USA Girl Scouts Overseas ,

D-Day 1944 , France Email [email protected] for order information. To earn this patch, you should learn about the Memorial, at least one point of interest at , , and and one point of interest from either Juno or Sword Beaches. For each point of interest, answer as many questions as you can. If you choose to visit Normandy in person, plan to spend at least two days. The Caen Memorial The Caen Memorial is a beautiful museum which covers the causes of the World War II which will help answer some general questions about World War II and the D-Day landings. 1. How long did World War II last? 2. What was the political regime in power in and who was its leader during World War II? 3. Who occupied France for four years? 4. What did the form to oppose the Nazis? 5. Which four countries were known as the “allies”? 6. What was the of the D-Day landing plan? 7. On what date did the D-Day landings begin? 8. What were the five code names for the different D-Day landing beaches and which country was responsible for each beach?


USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

UTAH BEACH Musée Airborne, Sainte-Mère-Eglise This museum tells the story of the American parachutists who were among the first to land in Normandy. If you watch the movie “” you will notice the story of a young American soldier left hanging from a church steeple by his parachute. It happened here! 1. What was the name of the soldier who was left hanging by his parachute from the church steeple? 2. How many stars are on the big American flag in the museum? 3. Find two types of landmines and describe what they were used for. 4. How did the soldiers get to Saint-Mère-Eglise? 5. What was the nickname of the of soldiers that had an eagle as an emblem? 6. What was the motto of the that was nicknamed the “All-American”? 7. What is the name of the big airplane in the museum? 8. Find the display featuring women’s uniforms. What did these women do during the war?

Musée de la Liberté - Quinéville What was it like to live in occupied France? What did the people of France endure for four long years before D-Day? This unique museum gives a fascinating insight into everyday life during the occupation. 1. There is a doll just inside the entrance to the museum. What is it wearing and why? 2. Which French leader made the “Appel du 18 juin”? 3. What animal has its own gas mask? 4. Name some of the American products on display that were carried by the soldiers and which still exist today. 5. What happens to a soldier’s “dog tags” if he is killed? 6. Go to the replica of a French village during the war. Why was the tailor’s shop closed? 7. What were the Jewish people forced to sew on their clothing to identify themselves? 8. What did the French population have to use in order to buy food during the war? 9. Name two items of clothing made from a parachute.

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

UTAH BEACH - continued

Musée Utah Beach, Sainte-Marie-du-Mont Set in the dunes where the American soldiers fought for their lives, this museum tells how the amphibian (land-sea) vehicles were indispensable to the success of the landings. 1. What is the name of the amphibian vehicle in the room overlooking the beach? 2. How many soldiers landed on Utah Beach and how many vehicles accompanied them? 3. At what time did Sergeant Glenn E. Gibson’s wristwatch stop and why?

OMAHA BEACH Musée des Rangers, Grandcamp-Maisy The Rangers had a dramatic role to play on D-Day. Their job was the most dangerous and they paid the highest price in human lives. 1. How many Rangers landed on D-Day and how many survived? 2. Who was the officer in charge of the Rangers? 3. What was the Rangers’ mission? Did they succeed? 4. Where did the Rangers train before they left for France?

Pointe du Hoc This strategic site captured by the Rangers is one of the most spectacular landing sites to visit. Walk around and you will easily imagine yourself on , 1944… 1. Why is the landscape full of holes? 2. What kind of coastline is there along Omaha Beach? 3. Who built the cement bunkers? 4. As you stand on the point, facing the sea, which landing beach is to the left and which is to the right? 5. What does the monument symbolize?

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

OMAHA BEACH - continued Musée Omaha, Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer This museum presents a collection of World War II vehicles, weapons and uniforms. 1. Locate and name the three obstacles the Germans placed on the beach to deter a landing. 2. What writing is on the large Nazi flag? 3. What is the name of the woman whose story is written next to the entrance?

German Military Cemetery, German fathers, sons, brothers and husbands died in Normandy. Their stories are a tragic part of the war and can be remembered here. 1. In the entry building of the cemetery are pictures of other German military cemeteries in other locations. What countries are they in? 2. What color are the crosses and how many are grouped together?

