NUMBER 2576 339

The Gazette

Registered as a Newspaper


THE POST OFFICE (INLAND POST) AMEND- (2) Where, on the delivery to Kim of an inland MENT (No. 1) SCHEME 1969 postal packet, the addressee has paid any amount thereon in accordance with the foregoing subsec- Made 18th September 1969 tion and desires to reject the packet, the Post Office Coming into Operation 1st October 1969 may, on the application of the addressee and sub- ject to the provisions of any Scheme made under The Post Office, by virtue of the powers conferred the Post Office Act 1969 and of any regulations upon it by Section 28 and paragraph 3 (4) of having effect as if they were provisions of any such Schedule 9 of the Post Office Act 1969 and all other Scheme, charge to the sender the said amount powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby makes the toother with the additinnul postage and other following Scheme: charges, if any, for returning the packet to him, Commencement, citation and interpretation and the sender ahull pay any sum ao charged ; 1.—(1) This Scheme shall come into operation on and on the payment by the sender of that sum the 1st day of October 1969 and may be cited as the Post Office shall repay to the addressee the the Post Office (Inland Post) Amendment (No. 1) amount paid by him under paragraph (I) of this Scheme 1969. regulation." (2) This Scheme shall be read as one with the Postmarks Inland Post Regulations 1968 (S.I. 1968 No. 1253) (hereinafter called " the Regulations "). 3. The following regulation shall be inserted after regulation 10A of the Regulations: (3) The Interpretation Act 1889 applied for the interpretation of this Scheme as it applies for the " lOa. The marks used by the Post Office for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if the purpose of cancelling stamps used for the payment Post Office Act 1953 were an Act conferring the of postage on postal packets may consist of such power to make this Scheme. words or devices as the Post Office may in its (4) In regulation 1 (1) of the Regulations the discretion think proper, including words or devices following definition shall be inserted after the defini- (whether constituting advertisements or otherwise) tion of " articles for the use of the blind ": in respect of the use of which as postmarks pay- ment is made by any persons to the Post Office." " " British postal area " means the United King- dom and the Isle of Man ". Registration of newspapers (5) The following paragraph shall be substituted for 4. The following regulation shall be substituted for regulation 1 (3) of the Regulations: regulation 18 of the Regulations: " (3) Any reference in (these Regulations to the " 18.—(1) The proprietor or printer of any provisions of any enactment or regulation shall be publication such as is specified in paragraph (5) construed, unless the context otherwise requires, as of this regulation may register it in a register of a reference to those provisions as amended, re- newspapers kept by the Post Office for that pur- enacted or replaced by any subsequent enactment, pose in such form and with such particulars as the regulations or instrument." Post Office may direct: Postage not prepaid or insufficiently prepaid Provided that the Post Office may refuse to per- 2. The following regulation shall be inserted after mit the registration under this paragraph of any regulation 10 of the Regulations: publication printed and published outside the British postal area or the Channel Islands unless " 10A.—(1) Where the postage or any other sum arrangements have been made to its satisfaction for chargeable for the transmission of an inland postal maintaining a responsible representative of the packet is required to be prepaid and has not been, publication in the United Kingdom. or has been insufficiently, prepaid by the sender, there shall be payable by the addressee on the (2) Any such registration shall be in respect of a delivery of the packet, or, if the packet is refused or period of twelve months commencing on such date cannot for any other reason be delivered, by the in each year as the Post Office may direct, and sender— there shall be payable on each registration a fee of (a) where the non-payment or deficiency is in five shillings. respect of postage, an amount equal to double (3) A publication for the time being on the said the amount of the postage or, as the case register— may be, of the deficiency ; (a) shall be a registered newspaper within the (b) where the non-payment or deficiency is in meaning of the provisions of any, scheme made respect of a sum other than postage, an amount under the Post Office Act 1969 and of any equal to that sum or, .as the case may be, to regulations having effect as if they were pro- the amount of the deficiency. visions of any such scheme ; 340

