RIAA Ideas for lawsuits summer affect U of I L employment. campus. u N I V E K S 1‘1 Y 0 F 1 N D I A N A P 0 L I S See Page 4. See Page 3. 1400 EASTHANNA AVENUE INDIANAPOLIS. IN 46227

IESCH HALL RENOVATION Groundbreaking for Esch Hall remodelling project set for May third floor of the new addition in the Karen Bower existing building, and then information Opinion Editor services, which is in the lower level of Esch now, will be taking place where communication is now,” said Ken Piepenbrink, director of the physical plant. The remodeling of Esch Hall will take The move will give the a step toward reality on the project’s communication department more space. May 3 groundbreaking. Scott Uecker, General Manager of WICR The goal of the project is to create a and instructor in the communication “front door,” or entrance, to the campus. department, blames the current lack of According to Mike Braughton, vice space on a dramatic increase in growth in president of business and finance and the department. treasurer of the business office, the lack “We’ve almost doubled our of a main entrance onto campus for enrollement since we moved in here [the students, faculty and visitors prompted Krannert Memorial Library Sease Wing] the university to devise a plan to solve about four years ago,” Uecker said. “We the problem and make the university have reached a point where we’re appear more inviting. probably teaching, especially in the “If you drove all the way around the applied learning courses, more students campus, I defy you to find a main entrance right now than we have the facilities to to the campus. There isn’t 0ne”Braughton handle. So I think the biggest benefit is said. [that] we’ll be able to provide the facilities Since the idea was conceived, the necessary to support our classes for the location of the project-an addition to number of students we have andcontinue the west side of Esch Hall by the to grow to some extent.” intersection of Hanna and Otterbein Ueckeralso pointedout that all applied Avenues-has remained the same. courses will be in the same area, whereas Thesizeoftheaddition andtheamount the speech team has been in the basement of remodeling are still in question. of the Krannert Memorial Library Sease The estimated cost is currently from Wing, with television, radio and $3.5 million to $4.5 million more than newspaper on the second floor. the initial design. The new public relations agency, Top “We originally thought we had a Dog, which currently has no office space, project that was going to be in the $6.5 to will also have offices. $7.5 million range, and we were going to According to Uecker, another build that entirely out of the gift fund. potential benefit of the move will be the Now we’re up to $10.9 million for the creation of a campus radio station and total project,” Braughton said. cable television outlet. With cost a consideration, the project Since nothing is definite, Uecker is had to be revised to a smaller building only looking into that possibility right addition and less remodeling on the rest now. of Esch Hall. However, without the new space “What we had to do was cut back on acquired from the move, that idea would the scope of the project,” Braughton not be plausible. said. “We now have a 46,000 square foot The dates for the department move addition to Esch Hall, and we’re not have not yet been decided. but Ueckc?. going to be able to do as extensive of a believes they could begin the process as remodel as we had originally thought on early as January of 2005. the remaining portion of the building.” According to Uecker, it may look like The actual remodeling should not a relatively simple task to move the affect the students, according to technology from one building to another, Photo by Chi-ysanthi Iounnidou Braughton. but the miles of cable under the floor in “We’re going to wait until the entire the radio station complicate the situation. addition is completed and then we’re Uecker feels that moving the (above) Students going to move in. That will avoid putting communication department will be time walk in and out of you in there temporarily and then putting consuming. Esch Hall between you somewhere else.” Braughton said. “Knowing that we could not grow in One part of the plan involves the this building, really our only option was classes. Center of Excellence in Leadership of to provide the facilities that our students Groundbreaking for Learning (CELL) to move from its current need as we continue to attract more and location on Virginia Avenue to Esch more students,” Uecker said. a new addition and Hall. Uecker believes the move can be a renovation for the According to Braughton, 20 percent positive process. building is planned of the CELL Grant will be used for the He used the relocation of the project. communication department to the for May 3. He said that CELL will have dedicated Krannert Memorial Library Sease Wing space on the second floor, however he four years ago as an example. (left) A conceptual was unsure of the exact square footage. “What I think is very much a benefit As of press time, a representative from is what students will learn from the move drawing of the Esch CELL was unable to be reached for process,” Uecker said. Hall lobby. The further details. Although he wouldn’t recommend building is being A second facet of the plan is the moving every four years, so each class relocation of the Communication can learn how to build a facility from the renovated and department to the third floor of Esch ground up, Uecker said he does consider expanded to create a Hall. it agreat opportunity that can’t be taught “Communication will be going to the from a textbook. main building on the Contributed by Ken Piepenbrink U of I campus. IVOTING Presidential candidates encourage students to vote in next election current campaign issues do not directly on younger ages, also has education as for voters to be eligible to vote. the time of the next election and have Crystal Tackett concern younger ages. Instead, the issues an important issue on his agenda. There are several places to get the been a resident of his or her precinct for Staf Writer focus on the economy and jobs. According to Bush’s campaign, he has voter registration form. 30 days before the election. Eventually, “every issue is going to effect promised to make educating every child One location is the Marion County The person must not currently be in This November, students have an people sooner or later,” Ayres said. his top domestic priority through the Board of Voter Registration. located in prison following conviction of a crime. opportunity to help determine who will Despite the dropping rates of young Leave No Child Behind Act. the City-County Building on Washington According to Todd Rokita. Indiana’s lead the country for the next four years. voters, some students still feel the He is also focusing on college students. Street. People may also register at all Secretary of State, more than 90 percent However, history shows most students significance of voting. ‘‘I will propose more incentives for Marion County trustee offices, the Bureau of Indianavoters choose to vote in person. will not bother. “It [voting] is important because college students to take math and science, of Motor Vehicles branches and However, absentee ballots are According to the New Voters Project you’re leaving decisions up to others to so America can continue to lead the Indianapolis-Marion County Public available for voters who will be away Web site, www.newvotersproject.org, choose for you,” said Nancy Nehus, a world economy,” Bush said. Library locations. from the place where they re&‘rister to over the past two decades, youth voter freshman communication major. The first election this year is the The registration form also is available vote. turnout has decreased significantly. “Everybody’s opinion counts and makes primary election. It will be held on online at several Web sites such as Individuals eligible to vote absentee In the 2000 election, only 36 percent a difference. You can’t fix anything by Tuesday, May 4. www.nitv.com, campaign Web sites for can do so by voting in the clerk’s office. of 18-24 year-olds voted. complaining. You have to do something Then, the general election will be the candidates and the official Web portal The absentee ballot must be completed Close to half of all 18-24 year-olds about it.” held on Tuesday, November 2. for the state of Indiana at www.in.gov/ and voting must be done by noon the day are currently not registered to vote and Democratic presidential candidate The primary election is a preliminary sos/elections, where those interested may before the election. Absentee voting at many do not even know how to register. John Kerry is not overlooking the aspects election in which voters nominate party also find out more about the approaching the clerk’s office begins 29 days before Dr. William Ayres, associate professor of attracting young voters. candidates for offices, such as the elections. the election. of history & political science, believes In a recent interview on the MTV president, senator, representatives, Once the registration form is filled Students wishing to vote absentee students are often overlooked by political News special “Choose or Lose”. Kerry governor, state senator and state out, it must either bcmailedinordropped must complete and return the absentee campaigns because of these dropping stated one of his ideas. “I want you representatives. Candidates are elected off at the Marion C70un1y Board of Voter ballot application at least eight days rates of voters. [college students] to have less debt, and to the offices in the general election. Registration or a1 the locations from before Election Day. “Very few people of college [age] I want college students not to go into Anyone who chooses to vote in the which it can be picked up. When the county election board vote,” Ayres said. He also believes there debt as deeply as they are,” he said. upcoming elections must first register. For individuals registering to vote in receives the application. it ia processed. is a generational shift in which voting is In this interview, Kerry said that his Individuals must be registered at least 29 the county for the first time, proof of Iftheapplication is approved, an absentee not as important to young voters today as plan consists of a $4,000 per student days before the election. identification must be provided. ballot is mailed to the voter to complete it was to their parents years ago. tuition tax credit that will aid students Thedeadline to registerforthe primary This may include a current and valid for the upcoming election. Sarah Horton, a sophomore English and parents in reducing the financial election was on April 5. photo id, recent utility bill, bank Thecompleted ballot may be returned major, stated one opinion that students burden of going to college. Anyone who missed the April 5 statement, government check, paycheck by mail to the county election board or may have. “No matter who you put in He also plans to help students pay deadline can still register for the general or government documentation that shows hand delivered by the voter, a member of office, it won’t make a difference to us down loans if they are willing to serve election no later than Monday, October the name and address of the voter. his or her household, or the voter’s [students]. They [politicians] will just do the community, such as through teaching 4. In order to meet the specifications attorney. For any other person to deliver what they want.” in the inner cities or rural communities. Mail-in voter registration forms must required to register, individuals must be the completed absentee ballot is a Ayres and Horton agree that the President George W. Bush, focusing be postmarked on or before these dates acitizenoftheU.S.,be 18yearsofageby violation of election laws. PACE2 THE REFLECTOR OPINION APRIL21,2004

