Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24 Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link


Visiting Lorient in August 2014, Irish president Michael D. Murphy had a speech* where he praised the value and the strength of the links between in Brittany. Bretons and Irish have indeed many friendly relationships and common points in history, culture, economy, sports...

He had some particular words about the development of in France and specially in Brittany, before meeting some representatives of our local GAA clubs.

While Lorient and are about to celebrate the 40th birthday of their twinning, it shows that the relationship between the 2 cities can explore new ways that have'nt been used before. Especially when we know that the GAA is becoming global and that breton clubs and members are particularly involved in its development abroad.

We're looking for a partnership with a GAA club in Ireland, in order to have sportive and cultural exchanges in the future.

I hope that this message will reach people and clubs interested in creating this new relationship about gaelic sports between Lorient and Galway.

Fabien Régnier Founder and Chairman of Lorient GAC


Lorient GAC members receive Irish President Michael D. Higgins, during the Interceltic Festival in August 2014

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24 Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link


Lorient GAC is a young club founded in 2012, and one of the 20 associations playing gaelic games in France. Like most of the clubs here in Brittany, it was founded by local people passionate by gaelic games, without any irish background.

In only 3 years, the Lorient GAC became one of the biggest and most dynamic club in France. In 2015, the club reached 60 members, including 8 ladies and 14 youth members.

Even if French players are essentially attracted by , we consider ourselves as a full GAA Club. Football is the main code but we keep in our mind the wish to develop .

Senior team

Founded with absolute beginners in 2012, the senior team improves its level each year, and reached the 4th place of the Breton league in 2015 (with 10 teams competing). Recently, the team reached the Intermediate final in the France championship.

Beside these local games, the Lorient GAC also took part in some international events, like GAA European tournaments in Paris, Maastricht, Madrid, or Athlone in 2013.

Some of our players were also selected in the Breton and French panels that played some international games over the past years, Lorient and Clermont in the France Intermediate Final like Brittany/Galicia in 2013 or France/Italy in 2014.

Ladies football

In 2015, we combined with the Vannes club to launch our first Ladies Football Team which made great beginning in the France Championship.

Lorient GAC official club photo, april 2015

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24 Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link


The youth development is really important for us, in order to perpetuate the playing of gaelic games in Lorient for the future. In 2014, we launched our first youth section welcoming children aged from 8 to 14 years old, and allowing them to discover gaelic sports and train weekly.

It was a great success, and our youth teams are now playing tournaments in north-west of France and channel islands, where they don't only face local teams, but also international clubs like Madrid, Fingallians... We also hosted a youth tournament for the first time in 2015. Lorient GAC youth team, 2014 There is also a high demand from breton schools who shows a great interest for gaelic sports. Regularly, we send them some members to teach the rules and skills of gaelic football.

Promotion of gaelic s ports

We set up various actions to promote gaelic games :

> A few members attended GAA Coaching and Referees courses

> We regularly organise initiations and exhibition games, like the one we did in 2013 in Moustoir Stadium just before the Ligue 1 soccer game between Lorient and Brest.

> Work placement : for the second time, we welcomed this year 2 irish students in Sports Management from IT Carlow, we also welcome irish students who come in Lorient through Erasmus program.

> Some of our members are also involved in the Brittany GAA board or the French Federation to take part in the development of gaelic games in the country.

> Each year, some events like St-Patrick's day or the famous Interceltic Festival (in August) are good opportunities to put the gaelic games under the spotlights. This summer, Lorient will host 3 international games between Breton and Galician teams, usually followed by a good attendance.

Exhibition before a Ligue 1 soccer game Brittany vs. Galicia in 2013

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24 Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link


We would like to set up a partnership with a GAA club in Ireland, and especially in Galway City, due to the twinning with our 2 cities.

For the Lorient GAC, it would be a great support, and would help us to cultivate our GAA spirit, by improving our knowledge and our experience of gaelic sports.

This partnership would allow you to:

• give your members the opportunity to travel and meet other teams and players • share your experience and knowledge of the sports with motivated people • discover a new and refreshing way of playing and thinking gaelic games • help us to spread the word and take part in the development of the GAA outside of ireland • generate interest and reputation abroad • The 2 captains before a game between take part in the friendly relationships beetween Lorient and Galway Lorient and Irish Navy Members in 2014

This partnership may take several forms, but here are a few ideas of what it could be :

• Visits and games for adults (mens and ladies) : invitation for exhibition games, friendly tournament, ... • Visits and games for children : invitation for youth tournament, football/hurling camps... • Exchanges for coaches, players and referees • Exchanges for schools, in order to include GAA activities in their program • Promotional activities...

This project already have the full support of Lorient City and we have no doubt these ideas will receive a warm welcome in Galway, in order to encourage this new relation.

A perfect moment

We hope to establish the first contact by the end of june, and to talk during the summer about future projects.

The 40th birthday of the twinning beetween Lorient and Galway will be celebrated in Galway on saturday 19th september, with the presence of many officials from the two countries.

Officials from our club would also be there and the moment would be perfect to make official this partnership and start working together.

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24 Lorient GAC Looking for a celtic link

Fore more information

Here are some links where you will find more information about our club :

• Club website : http://www.lorientgac.com/ • Our Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/LorientGAC • Our Twitter page : https://twitter.com/LorientGAC • Youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/LorientGAC


Fabien Régnier, chairman

[email protected] +33 6 66 77 31 24

Lorient GAC chez Pub Galway Inn 18 rue de Belgique 56100 LORIENT France

Lorient GAC – 18 rue de Belgique, 56100 LORIENT – France www.lorientgac.com – [email protected] - +33 6 66 77 31 24