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Our school: ITI “LUCARELLI” BENEVENTO Inside our school ITI “LUCARELLI” Courses and Conditions

• MECHANICS • THERMOTECHNICS • ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING AND AUTOMATION • ELECTRONICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS • INFORMATICS • The two-year period is orientative because, through the study of some scientific disciplines (physics, chemistry, technology and design), it gives an overview of future skills. • From the third year students study the subject of the chosen course, besides cultural subjects like English, Italian,Maths The three-year course aims at training a technician whose formation is characterized by greater firmness and unity, a solid possession of the basic tools (language, economic and legal , scientific, technological competences) and especially cognitive abilities and relational skills. BENEVENTO The town of Benevento

• Benevento is a town of , Italy, capital of the province of Benevento, 50 km northeast of Naples. It is situated on a hill 130 m (300 ft) above sea-level at the confluence of the Calore Irpino (or Beneventano) and Sabato. It is also the seat of a Catholic archbishop. • Benevento occupies the site of the ancient Beneventum, originally Maleventum or still earlier Malowent and Maloenton. The "-vent" portion of the name probably refers to a market-place and is a common element in ancient place names. The Romans theorized that it meant "the site of bad events", from Mal(um) + eventum. In the imperial period it was supposed to have been founded by Diomedes after the Trojan War. Benevento by night The Roman Theatre History of the Roman Theatre

• The theatre was inaugurated under the emperor Hadrian in the year 126 A.D and completed by Caracalla between 200 and 210 A.D. It has a capacity of 10,000 and is located in the western zone of the city in the vicinity of the cardo maximus of the roman city plan (corresponding to the modern-day Via C. Torre.) • The area of the theatre was abandoned during the first Longobard period but later with Arechis it became the centre of agricultural and artisan activity. It was absorbed into the mediaeval quarter of Triggio and became practically illegible. For example the church of St. Maria della Verita (St. Mary of the Truth) was built inside the left part of the cavea, or seating area, in the 17th century and used the theatre building as a sub-were demolishe, parts of the theatre buried underground were brought to light and consolidation work was carried out on the building. The Trajan Arch The Trajan Arch

• The Triumphal arch was erected in 114-117 in honour of the Emperor Trajan. Formerly enclosed in the city walls, this construction marked the entrance in Benevento of the Via Traiana, a road built by Trajan for linking Rome to Brindisi in a more direct way than by the older Via Appia (Appian Way). The arch is decorated with reliefs showing the civil and military deeds of Trajan. OUR REGION:CAMPANIA :THE ROYAL PALACE NAPLES The Amalfitan coast The Amalfitan Cathedral Poetry for water (Trilussa)

• If you let it go where it wants • It is wasted in the rivers to the sea • but if there are those who guide and reduce • and channel it to the workplace • just get the turbine moving • and it becomes force and light.