Welcome to the world of Dragoon, the world of the 108 species. 11,000 years have passed since the lower species (106 and below) were freed from the tyrannical rule of the 107th species, the Winglies. The world slowly built itself back from the ashes of the battlefield as civilizations flourished once more. In this world a young man and his friends must go through a long journey in or- der to save it, as well as finding the answers to that which plague their hearts.

When I first found out that I had the assignment for this game, I almost passed out. “Legend of Dragoon” is perhaps the most an- ticipated Sony RPG ever released, rumored to be greater than FFVII and FFVIII. “Legend of Dragoon” lives up to those words by surpassing both FF’s in storyline, gameplay, sound, and graph- ics. Once you plop that first CD in, you’re hooked and your momma can’t do anything to help. Get ready to get a pretty good chunk of your time devoted to your PlayStation.

Guide written by Jonothon Ortiz Graphics by Jonothon Ortiz All I owe for this goes to Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior; my loving wife, Carla, who put up with me giving 90% of my attention to the game (I love you honey!); My mom, g’ma, lil’sister, mom’n-law, dad’n-law, Tim Bogenn (he’s my ‘sifu’!! WASSSUP!!!) and his family for putting up with me during that week (may the Lord bless you all!); Robin Diaz for scoring me some of that awesome cake his mom makes, and to my brothers Ryan Stovalt, Richard Lauze, Jim jr. and Jim Sr Kaminzki. for their prayers and support during my “days in the financial desert” and for always being there with me, as brothers. For feedback or questions, e-mail IGNguides at: [email protected]. Disk 1 Index Chapter 1: The Serdian War

Introduction A Village in Flames Through the Gates and Into the Hole Shana’s Glow The Basil Knight Lavitz’s Home The Dark Rose Marshland’s Burn Slambert’s Vengance The Silver Ghost The Strongest in the World A Wilted Bloom Family Resolution Introduction

A village is savagely under attack by an unknown enemy. Fire is blazing down from all sides and the people are both afraid and bewildered; there hasn’t been any indication of war coming to their town.

The soldiers are determined to carry out the task that their leader has given them. Ruthlessly and with cold precision the people of the town are massacred and very few can stand against the overwhelming forces.

It seems that a lone girl has been taken captive; she seems to have some special abilities that made an orb glow in the light of the moon. Apparently, the only reason for the attack was the capture of this young girl.

As the moon closes, the day is done and the few that are alive are hiding, trying to keep their lives intact. It is going to be a long night... A Village in Flames


1. Burn Out (2) [One from boss battle]

2. Heal Potion (2) [Two from winning the first battle inside the town]

Stardust : 1

Our hero, Dart, is sitting in the forest not far from his town. He’s reading a letter about the current situation in Serdio when he hears the rushing sound of horses. Instead of just finding one horse he finds a whole troop of soldiers fleeing from something.

Two mounted soldiers stop in front of Dart and squabble for a bit when a huge, green creature with an overbite from squirrel hell appears. Dart will start to bail through the forest in a defensive position but the Dragon will have the upper hand.

Just when it looks like you just wasted your money on a game that wastes the hero within 10 minutes of starting, Dart gets saved by an un- known woman warrior. The woman explains to Dart that the creature is really a Dragon, part of the 106th species, which was thought extinct after the Dragon Campaign 11,000 years ago. When the lady mentions that a Dragon was not needed to finish off the small village, Dart asks her if it was the nearby village. She says yes - that nearby village is Seles, Dart’s hometown.

Dart runs to the town, only to see that the town is engulfed in smoke. The once busy city sits si- lently still as a grim testament to what occurred.

After jumping down from the cliff and running into town, you’ll have a sequence with two guards popping out and trying to kill an old man. Defeat them both and earn the two Healing Potions from the fight. After destroying the guards, Dart will speak to the old man; the old man will tell Dart that the truce with Imperial Sandora is over and war is on the way. However, the wounds are too severe and he will die. Once you’ve got control of Dart again check the treasure box to get a Burn Out. Now, go save at the object that looks like the glowing stuff from the movie “Cocoon” (all rights go to WB and whoever made it, I guess). Pop in and hit the triangle (configure button) button to enter your configure screen and select ‘save’. Head down to the lower left (btw, that person’s not praying, that person’s dead).

Dart will run towards the man lying on the ground. He is the mayor of Seles and tells Dart that the troops kidnapped Shana, his childhood friend. The mayor does not know where she is, however, so Dart will have to find out the old-fashioned way:

...by kicking their butt.

You’ll fight two Knight of Sandora and one Commander. Every time you attack, you’ll see a blue square lining up on top of the other one. Once that happens, hit the X (attack) button - if you time it just right your character will do an Addition Attack, which is like a time-based button combo. As you go on in levels you’ll get more additions with more button presses. You’ll find out more after this fight though. For now, just concentrate on attacking and blocking - if you block, you will regain health (10% of your max HP) and the enemy’s attack will do a ton less damage. So, put plainly: attack, block when you need to raise health, use one of the Healing Potions if you really need it.

You’ll get two more Healing Potions and a Burn Out for winning. Also, Dart will learn his next Addition Attack, the Volcano.

Talk to the two people here. The lady on the left will tell you that an attempt for reinforcements from Castle Indels failed because of the guardian creature at the Limestone Cave. The man next to her is the Master Tasman; he will show you all the fine points of attacking and defending. Equip the Volcano as your addition and then talk to him. You will get multiple chances to practice the timing of your addition attacks, extra defense tips, and other neat stuff. One thing that the Master Tasman vaguely tells you is that every time you connect with a full addition on your enemy it will add 1-5 points to your mastery of that addition. Check your additions in the options screen and you’ll be able to keep track of each addition’s attack power, how much SP you get from finishing it (that’s for later on), other stats, and you can switch around additions. If you go into a battle knowing you’ll need more SP and attack, or vice versa, then select the addition that will suit your needs.

After talking to him, go to the grave that is number 3 from the left and you’ll pick up a Stardust . The Stardust plays an important part in the game; although it’s almost like a subquest acquiring them will allow you to gain several rare and powerful items; it’s easier and less time- consuming to get them on your first trip to what- ever area (although some may not be available until you return to the area).

Once you’re done head to the exit northeast of Master Tasman and exit the town. Through the Gates and Into the Hole



1. Healing Potion

2. Charm Potion

2. 20 Gold Hellana Prison:

1. Burn Out (2) [One from boss battle]

2. Healing Potion (2) [Two from winning the first battle inside the town]

Stardust : 0

Once you’re out of Seles you’ll get a cut scene with Hellana at a distance.Shana will be thrown into jail and Fruegel, Hellana’s chief, will be talking to the Man in Hood. Fruegel will be re- minded that if he doesn’t obey and keep Shana alive his head will be promptly removed. When this is over, Dart will be able to head towards the Forest. FOREST!!! Woo hooo!! Resist the urge to play road kill with all the animal creatures scurry- ing around and head over to the oh-so-convenient item salesman in the forest. He’ll teach you the ways of the elements (this is really something you should listen to!) and how to use the multi-attack items. Once you’re done, head to the lower right corner of the same screen and grab yourself a merry little Healing Potion. Proceed to the northwest.

Cross the lanky piece of lumber that is there (no credit was given to that brave beaver who cut that one down!) and acquire a Charm Potion. Go south (young man!).

Once you enter this shrubbery maze (he he.... NEEET!) proceed to the right. Then, go to the lower left exit from the place you just popped out of (should be just below the top right exit you took to get there). Take the Burn Out that’s located in the box and then exit that section. Go across the middle and take the lower right to snag the 20 Gold. Proceed back to the far left and take the upper left exit and skeedadle out of there.

Continue south and you’ll get a sequence with a young Dart and Shana. It seems that Dart once saved Shana from a wolf and Dart’s present encounter with a wolf in the same area triggered the flash back. You know, in retrospect, I really feel that you could figure that out on your own so let’s go on and forget that... Continue south in the following screen and exit the Forest.

After the Forest, head for Hellana. Dart will follow a cart in and sneak behind it to get in -however, you’ll have to hit the X button as soon as that little exclamation mark shows up over his head (btw, that means that you have to react to the environment). Dart will hide behind the cart and you’ll sneak in.

Once you’re in the Item guy’ll eventually spot you. You’ll have a quick fight against a Hellana Warden who could prove to be a problem if you haven’t built your levels; otherwise he’ll be quick work. After this, there are no random battles and only a few forced fights - every enemy can be avoided by just running away from the guards when you see them walking around. Just make sure you (or they!) don’t make contact. this is a good place to fight enemies over and over since the guards respawn. You can just fight ‘til their dead, go back to the item guy and heal, then save and keep going until you feel you’re strong enough. Once you’re out the door, take to the right and up the stairs. The left side has an elevator that’s out of order and the exit towards the light is the way out of Hellana. Inside the room you’ll have a mandatory fight against another Hellana Warden but by now you’ll finish him quickly. Go up the stairs.

Continue to the west and save your game. Go in through the door in front of the save point and you’ll be inside the barracks. Here you can get an Angel’s Prayer, a Leather Jacket (for Shana once you find her), and 50Gold. Exit the way you came in and take the elevator that is to the right of the save point.

Another cut scene, this time you’ll see two guards from Basil in chains and being escorted to their cells. After being told that they are food for the beast that lives inside Hellana, they attempt to fight. At this time, Lavitz Slambert, a knight from Basil, escapes and attacks the guards holding his two countrymen. Lavitz holds the guards off while the two try to escape; however, they are cut off by Hellena reinforcements and thrown into the pit. Lavitz is alone against the troops but then Dart shows up and draws his sword with Lavitz. The troops will be taken care of quickly now and Lavitz will join the group. From this screen, the screen to the right is the exit, and the screen to the right of the exit holds two cells that have 20 Gold in the left and a Spark Net on the right. Go back to the second screen (go left from the third screen) and exit.

Another forced fight will happen, as a guard exists the elevator by the door you just went through. After you finish him off, take the elevator up and head to the left.

Iniside this room is a ton of soldiers but if you head up the ramp and inspect the barrel you will find the key to the tower where Shana is being held. Exit and go straight across to enter the right tower.

Once inside, head to the left to find Shana. 3 guards are going to be stationed outside of her cell - finish them off, then the 3 guards that show up and Shana will join your group. Check the cell to the right to get 20 Gold and then go to the left. Inside one of the cells you’ll find another 20 Gold. Go back to the first screen (go to the left one more time) and exit.

In another cut scene, Fruegel will find out that Shana has been kidnapped. He’s not happy....(kinda like seeing the Kool-Aid Man’s evil twin...) Backtrack all the way back to the Item guy (the area where you snuck into with the cart?) and stock up/heal and pick up some Spark Net. Have a good mix of Healing Potion and Angel’s Prayer also and save your game. Head to the exit of Hellana and you’ll face the head of Hellana, Fruegel. Dart should be at level 5 at least.

