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Largest Circulation Of Any Newspaper In Boca Raton Area BOCA RATON NEWS VOL. 10 NO. 47 Boca Raton, Flo., May 2, 1965 16 Pages PRICE Board Seeking Sites New Schools Planned in City The same school desegrega- cials that the could open tion plan that abolished Road- in September 1966. man School will get Boca Raton The closing of Roadman a new elementary school and a School was decreed by the board new junior high school sooner last week in complying with than planned, Superintendent of the Civil Rights Law. The Schools Robert Fulton said yes- 175 Negro students will be split terday. between J. C. Mitchell Elemen- "We are already working on tary School and Boca Raton El- property acquisition, and though ementary School. Both the lat- we do not want to divulge the ter schools have been all - *. m proposed site at the present white. Boca Raton High School time, it will be in the western has, been integrated since it part of Boca Raton," he told opened in 1963. the News. Since there is not sufficient Present Board of Public In- space for the additional stu- struction plans call for the two dents at the two remaining local schools to be located on ad- elementary schools, portable joining campuses. classrooms will be moved in Though Fulton would not to take care of the load until specify the target date for op- the completion of the new ening of the schools, another school, Fulton said. spokesman in the school system The addition of a senior class said that it was hoped by offi- at the high school next year will run the enrollment up to High School's election ended in victory for these candidates. approximately 1,100, Princi- pal Charles Godwin has esti- Committee mated. Though additional building has been authorized and is now on the drawing boards, the new Cuts Budget classrooms and other facilities Meet the City Commission will not be completed in time for September 1965, and God- win has predicted "extended For FAU day" sessions will be neces- Students at Boca Raton High School went to the polls this A sharp cut in the Florida sary until construction is com- week to elect their own students to posts paralleling the city's Atlantic University budget has pleted some time during the municipal government. been voted by the House Appro- school year. > Using real voting machines supplied by Palm Beach County, priations Committee and is ex- the students climaxed the political conventions and campaigning pected to pass the Senate in with a down-to-the wire race which saw 22 candidates battling the same form. for 11 posts. Part of the annual Youth Government Day spon- As approved by the State Bud- Jalbert Is Named sored by the Boca Raton Rotary Club, will move the students get Commission and the House into City Hall to "take over" the reins of municipal government Appropriation Committee, Flo- for one day next Thursday. rida Atlantic University will get Top Industrialist Carol Hutchens won the mayor's post, with Georgene No*jle, only $8.7 million for the up- Domina C. Jalbert has been Ken Higgins, Tom Guy, and Rusty Martin serving as city com- coming biennium. Originally, named the city's "outstanding missioners. Carolyn Tylander will serve as city attorney, FAU had asked for $14 ma- industrialist"- for the year by Lee Moulder as city judge, Doug Trettien as director of public lion. the Boca Raton Chamber of works, Bobby Backus as police chief and Terry Heath as fire The breakdown gives the uni- Commerce. chief. Larry Griffin and Bob Gifford were chairmen of the two versity $4,058,288 for the fiscal Jalbert, president of the Jal- parties which ran candidates in the election. Voting machines were supplied by county. year beginning July 1 and $4,728,509 for the second year. bert Aerology Laboratory here, The figures are for operating will be honored by the chamber funds only and do not include at a luncheon Thursday at the capital outlay for buildings and Boca Raton Hbtel and Club. House BUI Woild Create Recrecifi®ii Are® other items. Guest speaker for the lun- cheon will be Dr. John Nicol- Rep. Emmett Roberts, Palm aides, head of the aerospace Beach County member of the department at Notre Dame Uni- appropriations committee said versity. he was "disappointed" in the Xapone Island' Proposed as Park Site recommendation but added that Gov, Haydon Burns has pro- he had "been assured that suffi- claimed this to be Industrial islation, since we fought so Appreciation Week and Jalbert, The island that Boca Raton the state was taken in the form ther it should be used for the cient money will be available as the city's top industrialist once coveted will become a state of an amendment to a bill to Capone tract.1' hard to keep Lake Okeechobee to meet needs" if FAU exper- within our county boundaries for the year, will receive a cer- park, if a bill now in the Flo- remove the FIND from its pre- Last year, Boca Raton's city iences enrollment increases. tificate from the governor. rida House of Representatives sent independent status. commission eyed the island in the 1963 session." Dr. Kenneth Williams, presi- passes. The state may not have any longingly and asked the Palm Since then Broward Coun- dent of FAU, said he was "hope- The bill, which passed the money to develop the park any Beach County legislative del- ty has suggested the use of ful" that there will be some Senate Thursday, would deed the time soon, Ney Landrum, di- egation to move the county line the island as a county park, faculty increases for the Sept- 55-acre island once owned by rector of the Outdoor Recrea- south to permit the city to an- complete with picnic and ember trimester and that as the the notorious Al Capone from tional Council, said. nex the land. camping grounds, marina and senior year is added, it will boat launching facilities, rest The Arts Page 5B the Florida Inland Navigation "The island park is just one Rep. Donald Reed said that be "virtually imperative" to Calendar 3B District to the state for develop- of the many expensive recrea- the delegation "could not in rooms and a ranger station. bolster the teaching staff. The plan, as submitted by Classified 7-8 A ment as a park. tion projects being developed conscience introduce the leg- He said he expected to be able Editorials 4B The island is located just around the state," he said. County Park Director Carl to meet the situation but that Public Notices 8B across the waterway from the "We have a little bit of money Thompson, would cost $600,- "the load will have to be heav- Real Estate 6B Royal Palm Yacht and Country available, but we have. $200 Sky Divers Will 000. ier on each member of the facul- According to Reed, the Palm Sports 4-5A Club. million in requests for the same ty and staff, and we may not Travel 7B The move to deed the land to money. It's a question of whe- Beach delegation will support be able to offer as many varied 2A Hit Silk Sunday the bill to make the island patterns of instruction. TV Listings a state park. Women's News Section B A Lantana sky-diving club will "hit the silk" over Boca Raton Sunday as part of the all day open house at the local airport. Three hundred free airplane rides will be given away from noon to 5 p.m. and a display of old and unusual airplanes will be held. Owen Gassaway, owner, said anyone 16 years and older is eligible to register for the air- plane rides. Children under 16 may accompany parents on the rides. Sponsors of the event, Florida Airmotive, said movies will also be shown. The Weather Only .72 inch of rain was recorded in Boca Raton during the entire month of April. Add- ed to the one inch recorded in March, it adds up to one of the longest droughts in recent years. Temperatures for the week were: Hi Lo Rain Wednesday 93 68 0 Groundbreaking ceremonies this week of- sieck and W. George Whitehouse, all directors. Thursday 84 66 0 ficially launched construction of the Uni- Other directors are W.K. Archer, James R. Friday 81 56 0 versity National Bank on Federal highway Caldwell, William F. Mitchell, W.W. Thomson Five students are now in competition for the "Miss Boca Raton High Saturday Noon 84 63 0 at 40th street. From left are John M. McKib- and Robert D. Tylander. The building was School" crown. The winner will be announced at the school's spring bin, Jr., director; William M. Stowe, presi- designed by architect Robert Roll and will be band concert Thursday. From left are Diane Walker, Kathy Nelson, U.S. Weother Bureau official recyclings from the cooperative station, Boca Raton. dent; Thomas F. Fleming Jr., chairman of built by Sommers and Messmer Construction Co. Lynn Yeater, Carol JaneKolinski, andMibi Lester. the board; James E. Becker, Robert L. Sus- 2A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS Television Listings for May 2 • 5 2-Miaml-Educ. 4-Miarai.GES 7-Mlami-NBC lO-Mlaml-ABO 5-Palm Beach-NBC 12-Palm Bch-ftBC Mystery Th. Meet Press® Bowling 6:00 Bold Adven. Meet Press® It doesn't take much to please us . . . We 6:15 wouldn't watch television so much if it did. Outlook Press Con!. Traveliama Off Cuif 6:30 Ch. 2 Passing Parade" But why can't the television big wigs offer us 6:45! News, Wthi. more entertainment like last week's Bell Tele- Lassief Fla. Foium Commnism Branded News 7:00 Spts., Wthi. phone Hour. 7:1 Walt Disney® Wagon Tiainf As we said before, it doesn't take much to 7:30 Ofi The My Martianf Walt Disney© please us, but this one did more than just 7:45 please us. Here's one program we could take Ed Sullivan? Walt Disney® Comunism Walt Disney® Wagon Train? 8:00 •a • *• for two hours instead of just one. 8:1 Biandedf Broadsidef Rebel Broadside? The entertainment was varied enough to in- 8:30 Sir clude a little- bit of something for everyone in 8:45 Sun. Movie® the family. Ballet lovers could see Rudolf 8:00 Tor Peoplef Bonanza® Sun. Movie® Bonanza® Nureyev and Maria Tallchief in one of their 9:15 many beautiful ballet numbers. Opera lovers 9:30 9:45 could listen to Joan Sutherland sing themes Sun. Movie® from "Ophelia." 10:00 Candid Camwaf Rogues? Sun. Movie® Rogues? Fans of Broadway musicals were treated 10:1 10:30 Sundays My Line? with Robert Preston s "76 Trombones" from Actress Julie Haydon was a special guest 10:45 Music Man, Harry Belafonte's admirers heard this week at Marymount College where she News, Wthr., SpU. him sing "Try to Remember" from The Fan- 11:00 News, Wthr. News, wthi. Untouchables Repoit tastiks and "Amen" from Lilies of the Field, talked about the iheater and acted scenes 11:15 Laie Show Sun, Movie Movie from ihe shows in which she has starred. 11:30 Stailite Th. A little bit of everything for everyone in the [11:45 family . . . „ And nothing but the best done in the very best of show business tradition just 2-Mlaml-Educ. 4-Miami-CSS 7-Miami-NBC 10-Mlami-ABC S-Palm Beach-NBC I2-Palm Bch—ABC might be the motto of Bell Telephone Hour. I. Strickland Cheyenne We're usually long on criticism and short on 7:00 What in World Mr. Ed Movie Movie Cont. praise when it comes to most television pro- 7:15 Karenf Bottom Seaf grams, but we can honestly say we've never 7:30 Science Action Tell Truthf Bottom Seaf 7:45 been disappointed after watching "the hour," Bottom Seaf 8:00 Know Schools Got Secretf Movie Bottom Seaf Man, Unclef 8:15 No Time Sgts.f 8:30 Population Andy Griffith No Time Sgts.f This week's programs sound sort of run of m $ 8:45 the mill, but here's a few suggestions for possi- ble good viewing. 9:00 opulation lucyf Amer. West® Mel'da Mercouri'Si Amer. West® Melina Mercoun® 9:15 Marilyn Mason • will portray a daughter of a 9:30 Diplomacy Danny Thomasf Texas mayor in "The Project Man" on NBC's 9:15 "The Rogues" series Sunday. The episode deals with the fleecing of a greedy group of 10:00 Jpen Mind Town Meeting A. Hitchcockf Ben Casey? A. Hitchcockf Ben Caseyf 10:16 Texas politicians and land grabbers. Guest 10:30 tt star will be Robert Middleton. 10:45 n 11:00 Newsnight News, Fariss News Kews, Wthr. News Wthi., Spts. Andy Griffith, star of Andy Griffith tele- 11:16 Spts., Wthr. Wthr., Spts. vision show, was in town Thursday attend- 11:30 Lale Show Tonight® Niteliief Tonight® Starlite Th. Friday's Bob Hope show may be the best 11:45 of the lot. Bob will star as Horatio Lovelace, ing a convention at Boca Raton Hotel and Club. a marriage broker who thinks the way to win The star spoke at the convention which in- 10-Mtaml-flBD S-Palm Beach•NBCI2-°a!m Boh—ABC the west of 1860 is with girls, girls, girls in cluded delegates from his show's sponsors. 2-MiamE-Educ. 4-Miaml-CBS 7-Mlami-NBC a comedy "Have Girl6 — Will Travel." Haven't Wiser World Bed Skelton Kaienf Movie Cont. Survival Laramie we heard that somewhere before? 7:00 The Perfect 7:15 Combatf Mr. Novakf Combatf 7:30 Gardener Mr. Novakf 7:45 Combatf Mr. Novakf Combatf High School Band, Chorus Finn 8:00 Pacem, Terris Big Show Mr. Novakf 8:15 Hong Kong McHale's Navyf 8:30 Hullabaloo® McHale's Havyt Spring Concert in Auditorium for Mother or Graduate 8:45 Tycoonf Pacem, Terns Big Show Hullabaloo® Tycoonf Hong Kong Boca Raton High are under the direction 9:00 of Albert Hall. ALL-TRANSISTOR 9:15 TW3® Peyton Placef School Band and Chorus 9:30 TW3® Peyton Placet will present a Spring British SONY 9:45 concert Thursday, May Fugitivef BOCA RATON NEWS ?79.50 10:00 Man-Man Drs., Hursesf Spyingf Fugitivef Spyingf 6 in the school audi- PHONE 395-5121 the pair. ** tt 10:15 „ torium. The concert Published every THURSDAY TAPEMATES 10:30 ** it „ will begin at 8 p.m. and SUNDAY at 34 S.E. 2nd 10:45 St. by Boca Raton Publishing News, Wthr, Spts. Highlight of the con- Co. 11:00 Newsnight News, Fariss News News, Wthr. cert will be the crown- Spts. Wthr. Wthr, Spts. Myron Yelverton 11:15 Starlite Th. ing of the first Miss 11:30 Late Show Tonight® Niteliief Tonight® Circulation Manager 11:45 Boca Raton High School. The program will in- Phone 395-5121 Entered as Second Class 2-Miaml-Educ. 4-Miaml-CBS 7-Miami-NBC 10-Miami-ABC 5-Palm Beach-NBCI2-Palm Bch—ABC clude t selections by the Matter at the. Post Office at Junior High School Band Boca Raton, Florida, Dec. 7:00 Fun fliloat Death Valley Honeymooners Movie, Cont. Contact Cheyenne 1, 1955. 7:15 and selections from 7:30 Camping Decision Virginian® Ozzie, Harriett Virginian© Ozzie, Harrietf "Pirates of Penzence." Subscription Rates Sony TapeMates are packed in pairs- one to keep, 7:45 The bands and chorus By carrier in city .. 15 wonderful gift m 10:00 French Chei Daany Kayef Wed. Movief Burke's Lawf Wed. Movief Burke's Lawf Boca Raton Pre-School for almost everyone! 10:15 10:30 Journal Detectives Science Fiction 10:45 Kindergarten 11:00 Newsnight News News News, Wthr. News.WtW. Spts. Professional Care & Guidance 11:15 Spts. Wthr., Spts. Hot Lunch & Modern Equipment 11:30 Lale Show Tonight® Niteliief Tonight® Starlite Th. 250 N.W. 4th Diagonal 11:45 MUSIC CENTRE Denver, Col. Classified Ad Service Arnold Will Attend Annual A three day session 2 through 6 years PHONE 395-7071 443 S. Federal Boca Raton of seminars and plan- Phone 395-5121 ning sessions will be Con¥@ntion of School Buyers held at the Denver Hil- ton Hotel, and repre- William Arnold, di- an annual convention of sentatives of education- rector of student ser- the National Association al institutions from all vices for St. Andrew's of Educational Buyers over the United States TONY LEMA Boys School will attend Wednesday, May 5, at will attend. STUDENT GOLF SHIRTS 2 for STUDENT BEG. REG. 3.95 EACH KNIT SHIRTS 5.00 3.95 14 - 16 - 18 - 20 S-M-L-XL 00 MENS ONE GROUP REG. 6R0UP 1.50 TRENCH COATS TIE TAGS BEG. 35.00 24.95 STRETCH BELTS REG. MENS STUDENT 3.00 1.9* SWEATERS SWEATERS ONE SIZE 36 REG. 6.95 SALE 4.85 REG. 6.98 SALE 5.48 REG. 10.00 SALE 7.95 REG. 7.98 SALE 6.38 MIDDY COAT REG. 15.95 SALE 12.75 REG. 8,98 SALE 7.78 REG. REG. 27.50 SALE 21.95 REG. 12.98 SALE 10.38 29.95 19.95 WHITE REG. 1.58 MANY MENS S-M-L-XL - REG. 7.95 INITIAL IRISH LINEN SPORT SOCKS 2for99{ SPORT SHIRTS 4.95 Handkerchief BOYS REG. 1.00 REG. Broiled Hamburgers Stretch Socks 69( STUDENT SHIRTS 3.95 199 14-16-18-20 ONE SIZE 36 "A MEAL ON A BUN" ONE GROUP REG ~- , r BOYS BELTS ® 99( REG. 3.95 EACH 2 or 5.00 R1K0RD RIDER * A>R CONDITIONED PATIO MENS HAWAIIAN REG. 6.95 REG. 14.95 MATCHING MENS BUTTON DOWN SHIRTS 4.95 33.95 * DRIVE-IN WINDOW SHIRT-JACS SHIRT-JACS LADIES MENS REG. 865 N. Federal Hwy., Boca Raton 5.95 10-13-14-16 S-M-L 2/5.00 /lack Jieflaer ALSO DIXIE HIGHWAY ENTRANCE REG. ^&^ fc. a m m gat. * • • • 5.00 MENS Men's and Boy's Wear Pair REG. BOXEREGR. SHORTS 41 S. E. 1st. Avenue BOCA RATON 395-4995 Watch for our opening date 9.95 L 1.19 69t SALE ITEMS CASH ONLY ALL SALES FINAL Adamscm Appointment To Be Al Small Business Investments Meeting Confirmed by Board Monday Eugene P. Foley Will Be Speaker

