ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

Fruit (Diptera: ) Host Status Determination: Critical Conceptual, Methodological, and Regulatory Considerations∗

Martın´ Aluja1 and Robert L. Mangan2

1Instituto de Ecologıa,´ A.C., Xalapa, Veracruz, Mexico;´ email: [email protected] 2Kika de la Garza ARC, USDA-ARS, Weslaco, Texas; email: [email protected]

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008. 53:473–502 Key Words First published online as a Review in Advance on host , oviposition behavior, host range evolution, quarantine September 17, 2007 pest, risk analysis, systems approach The Annual Review of Entomology is online at Abstract This article’s doi: Although fruit fly host status determination/designation lies at the 10.1146/annurev.ento.53.103106.093350 heart of strategic decisions on national and international trade of Copyright c 2008 by Annual Reviews. fruit and vegetables, all attempts thus far to define host plant sta- All rights reserved

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. tus have been contentious and as a result long-standing disputes 0066-4170/08/0107-0473$20.00 between commercial partners throughout the world have lingered ∗ The U.S. Government has the right to retain a over decades. Part of the problem is that too little effort has been nonexclusive, royalty-free license in and to any devoted to understanding the underlying mechanisms involved in copyright covering this paper. host plant use by fruit flies and that instead economic and political Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from interests usually prevail. Here we review the most important evolu- tionary, biological, ecological, physiological, and behavioral aspects that drive host use by fruit flies, and then construct a flow diagram rooted in these fundamentals that outlines a series of steps and def- initions to determine if a particular fruit or vegetable (and cultivars thereof) is a natural host, or a conditional (potential, artificial) host, or a nonhost. Along the way, we incorporate risk analysis considera- tions and propose that the underlying complexity determining host plant utilization by fruit flies requires a flexible systems approach ca- pable of realistically dealing with fly/host/environment/geographic variability on a case-by-case basis.

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INTRODUCTION lined system designed to reach science-based decisions on fruit fly host designations. Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are among Systems approach: the most important pests worldwide because integration of pre- of their direct economic impact (i.e., fe- EVOLUTIONARY and postharvest male oviposition and larval feeding render CONSIDERATIONS OF HOST practices, from the fruit/vegetables unmarketable) and the strict USE BY TEPHRITID production of a quarantine restrictions imposed by many commodity to its Overview of Broad Patterns Involved distribution and countries to curtail their entry (1, 31, 64). commercialization, A critical component when trying to assess The evolutionary pathway leading to special- that cumulatively the risk of introductions into a country or ized herbivory is a complex one and the fac- meet predetermined an entire region is the status of a given tors shaping host plant use are highly diverse, requirements for quarantine security fruit/vegetable species (and cultivars thereof ) with patterns spanning from extreme conser- as a host of a particular fruit fly species (3, vatism (175, 182, and references therein) to Natural host: fruit or vegetable 82). Given the underlying biological complex- extreme plasticity (57, 58). Tephritid conser- unequivocally found ity/conditionality of fruit fly host use and the vatism is exemplified by the large subfamily infested under totally economic and political impact of the issue of Tephritinae, which is almost exclusively asso- natural field host plant status determination/designation ciated with within the Asteraceae (52). conditions (i.e., at the international level, there is an urgent But there is also evidence for rapid host range nothing is manipulated) need for a solid conceptual and methodolog- evolution, with related attacking a wide ical framework that can aid scientists, regula- range of unrelated plants (7, 154). tory officials, policy makers, politicians, and In broad terms, two principal driving stakeholders throughout the world in solving forces guide host range evolution: phyto- current and future disputes over the status of chemical coevolution between plants and her- particular plants as fruit fly hosts. bivores (47) and selective pressure by gen- Here we analyze the causes of confusion eralist natural enemies (19, 22, 87, 158). and complexity involving fruit fly host de- Which selective forces played a more impor- termination and ultimately agricultural risk, tant role in the case of tephritid flies is open including, among others, (a) the evolution to debate. Ancestral tephritids most proba- of fruit fly/host plant relationships and the bly evolved from a saprophagous to a phy- behavioral mechanisms related to host find- tophagous lifestyle (43). Currently, most fruit ing and utilization; (b) conditional infestation flies specialize in flowers and fruit structures

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. based on the physiological (motivational) state that frequently lack the plants’ characteristic of the fly; and (c) conditional infestation based secondary chemistry (112). Furthermore, it on the state of the host. We propose that the has been argued that domesticated fruit were underlying complexity/conditionality that de- selected on the basis of their low toxicity to

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from termines host ranges requires a flexible sys- vertebrates (84) and that artificial selection tems approach capable of realistically dealing for increased human palatability also low- with fly/host/environment/geographic vari- ered the levels of chemical defenses in com- ability on a case-by-case basis. We construct mercially grown fruit (80). Additionally, Fitt a flow diagram (Figure 1) that proposes a (58) pointed out that as fruit ripen, defen- series of steps and definitions to determine sive compounds disappear. Conversely, some if a particular fruit or vegetable (and culti- fruit fly species feed on seed tissue that may vars thereof ) is a natural host, or alternatively be more toxic than the pulp, and in the case (non-natural host), if it should be considered a of pulp, there is evidence that some fruit re- conditional (potential, artificial) host or a non- main highly toxic to larvae (see below). For host. We finish by outlining promising areas example, in the case of flies within Anastrepha, of research that could help solidify a stream- primitive species such as A. cordata, A. hamata,

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Monophagous Evolutionary background, Stenophagous life history, ecology, behavior, Oligophagous physiology, and biogeography Polyphagous

Univoltine Multivoltine Monitoring of adult populations and extensive field sampling to gather evidence of natural field infestation

Poor Natural host Non-natural host Good Bioassays under Field cages with entire fruit-bearing trees forced artificial Enclosed fruit-bearing branches Additional Risk analysis Quarantine conditions Laboratory cages field and systems treatment research approach

Inability to Life cycle completion complete life cycle Natural factors Conditional host (potential or artificial) Nonhost Monitoring/risk analysis factors

Manipulated conditions Economic/political/regulatory No quarantine Additional Risk analysis Economic, Quarantine implications action needed, field and systems political, treatment but screening research approach and Research events to detect regulatory mutations concerns Trade restrictions recommended No fertile adult development

Figure 1 by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. Flow chart indicating proposed steps for fruit fly host status determination/designation. The entire approach is rooted in the fundamentals of the system, i.e., the evolutionary background of host plant associations, life-history parameters, ecology, physiology, and most importantly behavior. When quarantine systems are based on a systems approach, the entire system should be continuously evaluated by resampling and reanalyzing the components to improve security. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from

A. crebra, and their closely related relatives The other argument, that host ranges evolve (flies in the sister group Toxotrypana) spe- because of the selective advantages of mov- cialize on seeds or associated tissue of and ing to hosts that provide shelter from natu- attack latex-producing plants (e.g., Apocy- ral enemies, has not been formally tested, al- naceae, Asclepiadaceae, and Sapotaceae). In though Feder (53) provided evidence that, at contrast, some derived species (e.g., fratercu- least in the case of the apple maggot (Rhago- lus group) feed almost exclusively on fruit pulp letis pomonella), a shift from native hawthorns and are highly polyphagous (7, 9). Species to introduced apples did allow the frugivore such as A. ludens (also within the highly de- to gain enemy-free space. rived fraterculus group) have retained the abil- According to Zwolfer¨ (182) fruit flies arose ity to feed on both types of substrates (9). in the middle Tertiary (at least by the early • of Fruit Fly Host Use 475 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

