
Science and the Problem of Death Copyright © 2005 by The Center for Natural Studies

Published by The Center for Natural Studies www.cps.org.yu

Reviewer: Zdravko Vucinic

Cover design: Vladimir Jajin Science and Printed in and Montenegro the Problem

Library of Novi Sad 27-18:165.19 of Death Petrovich, Michael Science and the Problem of Death: Do the world’s greatest mysteries hold the answers to the most important human Do the world’s greatest mysteries questions?/Michael Petrovich. Includes bibliographical references (pp. 127-132) hold the answers to the most 1. Death. 2. Epistemology. important human questions? COBISS.SR-ID 201637127

ISBN 86-85197-01-5



The Most Important Question ...... 7 Traces In a Rock ...... 12 The Secret of the Pyramids ...... 28 Fingerprints of Creation ...... 39 Mysteroius Columns ...... 47 The Mountain With a Black Top ...... 56 Nature’s Biggest Miracle ...... 66 Fossils Speak ...... 77 Which Time Do We Live In? ...... 90 Best Preserved Ancient Written Document ...... 102 Unparalleled Technology ...... 110 Cities That Disappeared ...... 118 THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION

“Science can solve all human problems, inclu- ding the problem of death.” This was a belief held by most of the Western world at the end of the 19th century. The shocking experience that the famous scientist Thomas Edison had gives us a good example of the impact science had on society at that time. Thomas Edison was the man, who invented the electric light bulb. What most of us are not aware of is the fact that when Edison submit- ted his invention to the Patent Office, it was rejected. He was told, “We’re sorry, sir, we can- not accept your discovery. Science has already proven everything that it is possible to disco- ver. There is not anything else to be discove- red.” People had strongly believed in science, but the situation started to change soon after this. They firmly believed that science was able to answer all their questions. Today, most of us are disappointed in science. It has not provided

7 The Science and the Problem of Death The Most Important Question us with the answers to the questions we are Our question is: Could we eliminate the influ- asking. ence of these processes? When we question death, science answers that Several years ago five scientists made public it cannot be avoided. the results of their research on tomato plants. Is that really so? They discovered what the maturing genes of this plant were and eliminated them. In doing When we come into the world it is first as a this, they stopped the maturing process. The baby, who grows into a child and later becomes tomato retained its green color and stayed in an adult. In a twinkling of an eye we are faced stasis. The genes responsible for creating a with death. The same is true with animals and substance called ethylene had been removed,1 plants. thus allowing for a longer shelf life. Our human organism grows and develops until When the ethylene was artificially added to the we are about twenty-five, then we gro- tomato, the maturing process started again at wing older until the process finishes with an even faster rate. death. In another experiment, scientists tried to con- We question: Why is this so? Why is the trol the aging process in various living orga- process of aging ever present in our lives? nisms. In an experiment on animals, they were Human beings, as well as other living orga- successful in prolonging their lives by almost nisms, have genes with certain characteristics. 50%.2 These genes work like a computer program Cancer cells, unlike other cells, develop at a rate and they are responsible for the color of our 2 to 3 times faster than normal cells. They eyes, the length of our fingers, the beating of offer scientists an arena where they can study our heart etc. Genes, however, do more than the rapid growth of cells. These cells do not that; they are responsible for the aging process. rely upon the aging and dying process. They We have found that it is not only the genetic continue to reproduce themselves until the makeup that influences aging, but a number of death of the organism. Scientists are now other factors.

8 9 The Science and the Problem of Death The Most Important Question attempting to replicate this process in normal If we’re able to answer this question, we’ll be cells and thus stop the aging process. able to answer all the other ones too. The scientists who are involved in this research This book will attempt to give the answers to said, “If all the processes of aging could be these questions. We will look to science for the eliminated and oxidative stress damage could solution. Using science as the “application of be repaired, one estimate is that people could logic,” which offers a huge potential in seeing live for a thousand years, and they would die what the future holds. from causes like accidents, suicide, murder, People think that death is a mystery along with pneumonia or some other infectious disease.” various other things such as pyramids and It is a well-known fact that one can prolong or dinosaurs. shorten one’s life depending upon his/her life Is it possible that they hold the key to the very style; but here we are addressing other ways of answers for which we are searching? influencing the life span. We are only interested in facts that could stop the aging process. It is obvious that science has its own agenda, when it comes to lengthening life. This brings to mind the following questions: - What is the process, which caused aging to appear in a human being? - Will scientists soon be able to eliminate it? - Why are we thinking about terms such as “eternity” or “immortality”? All these and similar questions can be summa- rized into one question. Can we solve the mys- tery of death?

10 11 Traces In a Rock


People, especially children, are fascinated by dinosaurs. Many scientists believe that dinosaurs lived eons ago and that they disap- peared from our earth about sixty-five million years ago. These same scientists believe that the first humans appeared about one million years ago. Following this train of thought, it means that people and dinosaurs could not have existed on the earth at the same time. In the middle of the 20th century, American scientists working in the Paluxy River Bed in Texas, discovered the footprints of dinosaurs. Scientists theorized that they were made 100 million years ago. They were shocked when they made a further discovery of not only the dinosaur prints, but along with them in the same mud were human footprints (figure 2.1).1 Does this prove that dinosaurs and people lived as the same time on Figure 2.1. In the same rock layer we can see traces of human and dinosaur prints. earth?

12 13 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock

The length of the human footprints presented the further surprise. Namely, the average per- son today has a foot of 10 inches, but those people had feet of 15 inches! Similar footprints Isaac Newton (1642-1727) Physics have been found in numerous other sites Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) Biology throughout the world.2 Gregor Mendel (1822-1884) Genetics Michael Faraday (1791-1867) Electro-Magnetism So, we have a proof that people and dinosaurs William Kelvin (1824-1907) Thermodynamics lived at the same time, but people were much Joseph Lister (1827-1912) Surgery taller at that time (their feet were actually much Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) Thermodynamics bigger). Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) Astronomy Why should the story about dinosaurs and Robert Boyle (1627-1691) Chemistry people be important to us? Carolus Linnaeus (1707-1778) Biology Although many scientists were surprised to William Herschel (1738-1822) Astronomy learn about the co-existence of people and Joseph Henry (1797-1878) Electric Engineering dinosaurs, there were others who had been John Fleming (1849-1945) Electronics aware of this fact. Table 2.1 shows the names George Stokes (1819-1903) Fluid Mechanics of the famous founders of modern science.3 Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519) Hydraulics The list includes Isaac Newton (thought by William Ramsay (1852-1916) Thermodynamics many to be the greatest scientist of all time), Bernhard Reimann (1826-1866) Geometry Louis Pasteur (father of microbiology), Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) Pathology Gregor Mendel (father of genetics) and many James Joule (1818-1889) Thermodynamics others. James Maxwell (1831-1879) Thermodynamics Samuel Morse (1791-1872) Telecommunications These men had a different approach to the his- George Curvier (1769-1832) Paleontology tory of our world than many of today’s scien- tists. They thought that 3,500 years ago the Jewish writer Moses gave us the most correct Table 2.1. Founders of modern science. history of the world. According to Moses, peo-

14 15 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock ple and dinosaurs lived at the same time in the not so distant past. These men believed that the history of Moses was compatible with science. It is interesting to note that Moses answers a great many ques- tions in his books. However, for now we will stay with dinosaurs and people. In 1945 scientist discovered a very interesting archaeological site near Acambaro in Mexico. People who lived there from 800 BCE to 200 CE left many artifacts. Among them were more than 30,000 figurines made of clay. Thousands of the figurines represented dino- saurs (figure 2.2).4 We ask ourselves, “How were these people able to make figurines of dinosaurs?” The only Figure 2.2. Clay possible answer is that they had seen them and figurines found in were familiar with them. Mexico. They repre- sent dinosaurs and Some figurines show the fight between people people, as well as the and dinosaurs and others depict people inte- fights between them. racting with them as domesticated animals (fi- gure 2.3). This certainly adds to the premise that people and dinosaurs existed at the same time. These Figure 2.3. Clay were not the only areas where art reflected figurine of a dinosaurs. woman with her pet dinosaur. 16 17 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock

In Peru archeologists discovered the tombs of people who lived in the period from 500 to Figure 2.4. 1500 CE.5 Many tapestries with pictures of Tapestry of a dinosaurs were found in these tombs (figure dinosaur found 2.4) as well as jars and other pictographic pot- in Peru. tery that included scenes with dinosaurs (figure 2.5). A large number of stone plates were found Figure 2.5. with people and dinosaurs together (figure Pottery with a 2.6). picture of a dinosaur. We can find similar artifacts throughout the world.6 It would appear that people lived at the same time with dinosaurs and were able to domesticate them. There are additional reasons to believe that dinosaurs lived in a relatively recent time peri- od and not a million years ago; the discovery of a dinosaur’s eggs, which contained the DNA molecule. This genetic material reveals that the eggs are not 70 million years old, (figure 2.7) Figure 2.6. Stone plates with pictures of people and because DNA molecules disintegrate relatively dinosaurs. quickly after the organism’s death. The com- Figure 2.7. plete DNA molecule would have been Report on destroyed in less than 6,000 years.7 One would dinosaur’s conclude that the dinosaur’s egg is not from an egg with earlier period, but not too long ago. DNA. (Reuter, February 18,1995) 18 19 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock

Discovery of these dinosaur’s eggs with the DNA molecule validates Moses’ historical view that dinosaurs were created and lived at the same time as our ancestors. He also left us the information that these people were taller, lar- ger and lived longer that modern man.8 We cannot rely simply on the fact that they had large feet as proof they were large. Many fossil skulls have been found at different localities in Peru and Mexico. The cranial capacity of these skulls is double that of the size of the current human race (figure 2.8).9 Their cranial capacity ranged from 2,600 to 3,200 cubic centimeters, while our skulls aver- age 1,450 cubic centimeters. The exceptional length of these skulls tells us a great deal about their habits. Some native tribes, believing that they could improve their children’s intellect reshaped their heads by binding them to a wooden frame, when they were babies. This practice caused the skulls to become misshapen. Large people and dinosaurs are nothing new to scientists. They have found the skulls of other organisms, which were also extremely large.10

Figure 2.8. Human skulls from Peru and Mexico. 20 21 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock

Pigs were the size of our modern cattle and deer antlers measured over 12 feet in width (figure 2.9). Ferns were as large as trees and trees were over 100 feet tall. Some grasshoppers and spiders were more than 60 cm long and insects were the size of boxing gloves.