Confirmation of the Jersey. His chief area Eugene P. Foley, ad- 6. Twenty-five mem- parries will convene Fri- appointment of Dr. Ro- of concern is with the ministrator of the Small bers of the board of day morning, May 7, bert E. Adamson to the special problems asso- Business Administra- governors are expected Sessions will run Fri- faculty of Florida At- ciated with human oper- tion, Washington, D.C., to attend in addition to day and Saturday morn- lantic University is ex- ators of complex and will be the featured the president of NASBIC ings. The group will be pected at the regular automated equipment. speaker at the mid-year Irving H. Dale of New welcomed by Law son, Board of Regents meet- Dr. Adamson is mar- meeting of the Southern York City, executive di- who is also a member ing in Tallahassee Mon- ried and the couple has Regional Associaion of rector Walter B. Stults, of the board of gover- day. two children, ages ele- Small Business Invest- and general counsel, nors of NASBIC. Also Dr. Adamson is now ven and eight. ment Companies at the Charles M. Noone, both participating in the deputy chief of the be- Boca Raton Hotel and of Washington D.C. Southern RASBIC pro- havioral sciences div- Club May 7-8. Members of the gram from Florida, as ision of the Air Force Edgar Southern Regional As- a featured speaker at the Office of Scientific Re- L awson, sociation of Small Bus- May 8 session, will be search. He will assume e x c u - iness Investment Com- State Senator Jerry the post of professor of tive Vice Thomas, president of psychology in the FAU presi - United Capital Corpora- College of Social Sci- dent of Dr. Kolinski Will tion, Riviera Beach. In m ence and Director of its the Boca addition to others at- Institute of Behavioral Raton tending the me e t i n g s Research, effective July C apital Speak at Meeting will be Thomas A. But- 1, 1965. Corpora-j An up-to-date apprai- ler, regional director, Dr. Adamson brings tion, will sal of socio - political small business admin- to his new university be host trends in Latin Ameri- istration, Miami. post wide experience in Boca Raton Exchange Club presented Boca Raton High School with a Freedom m e mber Foley can countries will be gi- psychological research Shrine at a presentation ceremony Thursday. The Shrine included copies of of the The dinner May 7, will ven' members of the be addressed by Richard and in the administra- 28 historical American documents photographed from the originals by experts association. Foley will tion of contracts and be introduced by Tho- Boynton Beach Rotary E. Kelley, deputy ad- ^M of the National Archives and Libraries of Congress. The presentation was Club Thursday, May 6, ministrator for invest- grants for research in Lankford made by William J. Haake, (right) president, Exchange Club, to Charles God- mas F. Fleming Jr., the behavioral sciences. at their luncheon meet- ment of the Small Bus- win, principal Boca Raton High School. The Shrine will hang in the school chairman of the board, His teaching assign- First Bank and Trust ing in Haley's Restau- iness Administration, ment will be in the field auditorium. Company, National As- rant, Washington, D .C. of experimental psycho- Lankford Arrives sociation, of Boca Ra- Dr. Charles J. Kolin- logy. As director of ton. Foley's speech will ski, associate professor BOCA RATON NEWS the institute, he will be given at 11:15 a.m. of history at Florida At- serve as liason between At Ihuie Air Base May 8, and will be op- lantic University will May 2, 1965 3A faculty and outside en to the business peo- tell his audience that agencies, supervise the Staff Sergeant Wal- ple of Boca Raton. this is the year of deci- HARD Of HEARING preparation of propo- lace B. Lankford, son sion for both Castroism sals and the collection of Mrs. Bessie Lank- The board of gover- and democracy. His SERVICING of data for research ap- ford of Huntingd o n, nors of the National As- subject is "Latin Am- plications. Tenn,, has arrived for sociation of Small Bus- erica at the Cross- * ZENITH iness Investment Com- roads." Born in Jacksonville, duty at Thule AB, * MAiCO Greenland. panies will meet at the Dr. Kolinski will il- Dr. Adamson received Boca Raton Hotel and *QUALITONE Sergeant Lankford, a lustrate his talk with his bachelor's, mas- Club on Thursday, May slides. * AUDIOTONE ter's and doctor of phi- fire protection special- losophy degrees from ist, previously served Finest Service to Stanford University. He at Hunter AFB, Ga. the Hard of Hearing has taught at Carl ton The sergeant, who at- Tommy Barfleff Farm Is Open "30 Years of Dedicated College, the University tended Hollow Rock High Ethicc 1 Service of Minnesota and Em- School, Tenn., is mar- For Cub and Brownie Scouts ory. ried to the former Mar- Florida Cub and Deer Ranch guides will From 1959 to 1964 garet C. Withrow, PRICES he was with the Systems daughter of Mr. and Brownie Scout will be on hand. have an excellent oppor- The Cubs and Brown- START DISCOUNT Development Corpora- Mrs. R. R. Withrow, Bo- AT tunity to become better ies will have the op- ON tion in Paramus, New ca Raton. ALL Fifty two men became charter members of Delta Omega Field Chapter, acquainted with wildlife portunity to hand feed BATTERIES during the month of May and observe over 200 55000 Phi Delta Kappa, professional fraternity for men in education at a charter at Tommy Bartlett's In- deer and other animals night banquet last week. Five men also were installed as officers of the Please send me the following reports: ternational Deer Ranch and see at close hand club. Among the officers installed by Nathaniel H. Shope(left) , District at Silver Springs. over 30 varieties of deer • PORTFOLIO SELECTIONS • B. F. GOODRICH VII representative, North Carolina, were Stephen Voss, president, and The month long pro- from throughout the Harry Beil, secretary. Both men are from Boca Raton. The fraternity will We handle the world's fin- D BLUE BELL C3 ASHLAND OIL gram, designed to fam- world. est selection of hearing aids, cover an area from Pompano Beach to West Palm Beach. iliarize neophyte Scouts The program is part fitting all hearing losses D RIVAL MFG. with many phases of of the continuing effort correctly. woods lore, will feature by Silver Springs to ac- periodic lectures on quaint Scout and school BOCA HEARING : deer and other wild an- groups with the great m HAMS. ;.;r,...... •>• Dr. Donald Andrews to Conduct (Pleiuw Prinl) imals by well known heritage of the out-of- CENTER ADDRESS conservation lectures doors and conservation 21 S.E. 3rd Street TEL. NO BR and is being sponsored of the wilderness and its Boca Raton, Fla. Lectures in Two Texas Colleges in cooperation with the inhabitants. Ph. 395-4242 North Florida Scout Eight lectures at two Waco will be Dr. An- Part of Dr. Andrews' Council. institutions of higher drews' second stop. At trip will be visits to Cub and Brownie Portfolio Selections for learning in Texas will Baylor University, May Tulane University and troops, accompanied by be next week's schedule 6 and 7, his audience the University of Texas leaders if in groups or SEE IT... SEE US... AND SAVE! Four Investment Objectives for Dr. Donald H, An- will include attendants where former students individuals accompan- drews, distinguished at the college chapel of his are, respectively ied by a parent, will be Stable Income professor of chemistry service, an evening pub- vice chancellor foraca- hnored at the Deer Ran- at Florida Atlantic Un- lic group, and two demic affairs and asso- ch at a vastly reduced Long Term Growth iversity. groups of science ma- date dean of science. admission to cover jors. High Income At the invitation of the Before coming to FAU handling and tax char- Association of Ameri- At both institutions he Dr. An drews was a ges only. Capital Gains can Colleges he will stop will visit science clas- member of the faculty Among lecturers who May 3 and 4, at Texas ses for informal discus- of Johns Hopkins Uni- will be on hand during Our Research Department has also recently prepared four Lutheran College, Se- sions. versity for 30 years. He weekend days will be interesting investment reports, available without obli- guin, Texas, where he The lecture series is is noted both as a lec- John Hamlet, interna- gation. Simply check the bozes in the above coupon. will address both the supported by a grant turer on science and on tionally famous wildlife college assembly and a from theDanforthFoun- the scientist's affirm- expert and naturalist. public group, illustrat- dation. ative view of religion. On other days regular LEE HIGGINSON CORPORATION ing the latter talk with 105 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Raton • Tel. 395-4500 a film he has produced New York Boston for the William Hale San Francisco Orlando Milwaukee Harkness Foundation of As soon as you've seen the car you want, come Members New Yorkr American and other New York. These will Principal Stock Exchanges be followed by two lec- YOU CAN ENJOY see us! You'li save on the low cost of our Investment Service since 1848 tures for science ma- jors. AUTO LOANS

nqpaBW Did you come to Florida to enjoy the sun, LUNCHEON thus cutting the over-all cost of your car. You'll fresh air and wonderful outdoors... n like our prompt service, income-fitting payment •" WITH YOUR FAVORITE plans too! Come in ... talk it over. 10 STORIES UP IN A i—i Q CONCRETE BUILDING? t—' n COCKTAIL The higher up you live, the further you are away from the BOCA RATON things most people come to Florida for. Down-to-earth Florida- 0 lovers get the most out of life ,.. with the sun in their back- in the beautiful yard ... breezes bringing birdsongs through open windows NATIONAL ... and the wonderful outdoors all around them. EL TORO BANK LOUNGE DAILY 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M. Except Saturday and Sunday

THERE'S NOTHING LIKE FLORIDA LIVING IN YOUR, Royal Palm Cafeteria OWN PRIVATE HOME GAMIM0 For Florida's SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY finest private home values, GARDENS ROYAL PALM PLAZA see Camino Gardens. at CAMINO REAL See our ad on page 8A for more information 303 Golf View Drive, Boca Raton MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION 4A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS In Group Tourney Play Bobcats Win First 2 Games Dennis Jones Stars, -~*» Break Blasts Triple, Homer 3-3 Tie A two-on home run day in the seventh, he and a triple by Short- hit a home run to left stop Dennis Jones led field with two men on In Ninth the Boca Raton Bobcats base. He got on once to a berth in the finals with a walk. Bob Bozzone's triple of Group tournament Boca Raton complete- to right field, followed Friday afternoon. Visit- ly dominated the ball by a double by Tony Lal- ing Coral Shores was game from the first bat- li, broke a tie in the 9th You'd be nervous too if it was the ninth mini dumped to the tune of ter on. Coral Shores inning Wednesday and inning, score tied at 3-3 and the winning run 12-1. wasn't able to get a man gave Boca Raton their on third base. Mrs. George Enders, mother of Jones had a perfect past first base until the first step toward a state ballplayer Mike, is the most loyal fan the Bob- day at bat, coming up seventh inning when they championship. cats had all season. She didn't miss a single four times and reach- scored their one and on- Tied at 3-3 in the game all year, at home or away. ing the base paths four ly run. second extra inning, the times. In his first time Harry Herbold, work- Bobcats beat St. An- around in the second ing on the mound for the drew's School for Boys, inning he warmed up Bobcats, struck out 11 Uncs&va&^wi. 4-3. with a single to left field. of 14 batsmen facing him Facing the area's In the third inning the in four innings before he most improved team for shortstop rapped a tri- was relieved by Delgato. the second time this ple to the left field bu- Herbold had an 8-0 win year, Boca Raton grab- shes. Topping off his going when he was re- bed off an early lead. placed to save his arm Rapping a single into for possible relief duty right field off pitcher Saturday. Tony Lalli, Boca Raion Bobcat catcher, got in the first and last word Wed- Jurika, Tony Lalli went Lalli and Ziolkowski nesday against St. Andrew's Scots. Shown below, he slapped out the first hit all the way to third on Belen led off the running attack of the ball game for a single. Minutes later he scored. And as seen above, Tom Ziolkowski's sac- by Jim Rifenhurg when both reached base Lalli rapped a double to right field, scoring Delgado, running for Bozzone from rifice bunt. SPORTS EDITOR on walks in the opening third base. Chuck Lekniskas fol- inning. An infield fly lowed with an infield This week we wish we were back on the Takes by Lekniskas plated single. Big Mike En- metropolitan daily newspaper. Lalli and Ziolkowski ders rapped the third Before coming to Florida some 9 or 10 years scored on a single by pitch back to second ago, our experience was entirely with the daily Two big.Mike Enders, Bob- where it was bobbled type publication. There are pros and cons, cat first sacker. and Lalli scored to open of course, working hours and conditions and one Three unearned runs in the second inning In