Fruegel is a tough guy all by himself, but he’s quite slow. In order to make up for that you’ll have to fight two Hellana Warden and as soon as his HPs drop enough you’ll have to face two Senior War- den, which are much stronger than the previous. Shana’s attack is basically useless except as something to peck damage from enemies but her stats let her use the attack items with more potency; concentrate her attacks to Fruegel using the Spark Net and try to get over 188%. Have Dart and Lavitz concentrate on the guards when they are there and then aim at Fruegel. You will win this fight in no time and earn 4 Healing Potion and a Knight Shield. After another cutscene in which Fruegel starts to recover, Dart, Lavitz, and Shana escape Hellana Prision and head towards the Limestone Cavern. Shana’s Glow



1. Angel’s Prayer

Limestone Cave:

1. Devastating Rock

2. 20 Gold

3. Bastard Sword

4. Total Vanishing

5. Body Purifier

6. 100 Gold

7. Angel’s Prayer

8. Burn Out 9. Bandana

10. Fighter’s Charm [Boss]

11. Healing Potion

12. 50 Gold

Stardust : 0

After exiting Hellena, go to the Prarie (northeast from the fork) and you’ll be still on the run. Lavitz will be winded and on the way out an arrow from pursuing guards of Hellena’ll nail him. Continue to the next screen and the gang will hide behind some bushes. Two guards will show up and wind up trailing a rabbit instead.

Once the coast is clear, go up. Humm...it seems that you can’t jump over that....go back down and continue south.

Once you get to this screen Lavitz’s injury will flare up (needs preparation H, maybe?) and Shana will treat his wounds. Dart’s going to be amazed that Shana learned that skill and they will go into the Cabin. Dart will then tell them the reason he left Seles.

Dart will then tell them the reason he left Seles; it seems that Dart was not born in Seles; he was born in the town of Neet (no, this is not an intentional Monty Python reference, this is actually in the game!).

18 years ago Neet was attacked by the Black Monster and completely wiped out. Dart’s father and mother managed to get out of the town in order to save Dart; they returned to Neet and met their deaths.

Dart stumbled into town the next day to find his parents. He found no trace of them and only his father’s crystal was left. He’s been looking for the Black Monster ever since.

Once Dart wraps his story up and Lavitz fills Dart in about the war (and confirms Shana’s desire to be Dart’s wife [get that ‘sexist’ crap outta your head will ya! LOL she really wants to be his wife! It’s OBVIOUS!!] ) proceed to the northeast exit. Examine the tree (hit the X button) and Dart will decide he’ll need something sturdier to chop the tree down. Go back to the Cabin and there will be an Axe around the back. Grab it and head back to the tree. Ooooopppssss.... that wasn’t supposed to fall down that way. Head back to the river edge where Dart said he couldn’t jump across and that log will find its way to that edge and create a bridge. Cross it and continue on your merry way.

Grab the Angel’s Prayer and talk to the family. They are refugees from Kazas and appear to be going nowhere. At first, they think that Lavitz will arrest them but instead Lavitz feeds them and tells them to stay at his house with his mother in Bale. Head north to the exit and then toward the Limestone Cave.

One inside the cave, grab the Devastating Rock and go south.

You’ll have to maneuver nature’s “slip ‘n slide” in order to get the two chests. First, don’t touch anything and you’ll get 20 Gold. Go back up and then hit right at the first intersection and then down when you get to the “T” shaped area (or, the sec- ond place you press down at). You’ll get the Bas- tard Sword. Continue south.

Move through the rock steps and grab the Total Vanishing and Body Purifier. Continue Southbound. When you get close to the exit, Lavitz will trip next to a waterfall. Dart will rush over to Lavtiz and rescue him. Lavitz will be grateful for Dart saving his life twice (the first time at Hellena) and the boys will bound. Of course, Dart’s girlfriend (again, let’s face it- they like each other!) Shana gets left out like if Football was on the tube. Anyways, let’s proceed.

Head to the upper right to get 100 Gold. What the heck is that little thing there? Go back to the first screen. Head towards the flying lights - these are Rock Fireflies and they act as a Restore point. The two chests will have a Burn Out and an Angel’s Prayer. Continue to the southeast and through the door.

Go north and check the chest to get a Charm Potion. Continue to the north and you’ll see the little creature you saw earlier. In this room, the objective is to catch it. The best way (i’ve found, anyways) got get him quickly is to chase him around and when you start getting close cut through the set of rocks that are in the center of the bottom area. Watch out though because it’s actually very smart and will try to lose you! Once you catch him you’ll receive a Poison Guard. Go back to the previous screen and exit through the east.

Save your game at this point. Now, you can go back and forth from the save point to the recovery point and earn experience. Also, you should find another Poison Guard as a prize from wining a fight. Whenever you’re ready, continue north on that path. You’ll find a Bandana and a Body Puri- fier. Equip the Poison Guard to as many of your people as you can (two should do it) and then save one last time. You’re going to face the Guardian of Limestone, Urobolus.

Urobolus isn’t that tough if you’ve fought a bit before getting here. At the minimum, everyone should be around level 6. Urobolus will fight right in front of you then hide his body inside a cave. The Poison Guard should protect against the poison and if you have someone without one use the Body Purifier. Just keep hammering away with your additions and have Shana use attack items; eventually he’ll be gone. You will get a Wargod’s Amulet for winning.

However, Urobolus isn’t out of it yet. The snake will slither up and make a dash for Shana. Dart and Lavitz will rush towards Shana but they won’t make it in time. Suddenly, a light starts to radiate from Shana which instantly obliterates the snake piece by piece. Shana has no idea what happened but the party decides to continue towards Indels Castle. The Basil Knight Lavtiz’s Home


1. Portrait of Lavitz

2. 50 Gold (2)

3. 20 Gold (2)

4. Sparkle Arrow

5. 100 Gold

6. Active Ring

7. Healing Breeze

Stardust : 6

Total Stardust at this point: 7

Man oh man is this a busy town. Before we get to actually doing the chores, let’s look around for a bit. First, head up to the house on your left. A young lady will draw a Portrait of Lavitz and will give it to you. You will also find 50 Gold in a chest inside the same house. The Item shop is on the far right, the Inn is next to the Item shop and the weapons shop is north of the first screen. Take the road next to the Item shop.

You’ll find a well - inside the well is a Stardust (#1). In this same screen to the upper right is Lavitz’s house; we’ll return here later on after you’ve given King Albert your report. Go back to the previous screen and go north.

The farthest north entry is the Weapon shop. Go inside and check around the spears for another Stardust (#2). Update you armor!!! Back on the screen, take the right exit and it will lead you to a hospital (first door on the right) and a library (door facing you at the end). The hospital will cure all status ailments for a price and you can read up on some more history surrounding Dart’s world.

If you want to, save your game, then head north to reach Indels Castle. Take the doorway on the ground (left side) and enter the basement. You’ll find a Sparkle Arrow. Check the furnace and you’ll aquire a Stardust (#3). Go through the bottom left and then go up the stairs again.

There is a chest on the far left side that has 50 Gold. Take the ladder down and then turn the wheel that you’ll come across - that will open up the waterway. Go back up to the Castle’s first floor and take the stairs up.

On the top left you’ll find a Stardust (#4). It’s going to be tricky because there’s a person standing right where the Stardust is so you’ll just have to wait for him to move. The far right side has 100 Gold; the bottom left side entrance has a ladder that will take you down so you can get an Active Ring. Proceed back up and enter the throne room.

King Albert is in his throne room, accompanied by Minister Noish and the Man in Hood??? Never mind that for now (since the characters don’t know either...kinda sucks doesn’t it - then again the game wouldn’t last too long) Lavitz will give his report. Dart will ask Minister Noish about the Black Monster; Noish will tell him that a lot of informa- tion has been lost but they do know when it first appeared.

You’ll get a CG of the Dragon Campaign 11,000 years ago. The Winglies ruled, and the humans allied with the Dragons in order to free all the species. In order to surpass the huge power of the Winglies, Humans learned to harness the power of the Dragon and created Dragoons - special humans with Dragon-based armor. After the war was won, the Black Monster appeared. A soldier will appear and remind King Albert that he has a war meeting in a bit. King Albert will basically invite Shana and Dart to stay at the Castle and make it their hometown; they will opt to go to- wards the balcony for a talk. After that, the party will decide to assist King Albert and will head to Hoax. However, there are still a couple of things to do.

Go back to the Inn and hit the liquor store next to it. You’ll be able to buy a bottle of Spirits. Take to the slightly inebri- ated gentleman below the bridge on the first screen (take the staircase by the fountain down) and he’ll let you through. There is a chest with 20 Gold around the drunk so keep an eye out. Jump on the boat and take a tour of the town. When you reach the first door, exit and enter the corridor. Check the northern area and you’ll find a Stardust (#5).

Finish the tour and return to Lavitz’s house (the screen to the right of the first screen of the town). You’ll have a cutscene with Lavtiz’s mom mistak- ing Shana for Lavitz’s future wife. Dart will have to make a reaction (try to answer like if she was your lady!) and the cutscene will end with Shana going to help Lavitz’s mom. When Lavtiz asks you the options, pick the fourth one.

You’ll get the grand tour of the Slambert home, and most of the rooms have some nice tidbits. However, the library is the room you want. Lavitz will move the ladder over to the edge of the wall and you’ll follow him outside for a talk about what’s the most important thing to Lavitz (remem- ber the location of that library). After this, the party will convene, eat, and get some rest.

You’ll wake up in the morning standing in the kitchen (pretty weird, eh?). Say your goodbyes and exit, but not before taking the 20 Gold in a room next to mommy. Return into the house and check the area in the kitchen that Lavitz’s mom was blocking - you will find the last Stardust (#6) in this section. Go back to the library and head up.

Take the ladder and go up towards the roof again. This time, head east and you’ll wind up inside the top frame of a barn house. Walk through the pole while constantly tapping the X button (yeah, it’s cheap but who really cares?) to keep you from falling. You’ll get a Healing Breeze as your prize. Exit the town and take the path to Hoax AFTER you’ve reached level 8 or 9. Beef up on Healing Potions, then save your game before going because you won’t be able to come back and replenish your items for a bit. The Dark Rose


1. 20 Gold

2. Healing Potion

3. Angel’s Prayer

4. Healing Breeze (Boss)

5. Power Wrist (Boss)

Stardust : 2

Total Stardust : 9

Welcome to the fortified town of Hoax. After you see how most modern schools will be thanks to the DNC and NEC, explore the town for awhile before going to meet with Kaiser, the head of the 8th Knighthood.

Go up towards the front rampart (wall) and follow it across. Take the steps down into the Knight’s Bunker and take the Healing Potion. Go back out and up into the house’s attic. Take the 20 Gold and proceed downstairs. There will be an old midwife there and after a funny scene you’ll learn why there is animosity between King Alfred and Emperor Doyle. Find the Inn (it’ located on the first door to your left as you enter the town.) You’ll find an Angel’s Prayer inside the chest. Heal up if you need to and save your game.

Go into the house that’s almost overlooking where you came in (up the stairs that are near where you entered) and find a Stardust (#1) in the furnace in the basement. Go back to the Inn and save your game.

Now head down to the war room and talk to Kaiser (next to the staircase, the door guarded by the knight). He’ll discuss the war strategy with you and decide that you need to guard the front gate. Before you settle in to your post, exit the war room and re-enter. You’ll find another Stardust (#2) around the upper left. Save your game yet again and then talk to Lavitz. Choose the second option and you’ll be in this man’s army son!

Time will fly by and then Dart will go check up on Shana and grab some munchies. The Sandoran army will attack (it’s like when the awesome part of the movie’s coming up on TV and you have to tinkle) and you’ll have to face two Sandora Soldier. Beat them quickly.

Heal if you have to because you’ll have to face the equivalent of a mid-boss, a Sandoran Elite. This guy can hit hard and take some hits as well. He can use techniques that will harm the whole party also so guard to recoup health (try to save your healing items). Use additions on him until he uses his mirror technique and three ‘dupes’ of him will appear. Guard until one of them uses magic and that’s the one you’ll want to attack. Keep it up and he’ll be toast. You’ll get a Healing Breeze from him.