Miocene), which means that tephritid fly– According to May & Ahmad (109) monoph- host plant associations began at least 20– agous insects strictly feed on plants of only one 25 mya. For example, the highly publicized species, oligophagous insects are restricted to Diet breadth: determined by rapid sympatric host shift of R. pomonella a single plant family, and polyphagous insects number of species of [it shifted from its ancestral host Crataegus feed on plants of many families and even or- plants included in an spp. to introduced apples (Malus domestica)in ders. Wefind it useful to add the stenophagous ’s diet northeastern United States in the late 1800s] category considered by Fletcher (60), which Conditional host: a was made possible by chromosomal inver- we define as species feeding on plants within host plant sions affecting key diapause traits occurring one genus. Diet breadth in insects has both in- unequivocally not in Mexico approximately 1.75 mya and that creased and decreased over evolutionary time found infested in the field but that can be subsequently introgressed into the United (20) and therefore should be treated as a con- infested under States (54). Inversion polymorphism that gen- tinuum (20, 79). Most species of tephritid flies, manipulated erated variation in diapause schedules facil- as is the case with most phytophagous insects, conditions (also itated synchronization with the fruiting pe- tend to have narrow host ranges (i.e., special- called potential or riods of the novel host (apples fruit earlier ists) (87). In the case of highly polyphagous artificial host). than hawthorns) (54). In addition, mutations species, the issue needs to be analyzed at the were needed to allow females to recognize species, population, and individual level be- the signature odors of the new host (68). We cause these types of insects exhibit a great note, however, that host shifts can also occur degree of variability in their host use pat- at a much faster pace. Observational and ex- terns (30, 40, 117). Importantly, among nat- perimental studies on individual oviposition ural or conditional hosts, not all are equally decisions and models such as the hierarchy- preferred or suitable for development (poor threshold model (35) have shown that indi- to good host gradient noted in Figure 1) (8, viduals can shift hosts during a lifetime (70, 26, 28, 95, 100), and even among nonhosts, 72, 154). some are acceptable under particular condi- tions. The latter led Hanson (79) to conclude that the boundary between host and nonhost Resource Exploitation Strategies should be drawn in the field (i.e., at the eco- and Diet (Host) Breadth logical level): “Host plants are those on which We adopt the classification by Zwolfer¨ (183) the completes normal development in with respect to the resource-exploitation nature.”

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. strategies exhibited by pestiferous tephritids: Classifications such as those listed above (a) opportunistic, broad-range exploiters (e.g., may be misleading owing to local feeding Anastrepha, , and Ceratitis) of pulpy adaptations. Fox & Morrow (67) indicated fruit that are multivoltine (Figure 1) and very that “many herbivorous insects have general- mobile, and that exhibit high reproductive po- ized diets over the species’ entire geographi- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from tential, no diapause, and little synchronization cal ranges but they function as specialists with between adult emergence and host fruiting restricted diets in local communities.” For ex- phenology; and (b) specialized exploiters (e.g., ample, in the case of the highly polyphagous ) of pulpy fruit that are mainly uni- , Jones (91) discovered that ac- voltine (Figure 1), exhibit long diapause pe- uleus morphology of several host-associated riods in the soil, and closely synchronize their populations found in South Africa was re- emergence with that of the fruiting phenology lated to physical characteristics of their hosts. of their hosts. Among the populations he studied, aculeus With respect to diet breadth, tephritid width decreased as host cuticle thickness in- flies can be placed within the following four creased, suggesting that individual popula- categories: monophagous, stenophagous, oli- tions remained associated with one host fruit gophagous, and polyphagous (60) (Figure 1). species for many generations.

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Constraints Limiting Diet (Host) fruit wounds is a good example of an adaptive Breadth syndrome in the case of fruit flies. For exam- ple, C. capitata females, which are constrained Although it is assumed that female oviposi- Phylogenetic tion decisions correspond with optimal host by a short aculeus, commonly use previous constraints: old suitability for offspring development (18), this oviposition holes [i.e., holes left by another characters in the phylogeny of a is not always the case (43, 143, 164). There conspecific or the female of another species species that can limit are cases in which females lay eggs in unsuit- (121)] and crevices in the epicarp (epidermis) of damaged fruit caused by bird pecks (129), the sorts of behaviors able hosts (usually referred as mistakes, but see that can evolve References 98, 110) or in which they do not or they lay eggs in ripe fruit that have senesced lay eggs in plants (fruit) on which larvae are to the point where toxic oils or allelochemi- able to develop (57, 58). Such inconsistencies cals have disappeared, allowing eggs to hatch may be due to phylogenetic constraints that and larvae to develop (77). limit the potential behaviors and life-history Yet another adaptive syndrome with a strategies that can evolve (69, 128). In the case phylogenetic basis leading to differences in of fruit flies, we refer to the suite of recep- host breadth might be derived from the rela- tors essential in finding hosts or recognizing tive neural capacities of various tephritid lin- surface chemicals which are constrained by eages. According to Bernays (21), “the evo- the insect’s anatomy, which is in turn con- lution of diet breadth in herbivorous insects strained mostly by phylogeny (i.e., charac- is constrained by a limited neural ability to ters bequeathed by ancestors). Another good efficiently process large amounts of infor- example of a constraint is aculeus morphol- mation in short periods of time.” On the ogy and associated sensilla (160). There are basis of this “neural-constraints hypothesis” (66, 99) and also the “loose receptor hy- species with short and pointed (e.g., C. capi- pothesis” (162), highly polyphagous fruit flies tata), short and serrated (e.g., A. fraterculus), such as . or would and long and pointed (e.g., A. ludens) aculei C capitata Bactrocera tryoni (91). Such characteristics may determine the be less efficient in discriminating among a type of fruit or vegetables females are able to wide array of volatiles and surface chemicals attack (e.g., soft versus thick skinned) or the when compared with a monophagous species type of chemical barriers they can circum- such as Anastrepha alveata. Work by Fitt (57) vent (23, 41). Among the economically im- lends support to these hypotheses. This au- portant fruit fly genera, there is a discernible thor compared five species of Bactrocera that

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. gradient when comparing aculeus length: flies differed in host breadth [i.e., monophagous ( . and . ), oligophagous ( . within Toxotrypana and Anastrepha have the B musae B cacuminata B ), and polyphagous ( . and . longest and flies within Bactrocera, Ceratitis, cucumis B tryoni B )] and in the extent to which they had and Rhagoletis have the shortest (91). jarvisi shifted to exotic fruit. Under laboratory con-

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from Another type of genetic constraint limit- ing or biasing the evolution of host associ- ditions, larvae of all species survived and de- ations is represented by the lack or paucity veloped in many cultivated fruits in which the of genetic variation. According to Futuyma specialist species never occur in the field. Fe- et al. (71), such a constraint may lead to avoid- males of the monophagous species would not ance of rather than adaptation to novel plants. oviposit in the novel fruit even in the absence Price (128) further postulated that there are of the natural host. In contrast, the highly “adaptive syndromes” that “are evolutionary polyphagous species would lay eggs in almost responses to the phylogenetic constraints that any fruit. Fitt (58) concluded that “the occur- minimize the limitations and maximize lar- rence of these Dacus species [currently Bactro- val performance.” Use of occupied hosts (e.g., cera] in cultivated fruits is constrained more reuse of previous oviposition punctures) or by the behavioural preferences of adult fe- males than by larval specializations. A genetic • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 477 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

change in some aspect of host recognition or ing fruit; and (c) male sexual pheromones, acceptance would be necessary for the special- volatiles emanating from rotting fruit, bac- ist species to regularly infest cultivated fruits teria, and other food sources, and species- Host quality: characteristics of a though no change in larval characteristics may specific volatiles emitted by the hosts of spe- host (usually a fruit) be needed.” cialized fruit fly species. After alighting on a evaluated by a female plant, vision becomes more important, as fe- prior to the act of males identify and approach individual fruit oviposition BEHAVIORAL ASPECTS according to their spherical shape, size, and RELATED TO FRUIT FLY HOST color (11, 131, 132). But importantly, if fruit ASSOCIATIONS are not fully ripe (a stage of development pre- ferred by most females to oviposit), there is The Catenary Process Involved an interaction between chemical and visual in Host Finding and Utilization cues that helps the female orient herself while Hassel & Southwood (81) postulated that a moving from leaf to leaf or branch to branch foraging insect perceives the environment at (11). While females are flying from leaf to leaf three hierarchical levels: habitat, patch, and (11) they apparently assess plant architecture, food item. A discussion of critical habitat and leaf chemistry, or leaf physical properties (44). patch characteristics influencing fly behav- Once on a fruit, females assess surface texture ior can be found in References 2, 5, 6, 134, and chemical properties with their tarsi and and 155. Writing on parasitic , decide to bore or not. If the decision is to Doutt (45) divided the catenary (i.e., step bore and the skin is pierced, sensors at the by step) process of successful into tip of the aculeus (137) send the last series of host-habitat location, host finding, host ac- signals, allowing the female to reject the fruit ceptance, and host suitability. Vinson (173) or to accept it and lay a batch of eggs. For then added a fifth component: host regula- example, sugars such as glucose and fructose tion. According to the rolling fulcrum model (73) and protein (65) promote egg laying. of Miller & Strickler (111), in this catenary process there is a complex interplay of external and internal excitatory and inhibitory inputs Factors that Influence Fruit Fly that lead an insect to engage or not engage in Oviposition Behavior a particular behavior (e.g., oviposit). A detailed description of the highly stereo-