the second, Jones the way. thing or another. reached first on a sin- Cutie tied up the ball thing or another, but with sports ganged up the Wednesday gave Belen a second shot at the gle and eventually stole game for the Scots in way they are over the weekend, the daily has his way home. the third after he had the break. state baseball crown. They had little trouble The third inning was reached the basepaths By virtue of our sports pages having to be the big one for the Bob- by being hit with a pit- made up and on the press Friday night for the building a 3-1 win over Pine Crest. cats as they plated five ched ball. Lalime pop- weekend edition, we can't cover anyting that runners on four hits, Belen's Bezos led off ped up to Catcher Lalli happens on Saturday until the following Thursday. Herbold's single ac- for the first out and This Saturday we had group baseball tourna- the second inning with a counted for two runs. single to left field and Jurika went down, pit- ment, group field trials, state swimming mat- One more in the sixth cher to first, on an in- ches at St. Andrew's and Derby Day. It's enough went to second on a wild and three in the seventh, pitch. Pineyro hit a hot field hopper. Cutie by to turn this old grey hair white. including Jones' two-on this time had stolen a Since the time of writing for this column is grounder to shortstop home run added up to the Bullard who threw high base and was waiting Friday morning, we have to assume a lot of big 12-run lead. on second when third things. Such as: Boca Raton High School will at first putting the run- ner on with an error. Coral Shores' run in baseman Hewitt punched go into tournament play Saturday against either the seventh came on a one into right field. The Mary Immaculate or Belen. Pine Crest will Third man at the plate, Gonzales also reached pair of errors, one at run scored, but Hewitt probably dominate the state swimming champ- short, the other on the was out trying to stretch ionships with the Scots taking three or four first on an error. At University Park Two runs in succes- hill. his hit into a double. The top places. And we also expect Charlie Ben- The win gave Boca immediate threat was nett's track squad to take at least four berths sion scored on passed balls and the third cros- Raton a chance at the over. in the state championships. championships for Lalli and Klipsic, both The Derby? Well, it won't be a total loss. sed home pi ate when Ve- Monie Devereaux Is Club Champ ga slammed a single to Group 8 Saturday after- on bases with walks, The mint juleps will taste just as good and noon. Monie Devereaux, scored for the Cats in either Willie Shoemaker or Hartack will boot right field. 105- 107 - 104 — 316. Coral Shores AB R H shooting a 270 over Runnerup was Emmy the fourth and it looked home a winner. three days, Thursday like another walkwway Belen trimmed Mary Reeves, ss 3 0 0 Marshall with 107-109- Ross, cf-lb 3 0 1 won University Park 110—326. game for Boca Raton. Immaculate, 2 to 1, in Poucher, p-rf Golf and Country Club's However, St. An- the second game Friday 3 1 0 Chipin winners for the Gilliam, rf-p 3 0 0 Women's championship. day were Molly Davis drew' s m a d e a brand Little League Plans Minors, afternoon, winning the Horner, 2b 0 new ball game out of it right to meet the Bob- 3 0 Mrs. Devereaux had a and Nadine Tapscott. Keitz, 3b 3 0 0 90 on the first 18 Tues- in the top of the sev- cats in the finals Sat- Watson, c 0 0 enth inning, urday. 1 day, fell off to a 95 on Lynn, If 0 0 Wednesday's round then Heidgart took the full Signup Set F@r Wednesday Alberto Franquiz was 2 Sun & Surf Clayband, cf 0 0 0 blazed to an 85 finish count before hitting a the winning factor for Nielson, lb 0 0 on the final day. dribbler back to Dennis Little League Asso- baseball caps and will the Miami squad. Walk- 1 ciation is planning for a play every Wednesday Crawshaw, If 1 0 0 Ladies Play Jones at short. He was • ing in the first inning, 1 1 thrown out at first base. minor league this year night. he stole second, went to TOTALS 23 Mrs. E. Ottwell took because of the large "It's very important Boca Raton AB R H the regular Ladies Day Appleyard and Bryan third on a passed ball Lalli, c 1 both waited out pitcher number of boys who that we have a minor and scored on a second 4 0 Season tournament at Sun & Surf turned out and didn't league," he said. Many Ziolkowski, 2b 3 2 2 Moni Devereau club this week with a Chuck Lekniskas and passed ball. 0 received walks. Miller, make the majors. of our boys will be tak- Mary Immaculate tied 4 0 Runnerup • in the score of 16-6 —10. Bill Hood said yes- ing off for vacations this Keith, cf ' 0 0 0 The ladies played ev- pinch-hitting for Cutie, the score at 1-1 in the To Open championship division rapped a single to cen- terday a registrat i o n summer and we'll have Enders, lb 4 2 2 was Mina Fisher. She en holes and used one- second on a pair of er- Dodge, 3b 2 ter field to load the bas- meeting for this group to fill their positions. rors. 4 1 shot a 93-93-92—279, half handicap. will be held Wednesday Also, every league Herbold, p-rf 4 1 1 In second place was es. Coming back in the nine strokes off the win- At this point, Coach evening at the Little needs a farm system Jones, ss 3 3 3 ner. Mrs. Bjorkman. She had League field. final inning, Belen load- 1 Tuesday Harry Benson decided it to build for the future." ed the bases on a walk, Klipsic, If 3 0 Nell McCook's 281 13-2-1/2—10-1/2. The league will have Hood asked that par- Zinno, If 0 0 0 Pony League season Third place honors was time to change hit and error and then 0 won B Flite honors. Her things on the hill and full sponsorship, will be ents accompany their saw their winning run Dolan, ph 1 0 opens Tuesday night at daily scores were 95- were taken by Mrs. Bea fssued T-shirts and boys. Bozzone, rf 2 0 0 Memorial Park and Fletcher, who posted a called Harry Herbold in cross the plate at Fran- 0 95-91. quiz walk forcing a man Delgato, p 1 0 President Rex Moss For second place in score of 16-5-11. (Continued on 5A) to score. TOTALS 3312 9 said yesterday all pro- B Flite, Trudy Dens - Coral Shores 000 000 ceeds of the first night more and Ruth Till son Boca Raton 215 001 3-12 will go to the Duncan had to go into a sud- fund. den death playoff to little The fund was origin- break a tie score. Mrs. 70 Players ated by Rev. William Densmore took the Deutschmann of the Ad- crown on the 21st hole. vent Lutheran Church Her score was a 296. League In Best Ball for the education and support of the Duncan In C Flite, Stella Gu- Tournament boys. lotta took first. with a To Open Moss said all four Seventy players en- sponsors will have a BOWLING m Boca Raton's Little tered a Best Ball Two- representative on the League season will of- some tournament mound Tuesday' night MEETING ficially get underway Thursday as Royal Palm and each will throw out Wed. May 5, 7 P.M. here Monday night. It Women took to the links. a "first ball." will be the kickoff of a Jobey Welch and Ruth Pony League season SCRATCH 56-game season. Martin tied with Evelyn runs through July 2 with A single game pitting Fishbaugh and Alt a play on Tuesday and Causeway Lumber and Knight for first place Friday nights. Until 3 man--4 games SINGLE SPRAY YEARLY CONTRACT school is out, games ARMlf WORMS CHINCH BUOS Leturmy at 7 p.m. will honors in the full handi- G or more $"700 per open a stand that runs cap affair. The two Tuesday will be single, make your reservation $goo Sprays * Spray through July 6th. teams posted scores of double-headers on Fri- Mayor Sid Brodhead 61. day. After school, all games are double-head- NOW!! COMPLETE will throw out the first In second place the FERTILIZING PLAN ball Monday and is ex- team of Adelaide Camp- ers. University FERTILIZING PLAN bell and Mary Moore Chinch Bug Control with 3 Chinch Bug, Army Warm, pected to make a short Weeds & Fungus Control—3 Ed Cutie, St. Andrew's shortstop, figured speech. had a score of 63. Applications of Dry ICQICQOOO To Place A Bow! Organic Fertilizer .. O Applications of Dry $pf)OO JR one of the closer plays in Wednesday's ball Fred Sturm, presi- Third place honors Classified Ad Organic Fertilizer .. dent of the Little League were taken by Gloria 100 NE game. In a close play, that could have been Phone 395-5121 a double out, Cutie slid into third under the Association, will be Drummond and Karen Boc20a StBato. n SOLID FERT5LIZER — 25% ORGANIC ....$10.00 outstretched glove of Bobcat third-sacker master of ceremonies. Thernell. They had a Above prices based on average sized lot All eight teams of the 64. (65' x 125') Wayne Dodge. Coach Tom Flynn and Fourth place showed a the base umpire, center, tooth said Cutie was league will be present BEAT the CHAMP »"•» in uniform, along with six way tie. safe. Coach Benson and Dodge weren't quite managers and coaches. Mrs. Robert Blessing BOCA RATON 395-6565 so sure. It was a crucial point of the game as TOURNAMENT It is expected the City reports no slack in the QUALIFY ANYTIME Ft. Lauderdaie Palm Beach the runner scored seconds later to tie the score "season" at Royal Palm Commission will also LU 3-1281 848-3830 at 3-3. attend. golf. University Bowl Boc100a N.EEaton. 20t395-522h st2. BOCA RATON NEWS May 2, 1965 5A

Little League Season opens William Stowe, president of First Bank and Trust Company of Boca Raton, kicked off the fund drive for high school athletics this week with a $500 check. Bob Breitenstein, dean of Monday, May 3rd. men at Florida Atlantic University and chair- man of the drive, accepts the donation. Leturmy Vs. Causeway Kegler's Korner Pony League Season Opens Tuesday, May 4th.

SUPPORT r •• T The most talked about The All America summer bowling league Youth program is going YOUR Favorite Team is the one being organ- along nicely. All the boys and girls have been WIN! ized among the various service clubs. coming in daily to bowl Carl Lang helped their qualifying games. spearhead this league The three man scratch and will be contacting summer league will or- the other clubs that have ganize on Wednesday the not reported their 5th for the summer sea- teams. son. Much interest has The fall and winter been shown and they will have their meeting at 7 schedules are rapidly LflL IP THIS SCHEDULE coming to the end and p.m. TEAMS with it the leagues are University Bowl will electing their officers be sending another team l-Causewajl 5-First Federal Savings for the coming season. to the BPAF finals in 2-Elks 6-Civitans The Boca His and Her West Palm Beach, A 3-Kiwanis 7-First Bank of Boca group has elected Har- squad was run on Wed- 4-Boca National Bank 8-Leturmy vey Shelter, president, nesday and the winners Col. Paul Villiard, vice Dan Bey, Rudy Maas, president, and Dot tie Harvey Page, Bob TLE IE King, secretary-treas- Brewster and Sal A1-. > DOUBLE HEADERS urer. The University tieri bowled a total of Bowlerettes selected 3186 including handicap. I Tue., June 1- 1 1 vs 4 their new slate with Ma- They meet teams from 2 7 vs 8 bel Walker as presi- other parts of the state 1 ft Thu., June 3- 1 3 vs 1 dent, . Marion Pearson, on May46th. ••- -- j •r - 2 4 vs 2 vice president, Eve- ROYAL OAK HILLS PALMS Fri., June 4- 1 5 vs 8 lyn Olson, secretary - Team Won Lost vJ # - 2 6 vs 7 treasurer and Charlotte Coconut Palms 28 17 Mon., J.une 7 - 1 1 vs 2 Date Palms 25 20 L Scott, sergeant at arms. Sabal Palms 23 22 - 2 4 vs 7 A new tournament Sago Palms 21 24 Tue., June 8- 1 3 vs 8 called "Beat the Queen Palms 20 25 1\\ - 2 5 vs 6 3 King Palms 20 25 Champ' starts on Mon- Individual high, Bill Taylor, A Mon., June 14- 1 8 vs 1 day and will run for 4 214, Marion Rigaumont, 194; ¥1I - 2 7 vs 2 weeks, each week the individual triple, Bob MacLar- m Tue., June 15- 1 6 vs 3 en, 546, Marion Rigaumont, 478; 1 f [( high three men and wo- Trophies presented to winning m fl - 2 5 vs 4 men on a handicap bas- Coconut Palms Team consist- Thu., June 17- 1 1 vs 7 is will be selected for ing of Captain: Mai Spinning, 2 6 vs 8 Marion Rigaumont, Leo Boliek the house finals with the and Vi Misenhimer. Special tro- Fri., June 18- 1 5 vs 2 winners going to Lake phy presented to Jo Spinning. 2 4 vs 3 Worth to bowl against Mon., June 21 - 1 5 vs 7 champions Tommy Tut- BOCA HIS & HER MAY SCHEDULE 2 6 vs 1 Team Won Lost Mon., May 3 - 1 VS 8 tle and Olga Gloor. Quads 82 35 Tue., June 22- 1 4 vs 8 Saturday Jeanne Newcomers 69 42 Tue., May 4 - 2 vs 7 _ 2 3 vs 2 B r o w n 1 e e and Max B-S'ers 671/2 421/2 Thu., May 6 - 3 vs 6 Thu., June 24- 1 4 vs 6 Jolly Four 641/2 421/2 May 7 5 - 2 3 7 B o o k e escorted the Tinkerbells 57 1/2 501/2 Fri., - 4 vs vs house winners to Miami Fire Eaters 531/2 521/2 Mon., May 10 - 7 vs 1 Fri., June 25- 1 1 vs 5 to participate in the Mi- Country Club 4 52 53 Tue., May 11 - 8 vs 6 - 2 2 vs 8 Inseparables 50 54 ami News Tournament. High team game, Jolly Four, Thu., May 13 - 2 vs 5 Mon., June 28 - 1 2 vs 6 18,000 children partici- 650; high team triple, Jolly Fri., May 14 - 3 vs 4 - 2 3 vs 5 pated and the winners Four 1880; individual high, Paul Mon., May 17 - 7 vs 5 Tue., June 29- 1 4 vs 1 Veillard 207, Doris Moss, 180; compete at the Univer- individual triple, Paul Veillard, Tue., May 18 - 1 vs 6 2 8 vs 7 sith Bowl, South Miami, 535, Dottie King, 523. Thu., May 20 - 8 vs 4 Thu., July 1 - 1 2 vs 4 Representing the Ban- Fri., May 21 - 2 vs 3 - 2 1 vs 3 tam girls will be Susan STURDY OAKS Mon., May 24 - 6 vs 4 Fri., July 2 - 1 7 vs 6 WEEKLY WINNERS Meredith, The Bantam Skinner 229 Tue., May 25 - 7 vs 3 - 2 8 vs 5 boys will be represented Yates 228 Thu., May 27 - 7 vs 1 Mon., July 5 - 1 8 vs 3 by Ted Olsen and Rick MacLaren 225 Fri., May 28 - .8 vs 2 - 2 2 vs 1 Brownlee. Junior girls Ganger 221 May 31 3 1 7 Bel and 220 Mon., - 5 vs Tue., July 6 - vs 4 by Marilyn Brownlee High team game, Roth, Gaddis, 6 vs 2 2 6 vs 5 (winner in 1963 ). Two Scofield, Becker, Lane, 967; girls from Marymount high team triple, TIE Mere- dith, Bovaniger, Henthorn,Rey- school, Brandy Com- nolds, Poole, M. Long, Skin- mings and Judy Calan- ner, MacLaren, Mackan, Sus- dra, will bowl in the sieck, 2675; individual high, THIS ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORED BY THE FOLLOWING SUPPORTERS senior girls division. Skinner, 213; individual triple, Skinner, 518. OF LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL IN BOCA RATON Cists less! St. Andrews JOHN J. ACQ1ULAN0 COLONY PHOTOGRAPHIC (Continued from 4A) GARRY'S SPORT SHOP MATTY'S ONE-HOUR CLEANERS FLOOE COVERINGS STUDIO 161 SE 1st Ave. 1943 N. Federal Hwy. from centerfield t o SCOTS AB R H Winfield Shopping Center 395-0290 395-4209 42 S.E. 2nd St. 395-2440 pitch. Lalime took four Hewit, 3b 4 0 1 395=5511 # balls to walk and pushed Punches, cf 3 0 0 GOOD'S AMERICAN STATION UNIVERSITY BOWL BANNER TRAVEL SERVICE C&W ELECTRIC CORP. 100 N.E. 20th St. in the second run for St. Riley, lr-rf 4 0 0 Royal Palm Plaza 1655 N. Fyd. Hwy. 119 N.W. 16th St. 395=9891 395-5222 Andrew's. With the ty- Heidgart, rf-c 4 0 0 395=5722 395=2232 ing