W GAY MARRIAGE EDITORIAL Student calls for equal treatment, rights for homosexuals 1 didn’t really know what to think or homosexual on board. From my understanding of this issue. that they can’t see the underlying Steve Takacs how to act in front of this person As a matter of fact, I worked for Bush and company are worried about implications of what this means. True, Entertainment Editor because I’d never been exposed to a and came to know two lesbians who homosexual marriages insofar as they the Bible dismisses homosexuality similar situation. Over time, my job were, to say the least, two of the most would have to receive the same tax because. through the eyes of became boring. caring individuals I’ve ever known. breaks or exemptions as heterosexual Christianity. it is unnatural. However, something happened that Whenever the opportunity has risen, marriages. So. Bush is trying to play God in I didn‘t expect- I developed a mature, I have tried to interact with someone If this is the case. then what they’re his arbitrnry labeling of some 1 used to oppose the homosexual meaningful relationship with someone. from the homosexual community really saying is that one group of marriages as sanctified. What Bush community and the ways in which I Moreover, that someone was a because I wanted to know what it was people can receive tax breaks because forgets. is that even though the Bible perceived them to be defying Biblical homosexual. like to be that person. of their sexual orientation and the speaks against homosexuality, God, by ethics. During any given work shift, he and I don’t think it’s right to shun other group should not. This form nf his mere omnibenevolence, has to love I thought that men should be with I would chat about various issues someone for his or her inherent sexual discrimination is utterly deplorable. all people regardless of their sexual women and .vice versa, so as to affecting our lives, and what those nature. Our lovely president and his 1 would expect this from a group ot orientation. promote the overall traditional issues meant in respect to our right-winged automatons seem to think high school students who were picking If God has to love all people despite ideology behind a solid marriage. community. otherwise. sides for flag football, not from my differences, then Bush, trying to play I didn’t understand the difference Eventually, I began to think of this The issue of gay marriage and what government of the people, by the God, ought to consider doing the same. between a person’s sexual orientation man as one of the most insightful constitutes the sanctity of marriage has people and for the people. The people This would help eliminate and that human’s overall persona. people I’d ever met, and I’m certainly increased faster than Alicia Key’s need to argue against what will discrimination from this issue and thus Then 1 entered college and made a job thankful for the conversations we had. overabundance of forehead acne. The probably end up as a discriminatory make things equal, as they should be. change, and both of these experiences If you’re saying to yourself, this spotlight of this debacle, though, is policy. Although 1 don’t expect everyone to opened my eyes to human diversity. writer is starting to sound as if he is taxes and what types of tax breaks or Outlawing gay marriage would be agree with me, most would have to A few years later, my thoughts gay, you shouldn’t mistake my tax exemptions that a married couple like denying Bush office because he’s admit that what’s fair is fair. If two regarding homosexuals have changed. empathy for your mind’s leap to label can receive. the son of H. W. In the real world. people, homosexual or heterosexual, Now 1 see this part of the community me. More importantly, the current employers often do not tolerate love each other and want to make a through different lenses. My changed Don’t get me wrong, I’m straighter administration wants to define what it discrimination, and colleges and better life for themselves by marrying, views came directly as a result of than every arrow in Robin Hood’s means to have a sanctified marriage. universities open their arms to any then they should be granted the having a job in which a homosexual quiver, but my relationship with a Assuming government officials are ethnicity or sexual orientation. freedom to do so. was my superior. homosexual shaped my views so that I taking sanctity to mean sacred or free The difference il; that Bush is the What’s fair for heterosexuals ought At first, this was a little could understand the normality of this from sin, this means that they want the president, and he can do whatever tic to be fair for homosexuals. including uncomfortable. I thought I was man’s lifestyle even if it was different final say on what type of relationship wants, even if it is downright wrong. tax breaks and all the luggage of constantly being stared at and doted from mine. constitutes a marriage that is free from The real twist here is that Bush and marriage. People don’t usually get over because I was a single In addition to this single sin. his pals seem to want to define a married to be put into a lower or heterosexual male in the presence of a relationship, every organization I’ve What gives government officials the sanctified marriage by using a higher tax bracket. They marry single homosexual man. worked for since has had at least one right to define a sanctified marriage? Christian interpretation of the word so because they’re in love. Let them be.

W HEALTH EDITORIAL Poor health choices cause editor’s skin to crawl an addictive drug, but what I want to can take diet pills, but those that can Karen Bower know is why the heck these people give you results contain ephedra. So Opinion Editor even started in the first place. It was even if you lose weight, you’ll be too one thing for our parents, or caught up dealing with the negative grandparents, to be smokers. They side effects to be able to enjoy your didn’t know the consequences. Now weight loss. Not to mention that using As my first year of college comes to we do know. As noted at http:// these can be fatal. a close, I’ve taken the time to look www.drugabuse.gov, we know that Ephedra is now being banned, so I back and reflect on my likes and cigarette smoke contains 4,000 am concerned less about the actual use M dislikes of this new lifestyle. What I substances. Many of these substances of diet pills and fad diets and bothered discovered actually surprises me. As may cause damage to the lungs or even more by the laziness that inevitably do most college students, I love the cancer. And in case any of you have goes hand-in-hand with their use. freedom of being on my own. Without forgotten, cancer is deadly, and when Many may wonder why I allow my parents to supervise my every you die, you don’t come back. You someone as harmless and petty as a move, 1 can attend parties without their don’t get another chance to do it all lazy fad dieter to get to me. When knowing the host’s parents--or even over again. The anti-smoking those around me do not put their health that I am going. 1 can stay up as late as commercial that had the largest impact in immediate danger, or involve me in I want without my mom barging into on me is the one in which a man says some manner, I tend not to worry whatever room I am in to ask of his wife who died of lung cancer at about them. It’s when they choose to incredulously, “Do you know what 46 year old, “I guess I never thought of involve me in their laziness or time it is?” I can skip the occasional 23 as middle aged.” ignorance that I am bothered. class or sometimes even, gasp, take Many of us are in our early For those who don’t know me, I’m a what I like to call “a mental health twenties. We can hardly imagine be petite person. Yet contrary to popular day” and skip all of my classes without how we want to spend our last 20 years belief, my size does not stem from a being punished for playing hooky. on earth. Instead, we spend our time fad diet or diet pill. It comes from the Yet as I, and all of my peers quickly living for the moment, under the hours I spend running, lifting weights, discovered, college is not entirely assumption that we have another 70-80 swimming, and trying to mantain a about late night pizza. drinking games, years to live. healthy diet. This lifestyle takes time and sleeping through 8 a.m. ( or The truth is that nothing in life is and effort, but it works and it is I I a.m.) classes. No, there are tests to certain except death. While you’re worthwhile. So imagine how I feel be taken, papers to be written, here, don’t you want to do all that you when I am approached by another presentations to be given, millions of can to ensure that you get the most young woman who wants to know my pages to be read, and hours of research from life? Grab a patch, suck on some “secret” for staying so thin, or by and cramming to be done. Naturally peppermint sticks, bite your nails.. .but someone who wants me to know how the time needed to complete all that don’t keep inhaling with a cancer stick “lucky” I am to be born so skinny. If was assigned left me rattled and crying in your mouth. you want to know my secret, I know to return to high school.. .and that was As another example, I’m also aware that luck is a myth. If you want just the first week. Yet like any that there are fad diets and diet pills something, sooner or later you have to creaturc in a new environment, I’ve out there. I know that they come and work for it. I’m not suggesting that learned to adapt, or I wouldn’t still be go and millions of dollars are made everyone go out and run eight miles a here. from the suckers who buy into day or swim for hours, but I do know However, there is one aspect of ridiculous claims about melting away that if you truly want results, you have college life that I cannot bring myself fat and excess pounds in a few short to make exercise and a healthy diet a to accept. I will never, in all my days, weeks. part of your life. understand the poor health choices Before college, I could count the Diet pills and fad diets won‘t cut it made by many of my fellow students. number of people I knew who tried in the long run, so save yourself the Now. I’m not perfect. I don’t follow these diets or pills on one hand. Maybe frustration of trying another pill or diet the food pyramid exactly, and my I was just lucky enough to be and failing. Go back to the basics. Find sweet tooth has found me crashing surrounded by people with at least half a form of exercise you enjoy, and stick down from many a sugar high, but a brain. Now I can’t enter a room to it. If you can’t make yourself do candy and other junk food binges are without overhearing a conversation that, I can’t help you. Either way, quit not what I ani referring to. I’m talking about the newest diet or pill. insulting me by commenting on how about those who choose to participate Unfortunately this is just a you wish you could be as lucky as me in activities, on a regular basis, that are reflection of our society. Everyone is or asking me what diet I’m on. extremely dangerous and harmful to looking for the quickest way to fix his Cigarettes and diet pills are harmful their health. or her problems with the least amount to your health and fad diets don’t work. For example, I can’t enter a single of effort. But you can’t forget that Therefore I am absolutely amazed to building on campus without hacking these diets and pills are called “fads” see the number of people on this my way through a cloud of smoke. for a reason. They don’t last. Why campus willing to try these things Have these people not read the don‘t they last? Because they don‘t despite these facts. The University of warning labels on the cigarette work. Sure you can go without eating Indianapolis is an institution for higher packages’? Do they not watch the any carbs for a while. but it’s not learning, a place full of extremely commercials‘?Are they not alarmed by something you can do permanently. As bright students who are the future of their increasingly shallow breathing soon as you start eating carbs again, our country. When are your actions and lung capacity’? 1 realize nicotine is the weight is going to come back. You going to match your intelligence?

