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X ;' , /' T. ' WEDNESd Xt . FEBRUART 24, I' . ' ■ : The Wcatho^ • / Average Circulation Poraeaat at D, 8. Weather B< -r-+-4> For tlM Month dt^January, 1948 date of the pre.Merttation ceremony — . 0V '■ Is Ti*ansferred to be announced-later. It ia .possi About T o ^ G C Auxiliary Guest Speaker V., Masoiis to Get ble that a representative ' of ..the 7,93 Slightly colder tonlf hi. To Radio School Grand Lodge of Masons-'in Con Flattering Styleih^n Lovely Member of the Audit'' «r ^ To Hold Tea V «50 Year Pins necticut wiU be present to make Bureau of Circulations ________________ otnirch the individual presentations. Manchester— A City o f ViUage Charm Manchester Lodge today spiral ■Ml MMai totnorroir w lm at Sergeant Wesley F. McMullen, ed to familie.s of men In the ser (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN’I)4 f:4» a t Mm Ikoma * t Ifaa. Robert Newcomers to Town Are son of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Mc Fout* Members Complete vice who are affiliated with the MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1943 WMbam. tS B«it«a ^reet. The Mullen of 11 Edmund street, who / (ClMblfied Advertialng Page 8) X graduated Febmary 1 from the Half Century of Mem lodge to notify the' master, John VOL. LXII., NO. 125 ■Mkijr vca3rar BMtiiiM w*M be Invited to Come to ¥ A. 'Trotter, or the secretary, John letth ttria aereiea. gunnery school' at Fort Myers, On Friday. Florida, has been transferred to bership in Lodge Here F. Cullin. 'The lodge proposes to Lion Brandy tbp Radio ^bool at Scott Field, III. establish a roll of honor at the ___ Harriett Horan, Ifiae Al- Full Fashioned X^ For Dum-Dum Bullele? A fter Mm induction laat Novem- Four members of Blanchestet Temple. Mn# Kaakey, iO m Barbara Bombe Another ••Newcomer" tea will be given by the Woroan'a Auxiliary of opr he deceived bis basic training Lodge of Masons are soon to be Perfect Fitting Sheer Senators Approv Allies Open Fierce and Mrs. SM s Wincheeter have re- at A^antlc Cit\. N. J. W ned from a vlMt to N«w York the Manchester Chamber of Com honored by the lodge on having ALICE COKRAN City. Mrs. Horan entertained the merce, Friday afternoo from three Sergeant McMullen was gradu . (Known As Queen Alice) to flve o’clock a t the Y. M. C. A., ated from Miinchestpr High completed 50 years of member S e iR m i AL MEI>i t M ■X group at dinner at the Wievel school with the. class of '39A. and ship, They are Cliarles Herman Seventh Daughter ol a Seventh Son RAYON Kaotaurant in recognition of MIm and through the Herald a cordial Cheney, 191 Hartford road; James ^Riames Toll Loan; invitation ia extended to all wo was a member of the staff of the Piirn With a Veil. X Boaebe's birthday. "High School World’ as photog Wright, 19 Charter Oak street; Keadinga Dally,, including Sondny. Cotinter - Offensive men who have recently come to rapher and reporter. He was also John Wright. 22 Locust street, and 9 A. M. In 8 P. M. Or By App«ilnt- HOSIERY Manchester to live. Robert Douglas, of Talcottville. With Lisle Reinlorced Heels and The Mothers’ Circle of S t Anne Since the aiutiliary was or prominent In sports. Before enter ment. In the Service of the Peo- Will meet this evening at eight ing .the ser\’ice he A’as with the Fifty-year pins will be awarded pie for SO Vears. Toes for Extra W’ear! DeD^ Charter Oak ganized early in 1840, R has en-, to these four veteran Masons, the X • o’clock at the home a t Mrs. Patrick tertained the housewives of new Hartford Engraving company. -169 Chnrch Street, Hartford, Conn. Two New Spring .Shadt-s. J. ^sak. Sd Maple street. families in town at at least six of Phone'6-00B7 Central these teas, all of which have prov Aviation Cadet Donald W. Fish ed enjoyable and a means of ac Bill to Cover Any T e l l u l S t \.. er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. quainting the newcomers not only cit Incurred in Op-x, w o a y Fisher of Academy street, left with people long resident here, $ ^ .0 0 pair Shaking LoOBe Last.Grip Sunday for Atlantic City, N. J., to G«or^ R. Rogers eration of New Span JQp SeCFCtS X In his preliminary training in but with othara as new aa> them i«- Of Rommel’s Crippled selves. ' What’s Best For ■ r ..., l\I<>:>rlv Grigg Hints Mass Army Air Corps. At the time George E. Rogers. ttCadmsater of Debated for Nearly of ^ia enlistment he was a Junior Mrs. Samuel Kemp to chairman Columns on Strat^ic of the Friday aftemodn tea. As Monson Academy, Monson. Ma.