After this you have to fight Kongol. Kongol is pretty tough himself and will even fight you without a weapon eventually to prove it. He can hit the party for damage and can also take dam- age. Guard when you have to heal and keep using additions; use any water attack items if you have them. Make sure you don’t mess up while hitting him with a combo attack because he will grab you in mid-combo and nail you for screwing it up. You’ll get a Power Wrist for winning.

You’ve got Kongol *somewhat* down...but he’s far from out. Once Dart goes for the final slash, Kongol will counter it and he will prepare his axe for his deathblow.

Just when things look bleak yet again for our young hero, the lone warrior that saved you earlier will come out of nowhere and tell Dart to awaken as the Red-Eye Dragoon! Immediately a rush of fire envelops around Dart and he does a lethal attack against Kongol. The Giganto will run away at the sight of Dart’s new power and Dart will collapse from the power rush.

Dart will recover inside the Inn. Shana, Lavitz, and the mysterious woman are there. It seems that her name is Rose and she is a Dragoon - the bearers of the armor that won the Dragon Campaign for Humanity and all the other species. The crystal that Dart found form his father was actually the Red-Eye Dragon crystal; Rose has the Dark Dragon crystal. Once Dart’s up and about, the party will hear that the 7th Knighthood in the Marshlands is under attack. Save your game, then talk to Rose who’s going to be by the town’s exit - she will show you how to use the Dragoon Armor Techniques. The only notable difference is that you can’t block or use items while in Dragoon mode but you have stronger additions and timing your X to a circle when it hits 360 now does attack/healing techniques and the additions. Save your game again and go on to the Marshlands. Again, stock up on Healing Potion, Body Purifier, and some Mind Purifier. One last tip on this already long section: avoid using your Dragoon armor during the random battles; save them instead for the bosses and use the random battles for building up your SP. Marshland’s Burn



1. Sun Rhapsody (2)

2. Heal Potion

3. Wargod’s Amulet

4. Spirit Potion (2)

5. Lance

6. Burn Out

7. Body Purifier

8. Sealing Stone

9. Faint Guard Volcano Villude:

1. Spear Frost 2. Mind Purifier

3. Panic Guard

4. Mind Purifier (Boss)

5. Heal Potion x 2 (Boss)

6. Sapphire Pin

7. Red Eye Stone (Boss)

8. 50G

Stardust : 1 (Marshlands)

Total Stardust : 10

Oh boy..swamp. Ignore Hoffa’s body and move north and north again on the next screen. The large green stick to the left will take you to the next area, the Lava Pit. If you haven’t done so already, keep Rose in your party because, well, Shana out-and- out is useless with a capital SUCK, except later on when she gets some ‘enhancements’.... but she’ll still suck attack-wise.

You’ll have to go through 6 battles in this section. They are not all that difficult; just keep using your additions and block as you need to. Go to the branch to get a Sun Rhapsody.

Continue up to the barracks and get another Sun Rhapsody in the chest on the right hand side, a Healing Potion on the left hand side, and a Stardust (#1) on an area by the bed. Continue to the lower left corner and talk to the dying knight; he will give you a Wargod’s Amulet. Go to the right from the dying knight and you will get a Spirit Potion.

Go out by the back entrance and you’ll find a Lance for Lavtiz. Go back to the first screen and take the branches to the left.

Hop on the boat and follow it around. You’ll get a Spirit Potion, Magic Stone of Signet, Stun Guard, and a Burn Out. When you’re done go to the first stop after you enter the boat and head north.

You’ll get a cutscene with Dart giving Shana a piggyback ride. After you get an insulin shot, con- tinue northbound. When you get back to the world map, head towards Volcano Villude.

Go through the road and you’ll see Rose stop. It seems that the Fire Bird is on the prowl. In fact, it’s going to go after you. The party is going to run away from the Fire Bird. Talk about vengeance for KFC....

Continue north and you’ll get a Spear Frost.

On the following screen you’ll get a Mind Purifier. At the crossroads, go to the right to get a Panic Guard and continue to the left at the crossroads.

Save your game and get ready for an upcoming battle.

Cross through the firestones south and Shana will ‘feel’ something to the west; you’ll have to follow her, of course.

You’ll enter a cutscene here and find out that ‘them bones’ are of a Virage. They were supposed to be the Winglie’s trump card against the dragons but hey - who’s still standing ;) However, this guy has some major grudges and may wake up....

Virage!!! This guy is HUGE! It’s got three parts: the arm, body, and head. If you kill the head the rest of the beast will die but it won’t take long if you followed my advice and didn’t waste your Dragoon armor on the random battles. Just use Rose’s Astral Drain attack on the head and let the guys use additions against the rest of the body (unless you want to squeeze off a shot of Dart’s tech on the head). Guard/heal as needed and let Rose build up her SP again after she uses it up. It may cause the Dispirit effect on your party so have some Mind Purifier ready.

Once he’s dead, go back out the way you came in to the firestones and head west. You’ll meet a lost salesman in the cave. Save him and he will give you a Sapphire Pin. He will tell you that he has a store in the town Lohan. After this the next fight will come up - against the Fire Bird. Use the same technique you used with Virage against Fire Bird by having Rose attack with Astral Drain and normal additions. Dart’s going to take the least damage because the attacks from Fire Bird are (DUH!!!) fire based. Every now and then the Fire Bird will bring out some ‘helpers’. Just keep concentrating on the bird and heal/guard as needed. Pretty soon it’s going to be dead. You’ll get a Red-Eye Stone for your troubles and you’ll meet with the lost salesman on the way out. Store up on items and heal up if you need to then head for Dragon’s Nest. Slambert’s Vengance

Treasures: Nest of Dragon:

1. Spirit Potion

2. Body Purifier

3. Bravery Amulet

4. Mind Purifier

5. Down Bust (Boss)

6. Plate Mail (Boss)

7. Chain Mail


1. 200G

2. Dabas’s Bag

3. Water Jar

4. 100G

Stardust : 4 (Lohan)

Total Stardust : 14

Well, just when you think you’re out of hot water you now have to go into a Dragon’s Nest...great.... You’ll get a sequence and Shana is going to be ill.

After some rest, you’ll be able to move on. Re- member this screen because you’ll have to come back to it later. Keep going north and you’ll fall through a web-looking thing. There’s a recovery point south of where you fell to.

The object here is two-fold: maneuver through the cubbyhole maze to get the items and unlock the plant gate on the second screen by touching all the dark mushrooms. First, go straight up and enter the piston to your left. You’ll go down and hit a crossroads - go left first to get a Mind Purifier then go right and climb back up.

Hit the mushroom that you see and the gate near the chest will fall and you’ll get a Spirit Potion. Keep going up and hit the next mushroom. Go down the piston and you’ll find a chest with a Body Purifier. Next, climb back up and go back to the crossroads and go up the chute again. The first gate will be down and you’ll be able to get to a Save point (save!!!).

Return to the crossroads and take the small door to the left of where you climbed up. Follow it all the way up and climb again. You’ll get to the final mushroom and the second (and final) gate will open. Take the piston down and find a chest with a Bravery Amulet.

Go back up and go back to the refresh point. This is another great area to build up exp. Levels and addition levels. Once you’re around level 11 or higher, proceed up the path and save your game. It’s time for some retribution Slambert-style.

Graham! This is the man that’s responsible for the death of Lavitz’s father. It seems he’s also the one that controls the Green Dragon Feyrbrand. Get ready for a rumble because you’ll have to fight’em both.

There’s not that much of a difference in this battle from the strategy used against the Virage and the Fire Bird. Equip poison guards to Rose and Lavitz, since they are your strongest. Use Rose and her Astral Drain on the dragon to take it out quick since it can cause poison (so you can keep Dart alive!). Then, just concentrate on Graham. Graham has all the wind dragoon attacks, including a multi-hit. Just guard/heal when needed and keep finishing the additions! You’ll have him beat faster than a leaf leaves (groan!)

After the fight, the Graham’s crystal will recognize Lavitz as the true Dragoon (gee, why couldn’t this happen earlier?) and give itself to him. Now Lavitz is a dragoon as well. But why does Rose keep thinking that this is too much like a memory of hers? As the party begins to get up and go again, Shana falls ill. It seems all the poisoned air has made some damage to her. Lavitz knows of a doctor in Lohan who is famed for curing various diseases...and poisons. Exit the nest and head to Lohan.

Welcome to Lohan, the commercial town! Sure, it brings back memories of the WTO with all the apparent poverty and child labor but enough ‘bout that! You’ve got to heal Shana! Once you’re in the doctor’s office, he will tell you that he does not have any treatment for Dragon poison. He also tells you that it’s not affecting Shana physically but psychologically. Before long she will mentally collapse into herself and die. The doctor remembers hearing about a cure from the legendary herb, Dragoni Plant. The group decides to start hitting the gossip and track down some type of rumor about Dragoni.

Time to explore! If you’re hurting from the battle, the room at the top is the Inn. Stay and save your game. Starting at the Inn and going clockwise, the following room is the Pub, below it is an area where you can find 20 Gold, a plain house. Cross the bridge and go into the room. There will be a secret compartment inside the bookcase. Enter it and you will find a Stardust (#1).

You’ll find the Item shop to the left and the Weapon shop is on top of the Item shop. Lohan’s weapon store holds the strongest helm in the game, the Legendary Helm, which will basically max out your magic protection. However, it costs 10,000 Gold. If you want to and have the ton of time you can stick around here and buy a couple. Otherwise, the store to the opposite across the bridge is Daba’s Store; he is the salesman you saved in the Volcano Villude-and he also has heard a rumor about the Dragoni Plant. Exit the store and come back in, then check the armors- one of them has a Stardust (#2). Exit the store, cross the bridge again and go down the stairs. Talk to the man on the carpet. He’ll try to sell you a water jar for 100,000,000 Gold, but you can haggle down to 100 Gold. Buy it or if you don’t have the cash go to the right and get 100 Gold from the chest. In the box opposite the chest you’ll find another Stardust (#3). Head towards the exit of the town and search around the bottles - you’ll find the last Stardust (#4). Exit the town and head back to the Dragon’s Nest. Go down the hole again and snag some water from the Recovery Point, then head back out and go south towards the place where Shana recovered. Use the water on the large plant blocking the road and you’ll be at the Shrine of Shirley. The Silver Ghost


1. Silver Stone

2. 20G (7)

3. Healing Breeze

4. Demon Stilleto

Stardust :0

Total Stardust : 14

This section isn’t very long but filled with random battles. Luckily, you can raise levels here and there’s a restore point to the left of the first screen. Before you do that though, let’s find the save point.

Continue north. This section is to input the entry password to where Shirley is. However, before you can enter, you need to find the pass code (in fact, even if you have the pass code you can’t enter without going through the event to get it first). Keep going up.

Examine the chest and you’ll fall into a cart. While you are going around the cart 3 numbers are going to show up: 3, 5, 2. You’ll be thrown back to the entrance. Make your way back up and save. Take some time to go back and forth. Try to raise Dart’s level enough to earn the Final Bust technique and Lavitz learn the Rose Storm. You have to make the golden face face forward and the white face left (whooo!). You’ll be facing Drake, the guardian. Drake’s not that hard himself but he’s quick and strong. Just attack him using Astral Drain from Rose. He will occasionally let loose 3 bombs. Keep an eye on how they’re moving. After the 2nd time the camera moves into one of them have the character it’s aimed for block. Also, he will create a web that can keep you from physically hitting him. You can break the web or use Dragoon techniques (Astral Drain, etc. etc.) to finish him off.

