First Landing Site/Exploration Zone Workshop for Human Missions to the Surface of Mars (2015) 1007.pdf LANDING SITE AND EXPLORATION ZONE IN EASTERN MELAS CHASMA. A. McEwen1, M. Cho jnacki1, H. Miyamoto2, R. Hemmi2, C. Weitz3, R. Williams3, C. Quantin4, J. Flahaut4, J. Wray5 , S. Turner6, J. Bridges6, S. Grebby7, C. Leung1, S. Rafkin8 1LPL, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85711; mcew
[email protected]), 2University of Tokyo, 3PSI, 4Université Lyon, 5Georgia Tech., 6University of Leicester, 7 8 British Geological Survey, SwRI-Boulder. Introduction: A favorable Exploration Zone (EZ) that even minor amounts of water (5 wt. % and no liq for future human missions to the surface of Mars uid film on surface) can darken basaltic soils while should have these characteristics: (1) resources needed producing only weak spectral features [8, 9]. These to keep humans alive, especially H2O; (2) important spectral features may be undetectable in CRISM spec science targets; (3) diverse regions of interest (ROIs) tra obtained from MRO’s midafternoon orbit, due to that can be reached within ~100 km of a central land partial dehydration and evaporation, except in rare ing site; (4) a central landing site or multiple sites of at times and places [5]. least 5 x 5 km area that are favorable for landing (low RSL are presently not understood well enough to slopes, few meter-scale hazards, not covered by thick plan ISRU for human exploration. It is not known dust); (5) equatorial location for thermal management whether >100 MT of useable water could be produced and ease of ascent from Mars surface; and (6) low ele from RSL.