_OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- BAHRAIN (Exct Ops) ANNEXA SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR £ 0.485 /£ Sfilale/Unaccompariled Accompanied Full emporary Exercise/FJef Residual Number oJ~~ompanymQChifdren A6-sence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 3 I Rates (Note4) Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 38.78 23.27 13.57 31.41 VIce Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 46.85 52.95 57.06 59.70 2.63 18.53 and above 38.78 23.27 13.57 31.41 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Ma!lhal 46.85 52.95 57.06 59.70 2.63 18.53

38.78 23.27 13.57 31.41 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 46.85 52.95 57.06 59.70 2.63 18.53

38.78 23.27 13.57 31.41 Captain 1Group Captain 48.85 52.95 57.06 59.70 2.63 18.53

38.78 23.27 13.57 31.41 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 46.85 52.95 57.06 59.70 2.63 18.53 Squadron leader and 35.88 21.41 12.49 28.90 U&UtenantCOmmander Major (See Note 2) 43.20 48.84 52.66 55.13 2.47 17.09 See. Note 2) Specialist Aircrew (See Note 2)

35.68 21.41 12.49 28.90 Lieutenant RN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant(Seeilote 1) 4~.20 48.84 52.68 55.13 2.47 17.09

32.58 19.55 11.40 26.39 I Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below I Flying Officer and below 39.54 44.73 48.2~ -50.57 2.30 15.66 ReQiinental SSrgeant Major AM Warrant Officer arld 35.68 21.41 12.49 28.90 Warrant Officer t 43.20 48.84 52.66 55.13 2.47 17.09 Warrant Officer 1 ·warrant Officer 2 Filjjht Sergeant and 35.68 21.41 12.49 28.90 Warrant OffiC9r2 43.20 48.84 52.68 55.13 2.47 17.09 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Sl!!llllanl 35.68 21.41 12.49 28.90 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 43.20 48.84 52.66 55.13 '2.47 17.09

32.58 19.55 11.40 26.39 Leading Rating Corporal 39.54 44.73 48.27 50.57 2.30 15.66

Lance Coi'p0r8f a~d-Junior 32.58 19.55 11.40 26.39 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 39.54 44.73 48.27 50.57 2.30 15.66 Technician and below

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 1 November 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to A~ Senior Upper Yardmen lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch list Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied.~~teof LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA tor the normal LOA area whtch remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculatton based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels wtth seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. .OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- AUSTRALIA ANNEX A SHORE BASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR AUS$ 1.78 I£ SlnQl8/Unaccomp8rii8a AcCom~nrea

Full lemj)OFctryrxerCis~!=lfj Residual Absence AN ARMY RAF I Numti9rOfAccDriip~renJ Rates Rates Condittons Rates Deduction NIL 1 1 2 I 3 Additional Rates (~Q~4) 1 Child (Note 3) LieutenantGeneral 24.51 14.71 8.58 19.85 Wee Admiraland above Air Marshal and above 43.09 50.7t 55.71 59.44 3.72 17.75 and above 24.51 14.71 8.58 19.85 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 43.09 50.71 55.71 59.44 3.72 17.75

24.51 )4.71 8.58 19.85 Commodore(See note 5) Brigadier Air-Commodore 43.09 50.71 55.71 59.44 3.72 17.75

24.51 14.71 8.58 19.85 Captain Colonel Group Captain 43.09 50.71 55.71 59.44 3.72 17.75

24.51 14.71 8.58 19.85 Commander lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 43.09 50.71 55.71 59.44 3.72 .)7.75 LieutenantCommander Squadron Leader and 22.70 13.62 7.95 18.39 Major (See Note 2) 40.00 47.16 51.91 55.50 3.58 16.51 SeeNote_gt S~~i§!Ajr~r~eeNote 2

22.70 13.62 7.95 18.39 lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Ceptain (See ncite 1) Flight lieutenan~Seenote 1) .40.00 47.16 ~1.91 55.50 3.58 16.51

20.69 12.53 -7.31 16.92 ISub lieutenant and below lieutenant and below I Flying Officer and below 36.92 43.61 48.12 51.56 3.44 15.26 AeglmeiitiliSergeent M(iiorRM ,Warrant Officer and 22.70 13.62 7.95 18.39 Warrant Officer 1 40.00 47.16 51.91 55.50 3.58 16.51 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew warrant Officer 2 Warrant 2 Flight Seilleant and 22.70 13.62 7.95 18.39 Officer 40.00 47.16 51.91 55.50 3.58 16.51 Chief Petty Officer Staff Seraeant Chief Technician 22.70 13.62 7.95 18.39 Pefly Officer Sergeant Sergeant 40.00 47.16 51.91 55.50 3.58 16.51

20.69 12.53 7.31 16.92 leading Rating Corporal Corporal 36.92 43.61 48.12 51.56 3.44 15.26 l:ance Corporaland Junior 20.69 12.53 7.31 16.92 Below.Lea~ing Rating Below Corporal 36.92 43.61 48.12 51.56' 3.44 15.26 Technicianand below

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Subl.Jeutenants Effective Date: 1 January 2018

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Uppar Yardmen lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight lieutenants.

3. Deductionfrom appropriateaccompanied rate of LOA to producethe res1dualrate when both the Servicepersonand spou$8/Civilpartner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA tor the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are temporarilyabsent .fromtheir normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise.

Residual Rates may vary slightlydue. to roundings.This is a calculationbased on ~heFull Rate of LOA. ·

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with semorityearlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving6 years seniority. _OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- BELGIUM ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 1.11 /£ Singk31lnaccomoan ed Accompanied Ful emporary xerclse/Fiek Hesidual AN ARMY RAF Number Accom I hlldren Absence Rates Rates Conditions Rates NIL Additional Deduction 1 2 3 Rates (Note 4t Child jNote 3)

22.67 13.60 7.94 18.37 ViceAdmiralandabove ~::::v~GeneralAirMarshalandabove 31.14 37.04 40.56 43.14 2.58 12.96

22.67 13.60 7.94 18.37 Rear AQmiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 31.14 37.04 40.56 43.14 2.58 12.96

22.67 13.60 7.94 18.37 Commodore(Seenote5) Bngedler AlrCommodore 31.14 37.04 40.56 43.14 2.58 12.96

22.67 13.60 7.94 18.37 Captain Colonel Group Captain 31.14 37.04 40.56 43.14 2.58 12.96

22.67 13.60 7.94 18.37 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 31.14 37.04 40.56 43.14 2.58 12.96

20.96 12.56 7.34 16.98 ~:~~':~t~mander Major (Sea Note 2) ~=:.~~~=~~~~.Note28.90 34.41 37.75· 40.22 2.47 12.04 2

20.96 12.58 7.34 16.98 Lieutenant AN (See Notal) Captain (Sea notal) Flight Ueutenan~Seenote I) 28.90 34.41 37.75 40.22 2.47 12.04

19.25 11.55 6.74 15.59 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 26.68 31.79 34.95 37.32 2.37 11.13

20.96 12.58 7.34 16.98 ~":':~n~~=(\""ntMajor AM WanantOitlcer 1 :;;:"AI~~:and 28.90 34.41 37.75 40.22 2.47 12.04

20.96 12.58 7.34 16.98 Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 and 28.90 34.41 37.75 40.22 2.47 12.04 Ch1efPeJ!Y Off1cer Staff Seraeant Chief Technician 20.96 12.58 7.34 16.98 PeffyOfficar Sergeant Sergeant 28.90 34.41 37.75 40.22 2.47 12.04

19.25 11.55 6.74 15.59 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 26.66 31.79 34.95 37.32 · 2.37 11.13

19.25 11.55 6.74 -~_5.59-~-wLeedlngRating BelowCorporal 'f".:;:~:::::"c::'~unlor26.66 -~1.79~:s_ 37.32 2.37 11.13

1. This rate of LOA should alsot>e paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 1 September 2017

2. This rate of LOA shouldalso be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Ueutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch Ust Flight Ueutenants.