run on third, Coach Appleyard, lb 3 1 0 JACK'S BARBER SHOP WINFIELD GIFT SHOP Flynn called for the hit BLUM'S of boca DANDY DEPARTMENT STORE Billing, rf 0 0 0 2980 N. Federal Hwy. 2166 N.E. 1st Ave. 479 N.E. 20th St. and run. Armour, run- Bryan, c 2 0 0 395-5212 1670 N. Federal Hwy. 395-3300 395-2949 395=2395 ning for Bryan, streaked Armour, c 1 1 0 YOUNG'S GARDEN SUPPLY toward home with the Cutie, ss 1 1 0 BOCA HONDA SALES D&M AUTO PARTS JACK KEITZER windup and was just six 3719 S. Fed. Hwy. - Delray Men's and Boys Wear 209 South Federal Hwy, Miller, ss 2 0 1 276-6400 220 S. Dixie Hwy. 41 S.E. 1st Ave. 395-0818 feet off the plate when Lalime, 2b 1 0 0 395=2412 395-4995 Ortensi bunted back to Jurika, p 1 0 0 BOCA JEWELERS Herbold on the mound in Hernandez,ss 1 0 0 364 E. Palmetto Park Kd. DUGAN TRAVEL SERVICE, INC. KECK/5 BARBER SHOP # a perfect sacrifice ty- Ortenzi, p 0 0 0 395=7422 75 South Federal Hwy. 65 South Federal Hwy. ing" the game, Hewitt TOTALS 27 3 2 BOCA RATON MOTORS 395-2112 395-9884 went down short to first BOBCATS AB R H for the third out. 2 2 2 S.E. 1st St. EAGLE ARMY NAVY DEPT. STORE LEE HIGGINSON CORP. Lalli, c 3 3S5-5300" 1666 N. Federal Hwy. 105 E. Boca Raton Rd. Boca Raton had men Ziolkowski,2b 3 0 1 395-0832 395-4500 on the basepaths in both Lekniskas,p 3 0 1 BOCA RATON OFFICE SUPPLY the seventh and eighth Enders,lb 3 0 1 190 E. Boca Raton Kd. but couldn't get a run W. Dodge, 3b 3 0 0 395-3140 across until the Boz- Herbold, cf-p 4 0 0 zone-Lalli combination CAMPUS GULF SERVICE Jones, ss 4 0 2 1299 N.W. 2nd Ave. in the tenth. Klipsic, If 3 10 395-9882 The win put Boca Ra- Bozzone, rf 4 0 1 # ton into Friday's semi- Delgado 0 10 finals against Coral TOTALS 30 4 8 Shores. Scots 001 000 200—3 The box score-. Bobcats 100 200 001—4 6A May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS Merchandise for Sale Boats for Sale Autos for Sale • IhslructionS-Tuforing • Services Available •Business Opportunities• Real Estate Trade New Furniture, slightly LET US SELL YOUR CLEAN CAR FOR SALE FERN HALL PRIVATE CARPENTRY BEER & WINE BAR Exchange Equity, al- Classified used, bedroom, Living BOAT - WE HAVE CUS- 1960 Buick Invicta 4 dr. SCHOOL, Nursery thru Finished Carpenter 2724 N. Dixie Hwy., Wil- most new, spacious 3/2 room, Dining Rm, TOMERS FOR GOOD Hardtop extra clean, one High School. Small Work. Cabinets a Spec- ton Manors for informa- on lg lot. 501 N.W. 13th Vacuum, lots of extras. USED BOATS OF ALL owner, one driver. 325 Classes. Individual In- ialty. W.J. Peters, 399- tion call LO 4-9241 Ft. Ave., Boca Raton, for Ads Call 278-3810 or Boyn- SIZES. {-IP Hi-Compression en- struction. Also Summer 1951. Lauderdale. vacant lot. 395-4383. ton 732-3388. CeeBee Marina Inc. gine. New paint job, ra- School Starting June 7. ELECTRIC AL SERVICE BEAUTY SALON, down- INCOME PROPERTY 580 N. Fed. Hwy. diator, battery and muf- 325 SE 9th St. Ft. Laud- Speedy 24 Hr. Service town, Large Apt, house FOR Line Rates 30

Engagement Scholarship a First for Seacrest V Announced Mr. and Mrs. Robert Local Girl Gets Award P. Pfanner, 783Conven- try St., have announced Joan Wyllner, Sea- The scholarship is the fund. the engagement of their crest High School stu- presented each year to Miss Wyllner plans daughter Sharon Ann to dent, daughter of Mr. a graduating senior in to attend Palm Beach and Mrs. Edgar Wyll- Palm Beach County Junior College. Michael D8 Kopytchak, 2182 N.E. Fifth Cir. ner, 1300 N.W. Seventh schools. She is a member of St., has been awarded . The grant, $400 annu- the high school chapters Kopytchak is the son Palm Beach County Pa- of the Future T-eacher's of Mrs. Anne Wells, rent Teacher's Asso- ally for college study, is Binghamton, N.Y. and from the council's scho- of America and the Red ciation Council's teach- larship fund to which Cross, and the Junior Michael Kopytchak, Mi- ing scholarship. Exchangette Club, ami, Fla. This is the first time PTA units throughout a Seacrest High School the county contribute She was presented the Miss Pfanner attend- award at the PTA's fi- ed Lake Worth High student has won the each year. Proceeds award, since the fund from • Seacrest PTA's nal meeting of the school School, Lake Worth, and year. is employed in Boynton was established in 1955. thrift shop sales go to Beach. Kopytchak is a grad- uate of Central High School, Binghamton. He attended Florida State University and is pre- sently at Florida At- lantic University, where he's a member of Phi Kappa Tau National So— Mr. and Mrs. Stephen van Pelt Quackenbush cial Fraternity, and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Oxl ey completing studies fora degree in Business Ad- ministration. Sharon Ruth Becomes Newlyweds Will Moke A fall wedding is plan- ned. Palm Beach Their Home Bride of Tom Ox/ey Sharon Lee Ruth, The bridegroom will Janice Carol Burque, chiffon powder blue daughter of Mr. and be a senior at Florida daughter of Mr. andstole, a blue floral pill- Mrs. Carl S. Ruth, Jr., Atlantic University in Mrs. Joseph J. Burque, box, and a beige orchid 395 N.W. 23 St. ex- September. owner and operator of corsage. changed wedding vows The couple's honey - Boca Iron Works, ex- A buffet reception with Tom Oxley, son moon trip was in the changed wedding vows given by the bride's par- of Mr. and Mrs. John southern part of Flori- with Stephen van Pelt ents at the Town House Oxley, Tulsa, Okla., da. They will live in Quackenbush, III, son of foftowed the ceremony. April 24 in First Bap- Tulsa following the Stephen van Pelt Quack- The bride chose an tist Church, Delray bridegroom's gradua- enbush, Jr., Palm Beach aqua blue sheath dress Beach. tion from FAU. and Elk Lake, Pa., and with matching evening Rev. Carl Storey of- Mrs. Edward Giddons, coat and shoes, white ficiated at the double Competition among Takoma Park, Md., Sat- pill box and white gloves ring ceremony. airlines in in-flight en- urday in St. Vincent for her wedding trip to The bride appeared tertainment has driven Ferrer Church, Delray Ponte VedraClub, Jack- at the arm of her fa- one carrier to install a Beach. sonville. The bride is Miss Pfanner ther in a white silk or- seven - channel sound Rev. Walter Roux of- system in addition to a graduate of Seacrest ganza gown with an em- motion pictures. Among ficiated at the double High School and Palm broidered front panel. ring ceremony. the choices are light Beach Junior College. Luncheon She held a bouquet of classical, popular, Miss Marie Tuck, honor English teacher and head of the scholarship com- The bride appeared The .bridegroom is a white shasta daisies stage and music mittee at Seacrest High School, '(left) and Mrs. William Eckler, president at the arms of her fa- graduate of George with yellow centers. and recordings for chil- Seacrest High School PTA presented the County PTA Council's teaching ther in a floor-length School, Newtown, Pa., Is Planned Matron of honor was dren. scholarship to Joan Wyllner, Boca Raton. Allen Vogl Photo gown of re-embroidered and has completed four Carol Oxley; best man, Alencon lace over silk years with the U.S. Na- A Mother's Day lun- Jack Oxley. organza. vy. He is presently cheon will be held by A reception at the Appliques of lace with in his second year at members of the Pedia- home of the bride's par- seedpearls extended Palm Beach Junior Col- tric Care Center Aux- ents followed the cere- down a chapel train at- lege and a member of iliary Tuesday, May 4 mony. tached to the skirt of the Naval Reserves. in the Officer's Club, The bride, a graduate the gown. The couple will live Fort Lauderdale. of a high school in Tam- Her fingertip French at "Long Shadows," Chairman of the lun- pa, attended Broward illusion veil featured a Tangier Avenue., Palm cheon is Mrs. RobertD' Junior College for one crown of seedpearls and Beach. Amore, Boca Raton. year. crystal tear drops. She held one white rose set on lace and seedpearl TIME IS covered missal. Music was provided by D. Hugh Albee, solo- ist, and Miss Lethe IT'S MAY Madge Royce, organist. Maid of honor, Kath- leen Clark chose afloor length antique green and time for sheath with a train. Both the gown and train were a accented with lime green. Elaine Burque, bride's sister, wore a pale lime green floor MONEY length sheath with a train, accented by an- tique green. Both car- ried a spray of yellow carnations. Periodic review of your Will Best man was Jan B. Quackenbush, bride- groom's brother. The bride's mother with your lawyer, in the light wore a powder blue sheath dress trimmed with silver metallic, a of current conditions, may An Atlantic auto ferry has been proposed by a European ship line for well spare your estate much service in 1967. The This is the time of year ivhen present test schedule between Haifa and Rome will help decide on con- a truly fine professional needless loss. struction of a 20,000- ton ocean ferry. portrait is a necessity

SAVE THIS FOR COMPLETE TRUST SERVICE, SEE US. 1UMBER I n FOR *.'• EMERGENCY USE FIRST BANK and TRUST COMPANY of BOCA RATON KRAEM 42 S.E. 2nd STREET TELEPHONE BOCA RATON, FLA. 395-5511 NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 1st AVENUE and ROYAL PALM RD. 395-4420 J 395-1800 Distinctive photography for the discriminating OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 4:30 to 6:00 P.M. 2B May 2, 1965 BOCA RATON NEWS School Will Hold Prom St. Andrew's School Junior - Senior Prom will be held Saturday, May 8 at the Boca-Ra- ton Hotel and Club, Ca- bana Club. Steve Billing is chair- man of the formal invi- tational dance, Rusty Schoenthaler, chair - man of entertainment; Jamie Waken, invita- tions; and Tim Warbur- ton, decorations. Dancing will be from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. in the Surf Room, Caba- na Club. Faculty* guests will include Dr. and Mrs* Joseph Gould,- dance ad- visors, Headmaster and Mrs, E. J. Curtis, Jr., Royal Palm Women's Golf Association has those who attended the luncheon were (left) Mr. and Mrs. Fred two groups of women playing golf, the eighteen Mrs. Frank W. Regan, low gross champ,'Mrs. Burr, Dr.-and Mrs. M. hole and the nine hole group. The nine hole A.H. Gillmore, • new chairman of the group; L. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. players ended their season with a guest day Mrs. G.F. Reiman, immediated past chairman, Thomas Flynn, Mr. and luncheon in the Yacht Club Thursday. Among and Mrs. John A. McCormick, low net winner. Mrs. William Posey, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Anthony, and Mr. and Jolly Mixers Mrs, Kenneth Garside. Women Plan Set Luncheon Jolly Mixers Club will Installation hold a pink luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Installation of the May 5 in El Sirocco Ho- Mrs. Robert Good (left) Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter, and Mrs. Charles Winn- first officers of Boca tel. ingham, Kpsiion Pi, were named Beta Sigma Phi "Women of the Year" at Raton Chapter, United Pink will be the color a founder's day banquet April 28. The banquet marked the 3 Hh anniversary Churchwomen will be scheme for the women's of the national soroity and the 10th anniversary of Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter. held at afellowship dresses and luncheon Mrs. Good is a charter member of the group. Both women hold the Erskine meeting Friday, May 7 decor. Feldmann Bowl which was presented to Mrs. Winningham. She will keep in First Methodist Cards will follow the Church. luncheon. Mrs. Virgil the bowl for a year then present it to next year's "Woman of the Year" from Meeting will begin the Kp.silon Pi Chapter. Mrs. Good also received a trophy from her chapter. Heck will preside as with a coffee hour at hostess. 9:30 a.m. Officers are Mrs. Victoria, British Co- John Lynn, First Metho- lumbia was founded in dist Church, president; 1843 as a.fort for the Miss Nellis Clift, Uni- Hudson's Bay Company. ted Church of Christ, It has been a naval base vice president, Mrs, since 1865. Roy G. Henderson, First Presbyterian Church, OUR SEARCH for treasurer; Mrs. Philip PRECIOUS JEWELS S. B e e s e, Moravian CHurch, secretary. VALUED at FIVE Music will be provi- HUNDRED DOLLARS ded by Mrs. Robert Ag- m more CONTINUES new and Mrs.' Lillian Mrs. Palmer Craig presented a film on India at Royale Woman's Club Inter- Parker. national tea last week. Chatting with Mrs. Craig (center) about her travels in we will pay cash Reservations for the India are (1 eft) Mrs. Glenn Smithson, chairman of the tea, 'and Mrs. Allan B. coffee hour may be made Millar, Royale Woman's Club president. or... act as your by 1 p.m. Wednesday, May 5 at the First Meth- BROKER odist Church, 395-1244. Rev. Gathers See KARLPALEY Mrs. Lifka Will Speak Rev. G. E. Gathers, Pompano Beach, will be Is Elected guest speaker at a St. myal palm Meeting to discuss plans and distribute tickets for a card party to be given Mrs. Charles Lifka, Gregory's Churchwo- -BOCA RATON 395-7433 by Boca Raton Garden Club was held in the home of Mrs. William Steers, chair- 2547 E. SUNRISE BLVD.- Boca Raton, will be in- men meeting Monday, T. LAUDERDALE 564.3360 man of the party. The party will be held at 8 p.jti. Thursday, May 13 in the stalled vice president May 3. Community Center. Mrs. Leslie Eames (left), ticket chairman, distributes of Women's Overseas tickets to Mrs. Alexander Beckman and Mrs. Howard Secor. Service League, Fort Lauderdale Unit, at a II meeting Saturday, May 8. BOB KEITH, Reg. The meeting will be held at noon in Broward I^MgjL. Hotel, Fort Lauderdale. Anyone in the Boca Raton area interested in the league may con- tact Mrs. Lifka, 276- 6233. Lynnette Carol Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Edwards, 2061 W- Confer- 28 Years Club Installs ence Dr., was presented the first Barbara Matwiy Nursing Scholarship from Royale Experience New Officers Woman's Club at an International Tea last week. The award was presented to her by Mrs. AMOS WHITEMAN, Reg. Ph. Serving the Mrs. Joseph Gola, T.C. Lane, the club's education chairman. People of Jr., was installed presi- Miss Edwards, a Seacrest High School senior, dent of Woman's Club will attend Palm Beach Junior College. She at a meeting last week. Installing officer was is a member of the Para-Medics Club, Sea- WsmwmW^ . - — — Mrs. Vincent J. Welp, crest, and works as a candy striper at Beth- West Palm Beach, dis- esda Memorial Hospital. When your doctor trict 10 director. prescribes for a Other officers are y Mrs. Oliver Chambers, cervical collar or Mrs. Joseph Gola, Jr., (left) new president of Woman's Club receives first vice president; the club gavel from Mrs. Vincent J. Welp, installing officer, and Mrs. Harold Mrs. Ben Rich, second ASHBAUGH, Re3. Pfl a rib belt" Archer, retiring president. vice president; Mrs. Roger Shaul, recording YOU CAN FIND THEM secretary; Mrs, Wil- liam Maxfield, corres- in our Surgical ponding secretary, and House Mrs. Charles deVault, you Appliance Dept. Happy treasurer. _€'-»- ..... HADN'T YES, we do have has been used for a spot about an important look- By Claire Archer ing ceramic farm ani- The value of Japanese FREE DELIVERY and to collect books, papers, f magazines, or the child- mal. Then dare your household sewing mac- LEARHEQ To CHARGE ACCOUNTS Do you have a question family to use this spot hines exported to the pertaining to interior ren have used it to hold United States last year their small toys. It's for a collection box. decorating? Replies will Happy house to you.was a record $28,273,- be made when return such a handsome piece 847, a figure 19 per "siCKROOM~RlNTAir stamped envelope is en- of furniture that it de- The average girl ac- cent higher'than in 1963. Wheel Chairs closed. serves something spe- LOVE cepted as an airline ste- The machines totaled Walkers Crutches Request from Mrs. cial for the top. Will wardess is 21, stands 1,013,584, a quantity ex- FAMOUS FAluLous J.S. — We're doing over you please help me. 5 feet 5-1/2 and weighs ceeded only in 1959 with Hospital Beds our family room and I Dear Friend: For one 125 pounds. 1,092,928. Emergency Oxygen have most of my side, I have always liked problems solved except several red clay flower "Boca Raton's Oldest and what to do about an ar- pots filled with bright ULB Most Complete Drug Firm." rangement for the top of geraniums. On the other 2 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS L 20 S. Dixie Hwy., Boca Raton 395-424'? a Colonial dry sink. It side, you could think Free DELIVERY "Under the Banyan Tree" - Hours 9-5 MARBLE - BRONZE - GRANITE UNDER THE BANYAN TREE Just in Case You Haven't LgGGETT-REXALL DRUG STORE WINFIELD PARK SHOPPING CENTER 20 South Dixie Boca Raton Heard —We Have Monuments and Cemetery Markers Bolts & Bolts Phone 395-4919 BAILEY MEMORIALS "Seconds" Finest BOCA RATON PHARMACY Decorative Fabrics 2172 El. CAROL. CIRCLE 138 W. PALMETTO PAKK ROAD WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA Phone 395-4841 CALL COLLECT ROBERT BAIUEV YPulitze 965-6839 r,. MEMORIAL CONSULTANT me. BOCA RATON NEWS May 2,1965 Calendar of Ewents