It’s hard to imagine a beaver two and a half Figure 2.9. Fossils and ancient deer reconstruction. meters long, but the skull of this animal on exhibition in the St. Louis Scientific Center shows that it was the size of our black bear (figure 2.10). Scientists have found the fossil of a penguin that is as large as a man (figure 2.11). Figure 2.10. Fossil skull Gigantic bird fossils were found in central of ancient beaver. Australia measuring 10 feet tall and weighing over a half a ton (figure 2.12). Figure 2.11. Fossil and reconstruction of ancient A hornless rhinoceros, that was probably the penguin, compared with biggest continental mammal, was 17 feet tall a modern penguin. and 25 feet wide (figure 2.13). Fossils of gigantic mollusks, found in Peru, were 12 feet wide and weighed 650 pounds (figure 2.14). In 1991 the bones of a crocodile that was 8 feet tall, 40 feet long and weighed 12 tons was found in the Amazon River (figure 2.15). Figure 2.12. Print of a claw and the reconstruction of an ancient bird. 22 23 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock

This raises the question, why were human beings and animals in the past so much larger than the modern species? Another discovery could give us the answer to this question. Imbedded in the same layers of rocks as the dinosaur remains was a hammer (figure 2.16).11 Figure 2.13. Fossil of an ancient hornless rhinoceros It is obvious that the hammer did not belong and its reconstruction. to the dinosaur, but that is not what is most Figure 2.14. Fossils of ancient Figure 2.15. interesting. The chemical composition of this clams. Reconstruction hammer is made from an alloy that it would be of an ancient impossible for us to duplicate today. It’s very crocodile. best proof that living conditions on this Earth were considerably different in the past. These things are not the only differences between our earth and that of ancient man. There have been discoveries that reveal how different the atmospheric conditions were. These findings are based on the discovery of the fossils of tropical clams in the polar regions (figure 2.17), which means that it was once a tropical climate. Furthermore, close to the North Pole, where we find the permafrost, scientists discovered the fossils of snakes, crocodiles and other organisms, that are only able to survive in warm climates.12 A conside- rable amount of coal was also found in this area. Coal can only be produced in an area Figure 2.16. Ancient hammer scanned to be seen. 24 25 The Science and the Problem of Death Traces In a Rock where there had been lush vegetation. So there can be little doubt that this was a tropical region. Many of today’s scientists are surprised by these discoveries. The founders of the modern science would have easily accepted these fin- dings. They had accepted Moses’ writings on the climatic conditions of this planet as being Figure 2.17. Fossil of homogenous and that even though there was a tropical clam taken no rain, life flourished throughout the earth. out of the ice at the polar region. It is interesting to note that of the fossils of plants and animal that were found, only 1% of those organisms are present on the earth today.13 At the onset of this book, we stated that the process of aging starts at one point of our life and we can influence it. On the other hand, there is historical record that confirms all that we have affirmed. In this report we can find the answer to the questions we are looking for. Modern science is also try- ing to explain these answers. The mystery of the pyramids, for example!

26 27 The Secret of the Pyramids


The word “pyramid” conjures up thoughts of Egypt. So far there have been a few dozen complete or incomplete pyramids found. The largest and most famous one is the Great Figure 3.1. The Step Pyramid in Sakkara. Pyramid of Cheops. It is 450 feet high and consists of about a million stone blocks, each “During Pharaoh Djoser’s reign lived Imho- weighing a couple of tons. tep...Chancellor of the King of Lower Egypt, The building of the pyramids began during Chief under the King, Administrator of the pharaoh Djoser’s reign, at a time when Egypt Great Palace, Hereditary Lord, High Priest of had reached the apex of its power. The first Heliopolis, Imhotep the Builder, the Sculptor, pyramid built in Egypt was the Step Pyramid at the Maker of Stone Vases...who, because of his Sakkara (figure 3.1). medical skill has the reputation of Asclepius (the Greek god of medicine) among the The beginning of pharaoh Djoser’s reign was- Egyptians...”1 n’t marked by anything spectacular. It was not until a man named Imhotep arrived on the Because of the scope of his abilities, many scene that the great ascent of this pharaoh modern historians call Imhotep the Leonardo began. Even though Imhotep wasn’t a member da Vinci of ancient Egypt. It is important to of the royal family, he was appointed to a posi- note what else Egyptian history says of him: tion of power answerable only to Pharaoh “Imhotep was the inventor of the art of build- himself. Egyptian history refers to Imhotep in ing with hewn stone.”2 the following notes:

28 29 The Science and the Problem of Death The Secret of the Pyramids

Imhotep was the one who began the building of the pyramids, and the first pyramid he built was the Step Pyramid in Sakkara. This pyramid is very different from the other pyramids. There is a large wall surrounding it and there is only one narrow entrance into the complex of the pyramid (figure 3.2). One would have to question why such protec- tion was necessary for pyramid. Could it be that something very precious was being kept in there? Figure 3.2. The outline of the Step Pyramid, the entran- When scientists entered the pyramid, they dis- ce and the walls. covered eleven huge grain shafts. The findings of the remains of grain on the bottom of the shafts led to the supposition that they were used for grain storage. The shafts were capable of holding 52,000 cubic yards of grain, which was far more than the inhabitants who lived in the area would need. The shafts were interconnected at the bottom. People had to reach the bottom by way of a staircase, where they could get grain from special taps. (figure 3.3) 3 Why did Imhotep build a pyramid with grain storage shafts? It seems odd, but Egyptian his- tory reveals that everything began with a dream the pharaoh Djoser had. Figure 3.3. The storage shafts inside the Step Pyramid complex. 30 31 The Science and the Problem of Death The Secret of the Pyramids

The Pharaoh was very upset because the god Returning to the history written by Moses, we of the Nile Khnum had appeared to him in a find an almost identical story. Moses, however, dream and promised that the Nile would give relates this to the story to Joseph. water, but that first there would be seven years Brought to Egypt as a slave, Joseph had the 4 of famine and then seven years of abundance. ability to interpret dreams. When asked to When he had this dream, Pharaoh Djoser interpret the Pharaoh’s dream, he pointed to asked Imhotep, “What is the birthplace of the seven years of abundance and seven years of Nile? Who is the god there? Who is God?” famine that were to come. Joseph advised the Imhotep answered, “I need the guidance of Pharaoh to collect grain from the people and Him who presides over the fowling net.” to store it in preparation for the famine. His wisdom so impressed the Pharaoh that he was Later Imhotep advised Pharaoh Djoser to given a position of power next in importance promise the Nile god Khnum that the popula- to Pharaoh himself. tion, with the exception of the priests in the god’s house, would be taxed 10% on all that According to Egyptian history Imhotep was a priest in the town of Heliopolis and died, was harvested.5 when he was 110 years old.6 We find the same The people did as they were told and paid their record about Joseph in Moses’ history. taxes in grain, which was stored in the shafts built within a great pyramid. An immense wall Does that mean that Imhotep, one of the most was then erected, which encircled the entire famous personages in Egyptian history, was complex. indeed Joseph of the Bible? The history of Egypt reveals that Imhotep was Scientists searched for the burial place of the builder of this first pyramid, and the Imhotep. The first place that they searched was remains of grain found by archaeologists the Step Pyramid in Sakkara. On the walls they reveal that it had been used as a storage unit to found carved drawings of people, who had hold grain in anticipation of the predicted suffered from a great famine (figure 3.4). famine. Although most of the pyramids in Egypt have been looted, because it had well-hidden under-

32 33 The Science and the Problem of Death The Secret of the Pyramids

Figure 3.4. The drawing of the people suffering hunger on the Step Pyramid wall. Figure 3.5. The ibis birds from Egypt. ground rooms, this one had not been dis- turbed. Could the answer be found in the writings of In some of the rooms they found over a mil- Moses? He states that when the Israelites left lion stuffed ibises (figure 3.5). The ibis bird was Egypt, they took the bones of Joseph with considered to be a sacred bird in Egypt. Both them. Egyptian and Greek history mention that pe- So we see that Moses’ historical account is ople came from near and far to seeking medi- once again proved as reliable. Imhotep, that cal help from Imhotep and because of his famous person from the history of Egypt, was great success in healing them, they gave him in fact Joseph – the notable person from these stuffed birds.7 Moses’ history (see Table 3.1 for comparison When the scientists finally entered the room between Imhotep and Joseph). that held Imhotep’s coffin8 they were surprised It sounds a bit incredible, but scientific proofs to find it placed so that it faced the north. As point out that the building of the pyramids sun worshippers Egyptians were always buried began so as to store wheat to save people from facing the east. It is obviously Imhotep did not famine, and later they were built as tombs for follow the religious practices of the Egyptians. the pharaohs who considered themselves gods. When they opened Imhotep’s coffin it was All this fits very nicely into what Moses wrote empty. The body was not there. Why was the in his history. body missing, when the tomb has not been Even though it is correct over many interesting looted? issues, such as dinosaurs and pyramids, Moses’

34 35 The Science and the Problem of Death The Secret of the Pyramids

Table 3.1. Comparison between Imhotep and Joseph1-8 “I’m near death after a life “And Joseph lived an of 110 years.” hundred and ten years.” “While the king (Pharaoh “Behold, there come seven (Genesis 50:22) Djoser) slept the Nile god, years of great plenty Khnum, appeared to him in throughout all the land “I received recognition “You shall be over my house a dream and promised that of Egypt. And there shall from the King (Pharaoh) and all my people shall be there would be famine for arise after them seven years such as no-one prior to ruled according your word, seven years followed by of famine.” me had received.” only in regard to the throne seven good years.” (Genesis 41:29,30) will I be greater than you.” (Genesis 41:39-41) “I asked Him (Imhotep), “And Pharaoh said unto Jo- What is the birth place of seph, I have heard say of Imhotep’s coffin was empty. “Then Joseph took an oath the Nile? Who is the god thee, that thou canst under- from the children of Israel there? Who is the God?” stand a dream to interpret saying, “God will surely visit it.” (Genesis 41:15) you, and you shall carry up “I need the guidance of “It is not in me: God shall my bones from here… And Him who presides over the give Pharaoh an answer of Moses took the bones of fowling net…” (Imphotep) peace.” (Genesis 41:16) Joseph with him.” (Genesis 50:26; Exodus 13:19) “The population, with the “Let Pharaoh do this, and exception of the priests in let him appoint officers over Imhotep’s coffin was The God of Joseph brought the god’s house, would be the land, and take up the directed towards the north, the Israelites into the taxed 10% on all that was fifth part of the land of as opposed to Egyptian Promised Land of Israel, harvested.” (Djoser) Egypt.” (Genesis 41:34) coffins, which were directed which is situated to the towards the east (they north of Egypt (the Book “Imhotep was a priest in “And Pharaoh gave him worshipped the sun). of Exodus). the town of Heliopolis.” (Joseph) to wife Asenath the daughter of Potipherah “Imhotep the builder, the “And Joseph gathered corn priest of On (Heliopolis).” sculptor, the maker of stone as the sand of the sea, very (Genesis 41:45) vases... and who was the much, until he left numbe- inventor of the art of ring; for it was without “Imhotep, because of his “And Joseph commanded building with hewn stone.” number.” (Genesis 41:49) medical skill has the his servats, the physicians, (He built the grain storage reputation of Asclepius to embalm his father: and shafts in the Step Pyramid (the Greek god of medici- the physicians embalmed at Sakkara). ne) among the Egyptians.” Israel.” (Genesis 50:2)

36 37 The Science and the Problem of Death historical account faces criticism by some sci- entists. FINGERPRINTS OF But before we analyze some of these objec- tions, let us review one of the great geological CREATION discoveries of the 20th century.