3. Deductionfrom appropriateaccompanied rate of LOA to produce iheresidual rate when both the Servicepersonand spouse/civilpartner are tempor~rllyabsent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area whichremains payable when slnglelunaccompamedpersonnel are temporarilyabsent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or ex:ercise.Residual Rates may vary slightlydue to roundings.This Is a calculationbaaed on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with senk>rityearlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- Brunei ANNEXA SHOREBASEO DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR B$ 1.76 I£

Si!}gl_e/Unaccoi'!!Q!l!lied Accom~1_1ied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence I RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates AddH1onal Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child ·(Note 3) Lieutenant General 28.95 17.37 10.13 23.45 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 39.80 45.69 49.78 52.81 3.03 15.99 and above

28.95 17.37 10.13 23.45 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 39.80 45.69 49.78 52.81 3.03 15.99

26.95 17.37 10.13 23.45 Commodore {See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 39.80 45.69 49.78 52.81 3.03 15.99

26.95 17.37 10.13 23.45 Captain Colonel Group Captain 39.80 45.69 49.78 52.81 3.03 15.99

28.95 17.37 10.13 23.45 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 39.80 45.69 49.78 52.81 3.03 15.99

Lieuten·antCommander Squadron Leader and 27.06 16.24 9.47 2t'.92 Major (See Note 2) 37.21 42.75 46.63 49.55 2.91 14.96 See Note2) [Specialist Aircrew (See Note 2}

27.06 16.24 9.47 21.92 Lieutenant RN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant( See note 1) 37.21 42.75 46.63 49.55 2.91 14.96

25.18 15.10 8.81 20.38 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 34.82 39.81 43.49 46.29 2.80 13.93

Regimental Sergeant Major RM Warrant Officer and 27.06 16.24 9.47 21.92 Warrant Officer 1 37.21 42.75 46.63 49.55 2.91 14.96 Warrant Offlcer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 27.06 16.24 9.47 21.92 37.21 42.75 46.63 49.55 2.91 14.96 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Sergeant Chief Technician

27.06 16.24 9.47 21.92 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 37.21 42.75 46.63 49:55 2.91 14.96

25.16 15.10 8.81 20.38 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 34.62 39.81 43.49 46.29 2.80 13.93

Lance Corporal and Junior 25.16 15.10 8.81 20.38 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 34.62 39.81 43.49 • 46.29 2.80 13.93 ~~---- ~~~11_andbel~ __

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 November 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch Ust Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servlceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are tem~rarityabsent from their normal lOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundlngs. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to RM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 8 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- BRUNEI (LSP) ANNEX B SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR B$ 1.76 /£ Single/Unaccompanied Accompanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates AddHional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note3) Ueutenant General 35.47 21.28 12.42 28.73 Vice Admiral and above ·Air Marshal and above 49.31 55.65 60.09 63.28 3.19 19.48 and above

35.47 21.28 12.42 28.73 Rear Admiral Major General Air VIce Marshal 49.31 55.85 80.09 63.28 3.19 19.48

Commodore or Captain 6 years 35.47 21.28 12.42 28.73 Brigadier Air Commodore 49.31 55.85 80.09 63.28 3.19 19.48 and over (see Note 3)

35.47 21.28 12.42 28.73 Captain under 6 years Colonel Group Captain 49.31 55.85 80.09 63.28 3.19 19.48

35.47 21.28 12.42 28.73 Commander Ueutenant Colonel Wing Commander 49.31 55.85 60.09 63.28 3.19 19.48

Ueutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 33.38 20.03 11.68 27.04 Major (See Note 2) 46.24 52.19 56.39 59.44 3.05 18.27 SeeNole2) Specialist Aircrew (See Note 2)

33.38 20.03 11.68 27.04 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain Flight Lieutenant 46.24 52.19 56.39 59.44 3.05 18.27

31.30 18.78 10.96 25.36 Sub Ueutenant and below Ueutenant and below Flying Officer and below 43.18 48.72 52.68 55.59 2.92 17.05

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 33.38 20.03 11.88 27.04 Warrant Officer 1 46.24 52.19 56.39 . 59.44 3.05 18.27 Warrant Officer 1 MasterNrorew l Warrant Offlcar 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 33.38 20.03 11.68 27.04 4824 52.19 56.39 59.44 3.05 18.27 Chief P~ _Officer Staff Sergeant Chief Technlcian 33.38 20.03 11.68 27.04 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant . 46.24 52.19 56.39 59.44 3.05 18.27 Corporal 31.30 18.78 ' 10.96 25.36 Leading Rating Corporal · 43.18 48.72 52.66 55.59 2.92 17.05

Lance Corporat and Junior 31.30 18.78 10.96 25.36 Balow Leading Rating Below Corporal 43.18 48.72 52.68 55.59 2.92 17.05 __ Technician and below. L____ --- , - ----·· ------_____

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants. Effective Date: 1 November 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, RM equivalents, Army LE Captams and Branch List Flight Ueutenants.

3. Deductton from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to prQducethe residual rate when bdth the Serv1cepersonand spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the nonnal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exerc1~e Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings.This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES· CANADA (ALBERTA) ANNEX A

SHORE~ASEDDAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR C$ 1.64 I£ in I naccom an1ed Accompamed Full Temporary Exercis8/Field Residual Number a! companying Children _!'bsence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates · Conditions Rates Additional Deduct1on Nil 1 2 3 Rates Note4 Child (Nole 3) 34.19 20.51 11.97 27.69 Vice Admiral and above Lieutenant General Air Marshal and above 48.48 57.71 64.30 69.41 5.11 2020 and above 34.19 '20.51 11.97 27.69 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 48.48 57.71 64.30 69.41 5.11 20.20

34.19 20.51 11.97 27.69 Commodore (See note 5) ~rigadier Air Commodore 48.48 57.71 64.30 69.41 5.11 20.20

34.19 20.51 11.97 27.69 Captain Colonel Group Captain 48.48 57.71 64.30 69.41 5.11 20.20

34.19 20.51 11.97 27.69 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 48.48 57.71 64.30 69.41 5.11 20.20 Lieutenant Commander 31.64 18.98 11.07 25.63 Major (See Note 2) Squadron Leader and 44.89 53.62 59.92 64.87 4.95 18.77 See Note21 SD&Clalist Aircrew See Note 2 31.84 18.98 11.07 25.63 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight lieutenant(See note 1) 44.89 53.62 59.92 64.87 4.95 18.77

29.09 17.45 10.18 23.56 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 41.31 49.53 55.54 60.33 4.79 17.34 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant-Officer and 31.64 18.98 11.f17 25.63 Warrant Officer 1 44.89 53.62 59.92 64.87 4.95 18.77 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and ' 31.64 18.98 11.07 25.63 44.89 53.62 59.92 64.87 4.95 18.77 Chief Penv Officer StaffSeraeant Chlef Technician 31.64 18.98 11.07 25.63 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 44.89 53.62 59.92 64.87 4.95 18 77

29.09 17.45 10.18 23.56 Leading Rating Corporal Corpore! 41.31 49.53 55.54 60.33 4.79 17.34 29.09 17.45 10.18 23.56 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal and Jumor 41.31 49.53 55.54 60.33 --- 4.79 ---17.34