(fr) shall be a newspaper within the meaning of Parcels in bond—Channel Islands any arrangement with the Government or 6. Regulation 22 of the Regulations is hereby postal administration of any other country for revoked. securing advantages for newspapers sent by post. Redirection by the public 7. The following paragraph shall be substituted (4) The Post Office may from time to time re- for regulation 28 (1) of the Regulations: move from the register kept under paragraph (1) of "(1) Any postal packet (other than a business this regulation any publication not registrable by reply packet and a postage forward parcel) may be virtue of paragraph (5) of this regulation and the redirected from its original address, or any sub- decision of the Post Office on the admission to or stituted address, to the same addressee at any other removal from the said register of a publication shall address in the British postal area, the Channel be final. Islands or the Republic of ." (5) A publication shall be registrable under para- Packets to and from the graph (1) of this regulation as a newspaper if— 8.—(1) Paragraph (3) of regulation 55 of the'Regu- (a) not less than one third of the publication lations is hereby revoked. consists of political or other news or of articles (2) Paragraph (3) of regulation 55A of the Regu- relating thereto or to other current topics; lations shall apply in respect of postal packets re- and ceived in the United Kingdom by post from the (b) it is printed on paper and published in the Republic of Ireland as it applies in respect of British postal area, the Channel Islands or in packets received from the Channel Islands. some other part of the Commonwealth, in a Packets to and from the Channel Islands British Protected State, or in the Republic of 9. The following regulation shall be inserted after Ireland ; and regulation 55 of the Regulations: (c) it is published in numbers at intervals of not " 5 5A. The provisions of these Regulations shall more than seven days ; and apply to postal packets transmitted between the (d) it has British postal area and the Channel Islands so (i) the full title and the date of publication far as relates to the posting, registration, con- printed prominently near the top of the first veyance, delivery and treatment of such packets page, and under the authority of the Post Office, and to (ii) the whole part of the title and the date trade charge money orders issued in connection of publication printed on every subsequent with cash on delivery packets so transmitted page Provided that in the case of a publica- so far as relates to the issue and payment of' tion which includes or consists of a page or such orders under the authority of the Post Office, pages printed in colour then provided all the subject nevertheless to -the following modifications, pages forming part of the publication are exemptions and additions: numbered it shall be sufficient if in the case (1) For the definition of "cash on delivery of the pages which are printed in colour the packet" in regulation 1 there shall' be substi- whole or part of the title and the date of tuted the following definition: publication is printed on one page only of " " Cash on delivery packet" means a regis- each sheet, and tered 'letter, printed packet or registered news- paper or a registered or unregistered parcel (iii) the words " Registered as a newspaper at upon which the Post Office or the Postal Ad- the Post Office" printed on it. ministration of any of the Channel Islands (6) A publication which is not registrable by undertakes ait the request of the sender to virtue of paragraph (5) of this regulation by reason secure the coMection of a sum of money (in only that less than one third of the publication these Regulations referred to as a " trade consists of political or other news or of articles charge") on his behalf from the addresses of relating thereto or to other current topics shall the packet as a condition of delivery and upon nevertheless be registrable if it was stamped as & which the sender has paid the fee for the newspaper before the ISth day of June 1855. cash on delivery service ; " (2) For regulation 21 there shall be substi- (7) A publication shall be deemed to be a tuted the following regulation: supplement to, and be transmissible by post as a "21.