Once that’s over you’ll have to face Shirley. How- ever, she’s not going to test your strength but your reasons for going on this quest. Don’t attack her physically. Here are which options to choose to answer correctly:

Dart’s Answers: 2, 2, 1, 1

Lavtiz’s Answers: 2, 1

You’ll get a Silver Stone for getting through the Q&A. Shirley, with the help of Dart, will bring Drake back to full health and give Dart the Silver Dragon Crystal in order to heal Shana.

Head to the rear treasure room to get 7 20 Gold, a Healing Breeze, and a Demon Stilleto. Save your game and head back to Lohan. Go to the doctor’s office and give Shana the crystal - however, Dart won’t have to activate it; it will light up by itself. It seems Shana is also a Dragoon. After seeing these events and classifying it as ‘miraculous’, the doctor tells Dart that there’s a contest going on to see whom the best fighter is. It’s time to have some fun The Strongest in the World


Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 14

Now that Shana’s all up and around but still as useless as ever, head into the arena by going left then north on the screen that you bought the Water Jar from. Run to the right until you find the registra- tion kioske. Then, save your game and get ready to rumble! (ps - save in-between fights!) You won’t be able to use Dragoon techniques during the fights. Once you go to the locker area, you’ll meet Haschel, Dart’s friend. After some bantering you’ll be in your first match.

First, equip the Poison Guard for this first bout. Gorgaga’s a dork and is going to cheat by shoot- ing a poison dart at you (sometimes the game may/may not let it poison you anyways). If you do get poisoned don’t worry about losing - he will get disqualified anyways. If you don’t just fight it out. Guard/use additions.

Serfius is easy. All he can do is just swing and move in that tank armor he has. Again, just Guard and use additions.

Danton can get a bit difficult if he hits you twice - why? Because he has an attack that will reduce your HP to 1. If he hits you again after that you’re dead. If the HP nails you, drop just guard until you’re close to completely healed.

Atlow’s arrows are deadly and he will hit you at least twice in a row. He will shoot you with precision shots at various nerve points. Once he nails (and he will...) all 5 points he’ll use a special arrow shot that will take mega damage off. Heal/guard and use additions as usual, but you may want to guard around the 4th/5th shot since you never know when he’s going to pull off multiple attacks.

You will not be able to beat Lloyd. The game won’t let you; he’ll dodge everything from you. Just let him finish you off and then meet up with Haschel. Find the rest of the troupe. You don’t really have to play the games because you get nothing of actual value.

When you try to exit Lohan, one of the Basil Knights will tell Lavitz that King Albert has been kidnapped and is being held at Hellena. Time to go retake the rock! A Wilted Bloom


1. Leather Armour

2. Field Hat

3. Therapy Ring

4. Thunder Ball

5. Silver Embroidered Vest

6. Pandemonium

7. Healing Potion

8. Sachet

9. Smell Bag (Boss)

10. Heal Potion

11. Board Sword

12. Spear

13. 20G

14. Gravity Grabber

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 14

No formalities this time - just rage. Lavitz will just haul himself over the bridge and kill the guards then lower the bridge again.

In a cutscene, King Albert is being held by an impatient Fruegel. Time is of the essence!

Everything will be the same as it was the last time you came in. The Item guy is still in the same place and so is the save spot (use it). Go towards where the broken elevator was and it will be working this time.

At the first stop go up the ladder and you’ll get a Leather Jacket. Go back down and then go through the door. Follow it around and you’ll find a Felt Hat and one of the most awesome items in the game, the Therapy Ring (it will recover 10% of your total HP every round! it’s like auto-blocking!). Go back to the three doors and take the one on the first left. You’ll grab a Thunder Ball and then a Silver Embroidered Vest, then right to get Pandemonium. Go back to the main elevator and go upstairs and grab the Healing Potion.

Uh-oh.... ambushed! You’ll be getting sent down a trap door. Get the Sachet and get ready to rumble in a Jedi-knight rip-off as you have to fight a creature that eats guests... oh yay!

Jiango isn’t that difficult if you follow the same sequence. Astral Drain, block/heal and then use additions against him. He’ll die and you’ll get another Sachet.

You’ll escape the hole and make your way back to where you fell. Follow the left staircase up and fight the gaurds. You’ll find a Spear and a Broadsword (useless) plus 20 Gold by this save point. Save your game because you have to go up against Fruegel again. Try to have everyone up around level 15 or higher.

Fruegel again. This time, he’s not kidding around. Instead of his guards he’ll have his two demented pets- a dog (?)-named Guftas and a bird named Rodriguez. Guftas can be a pain because he can confuse everyone in the group so take him out. Rodriguez has a powerful air drop attack so he’s next. Finally, take out Fruegel. Same strategy as before: Rose uses Astral Drain, Haschel (if you replaced Lavitz with him) and Dart use normal additions, heal/guard as needed. You’ll get a Gravity Grabber for winning.

It seems that the Man in Hood wanted to keep Albert alone in order to take the Moon Gem that is inside of Albert (don’t ask me how THAT got in there...) and Albert will appear to be dead. Lavitz will get enraged at the site and charge at the Man in Hood.

Even though Lavitz transformed into a Dragoon, he was no match for the Dragon Buster that...Lloyd was holding? Yep, it seems Lloyd was the man in black, and Lavitz is dead. The group will then show up in Seles. Rose will fill everyone in about the Dragon Buster and some of the history behind the weapon. After some talk, King Albert joins the party with all of Lavtiz’s abilities and items. The party will decide that it’s high time this show goes center-stage. Next stop, King Doyle himself. Family Resolution


1. 100G

2. Attack Ball

3. Twister Grab

4. 20G

5. Spark Net

6. Magic Oil

7. Trans Light

8. Dark Mist

9. Red Stone

10. Blue Stone

11. Beast Fang

12. Yellow Stone

13. Spirit Ring

14. Spear Frost

15. Spin Gale

16. Fighter’s Guidance (Boss)

Stardust : 6

Total Stardust : 20

From Seles, go through the forest and head south towards Kazas.

Go through the door on the left and check the barrel for a Stardust (#1). To the right there’s going to be a guard in a counter. He will ask you if you want to register as a soldier for Sandora -answer yes and he’ll give you 100 Gold to talk you out of it. Upstairs in the trash pile is a Stardust (#2) and an Attack Ball. Go back out and the second left is an Inn. In the door in front of the Inn has a Twister Glaive. Skip the third left and check the weapon shop that’s in front of it. Stick around for a bit and meet the guy who beat the Green Dragon ;) and in the pile there will be another Stardust (#3). Head north up to the gate.

Once you reach north Albert will tell you that it’s too fortified to just go in for a frontal assault. It’s a good idea to go do some recon first. Head to the north and enter the underground town.

This town used to be a fort but the citizens took it and built their homes into it. It’s packed full of ladders and other things but otherwise it’s not hard to navigate through. Enter the first door you come to and find the bookcase that’s north of the door to find a Stardust (#4). Head left and take the stairs down and exit that room. Go to the far right and enter the first door. Take a left towards the barrel for another Stardust (#5). Hang a right and talk to the person at the counter for to find the item shop; then go straight north and another left towards the hospital. You can get healed here and if you talk to the doctor at the counter you’ll find a secret weapon shop but it doesn’t sell anything useful. Go back out and take the last door on the left. A kid’s going to quiz you on some ethics; here are the options you need to answer to get through: 3, 3, 2

Once that’s done you’ll meet Popo, a representative of the New Serdio Party; they are against the current Serdian government and want King Albert to rule over them. You’ll be taken inside their ‘hideout’ and King Albert will reveal himself.

Save your game and whenever you are ready to go into the tunnels talk to Popo again.

Once you’re in the tunnels avoid the immanent flashback (and a serious thank you and heartfelt gratitude to the brave Veterans of all the Wars that the US has been; without you I wouldn’t be here writing this [thanx Grandpa!]) of high school it’s time to maneuver through. It’s not difficult; just climb down the first rope to get 20 Gold then go back up and head to the far right. Climb down and head out of the tunnels into the Black Castle.

Once inside, make your way around the guard and get the Spark Net. All the fights are activated if you touch’em so you can run away from most of them except the forced fights. Make your way out and climb the ladder to get out. Once you’re up, climb up the ladder on the right and proceed through into the castle.

Take the door to the right and you’ll enter the research facility. You can use this area to heal up at any point in the game. Get the Magic Oil. Follow the path through the right and you’ll get to the waste disposal facility.

Fall down on purpose the first time to get a Dark Mist and a Trans Light. Then, go through it and receive a Red Stone. Go back out to the main hall, go up the elevator opposite the R&D section and enter the door. You’ll meet a weird researcher who will turn himself into a dog. Snag the Blue Stone and go back down. Heal up at the R&D if you need to. Go forth and fight the guards that are stationed in front of the elevator and proceed up.

Head to the right. On the bottom is a woman who sells Items. Stock up on healing items if you have been running thin and sell any extra items/armor to get cash if you need it. Go up the stairs in front of her and get a Beast Fang. Go back down and head left for two screens. Go up the elevator.

Fight the three guards and then go up the elevator on the right. In the room you will meet the soldier that captured Shana in Seles. He will tell you that Doyle is acting strange and will give you the Yellow Stone. It’s up to you to try to set things right. Go back down and head to the right. Climb up the stairs and follow it around until you get to a trolley.

Go down the elevator and enter to the right to find a Twister Glaive. Climb on it and follow it over to get a Spear Frost and a Spirit Ring. Go back to the screen where you fought the three guards that were practicing and take the elevator on the far left up.

Talk to the priest and save your game. If you want to raise some quick levels, go back and forth to the refresh point and save point, fighting whatever’s in your way. Try to be around level 18 and higher, because you have a mid-boss coming up. Place the stones in the platform on the left of the save point and a door will open in the statue. Enter it and go up the elevator, then up the staircase.

Oh boy.....Kongol’s back and he’s wanting pay- back. Give him what he wants and some change as you proceed to use the same tactics again. How- ever, you may want to switch Rose to Haschel this time around because Kongol is going to be in his special armor and can cast an anti-technique barrier that will block everything that’s not a physical attack. If you have Haschel’s second addi- tion this fight will go very quickly, as well as equiping a character with the Therapy Ring. Just guard/heal as needed and be patient. You may want to go back to the refresh point and save plus stock up on items before going on.

Doel. It’s time to beat the baddie. He’s going to have a lot of HP but relatively easy if you acquired Dart’s Final Bust back when I told ya to get it - so Dart should be relatively strong, and so should be the rest of his party. Doel will also don Dragoon Armor through the fight but his attack won’t change too much. Nail Doel with the Final Burst as often as you can, occasionally using either Rose’s Astral Drain or Haschel’s normal additions, as well as Albert’s Rose Storm. When you knock his HP down to about halfway Doel will gear up a shield. Block until the shield goes away and continue the beating. He’ll be dead soon enough =o)

Doel will be his old self again upon his death and will tell Albert to go after Lloyd because some- thing very dangerous is going on. After Doel dies, Haschel will back away, thinking his job is done. However, the Dragon Crystal from Doel will stop Haschel and he will now become a Dragoon. Congrats and take a break; you just finished Disk 1.