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. What are the most critical factors at play typed oviposition pattern exhibited by most during the catenary process that lead to the pestiferous fruit fly species can be found in eventual acceptance of a host by a gravid fe- Reference 7. In broad terms it involves ar- male fruit fly? At the habitat and patch level, rival on fruit, examination (head-butting), ac- visual cues such as plant color, silhouette of uleus insertion, egg deposition, aculeus clean- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from tree against the sky (shape), size (all nonspe- ing, and in most species, aculeus dragging cific to hosts), and particularly the odors emit- (i.e., host marking) (Supplemental Video 1, ted by a fruiting tree (mainly but not exclu- follow the Supplemental Material link from sively host specific) lead a foraging female to a the Annual Reviews home page at http:// host plant (3, 10–12, 62). Light & Jang (101) noted that there are three types of volatiles Some of the most important factors that that can draw females (or males) to a particular influence fruit fly oviposition behavior and habitat, patch, or single tree: (a) general (i.e., that might lead a female to lay eggs into not tied to a particular plant species) “green a fruit outside of its natural host range in leaf volatiles” such as aliphatic aldehydes and nature or in experiments under artificial, alcohols emitted by leaves and unripe fruit; laboratory conditions are host quality [i.e., (b) volatiles, mainly esters, emitted by ripen- size, color, penetrability, degree of ripeness,

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presence of host-marking pheromone occurs when females die or otherwise lose (HMP)] (41 and references therein), reproductive competence before all mature (i.e., variability within and between popula- eggs have been laid.” The same author (120) tions) (35, 69, 70), learning (122, 130, 147), goes on to say that “a high risk of egg limita- number of ovarioles (i.e., potential fecundity) tion should cause females to become choosier (59), ovarian dynamics [e.g., egg load and with respect to the quality of hosts used for concomitant oviposition drive (motivation), oviposition” and “a high risk of time limita- ability to resorb oocytes, egg versus time limi- tion should, in contrast, cause females to adopt tations] (4, 40, 59, 120), aculeus wear (92), age strategies that increase the rate at which hosts (42), social context (facilitation, competition) are found, even if such strategies reduce the (46), chemical context (i.e., presence of fruit quality of hosts on which eggs are laid.” volatiles and sexual pheromones) (4), and in- Because opportunistic generalists can uti- dividual variation in oviposition decisions. Of lize many species as hosts (e.g., C. capitata), these factors, five in particular can play a criti- the seasonal abundance of hosts and associ- cal role when conducting artificial, laboratory ated opportunities to lay eggs for these species tests: (a) ovarian dynamics and oviposition are higher than for monophagous species (2, drive (i.e., motivation), (b) learning, (c) age 57, 58). But there is a trade-off between abun- and the concomitant aculeus wear in females, dance and predictability, in which the lat- (d ) social context, and (e) genetic and rearing ter is higher for a specialist. As a result, background (i.e., wild versus lab-reared flies) whereas the life cycles of specialist species of the particular population from which flies are synchronized with the fruiting phenology are drawn to conduct bioassays (37). of their hosts (183), in highly polyphagous With respect to ovarian dynamics, three species that is not the case. Because highly life-history components are worth highlight- polyphagous species cannot resorb oocytes ing: (a) the relationship between the num- and can in general terms be placed within ber of ovarioles (i.e., potential fecundity) and the time-limited, neurally constrained cate- breadth of host range, (b) the ability to re- gories, when females are deprived of ovipo- sorb oocytes, and (c) host use patterns with sition opportunities they accumulate eggs, respect to egg and time limitation. There which in turn increases their drive (motiva- is a dynamic relationship between these fac- tion) to lay eggs and lowers their preference tors and oviposition drive (i.e., motivation). thresholds (“electivity” sensu Singer) (152).

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. Fitt (59) reported that highly polyphagous That is, the probability of host acceptance in- species within Anastrepha, Bactrocera, and Cer- creases with time since last oviposition (see atitis had more ovarioles (higher lifetime fe- Reference 88 for an in-depth discussion of cundity) than more specialized monophagous this relevant topic). Thus, it should come as and oligophagous congeners. Furthermore, no surprise that a sexually mature C. capi- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from specialized species are usually able to resorb tata, B. dorsalis, or A. ludens female, with a oocytes and do so when deprived of their high egg load, exposed to a fruit or veg- preferred hosts (59). In contrast, oocyte re- etable not infested under natural field con- sorption has never been shown in highly ditions will readily oviposit into the novel polyphagous species such as C. capitata, B. pa- host (which would not happen with a highly payae, B. tryoni, and A. ludens. It follows that specialized species such as A. cordata or B. in general terms specialized species are egg cacuminata). Because larvae of many species limited, whereas highly polyphagous species can develop in plants not used in nature, it are time limited. According to Papaj (120), is likely that such an artificial setting can re- “egg limitation occurs when females de- sult in infested fruit. For example, as early as plete their egg supply before opportunities 1916, Back & Pemberton (15) documented ar- to oviposit are exhausted ....Time limitation tificial infestations (i.e., laboratory, not field • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 479 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

conditions) in bananas by the Mediterranean abort fruit early, hinder fruit development fruit fly and Baker et al. (16) documented in- to the point where they never ripen, or festations by A. ludens in bell peppers, toma- cause malformed fruit. If, under these cir- toes, walnuts, and prickly pears (also see Sup- cumstances, gravid females with a high egg plemental Figure 1, follow the Supplemental load exhibiting preadaptations and genetic Material link from the Annual Reviews home variance for hosts not used in nature (72) page at As oviposit into malformed (weakened) fruit or discussed below, what we are actually achiev- fruit from species not previously considered ing with such procedures is determining “the natural hosts, eggs may eclose and larvae may absolute limits to an insect’s host range” ac- develop into viable adults. Good examples of cording to van Klinken (171). the latter are the cases of Bactrocera xanthodes Again, the elegant work by Fitt (59) il- infesting malformed ‘Candy Red’ watermel- lustrates the above scenario. He showed that ons (Citrullus lanatus) in Tonga (159) and A. when females were deprived of their preferred ludens infesting ‘Rocoto/Manzano’ hot pep- hosts for up to 16 days prior to being assayed, pers (Capsicum pubescens) in Veracruz, Mexico the specialists B. cacuminata, B. cucumis, and (163). Field infestations by A. ludens in hot B. jarvisi retained strong preferences for their peppers had never been formally reported and particular hosts. When B. cacuminata females were most likely the result of a severe drought were deprived of their preferred host, they causing natural hosts (Citrus spp., Casimiroa did not accept any fruit outside their normal edulis, and Prunus persica) to be in short supply host range. Although B. jarvisi females readily or absent. Similarly, Aluja & Birke (2) showed accepted non-natural hosts when deprived of that when one of the preferred native hosts their preferred host (Planchonia careya), they of A. obliqua (Spondias purpurea) are grown ad- did not increase the number of eggs laid jacent to an introduced host (Mangifera in- with increasing periods of deprivation, nor did dica ‘Manila’), the latter are not infested. Only they accumulate oocytes (as was the case with when the fruiting season of S. purpurea was B. cacuminata and B. cucumis) (59). In sharp over did females of A. obliqua start infesting contrast, females of the highly polyphagous mangos. Fitt (58) concluded that a large num- species B. tryoni did not resorb oocytes and ber of the host records for B. tryoni are based oviposited readily into a previously unaccept- on a small number of flies reared from par- able fruit after only 4 days of host deprivation. ticular fruits on only one occasion, which de-

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. This author concluded that specialists differed spite being “suitable for larval development, markedly from generalists in the physiologi- are nevertheless not normally preferred by cal control of oocyte maturation. Whereas in females except when alternatives are unavail- B. tryoni there was “no inhibition of oocyte able.” In sharp contrast, the strong discrimi- development once the primary follicle had nation of B. cacuminata against fruit other than Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from matured,” in B. cacuminata, B. cucumis, and Solanum (57) represents a good example of ab- B. jarvisi each ovariole contained only one solute discrimination (“when the probability mature egg. According to Fitt (59), the high of acceptance of a particular plant species is egg load and concomitant change in behavior effectively zero and is not a function of an in- associated with the increase in egg load ob- sect’s motivational state,” 135). served in B. tryoni is likely one of the factors An alternative explanation to unexpected that explain why this species quickly accepts patterns of host use in the field involves the non-natural or exotic hosts when deprived of possibility of associative learning. Papaj & oviposition opportunities. Prokopy (123) and others (139) have demon- On occasion, environmental conditions strated that individuals of many pestiferous such as severe drought cause fruit trees to polyphagous species can learn and forget (i.e.,