Editor-in-Chief ...... Joy Hernandez Letters to the editor, suggestions, corrections, story ideas, Managing Editor...... Lucas Klipsch THE and other correspondence should be addressed to The Photo Editor...... Joy Hernandez News Editor...... Valerie Miller Reflector, Krannert Memorial Library, Room 2 13, or may Sports Editor...... Sara Kaiser REFLECTOR be sent via electronic mail to [email protected]. Opinion Editor...... Karen Bower Anonymous letters will not be printed. To be considered Entertainment Editor...... Steve Takacs Feature Editor...... Carey Hart University of Indianapolis for publication, letters must include a valid name and Online Editor...... Sarah Kerkhof 1400 East Hanna Avenue telephone number, which will be verified. Letters are Business Manager...... Karissa Rittmeyer Indianapolis, IN 46227 subject to condensation and editing to remove profanity. Distribution Manager...... Elyse Kaiser reflector@ uindy .edu Adviser...... leanne Criswell Staff ...... The Reflector welcomes advertisers from both on and off Natalie Konyalian Amanda Wade The Reflector- is a student publication, and the opinions campus. Advertising rates vary according to the patron’s Jessica Horges Luke Thornberry contained herein are not necessarily those of the specifications. Interested advertisers should call 317-788- Zachary Bolinger Katy Yeiser University of Indianapolis. It is dedicated to providing Lyneca Morrow Craig Haupert news to the university community in a fair and accu- 2517, Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 317-788-3269 Chrysanthi Ioannidou Lauren Howey rate manner. after hours or fax 317-788-3490. Crystal Txkett Leslie Palfi Jessica Elston Crystle Collins APRIL21,2004 NEWS THE REFLECTOR PAGE3

~ ~~ RIAA LAWSUITS New RIAA lawsuits target university campuses, including U of I

~ ~~ ~ ~~ Russell said that the RIAA is filing a “Other universities have received similar number of downloads per student is 837. respected.” Craig Haupert John Doe suit. In a John Doe suit, the requests by the RIAA in previous Stuff Writer According to the Badger He,-old, the Wantz said that there could be names of the individuals are not known lawsuits,” he said. average settlement in the previous 400 additional punishments imposed on the and are only identifiable by the IP address According to the International Data cases has been $3,000. All of these cases student, staff or faculty member by the of the computer sharing the files. Group News Service, a media research have been settled out of court. university, but until more information is “The way the RIAA has worked in the company, the latest round of suits took RIAA President Carey Sherman told made available, no decision can be made. The Recording Industry Association past is that they have subpoenaed aim at university network users, who the the Badger Heruld that the motivation Wantz said that there are ways to of America (RIAA) has filed its third campuses for information requesting the RIAA believes engage in a higher level behind the lawsuits is not to obtain money, download legally, and he encourages the round of lawsuits targeting individuals campus to provide names, addresses, of online piracy. but rather to force illegal file sharers to students and staff to use the Internet for who are illegally sharing copyrighted phone numbers and e-mails of the The University of Indianapolis is realize that they are breaking the law and legitimate purposes. music. individual or individuals identified by among 2 1 universities across the country will be prosecuted for doing so. “We think it’s all right for students to According to Jeffrey Russell, chief the IP address,” Russell said. that has individuals targeted by the RIAA. According to Dr. David Wantz, vice download JPEGs and MPEGs and AVIs information officer, the University of According to Russell, the next step in According to the Badger Herald, the president for student affairs, the and MP3s, because if they’re going to Indianapolis received a courtesy letter the legal process would be for the RIAA University of Wisconsin student university is against any illegal activity, the Library of Congress to do some from the RIAA on Mar. 23 stating that a to ask for a court order to obtain the newspaper, file-sharers targeted by the including the sharing of copyrighted research, and they want to get Martin single individual using the university’s information. RIAA lawsuits are chosen based on the material. Luther King Jr. giving his speech out in intranet server will be part of the lawsuit. “The university has the responsibility number of files they have downloaded. “We support the proper use of front of the Lincoln Memorial, that’s a “We do not know the name of the to protect the privacy of its students. But The more downloads an individual has intellectual property here,” Wantz said. good thing for them to do,” Wantz said. individual, and we do not know if the if we get a subpoena, then we will have on their computer, the greater the chance “Whether it’s a postcard, a book title, a “I would advise them [students] to look individual is a student or a member of the to comply with the law and give the they have of being prosecuted. In this paragraph, a song-whatever it is, it is for legitimate ways to download and use staff or faculty,” Russell said. information they request,” Russell said. third round of lawsuits, the average intellectual property, and it has to be mu sic. ” SENIOR PROM Nursing students hold prom for local senior citizens learning project. “We wanted to see the Jessica Borges effects of nursing a senior citizen,” Elder Stuff Writer said. The event had live music, games, prizes, refreshments and dancing. The Over a hundred senior citizens nursing students gave out corsages, gathered for their prom at the Southeast suckers, pill boxes and lotion samples, Citizen Center in Fountain Square on which were donated by local stores. Tuesday, Apr. 13. Flowers also were donated. The senior prom was planned by the “Everyone here is young,” said University of Indianapolis associate Citizen Center Director Doris York as nursing students. she called the seniors to the dance floor. According to Leslie Oleck, assistant “We ran out of the 80 corsages that professor in the school of nursing and the were donated at the beginning. We [had] group’s faculty advisor, many senior to hand make them,” said associate citizens in the United States suffer from nursing student Sharon Short. depression due to isolation. Senior citizen Winona Randolph, a “In the winter, seniors can get socially member of the Salvation Army, danced isolated, because it is hard for them to get throughout the entire event. Randolph around. We decided to give them said she loves to dance. something fun and something they could “I’m 80, but I think [like I’m] 18,” look forward to,” Oleck said. Randolph said. “I believe in having fun.” Erica Kortz, an associate nursing Senior citizen James Martin, 70, also student involved with the senior prom, attended the event. “I’ve had loads of said that the prom gave the seniors an fun. It’s been really good, and I enjoyed opportunity to come together with other it.” senior citizens and have fun. “The university has been encouraging A dance usually is held about once a us to establish relationships with groups month for the seniors, but the prom was in the Fountain Square area,” Oleck said. a new plan to get seniors from different “We developed that more fully in this senior citizen organizations together. associate degree program.” According to associate nursing student Other nursing students involved were Karen Elder, planning for the prom began Mary Ann Jacobs, Darla Owens and in the fall of 2003 as part of their service Amber Anderson. Photo by Julie Corn A group of senior citizens dance at the prom planned for them by U of I associate nursing students. HONORARY DEGREES O’Baannon among those to receive honorary degrees usually give no more than three,” said would like to highlight.” to their way of thinking.” Thie personally led the design and Jessica Elston Dr. David Anderson, dean of the college O’Bannon graduated Phi Beta Kappa Hosting her own television show is testing of the first boiling-water nuclear Stuff Writer of Arts and Sciences. fromhdianauniversity with abachelor’s one way O’Bannon tries to impact the reactors. The university’s specific criteria states degree in social work. world. “Last year there were thirteen The Hampton sisters were chosen for that recipients should be “leaders of local, She was selected as a Rockefeller episodes, each featuring four to five their awards because of their contribution state, national or international eminence Theological Scholar and was the first different projects,” O‘Bannon said. to musical society. in their areas of endeavor.” woman to attend the Louisville One project helped to build a hospital “They are pioneer jazz performers. Those nominated are not required to Presbyterian Theological Seminary. in Muncie. They are in their eighties and still At this year’s graduation ceremony be associated with the university. O’Bannon also has begun many “We hope they 1viewersI can identify perform,” Anderson said. Aletra is 88 on Saturday, May 1, the former first lady For a board of trustees member to be charities and committees. with the stories,” O‘Bannon said. “You and Virtue is 82. of Indiana, Judy O’Bannon, will receive awarded, he or she must have served at She is the chair of the Indiana 2016 can impact your world in a way you Unlike O’Bannon and Thie, neither an honorary degree. She also will take least seven years on the board. Task Force, which encourages Indiana never thought you could before.” one ofthe sisters has everearnedadegree. part in the graduation ceremony as the A faculty member, administrator or residents to become more active in their O’Bannon said she is pleased to In fact. neither ofthem has ever attended key speaker. employee is not eligible. communities by the state’s 200 year receive an honorary doctorate from U of a public school. Four honorary degrees will be Employees who have left the anniversary in 20 16. 1. “I am very honored. This university “Our dad taught us,” Aletra said. awarded. O’Bannon will receive an university for more than a year, however, In 200 1, she led a trip to South Africa, has made such a difference.” When their father was unable to teach honorary doctor of humanities degree. are qualified. and in 1999 she led a trip to Russia, to O’Bannon will be introducedto speak them, they and their ten other brothers The University of Indianapolis will Those who are currently running for offer assistance to people in need. She before receiving her honorary degree. and sisters were taught by tutors. also give honorary doctor of music public office also are not eligible. also has taken part in medical missions “We felt that she would be an excellent The Hampton children were learning degrees to vocalists and musicians Aletra University president Dr. Jerry Israel said to Moldova in Eastern Europe. recipient and make a good speaker.” to play instruments by the time they were and Virtue Hampton at the undergraduate this is to discourage any partisan stance. O’Bannon and her late husband Frank Israel said. “She is a person that is three. ceremony. He said that it is possible to give a began the O’Bannon Book Buddy respected, and she would have a message Their father was an art and music Internationally-known expert on politician an honorary degree, but initiative, which promotes adults helping to deliver to our students.” teacher. nuclear technology Joseph A. Thie, “they’re not going to make a political children learn to read. Thie was chosen to be a speaker at the The Hamptons said that receiving an Ph.D., will receive an honorary doctor of partisan speech in response.” She also holds positions on many graduate commencement partly because award at this age is very satisfying. science degree during the graduate O’Bannon was chosen not because of Indiana councils. of the many degrees he already has. “To us at this age, it’s like people commencement on April 30. Thie will be her political stance, but for her work in O’Bannon said that volunteering has “We felt that the message that he have consideration for us at last,” Aletra the featured speaker at the graduate the community. been extremely important in her life. would deliver would be more appropriate said. Virtue agreed. “It is a blessing that commencement. “[As well as] her role as first lady, she “What I have been about most of my life for a graduate audience,” lsrael said. people recognize you,” she said. Set guidelines determine who will be is very accomplished,” Anderson said. is working with individuals,” she said. Thie graduated Magna Cum Laude Although neither sister will be a chosen to receive honorary degrees. “We “She is a role model and a person we “Everybody has to be acitizen according from the University of Notre Dame with speaker at the ceremony, they do have a a bachelor’s degree in nuclear physics message for students. when he was only nineteen. “Work hard and study, whether it’s He also completed his doctorate in just out ofthe book or [studying] people nuclear physics at Notre Dame. in your field,” Virtue said.