1. This rate of LOA should also be pak:l to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants ~ffectiveDate: 1 May 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen lieutenants. AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servlceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temponirily absent from their norma! LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on-the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- CANADA (ELSEWHERE) ANNEX B SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR C$ 1.64 I£ Single/Unaccompanied com nied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Resid""l Number o Acc"om In hlldren Absence RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional DeductJon NIL 1 2 3 Rates Note 4 Child (Nole3) lieutenant General 38.85 23.31 13.60 31.47 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44 . nd above 38.85 23.31 13.60 31.47 Rear Admiral Major General Air VICe Marshal 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

38.85 23.31 13.60 31.47 Comrriodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 49.37 58.39 /64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

38.85 23.31 13.60 31.47 Captain Colonel Group Captain 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

38.85 23.31 13.60 31.47 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44 Ueutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 35.85 21.51 12.55 29.04 Major (Sao Note 2) 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 467 18.98 See Note 2 lsDecialist Aircrew See Note 2 35.85 21.51 12.55 29.04 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flitllt Ueutenant(See note 1) 45.72 54.23 6028 64.95 4.67 18.98

32.85 19.71 11.50 26.61 Sub Ueutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Offk:er and below 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52 Regimental Sergeant Major, AM Warrant Officer and 35.85 21.51 12.55 29.04 Warrant Officer 1 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 1.8.98 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew -

Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer FHgn~Sargeant and 35.85 21.51 12.55 29.04 2 45.72 54.23 60.28 84.95 4 87 18.98 hie! Pettv Officer Staff Seraeant Chief Technician 35.85 21.51 12.55 29.04 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98

32.85 19.71 .11.50 26.61 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52

32.85 19.71 11.50 26.61 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal Lance Corporal and Junior 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 May 2017 to 31 May 2017 2. This rate of LOA should ajso be paid to AN Senior Upper Y_ardmenLieutenants_, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servlceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA &rea which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporanly absent from their normal LOA area tor a period of temporary duty or exetcise. Residual Rates may. vary slightly due to roundmgs. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA. ·

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with senionty earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· CANADA (ELSEWHERE) ANNEXC SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFA C$ 1.64 I£ Sin le!Unaccornpanied AccomJ)!:lnied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note41 Child (Note31 Lieutenant General 36.36 21.82 12 73 29.45 Vice Adm1ral and above Air Marshal and above 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20 44 aneillt>ove 36.36 21.82 12.73 29.45 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

36.36 21.82 12.73 29.45 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

36.36 21.82 12.73 29.45 Captain COlonel Group Captain 49.37 58.39 64.73 69.57 4.84 20.44

36.36 21.82 12.73 29.45 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 49.37 58.39 84.73 69.57 4.84 20.44 Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 33.57 20.14 11.75 27.19 Major (See Note 2) 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98 See Note 2 Soeclalist Aircrew lSee Note 2 33.57 20.14 11.75 27.19 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant( See note 1) 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98

30.79 18.47 10.78 24.94 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and bela~ Flying Officer and below 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52 Regimental Sergeant Maior AM Warrant Officer and 33.57 20.14 11.75 27.19 Warrant Officer 1 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 33.57 20.14 11.75 27.19 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98 Chief Pettv Officer ~=~ra;.:,:;:'!~~r2 Chief Technician 33.57 20.14 11.75 27.19 Petty Otf1cer Sergeant Sergeant 45.72 54.23 60.28 64.95 4.67 18.98

30.79 18.47 10.78 24.94 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52

30.79 18.47 ' 10.78 24.94 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal Lance Corporal and Junior 42.07 50.06 55.82 60.32 4.51 17.52 L_ . ------. 1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 1 June 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch list Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate acoompanled rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servlceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporanly absent from the normaJ LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of. temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. _OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· CYPRUS ANNEXA SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 1.11 /.£ Single/Unaccompanied Accompanied

Full Temporary Exercise/Fief Residual Number ot Accom an_yino Ch~dren Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) I Child (Note3) Lieutenant General 19.21 11.53 6]2 15.56 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 37.30 42.97 46.10 46.07 1.97 15.04 and above

19.21 11.53 6.72 15.56 R'l:lar Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 37.30 42.97 46.10 46.07 1.97 15.04

19.21 11.53 6.72 15.56 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 37.30 42.97 46.10 46.07 1.97 15.04

19.21 11.53 6.72 15.56 Captain Colonel Group Captain 37.30 42.97 46.10 46.07 1.97 15.04

19.21 11.53 6.72 15.56 Commander Ueutenant Colonel Wing Commander 37.30 42.97 46.10 46.07 1.97 15.04

Ueutenant Commander Squadron Leader Bnd 17.77 10.66 6.22 14.39 Major (See Note 2) 34.49 39.74 42.64 44.46 1.84 13.91 See Note 2) Specialist Alrcrew (See Note 2 . 17.77 10.66 6.22 14.39 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant( See note 1) 34.49 39.74 42.64 44.46 1.84 13.91

I 16.33 9.80 5.72 13.23 Sub Lieutenant and below lieutenant and below Flying Olllcer and below 31.66 36.52 39.20 40.91 1.71 12.78

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 17.77 10.66 6.22 14.39 Warrant Officer 1 34.49 39.74 42.64 44.48 1.84 13.91 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 17.77 10.68 6.22 14.39 34.49 39.74 42.84 44.4,8 1.84 13.91 Chief Petty Officer Staff Sergeant Chief Techniclan

17.77 10.86 6.22 14.39 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 34.49 39.74 42.64 44.46 1.84 13.91

16.33 9.80 5.72 13.23 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 31.68 36.52 39.20 40.91 1.71 12.78

Lance Corporal and Juntor 16.33 9.80 5.72 13.23 Betow leading Rating Below Corporal 31.68 38.52 39.20 40.91 1.71 12.78 -- -- Technician and betow

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 1 January 2018

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper YarQmen lieutenants, AM equivalents. Army LE Captains and Branch list Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the- ServicepefSon and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal lOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal lOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5: Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieying 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· FALKLAND ISLANDS ANNEX A SHORE BASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFR 0.00 1.000 /£

Single/Unaccompanied Accomp~nied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of ACCOf!lpBnina Children Absence AN ARMY RAF 'Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Oedudion NIL 1 2 3 Rates 1Note4)_ Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 31.74 36.92 40.20 42.46 2.27 12.92 and above

2.46 1.46 0.66 1.99 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 31.74 36.92 40.20 42.46 2.27 12.92

Commodore or Captain 6 years 2.46 1.48 0.86 1.98 Srigadier. Air·Commodore 31.74 38.92 40.20 42.46 2.27 12.92 and over

2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Captain under 6 years Colonel Group Captain 31.74 36.92 '40.20 42.46 2.27 12.92

2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commahder 31.74 36.92 40.20 42.46 2.27 12.92

Lieutenant Commander Squadron leader and 2.46 1.48 0.86 1.99 Major (See Note 2) 29.29 34.12 37.20 39.35 2.15 11.94 SeeNote2) ~p~ialistAircrew {See Note 2)

2.46 1.46 0.86 1.98 Lieutenant AN Captain Flight Ueutenant 29.29 34.12 37.20 39.35 2.15 11.94

2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 · Sub Lieutenant and below Ueutenant and below Flying Officer and below 26.84 31.31 34.19 36.24 2.04 10.96

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Warrant Officer 1 29.29 34.12 37.20 39.35 2.15 11.94 Warrant Offlcer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 2.46 1.48 0.86 1.99 29.29 34.12 37.20 39.35 2.15 11.94 Chief Petty Officer Staff Sergeant Chief T echnlcian

2.46 1.48 0.86 1.99 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 29.29 34.12 37.20 39.35 2.15 11.94

2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Leading Rating Corp

Lance Corporal and , 2.46 1.46 0.86 1.99 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 26.84 31.31 34.19 36.24 2.04 10.96 and below