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can be reconditioned to accept fruit they in the laboratory usually lose the ability to rec- had previously rejected). As documented by ognize fruit surface chemicals because their Prokopy et al. (130), in the apple maggot the tarsal receptors break or get blocked by fe- Physiological state: propensity to accept a particular fruit and re- ces and other substances such as food (usually the internal ject others is significantly influenced by recent protein/sugar), or they lose sensitivity because condition of an experience with that fruit. of low relative air humidity (157). If a fruit, organism that In sum, host plant choice is not the result of vegetable, or other object that is not a natu- influences its a simple behavior but rather it is the result of ral host is introduced into such a cage (e.g., behavior a “dynamic hierarchy of several components” radishes, string beans, strawberries, corn cob, Antibiosis: (172). Host utilization can vary within an in- potatoes, or even a pin-pong ball), females will characteristics in plants that inhibit sect species or within an individual in response readily accept it as an oviposition substrate egg eclosion, larval to changes in the internal physiological state (Supplemental Figure 1 and Supplemental development, or caused by a shortage of preferred hosts (151, Video 2, follow the Supplemental Material adult fitness 176) or by previous experience with hosts link from the Annual Reviews home page at (124). Changes in the internal physiological, which un- state may modify preferences by altering the der certain conditions may be an adequate perception of external cues (38) or the sen- rearing medium from which a viable adult can sitivity of peripheral receptors to a particu- be produced (16). lar stimulus coincident with the increase in egg load or by reducing thresholds for par- ticular responses (151). Consequently, the lo- HOST SUITABILITY AND THE cal host utilization patterns of polyphagous MECHANISMS USED BY FLIES insects, which exhibit preference hierarchies, TO OVERCOME PLANT may vary according to the relative abundance DEFENSES of potential alternative hosts when the pre- Host Plant Resistance to Fruit ferred host is absent (67). This finding led Fly Attack Fitt (57) to conclude that “the resistance of varieties which rely solely on behavioral non- Despite the fact that commercially grown preference may quickly be overcome when fruit tends to be less toxic to mammals than cultivated extensively, if the pests become less many wild species as a result of artificial selec- discriminating in the absence of more accept- tion (80), some fruit into which female fruit

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. able cultivars.” flies deposit single eggs or egg masses exhibit What happens when females of highly antibiosis, which according to Schoonhoven polyphagous fruit fly species are kept in small, et al. (144) “denotes reduced fecundity, size, crowded cages in the laboratory? If sexu- or longevity, and increased mortality of the ally mature females (particularly laboratory- attacking insect.” Earlier, Torre-Bueno (166) Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from reared ones) are forcibly kept in cages with- had defined “resistance factor” as “any con- out an egg-laying substrate, their oviposition dition in plants that protects them from in- drive gradually increases and, as time pro- sect infestation, including structures, chemi- gresses, egg dumping commonly occurs. Fe- cal substances in the plant, or physiological males repeatedly attempt to bore into cage conditions.” For example, citrus resistance to walls (138) or stick their aculeus through the fruit fly attack has been attributed in part to screen covering the cage and eventually start chemical characteristics of the peel (e.g., es- dumping eggs. The latter scenario occurs if fe- sential oils, 5,7-dimethoxy-coumarin, linalool males are not able to resorb oocytes, as is the in the flavedo; 78, 141) and to physical proper- case for B. oleae (61). Furthermore, flies con- ties such as peel thickness (principally flavedo tinuously kept at high densities in small cages thickness) and peel resistance to puncture • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 481 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

(23, 76, 100). Linalool together with benzyl who worked with ‘Sharwil’ avocados, reported isothiocyanate (BITC) in papayas helps repel increased susceptibility to fruit fly attack dur- damage by B. dorsalis (148), and resins flow- ing the dry season. Such findings support the Risk analysis: a process driven by ing from ducts in the peel of mangos render plant stress hypothesis, which postulates that epidemiological them partially resistant to the attack of various when plants are physiologically stressed, they principles through fruit fly species (29, 90). Finally, in the case of become more susceptible to attack by herbiv- which the risk of a apples, total phenolic content apparently in- orous insects (details in Reference 127). pest introduction fluences degree of resistance (126). into any given area, Importantly, there is a correlation be- via a commercially Mechanisms Used by Flies to traded commodity, is tween resistance and degree of fruit ripeness determined (41, 76, 77). One of the best examples of Overcome Fruit Resistance to Attack changes in host resistance during maturation One means to overcome resistance is to sim- was described by Seo et al. (146, 148). In ply lay the eggs away from the toxic barrier, ‘Solo’ papaya orchards, these authors asso- as is the case with the Mexican fruit fly, a no- ciated maturation with infestation rates and torious pest of commercially grown citrus. A determined that BITC was correlated with comparison of the sheath length papaya ripeness and had inhibitory effects (an indirect measure of aculeus size) of other on oviposition by C. capitata, B. dorsalis, and citrus-infesting fruit fly species (e.g., C. capi- B. cucurbitae. tata and some members of the A. fraterculus An effective response to fruit fly eggs by sibling species group) indicated that A. ludens fruit is the formation of hardened calluses had the longest aculeus, allowing females to around these eggs. These hardenings around lay eggs in the nontoxic albedo region and thus oviposition wounds have been reported for avoid the toxic flavedo (23). The long aculeus Persea americana cv. ‘Sharwil’ and ‘Hass’ av- of A. ludens probably represents an adaptation ocados (3, 102), as well as for lemons (Citrus to ovipositing into the seeds of its ancestral limon) (156). Calluses in conjunction with re- host plant Casimiroa greggii, also a Rutaceae generating tissue (94) may cause egg mortality (9). In contrast, A. suspensa, C. capitata, and by asphyxiation, since the eggs of many fruit South American populations of A. fraterculus fly species require about five days to hatch lay their eggs only in the flavedo region of (1). In addition to callus formation, in the the grapefruit peel and cannot avoid toxic es- case of certain cultivars of avocados and other sential oils, which cause high egg and larval

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. fruit species [e.g., lychees and longans (75)], mortality (23, 76). there is mechanical resistance (i.e., physical Females of A. ludens also facultatively ad- barrier) exerted by the epicarp such that fe- just clutch size when encountering an inhos- males of some species with short aculei (e.g., pitable medium for larval development. This A. fraterculus, A. suspensa, C. capitata, and B. phenomenon was experimentally confirmed Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from dorsalis) cannot penetrate and as a result eggs by Dıaz-Fleischer´ & Aluja (41), who found are left on the surface and quickly desiccate (8, that females of this species oviposited larger 119). According to Jones (91) epicarp thick- clutches in firm (unripe) versus soft (ripe) ness appears to be the primary host variable hosts (‘Ataulfo’ mangos were used), a mecha- responsible for influencing aculeus morphol- nism that significantly increases larval survival ogy, rendering this character of interest for in unripe fruit. Alternatively, when a female risk analysis considerations. encounters a poor-quality host, it may reduce Fruit (trees) weakened by disease or the number of eggs laid in a particular plant or drought partially lose their ability to quickly can adjust the size or nutritional content of the form calluses or to regenerate damaged tis- eggs (14). Yet another mechanism is exhibited sue, and this could explain why a few larvae by females of primitive species such as A. cor- are able to develop (3). Liquido et al. (102), data, which apparently probe the fruit until

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finding a route that circumvents the toxic larly, Aluja et al. (3), found that ‘Hass’ avoca- laticiferous canals of their latex-producing dos exposed under highly artificial conditions host (9). to gravid A. ludens females 3 and 72 h posthar- vest did not yield any larvae. In contrast, lar- val development was observed (albeit in small Effect of Cultivar and Time Elapsed numbers) in fruit exposed 24 and 48 h posthar- Since Harvest on the Degree of vest. Notably, none of the fruit exposed to Susceptibility to Fruit Fly Infestation three other Anastrepha species (A. obliqua, A. Ample evidence indicates that not all culti- serpentina, and A. striata) yielded any larvae vars within a particular species of fruit are (3). This shows that resistance mechanisms equally susceptible to infestation (26), and are dynamic and can be species specific. such information needs to be considered when determining host plant status and calculat- ing risk of fly introductions via infested fruit. Pree (126) and Reissig et al. (136) (and ref- A STEPWISE APPROACH TO erences therein) provided evidence that crab EXPERIMENTALLY DETERMINE apples and clones thereof (e.g., ‘Fuji’) were FRUIT FLY HOST STATUS completely resistant to the development of INCORPORATING RISK ANALYSIS CONSIDERATIONS R. pomonella larvae. Working with a species TO PROBLEM SOLVING within the A. fraterculus species complex that has recently started to infest apples in South- In this section we provide details on our pro- ern Brazil, Sugayama et al. (161) also found posed flow diagram (Figure 1) and a se- that the ‘Fuji’ cultivar was the least infested ries of definitions that will hopefully aid sci- (11% versus 55% survival when compared entists and regulatory officials in following with the native hosts within the Myrtaceae). science-based decision-making processes with Differential cultivar susceptibility to fruit fly respect to fruit fly/host plant designations. attack has also been shown in citrus (8 and ref- Our scheme recognizes the pioneering work erences therein, 100), guavas (133), and man- by Willard et al. (177), who 78 years ago pro- gos (29, 83). posed a stepwise approach similar to that of Egg eclosion and larval development/ Cowley et al. (36). Importantly, we propose survival differ, many times radically, in un- reversing the order of events by starting where