American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer This is a breathtaking site that is truly an inspiration. Observe the various memorials and plan to stay until taps are played and the flags are lowered in late afternoon. Read the names of soldiers, paying attention to their ages and hometowns. As long as we remember, no American soldier’s sacrifice will have been in vain. 1. How many crosses are there in this cemetery? 2. Which famous President’s son is buried in this cemetery? 3. What is the quote inscribed on the crosses of unknown soldiers? 4. Why do some gravestones have a star on them? 5. How many Medal of Honor recipients are there in the cemetery and how are their graves identified?

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France


Musée d’Arromanches, Arromanches Arromanches had a very important role to play in the days following June 6th. Army engineers accomplished incredible feats in Arromanches and this museum tells the story. 1. Who were the four allied leaders involved in D-Day? 2. How long did it take to build the artificial port? 3. Find the picture of a French female Resistance fighter and answer the following questions: a. What was her name? b. What Resistance network (“reseau”) did she belong to? c. How and when did she die? 4. What damaged the artificial port? 5. Where were the elements used to build the port constructed and how were they transported to Arromanches?

JUNO BEACH Canadian soldiers landed in Normandy along with the Americans, the British and the French. 1. How many graves are at the Canadian Cemetery in Bény-sur-mer? 2. Find the name of a from Winnipeg on one of the crosses.

SWORD BEACH At the far eastern end of the landing beaches, the British forces had a special mission to accomplish. 1. At what time did the first British soldiers land in the sector surrounding Pegasus? 2. How did the British arrive in this sector? 3. What is the name of the café which serves as a little museum? 4. Why is the café building famous?

The D-Day 1944 Normandy, France patch was a USAGSO-Paris Silver Award Project by CGS 11 in 1999. Last updated in May 2014.

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

D-Day 1944 Normandy, France – ANSWER KEY

The Caen Memorial 1. How long did World War II last? 1939 to 1945 2. What was the political regime in power in Germany and who was its leader during World War II? Nazi party; Adolf Hitler 3. Who occupied France for four years? Germany occupation forces/Germany/the Germans 4. What did the French people form to oppose the Nazis? The /The Free French 5. Which four countries were known as the “allies”? USA, Great Britain, and France 6. What was the code name of the D-Day landing plan? 7. On what date did the D-Day landings begin? June 6, 1944 8. What were the five code names for the different D-Day landing beaches and which country was responsible for each beach?


Gold Great Britain

Juno Canada

Omaha USA

Sword Great Britain

Utah USA

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

UTAH BEACH Musée Airborne, Sainte-Mère-Eglise 1. What was the name of the soldier who was left hanging by his parachute from the church steeple? John Steele 2. How many stars are on the big American flag in the museum? 48 (Alaska and Hawaii were not yet states at the time) 3. Find two types of landmines and describe what they were used for. Antipersonnel mines were used to kill people and antitank mines to blow up . 4. How did the soldiers get to Saint-Mère-Eglise? Parachute 5. What was the nickname of the division of soldiers that had an eagle as an emblem? “The Screaming Eagles” 6. What was the motto of the 82ND Airborne Division that was nicknamed the “All-American”? “All the way” 7. What is the name of the big airplane in the museum? The Dakoda, which is a C-47 8. Find the display featuring women’s uniforms. What did these women do during the war? They were nurses, soldiers and pilots

Musée de la Liberté - Quinéville 1. There is a doll just inside the entrance to the museum. What is it wearing and why? The doll is wearing a gas mask for protection against poisonous gases. 2. Which French leader made the “Appel du 18 juin”? 3. What animal has its own gas mask? A horse 4. Name some of the American products on display that were carried by the soldiers and which still exist today. Hershey’s chocolate, Camel cigarettes, Chicklets, Campbell’s Soup, Coca-Cola, Planters’ Peanuts and others 5. What happens to a soldier’s “dog tags” if he is killed? One is left on the body and the other is taken back to the . 6. Go to the replica of a French village during the war. Why was the tailor’s shop closed? The owner was Jewish 7. What were the Jewish people forced to sew on their clothing to identify themselves? A yellow Star of David 8. What did the French population have to use in order to buy food during the war? Ration cards 9. Name two items of clothing made from a parachute. Dress, pillow case, bra