«s., Hour; Immediately i at UieVniversity of Connecticut T&\JExperts Kasserine Pass and sisting her on the ^Committee will will be the guest preacher at the Sent to Lower House. Mrs. Carl 'Smerson of 10 Deep be Mrs. David M. Caldwell. Mrs. morning service S t worship in Your Baby? Attack toBeS6on\I Menacing Two Other Harold Alvord and Mrs. William Wood Drive is Visiting friends and South Methodist church next Sun Captured Plar(e^:^^Being relatives in Waahmgton,ngton, D. C. Her Horowits. Mrs. L T. Wood is Slate Capitol, Hartford. Strong Points at Sbeit- president of the auxiliaiy. this day. Mr. Rogers will preach as host and hostess, Dr/and Mra Wil the church celebrates Laymen's Fet). 25.—(/P)—The Senate Submitted to I^inute British War Wmififer S c C S la and Ousseltia; lard Beecher Walters, Entertained year. The Friday afternoon event will Sunday, and will take as his sub approved. today a bill making Tests and Study^^t Trusts Impatient Cana’, a t their home, "Pine Aches,” in ject: "The Responsibility of the Advance in South. honor of her son, Burton wesjey be in' place of the regular Feb available loans from the gen ruary meeting of the' auxihary. Laymen." The service 'worship eral fund to cover any deficit ISaval Air Station. dians 'Will isot Havel Clear Rcpulse Loomis, who is stationed at Caihp will be in charge of A. L. B^cLean Allied Headquarters in P ick ett V a ■ the church lay-leader. \ tliat might be incurred in the To Wait Much Longer’ North Africa, Feb. 25.—(/P) Mr. Rogers it well knownXin operation of the new $6,000,- Washington, Feb. 25.—<.e' — A William T. McBride, son of Mr. Manchester where he was once A raptured Japanese Zero fighter Of Axis Units —G^n. Sir Harold Alexander, and Mrs. Robert McBride of S9S Manchester 000 Thames river bridge in Lomlon. F>b. ^25.—(/P)— | resident, and was for many years 40GERAGAUET' the strategic New London plane is yielding many secrets of British commander of A lli^ Woodland street, one of 40 draf a member of South Methodist War Minister Sir James j • • ground forces, today swung tees to leave here December 38 Dh te^ Book BABY SHOES Sachet & Talcum area. The 'measure, debated tor Nipponese psychology and tech Grigg told thfrTlouse of Com- Easy o r (Jiiick Vic- church. He spoke laat spring at : Just Received! nearly an hour during which Dem his American, FrencK and last for Fort Devens, and now sta- the church in connection with a nique to U. S. experts at the Ana- T o d a ^ ocrats argued that the money rrions toda^' he trusted that British troops intb y fierce tioned at Fort Bliss, Texas, has church school parenta’ night pro ittmttd m ■iicS Ml A New Shipment of Fine Quality costia Naval Air ftation. where it im pati^t Canadian soldiers tory Expected in Tu- guallfled as a sharpshooter and Issuing Ration Book'-I^. 2 at all gram. should be advanced fioib the high is being submitted to minute tests counter-offensive in central public tchoola. Hours sHp 8 and Are the perfecte«l shoes for growing young Fleur* <TAmour ^ way rather than the' genri:^! fund, 44,«r*11 Ivoiro irk tJL’niL iiisia; Losseg by Ainer- now has the ' rank of corporal. The evening service will also be herc '^will not have to wait | unisia where they werS Prior to bis induction into the serv 7 to 0 p. m. ■ Blue O rnaiioa was immediately sent to^ the and study. rptich longer” for a mass at Work on Red Cross - Surgical in charge of laymen with Lewis feet. Tliey are so flexible that they cannot Night of UeligiH Mercerized Anklets House, where leaders said 'tl>®y The plane, salvaged In the .Aleu l e a n s Not So Heavy. shaking loose the last grip o t ■ ice, Corporal McBride was employ W. Haskins, local preacher at tack the enemy. His Marshal Er'win Rommel’s crippled ed by the Hamilton Standard Pro dresalnga at the American Legim W ith Turn Back or Gripper Cuffs. hoped to clear before the close tian islands, is a machine of no hall between the hours of 10 a. m 8!puth church, preaching the ser- harm young bones still in the formative stage com) romlse. Utterly unprotected comment came as he intro W ashington, Feb. 25—(Jh— Tkc columns on strategic Kasserine > peller company, Hast Hartford. m<m^^ He will be aaaisted by Wil- of today’s session. Rcb Harold D CooUy 6 t North Carolina set off a barrage in Congress when^he informed his ’^Hbw- pass and menacing two other and 4:30 p.