Most of us are familiar with Vitamin C. The plants produce it and people are able now to make it in a form of tablets. If we put a tablet of Vitamin C into a glass of water, as it starts to dissolve it begins produc- ing bubbles in the water. Within a minute the tablet has completely dissolved and the bub- bles are gone. What would happen if we put a tablet of Vitamin C in a glass of water and immediately put it into the freezer? Allowing 15 minutes for the water to freeze, would we find bubbles from the disintegrated tablet? Of course not, the tablet disintegrates much more rapidly than the water freezes. But sup- pose that you saw a glass of frozen water with bubbles from a Vitamin C tablet, what conclu- sion would you have to come to? The only rea- sonable conclusion would be that that particu- lar refrigerator had the capability of freezing water at faster rate than the tablet could dis- 38 39 The Science and the Problem of Death Fingerprints of Creation solve. This would mean that the water had the stable rock resulted in the formation of frozen in less than a minute. bubbles. So, if we had a glass of water with frozen bub- The unstable elements disintegrated in several bles from a Vitamin C tablet we would have to steps, resulting in several bubbles becoming come to the following conclusions: intertwined. If we cut the rock in the middle of 1. Someone put the Vitamin C tablets in the these bubbles, we’ll find concentric circles in water. the rock (figure 4.2). 2. The water in the glass had frozen in less than a minute, because there were frozen bubbles from the dissolving tablet.

This example will help us in better understan- Figure 4.1. ding one of the most exciting geological dis- Disintegration of coveries of the 20th century. millions of unstab- le atoms from one We have already noted that the specific process center. of vitamin creation is present in plants. The creation of Vitamin C belongs to this process as well. On the other hand, there is a disinte- gration process of some chemical elements that are present in rocks. One can compare it to the way in which “bubbles” have been formed in rocks. For example, there are millions of unstable uranium atoms in rocks. These atoms have been found in a microscopically small place, where they were disintegrating. As this process took place, they emitted small particles around Figure 4.2. Disintegration of uranium at 8 steps. themselves (figure 4.1). The damage caused to 40 41 The Science and the Problem of Death Fingerprints of Creation

Some of these unstable chemical elements That means that the granite had to harden in a decayed at a slower rate leaving bubbles only few minutes as well. on the hard rock. If the rock had been in a liq- After a very detailed investigation was made, uid state such as red-hot lava, they could not the results were positive. have left bubbles, just as the Vitamin C tablets were unable to leave bubbles in liquid water, only in frozen water. This example of bubbles helps us to under- stand the creation of our planet Earth. The majority of the planet is composed of granite (figure 4.3). Science has long puzzled over how this rock was formed. It has not been possible to observe its creation in nature nor to replicate it artificially in the laboratory. Therefore, many scientists believe that granite Figure 4.3. Transverse section of the earth’s surface. is the result of red-hot lava that has cooled for millions of years. Many people visualize the creation of earth this same way. However, a world famous authority on the subject offers another explanation regarding the creation of the earth.1 In granite found throughout the world, we have ascertained that the disintegration bub- bles are from one unusual chemical element. We are referring to polonium, which can be Figure 4.4. Bubbles of polonium decay. disintegrated in a few minutes (figure 4.4).

42 43 The Science and the Problem of Death Fingerprints of Creation

We now have proof that our planet was not created from a mass of red hot lava over a peri- od of a millions, but it was created in a very short time – a couple of minutes at most! What is even more interesting is the fact that the type of polonium, which left bubbles in granite, doesn’t exist independently in nature. It can only exist as part of a bigger disintegra- tion chain, for example the uranium disintegra- tion chain (figure 4.5). Just as Vitamin C does not exist independently in nature as a tablet, this type of polonium can- Figure 4.5. Chain of uranium (type 238) decay. Type of not appear as an independent chemical ele- polonium 218 (in the middle, “218 Po”) exists in nature ment in nature. only as a part of this chain. In the case of the frozen water with the bub- bles of the Vitamin C tables, we came to two conclusions. In the same way we can come to two conclusions regarding granite with bub- The scientific world was rocked by this discov- bles of polonium. ery, but those who have read the writing of Moses were aware that he stated that the earth 1. Somebody put this type of polonium in the was created during the first day of Creation. granite. However, there are still scientists who criticize 2. Granite became hard within a matter of a what he wrote. They believe that his writings couple of minutes. contained supernatural phenomena, for exam- To date no one has been able to disprove this ple the crossing of the Israelites over the Red discovery scientifically, although many unsuc- Sea. cessful attempts have been made.

44 45 The Science and the Problem of Death

They also regard the environment that sur- rounded the acceptance of the Ten Commandments as supernatural. MYSTERIOUS COLUMNS Can these stories be proven scientifically?

Several years ago scientist discovered an ancient column made of granite at the Red Sea Coast. The column was 15 feet high and weighed 11.5 tons (figure 5.1).1 The coast of the Red Sea, where this column was found, is on the Egyptian peninsula of Nuweiba at the Gulf of Aqaba (figure 5.2).

Figure 5.1. Ancient granite column at the Egyptian part of the Red Sea.

46 47 The Science and the Problem of Death Mysterious Columns

Figure 5.3. Metal flag and table marking the site where the columns were found.

Figure 5.2. Nuweiba peninsula (marked circle) at the Gulf of Aqaba.

Scientists were surprised to find a granite co- lumn in this area, as the closest granite finding was located in southern Egypt. Figure 5.4. Ancient granite columns at the Mediterrane- an coast in Ashkelon, Israel. They were even more surprised to discover a second granite column on the opposite side of the Red Sea, which belonged to Saudi Arabia. As soon as it was discovered the Saudi Arabian These finds raise the question as to what these government transferred the column to a muse- ancient columns were. Could an answer be um and placed a metal flag and table to mark found in Israel, when the same kind of ancient the spot where it had been found (figure 5.3). granite columns were found (figure 5.4)?

48 49 The Science and the Problem of Death Mysterious Columns

Is it possible that during the reign of King Moses had recorded that the people of Israel Solomon he erected these columns in com- crossed over the separated sea, pharaoh’s army memoration of the crossing of the Israelites followed them, and when the sea was drawn over the Red Sea?2 back the entire army was drowned. If some- Moses wrote that the people of Israel, after thing like this did happen, we can assume that leaving Egypt, came at first to “the edge of the it would be possible to find remains of this army at the bottom of the sea. wilderness,”3 and afterwards “turned again” on their way and came to the Red Sea coast.4 (This We know that pharaoh and his troops used way has been shown with a line at figure 5.2). wooden and leather chariots (figure 5.6). In a The Red Sea at the Gulf of Aqaba is extreme- few cases, wheels were made of some kind of ly deep. At the northern tip of the gulf it is gold. If the chariots reached the bottom of the 3,000 feet deep, and at the southern part it is sea, the leather would disintegrate and coral 6,000 feet deep. The distance between the would colonize the wooden parts. When the north coast and the south coast is 9 miles; this wooden parts disintegrated, the corals would would mean that the incline to reach the bot- assume their form. tom of the sea would be so steep that even if the water of the sea were drawn back it would not be passable for man or animal. A recent discovery, at the exact spot where the granite columns were found, uncovered an underwater bridge. This bridge would allow for a very mild incline, because the deepest part of the sea at this spot would be only 300 feet (fi- gure 5.5) enabling everyone to cross easily. Figure 5.5. Underwater bridge at This discovery stirred so much excitement in bottom of Red Sea the scientific world that they put together a near Nuweiba penin- crew to explore the floor of the Red Sea. sula.

50 51 The Science and the Problem of Death Mysterious Columns

In searching the bottom of the Red Sea, divers found a number of coral structures in the form of wheels and overthrown chariots (figure 5.7).5 Corals normally grow and form masses, but that was not the kind of structures they unco- vered.

Figure 5.6. Ancient chariots found at pharaoh’s family vault.

Figure 5.7. Coral formations in shape of wheels and overturned chariots. 52 53 The Science and the Problem of Death Mysterious Columns

The divers found a gold type wheel that had not disintegrated (figure 5.8). They also found fossils and skeletons of peo- ple and horses (figure 5.9). Because the water runs very swiftly near this underwater bridge, scientists think that even more remains of the pharaoh’s army could Figure 5.8. Gold type wheel from the bottom of the Red have been carried away to the deeper parts of Sea. the Gulf of Aqaba. To prove this hypothesis, however, would necessitate having special equipment, such as the kind used in the explo- ration of the Titanic making the cost prohibi- tive. But, granite columns at the opposite sites of the Red Sea, as well as the discoveries at the Figure 5.9. Fossils and skeletons of people from the Red bottom of the Sea, exactly on the site were Sea compared with the current one (above), horse’s fos- these columns are connected, were enough silized skull, rib and spine (below). proof the scientists confirmed the authenticity of Moses history. But, they continued with investigation. As they knew that Moses described even more mysteri- ous events after Red Sea crossing, they started searching the opposite coast. Today, this coast belongs to the Saudi Arabia.

54 55 The Mountain With a Black Top


Figure 6.1. Oasis with 12 water springs and 100 One of the major problems facing the palms in Saudi Israelites after crossing the Red Sea was the Arabia. lack of water. On their journey they found an oasis with “12 water springs and 70 palm trees.”1 There exists today an oasis with 12 enough water to satisfy the needs of both the water springs and ca 100 palm trees (figure people of Israel and the cattle.2 6.1), where one can still drink from that ancient well. It is located about 10 miles from the Red The Jewish historian Josephus Flavius, who st Sea in Saudi Arabia. Is this the oasis where the lived in the 1 century, described the same Israelites rested? event. He wrote that the rock had broken apart and that “water went out as the river” from the Moses stated that God guided him through the rock.3 wilderness. As soon as the people ran out of the water they had drawn from the springs at William Whiston (1667-1752), who translated the oasis, they began to criticize Moses for ha- the books of Josephus Flavius into English, ving taken them out of Egypt. It is at this point wrote on the margins of his translation that it that many historians accuse Moses of super- is still possible to view the broken rock.4 natural phenomena. Scientists, who subsequently visited the site, When instructed by God to strike a huge rock found an unusual rock (figure 6.2) that was 60 that was nearby with his staff, he did so. The feet high and broken from top to bottom with rock broke apart and water gushed forth. The the remains of a dried river bed clearly visible.5 water flowed so steadily that it produced

56 57 The Science and the Problem of Death The Mountain With a Black Top

Relatively close to the broken rock, scientists found the remains of an ancient altar. Moses had written that the people of Israel had built an altar of thanksgiving for the victory they had had over a warring nation (figure 6.3).6 Moses writes of a special mountain, where he was given the Ten Commandments.7 The Arabic shepherds call it “Moses Mountain” (“Jabal Musa” in Arabic). Today it is called Jabal Al Lawz. This area has been searched a great deal (figure 6.4). At the base of this mountain scientists discov- ered the remains of an ancient Egyptian mill- stones. Does that mean that the Israelites bro- ught the mills to this place from Egypt (figure 6.5)?