—(1) Postal packets intended to be registered newspaper if— transmitted by post between the British postal (a) it is published with a registered newspaper ; area and the Channel Islands shall not be and posted, forwarded, conveyed or delivered (b) it is printed on paper and consists of matter except subject to such regulations as are re- like that of the newspaper, or of advertise- ferred to in Section 16 of the Act. ments, or wholly or partly of pictorial matter (2) Where the sender of a parcel addressed illustrative of articles in the newspaper ; and to the Channel Islands desires that the parcel (c) the heading " Supplement" and the whole may be delivered to the addressee free of all . or part of the title of the newspaper and the customs duty and other charges thereon, the date of publication of the newspaper are following rules shall apply to the parcel: printed on every page Provided that in the (a) The sender shall mark on the cover case of a Supplement which includes a page or of the parcel the words " To be delivered pages printed in colour then provided all the free of charges ". pages forming part of the Supplement are (b) The sender shall pay at the time of numbered it shall be sufficient if in the case posting such sum as the Post Office of the pages which are printed in colour the may require as a deposit in respect of whole or part of the title and the date of the customs duty and other charges which publication of the newspaper are printed on may be due on the parcel at the time of one page only of each sheet; and delivery. (d) all sheets of the publication are put together (c) The sender shall sign an undertaking in in some one part of the newspaper, whether the prescribed form to pay to the Post gummed or stitched up with the newspaper Office on demand the amount of the or not; and customs duty and the said other charges, (e) it does not exceed either in weight or in less the amount of the deposit paid. the total area of its pages, the weight or total (d) The Post Office shall furnish to the area of the pages of the newspaper with which sender a certificate of posting bearing an it is published ; and acknowledgment that the said deposit has been paid. (/) it and the newspaper with which it is pub- (e) If the deposit paid exceeds the amount lished are both transmitted in the same of the customs duty and the said other postal packet." charges, the Post Office shall repay the balance to the sender. Postal Packets—Isle of Man (3) Where a postal packet received in the 5. The following regulation shall be substituted British postal area from the Channel Islands for regulation 21 of the Regulations: contains any article 'liable to customs duty, and "21. Postal Packets which may be brought into the Post Office so directs, there shall be charged or sent out of the United Kingdom by post from and paid by the addressee if the packet shall or to the Isle of Man shall not be posted con- be delivered to him a fee of 2s. 9d. in respect veyed or delivered except subject to such regula- of a parcel and of Is. 9d. in respect of any tions as are referred to in Section 16 of the Act." other postal' packet." POST OFFICE 341

(3) (i) The Post Office may, on application to a registered postal packet posted in the being made in such manner as the Post Office British postal area for transmission to an may direct by the addressee of any postal' packet address in die Channel Islands." which is received in the United Kingdom by post (6) For regulation 37 there shaft be substituted from the Channel Islands and is in the custody the fallowing regulation: of the Post Office at some place appointed by the " 37.—(1) If any article of pecuniary value Post Office and the Commissioners of Customs enclosed in, or forming part of, a registered and Excise for customs examination: postat packet be lost or damaged whilst in die (a) make a search for the packet in order that' custody of die Post Office, die Post Office may it may if possible receive expedited customs pay to any person or persons who may, in die examination; or opinion of the Post Office, establish a reason- (fr) permit the addressee or his authorised able oTadm to compensation (having regard to agent, attending at the place where die packet die nature of die article, die care widi which is. to inspect the packet; or it was packed, and other circumstances) such (c) re-address -the packet to any person either sum as die Post Office may diink just: Pro- within or outside the British postal area; or vided mat if the registration fee paid in respect (d) permit the addressee or his authorised of die registered postal' packet so lost or agent, attending at the place where the packet damaged as aforesaid is die minimum