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. picked versus picked fruit (3, 26). Larval mor- Willard et al. (177) and Cowley et al. (36) left tality is significantly greater in fruit naturally off, that is, in the field. attached to the tree compared with picked Our flow diagram (Figure 1) is based on fruit (3, 26), a phenomenon most likely re- the fundamental aspects that drive host use lated to the fact that fruit condition changes by insects and key life-history parameters dis- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from substantially as soon as it is removed from the cussed above (e.g., host breadth, number of tree (113, 167). The ability of flies to artifi- generations). Weidentify risk analysis and sys- cially infest picked fruit under laboratory con- tems approach procedures to help strengthen ditions is intimately related to the time since the host-designation protocol to minimize er- harvest of the fruit used in bioassays, indicat- rors in interpreting results (i.e., minimize the ing that perhaps resistance mechanisms be- possibility of false positive and false nega- come less efficient or cease to function. For tive results) and to minimize the risk of ac- example, Oi & Mau (119) found that infesta- cidental introductions into importing coun- tions ranging between 0% and 30% were ob- tries. Highly polyphagous, pestiferous fruit tained from ‘Sharwil’ avocados exposed at 0–2 fly species such as C. capitata, B. carambo- h postharvest but that the numbers increased lae, B. dorsalis, B. papayae, B. tryoni, A. ludens, to 66.7%–100% at 3–7 h postharvest. Simi- and A. suspensa should be considered prime • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 483 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

candidates to be submitted to our experimen- realized (i.e., natural) host range as “the actual tal protocol. range of plants on which larval feeding occurs which is influenced much more by the behav- iors which allow adult females to locate, rec- Operational Definitions ognize and accept different plants for ovipo- We define a natural host as a fruit taxon sition,” while van Klinken (171) defined the that has been unequivocally reported to term (under “field host range”) as “what actu- be infested under totally natural field con- ally happens in the field” or, in the words of ditions (i.e., nothing is manipulated; de- Hanson (79), “host plants are those on which tails under “Guidelines for Reporting Fruit/ the animal completes normal development in Vegetable Infestations by Fruit Flies in nature.” Van Klinken (171) goes on to state Nature,” follow the Supplemental Material that “under field conditions, the realized host- link from the Annual Reviews home page range is frequently a subset of the fundamen- at A non- tal host-range. That is, insects often accept or natural host is a fruit taxon that has never been use only a proportion of those that they are unequivocally reported to be infested under capable of.” unmanipulated field conditions but has reli- Nechols et al. (114) indicated that the “fun- able experimental evidence that it could pro- damental host range” is genetically delim- vide adequate properties to be infested and ited and that the realized host range “is con- produce reproductive adults under manipu- strained by environmental influences, which lated (artificial) laboratory conditions. include physical (e.g., geographic barriers, cli- These two host classes have been discussed matic tolerance) and biological (e.g., competi- under a variety of terminologies (58, 114, tion, ) factors.” For example, in the 171) that incorporate the fundamental evo- case of a univoltine fruit fly, lack of coinci- lutionary, behavioral, physiological, genetic, dence between adult emergence patterns (in and ecological underpinnings of host use dis- temperate regions driven mainly by diapause cussed above: fundamental (conditional, po- schedules) and fruiting phenology will limit tential, artificial) = non-natural and realized the use of a host that is perfectly suitable for = natural host range. These concepts are de- larval development. An example of this sit- rived from the pioneering conceptualization uation providing quarantine security in cer- by Hutchinson (85) on the nature of the niche: tain regions has been described by Yokoyama

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. fundamental and realized niche, with Fitt (58) & Miller (180, 181) for the walnut husk fly being the first to introduce them into the fruit (Rhagoletis completa), which infests the wal- fly literature. Fitt (58) defined fundamental nut Juglans regia. This species can infest cer- (he used the word “potential”) host range as tain stone fruits grown in the San Joaquin “the entire range of plants on which develop- Valley counties of California. However, these Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from ment is possible and that will be influenced stone fruits mature and are harvested before largely by the physiological and morpholog- the husk fly populations emerge, so the stone ical adaptations of larvae which allow them fruits are effectively phenologically isolated to utilize the available nutrients and detoxify from the walnut husk fly pests (180). or avoid toxic secondary compounds.” More As noted by van Klinken (171), the fun- recently, van Klinken (171) defined the fun- damental host range can be determined for damental host range as follows: “the absolute each developmental stage of the insect [e.g., limits to an insect’s host range, which cir- egg, (each instar if necessary), pupae, and cumscribe fundamental host range, are con- adult] or for the life cycle of the insect. In the strained by such factors as its metabolic and case of adults, van Klinken notes that the con- sensory capabilities, physical limitations and cept can be refined to the level of determining behavioral programming.” Fitt (58) defined the limitations (constraints) faced at each step

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in the catenary process of host finding and ac- than during periods prior to free-trade agree- ceptance. The fundamental host concept can ments. It is thus critical that generic names be useful when comparing the ability to de- such as avocados, mangos, oranges, or ap- velop in a potential or conditional host by sev- ples be avoided in this context. For exam- eral species in one genus, as was the case with ple, many times authors do not refer to P. the ‘Hass’ avocado and forced oviposition by americana but simply to “avocados” and al- A. ludens, A. obliqua, A. serpentina, and A. stri- most never specify the expert plant taxonomist ata females. Of these, only A. ludens larvae who identified the Persea species and cultivar reached the pupal stage, with no adult emerg- they worked with or the expert fruit fly tax- ing from the undersized pupae (6). That is, onomist who identified the fruit fly species in- such a fruit would fall into the category of volved and kept voucher specimens. Consid- fundamental or conditional/artificial host for ering that the genus Persea is divided into the the egg and larval stages, but it would not be subgenera Persea and Eryodaphne, that world- part of the natural (realized) host range. We wide there are more than 85 species of Persea believe that adopting the fundamental versus (145), and that within P. americana there are realized host range concepts will allow regu- more than 500 cultivars (96) of West Indian, latory and quarantine officials to decide, case Guatemalan, or Mexican origin (145), the by case, the level of resolution required for word “avocado” becomes meaningless, at least calculating sample sizes and risk (63). in the context of fruit fly/host plant determi- For the sake of completeness in this re- nation/designation. The same applies to man- view, we note that Hennessey (82) pro- gos, oranges, apples, and many other fruit posed host definitions for regulatory appli- species in which case there are also hundreds cations that fully coincide with our proposed of cultivars (142). scheme: fruit fly nonhost, fruit fly host, con- Furthermore, many times there is a prob- ditional fruit fly host, and conditional fruit fly lem with respect to the quantities of fruit that nonhost. were sampled and the degree of infestation reported because there is a significant dif- ference between one larvae/fly per fruit and Field Surveys and the Need one larvae/fly per 10, 100, or 1000 pieces of for Accuracy When Reporting fruit (31, 63). For example, Uchoaˆ & Zucchi Fruit/Vegetable Infestations (169) collected 50 pieces of fruit of P. ameri- by Fruit Flies in Nature