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: t May 2016

2. This rate of lOA should also be paid to AN Semor Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily abs~ntfrom the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area wh1chremains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a penod of temporary duty or exerc1se LOCAL OVERS&AS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· FRANCE ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFR 1.11 /£ Sinale/ naccomoanied Accomoanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accom anying Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates !Note 4) Child !Note 31 Lieutenant General 28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 43.21 47.84 50.54 52.08 t.54 16.74 and above 28.59 17.15 tO.ot 23.t6 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 43.2t 47.84 50.54 52.08 1.54 16.74

28.59 11.15 10.01 23.16 Commodore (see note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 43.21 47.84 50.54 52.08 1.54 16.74

28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 Captain Colonel Group Captain 43.21 47.84 50.54 52.08 1.54 16.74

28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 43.21 47.84 50.54 52.08 1.54 16.74 '

26.81 16.08 9.38 21.71 L~:u~~~::t~ommander Major (See Note 2) 40.39 44.63 47.10 48.52 1.41 1562 1 l~;~~:~s~~~,~~::~~eNote 2) 26.81 16.06 9.38 21.71 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain Flight Lieutenant 40.39 44.63 47.10 48.52 1.41 15.62

25.02 15.01 8.76 20.26 Sub Lieutenant and below lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 37.56 41.42 43.67 44.95 1.28 14.50 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 26.81 16.08 9.38 21.71 Warrant Officer 1 40.39 44.63 47.10 48.52 1.41 15.62 Warrant 'Officer 1 Master Alrcrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 26.81 16.06 9.38' 21.71 40.39 44.63 47.10 48.52 1.41 15.62 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Serneant Chief Technician 26.81 16.06 9.38 21.71 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 40.39 44.63 47.10 48.52 1.41 15.62

25.02 15.01 8.76 . 20.26 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 37.56 41.42 43.67 44.95 1.28 14.50 Lance Corporal and Junior T echni 25.02 15.01 8.76 20.26 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 37.56 41.42 43.67 44.95 1.28 14.50 -~ '--- 1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to RN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants. Effective Date: 1 September 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch list Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from a~ropriateaccompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner .are tem.porarity absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate ot LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarity absent from their norma'l LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary sllg,tly due to roundings.This a:calculation based on the Full R8te of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority _OCAL OVERSEAS AUOWANCE- REVISED RATES- GERMANY MAIN ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 1.11 /£ In le/Unaccom anted Accom anied Temporary Residual Number of Accom an ih hi ran Absence full 1Exercis_e!Fiel AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 19.32 11.59 6.76 15.65 V1ce Admiral and above Air Marshal and-above 25.63 29.93 31.92 33.06 1.14 10.48 and above 19.32 11.59 6.76 15.65 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 25.63 29.93 31.92 33.06 1.14 10.48

19.32 11.59 6.76 15.65 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 25.63 29.93 31.92 33.06 1.14 10.48

19.32 11.59 6.76 15.65 Capta1n Colonel Group Captain 25.63 29.93 31.92 33.06 1.14 10.48

19.32 11.59 6.76 15.65 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 25.63 29.93 31.92 33.06 1.14 10.48 Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 17.91 10.74 6.27 14.50 Major (See Note 2) 23.62 27.56 29.36 30.43 1.04 9.65 See Note 2L Soeclalist Aircrew See N~~2 17.91 10.74 6.27 14.50 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant( See note 1) 23.62 27.56 29.36 30.43 1.04 9.65

16.50 9.90 5.77 13.36 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 21.61 25.19 26.85 27.79 0.95 8.82 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 17.91 10.74 6.27 14.50 Warrant Officer 1 23.62 27.56 29.38 30.43 1.04 '9-65 Iwarrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 17.91 10.74 6.27 14.50 23.62 27.56 29.38 30.43 1.04 9.65 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Seroeant Chief Technician 17.91 10.74 6.27 14.50 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 23.62 27.56 29.36 30.43 1.04 9.65

16.50 9.90 5.77 13.36 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 21.61 25.19 26.85 27.79 0.95 8.82 Lance Corporal and Junior 16-50 9.90 5.77 13.36 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 21.61 25.19 26.85 27.79 0.95 8.82 ------Technictan and below -

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 September 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be pa1dto AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenant~.AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when singt8tunaccompaniedpersonnel are temporarily absent.from their normal LOA area for a pertod of temporary duty or exerctse. Residual rates mav varv sliohtlv due to roundinos. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniorityea~lier than 1 July 1999 on achieving6 years seniority. .OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- GIBRALTAR ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 1.00 I£ Sin le/Unaccom anied Accompanied

Full Temporary IExercise/fiel R~sidual Number of Accomll{ll) in Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Condttions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child . LNote3l ' Lieutenant General 4.48 2.69. 1.57 3.63 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 13.31 16.41 t8.13 19.45 1.32 5.74 and above 4.48 2.69 1.57 3.63 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 13.31 16.41 18.13 19.45 1.32 5.74

4.48 2.69 1.57 3.63 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier A1r Commodore 13.31 16.41 18.13 19.45 1.32 5.74

4.48 2.69 1.57 3.63 Captain Colonel Group Capta1n 13.31 16.41 18.13 19.45 1.32 5.74

4.48 2.69 1.57 3.63 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 13.31 16.41 18.13 19.45 1.32 5.74 Lieutenant Commander SquBdron Leader and 4.17 2.50 1.46 3.38 Major (See Note 2) 12.37 15.28 16.93 18.20 1.27 5.35 See Note2J Spegalist Aircrew (See NQt~2 4.17 2.50 1.46 3.38 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight L1eutenant(See note 1) 12.37 15.28 18.93 18.20 1.27 5.35

3.86 2.32 1.35 3.13 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying OtfiG.erand below 11.43 14.14 15.71 16.93 1.22 4.95 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 4.17 2.50 1.46 3.38 Warrant Officer 1 12.37 15.28 16.93 16.20 1.27 5.35 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 FHght Sergeant and 4.17 2.50 1.46 3.36 12.37 15.28 16.93 16.20 1.27 5.35 Chief Pettv Ofticer Staff Seraeant Chief Technician 4.17 2.50 1.46 3.38 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 12.37 15.28 16.93 18.20 1.27 5.35

3.86 2.32 1.35 3.13 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 11.43 14.14 15.71 16.93 1.22 4.95 Lance Corporal and Junior 3.88 2.32 1.35 3.13 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 11.43 14.14 15.71 16.93 1.22 4.95 Technlcian and below ·------'--

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 1 June 2017

2. Th1s rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when s1ngJe/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a penod of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- .ITALY ANNEX A SHORE BASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFA 1.11 I£ Sin le/Unaccom nied Accomoanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanyil}g_Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Oeductton NIL 1 2 3 Rates

41.06 24.63 14.37 33.26 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier A1rCommodore 56.57 65.10 70.16 73.41 3.25 22 78

41.06 24.63 14.37 33.26 Captain Colonel Group Captain 56.57 65.10 70.16 73.41 3.25 22.78

41.06 24.63 14.37 33.26. Commander lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 56.57 65.10 70.16 73.41 3.25 22.78 Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 37.84 22.70 13.24 30.65 Major (See Note 2) 52.19 60.08 84.79 67.84 3.05 21.03 SaeNote2) Specialist Aircrew (See Note 21 37.84 22.70 ta.24 30.65 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (Sea Note 1) Flight Lieutenant (Sae Note 1) 52.19 60.08 64.79 67.84 3.05 21.03 !