Disk 2 Index

Chapter 2: Platinum Shadow

The Search Begins

Steals and Pirouettes


Unnatural Ascent

Teacher and Student

A Work of Art

Fury Abroad

Glimpse from the Past Lenus Redux

About Time The Search Begins


Stardust : 5

Total Stardust : 25

Welcome to the city of Fletz! Let’s explore the town a bit and see what pops up. First, head to the right across the bridge for an interesting cutscene. Then head up the stairs to the bar and talk to some of the locals and remember to check the boxes and bottles in front of the door to the bar for a Stardust (#1). Next to the bar is an Inn. Go back across the bridge and talk to the guy gardening for a minute, then head for the second house with a staircase and check carefully on top for another Stardust (#2). At the top left of the screen there’s a Weapon shop, which also has a Stardust (#3) around its boxes; in front of it is their temple where they worship the stars - is it just my spider- sense tingling or is it that I’ve walked into the town where the ‘psychics’ on the hotlines come from? Go north.

The first store on the left is a Jewelry store that also has a Stardust (#4) lurking around the stones. Once you’ve gotten it, head up north for a cutscene with the now-famous Princess Emille. After it’s done, you can go to the Item shop that’s on top of the Jewelry store; check the telescope to find the last Stardust (#5). Head back to the bar now and it should be open. Once you get done talking, head to Fester’s house, which is the second door to the north of the bar.

He’s a bit nutty but he’s nice. Fester will fill you on more of the lore surrounding the Black Mon- ster and its relationship with the Moon that Never Sets. After the talk, head over to the first house that’s on the left from the town’s entry and stay the night at the house of the gardener. Tomorrow, it’s off to Donau. First, before leaving, check the bar and talk to Martel. Now you will be able to put those Stardusts to use. Steals and Pirouettes


1. Fighter’s Costume

2. Total Vanishing

3. Recovery Ball 4. 50G

Stardust : 2 (Donau)

Total Stardust : 27

You’ll have to cross the thief’s playground iniside Barrens. Go to the right and get a Warrior’s Dress, then continue north. Suddenly, Mappi and two Crafty Thieves will pop out and give out creative ideas on what they are going to do to you, your items, and the ladies with you. Step up and thrash them around for a bit. You won’t even have to whip out your armor. Normal additions should beat them. You’ll get a Total Vanishing for winning.

Dart will run up for the deathblow. However,

Mappi will try to beg for mercy. Dart will hesitate and it will be enough to steal Dart’s Dragoon Crystal. Mappi will prove to be too fast and get away. There’s nothing else to do here so continue north towards Donau. Along the way, pick up a Recovery Ball and 50 Gold.

Welcome to Donau, the Flower Town - er...the town that’s full of smelly crooks..humm..it seems that there’s been an infestation.

Upon entering the town, you’ll get a cutscene with Lloyd saving a woman named Wink. She will be ‘accosted’ by several thieves and Lloyd will oblit- erate them. Maybe he’s not such a bad guy??? When you’re back in control, head to the Inn (the door to the left of the big door) and heal/save. Check the water fountain for a Stardust (#1), then head to the right to see the area that you saw in the cutscene earlier. The door on the left is a hospi- tal and the door on the right has both the item and weapon shop. If you want to take some time to go back to the Barrens and raise your levels.

When you’re ready go to the door on the right-hand side of the entrance to Donau. Talk to Kate and she will tell you the low-down of what’s going on. She’ll give you a letter and ask you to give it to Lynn’s father, the mayor of Donau (how she can’t take even five minutes to give it to him herself is BEYOND me...). Exit her house and head to the left, then go up the long staircase and you’ll reach the mayor’s house. Once you’ve given the mayor the note, he’s going to be shocked (goodness, they live in the same extremely small town and he never notices his son is missing?) and ask you to please head over to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity and save his son. Of course, you’ll say yes.

Once you exit the Mayor’s house, you’ll see a scene with what appears to be a highly conceited and disturbed girl in an outgrown ballerina outfit. Three crooks are going to try to have some fun when she whips out the can and whoops ‘em up. She’ll talk to you as you descend the stairs and tell you her name is Meru and that she’s going with you. Go back up to the Mayor’s house and check around the top-left area to get a Stardust (#2). Head back to Fletz. Schizophrenia


Stardust : 2

Total Stardust : 29

Head back through the barrens to Fletz. Once there, go up the north and try to enter into the Twin Castle where you’ll be promptly denied. You’ll need someone to act as your sponsor to get in but who? Hey, didn’t Fester say he was Princess Lisa’s teacher?

You’ll find Fester at the item shop in town. After you’ve talked to him, he’ll leave the store; follow him up north and talk to him again. He’ll give in and invite you back to his house. Eventually the time will come when he has to go to the castle; accompany him and he’ll let you in.

The King will meet with you and give you the Permit, assuming you’re young hot-rods out for the fun. As you exit the castel, check the statue to the right of the exit and you’ll find another Stardust (#1). Libra, Lisa’s handmaiden, will stop you as you exit and tell you that Lisa wishes to have an audience with you and King Albert? How did she know he was there, much less royalty?

If you’re still reeling from the psychic hotline stuff, let me summarize: Lisa read the stars and knows that something is wrong with Emille. She doesn’t know what but she’s sure of it and she is even more worried because Emille will be receiving the Moon Dagger from the King as her coming-of-age ritual. She’ll ask you also to go to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity and find out why her sister is hanging out with riff-raff. Don’t think you’re leaving too soon - it’s dinner time!

Talk to Libra again when you’re ready to chow down. The whole gang will be at the dinner party while Emille acts like a spoiled bart. Of course, after the dinner, some members will have various colorful ways of ‘fixing’ Emille. You’ll be asked to stay the night in a guest room. In the morning, you’ll be able to walk around the grounds. Go down from where the guest room is and head to the right. There will be a Stardust (#2) inside the tower area. Save your game and head towards the Valley of Corrupted Gravity. Unnatural Ascent


1. Satchel

2. Meteor Fall

3. Talisman

4. Knight Helm

5. Moon Serenade (Boss)

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 29

Once you’re in the valley, you’ll have another cutscene with Mother Nature doing something to Meru you wish would have happened already. Floating rocks that are nearby rock cliffs (the brown colored ones) can be jumped on and will either stand still or move you somewhere else. In this case, it’s just a stepping-stone for you to get a Speed Up. On the same ledge, head north for a Recovery point. On the right is a Satchel. Head north to get to the next screen on the main ledge.

Maze time again! This time you’ll have to run through a section that will make you go upside- down as well. First, head up the broken branch and then go up, jump on the floating stone. The floating stone will make one stop and then a second stop - jump off on the ‘ledge’ that’s directly on top of the branch. Head to the ledge on the left, then to the ledge on top and wait until you get a stone to the right. Keep going right until you find a Meteor Fall. From there, go back to the left twice and from that ledge head north to the second screen.

Go up on the second screen, and then go up on the floating stone to the big rock. The lit spaces are gravity reversers and will let you walk upside-down on certain rocks. Head to the left and wait for a floating stone that will take you up to the second top rock on the left of the big rock. From there, jump on the floating stone to the right and ride it up to the third screen. Snag the Talisman and go back down the way you came up to the last rock you were on before going up to the third screen.

From the rock you are on, head to the floating stone on the other side which should take you down one ‘level’ below. Step on the lit area and get reversed to the rock on the upper left hand corner. From there, take the floating rock on the left side down. You’re going to stop on a molar-shaped rock with a lit point on it. Step on the lit point and you’ll be on the rock on the left side of the second screen, below the molar-shaped rock. Take the rock up to the third screen and you’ll find a Knight Helm.

From the third screen, go back down to the second screen. On the rock below the molar-shaped stone, take the lit point to the right and go underneath the big rock. Proceed to the right and take the other lit point and go down to the rock below. Take the floating stone on the upper right hand side and you’ll go back up to the third screen.

Once you’re on the ledge you’ll get a cutscene - there’s another Virage coming up. Save your game at the save point to the north of the ledge and you’ll have to battle it again. Try to be higher than level 20 - 21.

This Virage is tougher than the previous one since it’s complete. Have Rose in your party as well as Albert; Rose can concentrate on the head using her Astral Blade; Albert can use his Rose Storm to beef up defenses. Have Dart and Albert/ Haschel/whomever concentrate on the left arm since it can cast an insta-kill and then on the right arm. Equip one of them with the Talisman (preferably Rose, since she’s got the only multi-heal attack.) and Virage will be another memory. You’ll get a Moon Serenade for winning. Head north and enter the Giant’s Town. Teacher and Student


1. Fake Knight Shield

2. 20G

3. Thief’s Ring

4. Angel’s Prayer

5. Soul Headband (Boss)

6. Diamond Claw (Boss)

Stardust : 1

Total Stardust : 30

As soon as you enter you’re going to be bombarded by arrows. Run to the far left quickly and enter the building. Examine the shiny spot on the far left side of the floor and you’ll shut off the arrows outside. Go back outside and check the chests for a Fake Knight Shield and 20 Gold, then head up the stairs.

Your spider sense will go off and as you advance forward thieves will pop out and after some dis- course shut the gate and start nailing you with arrows. As soon as they say ‘Shoot Them!’ start running around to avoid getting hit. Keep this up for a bit and you’ll eventually fight a man whose fighting skills are a lot like Haschels... in fact, it IS Haschel’s Rogue School art! Nothing special here, just treat them like another random fight. You won’t win anything.

After a quick QnA session with the defeated kung-fu guy, head towards the gate. Haschel will show you just how powerful he is, and head north.

Haschel will start griping about a back ‘pain’ and he’ll take a rest for a bit. Meru will want to stay behind and take care of him but she’ll be in for a surprise as Haschel nails her in the back and knocks her out. It seems Haschel has some unfinished business. Once the rest of the party exits the door, it will become a refresh point. The chest on the left will contain an Angel’s Prayer. Head up and save your game, then move on.... but not without Kongol.

Mappi and Gehrich are going to start talking about Dart and the rest of the group being there; however, there’s no mention of Haschel...until Haschel shows up. It seems that Gehrich was booted from the Rogue School 20 years ago. After some discussion, Mappi is going to make a leap for Haschel but Dart will appear and parry Mappi’s thrust. Time for battle!

Same old strategy again - you have to use Haschel but he’s actually quite good. Concentrate your attacks against Mappi at first because he has an insta-kill. Have Rose equipped with the Talisman again and just use the same ol’tech - Astral Drain and Additions. Concentrate on Gehrich after you beat Mappi.

Haschel may have hit Gehrich too hard...because the arm from the statue is going to fall down on everybody! Gehrich, the first to notice this and apparently repentant, shows a deep caring for Haschel and tells him to run away. The group is not fast enough and everyone braces for the end; that is, until Kongol shows up and saves the day. It seems Kongol wants to go with Dart from now on since Kongol sees an inner strength and determina- tion greater than that of Doel and feels that Dart will do what Doel failed in - bringing peace to the world. Gehrich will die and Haschel will take him out to bury him. Kongol will stand watch while you and the rest go downstairs to search for the Red-Eyed Dragon Crystal.

Downstairs you will find Lynn inside a cell. He will be released and you can start looking for the Red-Eyed Dragon Crystal; just search the lower right corner of the treasure room for the crystal. Head back up and check the candlestick on the right for a Stardust (#1). With Kongol now in your party, exit the Giant’s Town, the Valley of Corrupted Gravity, and head for the Barrens; Lynn will head for Donau, have Dart go towards Lohan; you will find the Dragoon Crystal for Kongol at the same place you bought the water jar (remember the guy you haggled the water jar from?)