Figure 6.2. Split rock in Saudi Arabia. They also found a number of circular struc- tures made of stone (figure 6.6). Could these be the remains of the Israelites encampment?

Figure 6.3. Altar close to split rock. Figure 6.4. Moses’ mountain. 58 59 The Science and the Problem of Death The Mountain With a Black Top

According to the writings of Moses, there was a fence at the base of the mountain to keep the people from trespassing, as they were not 8 Figure 6.5. Found allowed to come close to the mountain. remains of millstone In examining the area, the scientists found the (left). Ancient Egyptian millstone remains of a fence as well as a number of (below). stone plates with representations of human feet.9 These particular stone plates were only used in Egypt, as a designation of a specific place that was regarded as holy (figure 6.7). They also found what appeared to be a stone altar. Could this be the altar that Moses was instructed to build (figure 6.8)?10 A second altar was also found. This altar is the remains of the altar upon which the golden

Figure 6.6. Circled rock structures and tent reconstruc- Figure 6.7. Traces of fence at base of mountain (left) tion. stone plate with picture of human foot (right).

60 61 The Science and the Problem of Death The Mountain With a Black Top calf was placed.11 The Saudi Arabian govern- ment has fenced this area off so it is impossi- ble to do any further archaeological explo- rations at the present time (figure 6.9).12 Figure 6.9. Altar dedi- On this altar there are a number of drawings of cated to bulls representing the Egyptian god Apis (figu- the golden re 6.10). calf. Moses writes that he personally ground up the golden calf and threw it into the stream that flowed out of the mountain.13 At the foot of the mountain, we can see the remains of a dried river bed (figure 6.11). Finally, Moses describes how God come to the mountain “in fire and thunder.”14 When scien- Figure 6.10. Pictures of Egyptian cult of Apis at altar (left) pictures and statues of same cult from Egypt (right).

Figure 6.8. Altar at base of mountain and its sketch. Figure 6.11. Drained water flow and reconstruction.

62 63 The Science and the Problem of Death The Mountain With a Black Top tists examined the rocks of this mountain, they noticed that although the top of the mountain was completely black the rest of the mountain was brightly colored. After they analyzed the material, they concluded that the top of the mountain was composed of the black mineral obsidian, which is formed at very high tempe- ratures (figure 6.12).15 Is the presence of this mineral at the top of the mountain the result of the fire and thunder described by Moses? Figure 6.12. Top of the mountain and mineral obsidian. It seems unbelievable, but scientific discoveries seem to validate Moses’ writings and the events, which occurred after crossing of the Red Sea. There are still those who think that it’s neces- sary to have supernatural knowledge and supernatural power in order to solve the mys- tery of death. We have yet another interesting occurrence to review.

64 65 Nature’s Biggest Miracle

It would be logical that when the river comes to such a large mountain it would go around it. NATURE’S BIGGEST It is not logical for the river to go over the MIRACLE mountain. But, we can see here the case that the river breaks through the mountain and chooses the shortest path to reach the ocean (figure 7.2). Of the myriad of interesting locales that Does it mean that the small Colorado River nature offers, there is one that is visited by created this canyon by breaking through the more than four million tourists every year. big mountain? When tourists leave they are awe struck, sha- king their heads and asking themselves, “How is it possible to create something like this?” We are referring the magnificent Grand Canyon in the United States. This canyon is 289 miles long, 18 miles wide and over a mile deep. Tourists can view this canyon from an airplane, a boat, or from one of the many attractive places along its upper rim. Beside its gigantic size, why is the Grand Figure 7.1. Colorado runs from the north (above) to the mountain. Canyon considered to be one the greatest mi- racles in nature? Geologically speaking, it is an interesting anomaly that the small Colorado River has been credited with carving the gigan- tic Grand Canyon Gorge. The river comes from the north and upon reaching the big mountain (Colorado Plateau) goes through it on its way to the ocean (figure 7.1). Figure 7.2. Colorado River breaks through the moun- tain. 66 67 The Science and the Problem of Death Nature’s Biggest Miracle

There are a number of large placards located The vertical walls of the canyon reflect the around the rim of the canyon that offer the deposits of sediment that were laid down. official explanation as to how the canyon was If we were to compare the form and structure formed. In essence it states that millions of of the Palouse Canyon with that of the Grand years ago a large ocean covered this area. At Canyon, we would find that they were almost the rate of several millimeters per thousand identical (figure 7.3). The only difference years, sediment settled to the bottom of the appears to be the fact that the Grand Canyon ocean bed. Eventually the sediment reached a is ten times deeper and bigger than the Palouse thickness of over a mile thick and hardened Canyon. becoming rock. They further state that this huge sedimentary rock slowly started to rise. Seventy million years ago it lifted itself to the surface of the earth, and it was at this time that the Colorado River went through the area. As the ocean bot- tom continued lifting and forming the moun- tain, the river slowly cut into this newly formed mountain and formed the Grand Canyon. Is this explanation about the creation of the Grand Canyon in accordance with scientific facts? Are other canyons being created at the present time? Is it possible to observe them? The Palouse Canyon located in the United States is one canyon that all scientists are in agreement over as to its formation. Violent water motions from the Lake Missoula spillway brought huge amounts of sediment to this area Figure 7.3. Palouse Canyon (above) and Grand Canyon 1 creating a 50 foot high canyon. (below). 68 69 The Science and the Problem of Death Nature’s Biggest Miracle

If the Palouse Canyon was created during the Mount St. Helens slid into Spirit Lake deposi- overflow from Lake Missoula, does it mean ting more than half a cubic mile of silt and that the Grand Canyon was created by an even causing enormous water movements (figure larger overflow? In searching for an answer to 7.5). this question, we need to look at one of the Within a few hours a very large area had been th most important geological events of the 20 overflowed, and the massive amount of sedi- century. ment it carried with it caused the formation of Early in 1980 scientists were alerted to the fact a canyon (figure 7.6).2 that Mount St. Helens was rising by two feet every day as a result of volcanic material mov- ing deep within the bowels of the earth. This movement could only portend that an eruption would take place in the near future and that is exactly what happened in May of that year (fi- gure 7.4). There were a series of eruptions that followed one right after the other. The northern part of Figure 7.5. Top of the mountain that slid into Spirit Lake causing water and mud motion.

Figure 7.6. Canyon formed after eruption of Mount St. Figure 7.4. Mount St. Helens before and during the erup- Helens. tion. 70 71 The Science and the Problem of Death Nature’s Biggest Miracle

After a thorough examination of the canyon, flowing at Mount St Helens, scientists found scientists noted that the layers of sediment that cross beds in the sediment as thick as several had been laid down were exactly like those in inches. Along the coast of Texas after the Grand Canyon (figure 7.7). Hurricane Carla struck in the 1960s, they If, as it has been claimed, the sediments in the found cross beds that were eight inches thick. Grand Canyon were laid down over a long The Grand Canyon has cross beds of sediment period of time, we should find traces of the that are more than 100 feet thick! organisms, which lived at the bottom of the Water motion, if it flows at a rapid rate and ocean such as clams, worms, plants, etc. (figure continuously changes its direction it creates 7.8) cross beds as the sediment settles to the bot- No such remains have ever been found. The tom of the water. We know that if a hurricane sediments are exactly the same as those found is present on the surface of the ocean, it will at Mount St. Helens, where the sediments were not be felt 150 feet below the surface, because laid down very quickly and organisms didn’t of water friction. have time to leave any fossil remains.3 It is obvious that the huge amount of crossed When there is a sudden, violent, directional layers in the Grand Canyon were settled on the change in water direction it can cause what is called cross beds. After the catastrophic over-

Figure 7.7. Rock layers close to Mount St. Helens (left) and Grand Canyon (right). Figure 7.8. Life at the bottom of the ocean. 72 73 The Science and the Problem of Death Nature’s Biggest Miracle bottom by incredibly strong water motions. If the water motions were strong enough to cause cross beds on the bottom, how strong were they on the surface (figure 7.9)? Does this stretch the imagination to visualize how great this overflow must have been to result in the creation of the Grand Canyon? There are wavy rock formations at the Grand Canyon that have a plastic quality as though they have been molded (figure 7.10). In nature Figure 7.10. Layers of Grand Canyon plastically bend. rock settles to the bottom, similar to the way See proportion of people. concrete does. Concrete becomes strong very quickly. If you want to give it a wavy, plastic look, you have to do it before it hardens and rocks had to assume its plastic deformation become strong. Similarly the Grand Canyon immediately after sedimentation, otherwise the rock would have become hard and been unable to bend. Elongated organisms called nautiloids were found giving additional evidence of a massive overflow in this region. They were found with their long axis in the same direction, giving rise to the belief that they were buried under the same water motion. If they had settled to the bottom at a slow rate over a long period of time, their long axis would be in disorder (fi- 5 Figure 7.9. Cross beds at Grand Canyon. See proportion gure 7.11). of man.

74 75 The Science and the Problem of Death


If we were to start digging almost anywhere on Figure 7.11. Nautioloid fossil and its main axis orienta- earth, there’s a good possibility that we would tion (arrow). find fossils. There’s almost no place where fos- sils don’t exist. One can find many “fossil Many scientists were surprised by these disco- cemeteries” of clams, fish, etc. (figure 8.1). veries, but they should not have been if they At many places we can find coal and oil were familiar with the writings of Moses. He reserves. They are remains of plants and ani- described a great catastrophe, which was called mals. They have been transformed info “fossil the Flood. It covered the entire earth causing fuels” under influence of high temperature the surface of our planet to be completely and pressure. changed. The whole animal and plant world was totally destroyed, except for one small group that was preserved in a special way. Was there a Flood, did this total devastation really happen? Fossils - the remains of living organisms - lead us to the truth.

Figure 8.1. Cemeteries of organisms found throughout the world. Cemeteries of snails and ammonites.