34.61 20.76 12.11 28.03 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 47.81 55.06 59.42 62.26 2.85 19.27 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 37.64 22.70 13.24 30.65 Warrant Officer 1 52.19 60.08 64.79 67.84 3.05 21.03 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Right Sergeant and 37.84 22.70 13.24 30.65 52.19 60.08 84.79 67.84 3.05 21.03 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Seraeant Chiet Technlcian 37.84 22.70 13.24 30.65 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 52.19 60.08 64.79 67.84 3.05 21.03

34.61 20.76 12.11 28.03 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 47.81 55.06 59.42 62.26 2.85 19.27 Lance Corporal and 34.61 20.76 12.11 28.03 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 47.81 55.06 59.42 62.26 2.85 19.27 --- Junior Technician and below

1. Th1srate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 September 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captain.sand Branch Ust Flight lieutenants.

3. Deduction from approp~lateaccompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servtceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA Bf&a.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompan•edpersonnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exerc1se.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July·1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- KENYA ANNEX tl SHORE BASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFA 132.45 I£ Sin le/Unaccompanied Accompanied Full ,Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence AN ARMY AAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction Nll 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note3) Ueutenant General 9.87 5.92 3.45 7.99 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44 and above

9.87 5.92 3.45 7.99 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vk:e Marshat 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

9.87 5.92 3.45 7.99 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 48.98 55.55 "60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

9.87 5.92 3.45 7.99 Cap1aln Colonel Group Cap1aln 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

9.87 5.92 3.45 7.99 Commander Ueutenant Colonel Wing Commander 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 9.21 5.53 3.22 7.46 Major (See Note 2) 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08 See Note 2) ~ecialistAircre....,_(See Note g)__

9.21 5.53 3.22 7.46 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Cap1ain (See n01e 1) Flight Lleutenant(See note 1) 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08

8.54 5.12 2.99 6.92 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 42.06 41:n 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72

Regimental Sergeant Major RM Warrant Officer and 9.21 5.53 3.22 7.46 Warrant Officer 1 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 FHght Sergeant and 9.21 5.53 3.22 7.46 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08 Chief Pettv Officer Staff Seraeant Chief Technician

9.21 5.53 3.22 7.46 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08

8.54 5.12 2.99 6.92 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 42.06 47.n 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72

Lance Corporal and Junior 8.54 5.12 2.99 6.92 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 42.06 47.n 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72 --- -- c Technician and below ·1, This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardinen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 May 2017

2. This r8te of LOA shouldalso be paid to RN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, RM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deductionfrom appropriateaccompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servicepersonand spouse/civil partner are tempo~arilyabsent from the.normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are temporarily absent from thai~normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightlydue to roundings.This is a calculationbased on the Full Rates of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniorityearlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- KENYA ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 13245 /£ Sinale/Unaccompanied Accompanied Fun Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note :3):_ Lieutenant General 24.34 14.60 8.52 19.72 Vice Admiral and above A1rMarshal and above 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44 and above

24.34 14.60 8.52 19.72 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

24.34 14.60 8.52 19.72 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

24.34 14.60 8.52 19.72 Captain Colonel Group Captain 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19.44

24.34 14.60 8.52 19.72 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 48.98 55.55 60.26 63.56 3.31 19,44

Lieutenant Commander Squadron leader and 22.47 13.48 7.86 16.20 Major (Sea Note 2) 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.06 Sea Nota 2) Soaciallst Aircraw (Sea Nota 2)

22.47 13.46 7.86 18.20 Lieutenant RN (See Nota I) Captain (Sea nota 1) Flight Lieutenant(Saa note 1) 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08

20.61 12.37 7.21 16.69 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 42.06 47.77 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72

Regimental Sergeant Major RM Warrant Officer and 22.47 13.46 7.86 18.20 Warrant Officer 1 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 22.47 13.46 7.86 18.20 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08 Chlel Petty Officer Staff Seraeant Chief Techniclan

22.47 13.46 7.86 18.20 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 45.52 51.66 56.09 59.24 3.15 18.08

20.61 12.37 7.21 16.69 Leading RatlnQ Corporal Corporal 42.06 47.77 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72

Lance Corporal and Junior 20.61 12.37 7.21 16.69 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 42.06 47.77 51.93 54.93 3.00 16.72 Technician and below . ~ - L___

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 April2017

2. This rate of LOA s~ldalso be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Ueutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temPorarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rates at LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- KUWAIT ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR .RO ·- ·--394.. I£- Sing!_e/Unaccom anied Accomoanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accom anying Children Absence RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note 4) Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 24.65 14 79 8.63 19.97 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and aOOve 51.99 59.70 64.77 68.38 3.60 20.89 and above 24.65 14.79 8.63 19.97 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 51.99 59.70 64.77 68.38 3.60 20.89

24.65 14.79 8.63 19.97 Commodore or Captain 6 years Bngadier Air Commodore 51.99 59.70 64.77 68.38 3.60 20.89

24.65 14.79 8.63 19.97 Captain under 6 years Colonel Group Captain 51.99 59.70 64.77 68.38 3.60 20.89

24.65 14.79 8.63 19.97 Commander Lieutenaf:'l Colona! Wing Commander 51.99 59.70 64.77 68.38 3.60 20.69 Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 23.10 13.86 8.08 18.71 Major (See Note 2) 48.45 55.65 80.44 63.68 3.44 19.46 See Note 2) Soecialist Alrcrew !See Note 2\ 23.10 t3.66 8.08 18.71 Lieutenant AN . Captain Flight Lieutenant 48.45 55.65 80.44 63.88 3.44 19.48

21-55 12.93 7.54 17.46 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flyl•g Officer and below 44.90 51-80 56.11 59.39 3.28 18.06 Regimental SerfJeant Major RM Warrant Officer and 23.10 13.86 8.08 18.71 Warrant Officer 1 48.45 55.65 80.44 63.88 3.44 19.4tr Warrant Officer 1 Master Alrcrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 23.10 t3.86 8.08 18.71 48.45 55.65 80.44 63.88 3.44 19.48 Chief PeHv Officer Staff Seroeant Chief Technician 23.10 13.86 8.08 18.71 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 48.45 55.65 80.44 63.88 3.44 19.48

21.55 12.93 7.54 17.46 Leading Rating ~orporal Corporal 44.90 51.80 5(;.11 59.39 3.28 18.06 Lance Corporal and 21.55 12.93 7.54 17.46 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 44.90 51.80 56.11 59.39 3.28 18.06 L______------'------_ .,J1,1nlorTecl}rr!(:j~n ruJQ _beiQ'tL_

1. This rate of LOA should also be p_aidto AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date 1 September 2016

2. This rate of lOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Capta1ns and Branch List Flight Lieutenants

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the r~sidualrate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the norma/LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from thetr normal lOA area tor a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary shghtly due to roundings. This IS a calculation based on the Full Rates of LOA. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- NEPAL ANNEX A SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFR NPR 136.50 I£ Sin le/Unaccompanied Accompanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompanying Children Absence RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note 4) Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 16.99 10.20 5.95 13.76 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 30.59 35.66 39.14 41.96 2.81 12.48 and above

16.99 10.20 5.95 13.76 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 30.59 35.66 39.14 41.96 2.81 12.48

16.99 10.20 5.95 13.76 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 30.59 35.66 39.14 41.96 2.81 12.48

16.99 10.20 5.95 13.76 Captain Colonel Group Captain 30.59 35.66 39.14 41.96 2.81 t2.48

t6.99 t0.20 5.95 t3.76 ·Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 30.59 35.66 39.14 41.96 2.81 t2.48

Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and t6.t7 9.70 5.66 t3.t0 Major (See Note 2) 28.93 33.80 37.15 39.89 2.74 tt.83 See Note 2) Specialist Aircrew (See Note 2)

t6.t7 9.70 5.66 t3.t0 Lieutenant AN (See Note t) Captain (See note t) Flight Lieutenant( See note t) 28.93 33.80 37.t5 39.89 2.74 tt.83

t5.35 9.2t 5.37 t2.44 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 27.28 3t.94 35.t6 37.83 2.66 t1.t8 Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and t6.17 9.70 5.66 13.t0 Warrant Officer 1 28.93 33.80 37.15 39.89 2.74 11.83 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 16.17 9.70 5.66 t3.t0 28.93 33.80 37.t5 39.89 2.74 1t.83 Chief Petty Officer Staff Sergeant Chief Technician

t6.t7 9.70 5.66 t3.t0 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 28.93 33.80 37.t5 39.89 2.74 tt.83

15.35 9.2t 5.37 t2.44 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 27.28 3t.94 35.t6 37.83 2.66 tt.t8

Lance Corporal and Junior 15.35 9.2t 5.37 t2.44 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 27.28 31.94 35.t6 37.83 2.66 1t.18 Techi'lician and below

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: t November 20t7

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants. AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate oi LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual Rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rates of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than t July t999 on achieving 6 years seniority. _OCALOVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISEDRATES- NORWAY ANNEXA SHOREBASEDDAILY RATESOF LOA(£) FFR 10.50 /£ Single/Unaccompanied Accompanied Full Temporary Exercise/Fiek Residual Number ill AccompanyingChildren Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates AddHional Oeduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Nole3) LieutenantGeneral 57.64 34.58 20.17 46.69 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 66.64 77.72 82.97 66.12 3.14 27.20 and above

57.64 34.58 20.17 46.69 RearAdmiral MajorGeneral Air Vice Marshal 66.64 n.12 82.97 66.12 3.14 27.20

57.64 '34.58 20.17 46.69 Commodore(See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 66.64. 77.72 82.97 66.12 3.14 27.20

57.64 34.58 20.17 46.69 Captain Coionel GroupCaptain 66.64 77.72 62.97 66.12 3.14 27.20

27.20 57.64 34.58 20.17 46.69 Commander LieutenantColonel Wing Commandar 66.64 77.72 82.97 66.12 3.14

LieutenantCommander SquadronLeeder and 53.23 31.94 18.63 43.12 Major (See Note 2) 61.86 71.66 76.70 79.61 2.91 25.15 SeeNote2) Specialist Aircrew (See Note 2 2.91 53.23 31.94 18.63 43.12 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Caplain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant(See note 1) 61.86 71.66 76.7~ 79.61 25.15

48.81 29.29 17.08 39.54 Sub Lieutenant and below Lieutenantand beiow Flying Officer and below 58.86 66.00 70.43 73.11 2.67 23.10

RegimentalSergeant Major AM WarrantOfficer and 53.23 31.94 18.63 43.12 WarrantOfficer 1 61.66 71.86 76.70 79.61 2.91 25.15 WarrantOfficer 1 MasterAircrew Warrant Officer 2 WarrantOfticer 2 Flight Sergeantand 53.23 31.94 18.63 43.12 61.86 71.86 76.70 79.61 2.91 25.15 Chief Petty Officer Slaff Sergeant Chief Technician 2.91 53.23 31.94 18.63 43.12 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 61.86 71.66 76.70 79.61 25.15

48.81 29.29 17.08 39.54 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 58.86 66.00 70.43 73.11 2.67 23.10

LanceCorporal and Junior 48.81 29.29 17.08 39.54 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 56.88 66.00 70.43 73.11 2.67 23.10 Technician and below

1. This rate of LOA Shouldalso be paidto AN SeniorUpper YardmenSublieutenants Effective Date. 1 May 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Uppar YardmenLieutenants, RM equivalents,Army LE Captains and Bra119hList Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deductionfrom appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to producethe residualrate whenboth the Servicepersonand spouse/civilpartner Eire temporarily absent from the nonnalLOA area.

4. Residualrate of LOA for the normalLOA area whichremains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarilyabsent from the1rnormal LOA area for a periodof temporaryduty or exercise. ResidualRates may varyslightly due to roundings.Th1s is a calculationbased on the Full Ratesof LOA.

5. Rate also payableto AM Colonelswith seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving6 yearssenionty. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- SAUDI ARABIA ANNEXA SHOREBASEO DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 4.85 /£ Sinale/Unaccomoaniecl Accompanied

Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accom a~y_ingChildreh Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL t 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note 3) Ueutenant General 2.48 1.49 0.87 2.01 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 12.41 15.59 17.47 18.95 1.48 5.46 and above

2.48 1.49' 0.87 2.01 Rear Admiral Major General . Air Vice Marsh,al 12.41 15.59 17.47 18.95 1.48 5.46

2.48 1.49 0.87 2.01 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 12.41 15.59 17.47 18.95 1.48 5.46

2.48 1.49 0.87 2.01 Captain Colonel Group Ceptaln 12.41 15.59 17.47 18.95 1.48 5.46

2.48 1.49 0.87 2.01 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 12.41 15.59 17.47 18.95 1.48 5.46

Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 2.36 1.42 0.83 1.91 Major (See Note 2) 11.51 14.51 16.32 17.75 1.44 5.08 See Note£)__ Specialist Alrcrow (See Note 2) 2.36 1.42 0.83 1.91 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight Lieutenant(See note 1) 11.51 14.51 16.32 17.75 1.44 5.08

2.23 1.34 0.78 1.81 Sub lieutenant and below Lieutenant and below Flytng Officer and below 10.61 13.42 15.15 16.54 1.39 4.70

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and ) 2.36 1.42 0.83 1.91 Warrant Officer 1 11.51 14.51 16.32 17.75 1.44 5.08 Warrant Officer 1 Master Alrcrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 2.36 1.42 0.83 1.91 11.51 14.51 18.32 17.75 j 44 5.08 Chiel Potty Officer Staff Sergeant Chief Technician

2.36 1.42 0.83 1.91 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 11.51 14.51 16.32 17.75 1.44 5.08

'2.23 1.34 0.78 1.81 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 10.61 13.42 15.15 16.54 1.39 4.70

Lance Corporal and Junior 2.23 1.34 0.78 1.81 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 10.61 13.42 15.15 16.54 1.39 4.70 L______~--- L_ tl_echni~~ and !Jelow L___ ------~ 1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants EHective Date: 1 November to 30 November 2017

2. This rate of LOA should also be pa1d to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE capta1ns and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Res1dual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area tor a penod of temporary duty or exerc1se Residual rates may vary slightly dUe to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels With seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on ach1eving 6 years semorny. '"--..-

LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- SAUDI ARABIA ANNEX B SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFA 4.85 1£ Sin I.e/Unaccompanied Acco~nied Full TemporBfy ·Exercise/Field Residual Number ol AccoO)lpanyi"l!Chlldren Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note 4) Child (Note3) Ueutenant General 1.20 0.72 0.42 0.97 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 8.39 11.32 12.90 14.21 1.31 3.96 and above

1.20 0.72 0.42 0.97 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 8.39 11.32 12.90 14.21 1.31 3.96

1.20 0.72 0.42 0.97 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 8.39 11.32 12.90 14.21 1.31 3.96

1.20 0.72 0.42 0.97 captain Colonel Group Captain 8.39 11.32 12.90 14.21 1.31 3.96

1.20 0.72 0.42 0.97 Commander Ueutenant ·colonel Wing Cor'nmander 8.39 11.32 12.90 14.21 1.31 3.96

Lieutenant Commander Squadron h.eade( and 1.18 0.71 0.41 0.96 Major (See Note 2) 7.83 10.59 12.12 13.40 1.28 3.71 See Note2) Specialist Alrcrew (See Note 2)