A Work of Art


Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 30 After getting the Dragoon Crystal for Kongol in Lohan, head back to Fletz. After some discussion, the gang will decide to go on to the castle; before doing that head back up to the bar and talk to Martel to receive another item for getting 30 Stardust . If you’re not around level 25 or so I suggest you head back to the Valley of Corrupted Gravity and Giant’s Town; you’ve got a huge boss battle coming up. Also, just in case you get your butt kicked and decide your party is not strong enough, make a save at the Inn before entering the castle.

The castle isn’t guarded this time but once you come in you can’t get back out. Once inside, head up towards the throne room and you’ll get rather rudely blocked. Below that on the left door you will find a Moon Serenade and a Sun Rhapsody. Head towards the right tower. Now you’re going to have to avoid getting caught on your way up to see Lisa. The guards will escort back to the beginning so just keep an eye out and when they have their backs turned run for it. You can hide inside the doors and they won’t see you.

Once you’ve found Lisa you’ll fill her in on what’s gone on and talk for a bit about the fake Emille’s connection with the thieves. Lisa will try to ‘talk’ to the stars and find Emille but no dice ; head to the left tower and again, you’ll have to avoid getting caught.

Once you reach the top you’ll tell the guards you heard Emille in turn they’ll run away scared. Enter the room and check the painting - you will be transported to a multi-dimensional prison where the real Emille is held. Just like a true prince, Albert will wake his princess (with Lisa’s help, of course). Now with Emille in your party you won’t have to worry about getting caught at all. Head towards the throne room.

The party’s starting and you’re crashing it. Dart, Lisa, and Emille will quickly protest the fake Emille; afterwards the fake Emille will snatch the Moon Dagger and reveal herself to actually be Lenus. Get ready for a rumble...worse than Doyle.

Oh you WILL get spanked if you are not ready for this! First off, make sure your group is around the level 21-25. Lenus is water based so Alfred will take a bit more damage than usual - use Haschel, since Haschel is faster than Kongol and can hit as strong as Alfred. Haschel’s defense isn’t the best but his recovery time and his hit rate are excellent. If you’re stubborn on using Albert then the Rose Storm will be your priority. Equip Dart with the Therapy Ring and Rose with an item to either increase her attack strength or her defense strength. Lenus will NOT fight fair in the sense that the game is based on a ‘wait’ system that goes out the window in this battle. Expect anywhere from 3 to 6 consecutive hits against you. She has several attacks that nail the whole party for a lot of damage so be careful. Try to be stocked up on Angel’s Prayers and any healing items. It will DEFINATELY take some time but you will beat her.

Once you fill in the King, the real Emille, and Lisa about what just happened with the Wingly, the King will grant you access to the state’s most powerful warship, the Queen Fury - she is currently docked in Donau. Fury Abroad


Stardust : 2

Total Stardust : 32

Once you reach Donau head towards the mayor’s house but instead of going up the stairs go north. You will find the dock and the Queen Fury. Talk to Kayla, the Captain’s mate, and enter the Queen Fury

After some time at sea, you will be in control of Shana. It seems she wants to talk to Dart.

Go down the stairs next to the save point and talk to Kongol. Then, check the boxes next to him for a Stardust (#1). Go back up and head north into the cabin area and check the chest by the stairs on the left for a Stardust (#2). Inside the door next to the stairs is Albert; Meru is in the topmost door. From there, continue up into the stairs.

Pass by Haschel and go into the Deck.

Once on the deck, Shana will go back and you will gain control of Dart. He’ll want to talk to Rose about the Black Monster. Head up the stairs and you will find her on the Crow’s Nest. Have Rose go speak to Haschel, and then you’ll get control of Haschel. You’ll get a cutscene of Haschel training his daughter - and his daughter killing her sparring partner. Head down below to see Kongol - then you’ll control Kongol. Go talk to Albert, then you’ll control Albert; then go see Meru, who will go talk to Dart again.

From there the two will go talk to Rose. While Rose, Dart, and Meru are up on the Crow’s Nest, the Ghost Ship of Mille Seseau will ram into the Queen Fury.

The Engine of the Queen Fury will be destroyed and your trip will stop here for awhile.

It seems the ship is from Mille Seseau - and during all the confusion, Shana will disappear....

Glimpse from the Past


1. 50G

2. 20G

3. 100G

4. 200G

5. Key of the Phantom Ship

6. Bravery Amulet

7. Night Raid (Boss)

8. Dancing Dagger

9. Special Chest Items: Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Magic Ego Bell, Talisman, Wargod’s Sash, 100G

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 32

Man o man Shana’s always in the middle of it. This time, she’s got backup though - two knights are going to pop out and protect her from the skeletons and the phantasm by the stair. Dart will show up and get Shana back. Go to- wards the left and jump back on to the Queen Fury. There’s a refresh point, save point, and an item/weapon shop. In other words, the Ghost Ship is another excellent level-building section. The monsters on here are going to give you some of the best experience points in the game too ;o)

Whenever you’re ready to go through and beat the ship, head to the door that’s directly behind the staircase leading down. You can either try to weave around or fight through to the Captain’s cabin. The door will be locked so you gotta go find the key.

Once downstairs you’ll see that purple phantasm that attacked Shana earlier; follow it around into each room and fight it. In the last room, you’ll have to fight three of the purple phantasms. In the hall you’ll find a chest with 50 Gold; inside the kitchen you’ll find the...Captain’s Ghost? It seems that this is the key to the cabin; plus 20 Gold.

If you touch the glowing item you’ll see four ghosts pop up and give you the code to use for the multi-item chest; you won’t be able to access the chest until later on though.

Make your way back to the Captain’s Cabin and you’ll get a somewhat chilly cutscene. Check the chests for 100 Gold and 200 Gold, then the glittering object for the Key of the Phantom Ship.

On the way out two knights will appear and attack Rose, thinking she’s the Black Monster. After an uncharacteristic outburst from Rose, head back to the Queen Fury if you need to heal and to save. Check the door that’s on the Ghost Ship before you hop over to the Queen Fury for the mystery chest; every time you open it up it will close with a new item and you’ll have to go back down and get a new pass code. You can do this up to 6 or 7 times.

Once you’re done exploiting the dead, head to the previously locked door by the staircase. It will open up now and inside you’ll find a Bravery Amulet - you’ll also have to fight 4 Ghost Knight and a Ghost Commander. They’re not hard but take care of the captain first so the others won’t regenerate; they do cast a lot of ‘despirit’ and ‘fear’ effects so have some Mind Purifiers handy. Despirit just won’t let you get SP but fear will knock down your attack and defense ratings. You’ll get a Night Raid for winning. After the battle, the Ghost Commander will refer to Shana as Princess Louvia. What is going on?

Continue to the room on the left and grab a Dancing Dagger, then check the crib for a cutscene with a Nanny’s ghost - and man, even though it was a vid game, that dead nanny still freaked me out! Just to add to the confusion, she’ll also say that Shana is Princess Louvia....time to exit the ship. Whoops..the ship isn’t holding on - whatever was keeping it afloat is now gone and the Ghost Ship is sinking. Everyone will make it out except Dart and Rose, who will fall into the sea. Lenus Redux

Treasures: Lidiera:

1. Healing Potion

2. Healing Fog (cave)

3. Healing Rain (cave) Underwater Cave:

1. Attack Ball (2)

2. Jeweled Crown

3. Gushing Magma

4. Recovery Bal (2)

5. Burn Out

6. Frozen Jet (Boss)

Stardust : 1 (Lidiera) 2 (Fueno)

Total Stardust : 35

You’ll be inisde a cave with Dart knocked out cold and Rose playing mom. You’ll get a cutscene to the end battle of the Dragoon Campaign 11,000 years ago.

Rose was the only survivor..... In the morning, both of you will be awakened by a dog and his perverted owner (you’ll see what I mean) Pete. He’ll take you to the small town of Lidiera.

Once there, you’ll find out that Pete’s mom is very ill and needs to reach the hospital town of Fueno.

On the main part of town, go up the ladder in front of the house with the save point in it and go down its roof for a Stardust (#1). Head out, but not before checking for a Healing Potion in the chest at the side of the town’s exit.

Pete and his mom will join you for your trip to Fueno so Pete’s mom can be healed. Head for the Underwater Cave.

Despite Pete’s complaints about a Sea Dragon, you won’t be fighting it yet. Just cross across and don’t worry -=o)

Once you are on the other side head straight for Fueno. Pete and his mom will head over to the hospital but you’ve got to go find your group. Head north in the town and you’ll eventually find the port. Kayla will see you first and be extremely thrilled.

Once you’re done, head back out and you’ll bump into Meru - she will take you up to the rest of the group. You’ll get a scene with everyone getting filled in with a door-smashing event ;) Check the barrels where you saw everyone again and you’ll get a Stardust (#2).

Go into the hospital (the staircase by the town’s entrance) and check under the picture by the staircase for another Stardust (#3). Head back to the port and talk to the captain. He’ll tell you of an event that occured around the same time Emille was swapped. Now you’ll have to go take care of the Sea Dragon. Max out your items at the store in town and raise levels if you’re under 30. Head over to the Underground Cavern. Meru’s phat dj-ears (chuckle) are going to hear the Sea Dragon but it’s located up north in a locked area. Head back to Lideria and talk to the chief (he’ll be playing cards with the boys) and he will open up the entrance. Go to Pete’s house and go around it. You will find an entrance to a cave - inside the cave you’ll find a Healing Fog and a Healing Rain; hit the wheel and the gate will open. Head back to the Underground Cavern.

Now that it’s not blocked head north and snag the Attack Ball. Proceed to the next screen.

You’ll find a Jeweled Crown to the right of where you entered. Go up to the left and below the road then to the left again and get a Gushing Magma.

Go back to where you headed under the path and go left. Go up the winding area and snag a Recov- ery Ball. Head to the northern exit to proceed.

Go up the staircase in the center and jump across to get a Burn Out. Keep going up and get an Attack Ball then the save point at the topmost. Exit and proceed. You’ll find Lloyd and Lenus at this place talking to each other. It seems that Lloyd is the man that Lenus loves. She will give him the Moon Dagger and he will fly off towards Mille Seseau. You’ll have to tangle against Lenus and the Sea Dragon.

Lenus this time around is not difficult. However, the dragon is. Take care of the Dragon first. Again, Albert is a bad choice for this battle so try to use Heschel and Kongol or Rose. Dart’s Final Bust is going to be your no.1 weapon for this match along with Kongol/Heschel’s additions. Have Dart with the Therapy Ring (in fact, NEVER TAKE IT OFF HIM!) and everyone else equipped as you see fit. Keep it up, keep your people alive and you’ll win; you’ll get a Frozen Jet for your trouble. Meru will inherit the Dragoon Crystal from Lenus. She’ll be thrilled and no one will care. Head back to Fueno and check up on Pete and his mom at the hospital - answer the question each different way to get some laughs. Head over to the dock and board the Queen Fury and head back to Donau. About Time


Stardust :

Total Stardust : 35

Once you’re back in Donau, head directly to Fletz and head for the castle. You’ll get a cutscene with Emille apologizing for the events that took place while she was comatose and win the crowd over yet again - and Albert.

Enter the castle with no problems - the guard will let you in. Head to the throne room and report to the King - while you may think your mission was a failure the King will be thrilled with all that you’ve accomplished and survived through. You’ll be having a party thrown in your honor -pretty cool eh? And it’s not even your birthday!