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. cana in Mato Grosso, Brazil, weighing on av- Once we have given consideration to the fun- erage 17 g. From this sample, they recovered damentals of host use by fruit flies and have 120 adult flies (),of which 82.5%, access to clearly stated operational definitions, 16.7%, and 0.8% (one specimen) were uliids the next critical step is to gather credible in- (formerly otitids), flies in the genus Neosilba Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from formation in the field based on past, cur- (Lonchaeidae), and A. striata (Tephritidae), rent, and future surveys. Such surveys allow respectively. researchers to determine whether any given Finally, we need to eradicate the problem fruit (or vegetable) is a natural host or not. caused by chains of citations referring to an This dichotomy represents the crux of our originally flawed report. For example, Rust proposal. (140), who had no hard evidence whatsoever Given that phytosanitary considerations [i.e., information provided was obtained from are frequently the major barriers to trade a government list or based on supposed per- in fresh fruit/vegetables, the need for accu- sonal knowledge: “ .... following fruits which racy in reporting fruit fly/host associations the author knows to be infested ....” (italics (and expunging dubious records) has taken a added)], has ever since been cited and recited much more significant role in market access without any scrutiny [e.g., Costa-Lima (32) • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 485 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

citing Rust (140) and then Blanchard (24) cit- antine security by quarantine treatments and ing Costa-Lima (32), who in turn was cited combinations of treatments and population by Turica et al. (168) and so on]. Even more control, in connection with host status, can damaging is that this misinformation ended be found in References 63, 64, 104, 106, 107, up in annotated host catalogs (174) and elec- 125, and 150. tronic host plant databases (115, 116) that The purpose of regulatory quarantine ac- are used worldwide. Instead of legitimizing tions is to prevent transport of infested com- such flawed records by incorporating them modities and to reduce the risk of introduc- into respectable databases, they should, in our ing pests into pest-free areas. The term risk is opinion, be expunged from the record or not defined as the “probability that an outcome cited. We propose a series of strict guide- will occur times the consequence or ‘level lines for future natural host plant reports that of impact’ should that outcome occur” (93). should help solve these types of problems (fol- Regulatory agencies and international work- low the Supplemental Material link from the ing groups have addressed the issue of risks as- Annual Reviews home page at http://www. sociated with international trade of fresh com- modities. A summary of agreements under the International Plant Protection Conven- tion (IPPC) has been reviewed by Devorshak Quarantine Treatments, Risk & Griffin (39). Documents published by the Analysis, and Systems Approach IPPC that describe the standards for control- to Address Issues Related ling spread and introduction of plant pests are to Natural Hosts found in a series of International Standards for Once we have rigorously determined that a Phytosanitary Measures (86). particular fruit or vegetable is naturally in- The process of pest risk analysis for exotic fested under unmanipulated field conditions, pests as trade issues is described in References and have provided adequate information on 49–51. Devorshak & Griffin (39) summarize the ecological context in which such infes- this process as three stages: (a) initialization, tations occurred, a series of steps follow. In in which pests are identified as potential haz- the flow diagram (Figure 1) both the natu- ards; (b) risk assessment stage, in which the ral host and the non-natural host dichotomies probability and consequences of establish- ultimately end with options that include ad- ment are evaluated; and (c) risk management

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. ditional research, quarantine treatment, and stage, in which options for eliminating or re- risk analysis and systems approach. For exam- ducing pest risk are evaluated and recom- ple, continuing research is advisable to answer mendations are developed. Problems with the questions such as the similarity of volatile pro- initialization stage can be due to unreliable files or contents of secondary metabolites in literature and taxonomic questions concern- Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from different cultivars of a particular fruit species ing whether evaluations should be limited to a infested in the field. Additionally, we need specific cultivar or the plant species in general. to apply risk analysis, systems approach, and For the risk assessment stage, the issue of host quarantine treatment procedures should any status for quarantine consideration has occa- given country be interested in importing a cer- sionally been highly contentious. The type of tified natural fruit fly host. For example, a se- research proposed here will hopefully clarify ries of postharvest treatments have been ap- matters. However, this stage extends past the proved by the USDA APHIS as quarantine issues of pest biology and many times involves treatments (170), but these can vary depend- economic, social, and political considerations ing on the particular circumstances or com- that inevitably creep into the process of host mercial partners involved. Relevant reviews plant status designation. Dealing proactively of methods for achieving and evaluating quar- with these types of pressures is as important as

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determining the host status of a given a commodity following scientifically accept- able methods because science-based decision- making processes represent the only accept- able mechanism to resolve any dispute on this matter. Risk management returns options in- cluding those covered by components of the systems approach.

Oviposition Bioassays Under Forced, Artificial Conditions If there is credible information indicating b that a particular fruit or vegetable species or cultivar is not naturally infested in the field (Figure 1, non-natural host box), then a se- ries of tests are needed to determine whether sexually mature, gravid females will respond to the volatiles and lay eggs into a particu- lar fruit (considering such factors as fly con- dition, degree of ripeness, cultivar, and eco- logical context in which fruit is grown). We also need to experimentally determine if the commodity allows eggs to hatch and sustains c larval development, if such larvae are able to pupate, and most importantly, if emerging adults are able to reach sexual maturity and produce viable progeny. In other words, to determine the fundamental host range (171). Note that any test under highly artificial con- ditions inevitably entails the danger of elicit-

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. ing aberrant behaviors in flies (Supplemental Figure 1 and Supplemental Video 2), po- tentially leading investigators to reach flawed conclusions at least from a biological and Figure 2 regulatory perspective (i.e., false-positive and

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from (a) Field cage enclosing entire fruit-bearing guava tree, which is an ideal false-negative results). The non-natural con- experimental arena to conduct foraging behavior tests. (b) Fruit-bearing ditions in these tests can lead to manipula- branch (Mangifera indica ‘Manila’) enclosed by tulle screen into which fruit tions such as early removal of larvae from fly females can be artificially released. (c) Plexiglas cage into which harvested a poor host (requiring greater development fruit have been introduced to conduct oviposition tests under highly time than a preferred host), resulting in low artificial laboratory conditions. Ideally, fruit should be naturally attached to peduncle and branches should have foliage naturally attached to them. or failed pupation and lack of adult emergence (false-negative results). There are three approaches to forced, ar- wooden or Plexiglas cages containing har- tificial oviposition bioassays: (a) field cages vested fruit (3, 177) (Figure 2c). We strongly or greenhouses covering entire fruit-bearing recommend avoiding tests with picked fruit trees (Figure 2a), (b) enclosed fruit-bearing because, as noted above, fruit condition and branches (3, 177) (Figure 2b), and/or (c) the volatile profile emitted by the fruit change • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 487 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

radically as soon as it is removed from the tree tion (a real limit of the fundamental host (113, 167). As a result, infestation records un- range). der such highly artificial conditions contribute While running the battery of tests de- only marginally to our understanding of the scribed above, there are a series of critical biology of fruit fly host use and, most im- methodological considerations that need to be portantly, contribute little to the process of taken into account (details in References 3, 8, host plant status determination/designation 82, 108, 153, and 171). Owing to space restric- because such records only confirm that we are tions we cannot address them here in detail. dealing with an artificial host. Testsunder the Nevertheless, given their potential influence first two approaches are run in the field, and on the outcome of bioassays, the follow- the last approach is usually run in the labo- ing factors should be adequately controlled: ratory, although cages can be placed in the (a) physiological and physical state of the in- field under the shade of a tree. All tests can be sect, in particular egg load and concomitant run under choice (i.e., known natural host plus level of motivation, degree of hunger (only test commodity offered to females simulta- well-fed insects should be used), age (spread in neously) or no-choice conditions. Preferably age classes of insects used in bioassays should wild flies should be used, although on occa- be reduced to a maximum of 5 days), low level sion one needs to resort to laboratory-reared of wear or damage to critical structures (tip insects as wild flies are not always available in of aculeus, antennal and/or tarsal receptors, large enough numbers or when comparing the wings); (b) use of wild, wildish (i.e., wild geno- performance of wild versus laboratory-reared type reared for a defined number of genera- flies is of interest (see Reference 6 for further tions in natural hosts under laboratory con- details). For a review of potential problems ditions), or laboratory-reared flies stemming with choice or no-choice tests, we refer the from a defined geographical region to sidestep reader to References 108 and 165. Only the local adaptation issues; (c) degree of ripeness first approach allows for detailed observations of fruit, measured by dry matter or sugar con- on foraging behavior. tent; (d ) health (vigor) of fruit-bearing tree; When females of polyphagous species, es- (e) consideration of potential variability in pecially those reared in the laboratory, are both the commodity and experimental fruit exposed to fruit under no-choice conditions fly populations over entire growing areas and or even under choice conditions, particularly periods (details in Reference 82); ( f ) con-