registra- is, to re-address the packet to any person tion fee or one of the higher registration fees either within or outside the British postal specified in- column 1 of Part I of Schedule 4 area. (any of which higher registration fees may be (ii) There shall be charged and paid in respect paid by die sender) die sum paid by way of of the facilities provided for in this regulation: compensation shall not exceed die sum specified (a) for each of the facilities mentioned in sub- in column 2 of die said Part of die said paragraphs (a), (6) and (c) of paragraph (i), •Schedule opposite die amount of die registra- the fee appropriate to the number of packets tion fee paid. comprised in the application, according to (2) The compensation payable in respect of the scale of fees set out in columns 1 and 2 a registered parcel shaU be in substitution for, of the table following ; and not in addition to, any compensation which (&) for the facility mentioned in paragraph would have been payable under diese regula- (i) (d), the fee appropriate to the number tions in case die parcel had not been of packets comprised in the application, registered." according to the scale of fees set out in (7) In the application of regulation 38 to un- columns 1 and 3 of the table following. registered parcels transmitted between die British TABLE postal area and die Channel Islands, for the " £5 " Col. I Col. 2 Col. 3 there shall be substituted " £4 ". £ s. d. £ s. d. (8) For paragraph (1) of regulation 46 there Number of packets: shall be substituted the following paragraph: 1 ... 10 0 50 " (1) The Post Office shall upon receiving die 2 ... 14 0 70 trade charge from 'die addressee remit the same 3 ... 18 0 90 to) the sender of die packet, or a person named 4 .. . .120 11 0 by him, by means of a trade charge money 5 .. . .140 12 0 order or by such other means as die Post Office 6 to 10 inclusive • .180 14 0 may dunk fit." 11 to 20 . 1 16 0 18 0 (9) The decision of die Post Office on ail ques- 21 to 30 „ .240 120 tions arising between die Post Office and any 31 to 40 „ . 2 12 0 1 6 0 person claiming payment in respect of die loss 41 to 50 „ . 3 0 0 1 10 0 of or damage to any article enclosed in or Every additional 25 or forming part of a registered postal packet or a part thereof 10 0 50 parcel1 transmitted between die British postal area and die Channel1 Islands shaft be final! and (Hi) Any fee charged under regulation 21 (3) on a packet which is re-addressed under this conclusive. regulation shall be paid by die original, addressee. (10) Where the postage payable on any postal (iv) There shall be charged and paid by die packet (other than a parcel) transmitted between original addressee in respect of each packet die British postal area and die Channel Islands which is re-addressed under tiiis regulation to an has not been, or has been insufficiently, prepaid address outside die British postal area, the same by die sender, there sha'E be payable by die postage and fees as would have been payable a 'dressee on die delivery of the packet, or if die diereon if it had been posted as a fresh packet pa: *t be refused or cannot for any other reason for transmission to die new address. be delivered, by the sender, an amount equal to (v) Where notice has been given under regula- double die amount of die postage, or as die case tion 9 (1) of ithe Postal Packets (Customs and may be, of die deficiency." Excise) Regulations 1966 (S.I. 1966 No. 66), Dated 18th September 1969. requiring entry to be made of the goods in a Signed on behalf of ithe Post Office by parcel which is received in die United Kingdom Jeremy Richard Baxter (a person authorised by post from the Channel Islands and die parcel by die Post Office to act in diat behalf). remains1 in die custody of die Post Office at some place appointed by it and 'the Commissioners of Customs and Excise for customs examination for a period of more than 28 days after the date of such notice, there shall! be charged on die parcel THE POST OFFICE (POSTAL ORDER) (in addition to any other fees payable under these AMENDMENT (No. 1) SCHEME 1969 regulations) a fee, not exceeding 27s., calculated at die rate of Is. for each day or part of a day in Made l&th September 1969 excess of the said period of 28 days during which Coming into operation 1st October 1969 die parcel' remains in die custody of die Post The Post Office, by virtue of the powers conferred Office as aforesaid ; and die fee shalfl be paid upon it by Section 28 and paragraph 3 (4) of Schedule by die addressee. 