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

UTAH BEACH - continued

Musée Utah Beach, Sainte-Marie-du-Mont 1. What is the name of the amphibian vehicle in the room overlooking the beach? Joanne 2. How many soldiers landed on Utah Beach and how many vehicles accompanied them? 23,250 soldiers and 1,700 vehicles 3. At what time did Sergeant Glenn E. Gibson’s wristwatch stop and why? It stopped at 6:30 because the amphibian landing vehicle he was in hit a mine


Musée des Rangers, Grandcamp-Maisy 1. How many Rangers landed on D-Day and how many survived? 225 landed and 90 survived 2. Who was the officer in charge of the Rangers? Colonel James Rudder 3. What was the Rangers’ mission? Did they succeed? They were charged with knocking out the strongest German position on the invasion front. They succeeded. 4. Where did the Rangers train before they left for France? Isle of Wight Pointe du Hoc 1. Why is the landscape full of holes? The “holes” are bomb and mine craters 2. What kind of coastline is there along Omaha Beach? Steep, rocky cliffs 3. Who built the cement bunkers? German soldiers 4. As you stand on the point, facing the sea, which landing beach is to the left and which is to the right? Utah Beach is on the left and Omaha Beach is on the right 5. What does the Pointe du Hoc monument symbolize? The Rangers’ dagger.

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France

OMAHA BEACH - continued Musée Omaha, Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer 1. Locate and name the three obstacles the Germans placed on the beach to deter a landing. Stakes, barbed wire, mines 2. What writing is on the large Nazi flag? American soldiers’ signatures 3. What is the name of the woman whose story is written next to the entrance? Jean Foley

German Military Cemetery, La Cambe 1. In the entry building of the cemetery are pictures of other German military cemeteries in other locations. What countries are they in? USA, , Egypt, Finland, Canada, and 2. What color are the crosses and how many are grouped together? They are black and are in groups of five.

American Cemetery, Colleville-sur-Mer 1. How many crosses are there in this cemetery? 9,388 2. Which famous President’s son is buried in this cemetery? Theodore Roosevelt’s son 3. What is the quote inscribed on the crosses of unknown soldiers? “Here rests in honored glory a comrade in arms known but to God.” 4. Why do some gravestones have a star on them? The Stars of David mark graves of Jewish soldiers. 5. How many Medal of Honor recipients are there in the cemetery and how are their graves identified? There are three recipients in this cemetery and their graves markers are topped by a gold star.

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.

USA Girl Scouts Overseas Paris, France


Musée d’Arromanches, Arromanches 1. Who were the four allied leaders involved in D-Day? D. Roosevelt (USA), Winston Churchill (Great Britain), McKenzie King (Canada), and Charles de Gaulle (France) 2. How long did it take to build the artificial port? 9 months preparation, 12 days construction 3. Find the picture of a French female Resistance fighter and answer the following questions: a. What was her name? b. What Resistance network (“reseau”) did she belong to? Réseau Jeanne c. How and when did she die? She died in Ravensbrück concentration camp on April 24, 1945 4. What damaged the artificial port? A big storm 5. Where were the elements used to build the port constructed and how were they transported to Arromanches? The concrete structures were made in England and towed across the Channel by old merchant ships that were scuttled at Arromanches

JUNO BEACH 1. How many graves are at the Canadian Cemetery in Bény-sur-mer? 2,049 2. Find the name of a regiment from Winnipeg on one of the crosses. The Royal Winnipeg .

SWORD BEACH 1. At what time did the first British soldiers land in the sector surrounding Pegasus? Midnight 2. How did the British arrive in this sector? They flew glider planes 3. What is the name of the café which serves as a little museum? Gondrée Café 4. Why is the café building famous? It was the first house in France to be liberated

USAGSO-PARIS is a registered nonprofit organization. (Reg. 434100183768) Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.