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Make the $\mT choice. . . C&Martha today PAGE4 THE REFLECTOR FEATURE APRIL21,2004

STUDENT PROFILE Working father attends college to give daughter opportunities

some timc to analy/t. \h Iicre I \viis from the past years that are kind of Lauren Howey going and who I M,:\litt‘d to be. It took slowing me down,” McClammer said. Stufl Writer me a year to get in Ito I’of 11.” Student loans fund McClammer’s McClamnicr said. education. He said that finding Alyssa motivatcz CL Iiatevcr scholarships for someone his age with McClamnier doe\. I IC said that he i\ his academic background is going to school to bc. able to give her impossible. McClammer is always on everything she deset \’e\ and. il’she the lookout though. He dreams of wants, to be ablc to yo to college. obtaining a scholarship or grant. “That‘s why I’m ticre. I want ;I McClammer is able to save money Most 24-year-old men think about future for her.” McC‘lmiiier said. “I’d by living with his parents in their social lives and jobs before they be happy living tlaq to-ihy, hut 1 can‘t Greenfield. He said that he is lucky to think seriously about even beginning a do that if she’s goin;: to Iiave have parents who are willing to help family. The average 24-year-old anything.” him. doesn’t think about debt or taking care Free time is somctliirif that doesn‘t “I just happen to have parents that’ll of a six-year-old and paying child exist in McClammei‘s lil’e. ”I don‘t say, ‘Yeah, you can live here since support. have time [for hohbicsl. In between you’re doing something we approve Cortney McClammer, a freshman work, school and sclroolwork. I guess of.’ I consider myself very lucky for law enforcement major, has to think sleep would be my liobby ,” that,” McClammer said. about those things. He doesn’t even McClammer said. ‘ McClammer‘s relationship with his think about a social life. He juggles then I’ll have time 1‘. 1ici.c I can ,just sit daughter is a happy one. Although he several priorities. McClammer works down and watch ;I iiio\ ic or something can’t afford to take her many places, multiple jobs and takes nine credit like that, but generally f don‘t have they like to watch movies together.

