Wet Weather After the recent heavy rain please do not attempt to go through the ford. The Memo is ‘If you Cannot see the 1 foot marker then do NOT attempt to drive through’. Last week I took a photograph of the 2 foot marker submerged so please be careful.

Also please do not drive on the verges in this sodden weather. It makes a great mess and is not appreciated by the farmers.

Sir Richard 271019

TISSINGTON & LEA HALL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Mrs Brenda Kirkham – Email: [email protected] – Tel: 07916 298107

Unapproved Minutes of a meeting held at Tissington Village Hall on Monday 7 Oct 2019 at 7.30 pm Present: Cllr Chris Carr (Chairman); Cllrs: Sir Richard FitzHerbert (Vice -Chairman) and John Etches. Retiring Clerk: Joanne Poitevin; Clerk: Brenda Kirkham Item Details Action 1 Welcome & Apologies Cllr Carr welcomed everyone to the meeting. The Council resolved to appoint Brenda Kirkham as the new clerk. There were no apologies 2 Approval of Minutes The Council resolved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held on the 5 August as a true record. 3 General Business a) All councillors present signed a letter of thanks to George Maxwell for his previous work as a parish councillor over a period of 40 Clerk years. This was also to be published in the Parish Magazine. b) The water leak on the road outside Church House had still not been repaired. c) Severn Trent have done some repair work to the water leak at Sharplow Cottages. d) Retaining the existing website may be difficult due to the change of clerk. The Council does need to have a website in order to meet its Clerk obligations under the transparency regulations. Clerk to investigate. 4 Financial Report a) Financial Report The balance in the bank on the 27 August 2019 was £5,372.81. The Council resolved to make the following payments:

Cheque No Payable to: Amount 456 Tissington Village Hall 52.00 457 Clerk’s Salary 245.35 458 Tissington Estate (footpaths) 495.00 459 Election Expenses 111.49

b) Future Banking Plans The Council resolved that the Clerk should investigate the use of Clerk electronic banking. c) Rights of Way Maintenance Grant An application for the maintenance grant was submitted to the Clerk District Council for the work carried out on the village footpaths. 5 Planning Application: The Parish Council had no objection to the removal of condition 5 at Lea Hall Farm, application number NP/DDD/1217/1278. Clerk to respond accordingly. Clerk


TISSINGTON & LEA HALL PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Council: Mrs Brenda Kirkham – Email: [email protected] – Tel: 07916 298107

6 Village Highways/Tissington Estate Business a) Footpath Signs: Signs at Bent Lane and Avenue, Gate/Sharplow Farm footpaths had been reported but not fixed. b) Cattle Grid: The cattle grid near Keepers Cottage still needed repairing. c) Church Fete: The date for next year’s church fete had not yet been RF/Clerk fixed. Osmaston Band would need to be booked when the date is available. d) Manhole at Town Head Farm: The manhole at Town Head Farm is still uneven and needs to be raised to prevent rattling when passed Clerk over by vehicles; Clerk to report again. e) Flatts Lane: The Council noted the issue of drainage and flooding at Flatts Lane, the County Council had stated that this lane did not qualify for repair work, although it is the responsibility of the county Council and still needs repair. f) Benches: The Council discussed the purchase of a new bench to commemorate VE day. Sir Richard has £900 available from the District Council. Some existing village benches needed repair. g) Grit Bins: The grit bins will be refilled as usual by the County Council; the existing plaques needs to be transferred to the new bins. 7 Discussion Points Verge Cutting: Sir Richard commented that the verging mowing had been very poor this year and he would be raising the matter with the District RF Council. Clerk: Mrs Joanne Poitevin (the retiring clerk) was thanked for her 10 years of service to the Council. 8 Dates for Forthcoming Meetings The Council provisionally set the following dates for forthcoming meetings: Monday 9 December at 7.30 pm Monday 10 February at 7.30 pm Monday 20 April (AGM) at 7.30 pm Monday 8 June at 7.30 pm

Signed ……………………………………………………………………..

Dated ………………………………………………………………………





Rev’d Carollyn McDonald 01335 664132 [email protected]


Rev’d Alan Griggs 01332 361534 [email protected]

Weddings Administrator

Ros Hunt 01335 350221 [email protected]


Miss Ros Hunt 01335 350221 [email protected]


St. Michael’s, Alsop Mrs Caroline Gordon 390651 Mr William Bunting 390329

St. Edmund’s, Fenny Bentley Mr Dennis Stone 350187 Eileen Sims 350255

St. Peter’s, Parwich Mr Martin Compton 390529 Ruth Collie 390684

St. Leonard’s, Thorpe Mr Clarke Lomas 350265 Miss Ros Hunt 350221

St. Mary’s, Tissington Miss Ann Unwin 350732 Diana Houghton 350814

Copy Deadline for December/January Magazine: 25th November Articles can be submitted via email to Diana Houghton - [email protected] To place advertisements, please contact Val Kirkham on 01335 390458

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November 3rd – 4th Sunday before Advent

Alsop no service Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Evening Prayer Mr & Mrs Collie Parwich 2.30 pm Baptism Service Revd C McDonald Thorpe 6.30 pm Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Tissington 11.00 am Family Service Revd C McDonald

November 10th – 3rd Sunday before Advent

Remembrance Sunday Services at: Alsop no service Fenny Bentley no service Parwich 10.15 am Joint service with Alsop Revd C McDonald Thorpe 10.45 am Miss R Hunt Tissington 9.30 am Mr K Stone

November 17th – 2nd Sunday before Advent

Alsop 11.15 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Evening Prayer Miss R Hunt Parwich 10.00 am Remembering Service Revd C McDonald Thorpe 11.00 am Morning Prayer Miss R Hunt Tissington 8.00 am Holy Communion (said) Revd C McDonald Tissington Chapel 10.30 am Methodist Service Mr S Haines

November 24th – Sunday next before Advent (Christ the King)

Alsop 11.15 am Morning Prayer Mr K Stone Fenny Bentley no service Parwich 9.30 am Morning Prayer Revd C McDonald Thorpe 11.15 am Baptism Service Revd C McDonald Tissington no service

December 1st – 1st Sunday of Advent

Alsop no service Fenny Bentley 3.30 pm Evening Prayer Revd C McDonald Parwich 2.30 pm Methodist Service Revd L Hawkins Thorpe 9.30 am Holy Communion Revd C McDonald Tissington 11.00 am Family Service Revd C McDonald