76 77 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak

Although we cannot observe the creation of Some people believe that when a fish dies it fossils today, because animals eat organisms allegedly goes to the bottom of the ocean and when they die or conditions in the atmosphere is covered by sediment. However, we have contribute to its decay, we can only surmise found fossilized fish that have just eaten sma- how it happened. Some scientists have con- ller fishes. It is obvious that these fish were cluded that fossils can only be created if a buried while they were still alive (figure 8.3).1 catastrophe happens, or if there is a sudden If we find fossils of fish where both fins are shift in the earth or increased temperature. open, we know that they were buried alive, There are other scientists that believe that fos- because the moment a fish dies the muscles sils can be created by natural conditions as cease to move and the fins start to close. It is well. For example, mammoths can, while fora- ging for food, fall into a muddy lake and be unable to get back out. As he dies there, he is drawn to the bottom and the sediment cover- ing him buries him. Thus, nature has created a mammoth’s fossil (figure 8.2).

Figure 8.2. Supposed way of mammoth Figure 8.3. Fossils of fishes that had eaten smaller fishes. fossilization.

78 79 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak apparent that these fish were buried alive dur- ing a catastrophe (figure 8.4). A tremendous number of fossilized fish can be found rather in a small area. In California sci- entists found more than 1 billion in an area that was four miles square.2 It is fascinating to ponder on how the fossils of birds were found together with other sea Figure 8.5. Fossil of organisms at the bottom of the ocean. How is birds located at bot- it possible for a flock of birds to reach the bot- tom of the ocean. tom of the ocean and be buried with various sea creatures (figure 8.5)? during the period from 1700 to 1900, yet none If there must be a catastrophic event to create of them were fossilized.3 a fossil, then that would explain why we have Throughout the world we have found fossils of not found any fossils of the buffalo. More than other large animals. In the last 100 years, the 60 million buffaloes were extinct in America remains of more than 30,000 bears were found in the Mixnitz Cave in Austria (figure 8.6).

Figure 8.4. Fossil of fish with open fins. Figure 8.6. Fossil of bears from Mixnitz cave in Austria. 80 81 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak

In the frozen ground of Siberia, an enormous cemetery and made it into a museum (figure number of fossilized animals were found. 8.8). 4 There were over 5 million frozen mammoths. These dinosaurs were plant-eating animals, yet One of the most interesting fossils was the there was no fossil evidence of these plants to Beresovka mammoth, which had several kinds be found. There is a layer of sedimentary rock of undigested tropical plants with the chloro- underlying these animals, which covers more phyll pigment still preserved in its stomach than 400,000 square miles in the USA, so we (figure 8.7).5 would have to conclude that there was a great Stomach acid quickly dissolves pigment, so sci- abundance of water involved at the time of entists surmised that these animals had been their death. The hydrostatic action had to be grazing on a tropical meadow. Suddenly there extremely strong in order to carry these gigan- was a catastrophic overflow, the temperature tic creatures to this site. dropped to -150 degrees Fahrenheit and the Dinosaur eggs have also been found attesting animals were immediately frozen.6 to the suddenness of the overflow (figure 8.9). The fossils of dinosaurs, some reaching the On the top of Mount Everest, the world’s height of a 5-story building, have been found highest mountain, fossils of tropical clams throughout the world. Located on a hill in the have been found.7 There are many other state of Colorado, scientists found a dinosaur mountains, as well that have been made of

Figure 8.7. Fossil of Beresovka mammoth and its model in Figure 8.8. Cemetery of dinosaurs at a hill in America. museum.

82 83 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak water-covered rocks. Obviously these tropical With this in mind it is difficult to imagine the organisms were once buried at the bottom of quantity of material that was needed to form the ocean. The earth’s movement and large the coal layers that are more than 100 feet thick earthquakes transferred them to the top of the and which are found in many places in the newly risen mountain. world.; some of these coal deposits cover seve- These mountainous rock formations are simi- ral hundred thousand square miles (figure lar to those found in the Grand Canyon (plas- 8.10). To bury such an enormous amount of tically bent layers, cross beds, layers without wooden material and to cover it with rocks, signs of living organisms, etc.). These moun- would have necessitated a tremendous over- tains contain fossils as evidence of their cre- flow. ation in both overflowing conditions, as well as In many places we find fossils of tree trunks strong earth movements. that go through many layers of the rock. If The world’s huge coal deposits is the result of they had been buried for a long period of time, a catastrophe, which caused plants to be buri- they would not be fossilized; they would have ed. In order to create one foot of coal, it is decomposed. This all points to the fact that, it necessary to have between 2 to 20 feet of plant must have occurred rapidly over a very short period of time (figure 8.11). material.8

Figure 8.9. Fossil of small dinosaur, who came Figure 8.10. into the Coal deposits world from in the United an egg. States.

84 85 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak

Animals can leave their tracks in the mud, just A very interesting set of dinosaurs’ footprints as people leave their footprints in the sand at was found in a vertical rock (figure 8.12). the sea-shore, but these prints cannot be pre- Evidently this rock was once soft and horizon- served if a mild wind, rain or the ocean washes tal, when the dinosaurs ran through it and left them away. They will simply disappear and traces of their feet. Shortly afterwards, they there will be no trace of them. were covered with sediment that preserved All over the world scientists have found the them. Due to some catastrophic earth move- fossilized traces of different animals. Which ment, the entire area was moved around 90 leads us to believe that, these tracks were cov- degrees and vertical rock was formed. When ered very shortly after they were made. Years the surface of the rock was eventually eroded, later the sediment that covered them eroded their footprints were revealed. and the petrified traces were exposed in the The fossil of an organism similar to the crab rock. was also found along with tracks made by its movement. There is little question that this ca-

Figure 8.11. Fossils of tree trunks going through several layers Figure 8.12. Traces of dinosaurs’ footprints in a vertical of rock. rock in Argentina.

86 87 The Science and the Problem of Death Fossils Speak tastrophic condition had to have happened very quickly in order to fossilize the move- ments of the crab (figure 8.13). These are but a few of the numerous examples of fossils that have been found from around the world. Although many scientists are aston- ished by these findings, Moses’ history dis- closed it. As a result, many in the scientific world have begun to accept the writings of Moses. Figure 8.13. Fossil of organism similar to a crab with traces of movement. Does this predict a change in their attitude regarding death and that we can soon look for- ward to their commencing to research it? Before we begin to search for the answer to the mystery of death in this report, we should delve into the difficult question of time. Moses wrote that our planet was created six thousand years ago and that the sun, moon and stars were created four days later. Is this state- ment true?

88 89 Which Time Do We Live In?

1. Because the rate of the sand passing from the upper chamber into the lower one was WHICH TIME DO WE always constant, and LIVE IN? 2. Both chambers were closed so that it was not possible to either add or detract sand. Scientists have used a sort of hourglass to All throughout history people have used vari- determine the age of rocks. It is a known fact ous methods for telling time. The use of the that some chemical elements in nature are hourglass as one of these methods (figure 9.1). prone to disintegration, for example, one kind of uranium dissolves into a kind of lead. As the sand moved from the upper chamber into the lower one, it was possible for people to With the passing of time, a vast amount of calculate the exact time. It always took exactly uranium will become lead, thereby reducing the same amount of time to empty the upper the amount of uranium while the amount of chamber as to fill the lower one. Why was this lead increases. This was the process we had so? observed in the case of the hourglass, the amount of sand decreased in the upper cham- ber while it increased in the lower chamber. Scientists checked the uranium disintegration in the laboratory and calculated how long it took for it to become lead. This observation led them to solve the question regarding the age of the rocks. How was this done? Scientists went to nature and found small amounts of uranium in rocks. When the urani- Figure 9.1. um disintegrated into lead, they calculated the Hourglass. exact amount of uranium and the exact amount of lead (following the example of the

90 91 The Science and the Problem of Death Which Time Do We Live In? time lapse of sand in the upper chamber into what kind of rock they used, is tantamount to the lower one). They were aware of the time using the hourglass with a broken chamber. that it took for the disintegration, so it was easy In nature water goes through rocks and the to calculate the time necessary for the uranium roots of plants influence the structure of the transformation into lead. rock. Chemical elements are constantly in Scientists were in agreement that different motion in rocks and therefore these elements rocks produced different results ranging from are not constant. There are many examples several years to several billion years. Irrespec- that confirm this claim.1 tive of this huge discrepancy in the range of One can find many examples that throw doubt results, they determined that our planet was on investigative methods such as the hourglass four and a half billion years old. theory. From 1800 – 1801 there were several However, this presented a problem with deter- volcanic eruptions in Hawaii. The lava that was mining the age of the rocks with this method. emitted from the volcano chilled and formed With nature you are not working with a closed hard rock. chamber such as in the hourglass, where things One hundred years later scientists attempted to are constant. Can you imagine an hourglass determine the age of these rocks by using with a broken chamber where some of the methods similar to the hourglass method sand could seep out, or even become wet due (these methods were: uranium - lead, potassi- to changes in the weather? This would cause um - argon and rubidium - strontium). The the flow of sand to run at an inconstant rate. results they arrived at placed these rocks at By using the hourglass hypothesis you get the between 140 million and 3 billion years old,2 wrong results, because you do not have a con- but these are not isolated instances there are trolled environment. other examples as well.3 This is what happened when they tried to Radiocarbon (carbon C-14) has long been a determine the age of the rocks using the disin- method that was very popular with a number tegration of chemical elements. The disinte- of scientists. Utilizing this method on the fos- gration of uranium into lead, regardless of sil of a musk ox found in Alaska, they ascer-

92 93 The Science and the Problem of Death Which Time Do We Live In? tained that the muscle of its scalp was 24,000 which proves that our oceans are but a few years old, while its fur was 17,000 years old4 thousand years old.8,9 and living mosses found on that Island were Let us now examine the sun, the moon and the 5 6,000 and 8,000 years old. Using this same stars. method they “proved” that living snails in Nevada were 27,000 years old.6 Haley’s Comet passes close to the sun every 75 years (figure 9.2). Comets are composed pri- There can be no question that this method is marily of ice that partially melts each time it completely unreliable and cannot be trusted in passes close to the sun. In a period of less than determining the age of rocks or fossils. 10,000 years this comet would have complete- On the other hand, there are many other natu- ly melted and ceased to be.10 The conclusion is ral evidences that validate our planet’s exact that our sun must be younger than 10,000 age. years. Given the fact that the hills and mountains of When the astronauts made their first trip to the our continent are constantly in the process of moon, they were fitted with special equipment erosion, if our planet were as old as some sci- that prevented them from sinking into a thick entists would have us believe, the entire planet layer of cosmic dust that they assumed would would have eroded in several million years. The be found on the surface of the moon. The sci- fact that we still have hills and mountains points to the fact that the process of erosion has only been ongoing for a few thousand years.7 Vast amount of sediment are deposited every moment into the oceans. In a period of several million years, the oceans would be full of sedi- ments. When we examine the floor of the ocean, we find only a thin layer of sediment, Figure 9.2. Orbit of Haley’s comet.