MONDAY, MAY 3 Dressmaking, Community Center, 9 a.m. Glass staining, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. Thrift shoppe board meeting, member's homes, 10 a.m. Woman's Choral Group, First Methodist Church, 10 a.m. £. Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts. off- --- ice, 1 to 2 p.m. Girl -Scouts, Scout Hut, 3 p.m. Library Association, library, 4 p.m. Lion's Club, 399 N.W. 35th St., 7 p.m. Civil Service Association, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Community Chorus, Community Center, 7:30p.m. Progressive bridge, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. Relaxing in the cocktail dresses to be modelled at the show are (left) Mrs. Welfare Council, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. P. L. Shawl ey and Mrs. Jack Guy. Republican Club, Chamber of Commerce, 8 p.m. Jaycee Wives, member's homes, 8 p.m. # TUESDAY, MAY 4 SCHOOL MENUS Needlecraft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. J. C. MITCHELL Debbie-Rand board of trustees, member's homes, 9:30 a.m. Monday - ravioli, eng- Did you know that $1.00 Beg. plastic flowers, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. lish peas, dark bread,, Rug hooking, Scout Hut, 10 a.m, tossed salad, fruit cock- put into fixed savings in Kiwanis Club, Town House, noon. tail, milk. Adv. plastic flowers, Community Center, 1 p.m. Tuesday - chicken loaf 1949 is now worth only 79 ( Garden Club, Community Center, 2 p.m. and gravy, hot biscuit, Brownies, Scout Hut, 2 p.m. fresh spinach, carrot in purchasing power 1 Royal Oak Hills Bridge Club, Community Center, curls, white coconut Members of Pebbit-Rand Memorial Service League will attend a May Day cake, milk. m, 7 p.m. Tea and Fashion Show Tuesday, May 4 in Ocean Hearth Restaurant. Fash- Sandpiper's Square Dance Club, Community Cen- Wednesday - hamburg- Did you know that $1.00 ter, 7:30 p.m. ions will be from the Thrift Shoppe. Selecting casual wear for the show are ers, potato chips, chic- (left) Mrs. John Alley; Mrs. Edna May Alley, co-chairman of the tea; Mrs. ken rice soup, celery put into average common TOPS, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. Evening sketch class, Art Guild, 7:30 p.m. Vincent Cox, and (seated) commentator, Mrs. John R. Meyer. Fashions will sticks, applesauce, stocks in 1949 has grown Civitans, Dutch Pantry, 7:30 p.m. be on sale at the shoppe at 10 a-m. the day following the tea. milk. Square dance instr., Community Center, 8 p.m. Thursday - Johnny Mar- to $4.12 ? Junior Woman's Club, home of Mrs. Robert zetti, hot rolls, tossed Lewis, 425 N.W. Fifth Ave., 8 p.m. salad, prunes and cook- Of course, some stocks sell Veterans World War I, Barracks 2855, Legion ies, milk. Home, 8 p.m. Friday - tuna fish sal- lower and pay less dividends Municipal band rehearsal, old city hall, 8 p.m. ad, potato chips, let- ® Jaycees, 140 N.W. 1st St., 8 p.m. tuce and tomato, hot than in 1949 but others rolls, chocolate brown- WEDNESDAY, MAY 5 ies, milk. have done far better than Toastmistress Club, Schrafft's, 10 a.m. BOCA RATON SCHOOL • average, illustrating both Oil painting class, Art Guild, 10 a.m. Monday - hamburger on Rotary Club, Town House, 12:15 p.m. bun, green beans, cole risk and profit in common Beg. dressmaking, Community Center, 1 p.m. slaw, pear halves, milk. f' stock investing. Girl Scouts, Scout Hut, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday - beef chop su- Tap and ballet, instr., Community Center, 3 p.m. ey over rice, carrot PBA, police station, 3:30 p.m. curls, tossed salad, bis- 7 The great need is to select good Boy Scouts, Scout Hut, 7 p.m. cuit and butter, frozen Judo instr., Community Center, 7 p.m. orange juice bar, milk. Tl stocks and that's where we may be # Plastic flowers, Community Center, 7 p.m. Wednesday - chicken Deerfield-Boca Rod and Reel Club, Inlet Club- salad on lettuce leaf, ': of help. Why not stop in and learn house, 7:30 p.m. stuffed celery, peas, 7* about the stocks recommended by th Xi Gamma Sigma Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi, mem- yeast roll and butter, ber's homes, 8 p.m. jello, milk. f friendly firm of Elks Lodge 2166, 140 N.W. 11th St., 8 p.m. Thursday - beanie wein- ies, buttered greens, THURSDAY, MAY 6 carrot and raisin salad, I CARTER, WALKER % Co.Jnc.j Sunrise Kiwanis Club, Town House, 7:30 p.m. cornbread and butter, Royal Palm Woman's Golf Association, Royal apple sauce, milk. |-j MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE Palm Golf Course, 9:30 a.m. Friday - fish square on *l ARVIDA BUILDING BOCA RATON j Boca Raton Woman's Golf Association, Boca Raton bun, olives, buttered Golf Course, 9:30 a.m. Mrs. Robert Damon, chairman of the tea, Mrs. Robert A. Rosof and Mrs. F. corn, cole slaw, cook- Z PHONE 395-7300 ® Crushed glass, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. Cutter Cobb select dresses to be worn at the show. ies, milk. Royal Oak Hills board meeting, Community Cen- ter, 10 a.m. Board of Realtors, Hidden Valley, noon. Exchange Club, Pal's, 12:15 p.m. Women s card party, Community Center, 12:30 p.m. Hints for a Homemalceri Welfare Council case worker, Garden Apts. office, ©SCW.INC. j 1 to 2 p.m. Brownies, Scout Hut, 2 p.m. Men's Garden Club board meeting, Community ^ Center, 3 p.m. ** Children painting class, Art Guild, 3:30 p.m. Contractor's Association, University Bowl, 7p.m. Twilighters, Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. Adult ballroom dancing, Community Center, 7:30. Portrait painting, Community Center, 8 p.m. 980 KC Gladioli Court 14, Order of Amaranth, Delray Beach Masonic Temple, 8 p.m. American Legion, 160 N.W. Second St., 8 p.m. FRIDAY, MAY 7 PRESENTS Etching on aluminum, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. H Oil painting, Community Center, 9:30 a,m. w Seed and shell craft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. FOR YOUR LISTENING PLEASURE DAILY Portrait painting, Art Guild, 10 a.m. Twilighter activity day, Scout Hut, 2 p.m. Tap and ballet recital, Community Center, 7:30. Golf instr., Scout Hut, 7:30 p.m. Boca Barber shoppers, University Bowl, 8 p.m, 9:15 A.M. AND 4:15 P.M. May in Florida SATURDAY, MAY 8 and stove — at least usually means time to four times a year. Baton instr., Scout Hut, 8:30 a.m. begin thinking about Keep garbage units Drum lessons, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. those common enough closed tightly and don't Bugle lessons, Scout Hut, 9:30 a.m. pests, called bugs. let garbage remain in- # Stickcraft, Community Center, 9:30 a.m. Although Floridians doors overnight. Sparky Fire Department, Boca Raton Theatre, 10. will sometimes look at Keep wet items, such PATRICE COBB Drill, Scout Hut, 10:30 a.m. tourists and say "Bugs? as mops, as dry as pos- Judo instr., Community Center, 1 p.m. What bugs," we must sible since dampness Roller skating, Scout Hut, 1 p.m. admit, they do exist . .. breeds insects. WITH Girl Scout dance, Scout Hut, 6 p.m. Having admitted they Use bug sprays regu- Teen-age dance, Community Center, 7:30 p.m. do exist, the next thing larly to keep tiny gnats to do is find out what to and other insects from do about them. finding a home. Be care- Kenneth Higgins Will Though many people, ful, however never to Social News even Floridians, believe spray food areas or that only unclean house- utensils. « Spealc to Junior Women holds are frequented by Consult a professional pests, insects actual y pest controller if your and Views visit all homes, tidy or problem warrants it — Kenneth W. Higgins N.W. Fifth Ave. untidy, rich or poor, in will be guest speaker particularly with ter- Higgin's topic will be the winter in Florida as mites. at a Junior Woman's well as the summer. Club meeting Tuesday, ^w Boca Raton city In selecting a pesti- FEATURING charter. Meeting will Here are some gene- cide remember they are May 4 in the home of be in at 8 m Mrs. Robert Lewis, 425 § P- - ral rules for insect con- poisons, many are pow- trol which may be use- erful enough to cause in- ful ifyou'rehouseclean- jury to humans and ani- ing or if you're getting mals if used improp- LOCAL NEWS and GOINGS ON IN DELRAY ready for the trip up erly. north. Read the label to find Screen and seal any whether it is effective BOCA RATON - DEERFIELD BEACH & HILLSBORO openings in your home against the pest you want DECORATORS that allowpests to enter. to control. Clean out hiding places. OF BOCA RATON Find out how to pre- Store open food stuffs pare and apply the well off the floor. chemical, whether you Dispose of left-over must wear gloves or foods rapidly — and protective clothing. keep an eye out for any- WLO Use the recommended thing that might have dosage or less if it will 395-2937 395-3811 fallen, to the floor. do the job. Too much FEATURES Thoroughly clean may harm humans, 194 H.W. 20tfl Si. "The University Street" nooks and crannies — plants, animals or leave Programing With YOU in Mind under the refrigerator harmful residue. Law Day

This editorial on the meaning of Law Day was written by J. Edgar Hoover and is reprinted from the May edition of the FBI Law Enforcement Bul- letin. Woodrow Wilson once said, "The first duty of some individuals are quick to charge "brutality" law is to keep sound the society it serves." In when the facts show the officers acted within our day, this becomes an increasingly harder their rights. task because of society's indifference to ITS Americans should view with alarm the growing first duty — upholding the law. lack of respect for law and order. We have seen In an effort to make our great heritage under what occurs when extremists are encouraged by law more meaningful to Americans, May 1 each irresponsibility on the part of those charged year has been proclaimed Law Day, USA. The with maintaining law and order. On the other theme this year, "Uphold the Law — ACitizen's hand, who is to say what damage is done to the First Duty," is most timely and germane to impressionable minds of our young people who much of our Nation's internal strife. qtness, or are urged to join in, activities in In the recent past, we have seen the rule of law which participants defy constituted authority flouted from college campuses to riot-torn with no apparent misgivings and go unpunished. metropolitan streets. It is mocked by those who Abuse of the law is a dangerous practice for use the cause of legitimate petition and assembly freedom-loving people, and there can be no ex- as a facade behind which to plunder, loot and ceptions to compliance, for we know "Where destroy property. Likewise, and even more law ends, there tyranny begins." regrettable, the rule of law is debased by reck- Freedom, justice, and the individual dignity of less and callous enforcement powers which man are concomitants to the rule of law. Dis- stoop to brutal and unnecessary force in hand- respect for this concept is a tragic weakness ling crowds and demonstrations. which undermines the American traditions of When officers violate their oath of office and honesty, integrity, and fairplay. It is a weak- the ethical standards of law enforcement, they ness which must be eliminated from our society •4^- disgrace their profession. Their acts jeopardize and, above all, from the ranks of law enforce- the public respect and confidence which diligent "LITTLE LEAGUE 1965" and dedicated men have given their lives to per- ment. petuate. They place an extremely heavy burden Law enforcement may take exceptional pride on their associates and invite shame, ridicule in knowing that its significant role in perpetuat- and disrespect for their department, community ing law and order has not been overlooked. The The Breadwinner's Journal and state. week of May 9-15 has been set aside as Police This is not to say, of course, that all charges Week and May 15, as Peace Officers Memorial of excessive force by officers of the law are Day. As we pause to observe these memorable true. Many times, persons strike and assault dates, let us remember that we shall fail our policemen and resist lawful arrest to such an responsible trust unless love and respect for the At an All Time Low extent that great force is necessary to bring rule of law abide in the heart of every man behind the violators under control. In such instances, the badge. By Donald I, Rogers and Representative Oren Harris are softening. CBS, says Gal- both warn that Congress is pre- lagher, is down to $30,000 a Not since the days before pared to act if programs do not commercial minute from over The Other Side of the Coin Grandpa got his bifoculs has improve. $40,000 previously. One of the the viewing public been what Even public service pro- things that arouses the ire of the you could call ravingly en- graming is declining, and view- more faithful advertisers is thusiastic about television pro- ers are not always happy with that the third quarter (July 1 graming and after periodic the public service shows that to October 30) on all three net- Things We Didn't Know fault-finding