Your party will split up for a break. Dart and Shana will go to the bridge inbetween the towers. They will finally try to kiss but will be interrupted twice; once by Fester and again by Libra, who will tell you the food’s ready. Head for the tower that Emille is in (the right one) to find Albert; Rose is in the guest room you stayed at, while Heschel and Meru are at the kitchen trying to score some free food.

Head downstairs to the training area (left door in the main court screen) to find Kongol. From there, head to the room behind the training area and Libra will fit the girls up with some dresses. You’ll be sent back to the guest room and eventually to the party.

Ahhh, the upper class. Head around and talk to the rest of the group members, then head to the right to talk to Rose. From there, you will finally find Shana.

Finally, at the end of two CDs, you get the girl. About time ;) Disk 3 Index

Chapter 3: Fate & Soul

Saturated Town

A Boy and his Wolf

The Crystal Tower

Home of Meru


Removed Disgrace

The One who Glares Through Seven Diabolic Eyes

The Third Moon

Reasons Saturated Town


Stardust : 2

Total Stardust : 37

Time to cross the sea....

Welcome to Furni, the port of Mille Seseau. Rose will feel uneasy about the town but you and the rest of the guys have to explore ;). Enter the house on the right and search the pile for a Stardust (#1). Con- tinue north.

You’ll get a cutscene with a bunch of bounty hunters and the town’s ‘sheriff’. It seems that there’s a vicious wolf named Kamuy with a boy named Teo on the loose; the wolf seems to be hostile and caused some psychological harm to the Mayor’s daughter. There is a prize being awarded for finding it, of course. Head left to go to the Inn.

Once in the Inn, save your game at the top then go down. The innkeeper will ask you if you’re a bounty hunter; say ‘no’ and the innkeeper will recognize you as the heroes who beat the Sea Dragon, etc. etc. . You’ll get free use of the town’s boat system and the innkeeper will ask you to go see the Mayor. Jump into the boat and explore. Maneuvering the waters here can get a bit confus- ing, so here goes:

“To the Hotel” takes you back to the hotel. “To the Front” will take you towards the entrance of the town and the Item Shop. “To the Left” will take you to the weapons store and a fisherman. “To the Upper Right” takes you to the screen shown below.

“To the Upper Right” takes you this screen; to the Mayor’s house, the clinic, and Teo’s house which you can’t go to right now (the path blocked by the large man). Head to the Mayor’s house.

Talk to the Mayor and he’ll introduce you to his daughter, who has not been able to speak since the incident with Kamuy. The mayor’s daughter seems to be drawn to Shana and you’ll be asked to stay the night - don’t turn him down =o) During the night, Haschel will hear Shana sing a song to Fa that Dart taught her - and it’s one that his daughter Claire composed to write to her children. Haschel may brush it off as a coincidence but that’s going too far... Shana and Dart will have cutscene with Meru eavesdropping..what a naive lil’girl ;)

In the morning, the way to Teo’s house will be unblocked. Enter his house and go upstairs. Check by the picture and you’ll unlock a latch below. Ride the slide down and check the marble looking thing for another Stardust (#2). Go back out and head down to exit the town and head towards Evergreen Forest. A Boy and his Wolf

Treasures: Evergreen:

1. Body Purifier

2. Destone Amulet

3. Dark Stone (Boss) Furni:

1. 500 G (after saving Teo)

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 37

Welcome to the Evergreen Forest. The wolf and Teo are somewhere in here. Head to the right for a Destone Amulet, then back to the first screen and to the left for a save point and a Body Purifier.

Head up towards the upper right hand side and you’ll find Teo - and Kamuy. Kamuy will pop out and protect Teo against the mercenaries. Head to the left and then north to find where Kamuy and Teo have gone.

Kamuy’s on the warpath; he’ll go through the people like butter and then you’ll have to fight it. Proceed for a rumble.

Kamuy isn’t that tough if you’ve been building your characters as suggested. You should be some- where close to or over level 40 by now. Just hammer at him with Additions and a few good shots of Dart’s Final Bust. Keep an eye out for his sonic howl attack that can cause sleep. Btw, if you haven’t bought a Legendary Helm yet in Lohan it’s a good time to start saving for one - it will become very useful as the game progresses. You’ll get a Dark Stone for winning.

Teo won’t be able to stand to see Kamuy die, so Shana will use the crystal to revive him back to his original puppy self. Teo will be rejoiced and he will head back to town. Enter the town and go to the sheriff’s house (it’s the building where you first saw the mercenaries) and get your 500 Gold. Head back to the screen before you fought Kamuy and go south. You’ll be on your way to Denningrad.

The Crystal Tower


Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 37

Upon leaving the Evergreen Forest, Rose and Meru will depart from the group temporarily for their own reasons. Continue towards Denningrad regard- less; they will rejoin soon.

Denningrad is one of those times that you get see what the playstation can deliver without needing CGI. This town has to be one of the most beautiful in the whole game, especially the Crystal Tower. But, enough about the view - time to get to work. There is a hospital to the left and an item/weapon store to the right (second house to the right)

Head up the long staircase and you’ll be inside a temple. Talk to the bishop there and he will tell you about the divine tree; from there, talk to the man at the altar and he will tell you that he is the Librarian Ute. He’ll get you in the library (and you just saved yourself the whole trip about figuring out what to do!)

From the temple head north to the second part of town. There will be an Inn at your first right. The Library is the second door on the left.

Once inside, Albert will turn into a kid iniside a candy store (I can’t really poke fun at’im for what he’s doing because I do the same thing at the N.Y. Barnes and Nobles...). Talk to the group members on the way up to get more background, finally stopping at Ute.

Ute will give you another CGI background into the game...nice.... After the CGI, Dart will ask Ute about the Black Monster. Ute will be surprised that Dart has even heard of it and will be more shocked to learn that Dart was a survivor from Neet. It seems that a holy lady Luanna is also a survivor and she resides in Denningrad; he’ll show Dart more about the Black Monster.

Once you’re done talking to Ute, the screen will switch over to Rose in the town of Neet. She will meet the holy lady Luanna there and they will talk to each other for a bit; you’ll get more CGI of the Black Monster invading Neet, kind of like a P.O.V. from the monster. Rose will then escort Luanna back to Denningrad. Home of Meru


Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 37

“I’m Home!!!!” - “Welcome back!!!”...or else, you’d expect that before a fireball. It seems that Meru’s childhood friend, Guaraha, does not recog- nize the Wingly that went out of the town to see the world; especially since it’s been so long. After some conversation, Meru will find out that she’s not really welcome back in town, so she will go talk to the Ancestor about this.

A pretty dry welcome if I ever saw one...the Ances- tor will show up after some squabbling and tell Meru that she commited a ‘mortal sin’ and that she cannot enter back into the town. Meru’s mom is going to come down to try and see her daughter but Meru’s father will stop her and they will leave Meru. Meru will leave.

Now what’s going on here? It seems that there is something stirring from a very deep place...

Just as Rose arrives in Denningrad, the dragon, and a very big one, broke loose from where it was chained. It will make a beeline for Denningrad. The party will convene at the Inn to discuss what’s going on - Meru will show up at this point. Rose will tell you that the dragon is the “King of all Dragons”, the one dragon that not even the dragoons could control...oh that’s just wonderful.

Head into the caste again. Head to the left after going up the center and check behind the left pillars for an Angel’s Prayer. Go upstairs.

Take a left and get a Holy Ankh, then proceed up to the top.

You will have an audience with Queen Theresa, who will get filled in by Rose about the dragon. You’ll be asked to tackle the dragon, but you had to do it anyways. However, before kicking butt, you need the tools; Lloyd has one already, the Dragon Buster, so that leaves the Dragon Block Staff. Both of these weapons where built by the Winglies. There’s no time to waste so let’s get a move on.

Uh-oh..seems Shana is missing. Head back up to the throne room and take a right to enter the Chamber of Signet. Shana will be drawn there unconsciously and after a small talk the dragoon crystal will go from Shana to Miranda. Shana will then faint.

Once Shana comes to she’ll be inside a room next to the throne room. She will ask Miranda to protect the group. Next stop: The Forest of Winglies. Transgressors


Stardust : 1 (Neet) 2 (Forest of the Winglies)

Total Stardust : 40 Back to the Evergreen Forest. Go to where you found Teo and his wolf; then go to- wards the southeast corner. It will lead you to Dart’s town of Neet. Check the lamp by the en- trance for a Stardust (#1). If you want you can go check the tomb where Luanna was. You would think something cool would happen but nothing occurs. Head back to the Evergreen Forest, again to where you found Teo, and head to the northeast exit.

Meru will finally show her wings and open up the portal to enter the Forest of the Winglies.

There will be two new guards at the gate. When Dart and the others enter, the Ancestor will want to talk with them. Save your game and talk to the man to the right of the save point to go up into the main town.

Head straight across to talk to Meru’s parents; once that’s done head towards the center; on the left there will be a big transporter that will send you down. To the right there will be two transporters.

The top on the right will take you to the weapon and item stores. Upgrade your equipment (did you go get some Legendary Helms yet?) Get on the transporter to the right and Meru will show you the Archangel.

On the left hand side you will go into Guaraha’s house. Check the upper right hand side for a Stardust (#2).

The bottom one will take you to a chat area. Check the right hand side pillar area for another Stardust (#3). Go upstairs and you’ll meet the Elder Bardel.

He will try to nail you with some fireworks but Dart will don the armor and stand strong.

The Elder Bardel will be so shocked that he will fall to his knees. Younger Bardel will show up and put an end to the Elder Bardel. He will go off on his own after this; you’ll run into him again. Exit the room and go back in - it will now be a refresh point. Heal up and head back to the save point - and save!

Go back to the refresh point and head across. There will be a Wingly that will take you up to see the Ancestor.

The Ancestor will tell you about the Wingly’s greatest weapons and their abilities.

However, to reach the Dragon Block Staff you will have to head over to the Forbidden Land.

Removed Disgrace


1. Mind Purifier

2. Dancing Shoes

3. Power Up

4. Mind Crush

5. Spectral Flash (Boss)

6. Dragon Block Staff

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 40

Welcome to the Forbidden Land. This used to be the capital Wingly city; now it’s in ruins, a somber reminder to the Winglies of what crimes they once committed against the other 106 species. Head north.

Once inside, grab the Mind Purifier on the left then go up to the next screen.

Go into the top left teleporter and follow it around for the Dancing Shoes. Go back up and take the far right exit.

Just follow the transporters around.

In this screen Meru will be shocked by the memo- ries of the Wingly and their insane battles to the death against the other species. After a pep talk from Albert, follow the doors up to the top.

You’ll be in a place with a save point and a refresh point - stay here for a LONG time and raise some levels (and cash if you haven’t bought a Legendary Helm). Whenever you are done raising levels you will have two paths to choose from. You’ll be taking both ;)

The top path will take you to this transport room. Starting on the left, numbering them from 0 to 5 (can you tell I program?) enter each section in this order:

5, 0, 2, 3, 4, 1

Once you have done this a platform will lower into the middle and you’ll ride it up.

Follow the transporters around and you will find this Virage.

Get ready for a rumble with this old, sick thing.... actually, it’s pretty pathetic. Just sit there and block for about 10 rounds and it will die on its own. You’ll get a Healing Rain for entertaining this geriatric beast. Continue to the teleporter to find the staircase out. However, we’re not going to do that. Go back to the save point and the refresh area - head to the right teleporter.