1.18 0.71 0.41 0.96 Lieutenant AN (See NOte 1) Captain (See nota 1) Flight lieutenant(See note 1) 7.83 10.59 12.12 13.40 1.28 3.71

1.17 0.70 0.41 0.95 Sub Ueutenant and below Ueutenant and below Flying Officer and betow 7.27 9.87 11.35 12.80 1.25 3.46

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Offk:er and 1.18 0.71 0.41 0.96 Warrant Officer 1 7.83 10.59 12.12 13.40 1.28 3.71 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant OffiCer 2 Flight Sergeant and 1.18 o.71 0.41 0.96 7.83 10.59 12.12 13.40 1.28 3.71 Chief Petty_Cllficar Staff !;Oflli,ant Chief Technician

1.18 0.71 0.41 0.96 Patty Officer Sargeant Sergeant 7.83 10.59 12.12 13.40 1.28 3.71

1.17 0.70 0.41 0.95 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 7.27 9.87 11.35 12.60 1.25 3.46

Lance Corporal and Junior 1.17 0.70 0.41 0.95 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 7.27 9.87 11.35 12.80 1.25 3.46 Technician ·ttnd ~low -- L .. - -- -- 1. This rate of LOA should also be paid toRN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublleutenants Effective Date: 1 December 2011

2. This rate ol LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM eqUivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch Ust Flight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil partner are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA tor the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Residual rates may vary slightly due to roundlngs. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels Wllh seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on ach1eving 6 years sen•ority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- SAUDI ARABIA- BMM & ANLT ANNEXC SHOAEBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFA 4.85 /£

Si~gl~nacco111_~nied Accompanied Full Temporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of Accompan ina Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note 3) Lieutenant General 8.59 5.15 3.01 6.96 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 19.00 22.58 24.75 26.39 1.64 7.90 and above

8.59 5.15 3.01 6.96 ~earAdmiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 19.00 22.58 24.75 26.39 1.64 7.90

8.59 5.15 3.01 6.96 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 19.00 22.58 24.75 26.39 1.64 7.90

8.59. 5.15 3.01 6.96 Captain Colonel Group Captain 19.00 22.58 24.75 26.39 1.64 1.90

8.59 5.15 3.01 6.96 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 19.00 22.58 24.75 26.39 1.64 - 7.90

Lieutenant Commander Squadron Leader and 8.19 4.91 2.87 6.63 Major (See Note 2) 17.79 21.16 23.23 24.82 1.59 7.41 See Note~ S11'JCiil!lst Aircrew {See Note 2) 8.19 4.91 2.87 6.63 Ueutenant AN (See Note 1) Caplaln (See note 1) Flight Ueutenant(See note 1) 17.79 21.16 23.23 24.82 1.59 7.41

7.80 4.68 2.73 6.32 Sub Ueutenant and below Ueutenant arid below Flying Officer and below 16.58 19.73 21.70 23.23 1.53 6.91

Regimental Sergeant Major AM Warrant Officer and 8.19 4.91 2.87 6.63 Warrant Officer 1 17.79 21.16 23.23 24.82 1.59 7.41 Warrant Officer 1 Master Aircrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 8.19 4.91 2.87 6.63 17.79 21.16 23.23 24.82 1.59 7.41 Chief Petty Officer Staff Seroeant Chief Technician

8.19 4.91 2.87 6.63 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 17.79 21.16 23.23 24.82 1.59 7.41

7.80 4.68 2.73 6.32 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 16.58 19.73 21.70 23.23 1.53 6.91

Lance Corporal and Junior 7.80 4.68 2.73 6.32 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 16.58 19.73 21.70 23.23 1.53 6.91 ~------~- -- ... T~hnlciana~-~iow --- ~-- 1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior .Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 November to 30 November 2017

2. This rate of LOA should atso be paid to AN Senior Upper-Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch Ust Flight Ueutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residua~r~tewhen both the Servtceperson and spouse/civil partner ai"e temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area tor a penod of temporary duty or exercise. Residual rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniorrty. l.OCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· SAUDI ARABIA· BMM & RNLT ANNEX D SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFR 4.85 I£

SlnQiellJ naccompanied Accom~nied Full TempOrary Exercise!F+eld Residual Number of Accortt ar:-)'!_ng_Children Absence RN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Addillonal Deduction NIL I 2 3 Rates (Note4) Child (Note3) Lieutenant GenerBI 7.56 4.54 2.65 6.12 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and above 15.21 18.57 20.45 21.93 1.48 6.50 and above

7.56 4.54 2.65 6.12 Rear Admiral Major General . Air Vice Marshal 15.21 18.57 20.45 21.93 1.48 6.50

7.56 4.54 2.65 6.12 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 15.21 18.57 20.45 21.93 1.48 6.50

7.56 4.54 2.65 6.12 Captain Colonel Group Captain 15.21 18.57 20.45 21.93 1.48 6.50

7.56 4.54 2.65 8.12 Commander lieutenant Catone! Wing Commander - 15.21 18.57 20.45 21.93 1.48 6.50

Lieutenant Commander Squadron and 7.26 4.36 2.54· 5.88 Me)Of (See Note 2) Le-r 14.33 17.49 19.30 20.73 1.44 6.12 See Note 2) Specialist Alrcrew. (See Note 2) 7.26. 4.36 2.54 5.68 Ueutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) FUgnt Ueutenan1(5ae note 1) 14.33 17.49 19.30 20.73 1.44 6.12

6.96 4.18 2.44 5.64 Sub Ueutenant and beklw lieutenant and below Flying Officer and below 13.44 16.40 18.13 19.52 1.39 5.74

Regimental Sergeant Major AM, Warrant Officer and 7.26 4.36 2.54 5.88 Warrant Offlcer 1 14.33 17.49 19.30 20.73 1.44 6.12 Warrant Officer 1 Master Alrcrew Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant and 7.26 4.36 2.54 5.68 14.33 17.49 19.30 20.73 1.44 6.12 Chief Pf!IIYOiflcer Staff S"'llttenl Chief Technician 7.26 4.36 2.54 5.68 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 14.33 17.49 19.30 20.73 1.44 6.12

6.96 4.18 2.44 5.64 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 13.44 16.40 18.13 19.52 1.39 5.74

Lance·Corporal and Junior 6.96 4.18 2.44 5.64 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal 13.44 16.40 18.13 19.52 1.39 5.74 T echnlcian and QeJow L______------'------~ ------

1. This rate of LOA shot.~ldalso be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 December 2017 . ' 2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE captains and Branch Ust Flight Ueutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/civil p~rtner.are temporarily absent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area which remains payable YJhen single/unaccompanied personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a pefiod of temporary duty or exercise. Residual rates may vary slightly due to roundings. This is a calculation based on the Full Rate of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM Colonels with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achievmg 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES· USA ANNEX A SHOAEBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA (£) FFA $- 1.30-- /£- Sinale/Unaccompanied Accomoanied

ul Temporary 1 E:::.xercis~/HeldResidual Number of Accom anyin hlldren Absence AN ARMY AAF Rates Rates Condlllons Rates Additional Deduction NIL 1 2 3 Rates (Note 4) Child (Note 3) Ueutenant.GenerSI 31.07 18.64 10.87 25.17 Vice Admiral and above Air Marshal and .above 46.15 53.59 57.37 59.65 2.27 18.76 and above 31.07 18.64 10.87 25.17 Rear Admiral Major General Air Vice Marshal 46.15 53.59 57.37 59.65 2.27 18.76

31.07 18.64 10.87 25.17 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 46.15 53.59 57.37 59.65 2.27 18.78