1 9 of the Post Office Act 1969 and all other powers (4) (i) No postal packet shall be transmitted enabling it in this behalf, hereby makes me following between die British postal area and the Channel Scheme: Islands as a postage forward parcel. (ii) The service relating to an express packet, Commencement, citation and general interpretation in so far as it provides for die conveyance of die l.-r^l) This Scheme shall come into operation on packet by special messenger throughout die whole die 1st day of October 1969 and may be cited as the of its course in die post, and die railex service, Post Office (Postal Order) Amendment (No. 1) shall not apply to postal packets transmitted Scheme 1969. between die British postal' area and die Channel (2) This Scheme shall be read as one widi the Islands. Postal Order Warrant 1959 (S.I. 1959 No. 1334) (5) For regulation 34 tiiere shall be substituted (hereinafter called "the Regulations") as amended. die fofflowing regulation: (3) The Interpretation Act 1889 applies for die "34. The conditions set out in Part II of interpretation of this Scheme as it applies for die Schedule 4 shall be complied widi in relation interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if the 342 DFFICE

Post Office Act 1953 as amended were an Act con- Post Office (British Commonwealth and Foreign Post). ferring the power to make this Scheme. Amendment (No. 1) Scheme 1969. 1 Amendment of interpretation of the Regulations (2) This Scheme shall be read as one with the British Commonwealth and Foreign Post Regulations' 2. In regulation 1 (1) of the Regulations the words 1965 (S.I. 1965 No. 1735) (hereinafter called' "the " the Channel Islands" shall be deleted from the Regulations ")• definition of " the British Islands ". (3) The Interpretation Act 1889 applies for the Amounts of postal orders interpretation of this Scheme as it applies for the 3. In paragraph (3) of regulation 2 of the Regula- interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if die tions (including that paragraph as substituted in Post Office Act 1953 were an Act. conferring the relation to certain postal orders by regulation 10 (2) power to make this Scheme. thereof) as amended the words " 5d. in va'lue (in the (4) In regulation 1 (1) of the Regulations the' case of orders of denominations up to and including foltowing definition shall be inserted after the defini- 4s. 6d.) or" and the words " (in the case of orders tion of " air mail service ": of denominations in excess of 4s. 6d.) " are hereby " " British postal area " means the United King- revoked. dom and the Isle of Man ". Dated 18th September 1969. (5) The following paragraph shall be substituted! Signed on behalf of the Pest Office by for regulation 1 (2) of the Regulations: " (2) Any reference in these regulations to the- Jeremy Richard Baxter (a person authorised provisions of any enactment or regulations shalT be* by the Post Office to act in that behalf). construed, unless the context otherwise requires; as a reference to those provisions as amended, re- enacted or replaced by any subsequent enactment, THE POST OFFICE (MONEY ORDER) regulations or instrument." AMENDMENT (No. 1) SCHEME 1969 Redirection Made 18th September 1969 2.—(1) In paragraph 41 (1) (a) of the Regulations! the words " , the Channel Islands " shall be inserted' Coming into operation 1st October 1969 1 The Post Office, by virtue of the powers conferred immediately after the words "British postal area "; upon it) by Section 28 and paragraph 3 (4) of Schedule (2) In paragraph 41 (1) (b) of the Regulations the 9 of the Post Office Act 1969 and all other powers words " Channel Islands or" shall be inserted' im^' enabling it in this behalf, hereby makes the following mediately after the words " if the new address is; Scheme: in the". (3) In paragraph 41 (5) of the Regulations, the Commencement, citation and interpretation words " or that place is in the Channel Islands" 1.—(1) This Scheme shall come into operation on shall be -inserted immediately after the words " Re- the 1st day of October 1969 and may be cited as the public of Ireland " where those words first occur; Post Office (Postal Order) Amendment (No. 1) (4) In paragraph 41 (5) of the Regulations', the Scheme 1969. words "'the Republic of Ireland or the Channel! (2) This Scheme shall be read as one with the Islands (as the case may be)" shall be substituted! Money Order Regulations 1967 (S.I. 1967 No. 801) for the words " the Postal Administration of the (hereinafter called " the Regulations "). Republic of Ireland." (3) The Interpretation Act 1889 applies for the (5) In paragraph 41 (6) of the Regulations, the- interpretation of this Scheme as it applies for the words ", the Channel Islands" shall be inserted! interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if the immediately before the words " or the Republic 06 Post Office Act 1953 (as amended by the Post Office Ireland ". Act 1961) were an Act conferring the power to make (6) The following paragraph shal be substituted! this Scheme. Signed on behalf of itihe Post Office by compensation shall be paid in respect thereof!". Jeremy Richard Baxter (a person authorised by the Post Office to act in that behalf); Limits of weight and size 3.