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. in field enclosed, fruit-bearing branches or sideration of differences among cultivars; ( g) in laboratory cages, they will lay eggs into repetition of experiments during wet/dry or the test fruit (or vegetable), which allows warm/cold seasons that should be adequately for the determination of larval development, replicated. Furthermore, we suggest adopting pupation, and adult emergence (and perfor- the definitions by Singer (153 and references Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from mance). Oviposition activity under highly ar- therein) for terms widely used in tests aimed tificial conditions can be observed because at determining host range or host status. we have artificially bypassed critical distance A number of experimental factors can af- cues that a foraging female would use to de- fect the outcome of artificial, laboratory or tect its host under field conditions. Many caged tests in the field. For example, Oi & times the eggs are laid into fruits that are Mau (119) demonstrated that tree-attached never infested in nature. In addition, females ‘Sharwil’ avocados could be infested by B. will sometimes attempt to bore and lay eggs, dorsalis and C. capitata, whereas Armstrong but are unable to do so because they cannot et al. (13) reported that no infestation by puncture the epicarp of the fruit. As a re- these species occurred. Discussion by Oi & sult, eggs are only partially inserted or left Mau (119) identified differences in the num- on the fruit surface, causing rapid desicca- ber of females released [35 (119) versus 5

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females per cage (13)] and exposure time to the already prompting a ruling by a World Trade fruit [3 days (119) versus 24 h (13)]. Methods Organization Dispute Panel in 1998. The rul- of holding and evaluating fruit can also vary ing came upon the request of U.S. plant pro- among tests. For example, Aluja et al. (3) re- tection authorities fending off requests by the moved larvae from both ‘Hass’ avocados and government of Japan that every single cultivar the preferred hosts (mango, sapodilla, guava, of peach and tangerine be tested for effective- and grapefruit) in their caged tree tests after ness of fumigation procedures as treatments 22 days (when fruit were totally rotten and against the codling moth (178). all living larvae had exited). In contrast, Ohto Baker et al. (17) developed a maximum pest et al. (118) showed that development time limit concept for determining the level of fruit (egg to adult) for cage-infested mangos and infestation that would be permitted for vari- grapefruit was 36 days and for their “avocado” ous commodities combined with a posthar- samples the development time was 52 days. vest treatment. They based their detections Bush (27) and Willard et al. (177) avoided of infested fruit on the numbers of fruit cut these problems by holding fruit until larvae for inspections, but they did not consider the exited (as described in Reference 3) and then accuracy of the inspection process (false neg- holding pupae for adult emergence. atives with infested fruit not detected when cut), which, as shown by Gould (74), can be low (i.e., most fruit below 50% efficacy). QUARANTINE TREATMENTS, A series of other publications have ap- RISK ANALYSIS, AND SYSTEMS proached methods of calculating inspection APPROACH TO ADDRESS requirements, distributions of pests among ISSUES RELATED TO BOTH fruit, and estimates of numbers of pests pass- CONDITIONAL AND NATURAL ing through ports of entry. Mangan et al. HOSTS (103), who used A. ludens infestation rates in Once oviposition bioassays are completed, the various citrus and mango cultivars from field following dichotomy will emerge: The insect collections, showed that for unmanaged pop- is or is not able to complete its life cycle. If the ulations, the infestation rate allowed infesta- insect cannot, then the commodity is labeled a tion levels high enough so that in commercial nonhost and what follows would be screening shipments even with the Probit 9 treatment, every 15–20 years to detect mutations in fly more than two survivors would be introduced

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. populations that would allow certain individ- and, using the equations of Couey & Chew uals to develop in a fruit or vegetable (and (34) to evaluate levels of inspection, large sam- cultivars thereof ) previously unfit for it. If ples of fruit would have to be cut at ports of the insect can complete its life cycle, then the entry to detect these survivors. commodity is labeled a potential, conditional, Yamamura(179) used infestation data from Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from or artificial host. If such is the case, four pos- Mangan et al. (103) to examine and predict sible routes emerge: (a) additional research to fruit inspection requirements for shipments determine degree of suitability, particularly in entering Japan. He assumed a beta distribu- the case of cultivars; (b) risk analysis including tion of pests among fruit rather than a Poisson pathway analysis; (c) development of quaran- distribution, and although it was not shown tine treatments, and (d ) consideration of the that this distribution is the best for this type economic and political impact of the possi- of calculation, it does address the non-Poisson ble importation of the commodity if there is problem. Precision of the inspection system opposition by stakeholders but guaranteeing (74) is also a crucial factor in Yamamura’s that final rulings are science based and not system. politically motivated. The issue of differen- Follett & Hennessey (63) have recently tial cultivar susceptibility is a contentious one attempted to develop calculation criteria for • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 489 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

determining confidence limits and sample that “simplistically combine” them into a sizes for evaluating nonhost status. The calcu- model. lation methods used by Couey & Chew (34), Superficially, the use of a systems approach Landolt et al. (97), and Baker et al. (17) applied to quarantine security would appear to have in this paper are all based on pests distributed lower security than a system of certifying pro- among fruit or commodity units as a Poisson ducers and having postharvest treatments. Re- function. However, nearly all data for infes- views of the literature, however, show that tation distributions among fruit show a neg- importation systems having Probit 9 levels ative binomial distribution, with the variance have failed to prevent pest entry. Mangan & in pests among fruit far exceeding the mean Hallman (104) give several examples of heat (103). treatments that have failed to provide quaran- Mangan & Sharp (106) corrected the equa- tine security. Failures of fumigation systems, tions of Seo et al. (147) to propose methods of though reported less frequently, also allow evaluating multiple quarantine treatments or fruit flies to survive. Perhaps the most con- combinations of treatments, as not all com- tentious recent failure was the finding of sur- modities respond equally well. For exam- viving Mediterranean fruit flies in ‘Clemen- ple, when Mangan et al. (107) tested quaran- tine’ oranges exported from Spain to the tine treatments for three citrus commodities United States (55). This failure occurred three (grapefruit, ‘Valencia’ oranges, and ‘Dancy’ years after the massive, repeated outbreaks of tangerines) using the identical A. ludens strain, Mediterranean fruit flies in Florida, so pub- equipment, rearing facilities, and technicians, lic attention was significant. The imposition they discovered that mortality models (Probit, of a more rigorous systems approach, in ad- Logit, Cloglog) indicated that mortality dis- dition to better regulation of the detection tributions in the dose response tests differed programs and more efficient population con- among the fruit types. trol (105) and less costly eradication options In many of the cases discussed above, espe- such as preventive sterile fly release programs cially Jang & Moffitt’s(89) proposal of the sys- (48) operating in high-risk areas in Florida and tems approach, the host status differences are California and the area-wide fly-free area for included as important components of infesta- Mexican fruit fly in south Texas,suggests that tion probability that can determine the num- the newer multi-approach systems to stop en- bers of pests entering a quarantined habitat. try of exotic fruit flies are indeed preventing

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. Sequeira (149) has illustrated the pathway for outbreaks that typified the 1990s. However, if introduction of pests by movement of com- the regulatory combination of detection and modities and establishment of pests as a series action are not vigilant against a pest species, of components. In his expression, probability even monophagous fruit fly pests such as the of pest entry establishment includes the size of fruit fly (B. oleae) may enter and establish Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from the shipment, probabilities of fruit infestation populations. and pest surviving to the fruit harvest, pos- sible selection of fruit at harvest, postharvest treatment, mortality during packing (culling CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE of fruit) and shipment, and arrival in a suit- DIRECTIONS able habitat and locating a suitable host under This review was designed to provide a con- suitable conditions in that habitat. Sequeira ceptual basis and to link the biology of host (149) further notes that the pathway com- selection and utilization by fruit flies to ac- ponents and their probability distributions tual protocols and interpretations for regu- must have common units and be independent. latory management. Fruit fly/host plant re- He therefore cautions against methods lationships (designations) represent a highly

490 Aluja · Mangan ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

complex phenomenon. Any effort to deter- (172) for other herbivorous insects. For ex- mine the host status of a particular commodity ample, we need to measure the overall genetic and the potential risks to agriculture will be variability in characters associated with host strengthened if the problem is viewed from as use, identify loci associated with host prefer- wide a perspective as possible and is solved by ence, study the possible inheritance of pref- rooting all experimental and technical proce- erence, and analyze the interaction between dures in the biology and behavior of the fruit genetic and environmental components possi- fly species involved and by developing flexible bly constraining host expansion. A strong ge- systems approaches applied on a case-by-case netic basis would in turn allow researchers to basis. Figure 1 depicts recommended survey study the physiological processes underlying and testing procedures along with feedback metabolic and behavioral responses to plant- loops for continuous monitoring that should derived cues (adult flies) and allelochemicals aid science-based decision-making processes (larvae). In this respect, molecular approaches in the future. to resistance (56) and the emerging field of nu- How could the study of fruit fly/host plant trigenomics (33), coupled with recent discov- relationships be advanced in the future? In our eries on plant defense mechanisms (25), will opinion, the only sensible route is to spon- undoubtedly help us better understand and, sor an uninterrupted effort aimed at gain- as a result, engineer host resistance to fruit ing deeper insight into the fundamentals that fly attack. For example, by investigating how drive host use by fruit flies because, as aptly nutrition alters global gene expression pat- noted by Cowley et al. (36), “host status should terns, one could rapidly evaluate how insects be regarded as a continuously evolving phe- respond to various fruit, or discover the resis- nomenon.” In this respect, we need to study tance mechanisms exhibited by, for example, the genetic mechanisms underlying host use P. americana ‘Hass’ when artificially infested by fruit flies along the lines outlined by Via by A. ludens (3).