through the years, are scheduled. F.C.C. Chair- works is selling at 20 to 25 it appears now that public opin- man E. William Henry com- per cent below the "rate card" ion of the fare being offered plains that the 1960-61 tv sea- prices charged those who con- By John Opel quired to drive sports cars fection. is at an alltime low. son had 22 per cent more net- tracted for time at the begin- with four-speed stick shifts. . . A reviewer's revolt may be work public service hours than ning of the year. Newspapers, public officials, instead of shiny big luxury mo- imminent. No less an authority were offered in the season just Armed with Gallagher's re- utility companies and probably dels with automatic transmis- The association also reports ended. Next season is expected liable statistics and facts we that the toothpick is in a state than Bernard P. Gallagher, a lot of other people get all sions. The girls might even whose confidential letter to ad- to have less. conducted a poll on programing sorts of mail. get to like it ... and who could- of social decline. Once upon Gallagher says tv is at a tastes in our house. Replied a time, they were as much vertising, marketing and media It's a good idea . . . tells n't master the machines pro- executives is regarded as near- creative low. "Besttalentflees the wife: "Too much sex (Pey- us lots of things we didn't know. bably should be permanently ornamental as utilitarian. Fas- to other media," says his Re- ton Place, Long Hot Summer) hioned of gold or silver and ly Biblical around Madison Ave- Unfortunately, a lot of them garaged anyway. nue agencies, says the public port. "In the last five years, and soap operas; "Too much would be better off forgotten studded with precious ;gems, tv directors John Franken- nothingness." Said Davey, age they were worn on men's hats is "verging" on rebellion. He about. cites a recent survey that show- heimer, Blake Edwards, Field- 11: "The monster stuff is But getting back to the mail and used as hair pins by wo- er Cook, Lamont Johnson, good — the rest of it, yachhhhk!" men. ed one out of four viewers con- situation. vinced that "tv programs as a Stuart Rosenberg, Hy Averback, Responded Nancy, age 8; "I Mayor Sid Brodhead got a We also learned in thisweek's whole are terrible." One out Jack Smight have quit tv for like many of the adult shows, unsigned letter the other day mail that the Toy Manufactur- And thanks to our mail, we're lack of creative challenge. TV but they come on too late for also able to report that Air of two expressed dissatisfac- from a man who had seen an ers of the U.S.A., Inc., claim tion with current programing. artists like Fielder Cook and me. As for the rest of them, advertisement for one of those to have solved the "drop out" France is providing free tickets Stan Freberg find more crea- they're too childish to waste to 23 Paris fashion salons for Only 18 per cent had something VRROOOOM gadgets. As a problem. Or something. Gist good to say. tive excitement in tv commer- time on." matter of fact, the Mayor's cor- of the report we received is its first class passengers . . . cials than in programs." That may be the answer, for to France, of course. Being An advertisers' revolt may respondent enclosed the ad. that they're having a "univer- also be brewing and agencies With advertisers growing time is as valuable even to a This was the only comment: sity" here for three days „ . . somewhat provincial, we had restless, network tv markets kid, as it is to a network. they claim it's coeducational, never known that it was neces- are exploring other media such "Bigger signs, bigger build- sary to pay an admission charge as radio, newspapers, maga- ings, greater thunder .... has a fine faculty, offers golf, zines and outdoor advertising it'll all help people to their swimming, and fishing, and to get into a Parisian fashion will have no exams. salon . . . always heard it was either to supplement or sub- graves." simply a good place to keep stitute for their tv ad messages. There's at least one thing to the wife out of ... like the Top-level meetings were held say for the VRROOOOM, though. Besides, it's in Florida, and follies, but for a different rea- by two large corporations one Attached to a tricycle, it doesn't the Toy Manufacturers think son*. morning last week to discuss Ten Years Ago in Loca Raton News generate much horsepower. that's fine too. a complete revision of adverti- sing budgeting. Both compan- Hugh Brown, chief of Boca Raton Police Department, was one Down in Miami the other day ies have been heavy tv adver- of 41 candidates whose names were slated to appear on a ballot The Detroit products make And the Florida Medical As- we heard Richard Tobin of the tisers. in a primary election. Brown sought the office held by Sheriff less noise but they pack a sociation think maybe the asa- Saturday Review forecast the The Federal Communications John Kirk for a number of years. heck of a kick under the hood.. . fetida bag wasn't such a bad day when "reading and writing Commission, which believes and even with power steering, idea after all. As a matter of may once again become popu- that the three-network domin- there's entirely too many dri- fact, the association says lar." We suggested that this ance of _ U.S. television is the Dr. Harry Sorenson was elected first president of Boca Ra- vers on the streets of Boca "there's occasionally more cause might be helped by de- culprit in bad programing, is ton's new Junior Chamber of Commerce at a meeting. Raton who still can't corner scientific truth than meets the voting a two-hour segment of planning to intensify its efforts the monsters properly. eye in folk medicine." prime television time to public to limit network control of Seems the thing smelled so service programing. shows. Senator Thomas Dodd Mrs. James Caldwell caught a 216 pound blue marlin on a bad, it kept every one at a We're still scratching our fishing trip near Bimini. She caught the marlin with light tackle We'd probably all be safer safe distance .... thereby heads (both of them) over that on a nine-thread dacron 20-pound test line. It took an hour and if all club ladies were re- preventing the spread of in- one. Wit's End 20 minutes to get the fish into the boat. It isn't the number of people Four Years Ago 'Years of Lightning, Days of Drums' employed in a business that makes it successful, it's the A movement to establish an "elected charter" committee number working. here and implicitely to overthrow the new city charter pending Scandal Sheet, Graham, in the state legislature was started here. Beautiful Film Documentary Texas, Rotary Club Even a mosquito doesn't get Building permits were issued during April for two businesses, "Years of Lightning, Days of a slap on the back until he thirty three single residences and seventeen additions and altera- of their "national heritage." that money received from the starts working. tions for a total of $718,700, according to the office of chief Drums" may be a beautiful The House Foreign Affairs venture go to the Treasury. film documentary, but some Committee Feb. 25 by a 16-8 Kentucky School Journal building inspector. members of Congress don't vote over Republican opposition If you look like your pass- think it should be shown to the approved a concurrent resolu- Widespread public demand to American public. tion to release the film in the port photo, you aren't well Mrs. Lloyd Mangus was named "Woman of the Year" by mem- see the USIA film grew in this enough to travel. Resolutions to allow domestic United States. Rep. Clement country after its release over- bers of Beta Sigma Phi at a Founder's Day banquet. distribution of the United States J. Zablocki (D-Wis.) introduced seas in 1964. The film was Chatham, Iowa, Blanketeer She received the-Erskine Feldmann Annual Memorial Award. Information Agency -produced the measure. The House Rules universally acclaimed in for- film on President Kennedy have Committee March 31 took no eign press reviews. Under the Personnel man to trainee: Boca Raton, Florida 4B May 2, 1965 touched off sharp partisan con- action after hearing debate on 1948 U.S. Information and Ed- "Or- if you prefer, you may troversy. the resolution. it may just ucational Exchange Act - the elect to skip coffee breaks en- The issue at stake is whether die there. A Senate Foreign Smith-Mundt Act - information tirely and retire three years BOCA RATON NEWS release of USIA output in the Relations Committee debate activities about the United early." United States would effectively March 16 reportedly stalled States and its policies were Baltimore Sun Published every Thursday and Sunday "propagandize" the American over similar resolutions intro- authorized to be carried out Only newspaper with complete news and pictorial coverage of people. Republicans claim that duced by Sens. Claiborne Pell "abroad". Both opponents and Of course it was easy for the the fast-growing Boca Raton area. release of "Years of Lightning, (D-R-I) and George McGovern pro-ponents of the Kennedy - pioneers going West; all they Day of Drums" would set a (D-S-D.) film resolutions generally a- had to do was to follow the J.H. Jesse John Opel H. Clay Riley precedent contrary to "long- House and Senate resolutions gree that Congress "intended" wagon ruts, while today's tour- Publisher Editor Adv..Mgr. standing Congressional intent" would authorize the USIA to dis- that the USIA, which is respon- ist has to decipher 17 different MEMBER that USI "propaganda" be di- tribute the Kennedy film in the sible to the President, direct traffic signs on the same pole. Florida Press Association rected only abroad. United States through commer- its activities "solely toward the Fostoria, Ohio, Courier National Editorial Association cial and educational outlets. people of other countries." The Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce The House Committee report Act does not, however, express- Another sign of middle age - Democrats argue that Ameri- released March 5 advised that ly prohibit USIA from releasing when the phone rings on Satur- Represented For National Advertising By Florida Press Service, Inc. cans are entitled to view "pro- no appropriated funds be used its material in the United States. day night and you hope it's not Subscription Rates: By carrier in city 15$ a we*, 65$ a month; bably the best documentary ever for its distribution, that non- for you. By mail in U.S., payable in advance, 1 year $7.50, 6 months, $4.00 produced by the USIA" - a part partisanship be adhered to and - Congressional Quarterly Mutual Moments 3 months $2.50. BOCA RATON NEWS Moy 2, 1965 5B First All Florida Prep School Art Exhibit Opens Sunday at St.Andrew's A new milestone for St. An- as the cultural program," Mrs, swim meet. drew's Boys' School and a first Weldon said. "We feel spon- Other art committee mem- in art programs of preparatory soring this program can further bers who will be present at schools statewide is established the identity of Boca Raton as a Sunday's reception are Mrs. with Sunday's preview showing cultural community, and we can Philip E. Martin, Mrs. Eskild 3- ' ' *i 1 of the first All Florida Prep create new interest in this ex- Bondesen, Mrs. Ken Garside,

•i r • '• School Art Exhibit. cellent school." Mrs. Eugene Curtis Jr., Mrs. >^_ i • * The competitive exhibit is on Mrs. Josiah Bacon, president Harold Burris- Meyer and Mrs. i display in the Fuller Commons of the Mother's Association as Howard Deuell Jr. •i * -v Room, St. Andrew's School and well as a committee member Judges for the exhibit were can be seen daily through May agrees, and adds, "We welcome John Flancher, president of the ! 21. the addition of the arts com- Boca Raton Art Guild, Dr. G,M. \ y. Today's preview is from 3 to mittee to the association as an Doyon, chairman of the art de- N? Y \ 5 p.m. Paintings are done by added effort to our various en- partment of Florida Atlantic preparatory school boys and deavors such as the school li- University and Capt. Valarian girls, and awards were given in brary and refreshment s for act- Yavorsky, chairman of the art three classes - landscape, still ivities such as Saturday's state department of the host school. life, and figure. "We feel this project, while relatively small to future plans, will stimulate more creative competition from potential fine art students in our many pri- vate schools. There will be a goal each year," stated William Arnold, director of student act- ivities for St. Andrew's and au- thor of the exhibit, "The public school systems have art competitions on a coun- ty wide basis, but there is no competition among the prepara- tory schools of our state. We found with a growing interest in art here from our imported ex- hibits this year, this exhibit was a facet we could offer other schools. We had the facilities to initiate this competition which will be expanded in the future," Arnold continued. Credit for the expansion of the Everglades scene. cultural program at school will be given to the recently formed arts committee of the Mother's Association which is sponsoring 'Full of Fresh Air and Sunshine' the preview reception today. "Without the interest and support of the committee we couldn't plan ahead with art Griepenburg Show Opens at FAU projects," Arnold said. "They are a great committee and we are pleased with their interest and willingness to give time and leadership to further the cul- tural program." Mrs. W. H. Weldon, Boca Ra- ton, is committee chairman. At Full of Florida fresh air the organizational meeting, and sunshine - that describes plans Were discussed for adding the Florida Atlantic Univer- more important gallery exhibits sity art exhibit for May, ac- to the growing schedule for the cording to Dr. Gerard Doyon, school next year, assistant professor of fine arts. "I feel our committee is a Water colors of C.M. Grie- new interest for parents at St. "Figure" by Anne Wootton won the grand prize in the prep-school penburg, Margate, will be on Andrew's. Many of us are in- public view in the lobby of terested in the school activities art competition at St. Andrew's School. Miss Wootton, 17, is an FAU's library during library and appreciate a stimulus such 11th grade student at Graham-Ecke s School. hours which include week-day evenings, Saturday mornings, and Sunday afternoons. Transparent and clean-cut water colors are used by the LIVE IN A LOVELY HOME artist, who goes by the pro- fessional name of C. M. Gripp, LIKE THIS-- in the creation of realistic to semi-abstract scenes of Flo- rida. His paintings reflect AND GET RENT FOR IT TOO! a preference for the pictur- esque and remote scenes in the state. His pictures of the Ever - glades are "poetic and Mel- ancholic," Dr. Doyon said. "He has a classic style that should please natura lovers as well as art lovers." Griepenburg has taught wa- ter color painting at the Boca Raton Art Guild. He has .ex- hibited five years and won 10 first awards.