94 95 The Science and the Problem of Death Which Time Do We Live In? entists, who were responsible for the security case, they will see the red color of the spec- of the space ship and the astronauts, believed trum shift. the moon to be several billion years old and Scientists, who believe in the Big Bang, also consequently believed that the cosmic dust believe that the stars and galaxies (whose lights accumulated over all those years would be have a big red shift) are very far away from us extremely deep. and that they are moving away from us at a The astronauts were shocked when they very rapid rate. Conversely, those stars and stepped onto the surface of the moon to find galaxies, whose lights have a small red shift are only a very thin layer of cosmic dust, which located closer to us and they are going away confirmed Moses’ report regarding the age of from us at a slower rate. 11 the moon. The Big Bang was refuted, when scientists The Big Bang theory has been promoted for took photographs of a physically connected years as the explanation for life on earth. The galaxy with a small red shift and quasar (a kind scientists, who foster this theory, base it on of star) with an extremely big red shift (figure their belief that a tremendous explosion in 9.3).12 outer space occurred several billion years ago This indicated that quasars with big red shifts resulting in the creation of the stars and gala- were really quite near to us, and added to the xies. theory that galaxies and stars move in circles The scientists, who adhere to the Big Bang the- ory, also promote a phenomena referred to as the “red shift”. They base it on the fact that the lights we see coming from the stars and galaxi- es are divided into several colors that combine to form a spectrum, making the white light we see in the distance. With the use of instru- ments we are able observe that as a star or galaxy goes away from us, or moves around us Figure 9.3. Galaxy and quasar connected. we are able to see a change in the light. In this

96 97 The Science and the Problem of Death Which Time Do We Live In? around the center of the universe, just as elec- lion years ago. Although these galaxies look trons move around the center of atoms.13 similar, even identical, they are supposedly Many scientists believe that the speed of light located great distances apart. (which takes about. 186,000 miles per second) Suppose I were to show you six pictures of my has always been constant. The length that light daughter Angela at age three (figure 9.5), and I travels through a year is called a “light year.” told you one was taken 2 years ago, another 18 Based on this they claimed that Moses’ history years ago, and so on. You surely wouldn’t belie- regarding the stars and galaxies being 6,000 ve these statements, since the pictures are the years old could not be true, because the light same. that emanated from the galaxies had to have There is a similar situation with galaxies. Ga- left them a millions of years ago in order for us laxies have many “arms,” which over time to see it today. move toward the center of the galaxy (figure We can see galaxies, which are supposedly sev- 9.6). The older the galaxy, the more its “arms” eral million light years away (figure 9.4). There will be twisted.14 are also some that are supposedly 106 millions light years away. This would mean that the moment we look at the light, it started on its way from the stars 2 million or even 106 mil-

Figure 9.4. Galaxies and their alleged distances. Figure 9.5. My daughter Angela’s photos.

98 99 The Science and the Problem of Death Which Time Do We Live In?

Upon closer examination, however, we find Science has discovered many facts that con- that the “arms” of all the galaxies are almost all firm that the sun, moon and the stars are seve- equally twisted. This means that they are all ral thousand years old.17 almost the same age, just as the pictures of my All this research proves the validity of Moses’ daughter remained constant. Obviously, there historical report, including this last one. For is something wrong with the theory of a very many people this is perhaps the most difficult old universe created by a Big Bang. one. Measurements over the last three centuries Now let us consider the facts that are the most have proven that the speed of light hasn’t been important for us. constant throughout history. Everything in nature shows a tendency to decay, so it is with the speed of light, which has became slower.15 The speed of light was once 6 billion times faster,16 which is compatible with Moses’ report regarding the creation of the stars and galaxies. Regardless of how far away they were from our planet, light reached us extremely quickly in the past.

Figure 9.6. Sketch of galaxy with “arms” twis- ted.

100 101 Best Preserved Ancient Written Document

post would be dropped under ground and this BEST PRESERVED ANCIENT ancient document would be preserved in a special chamber. WRITTEN DOCUMENT What makes this so precious that it necessita- ted going to such lengths to protect it? In 1947 the oldest known copies of the Bible There is a museum that has a very highly were found in the caves of Qumran near the sophisticated system for protecting artifacts. It Dead Sea. The discovery, which came to be houses a huge amount of ancient written do- known as “the Dead Sea Scrolls,” rocked not cuments, but the most important one is locat- only the scientific community, but the antiqui- ed on a round post located in the center of the ties community as well. museum (figure 10.1). Atheism had gained a foothold after the If a missile were fired at the museum, a pro- Second World War and anything that men- tective device would be activated. The central tioned God or the supernatural was fair game for criticism. The Bible became an especially big target and atheists had a field day criticizing its authenticity and finding faults. They claimed that inasmuch as the Bible had been copied by hand and passed down for ge- nerations, there was no “true Bible.” They said that much of the original meaning had been lost in the various translations. Figure 10.1. The best protected old written With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, document (The Shrine of scholars were able to compare them with the the Book, Israel Museum). copies we currently have of the Bible. After the close examination, critics were dumb- 102 103 The Science and the Problem of Death Best Preserved Ancient Written Document founded and could not deny the authenticity of The fossils of organisms show that living con- not only Moses’ books, but the other books of ditions were very pleasant at all meridians and the Bible as well. all organisms were much larger. Moses tells us that everything had been created to serve Because these documents offered proof of the mankind. accuracy of the Bibles text, a special museum was established where they could be protected. There was one law they had to obey and that No other museum in the world has ever under- was to live in accordance with established na- taken such advanced and expensive security tural laws. When they deliberately disobeyed systems. that law, they had to die. It was not just human beings that died, but all other organisms on our Is this protection really necessary? planet as well. This did not happen all at once, In the books written by Moses, he addresses modern science tells us that by the moving of the question of human life and death. Death is some genes and others mechanisms, death and one of the most baffling problems that face us. old age was the inevitable result. Moses writes about the roots of this problem It is interesting to note that in the beginning and gives us a solution for it. people “were naked, but without a sense of Thus far we have seen that science has been shame.” Once they chose not to live in accor- unable to deny any of Moses’ statements and dance with established laws, the process started on the contrary they have actually validated to develop and they were able to see their them. What does Moses tell us about death? Is nakedness. For the first time they had to clothe science able to test his statements? themselves. Moses’ first observation about life on our pla- Some people will consider this report to be net and the first people who were created is naïve, but regarding genetics and language it that they had the potential to have eternal life. presents an exceptional historical report. Let Living conditions were perfect, including a me enlighten you. pleasant climate without rain or snow and an abundance of plant and animal life. 104 105 The Science and the Problem of Death Best Preserved Ancient Written Document

Because of a special gene, fireflies are insects were connected in the detailed explanation of that transmit light. Scientists have been able to the beginning of human history. transplant this gene into plants so that they too One of the most important facts that Moses could emit light.1 stresses is that human beings were created and Moses wrote his books in Hebrew, and the given the potential to live forever. After the knowledge of this language enables us to rebellion He started the mechanisms that understand the meaning of the words he uses. caused old age and death, however, the Creator In the Hebrew language, when you say the offers the return to that divine state if we word “light”, you are also saying “skin.” accept the laws He has ordered us to obey. Therefore, light is associated with skin. We were formed by the “earthly dust” and the If you write "clothes", in Hebrew, you also Creator exhaled a spiritual component into wrote "he rebelled". So, the word “clothes” is that dust. This is the constituent, which gives associated with “he rebelled.” us life. Science tells us that 99% of our body is composed of four chemical elements (hydro- Human beings today only use 20% of their gen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen). genes. If we take science and the writings of Moses, can we conclude that the skin of a It really is “earthly dust” and this dust is made human being has the potential to emit light, according to the law written in the genes. and that in the beginning people were “dressed The spiritual components include character, in light”? memory, spiritual traits, etc. After our death, Once they rebelled and failed to live in accor- the spiritual elements returns to the Creator, dance with established natural laws, aging and while the dust returns to the earth. dying set in and the process, which enabled If the Creator once gave us life, He can give it them to emit light was stopped. to us again. Parents can only transmit life to Now the words “skin” and “light” and their children, it is the Creator who gives life. “clothes” and “he rebelled”, and other ones, He can make a person without parents, just as

106 107 The Science and the Problem of Death Best Preserved Ancient Written Document he did with Adam and Eve. This was called the Let us turn to the famous scientist Blaise “original creation,” while creation through pa- Pascal to see how he would answer this ques- rents is called “giving birth.” tion. Moses tells us that the Creator has promised us a new creation. At that time our bodies will be recreated again according to the plan written in our genes and the existing spiritual compo- nents will return to our body. Natural laws govern our natural world. Human life is the most complicated phenome- na in nature and the law it follows is called “moral law.” Moses states that if we choose to accept the moral law, we will be given a new life. In order to simplify and avoid confusion regarding moral law, the Creator has given us detailed instructions in the Bible. This is one of the rea- sons it is vitally important that we protect this precious document. There are those who criticize the account of the creation and a new creation, citing it as a supernatural factor. They ask: “How can I believe in a supernatural Creator, when I have neither seen Him nor heard Him?”

108 109 Unparalleled Technology

The engineers of a company that constructed the most recent helicopter studied the struc- UNPARALLELED ture and flight patterns of the dragonfly (figure TECHNOLOGY 11.1). Incidentally the dragonfly, which has 30,000 lenses in each eye, has the most com- plex eyes of all living creatures (figure 11.2). There is a very small motor and pump, which Everyday we are bombarded by what we read scientists have developed to be used during and see on television regarding the latest up to surgeries. If someone were to ask whether or the minute breakthroughs in the sciences. The not they were capable of creating a tiny pump, increase of knowledge is so great that some which could fit into one square millimeter, the estimates show that every five years more answer would most likely be “perhaps.” But, if knowledge is collected than during the whole they were asked would they be able to create a previous period of human existence. Fairs are organized worldwide, where the most recent models of computers, cars, mobile phones, satellite equipment and other achieve- ments of modern science are exhibited. However, if we would go to a natural environ- ment and take a walk in a meadow or forest, we would come across much greater wonders of Figure 11.1. The dragonfly and its imperfect copy. technology and design. A tiny ant has a system many times more com- plex than the most modern car. The simple fly is billions of times more intricately designed Figure 11.2. The than any airplane or spacecraft. It is for this most complex eyes in nature – reason that scientists oftentimes look to nature the eyes of the for their models. dragonfly. 110 111 The Science and the Problem of Death Unparalleled Technology thousand tiny pumps, which could fit into one world. This is nicely illustrated by a molecular square millimeter, the answer would be a biologist: resounding, “No!” “To grasp the reality of life as it has been Let us now examine the human body. We take revealed by molecular biology, we must magni- food into the stomach, where it is digested. fy a cell a thousand million times until it is The digested food leaves the stomach and twelve miles in diameter and resembles a giant enters the small intestine, where the nutritive airship large enough to cover a great city like ingredients get into the bloodstream and are London or New York. What we would then distributed throughout the body. In one square see would be an object of unparalleled com- millimeter of the small intestine there is not plexity and adaptive design.” one, not a thousand, but 200 million pumps, He goes on to say: “On the surface of the cell which function as transporters of the nutritive we would see millions of openings, like the ingredients into the bloodstream (figure 11.3). portholes of a vast space ship, opening and The simplest living system, on a cellular level, closing to allow a continual stream of materi- such as bacterium, is a much more complex als to flow in and out. If we were to enter one and organized system than any city in the of these openings we would find ourselves in a world of supreme technology and bewildering complexity.”1 Our bodies are indeed a complex and as of yet not completely understood organism. When one examines the living systems in nature, in a certain way it looks like books that people write. Just as we find particular information in books, all living systems contain exceedingly complex information written in their genes. Figure 11.3. The simplest living systems contain within Cross-section of themself more complex information than any the small intestine.

