International Journal of Innovative and Emerging Research in Engineering Volume 3, Special Issue 1, ICSTSD 2016 Detecting Spam Classification on Twitter Using URL Analysis, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Ms Priyanka Chorey Ms. Sonika A. Chorey P.R.M.I.T.&R. Badnera, Amravati India P.R.M.I.T.& R. Badnera, Amravati, India
[email protected] [email protected] Ms.Prof R.N.Sawade Ms.P.V.Mamanka P.R.M.I.T.&R. Badnera, Amravati India P.R.M.I.T.& R. Badnera, Amravati, India
[email protected] [email protected] Abstract- In the present day world, people are so much downloading of malwares. Malware’s are malicious habituated to Social Networks. Because of this, it is very easy to software spread spam contents through them. One can access the details of any person very easily through these sites. No one is safe inside the social media. In this paper we are proposing an application which 2) Phishers: These are account users who spread uses an integrated approach to the spam classification in Twitter. malicious URLs through their tweets. Legitimate users The integrated approach comprises the use of URL analysis, who click on these links end up in wrong websites. This natural language processing and supervised machine learning leads to the stealing of passwords, credit card information techniques. In short, this is a three step process. In this paper we and so on. consider the problem of detecting spammers on twitter. We construct a large labeled collection of users, manually classified into 3) Adult Content Propagators: These spammers spammers and non-spammers.