Gripp" at work on Boca Raton scene. IN BOOMING BOCA RATON DUPLEX RESIDENCES with 2 BEDROOMS and 2 BATHS GENERAL |» ELECTRIC IN EACH UNIT Wo»tktf J,ncome APPLIANCES By an zy. ZjaxeA ^4nd Illortfaye! V1DA Designed And Built For Maximum Privacy, Florida Living Luxuries, Low Maintenance CARPORT and FLORIDA ROOM Vfll US-Packed Fully Sodded and Landscaped Lot e Central Heat & u/>tL r i Air Conditioning « Spacious Florida Room • Large With Features ... D *. n „ „. B , . ... Living Room with Dinette; Big Bedrooms © Sparkling 1 Hat InClUde • Kitchen with G.E. Range & Oven, Mica Cabinets and Luminous Ceiling * Exquisite Baths with American-Standard fixtures * Utility Room wired for Washer « Terrazzo Floors « Tile Roof LOCATION: 2456 N.E. 5th Ave., just 1 block west of Federal Highway, convenient to Churches, University, Golf, Beach CONVENIENT FINANCING ARRANGED A & P CONSTRUCTION 400 N.E. 27th Circle, Boca Raton Phone 395- 4254 HOME BUILDERS ASS N ] SAMACQU1LANO PALM BEACH COUNTY "Building in Boca flafon Since 7953" Polymer landscape. Mtaor Alterations in Design Cloister Towers Changes Set Radice Realty & Con- the 17th floor balcon- the addition of a foun- ida, architect Emanuel bered from one to four struction Corporation ies will now ring the tain, pond and walkways Abraben has designed with the latter tower this week revealed min- building thus providing in the areas surround- an apartment residence overlooking the ocean or modifications to their larger outdoor areas for ing the round,glass-en- providing almost exclu- north and adjacent to the p-roposed Cloister the penthouses. closed lobbies. There sive apartment privacy Boca Raton Hotel's Ca- Beach Towers on South A study of a new ren- are four main lobbies, not available before. bana Club. Ocean Boulevard affect- dering . released, this each one serving a sep- There are only two Two pre-stressed en- ing the 17th floor fa- week with the announce- arate "bank" or tower apartments per floor in trance marquees have cade and lower lobbies. ment indicates that ex- in the 128 unit high-rise each "bank" served by been added on the south Spokesman for the tensive changes have condominium. a private elevator. side of Cloister Beach firm, Lee C. Vona, said been made allowing for Unique in south Flor- The towers are num- Towers opening off the garden and recreational areas. The $5,000,000 devel- opment offers two bed- room, two bath, and three bedroom, 2-1/2 bath apartments ranging in price from $29,000 The Convertible, one of four entirely different furnished models open 9 to to $54,500. 6 at Deerfield Lake, 777 Southeast 2nd Ave., Deerfield Beach, offers the As is typical of Ra- dice high-rise apart- best of two worlds — the panelled den of the one-bedroom apartment pro- ment residences there vides additional living and entertaining space and also "converts" to a guest are large areas of tem- bedroom for occasional visitors. The living room-den combination has here pered glass used been treated as a single room and decorated in Provincial style with blue throughout. In some and gold being the dominant colors. areas the entire wall is glass providing a ten mile view north and south of the south Flo- rida coastline. The site Strengthened Tourist Industry is 1,200 feet south of the Boca Inlet at 1200 South Ocean Blvd. Said Key to Boca Raton Growth Vona stated last week that construction would A strengthened and Lauderdale's growth, industry." be started sometime in expanded tourist indus- Weir declared. "There "Every person in June of this year, bar- try holds the key to more are countless residents business in Boca Raton ring a steel strike, and rapid population growth here who moved north- has a vital stake in the This duplex is one of several being built room, two large bedrooms, a Florida room,two that completion is ex- in the Boca Raton vicin- ward from the Lauder- growth of tourism, and by Sam Acquilano's A&P Construction Co. baths, utility room, and full electric kitchen. pected by early 1966. ity, a South Palm Beach dale area because they should begin to recog- Each of the "sides" of the duplex has cen- This model is located at 2456 NE 5th Ave., The Radice organization Realtor believes. were attracted to Boca nize that responsibil- tral heat and air conditioning, large living which developed the by its opportunities or ity^ one block west of Federal Highway. The theory was put its way of living. $7,000,000 Fountain- forward this week by BOCA RATON NEWS head in Lauderdale-By- Milton N. Weir, Jr., "To some degree we The-Sea and the 17-sto- president of M. N. Weir have depended upon our 6B May 2, 1965 ry Edgewater Arms in & Sons, who declared neighboring communi- Builder of Local Condominium Ft. Lauderdale is a 45- that "the rate of our ties to draw the visitors year old New York and permanent population's who eventually became SAFES Florida inve stment growth will be directly our townspeople. New ond Used building concern noted related to the number of "Now it may be time ARROW SECURITY SALES Is Given 'Outstanding' Award for their specialization visitors we can attract for us to devote some 7 N.E. 27th Ave. in high - rise luxury to this community." effort to the strengthen- Pompano Beach—942-0793 Recognition as Flo- archit e c t u r a 1 excel- feature full electric liv- apartment residences. Historically, tourism ing of our own tourist rida's outstanding buil- lence from both the es- ing throughout. Every Model apartments on has brought to South der of condominiums thetic and utilitarian as- apartment has indivi- the site are open daily Florida the vacationers was given the I. Z. Mann pects, of land use for dual year 'round elec- and Sunday from 9 a.m. who have become resi- organization by the Gen- the benefit of residents, tric air conditioning and to 6 p.m. dents and investors, eral Electric Co. in an and of planning and pro- heating, oven and range, Weir pointed out. "This award presentation Fri- vision of applicances vented kitchen exhaust, has been substantially day in Tampa. and other features for electric refrigerator, Pilcher Joins true right here in our Representing Gener- comfortable living, Al- electric water heater, own city." al Electric was Sales britton said. garbage disposal unit "We have a first- Manager Joe Albritton As a result of their and, in many units, Market Group class example of it in the of the Tampa District. selection for top hon- built - in dishwashers. Dr. Palmer C. Pil- city of Fort Lauderdale, Selection of the half- ors, the six waterfront cher, dean of academic where practically the dozen condominiums condominiums, located All three story build- ings have elevators, all Truck line affairs at Florida Atlan- entire eastern half •• of built across Florida by in Boca Raton, and five tic University, has been the community has been the I. Z. Mann & Asso- other Florida cities, have full laundry facili- ties and all have exter- appointed to. an educa- settled by people who ciates organization fol- will be featured in a Seeks Permit tional membership in originally were vaca- lowed a critical study special G.E. exhibition ior decorative and safe- the Sales and Market- of hundreds of fine con- at the New York World's ty lighting, as do the R-C Motor Lines, Inc. tioners.' dominiums throughout Fair this summer. gardens and recreation with general offices at ing Executives of Fort Much of the expansion the state, Albritton said. areas of each of the Lauderdale. of the Boca Raton area Designed by the ar- Jacksonville, has ap - He was informed of can be traced to Fort Camera crews were chitectural firm of Lo- developments. plied to the Interstate his appointment by the sent by the company to patka & McQuaig, Win- Heated pools are part Commerce Commission American National Bank photograph the exter- ter Park, the Mann con- of the recreational faci- for authority to service and Trust Co. of Fort GRIFFIN iors of the apartment dominium apartments - lities of each complex. this area. Lauderdale which is complexes chosen for If granted, R-C would sponsoring his mem- FLOORING CO. final consideration. The be authorized to provide bership. photographic material Garage Reflects Taste, interstate trucking ser- "Griffin Has The Floor" then was studied by ex- vice between here and perts, who selected the major cities in Georgia, Brannon Buys VINYL Mann properties as the Deserves Special Attention South Carolina, North First Federal cars save yom outstanding example of Carolina, Virginia, Ellwyn Hotel CORK Your garage is an in- a driver returning from Maryland, Pennsyl- tegral part of your work or from the gro- vania, New Jersey, New Richard Brannon of RUBBER money several ways home, and reflects your cery. This too, is easy York, Massachusetts Boca Raton and Wash- FORMICA taste. to use and can be used and Rhode Island. ington, D. C. has pur- Our initial financing costs and our inter* Therefore it deserves chased the Ellwyn Motel with big redwood beams SANDING est rates are reasonable, and we give you a little special atten- for interesting contrast in Deerfield Beach. tion — something.,that is There's one record the privilege of paying a little extra on and low upkeep. the Automobile Manu- Mrs. Pearl J, Rose- FINISHING easy to do nowadays with Got a colonial or braugh, an associate of your loan whenever you get a chance to getj all the various forms of facturers Association J. Stuart Robertson, building materials period designed garage? hasn't kept on car perf- FREE ESTIMATES ahead, which will reduce your interest Lumber companies here ormance. The AMA was handled the $200,000 118 N. Federal Hwy. costs for perhaps years to come. available. in Boca Raton sell cupo- transaction for Bran- Delray CR 8-1210 You may prefer to just stumped when an editor non. put a simple trellis las complete with wea- of a reference work First Federal loans also have an "open ther vane for a really asked: "What is the around the garage door interesting dress-up for end feature"«-which means you, after a and train some easy-to- speed record for a car while, may be able to borrow more on the garage or carport. driven backward?" grow bougainvillea. Ea- FRIENDLY same mortgage for, say, home improvements! LETS SEE, sy to grow in Boca Ra- ton, the vine blooms ADVICE or additions, or other purposes. profusely and colorful- REALTORS OF BOCA RATON We're always here as your next-door ly. The following SOUND Fire, Auto, MACLAREN & ANDER- neighbor, so we can give you helpful, Baffle sere ens put are members of SON, INC., 151 E. Royal vertically on the side of the Boca Raton Palm Road, 395-1333. INSURANCE sympathetic (and fast) attention any time a garage and painted to Board of Real- MILDRED I. MADDOX, PROTECTION in the many years we'll be serving you on Boaf, Life, tors. Doing contrast with the under- 507 N.E. 20th St., 395- your loan. wall will hide blankly- business with 2900. staring windows. them you are MEDALLION REALTY, PROMPT Did I Forget Florida's coral rock assured the Suite C, 131 E. Palmetto So how much better it is to get your loan highest type of service ParkRd., 395-2421. CLAIM of us, where we'll know you -- than from used as a vertical pan- that can be administered AC. MITCHELL & SONS, Anything ? el is not only inexpen- in the field of Real Estate INC., 22 S. Federal Hwy., SERVICE somebody in Miami or elsewhere where sive but a real show- Practice. 395-4711. you'll be only a number in a card file! stopper for northern vi- MOTHERWELL REALTY, INSURE WITH "DAY" sitors. It isn't too hard ARVIDA REALTY SALES, 757 S. Federal Hwy., to lay it yourself, if you Inc., 998 S. Federal Hwy., 395-4044. BE SURE TOMORROW! want a little week-end 395-2000. THOMAS P. NOLAN, 131 Three reasons why BOCA RATON OFFICE exercise. W.P. BEBOUT, 701 N. N.E. 1st Avenue, 395- A large sheet or Federal Hwy., 395-4334. 3838. most people buy their sheets of colored plas- CONN C. CURRY, 711 E. F, BYRON PARKS, 151 liilil Palmetto Park Rdo 395- N. Ocean Boulevard, tic make an interesting 3922, 395-3700. insurance from a local, shelter over the door BRUCE E. DARRELL, PETRUZZELLI REALTY, of a garage or carport Realtor, 425 E. Palmetto INC., 2325 N. Ocean independent agent. where rain often traps Pa* Rd., 395-1322. Boulevard 395-0822. FIRST WM. DAY, INC., 500 S. PL ASTRIDGE AGENCY, Federal Hwy., 395-0230. INC., 224 S. Fed. Hwy., FSOSELL REALTY, P.O. 395-1433. Box 1196, 395-0333. 3. STUART ROBERTSON. That's Us! TERMITES/ H.D. GflXES, 234 S. INC.. 60 S. Federal Hwy., Federal Hwy., 395-2733. 395-4624. Boca Raton's ONLY authorized agent for FEDERAL ORYAL E. HADLEY, 400 RICHARD F. ROSS, 21 E. Palmetto Park Road, S.E. 3rd St., 399-6444. ALL lines of TRAVELERS INSURANCE ^SAVINGS and LOAN ASSOCIATION] 395-2244. FRED E. TAYLOR, 100 CONROY'S^OL ROBERT W. INGALLS, N.E. 20th St., P.O. Box of Defray Beach Royal palm Slopping 862, 395-7059. Coll 941-1911 Inc. Plaza, 395-3130. M.N. WEIR & SONS. BVC,, W.P. BEBOUT I6O1 N. FEDERAL HWY. 395-2121 F. WOODROW KEETON, 855 S. Federal Hwy., Accounts Insured By Guaranteed 15 Years , Free Bonded 2950 N. Ocean Boule- 395-4000. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. An Agency Of Ite § vard, 395-5252. JOHN A. WRIGHT, 5600 Federal Government Control $ Experience Estimates insured Keys Drive, CR8-2402. 