112 113 The Science and the Problem of Death Unparalleled Technology computer program devised by man. A man, in 3. We don’t know how living systems came into each of his 12 thousand billion cells, contains existence. enough information to fit into 900 encyclope- Many scientists today hold to the theory that dia-sized volumes. living systems are the result of a big explosion, We could bring you many more examples of which supposedly occurred about 15 million the complexity of the living systems and how years ago in space. There are other scientists, amazingly they function, but our interest now who disagree and believe that the exceedingly is not how they function but rather how they complex information and structure, which came into existence. exists in living systems, could not have come Starting with the basics let us turn our atten- about in that manner. They assert that there tion to a book. How does a book get created? had to be a Superior Intelligence in space, Some will say that it was created in the printing which created these complex systems and the office, but that’s the wrong answer. The book information contained in them. originates in the writer’s mind. The informa- Men like Newton, Mendel, Pasteur and other tion cannot be created in the printing office; scientists who founded modern science agree they can only imprint the information on the with these scientists. paper. One of the basic laws of biology (or life sci- Now let us ask something that has much ence) – the law of biogenesis – states how li- greater importance to us: “How did the living ving organisms came into existence. That law systems, which are much more complex than says that “living organisms come only from li- anything man has conceived, come into exis- ving organisms” and that is what we see aro- tence?” Science offers us three answers in und us. Dogs come from dogs, cats from cats, response to this question. insects from insects and humans from humans. 1. Living systems came into existence by Living organisms cannot come from dead ma- chance, by themselves. tter. From this we can draw a clear conclusion, there has to be a Superior Intelligence in the 2. Living systems were created by a Superior universe, which is alive. Intelligence, which exists in the universe.

114 115 The Science and the Problem of Death Unparalleled Technology

And the final conclusion is something related advices with which He direct man on the right to eternity. Every scientist agrees that there has path. to be something eternal in the universe. The Pascal also said that the Creator had implanted adherents of the concept of creation by in man the concept of eternity and that man - chance believe that dead matter has always created in His image - should think about existed. If that is the case, then there would be things eternal. no life in the universe, because life only comes from life. Moses and the other writers of the Bible very precisely wrote the information received from The only option left is that Life has to be eter- the Creator in a special way and related it not nal in the universe and that there has to be a only to the past and present but to the future Superior Intelligence, which is alive and eter- as well. Science confirms with veracity the bib- nal. In science that Being is call the Creator. lical record relating to the past, but modern The well-known scientist Blaise Pascal once man also looks to the biblical record with invited those who doubted the existence of the interest of the future. Creator to afford themselves the proof of His Let us now look at what our Creator through existence by getting to know Him personally. Moses and the other writers of the Bible tells He suggested they set a few moments aside in us about the future. the quietness of their room and talk to the One whom they could neither see nor hear. When they experienced an amazing response to their needs, they understood that there was Someone who was very interested in them. Past events that they had explained away as “a coincidence” or “lucky circumstances,” now took on a new interpretation. Man has been given the written testimony of the Creator, by which he can get to know God better, the way He worked in the past and the

116 117 Cities That Disappeared

CITIES THAT DISAPPEARED Figure 12.1. Two unusual areas close to the There is a place in the Near East, where scien- Dead Sea. tists have found something that does not exist anywhere else in the world.

If we were at Masada in Israel and looked Figure 12.2. toward the Dead Sea, we would see two unusu- Surrounding al areas (figure 12.1). area. The surrounding area is flat and made of lime- stone rock, which is in the form of gravel and large stones (figure 12.2). Within the area there are two parts made of a fine-grained substance called gypsum. This gypsum forms non-flat relief in the form of high raised buildings and streets (figure 12.3). Figure 12.3. Areas different from surroundings. It is here that scientists found large lined stones placed at a straight angle. This led them to the conclusion that these were once pave- ments and buildings. Scientists were astonished to find a large num- 1 ber of sulfur balls in these rocks (figure 12.4). Figure 12.4. Sulfur balls.

118 119 The Science and the Problem of Death Cities That Disappeared

The sulfur balls varied in size from one inch in Scientists familiar with Moses’ historical report diameter to the size of a tennis ball. The scien- immediately recalled how the cities of Sodom tists also discovered that the sulfur balls had and Gomorrah were destroyed. Moses wrote penetrated the walls at a high temperature (fi- that these cities were full of anarchy and gure 12.5). immorality and the Creator sent “fire and sul- 3 Someone came to the conclusion that this area fur” from the sky and destroyed them. looked as if had been shot with an over-sized Additional searching in the region uncovered sulfur machine-gun from the sky.2 the remains of cremated human skeletons (fi- It is well know that sulfur is usually found in gure 12.6). Detailed chemical analyses con- nature close to volcanoes or springs, but that it is always full of impurities; these sulfur balls were pure and nowhere in the world are they found in such a large quantity.

Figure 12.5. Sulfur balls that went through rock in high Figure 12.6. Remains of skeleton (above), part of spine temperature conditions. and femur bone (middle) vertebra (below). 120 121 The Science and the Problem of Death Cities That Disappeared firmed that these were human skeletons and Why is this finding important to us? The moral not some form of stone.4 issue is the biggest problem in the world today Finally, “the chemical experiment” of Moses’ and has been from the beginning of time. Bad report took place in the following way: If the politics, bad economy and bad health are all limestone rock, which this region was made of, caused by the moral decay of human beings. were to experience a very high temperature Moral principles and values are not, unfortu- (fire coming from the sky) and sulfur, we nately, the principles and values that this world would get calcium sulfate or gypsum, e.g. the is based on. In that sense, the situation has exact same rock that the sulfur balls were made become even worse today. of (figure 12.7). In reading Moses’ books and other books of This gives us additional proof regarding the Bible, which relate to future events, the Moses’ report of the destruction of the cities Bible writers are foretelling the same events for of Sodom and Gomorrah, where immorality our planets history. prevailed. Fire and sulfur from the sky When Noah encouraged the people to change destroyed them. their destructive way of life and to prepare themselves for a catastrophic flood, they just laughed and rejected the Creator’s invitation. They had never seen water coming from the sky and rejected the idea of a catastrophe. They continued living their immoral and use- less lives. After the Flood the Creator promised that never again would He ever destroy the earth with water, but that does not mean that ano- ther kind of Flood won’t happen. Figure 12.7. Chemical analy- The Creator warned us in the Bible that we are sis of the areas close to the day when humanity, due to their with sulfur balls. 122 123 The Science and the Problem of Death Cities That Disappeared cruelty, arrogance and egotism, will experience Science has confirmed and authenticated the an even worse kind of Flood. This time the past events written in the Bible, so there should destruction will be in the form of fire. Sodom be no reason for us to doubt the future events and Gomorrah are an example of this future about which our Creator has informed us. event. Just as those people who were living All the problems we have can be solved - this before the Flood rejected the plea to change includes the problem of death. The Creator, their way of living, many people today cava- who once created human beings, can and will lierly reject the idea of the possibility that this do it again just as He promised He would. could ever happen. He, who can solve the problem of death, can When we read Moses’ report about creation solve all the other human problems, if we and see the beauty of nature that surrounds us, accept Him into our life. It is our choice if we we see that in the beginning this world was cre- are to accept the path followed by Newton, ated as a paradise where human beings would Pasteur, Mendel and many others. This means live forever. Although the human race has to accept Him and the moral laws He has given done much to destroy and abuse this planet, us to follow. It is up to us to choose whether the Creator has given us His promise in the we want to do it or not. Bible that this planet will soon be restored and brought back to its original state. People will In the next book, which is in the process of one day be able to live here an idyllic state fore- being prepared, we’ll speak about the princi- ver. ples of a successful life and the good quality of life He left for us to live. We will also speak Before all this comes to pass, the Creator will about the steps we must take in preparation for continue to invite us many times to change our the future events. lives and live according to His commandments, because we love Him. Those who chose evil, “Secrets of a successful life: Can the person who reject Him and are not interested in living today feel the smell of eternal life?” – it’s the peaceful and harmonious lives, will be title and main topic of my next book. destroyed. The answers can be found in the Book of heavenly origin, the Bible, there are more than

124 125 The Science and the Problem of Death

40 million copies printed of it each year. It is the most famous best seller of all times. NOTES

The Most Important Question 1. Oeller PW, Lu MW, Taylor LP, Pike DA, Theologis A. Reversible inhibition of tomato fruit senescence by antisense RNA. Science, 1991 Oct 18; 254 (5030) : 437-9. 2. Siegel LJ. Are Telomeres the Key to Aging and Cancer? Genetic Science Learning Center at The University of Utah. http://gslc.genetics.utah.edu/features/telomeres/

Traces In a Rock 1. a) Burdick CL. The Naturalist. Vol. 16, Spring 1957. b) Burdick CL. Sings of the Times. July 22, 1950. c) Bird RT, Thunder In His Footsteps, Natural History, May, 1939, p. 255. d) Whitcomb JC and Morris HM. 1961. Genesis Flood. New Jersey: P&R Publishing, p. 172-176. 2. a) Taylor J. 2003. Fossils Facts & Fantasies. Crosbyton: Mt. Blanco Museum. b) Lit. 1c, str. 175. 3. Huse SM. 1993. The Collapse of Evolution. Grand Rapids: Baker Books. 4. http://www.bible.ca/tracks/tracks-acambaro.htm 5. http://www.bible.ca/tracks/peru-tomb-art.htm 6. http://www.bible.ca/tracks/dino-fossils.htm 7. Brown RH. 1991. Fresh Bread; Old Fossils. Origins 18:89-92. 8. Genesis 5; 6:4. 9. http://www.global-conspiracies.com/peruvian_skulls.htm 10. a) Giants From the Past. 1983. National Geographic Society. b) http://www.s8int.com/mega1.html 11. http://www.bible.ca/tracks/fossilized-hammer.htm

