KIZZMEKIA S. CORBETT, PHD Senior Research Fellow National Institutes of Health | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Vaccine Research Center 40 Convent Drive, Building 40 - Room 2608, Bethesda MD 20892
[email protected] | phone: 301.761.7610 | fax: 301.480.2771 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology and Immunology 2014 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) Director’s Scholar Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences | Secondary Major in Sociology 2008 University of Maryland – Baltimore County (UMBC) Robert and Jane Meyerhoff Scholar RESEARCH EXPERIENCE Research Fellow 10/14 - present National Institutes of Health | Vaccine Research Center | PI: Barney S. Graham, MD PhD Research Interest: mechanisms of viral immunity to inform influenza and coronavirus vaccine development Graduate Research Assistant 08/09 – 10/14 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill | Microbiology and Immunology | PI: Aravinda de Silva, MPH PhD Research Interest: human antibody responses to dengue virus infection Visiting Scholar 04/14 – 05/14 Genetech Research Institute | PI: Aruna Dharshan de Silva, PhD Research Interest: immunological relevance of dengue virion maturation Postbaccalaureate Research Fellow 05/08 – 08/09 National Institutes of Health | Vaccine Research Center | PI: Barney S. Graham, MD PhD Research Interest: novel vaccine platform design for respiratory syncytial virus antigens NIH Undergraduate Scholarship Program Summer Intern 06/07 – 08/07 National Institutes of Health | Vaccine Research Center