31.07 18.64 10.87 25.17 Captain Colonel Group Captain 46.15 53.59 57.37 59.65 2.27 18.76

31.07 18.~ 10.87 25.17 Commander Lieutenant Colonel Wing Commander 46.15 53.59 57.37 59.65 2.27 18.76 LieutenantCommander Squadron Leader and 28.59 11.15 10.01 23.16 Major (See Note 2) 42.56 49.39 52.88 54.98 2.11 17.29 See Note 21 ISOeclalist Alrcrew (See Note 2 28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Algh1 Ueutenant(See note 1) 42.56 49.39 52.88 54.98 2.11 17.29

26.11 15.67 9.14 21.15 Sub Lieutenantand below Lieutenantand below Flying Officer and below 38.98 45.20 48.40 50.33 1.94 15.82 Regimental Sergeant Major RM Warrant umcer and 28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 Warrant Officer 1 42.56 49.39 52.88 54.98 2.11 17.29 Warrant Officer 1 [Muter Alrcrew. Warrant Officer 2 Warrant Officer 2 Flight Sergeant.and 28.59 17.15 10.01 23.16 42.56 49.39 . 52.88 54.98 2.11 17.29 Chi f Penv Officer Staff Seroaant Chief Technician 28.59 17.15 10.01 23.18 Petty Officer Sergeant Sergeant 42.56 49.39 52.88 54.98 2.11 17.29

28.11 15.67 9.14 21.15 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 38.96 45.20 48.40 50.33 1.94 15.62 Lance Corporal and Junior 26.11 15.67 9.14 21.15 Below Leading· Rating Below Corporal 38.96 45.20 48.40 50.33 1.94 15.62 -·-- TI!Chnlcian and below -

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 01 February 2018

2. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Ueutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains.and Branch Ust Aight Lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to produce the residual rate when both the Servlcapersonand spouse/civil partner are temporarttyabsent from the normal LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA tor the normal-LOA area which remains payable when single/unaccompaniedpersonnel are temjX)rarlly absent from their normai"LOAarea for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Reidual Rates may vary slightly due to roundlngs.This Is a calculation based on the Full Rates of LOA.

_5. Rate also payable to RM Colonels with seniorityearlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving e years seniority. Currently,17% of Full LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE· REVISED RATES- USA- ALASKA ANNEX C SHOREBASEO DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) FFR 1.30 1£ Sin le!Unaccom nie Ac-com nied Full emporary Exercise/Field Residual Number of om n in ildren Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional NIL 1 ? 3 Rates Note 4 Child ~~~~~~)n 5.28 3.17 1.85 4.28 Vice Admiral and above ~~=~General Air Marshal and above 7.85 9.11 9.75 10.14 0.39 3.19

5.28 3.17 1.85 4.28 Rear Admiral Major G~meral • Air Vice Marshal 7.85 9.11 9.75 10.14 0.39 3.19

5.28 3.17 1.85 4.28 Commodore (See note 5) Brigadier Air Commodore 7.85 9.11 9.75 10.14 0.39 3.19

5.28 3.17 1.85 4.28 Captain Cok>nel Group Csptain 7.85 9.\1 9.75 10.14 0.39 3.19

5.28 3.17 1.85 4.28 Commander Ueutenant Colonel Wing Commander 7.85 9.11 9.75 10.14 0.39 3.19

4.88 2.92 1.70 3.94. ~~:e=t~ommanderMajor (See Note 2) 7.24 8.40 8.99 9.35 0.38 2.94 ~~=~~~~::":~~:eNote 2l 4.88 2.92 1.70 3.94 Lieutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1) Flight U.utenant(Sae note 1) 7.24 8.40 8.99 9.35 0.38 2.94

4.44 2.86 1.55 3.60 Sub Ueutenant and below Ueutenant and below Flying Officer and below 6.62 7.88 8.23 8.58 0.33 2.69 Regimental Sergeant Major AM 4.88 2.92 1.70 3.94 Warrant Officer 1 7.24 8.40 8.99 9.35 0.38 2.94 warrant0fficer1 !~"::"~:'and Warrant Officer 2 4.88 2.92 1.70 3.94 . lght Sargaant and 7.24 8.40 8.99 9.35 0.38 2.94 Chief Pettv Officer :~:t':~!~r2lctiia1T.H:iinl :ian 4.88 2.92 1.70 3.94 Petty Officer Sargeant Sergeant 7.24 8.40 8.99 9.35 0.38 2.94

4.44 2.66 1.55 3.60 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal 8.82 7.88 8.23 8.58 0.33 2.69

4.44 2.66 1.55 3.60 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal Lance Corpora~~d Junior 6.82 7.88 8,23 8.56 0.33 2.69 Technil::llln and below

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Semor Upper Yardmen SubUeutenants Effective Date: 01 February 2018

2. This rate of LOA shoUld also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen lieutenants, AM equivalent&, Army LE Captains and Branch Ust Flight lieutenants.

3. Deduction from appropriate accompanied rate of LOA to p~oducethe residual rate when both the Serviceperson and spouse/cMI partner are temporarily absent from the norm~/LOA area.

4. Residual rate of LOA for the normal LOA area 'Nhich remains payable when stngtetunaccompankld personnel are temporarily absent from their normal LOA area for a period of temporary duty or exercise. Aeidual Rates may vary slightly due to: rounding&. This is a calculation based on the Fun Rates of LOA.

5. Rate also payable to AM ColonEKs with seniority earlier than 1 July 1999 on achieving 6 years seniority. LOCAL OVERSEAS ALLOWANCE- REVISED RATES- USA OPS (PJHQ AUTHORITY ONLY) ANNEX D SHOREBASED DAILY RATES OF LOA(£) ,,,,FFR ...... 30 1£, .. in le/Unaccom anied Accom anied Full Temporary ExerciseJField Residual Number ol Accom n in Children Absence AN ARMY RAF Rates Rates Conditions Rates Additional Deduchon NIL 1 2 3 Rates Note4 Child Note 3 6.45 3".87 6.45 Vice Admiral and above ~dut=~General Air Marshal and above

6.45 3.87 6.45 Rear Admiral Major General Air· VIce Marshal

6.45 3.87 6.45 Commodore {See note 4) Brigadier Air Commodore

6.45 3.87 6.45 Captain Colonel Group Captain

6.45 3.87 6.45 Commander Weutenant Colonel Wing Commander Lieutenant Commander SQuadron Leader and 5.92 3.55 5.92 Major (See Note 2) See NOte2l SDeclal s • Alrcraw !Sse Nota 2\ 5.92 3.55 5.92 Ueutenant AN (See Note 1) Captain (See note 1} Flight Ueutenant(See note 1)

5.40 3.24 5.40 Sub Ueutenant and below Lieutenant and betow Flying Officer and below Regimental Sergeant Maiar AM Warrant Officer and 5.92 3.55 5.92 Warrant Officer 1 Warrant Offlcor 1 Master Aircraw Warrant Officer 2 5.92 3.55 5.92 IChioLPoltY.O!floor ~~~~~~:r216:~~':~!:nd 5.92 3.55 5.92 Potty()fficor Sergeant Sergeant

5.40 3.24 5.40 Leading Rating Corporal Corporal Lance _Corporal and Junior 5.40 3.24 5.40 Below Leading Rating Below Corporal . -- Tocbn!<001~

1. This rate of LOA should also be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Sublieutenants Effective Date: 1 January 2018

2. This rate of LOA should atso be paid to AN Senior Upper Yardmen Lieutenants, AM equivalents, Army LE Captains and Branch List Flight Lieutenants.

3. lhe Exercise Field condlti?" Rate has been specially calculated for those SP on PJHQ (Ops) and have been given authority by PJHQ to cla1m