126 127 The Science and the Problem of Death Notes

12. Estes R, Hutchison JH. 1980. Eocene lower vertebrates 5. Ref. 1, pp. 211-215. from Ellesmere Insland, Canadian Artic Archipelago. 6. Ref. 1, pp. 218-227. Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology 30:325-347. 13. Mitrovic J. Pavlovic M. 1980. Paleozoology, : The Mountain With a Black Top Faculty of Geology and Minning, p. 56. 1. Exodus 15:27. 2. Exodus 17:5,6. The Secret of the Pyramids 3. Josephus F. 1987 edition. The Antiquites of the Jews. Book 1. a) Hart G. 1991. Pharaohs and Pyramids, London: The 3, chapter 1:7, Henrderickson Publishers, USA. Herbert Press. b) Nunn JF. 1996. Ancient Egyptian Medicine. 4. Josephus F. 1995 edition. The Antiquites of the Jews. Book London: British Museum Press. c) Estes JW. 1993. The Medical 3, chapter 1:7, notes by Whiston, Henrderickson Publishers, Skills of Ancient Egypt, Canton: Science History Publications. USA. 2. a) Casson L. 1969. The Search for Imhotep, Horizon, vol. 5. Moller L. 2002. The Exodus Case. Copenhagen: Scandinavia XI, No 3. b) Wallis EA, (1925) 1989. The Mummy. New York: Publishing, p. 243-247. (Cambridge University Press) Dover Publications, Mineola. 6. Exodus 17:15. 3. Moller L. 2002. The Exodus Case. Copenhagen: Scandinavia 7. Exodus 19-20. Publishing, p. 72-75. 8. Exodus 19:20-23. 4. The Ancient Near East, 1958, vol I., p. 24-, Editor J. B. 9. Ref. 5, pp. 256-257. Pritchard, Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. 10. Exodus 24:4; Exodus 20:25,26. 5. M. Lichtheim, 1980. Ancient Egyptian Literature, vol III, 11. Exodus 32. University of California Press, Berkeley, USA. 12. Ref. 5, pp. 263-265. 6. The Ancient Near East, 1958, vol I., p. 234-, Editor J. B. 13. Deuteronomy 9:21. Pritchard, Princeton University Press, Princeton, USA. 14. Exodus 19:18; 20:18. 7. Clayton PA, 1994. Chronicle of Pharaohs. London: Thames 15. Ref. 5, p. 272. and Hudson Ltd. 8. Mertz B. 1996. Temples, Tombs and Hieroglyphs. London: Nature’s Biggest Miracle Michael O’Mara Books Ltd. 1. Austin SA. 1994. Grand Canyon – Monument to Catastrophe. Santee: Institute for Creation Research, p. 94. Fingerprints of Creation 2. Morris J. Austin S. 2003. Footprints in the Ash. Green 1. Gentry R. 1992. Creation’s Tiny Mystery. Knoxville: Earth Forest: Master Books. Science Associates. www.halos.com 3. Morris J. 1996. The Young Earth. Santee: Institute for Creation Research, p. 96-97. Mysteroius Columns 4. a) Hayes MO. Hurricanes as Geological Agents: Case Studies 1. Moller L. 2002. The Exodus Case. Copenhagen: Scandinavia of Hurricanes Cara, 1961, and Cindy, 1963, University of Publishing, p. 205-207. Texas, Bureau of Economic Geology, Report of Investigation 2. 1 Kings 9:26,27; 3:1. No. 61, p. 56. 3. Exodus 13:20. 5. Ref. 1, pp. 26-28. 4. Exodus 14:2.

128 129 The Science and the Problem of Death Notes

Fossils Speak 5. Sveinbjornsdottir AE, Heinemeier J, Rud N, Johnsen SJ. 1. a) Brown W. 2005. In the Beginning: Compelling Evidence 1992. Radiocarbon anomalies observed for plants growing in for Creation and the Flood. Center for Scientific Creation. b) Icelandic geothermal waters. Radiocarbon 34(3):696-703. Trewin NH. 1985. Mass mortalities of Devonian fish - the 6. Riggs AC. 1984. Major carbon-14 deficiency in modern snail Achanarras Fish Bed, Caithness. Geology Today, March-April: shells from southern Nevada springs. Science 224:58-61. 45-49. 7. Roth AA. 1986. Some Questions About Geochronology, 2. Ladd HS, Science 129:72 (1959). Origins, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 64-85. 3. Osterman E. 1998. Unsere Erde - ein junger Planet. 8. a) Nevins SE. 1973. Evolution: The Oceans Say No! Acts & Hanssler-Verlag, Neuhausen-Stuttgart, p. 62. Facts, Impact Article No. 8. b) Ref. 7. 4. a) Tolmachoff IP. 1929. The Carcasses of the Mammoth and 9. a) Morris JD. 1996. The Young Earth, Green Forest: Master Rhinoceros Found in the Frozen Ground of Siberia, Books. b) Brown W. 2005. In the Beginning: Compelling Transactions of the American Philosophical Society 23, p. 14. Evidence for Creation and the Flood. Center for Scientific b) Factsheet No. 12, Creation Resources Trust, Mead Farm, Creation. Downhead, West Camel, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 7RQ. 10. DeYoung DB. 1993. Astronomy and the Bible, Grand 5. Dillow JC. 1982. The Waters Above. Chicago: Moody Press, Rapids: Baker Book House, p. 44-47. pp. 371-377. 11. Ref. 9b. 6. Hapgood CH. 1958. Earth’s shifting crust. New York: 12. Arp HC. 1987. Quasars, Redshifts & Controversies, Pantheon-Books. Cambridge University Press. 7. a) Cutler A. 2003. The Seashell on the Mountaintop. New 13. Gentry RV. 1992. Creation’s Tiny Mystery, Knoxwille: Earth York: Dutton. b) Woodward J. 1978. An Essay Towards a Science Associates, p. 287-293. Natural History of the Earth. New York: Arno Press, pp. 3–74. 14. a) Scheffler H and Elsasser H. 1987. Physics of the Galaxy 8. Coffin H. 1983. Origin by Design. Washington D.C.: Review and Interstellar Matter. Berlin: Springler-Verlag, pp. 352-353, and Herald Publishing Association, p. 47. 401-413. b) Slusher HS. 1980. The Age of the Cosmos. El Cajon: Institute for Creation Research, pp. 15-16. Which Time Do We Live In? 15. a) The Velocity of Light, Science, Vol. 66, Supplement x, 30 September 1927. b) Gheury de Bray MEJ. The Velocity of 1. a) Science News, 8. Jan. 1994, p. 16. b) Ramdohr P. 1957. Light, Nature, 24 March 1934, p. 464. c) Gheury de Bray MEJ, Abb. der Deutsch, Adad. d. Wiss., Berlin, Kl. f. Chem., Geol. u. The Velocity of Light, Nature, 4 April 1931, p. 522. Biologie, no. 2:1. (See Oak Ridge National Laboratory 16. Troitskii VS. Physical Constants and the Evolution of the Translation (ORNL-tr-755).) Universe, Astrophysics and Space Science, Vol. 139, No. 2, 2. Funkhouser JG and Naughton JJ. Radiogenic Helium and December 1987, pp. 389-411. Argon in Ultramafic Inclusions from Hawaii. Journal of 17. a) Where are the Solar Neutrinos?, Astronomy Vol. 18, No. Geophysical Research, Vol. 73, No. 14, July 1968, pp. 4601- 3, March 1990, p. 45. b) Eddy J and Boornazian A. Analysis of 4607. Historical Data Suggest Sun is Shrinking. Physics Today, 32, 3. Woodmorrappe J. 1993. Radiometric Geochronology No. 9, Sept. 1979, p. 17. c) 14 Million Tons of Dust Per Year, Reappraised, Studies in Flood Geology. Santee: Institute for Science Digest, January 1959. d) Apollo and the Moon. 1964. Creation Research. Natural History Press. New Jersey: Garden City. e) The Non- 4. Stuckenrath RJr. Mielke JE. 1970. Smithsonian Institution existence of the Oort Cometary Shell. Astrophysics and Space radiocarbon measurements VI. Radiocarbon 12:193-204. Science, Vol. 31 1974, pp. 384-401. f) The Changing Shape of 130 131 The Science and the Problem of Death

Planetary Rings, Astronomy, Vol. 15, No. 9, September 1987, p. 14. g) Ref. 9b.

Best Preserved Ancient Written Document 1. a) Ow DW, Wood KV, DeLuca M, de Wet JR, Helinski DR, Howell SH. 1986. Transient and stable expression of the firefly luciferase gene in plant cells and transgenic plants. Science Recommended Literature: 234:856-859. b) De Wet JR, Wood KV, DeLuca M, Helinski - Origins: Linking Science and Scripture, Ariel A. Roth, Review DR, Subramani S. 1987. Firefly luciferase gene: structure and and Herald Publishing, 2000. expression in mammalian cells. Molecular and Cellular Biology - Creation’s Tiny Mystery, Robert Gentry, Earth Science 7(2):725-737. Associates, 1996. - In the Begining, Walter Brown, Center for Scientific Creation, Unparalleled Technology 2005. 1. Denton M. 1986. Evolution: A Theory in Crisis. London: - The Genesis Flood, Henry Morris and John Whitcomb, P&R Burnett Books, p. 328. Publishing, New Jersey, 1961. - World That Perished, John Whitcomb, Institute for Creation Cities That Disappeared Research, 1996. 1. Moller L. 2002. The Exodus Case. Copenhagen: Scandinavia - Grand Canyon: Monument to Catastrophe, Steven Austin, Publishing, p. 40-41. Institute for Creation Research, 1996. 2. Ref. 1, p. 42. - Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology, 3. Genesis 19:24,25. William A. Dembski, InterVarsity Press, 1999. 4. Ref. 1, pp. 45-46. - In Six Days, John F. Ashton, Master Books, 2000. - The Exodus Case, Lenart Moller, Scandinavia Publishing, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2002. - The Young Earth, John Morris, Master Books, Arizona, 1996. - Origin and Destiny of the Earth’s Magnetic Field, Thomas Barnes, Institute for Creaion Research, 1983. - Science, Scripture, and the Young Earth, Henry Morris and John Morris, Institute for Creation Research, 1989. - Darwin’s Black Box, Michael Behe, Free Press, New York, 1996. - Quasars, Redshifts & Controversies, Halton Arp, Cambridge University Press, 1987.

132 133 About the Author Michael () Petrovich received a degree in geology, majoring in paleontology, at the University of Belgrade. He is currently prepa- ring his doctoral dissertation. Michael is founder and director of the Center for Natural Studies at Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro and Sacramento in the United States. He has held numerous lectures in Europe as well as in the United States. He has led a number of geo- logical and paleontological expeditions in vari- ous locales.