hours at the University of , time to really do ain!.thiirg.” McClanimer said that Alyssa likes to Indianapolis. His top priority is his McClarnmcl- has l’ouiid thal it i\ watch the same movie time and time six-year-old daughter whom he hard for thc averitye [i ol‘ I studcnc to again. supports. fully grasp his \itu:iIioii. “People McClammer’s friends have taken It’s a constant struggle for accept il, but they h;ivc no idea M~II;II it notice of his experiences with McClammer to be in school, work, means. They don‘t hiio\v what it really fatherhood. and find the time to be with his takes ,” Mc Cl ;imnier sai (1. “Peopl e say. ”Cortney has a very good daughter Alyssa Marie. “Right now I ‘Hey, what are you doing this Friday relationship with his daughter, and he Photo by Lucus Klipych have two jobs. I do security at night?’ I tell them ’No.’ because I have wishes that he could spend more time Conseco. I do heating and air my daughter with me. They think with her. But things didn’t work out, Cortney McClammer, freshman, relaxes with his daughter Alyssa installation in new residential homes,” you’re supposed to tlo that. But it’s and he can’t,” Strahlem said. “If he before a softball game put on by the senior legacy committee. McClammer said. “I work twenty to more like I want to instead of have to could do anything for his daughter, he thirty hours depending on the weather. [spend time with in! duiightcr].” would. In the end, when she gets older EMPLOYMENT FOCUS I take nine credit hours due to my Making friends haj not been she’ll realize what her dad did for her. GED, on a probational basis.” His difficult for McClatiinicr. But dnting is She‘ll respect that.” enrollment is probational because he out of the picture eiitircly. “I haven’t “When you’re there to see your kid Summer jobs offer extra earned a GED instead of a high school had a girlfliend in ;I Ionp time. Not born, it changes the whole world,” diploma. because I don’t want to or I couldn‘t, McClammer said. “So, I don’t want to Alex Jimenez, a senior marketing it’s just that my daiightcl- comes first. be that guy that’s not there. I don’t cash and fun experiences major, is one of McClammer’s friends. School is right behind and then work. want her to grow up and go ‘My dad “Cortney handles his responsibilities Ladies don’t like to he the fourth was never there.’” McClammer said he will always of the other opportunities offered by well. He always puts his daughter fiddle,” McClammei. said with ;I grin. remember Alyssa as a little girl who Steve Takacs Career Services. before his friends or school work or McCImimer’s relationship with hi\ was so happy to see her dad come Entertuinment Editor Students who aren’t interested in anything like that,” Jimenez said. “He ex-wife is always 21 factor that affects home from work. “The first thing that internships may want to consider other cares about her. By going to college he his life. He pays hei- child support. :tiid would happen [is that] she would run jobs such as lifeguarding, bartending wants a better life for himself and for they have .joint ciisiody. Rut there is up to the door as soon as she saw me With the end of the semester rapidly and landscaping. Ljfeguarding, for her.” always a chance thkit a major Justin Strahlem, a freshman disagreement could oc cur. and grab my leg,” McClammer said. approaching, students are being pulled instance, requires CPR certification in “That was the best feeling I’ve had addition to knowing how to swim well. criminal justice major, agrees that his “There is alway\ ;I possibility that I in multiple directions as they conclude from being around her. It was so their school responsibilities. Once the Those interested in learning more friend McClammer does pretty well. may have to 20 to court. and 1 may “He has a lot of things that he has to have to drop out of \chooi for a period heartwarming to have this little person current semester closes, many students about becoming a lifeguard can visit just absolutely love you with no www.lifeguardingjobs.com.The site keep up with, and he acts very calm of time,” McClamnier wid. “That will pack up their belongings and head questions asked. You can’t fathom includes a search engine to find local about it,” Strahlem said. makes it even hardcr. At any time it for home. Others won’t travel very far how it feels until it happens.” to pools and various other swimming McClammer’s daughter was born in could all turn around. It could all be ;I at all because they reside close “1 am able to do this [be a father, facilities. Additionally, the site October of 1997, the same year he waste of time.” campus. attend school and work] because I have Relaxing at home can be fun, but provides information about what would have graduated from high School has bccii clifl‘icult for school. Many obstacles made it McClanimer. to,” McClammer said. “If I don’t, I’m after a few days of parental nagging, qualifications are necessary for gaining nowhere in ten years, and neither is my finding something constructive to do is the skills of a lifeguard. difficult for him to be in school. He He was out of school for nine years before tic hcg;tn !.t’\ ;ti;! :,!aw,,. ;II ! of‘ kid. ‘’ appealing. Finding a summer job is Bartending, on the other hand, only dropped out at 14 and got a full-time job. He was dating Alyssa’s mother, I last summer. He \ays that now he is McClammer feels strongly that one surefire way to have a little fun applies to those U of I students wh6 most parents want a better life for their 4 and earn some money at the same are of legal age to drink. As a general Amanda, when she became pregnant. finally getting into thc \wing of things. He is trying to bring hi\ GPA up to ii chi Idren. time. rule, bartenders work for an hourly McClammer became a father at 17 and married Amanda. They later divorced. 3.0. He wants Alyssa to have everything According to Paul Gabonay, rate plus a percentage of nightly tips. If “It will be worth it. Right now it’s she needs and more. More importantly, director of Career Services at the one tends bar in an upscale restaurant “I got married and that didn’t work really hard becau\c I have home debts he wants to provide her with stability. University of Indianapolis. students with an attached bar, he or she can out so well. We separated, and I took wanting an on-campus summer job earn more money. As with other need to apply through Career Services commission-based jobs, the income I I and the department in which they are fluctuates with the amount of business. seeking employment . On -campus This position requires a person to be summer jobs pay more than on-campus able to deal with both fast-paced International student reflects on jobs during the months when school is evenings and those nights when in session. business is slow. Indiana offers a “We have both full-time and part- school at which prospective bartenders Indianapolis life and plans business career time positions to offer students,” can enroll to learn the tricks of this Gabonay said. Students must make the trade. Those interested in this vocation initial contact to find an on-campus can contact the Indiana Bartending position. However, because many School at (317) 872-4657 for more students do not live on-campus during information. the summer, Gabonay said there aren’t Students who don’t want to be on that many who work on campus. the lookout for drowning swimmers or Although Career Services helps flip liquor bottles in the air and watch students with on-campus job people get inebriated can seek placement, the office’s main concern is employment with a landscaping internships. company. Most of these jobs focus on “If students want to apply for manual labor, which often involves summer internships, then they should grass mowing, lawn fertilizing, mulch begin the process early,” Gabonay implantation, tree removal and various said. Students should apply for the other tasks. Those interested in desired position approximately two to landscaping can find available jobs in three months in advance, because this the classified section of The shows the employer that the applicant Indianapolis Star. has fortitude coupled with a desire to When summer does finally arrive, work. jobs often are few and far between. “A good majority of the internships However, with proper planning and are paid on an hourly wage,” Gabonay perserverance in contacting potential said. Most of the internships are employers, students should be able to business related, but Gabonay feels find a fun way to earn some extra that students should still investigate all money. SVHMeR CAMP NOW HIRING Male & Female Counselors Lifeguards Dishwashers Canoe Instructor High Ropes Instructor Farm & Garden Instructor Campout Assistants Campstore/Snack Attendant

These positions to be filled for a 9-week residential camp in Nashville, Indiana. For more information and application contact: Happy Hollow Camp (812) 988-4900 [email protected] APRIL21,2004 ENTERTAINMENT THE REFLECTOR PAGE5

H CD REVIEW Cee-Lo’s second solo album unifies funk, soul, hip/hop and R&B

he does so in a somber, melancholy Steve Takacs “The One” refers to a woman, and some bongos. The slow, melodic longer does he discuss music. Instead, Entertainment Editor tone- one that truly speaks to southern maybe Cee-Lo’s woman, but I’m not beat is something that I would expect he explains how anyone in the rap gospel. The chorus that repeats, sure. The chorus, which repeats “You to here on a Dave Brubeck %track. game is really selling soul (to the “1,2,3,4, what the hell are you waiting the one girl (4 times)/ put yo’ finger in The song, “My Kind of People.” Artwork by Joy Hernandez industry ). for?,” speaks to Cee-Lo’s apparent the air if you the one girl,” basically features Jazze Pha and Menta Malone. Even though I enjoy the entire hedonistic message that we only have describes the mentality that Cee-Lo Once again, the guest rappers don’t album, I don’t really care for tracks ten Cee-Lo Green, former member of one life to live and sometimes we need and probably most southern men stand add anything to the song compared to and eleven. Track ten, for example, the southern hiphop group Goodie to be carefree to achieve pleasure. up for the one woman whom they love. Cee-Lo’s provocative lyricism. relies too heavily on an R&B sound. Mob, released his second solo album Track five is entitled, “ 1’11 be The song also features rappers Jazze The next track, “Childz Play,” This would be a track to listen to in the entitled, “Cee-Lo Green is the Soul Around,” and features Timbaland who Pha and T.I. These two artists pale in showcases popular Atlanta rapper, presence of a woman to set the mood Machine,” and the title couldn’t be provides a short, but provocative verse. comparison to Cee- Ludacris, while he and Cee-Lo rap of a romantic evening. Song eleven, on more representative of the style used to Cee-Lo, however, opens the track Lo over a beat that is, to say the least, up- the other hand, has a twangy sitar create this masterpiece. The short, proudly claiming that he is from tempo. After hearing this beat for a sound that plagues my ears and makes paunchy rapper mixes musical the south. Timbaland offers his few seconds, I feel as if I’ve somehow my spine shiver-it’s pretty irritating. elements such as funk, R&B, soul and lyricism next, spitting key been thrown into a Tom and Jerry The next track, “Scrap Metal,” hiphop with his high-pitched voice to phrases that are indicative of cartoon because of the rambunctious, spotlights rappers Big Rube and G- concoct an album that doesn’t fit in a southern lifestyle. For helter-skelter xylophone that keeps Rock. I’ve never heard of either one of any one genre. The album has been out instance, he says, “I gotta repeating in the background while these guys, and I can’t tell which one for a couple of weeks, and now I see big dog in the front yard/ Cee-Lo’s scratchy voice screams in the of them raps first. However, I thought why hiphop enthusiasts have labeled it best believe that b**ch bite foreground. The song’s premise is that that one of these guys was the trendy, a success. hard/I gotta grand daddy both rappers have been in the game so bothersome rapper Chingy. I’m glad Track one begins with an who think he’s Joe Clark/ long that rapping and producing that he’s not on the album because he introduction featuring Cee-Lo’s son in and that’s how we do albums is, well, child’s play. This certainly wouldn’t bring anything vital which daddy makes it very apparent ‘round these parts.” track is one of the better tracks on the to it. that his son is extremely important. The beat for this track is album and Cee-Lo’s witty lyrics speak The last cut I’ll discuss is thirteen, Directly following that, the beat for especially catchy because the to this. For instance, the soulful.jolly “Glackapella.” This song’s beginning track two, “Soul Machine,” starts. The trumpets combine with bongo fellow says, “1 can spit.. .on anything/ contains a thundering bass line along steady guitar rhythm gives this track a drums to establish the highs and got plenty game/authentic/my pen’s with a perfectly balanced hi-hat. smooth feel as Cee-Lo flows lows of the song. Other sick/forensic/defends it/he wins it.” Additional groove elements include exquisitely over the beat. instruments such as a Here, the rapper is personifying his trumpets and repetitive 70s wah The third track, “The Art of Noise,” tambourine, and a whiny, pen, which is more of a poetic sounds. In this track, Cee-Lo describes opens with heavy drumming and the swingy guitar add the overall technique than it is a rapping tactic. his utter distaste for all those who have modern gospel sound of Pharrell. feel of a reggae tune. And poet, is just the word to bad-mouthed him over the years. Eventually, a piano and brass The sixth track, “The describe Cee-Lo. For example, Aside from that, the end of the song accompaniment provide the One,” begins with a beat when track nine starts, he doesn’t contains a line that reminded my of the background for Cee-Lo’s lyrics. His that tossed me back to the rap, sing or hum. He recites a funk-a-delic band George Clinton and premise in this song is that everyone early 90s when D.J. Jazzy poem over a beat. His the P-Funk All-stars. Cee-Lo and the needs a little soul. In fact, the second Jeff and The Fresh Prince beginning line claims that his accompanying voices chant, “Bring me verse recounts how his life, at one were still together. Yep- music isn’t really explainable because the funk, 1 want the funk.” I couldn’t point, was filled with strife. All he there’s even a Chuck D he uses various elements from a help but envision George Clinton needed to remedy this was a bit of sounding voice multiplicity of genres to manufacture scooting around a stage, swinging his soul. screaming “Yeah” that’s his sound. It really is indescribable. multi-colored dreadlocks in every Next on the list is one of my cross-faded into the The beat, on the other hand, opens direction. The remaining tracks are just favorite cuts on the album, “Living foreground. From there, with a guitar cycling though funky, as notable as the others, however, my Again.” the beat progresses into Latin wah-wahs, while a ghostly voice comments about this album might not It starts with a beautiful piano riff something I would expect to flickers from speaker to speaker do it justice. mixed with a one of the heaviest bass hear at a carnival. Every time saying, “I am.” The track, “I am You should hear for yourself. Pick lines I’ve ever heard. Muted trumpets this beat comes on, my body feels as their lyrics are rather Selling SOU^," accounts for Cee-Lo’s up a copy of Cee-Lo’s new CD, and are also flaring in the background as like it’s on a tilt-a-whirl while my mainstream and uninteresting. perception of himself as one with the you’ll be on your way to becoming they play ascending arpeggios. The brain rotates inside my head. This is Track seven isn’t one that I really music. From here, the poem unwinds funkier than you’ve ever been. Trust soul machine is next to come in, and another one of my favorite beats. enjoy. It begins with a lone trumpet quickly as his lyrics switch topics. No me, the album is worth it.