SUMMARY POINTS 1. Given the economic and political impact of the issue of host plant status determination at the international level, here we present a conceptual and methodological framework that can aid scientists, regulatory officials, policy makers, politicians, and stakeholders

by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. in solving current and future disputes over the status of particular plants as fruit fly hosts. 2. Fruit fly/host plant relationships represent a highly complex phenomenon. Any effort to determine the host status of a particular commodity will be strengthened if the

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from problem is solved by rooting all experimental and technical procedures in the biology of the fruit fly species involved and by developing flexible systems approaches applied on a case-by-case basis. 3. Host plant choice is not the result of a simple behavior but rather represents a dynamic hierarchy of several components. Host utilization can vary within an individual in response to changes in internal physiological state (e.g., egg load) caused by a shortage of preferred hosts or previous experience with hosts. Consequently, in the absence of their preferred host, in polyphagous insects which exhibit preference hierarchies, local host utilization patterns may vary according to the relative abundance of potential alternative hosts. • Biology of Fruit Fly Host Use 491 ANRV330-EN53-24 ARI 2 November 2007 18:52

4. Some of the most important factors that influence fruit fly oviposition behavior and that can potentially lead a female to lay eggs into a fruit outside of its natural host range in nature or in experiments under artificial, laboratory conditions are: host quality, genetics, learning, potential fecundity, ovarian dynamics (e.g., egg load and concomitant oviposition drive, ability to resorb oocytes), aculeus wear, female age, social context (e.g., presence of conspecifics), chemical context (i.e., presence of fruit volatiles and sexual pheromones), and individual variation in oviposition decisions. 5. When analyzing fruit fly diet (host) breadth it is useful to treat it as a continuum and continuously evolving phenomenon as there is great degree of variability among individuals and populations of a particular species and also host ranges shrink and expand over time. On the other hand, absolute limits can be also found with some plants exhibiting complete resistance to infestation. 6. Among natural hosts (those found infested under totally natural field conditions) not all are equally suitable for larval development and even among non-natural hosts, some are acceptable under particular conditions (treated as conditional/potential/artificial host in this review). 7. Host plant designations should be science based and not be tainted by politi- cal/economic pressures by stakeholders. 8. Host status evaluations have been recognized as key factors in the systems approach that incorporates “all pre- and postharvest factors affecting infestation and establish- ment of pests into an integrated system to meet quarantine requirements (and thus satisfy conditions of the pest risk analysis).”

DISCLOSURE STATEMENT RLM: As a Research Entomologist for USDA-ARS, I make evaluations of host status for fresh commodities subject to fruit fly infestation. I serve on teams writing documents for USDA and FAO (the IPPC pamphlets), describing methods of evaluation and standards for by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. classification of commodities and Tephritidaepests. I advise both USDA and foreign agriculture agencies concerning the research approaches and regulatory decisions for actions concerning host status, needed quarantine actions, and the systems approach for import and export of fresh commodities. In this paper, Martın´ Aluja and I combined our knowledge and experience to

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from review the biology of host status for both research and regulatory decision making.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This review is dedicated to G.P. Fitt in recognition of his fundamental contributions to the study of fruit fly oviposition behavior and host use patterns and to A.L. Norrbom for his seminal contributions to our understanding of fruit fly–host plant relationships and to fruit fly /systematics, a critical component when validating host plant designations. We thank John Trumble for suggesting that we attempt this review and two anonymous reviewers for their technical and editorial suggestions. We are particularly indebted to J. Sivinski and A.L. Norrbom for critical, in-depth reviews. J. Rull, M. Hennessey, D. Thomas, F. Dıaz-Fleischer,´ and N. Papadopoulos also constructively criticized earlier versions of this review, offering

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suggestions for improvement and additional references. We also thank J. Nechols for fruitful discussions. We thank A. Anzures and L. Guillen-Conde´ for their invaluable all-encompassing support while we were writing and editing this review and for preparing Figure 1. D. Garcıa-´ Medel, A. Birke, and A. Anzures helped prepare the color pictures and film clips provided here. We also thank A. Anzures, G. Posey-Cardoso, C. Stuhl, and R. Ramırez-Romero´ for helping with literature searches. MA received financial support from the Mexican Campana˜ Nacional Contra Moscas de la Fruta, the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologıa,´ the Consejo Nacional Consultivo Fitosanitario, and the Instituto de Ecologıa,´ A.C.

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Annual Review of Entomology Contents Volume 53, 2008

Frontispiece Geoffrey G.E. Scudder ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppxiv Threads and Serendipity in the Life and Research of an Entomologist Geoffrey G.E. Scudder ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 1 When Workers Disunite: Intraspecific Parasitism by Eusocial Bees Madeleine Beekman and Benjamin P. Oldroyd pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp19 Natural History of the Scuttle Fly, Megaselia scalaris R.H.L. Disney ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp39 A Global Perspective on the Epidemiology of West Nile Virus Laura D. Kramer, Linda M. Styer, and Gregory D. Ebel pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp61 Sexual Conflict over Nuptial Gifts in Insects Darryl T. Gwynne ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp83 Application of DNA-Based Methods in Forensic Entomology Jeffrey D. Wells and Jamie R. Stevens pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp103 Microbial Control of Insect Pests in Temperate Orchard Systems: by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. Potential for Incorporation into IPM Lawrence A. Lacey and David I. Shapiro-Ilan ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp121 Evolutionary Biology of Insect Learning

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from Reuven Dukas pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp145 Roles and Effects of Environmental Carbon Dioxide in Insect Life Pablo G. Guerenstein and John G. Hildebrand ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp161 Serotonin Modulation of Moth Central Olfactory Neurons Peter Kloppenburg and Alison R. Mercer ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp179 Decline and Conservation of Bumble Bees D. Goulson, G.C. Lye, and B. Darvill pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp191 Sex Determination in the Hymenoptera George E. Heimpel and Jetske G. de Boer ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp209

vii AR330-FM ARI 9 November 2007 13:20

The Argentine Ant: Challenges in Managing an Invasive Unicolonial Pest Jules Silverman and Robert John Brightwell ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp231 Diversity and Evolution of the Insect Ventral Nerve Cord Jeremy E. Niven, Christopher M. Graham, and Malcolm Burrows pppppppppppppppppp253 Dengue Virus–Mosquito Interactions Scott B. Halstead ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp273 Flash Signal Evolution, Mate Choice, and Predation in Fireflies Sara M. Lewis and Christopher K. Cratsley pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp293 Prevention of Tick-Borne Diseases Joseph Piesman and Lars Eisen pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp323 Entomological Reactions to Darwin’s Theory in the Nineteenth Century Gene Kritsky pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp345 Resource Acquisition, Allocation, and Utilization in Reproductive Strategies Mark A. Jervis, Jacintha Ellers, and Jeffrey A. Harvey ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp361 Population Ecology of Insect Invasions and Their Management Andrew M. Liebhold and Patrick C. Tobin ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp387 Medical Aspects of Spider Bites Richard S. Vetter and Geoffrey K. Isbister pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp409 Plant-Mediated Interactions Between Whiteflies, Herbivores, and Natural Enemies Moshe Inbar and Dan Gerling pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp431 by Wageningen UR on 02/01/08. For personal use only. Ancient Rapid Radiations of Insects: Challenges for Phylogenetic Analysis James B. Whitfield and Karl M. Kjer ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp449

Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008.53:473-502. Downloaded from Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae) Host Status Determination: Critical Conceptual, Methodological, and Regulatory Considerations Martín Aluja and Robert L. Mangan ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp473 Codling Moth Management and Chemical Ecology Peter Witzgall, Lukasz Stelinski, Larry Gut, and Don Thomson ppppppppppppppppppppp503 Primer Pheromones in Social Hymenoptera Yves Le Conte and Abraham Hefetz ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp523

viii Contents