701 N, Fed. Hwy. Ph. 395-4334 For Earl? Colonial Settlers Mayflower Had 'Package Tours' Visitors to the oht- ter every year. ces. er. The Harbour Police, so-English island of They have left enough Each hortel has its big in their 18th century Barbados, easternmost land along the coast- night, when music and uniforms are the subject of the Caribbean, learn lines, however, to pro- several acts are added of much film; Lord Nel- that the famed Mayflow- vide for a second indus- to the regular entertain- son's statue in Trafal- er was probably an early try, tourism, and a ment. And, there are gar Square makes a fine 17th century "cruise steady stream of vaca- several night clubs for background; the old AND AROUND ship" specializing in tioning visitors come those seeking more whaling center, package tours for co- throughout the year to lively entertainment. Speightstown, is pic- lonial pioneers, take advantage of the Novel and delightfully turesque; avenues of Thehigh-sterned 180- fine beaches, water new to most visitors' mahogany trees offer ton sailing vessel sports, golf, tennis, palates is the island unusual views; and the brought the first Eng- fishing and sailing. specialty, flying fish. return of the fleet of Brasilia, the Planned City, lishmen to Barbados in Restaurants and ho- Six to about 10 inches flying fish boats at Tents 1605 — 15 years before tels on the island are fa- long, with soaring wings Bay on the east side of the more remembered mous for their food and that spread about the the island offers a wide trip across the North even visitors living on length of the fish, they variety of picture sub- Atlantic to Cape Cod the American Plan, with are tasty when prepared jects. Erupts with 300,000 People and Plymouth Rock. three meals provided, by any of the many Bar- But, the sea and the About 100 passengers get an opportunity to try bados recipe. They are attractive beaches offer Erupting from the disembarked on the the cuisine of rival es- offered fried as a first the utmost for both pic- bare red earth of Bra- beach at what is now tablishments. Some ho- entree, but many gour- tures and everyday use. zil's central plateau, Holetown, St. James tels have an arrange- mets never want to pro- The coral reefs protect- Brasilia has grown to a Parish. ment to send their guests ceed to the meat course. ing the island are beau- planned political and Up to this time no to other establishments The island offers tiful when viewed cultural center with a Mayflower Descendants for elaborate entertain- much to the photograph- through a snorkel mask. population of 300,000. Society of Barbados has ment-buffet dinner dan- Like a tale from Ara- been organized, but the BOCA RATON NEWS bian Nights, this city spot is marked by a sim- reveals such one-of-a- ple tablet. A cluster of kind exotica as a 22- some of the finest re- # karat gold wall, traf ic sort hotels in the Carib- which moves in three di- bean, which surround rections at once, a giant the spot, attests to the snail which turns out to intelligent selection of be a private chapel, con- a landing site by those gress buildings shaped hardy colonizers who like a cup and saucer, declared the island to be and a cathedral in the the domain of King form of a glass-walled James I. tepee with no doors. Today, after 360 The daring master years, Barbados re- A plan of moving the capi- mains the "most Eng- ® tal from Rio de Janeiro lish" of all the Carib- with its seashore and bean islands in the Com- readymade beauty to monwealth. An energet- this scrubby prairie was ic, industrious folk, Ba- considered impossible juns, as they call them- by many. For many selves, cultivate most of years, Brazil's popula- the island's 166 square tion has clung to its miles of land which is coastal cities, leaving much like the rolling the interior of the Uni- English countryside. ted-States-sized coun- Sugar cane is the prime 4* try a vast storehouse of product and most of it undeveloped riches en- goes to Great Britain. joyed mainly by jaguars. They save enough, how- With the capital here, ever, to produce some of development of this back the world's best rum. Pictured above are Boca Raton residents on Ihe recent Caribbean cruise of country was spurred. They have been distill- the S/S Carmania. Left to right: Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dargatz, Mr. and Mrs. Mel Five highways have The Three Powers Square in Brazil's brand new capital, Brasilia, includes ing it for about 300 years Pokorney and Mr. and Mrs. Ward T. Kline. The tour was arranged by Banner been built that fan out the Senate, housed in the building shaped like an inverted cup, and the and it seems to get bet- Travel Service. from Brasilia to the un- Chamber of Deputies, whose home resembles a saucer. The tall twin struc- tapped back country, tures house the administrative sectors of the Chambers. In these buildings awakening this slum- the great decisions of the life of the country are made. A series of identical bering interior and wi- 10-story ministry buildings line the approach to Ihe Plaza of the Three Pow- Airline Tickets dening Brazil's econo- f mic horizons. ers. The angular bronze statue in foreground honors the candangos, the im- COMPLETE FOREIGN TRAVEL This completely new poverished migrants who came from nearby rural areas to build this gleaming and Cruise Service city is a key stop on new city. United States - Brazil vice centers gravitate to nificence, designed by South America's most DUGAN TRAVEL flights by Pan Ameri- ESTABLISHED 1956 can Airways. From the combine unity and Oscar Neimeyer and de- spectacular tourist spot air, the overall picture greatness. corated by his daughter, is ready to welcome the 75 S. FEDERAL 395-2112 of modern structures Executive, legislative Ana Maria. most discriminating vi- resembles a world's and judicial buildings Perhaps the most sitors with several ho- fair city of tomorrow. are grouped to form the talked about building is tels. There are the Three-level traffic sy- Three Powers Square. the Cathedral of. Bras- 180-room Palace Hotel, stems allow traffic to Flanking a wide avenue ilia. Fashioned after an with a half-mile wing- 0 flow uninterruptedly ov- to the Square are the Indian tepee, it has huge spread, and the 400- er 240 miles of wide, Ministry buildings. The barrel stave - shaped room Brasilia-Nacional well - lighted avenues. Senate and Chamber of columns which rise and while two new hotels will Around the Government Deputies buildings re- sweep inward, then flare be ready by the end of Center, all houses, of- semble a giant cup and outward like a crown. the year. Swimming fices, trade and ser- saucer with the Senate Not yet finished, the pools, night clubs and Lou and Opal Riley holding forth in the in- glass walls will have no spacious dining areas verted cup and the Dep- openings. Underground cater to the convenience Welcome You uties in the saucer. passages will provide and comfort of politi- Twin towers, 28 stor- entrance. cians and visitors alike. ies high, cast their sha- Superblocks contain- Rates are moderate all Ckris dows over the cup and ing apartments, shop- year round-. JAMES BOND saucer. ping center, schools, A guided tour of the Mrs. Blanche Spillman, Southwest 15th avenue, TOWN HOUSE IS BACK IN TWO TOP Brazil's president is clubs, church, and mo- city is available for $6 and her daughter, Deborah Ann, recently returned 007 HITS housed in golden splen- vie in each unit, provide per person. As an ad- from a cruise aboard the Steamship Ariadne, sail- Restaurant & Lounge dor in the Palace of the efficient, modern living ded attraction, you can ing from Port Everglades, •Ft. Lauderdale. There 395-7454 1701 N. Federal Hwy. 399-6946 'From Russia Dawn, a glass - and - for residents. The mul- watch a session of Con- were calls at Nassau and Freeport. Boca Raton marble creation featur- tiple dwellings, six sto- gress, and the Palace WithLovel ing a 22-karat gold wall, ries high, perch on con- of Dawn is open to visi- Pierre Duman, sec- 300 telephones and 30 crete pillars with park- tors when the President retary of state for tour- bathrooms. Beside the ing underneath. Ceiling isn't home. ism, estimates that 10 Dr. No' palace is a private, to floor windows over- This is a modern city million Frenchmen tra- snail-shaped chapel. A look the 19-mile lake encompassing the coun- veling aborad last year BOTH IN COLOR man-made lake reflects and furnish a wide- try's best sculptors, spent $740 million — 24 Been Dancing the architectural mag- screen picture of the muralists, architects, *~1 ACRES OFFREE PARKING I per cent more than in city. engineers and artists, 1963. FOUR WINDS' FAMOUS Building is still go- Lately ? ing on in this jet-age capital. Since it was inaugurated in 1960, For Your Dancing Pleasure WORLD CRUISES more than 70 buildings 54 days from only $2320... by sea or sea & air have been completed. Cliff Hall presents The sound of hammers Enroute, you'll stay at still echoes and the fine hotels and enjoy fascinating smell of fresh lumber THE and wet concrete floats sightseeing and overland excur- through the air. sions. At each port, you're met by GENE MURRAY a member of Four Winds' "family", You'll discover 22 cities.some famous men and women who'll proudly in- The United Kingdom ORCHESTRA others offbeat, as you circle the glob' troduce you to their country, its has agreed to lend $18.9 NOW IS THE TIME direct from their seasonal with a congenial Four Winds' tour. people, its way of life. million to cover 80 per FOR TRAVEL TO Visit cent of the cost of 217 You'll You'll travel in comfort engagement in Palm Beach, Paris, Genoa, projects in the first two ...in choice staterooms reserved years of Tanaznia's JAMAICA : nightly except Monday Italian Riviera, for you on famous cruise ships and five - year development Love Naples, on swift jetliners. plan. When rates are at their lowest. in the lounge. Herculanum, Your low fare covers everything, It ! Sorrento, including transfers and even most Let the experts at Banner Travel Port Said, A COMPLETE meals. This is truly an amazing SERVICE Cairo, Suez, value. Compare and see. Service plan your trip in the Arabia, Pakistan, AIRLINE Four departures monthly. * STEAMSHIP "Banner Manner". Our personal | India, Singapore, 2 eastbound from New York, 2 No Cover, Hongkong, westbound from San Francisco. TICKETS experience guarantees satisfaction. |^ No Minimum. Tokyo, Kamakura, RESTAURANT For reservations and descriptive AND Miyanoshita, brochure, and help with all your RESERVATIONS Kyoto and Hawaii. Call 395-5722 travel plans, phone, visit or write: A1 A. 1 MILE NORTH OF Call 399-3166 PALMETTO; PARK ROAD •Cruises * Hotels *U-Drives Royal Palm Plaza • Boca Raton BOCA RATON TRAVEL BOCAR ATOM TRAVEL PLANS, INC. 700 E. PALMETTO PK. ROAD ^PHONE 395-3500 BOCA RATON 395-1414 ON A1A-DEERFIELD BEACH SB_Jk)iZ/l965_ BOCA RATON NEWS kmmm Mm Fryer Quarter Sale John Kennedy Swift's Premium Tender Grown, Shipped. Gr@»p Gov't-lnspecfed, Fresh Not Frozen Jamaica will be the first nation in the West Indies to be represent- g, Breast Quarters ed at the John F.Kenne- dy Torch of Friendship Memorial in Miami, Fla., when the Jamai- Gizzards can Coat-of-Arms is permanently affixed to the monument on May 11. In special ceremonies at the memorial which is dedicated to the memory of the late American President, the island's Director of Tourism, John Pringle, will pre- sent the Jamaica pla- que and national flag to Miami Mayor Robert King High. Jamaica will then join 16 Latin and C South American nations now represented at the Livers ..... »>• 69 Bayfront Park memori- al. EXTRA The Miami ceremon- ies will highlight the jiWGreenStamps visit of a 15-man good- WITH THIS COIirOHAND PVtCNASf OF will mission to Florida May 9-15 at the official Armour Golden. Star Armour Golden Star invitation of Mayor 5 High. The mission is $ CANNED HAM CO» *4.99 called "Gateway to Ja- (Coupon expires Wed., Moy 5, 1965) maica." Canned Ham .. s 4" "The placement of (Plus 100 S&H Green Stamps with coupon) Jamaica's C o a t-o f- EXTRA Arms on this most wor- ••'Swift's Premium Proton Gor't.'tnspected Heavy Bt*t thy memorial will sym- $ i^GreenSiamps bolize the close asso- Ground Jteef>. 3 ^ l.l7 WITH THIS COUPON AND PUtCHASf Of ciation between our two countries and will be a Ground Beef mS ^^89 Lysol Spray lasting reminder of our JOT S&H Girrn Stamp,. No DISINFECTANT £* 98c first goodwill mission to TANT Florida," Pringle said Hy-Grade's All Meat Bali Park (Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965) before leaving for Mi- C ami. Franks 5£ 59 Accompanying the EXTRA Jamaica delegation will (Plus 25 S&H Green Stamps. No coupon required.) be the island's leading Dirr's Gold Seal ^WGreenStamps calypso band, The Tick- l C WITH THIS COUPON AND PUICHASI OF lers, and Don Budge, Bologna ...... £: 49 world-famous tennis Cutex Nail (4c off pack) % # lo star who now makes his POLISH REMOVER Brs»«-35c home in Montego Bay. (Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965) They will spend three days in Miamiand then Colossal travel as far north as $ 29 EXTRA Tampa and Jacksonville. Shrimp ,b. 1 In the state capital of Fresh Florida WWGreenStamps Tallahassee, Florida WITH IH1I COUPON AND PURCHASE OF Governor Haydon Burns C will officially welcome Kingfish Steaks . . ib. 49 the mission on May 13. COFFEE-MATE "^ 79c Pringle will bring (Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965) greetings from Sir Clif- ford Campbell,. Gover- nor General of Jamaica,' Poh'o Enchilada to the Florida governor $ from the people of Ja- Dinners ..... 2 !*£!' 1 maica. Morton's Poly Bag Regular or Buttermilk i^GreenStampsN] Team members will S fITH THIS COUPO M B^^S^^^ visit Greater Miami as Biscuits ..... 3 pig"; 1 well as Homestead, Hood's E-Z Liquid' South Miami, Coral Ga- Howard Johnson bles, Miami Beach, 10 $ Libby's Cut STARCH -!| 39c Corn Toastees 4 kgr' 1 (Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965) North Miami Beach and P 16-oz. Hialeah on May 10. On Gorton's can May 12, the mission will C Beets 10 head north to visit Hol- | EXTRAA BF^ lywood, Fort Lauder- Ocean Perch . . . & 39 F&P Whole Kernel Swift's Premium iWGree n Stamps M dale, Pompano, Lake 12-oz. WITH THIS COUPON AND rUICHASf OF Worth, Palm Beach, and C can other major towns and Beef Burgers . . '. ^ 99 Corn • 10 Superose cities. (Pius 50 S&H Green Stamps No coupon required.) Rosedale Green Members of the Ja- SWEETNER \« 69c maica Goodwill Mission 17-oz. (Coupon expires Wed., May 5, 1965) to Florida sponsored by can the Jamaica Tourist Peas. 10 Board and Hotel Asso- Ivory (limit 4 please) ciation include Tourist Dash pers. 16-oz. Board Director of Sales size bars and Promotion E.Stuart Swift's Brookfield Soap 19 Dog Food ... 3 -cans 45' Sharpe, Hotel Associa- Butter quarters Hormel with Beans tion President Dick de- j 15-ci. Lisser, Pat Ferreira, Mrs. Filbert's Golden Quarters cans Heinz Simon-,.sch, Lee Chili ...... 3 Wills, Ray Morrow, Margarine U; Sweet Sue Whole 52-oz. C Bobby Burns, Nick Bri- Philadelphia mo, Cliff Burt, Bill Gar- Chicken ...... can 89 rison, Don Bardowell, Cream Cheese . . ?C: 29C Gordon McKay, and Dick Mott's A-.M. or P.M. McCormack. Master's Half & Half 1 C $ There are four ways Cream 2 'S 39 Drink ..... 3 " 1 psychologists spot a Kraft Cracker Barrel form of nervous break- c Hawaiian Red or Yeilow down they call depres- S sion: sleep and appe- Mellow Cheese . 'Sff39 tite difficulties, languor Kraft Baby Punch .... 3 1 and a guilty feeling. C A depressed person Gouda Cheese , . SJ- 43 Mott's All Flavors Chunky Apple Sauce always has trouble Sacramento C sleeping; he usually falls asleep without $ Treats .... 3 °°' 87 * trouble but awakens Tomato Juice . 4 ™ 1 Argo about 3 and can't get back to sleep. He always C has a loss of appetite. His mental and physi- Kadota Figs - 19 cal functions slowdown, and he loses interest, ambition, and concen- tration. WHERE SHOPPING IS A PLEASURE! #; > PUBLIC NOTICE Crisp Salad Escarole or NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NAME STATUTE CHICKORY bunch 94 5th Ave. PLAZA NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to Prices Effective U.S. HWY. 1& 5th Ave. engage in business under ficti- Large Florida BOCA RATON, FLA. tious name Mon-Tue-Wed. BOCA BEACH SERVICE intends to register the said stalks May 3-4-5 Palm Aire name with the Cleric of the Cir- CELERY-.... 254 cuit Court of Palm Beach Coun- Shopping Center ty, Florida. Florida Juicy 272 S. FEDERAL HWY. ANDREW W. JACKMAN 5-lb. DEERFIELD BEACH, FLA. Publish: April 18, 25, May 2 and 9, 1965 ORANGES mesh bag