H MOVIE REVIEW Tarantino’s sequel, ‘Kill Bill Vol. 2,’ surpasses success of the first

personification of evil from Volume 1. Squad” who, to say the least, ruined place in the desert, as a Western plays Japanese sword-master Hattori Lucas Klipsch At this point, the audience knows that The Bride’s wedding. should, while the other takes place in Honzo), don’t rely on cop-out special ManagingEditor Bill and his entourage of “Deadly However, we also know from Japan, the last place in which a effects and lame camera tricks. All the Viper Assassins,” stormed into the Volume 1 that there are still several Western should be set. stunts and fight scenes seem genuine wedding chapel where Thurman was to more people to kill, including Budd, Despite the differences, the two in the sense that you actually see blows be married, and slaughtered (or at least played by Michael Madsen (“Reservoir films are symbiotically attached. landed, instead of the actors just attempted to slaughter) everyone Dogs,” “”), Elle Driver, Without one, the other fails to have an dancing around swatting at each other Quentin Tarantino’s newest film, inside. At this point, we hate Bill. But played by Daryl Hannah (“Kill Bill impact. pointlessly. “Kill Bill Vol. 2,” is the ultimate we don’t for long. Vol. 1 ,” “Splash”) and, of course, Bill. If Volume 2 were never made, the This was a welcome change from marriage of the blood and samurai Carradine and Tarantino force As the movie began, I was looking story could not have possibly been such movies as any one of “The sword-fighting featured so heavily in audience members to understand, and forward to sitting back and enjoying completed. Without the plot twists of Matrix” flicks, where the main Volume 1, and the retro, western at times, have compassion for the another two hours of constant gore. Volume 2, such characters as Elle characters spin wierdly through time, revenge movie all of us Tarantino fans apparently cold-hearted, murderous But Volume 2 surprised me with Driver and Budd, who were only manipulating “reality” as they see fit. I have come to expect and love. Where Bill. Carradine’s haggard and weary such theatrical elements as plot and mentioned in Volume I, would have hate this style of movie fighting. Volume 1 desensitizes us with an facial expressions combined with his character development, and flash meant nothing. Volume 2 brings Watching Uma Thurman and Daryl almost comic amount of gore and Obi-Wan-like wisdom make him backs. Like I said, Carradine was everything to life that was dead in Hannah duke it out with samurai blood-spurting, limb-chopping fight appear like the lovable perfect role perfect, and believe me, he makes you Volume I. It answers every question swords in a mobile home in the middle scenes, Volume 2 forces us to come to model for aspiring assassins love him. I won’t reveal his actual that Volume 1 begged, and even begs of the desert may be hilarious and hard grips with our emotions, and attach everywhere. motive for attempting to kill The new questions. to believe, but it’s easier to believe them to characters, some of whom we Throughout the film, we finally see Bride, so as not to ruin the plot, but I There are some things that are than Keanu Reeves stopping bullets hated, and some of whom haven’t been what Bill meant when he said: “This is will say this ...his performance makes consistent in both films. Though not with his hands, or flying. Yeah, “The introduced. me at my most massochistic,” right you want to jump on the murderous nearly as blood-soaked as Volume I, Matrix” was all about bending reality, As is the case in most Tarantino before he shot The Bride in the head. bandwagon, and that’s scary. Volume 2 has its fair-share of graphic but I was over it after the first one, and films, time is skewed and rearranged in We know from Volume 1 that Bill is As far as the plot goes, it was and explicit violence. Also, you can ready for some real old-fashioned beat- Volume 2. The film starts with Uma the father of The Bride’s child, and impressive, but I think both movies tell that Tarantino loves not only downs, as were handily served in both Thurman (“Kill Bill Vol. 1,” “Pulp that the child is still alive, even after must be watched back-to-back for sword play, but martial arts as well “Kill Bill” movies. Fiction”), the vengeful main character her mother was shot in the dome and viewers to really appreciate their because this movie is filled with at Finally, if you hated Volume I, you known as “The Bride,” driving down a put in a coma for four years. complexity. times precise, and at times cheesy should see Volume 2. 1 promise, this is road, looking straight into the camera, We also know that The Bride is not Calling them two parts of one Kung Fu scenes. a different breed of movie. At times and testifying to her relief at finally pleased about being shot. This is made whole film is like comparing two I won’t lie-in some scenes during Volume 1 I was bored with the getting the opportunity to kill Bill. apparant in Volume 1 when she James Bond films, one with Sean Volume 2 is one of those movies that’s senseless killing. In Volufie 2 I sat on The following scenes show the murders Vivica A. Fox’s character, Connery, and the other with Roger probably not supposed to be funny, but the edge of my seat; focusing intently audience why she’s so relieved to get Vernita Green (“Kill Bill Vol. I,” Moore. it is. on the movie screen for the entire two- this opportunity. “Independence Day”) in front of her They’re just so different, they That doesn’t hurt the movie though. and-a half hours. I haven’t stopped Immediately after the opening own daughter, then hacks through almost can’t be categorized as the By putting out Volume 1, Tarantino thinking about it, and I want to see it scene, we see what actually happened nearly 100 crazed sword-wielding same genre, let alone two parts to the has forced us to become accustomed to again. in the El Paso wedding chapel four Japanese gangsters in order to finally same movie. One is a two-hour sword overdone fight scenes, and laugh at It gave me a new appreciation for years prior. For the first time, David kill 0-Ren Ishii, played by Lucy Liu fight, and the other is a two-hour love them accordingly. Volume I, and in a sense, a new Carradine (“Kung Fu: The Legend (“Kill Bill Vol. 1,” “Charlie’s story (assuming “Deadly Viper What I do love about the “Kill Bill” appreciation for movies in general. I Continues”) reveals himself as the Angels”). Both women were members Assassins” can love). Both have movies is that Tarantino and fight highly recommend it, and I can’t wait infamous “Bill,” the ultimate of the “Deadly Viper Assassination Western movie elements, but one takes choreographer Sonny Chiba (who also until it comes to DVD,