—(1) In paragraph 1 (a) of Schedule 4' to> the: Regulations the words " or Part 2 " shall be deleted1. (2) In paragraph 1 (c) of the said Schedule 4' THE POST OFFICE (BRITISH COMMON- the words " , to the Channel Islands" shall! De- WEALTH AND FOREIGN POST) AMEND- inserted immediately after the words " Britishs postal! MENT (No. 1) SCHEME 1969 area ". Made ISth September 1969 Application of Inland Post Regulations Coming into operation \st October 1969 4. The following shall be .added to Schedule- T The Post Office, by virtue of the powers conferred1 to the Regulations: upon it by Section 28 and paragraph 3. (4) of; " Inland Post Regulations 1968 Schedule 9 of the Post Office Act 1969 and all Regulation 10 (B) (Postmarks) other powers enabling it in this behalf, hereby makes Regulation 18 (Registration of newspapers):" the following Scheme: Dated 18th September 1969. Commencement, citation and interpretation Signed on behalf of the Post Office- Byv I.-.—(1) This Scheme shall come into operation on Jeremy Richard Baxter (a person authorisedi the 1st day of October 1969 and may be cited as- the by the Post Office to act in that: behalf')) POST OFFICE 343

THE POST OFFICE (BRITISH COMMON- (5) The following paragraph shall be substituted WEALTH AND FOREIGN PARCEL POST) for regulation 1 (2) of the Regulations: AMENDMENT (No. 1) SCHEME 1969 " (2) Any reference in these regulations to the provisions of any. enactment or regulations shall be Made \8th September 1969 construed, unless the context otherwise requires, as Coming into operation 1st October 1969 a reference to those provisions as amended, re- The Post Office, by virtue of the powers conferred enacted or replaced by any subsequent enactment, upon it by Section 28 and paragraph 3 (4) of Schedule regulations or instrument." 9 of the Post Office Act 1969 and all other powers Redirection by the public enabling it in this behalf, hereby makes the following 2.—(1) In paragraph 22 (3) of the Regulations die Scheme: words ", the Channel Islands" shall be inserted immediately after the words " British postal area ". Commencement, citation and interpretation (2) In paragraph 22 (5) of the Regulations the 1.—(1) This Scheme shall come into operation on words "Channel Islands or the" shall be inserted the' 1st day of October 1969 and may be cited as the immediately after the words " British postal area Post Office (British Commonwealth and Foreign other than in the ". Parcel Post) Amendment (No. 1) Scheme 1969. (3) In paragraph 22 (6) of the Regulations the words ", the Channel Islands" shall be inserted (2) This Scheme shall be read as one with the immediately after the words " British postal area ". British Commonwealth and Foreign Parcel Post Regu- (4) In paragraph 22 (8) of the Regulations the lations 1965 (S.I. 1965 No. 1734) (hereinafter words ", the Channel Islands" shall be inserted called "the Regulations"). immediately after the words " British postal area" (3) The Interpretation Act 1889 applies for the where those words.first and thirdly occur. interpretation of this Scheme as it applies for the Application of Inland Post Regulations interpretation of an Act of Parliament and as if 3. The following shall be added to Schedule 4 to the Post Office Act 1953 were an Act conferring the Regulations: the power to make this Scheme. " Inland Post Regulations 1968 (4) In regulation 1 (1) of the Regulations the Regulation 10 (B) (Postmarks)ri. following definition shall be inserted after the defini- Dated 18th September 1969. tion of "air parcel " : Signed on behalf of the Post Office by " " British postal area " means the United King- Jeremy Richard Baxter (a person authorised dom and the Isle of Man ". by the Post Office to act in that behalf). PRINTED BY THE NORTHERN WHIG LTD., BELFAST, FOR THE CONTROLLER OF HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE being the Officer appointed to print the Acts of the Parliament of BELFAST: PUBLISHED BY HER MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE 1969 Price Is 6d [7£p] net Annual Subscription £4 15s Od [£4-75]