PLAY REVIEW Final U of I theater performance, ‘Wait Until Dark,:’ fun, entertaining

Although she had a supporting role, Auditorium. I must say, I was versions of Harry Roat in his clever “Wait Until Dark” will continue this Carey Hart junior Mary Ferguson stole the stage in impressed by the cast and production ploy to trick Susy. Feature Editor week, with 8 p.m. shows Thurs. her role as Gloria. Gloria, or Four Eyes staff’s hard work. The scenery, which For theater buffs, or anyone who through Sat. and a final performance as she is called, is Susy’s geeky 12- consisted of the Hendrixes’ 1950s has not yet attended a U of I Theater Sunday at 3 p.m. Tickets are free to U year-old neighbor who helps her with living room, kitchen, and bedroom, Department production, I recommend of I students, faculty, and staff. daily errands and chores. At one point, appeared authentic. I especially liked attending this final play of the season. General admission is $7. Gloria becomes angry with Susy and the vintage icebox. The lighting was throws a temper tantrum, tossing also very well done, with dramatic The Theater Department’s final silverware and kitchen utensils all over effects during the second half of the production for the 2003-2004 school the floor. However, after she calms Play. year opened on Wed., April 24, with a down, Gloria sheepishly admits that Although I thought the plot wasn’t free preview. “Wait Until Dark,” a she only threw unbreakable items. The terribly interesting, the characters were 1966 thriller by Frederick Knott, audience loved it. Ferguson’s portrayal well-developed. Susy seems a bit starred sophomore Joanna Cate. She of Gloria was reminiscent of SNL’s scatter-brained and vulnerable at first, played Susy Hendrix, a blind, 28-year- Molly Shannon as the demented but in the end she proves to be the old newlywed tormented by three con Catholic schoolgirl Mary Katherine strongest character of all. In her lead men. Mike Talman (Sam Fain), Gallagher. No matter what Ferguson role, Cate was believable as a blind Sergeant Carlino (Brian Glunt), and did or said, I couldn’t help but laugh at woman and only occasionally gave the dual personality Harry Roat, Jr. how well she pulled off the squeaky minor hints that she has her vision. and Sr. (Lendell Ervin, 11) torment voice and her costume, which Despite her blindness, she pieces Susy in an effort to obtain a doll. The consisted of a plaid jumper, knee together clues to discover that the musical doll, which came to be in the socks, and thick black-rimmed glasses. suspicious Sargeant Carlino and Harry Hendrixes’ household through various In my two years at the University Roat Jr. and Sr. are conspiring against complications, is filled with drugs. of Indianapolis, I had only attended her. Susy also “sees” right through Susy, who seems ditzy, struggles one play-“The Laramie Project,” Mike Talman’s faux friendship. Fain, throughout the play against the three which was produced in the fall of 2002 Glunt and Ervin all slyly manipulate men, who think they can outwit the by PRIDE and the Theater Susy, but Ervin, who is perhaps the blind woman. However, Susy holds Department. It was shown in the most blatantly deceptive of the three her own against them and cleverly Studio Theater in the basement of Esch con men, is also the most disgustingly transforms her disability into a major Hall, so I did not know what to expect believable. Ervin did a fine job of advantage. from a theater production in Ransburg portraying both the junior and senior PAGE6 THE REFLECTOR SPORTS APRIL21,2004


beat Great Lak

Photo by Luke Thornberry The U of I softball team warm up during a team practice early last week. The ‘Hounds will be in action at Baumgartner Field on Wednesday, April 21.

SOFTBALL Wendlinger pitches fourth shutout of the season as ‘Hounds sweep St. Francis at home

season. The home run propelled the the first game, and allowed no earned Sara Kaiser ‘Hounds to a 4-3 eight-inning victory runs in the 2-0 loss. Junior center Sports Editor over St. Francis. fielder Ashley Vachon had the “Courtney [Poulos] is doing well ’Hounds only hit. this year,” Horvath said. “That hit was Kentucky Wesleyan traveled to U The University of Indianapolis crucial. We were lucky she was able to of 1 to face the ‘Hounds in a softball team faced St. Francis on pull one off when wc needed it.” doubleheader on April 4. The ‘Hounds Wednesday at Baumgartner Field. Grubb added a double, a triple. and picked up two wins over their GLVC Sophomore All-Great Lakes Valley a stolen base in the game. rival. The ‘Hounds defeated Kentucky Conference pitcher Beth Wendlinger Sophomore right fielder Christ; Wesleyan 8-0 in the first game and 10- pitched a shutout in game one, her Schadenforh drove in three runs in the 2 in the second. fourth of the season. Wendlinger gave second game. Sophomore Megan Ha11 Wendlinger was at it again, pitching against GLVC opponents in two up four hits, struck out three and didn’t pitched four innings to earn the win. the first game and the final two innings seasons. walk a single batter, to lowering her Hall struck out two and didn’t walk a of the second. In the first game ERA to ,068. The ‘Hounds won the batter. Her record improved to 2-4 this Wendlinger recorded six strikeouts. game 2-0. season. Overall, the ‘Hounds had 20 hits “Beth [Wendlinger] is probably one The ‘Hounds had four home games and 18 runs in the two games, holding of the strongest pitchers in our April 9 and 10. On April 9 the Kentucky Wesleyan to just five hits conference,” said senior third baseman ‘Hounds hosted Wisconsin-Parkside. and two runs. Noelle Horvath. “She’s able to read In the first game, Wendlinger allowed The team will be in action her batter and stay one pitch ahead. one unearned run and six hits, Wednesday, April 21, as they host That is crutical for us when games are suffering a tough 1-0 loss. Wendlinger Olney Central JC. Game time is set at on the line.” pitched a complete gmc, striking out ?. p.m. The insurance run was added in the six, and walked only one. Sophomore Toward the end of the season the sixth, when junior center fielder Mandi first baseman Danielle Melone had the ‘Hounds are working on areas upon Haberlin singled and then stole second only Greyhound hit. which they can improve. base. Junior second base Tara Burman In the second game, sophomore “We’re really working on getting on sacrificed her to third, with sophomore Natalie Walker alloued two earned base and moving people,” Horvath a bit school history to receive the left fielder Brandi Grubb hitting a runs and six hits in her complete game. said. “We need to start finding the honor in the conference. single to bring in Haberlin. Freshman shortstop Madison Dickman holes in our opponents’ defense.” The ‘Hounds participate The second game saw junior was 2-3. The scores for the games against designated hitter Courtney Poulos hit On April 10, the ’Hounds hosted Quincy on April 17 were unavailable her team-leading third home run of the Lewis University. Wendlinger pitched at The Rejlector press time.

MEN’STRACK Team finishes first out of 17 for the fourth Johnson and Gutherie rec icked 8-0 win over UMSL’s Franc and Rajan Saini at number o consecutive time at Little State Smith qualifies for the 2004 NCAA I1 Outdoor Nationals

the Greyhound men was a total of Assistant Coach Giles Davis is in Crystle Collins 176.5, with Anderson University ( 127) his seventh year of coaching track at U Stujf Writer in second and Taylor University (64) of 1. Davis said he has high hopes for in third. the team this year and expects many Big winners at thi\ meet 011 the victories. “Our ultimate goal is to be men’s side were Smith. Lawson. GLVC Outdoor Champs, both men and Young, senior Keggie Cross and senior women.” Davis said. The U of I men’s track team is Stephen Baase. Smith placed first in Head Coach Scott Fangman shares making its way to the top and is the hammer throw and discus. Davis’s sentiments. “The next three currently ranked sixth in the NCAA. qualifying for the 2004 KCAA 11 meels are about getting as many The team got their NCAA title on Outdoor Nationals in Walnut, Cal. national qualifying points as possible,” March 12 and 13‘of this season, when Smith also broke his own meet rccord Fangman said. it placed sixth out of 37 teams. of 6 1.95 meters in the hammer throw Two team members have NCAA At NCAA National Championships, with a distance of 65.63 meters. Smith titles. Smith has qualified for nationals the team had three men honored as placed second in the shot put, scoring a and is currently ranked as the second “All American?.” Among them were total of 28 points for the team iit this best thrower in the country. Cross also senior Dameion Smith, finishing meet. Lawson placed second in the qualified for nationals and is currently second, junior Aaron Lawson, haniiner throw, directly behind Smith. ranked 10th in the country. finishing third and junior Cory Young, Young came in fourth in the The team has several important finishing fifth with “All American” hammer throw, fifth in discus and sixth meets coming up, including the Friday, honors. in javelin, enabling the team to take April 16 meet at IUPUI, the Pacesetter At the team’s recent competition, the lead in the meet. Invitational at Indiana State, Saturday, the Jerry England Invitational, the Cross, another big point leader for April 17 and the Hillsdale meet April team placed first out of 18, continuing the team. broke a mcet rccord with his 2.3 and 24. its success. first place win in the 400 meter, with a The team is always continuing their The meet on Friday, April 9, and time of 47.5 I. The record was held by road toward the goals for the 2004 Saturday, April 10, referred to as Jon Uecker, set in 1995. with a time of NCAA Outdoor Championships, May “Little State” also went well. The 47.57. Cros also finished second in 17 through May 29. where the men’s track team won the meet for the the 200 meter, qualit‘ying for both ‘Hounds will be defending champions. fourth consecutive year, placing first events for the NCAA. The scores from the Indy Relays at out of 17 teams. The team scored 62 Baase placed fifth in the pole vault IUPUI and the Pacesetter Invitational points in four throwing events at the with a 15-foot jump. closing the win at Indiana State were unavailable at THEN YOU SEE TtiE POWER OF ~OM~UNIT~~OAllTlONS. competition. All together, the score for for the men’s team. Tlw Reflector press time. They help community groups - like the PTA’, your church, clubs, even your employer. organize resources and focus them where they’re needed most. Especially fighting to keep kids away frorn

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BASEBALL Baseball splits four-game series with GLVC leader Wisconsin-Parkside Earned Runs Average at 2.88 after Greyhounds’ lead in the first inning Sarah Clough striking out ten batter, in the opening with a double scoring sophomore Staff Writer game against Wisconsin-Parkside. second basemen Kyle Frangiamore. In the recond game of the evening, The Greyhounds played against Boulond hit his third home run of the Northern Kentuckv University for the year and scored the ‘Hounds’ only run first time this season on April 14, The ‘Hounds baseball team of the game. The Greyhounds walked going into a doubleheader with a continues to battle for the lead in the away from the second game against conference record 1 1- 15. Kauffman Great Lakes Valley Conference. The Wisconsin-Parkside, defeated 1-6. pitched his third complete game of the team showed exactly how competitive The next day, U of I came up season and struck out ten batters while it can be as it took on GLVC leader against the Rangers again for the walking two. The ‘Hounds could not Wisconsin-Parkside and split the four- second half of the four-game series. pull ahead and lost both games 0-3 and , game series in Kenosha, Wis. on April The day followed a similar pattern 2-10. 9-April 10. as the day before. Roemke stepped to On April 17 the ‘Hounds faced The Greyhounds, currently ranked the plate in the bottom of the second GLVC opponent Southern Indiana. eighth in the GLVC, opened the inning to hit a doublc, bringing In the sixth inning senior Brad Beck weekend with a win over the Stephenson in to score. The ‘Hounds hit a grand slam to help give the regionally ranked Rangers (2) 2-1. were able to maintain the 1-0 lead for ‘Hounds a 6-4 win. U of I jumped to an early lead the remainder of the game taking away Sophomore pitcher Kyle against Wisconsin-Parkside scoring another victory from Wisconsin- Frangiamore earned the win and both runs in the second inning of the Parkside. Maurer got the save. game. Freshman short stop Kyle The Greyhounds ended up splitting In game two of the double header Stephenson contributed to this lead the games dropping the second game Southern Indiana pounded 17 hits to with a single into center ,field bringing 3-6. win 17-1 1. The ‘Hounds had 14 hits in senior catcher Zac Boulond for the Earlier that week, on April 7, the during the game but it wasn’t enough first run of the game. After stealing Greyhounds faced Lewis beating them to overtake the Eagles. second, Stephenson scored the second 5-0 as junior pitcher Gary Maurer The scores from Sunday’s game run off a double by senior Academic pitched his third shutout game since he were unavailable at The Reflector press All-GLVC first baseman Brian has been playing for U of I. time. Roemke. Junior right fielder Brent Miller, The ‘Hounds next home game will Senior pitcher Chad Kauffman ranked fifth in the GLVC for runs, hits be against SIU- Edwardsville at noon holds the ‘Hounds’ team-best in and home runs, started the on April 24 and April 25. Photo by Zack Bolinger Sophomore Lyndsey Weller comes out of a turn at the Indiana Intercollegiate meet held at IUPUl April 9 and 10.

Photo by Joy Hernandez 4 Sophomore Kyle Frangiamore hits a ground ball at Greyhound Park against Northern Kentucky on Wednesday, April 14. The ‘Hounds stranded ten runners in the first game. 1 WOMEN’S GOLF ‘Hounds victorious at Quincy Invitational At the North Kentucky Spring teams at the University of Illinois Valerie Miller Fling, the team placed ninth out of 18 Invitational. Wenning placed tenth out News Editor teams with a total score of 645. Out of of 63 competitors with a score of 75- the 98 competitors, senior Amy 76- 15 1. Among the rest of the team, Wenning tied for seventh with four Davis was second with a score of 82- other competitors with a score of 79- 82-164, Brown was third with a score 73-152. of 84-83-167, Lowe was fourth with a The University of Indianapolis Other team members who placed score of 86-90-176 and Spilker was women’s golf season is coming to a were freshman Jenna Brown in 42nd fifth with a score of 87-90-167. close, with only two meets remaining. place with a score of 84-78-162, senior As of press time, scores were “The season has been good. It has Lora Spilker in 45th place with a score unavailable from the April 18 Franklin been a successful season,’’ said coach of 82-8 1- 163, sophomore Amanda Invitational. Kelli Tungate. “[We] hopefully will Lowe in 64th place with a score of 86- Tungate said the team hopes to do qualify for the NCAA East Regional, 83-169 and junior Andrea Davis in well enough to qualify for the play well there and qualify for 7 1 st place with a score of 85-87- 172. upcoming tournaments. “We will focus Nationals. The Greyhounds placed eighth out on continuing to play as a team.. .when According to Tungate, the team of nine teams at the Bellarmine we compete,” she said. “[We will must rank in the top six teams in the Invitational on March 29. focus] on the past success of the region to qualify for the regionals and The ‘Hounds won the Quincy program and emphasize continued from there place in the top two to Invitational, placing first out of five success. qualify for the National tournament. teams and defeating second place SIU- Tungate noted that this season the Currently the team is in fifth place in Edwardsville by 23 strokes. Out of 27 team has set one-day and two-day the region. competitors, Wenning finished first school records for team low totals and In recent action, the ‘Hounds have with a score of 77-78-155. Brown that Wenning has tied the individual competed in the North Kentucky placed third with a score of 80-80- 160. school record for low score. She also Spring Fling on March 27, the Davis and Spilker tied for tenth with said that the team has dropped their Bellarmine Invitational on March 29, scores of 80-9 1 - I7 1 and 83-88- I7 1, stroke average by about eight strokes the Quincy Invitational on April 4 and respectively. Lowe tied for 15th with a this season. the University of Illinois Invitational score of 91 -83- 174. “We’re playing much better as a on Ami1 9. The team placed I I th out of 12 team,” she said. APRIL21,2004 BACKPAGE THEREFLECTOR PAGE 8

Campus Briefs

Third Annual Modern Languages Noon-Day Celebration tt h Students from the Modern Languages Department will provide entertainment to the campus community with music, poetry, and a variety of skits in French, e German and Spanish. The celebration will take place Wednesday, April 2, noon to 1 p.m. in Schwitzer Student Center. L/P Credit Available! itate -- Call Tod Summer Job Opportunity Would you like to pick your own hours and have I every weekend off? The Central Collection Bureau ud~~ts,Check 9 is looking for U of I students with good communication skills who are looking for a summer job. If interested, call 887-5165 and ask for Char.

Senior Memories Video A video collection of pictures commemorating the Senior Class of 2004 will be available for sale in the Schwitzer Student Center, April 29-30. The cost is ,. $1 per video. 99th Annual Commencement The undergraduate Class of 2004 will be honored at the University of Indianapolis 99th Annual Commencement. Ceremonies will take place on 8 ing Jr, SL Saturday, May 1, at 2 p.m. in Nicoson Hall. The graduates of the master s and doctoral programs will be honored in a separate ceremony on Friday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m.

Advising for PTA students If you are a Pre-Physical Therapy Assistant student, or are interested in combining the PTA program with your degree, Bill Staples will be available to talk with students and answer questions on Wednesday, April 21, from 1-5 p.m. in Martin Hall, Room 140. For more information visit http:pt.uindy.edu/pta/.