In this room you have to run away from the robots and step on each of the red areas on the ground. Every time you destroy one, you destroy a robot. It’s not that difficult =o) The next section feels like a maze but again it’s quite direct. One the stone you land on wait for it to go all the way up to grab a Power Up. When you go back down one level jump to the stone to the right and ride it across, then go down. Jump on the stone then the one directly to the left and you’ll get a Mind Crush. Get back on the stone and fall down. Head to the left and then up to find the door.

Proceed through the door in the center of the staircase or go back up to heal and save (going up by way of the dead Virage is quicker).

Welcome to the Dragon Block Staff....and that goo-stuff that’s all yucky. When Meru flies up and tries to yank it out, the Dragon Block Staff guardian will come alive and you’ll have to fight it. It’s name is Grand Jewel.

This guy isn’t tough but you will have to rely on your additions. Hopefully you’ve taken my advice on raising your levels in the refresh area earlier and should be anywhere higher than 52. If you haven’t, higher than 45 should be fine. Don’t rely on your armor too much since the Dragon Block Staff’s effect affect you in your armor form - buy cutting your attack and defense by about 30-50%. Heal/guard/attack and you’ll have the victory. You’ll get a Spectral Flash for winning. Just follow the path out towards the entry point.

On the way out, the Divine Dragon will show up and will be heading in the direction of Denningrad. Dart and the party is going to have to do some major hustling. The Ancestor will try to teleport them out but he won’t have enough power so everyone else from the town will arrive and try to chip in some power. Dart and his friends will be teleported to Denningrad. The One who Glares Through Seven Diabolical Eyes

Treasures: Evergreen Forest:

1. Mind Purifier Mortal Dragon Mountain:

1. Attack Ball 2. Mind Purifier

3. Giganto Armour

4. Healing Breeze

5. Dragon Helm

6. Total Vanishing

7. Body Purifier

8. Gravity Grabber (Boss)

9. Flash Hall(Boss)

10. Dragon Ring (boss)

Stardust : 5 (Deningrad)

Total Stardust : 45

Deningrad is under attack from the Divine Dragon King and it will not be left standing. Apparently the dragon festers some kind of hatred for everyone and it definitely does not like the crystal tower.

Miranda will be surprised at how the town looks - i mean, dragon attack not withstanding.... When you get control back of your troop, check the two carpets in the front of the two stores on the right- hand side for two Stardust s (#1 & 2).

The second part of town doesn’t look any better; the Inn will be unavailable for the time being but if you go upstairs there is a hospital. Check the pulley on the top of the area for a Stardust (#3). Save your game and head for the castle.

The castle is in ruins. Head straight to the tower but not without taking the first left to the side to find a Stardust (#4). Continue up to the throne room. Once inside, a light that was covering the room will dissipate - it was coming from Shana. In fact, the Queen will tell you that the light covered the whole town - it’s the only reason the people are still safe. Shana will collapse and the party will reconvene in the Inn.

From the Inn, Dart and the troope will say good- bye to Shana; she will be permanently leaving the party at this point. As they exit, Dart will announce that they are going to head off to Dragon Tomb Mt. - which makes no sense because everyone else refers to it as Mortal Dragon Mt.. (Thanks to the translator who came up with this crappy mis-match; you owe me 1 hour of playing time for trying to find the stupid Dragon Tomb Mt. that NEVER EXSISTED! ARGGH!!!!) Return to the throne room to find the last Stardust (#5) where the entrance to the Signet room used to be on the right.

Head to the Evergreen Forest where the guard is and he will let you pass. Take the Mind Purifier that is inside the tent and continue towards the mountain.

It’s a pretty direct route once you get to the moun- tain; just continue heading north. On the second screen you’ll find an Attack Ball. On the third screen there will be a cave to the left but head to the right first and grab a Mind Purifier. Inside the cave there will be all that gooey-looking magma and three exits. In the lowest exit you’ll find a Giganto Armor and in the topmost exit you’ll find a Healing Breeze. Take the middle exit and continue.

Follow this path all the way and stop for a Dragon Helm. Your party will start hearing the sounds of swords and dragon breath. Farther than that is a save point with a Total Vanishing. If you didn’t take time to gain levels at the Forbidden Zone, you should be higher than 47 or 50 plus have plenty of healing items. Continue going and there will be a chest with a Body Purifier.

Lloyd will be resting a bit - it seems he’s the one that’s been fighting the Divine Dragon King. Even though it’s almost dead it’s going to fight like if it was born yesterday. The Divine Dragon King lives up to its name by having two very powerful weapons apart from it claw attack- the Divine Dragon Bullet and the Divine Dragon Buster.

The bullet will hit a single person with residual ‘boom’ damage to the others while the buster will nail everyone for heavy damage. The effects of the Dragoon Block Staff will also affect the armors so you can’t use them. Normal additions will have to do. Just keep wailing on it until it’s dead, block/heal when needed. Take out the Divine Ball so he won’t be able to use the Divine Dragon Buster then the Cannon so you can take out the bullet. Concentrate on the head and stay alive.

Lloyd will reappear after the death of the Divine Dragon King. It seems that all he wanted was the Dragoon Crystal created by the Divine Dragon King at its death. He will fly out of there after the battle. Head back through the mountain and you’ll catch up to him, but he’ll blast you with fire. Dart and Rose will fall and Rose will mutter something’s while she is incoherent

After Meru rescues Dart and Rose, head out of there. You’ll get a cutscene with Lloyd protecting Wink from the Younger Bardel (note to LOD storyline people- Dart and co. should have had to fight them!!!!). Younger Bardel is going to keep blasting away at Lloyd even though Lloyd is blocking the attacks with his usual ease. Lloyd will run his Dragon Buster through Younger Bardel but the latter will release a huge energy explosion; Lloyd will be injured and returned to Deningrad thanks to Wink...man what a meddler.

Wink was kind but foolish - an injured guard will find Dart and co. as they exit the forest. The queen has been taken and they are on the way to get the third moon artifact! Watch, as the poor guard, who got his butt kicked enough by Lloyd, gets slapped around by Miranda! (I can’t even begin to describe how hard it was to snag this shot right at the impact!) Continue to Deningrad and head up to the throne room to hear everything you’ve already heard and guessed, then head out of the town and go west again towards the Kashua Glacier. The Third Moon

Treasures: Kashua Glacier:

1. Thunder Bolt

2. Heat Blade

3. Meteor Fall

4. Heavy Mace

5. Gushing Magma

6. Phoneix Plume

7. Dancing Ray

8. Fatal Blizzard

9. Brass Knuckle (Boss)

:Flanavel Tower:

1. Black Rain

2. Rave Twister

3. Mage Ring

4. Therapy Ring

Stardust : 0

Total Stardust : 45

Head across the zig-zag pattern and pick up a Thunder Bolt and a Heat Blade.

At the top right corner there is a Meteor Fall and at the lower left there is a Heavy Mace. Continue to the center area and proceed to the next section. If the constant random battles have caused you some bodly harm (or a pesky status effect) there will be an item salesman and a weapon salesman in this point. The chest in this area contains a Gushing Magma.

Woohooo! Something cold...great...... and you have to slide up and down on it...man, this has to be the most sadistic level for a man ever created...anyways, as soon as you relax and uncross your legs, head to the far right pillar and slide all the way down on each subsequent one on the right to get a Phoenix Plume. Go up all the way and head left; on the box before the ground level, snag a Dancing Ray. Head up to the next screen and take the chest below the ramp leading up for a Fatal Blizzard.

Boss-battle time! This is Windigo. Windigo doesn’t like you. Windigo likes meat. Make Windigo feel indigestion in his bowels worse than the lowest pit of hell by inflicting pain on him- repeatedly. If you’ve taken the opportunity to raise your levels this fight shouldn’t be a problem (i beat’im at an incredibly low level the first time around but with a LOT of healing items!) but here are some quick tips: he can hit you with various physical attacks that can hit hard and he can ‘eat’ a party member and store him in its stomach. While this is occurring two cannons are going to pop out; just blow the two cannons away and your team will come back. You’ll get a Brass Knuckle for win- ning.

Proceed to the Tower of Flanvel. Partake of the Rave Twister that’s on the left before the entrance of Flanvel.

Take the Spirit Ring on the right and take the left teleporter. In the first room with all the spheres just take the light to the right then the last light on the right.

Take the Mage Ring in the center of the room and proceed to the left teleporter. Time for more bubbles - from where you land, take the first left and then take the teleporter on the left. Again, you’ll be out ;) The third moon object is stored in the chamber. Save your game and go up.Lloyd is already there with the queen - you will finally be able to kick his butt. The teleporter on the right will take you to the game’s first optional mission, The Elder. However, Miranda won’t let you enter it now but we do have to make a quick stop in there later. Lloyd is not that tough hp-wise but his attack and defense are pretty high up there. If you have a particular member you want to have using dragoon techniques make sure you equip them with the Talisman because Lloyd has an instant death strike against you while you are in dragoon armor that will almost always work. His first attack will also be his most powerful tech- nique (notice that it kinda looks like an arena? could it be a smaller copy of the wingly arena of the Forbidden Zone?) Otherwise, just heal/guard/ additions again. See a pattern yet? I wasn’t kidding when I said the bosses were easy - lil fun-fact here; I made it through the game without having to switch around my original party of Dart, Heschel, and Kongol; so unless otherwise stated just keep whomever you want to use high enough level-wise.

Dart will go for the deathstrike but Lloyd isn’t out of it yet. He’ll step out of the way but Winkwill show up and take the blow. It seems that Emperor Diaz has shown up in Deningrad and has kid- napped Shana. He wants Dart and the group to show up in Vellweb. Before you march out of the tower, head to the teleporter that Miranda wouldn’t let you enter and go AROUND THE CREA- TURE IN THE ROOM! DO NOT TOUCH THE CREATURE OR YOU WILL BE STUCK IN A FIGHT THAT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WIN! Take the Therapy Ring that’s in the room and exit. Now head for Vellweb. Reasons


1. Attack Ball

2. Rose’s Hairpiece

3. Spirit Potion

Stardust : 1 (Seven Towers in Vellweb)

Total Stardust : 45

Be careful because there are a lot of random battles in this section. Head to the left and grab a Burn Out. You’ll have a cutscene with Lloyd filling you in on his reasons behind his actions. After the blizzard ends, head to the left once again.

You’ll come across this sign. It will tell you that it’s slippery; head on to the left of it and slide down. Every time the exclamation marks pop up it’s a place where you can change the direction you’re falling. You can get the Magical Shield by hitting x the first, third, and fourth time. Rose will read the plate on the ground; it’s the entrance to Fort Magrad, an optional mission - don’t go in just yet; head back up and get the Burning Wave and Gushing Magma. On the right hand side you’ll find a Dancing Ring if you press x the second and fourth time. If you want to go on to the optional area you can after you’ve gotten these items - just make sure everyone in your party is over 2500 hp. When you’re ready to exit, head up and to the left to exit; Vellweb is up next.

Welcome to Vellweb.

Enter the first door to go get an Attack Ball. You’ll get a cutscene with Rose explaining the weap- ons used to shoot down Flanvel. Head down to find an item and weapon store. Heal and equip as needed, then continue =o)

You’ll meet Shirley again; she will tell you that the spirits of several dragoons are still trapped here in their towers; go see Diaz first. However, head up to the save point and if you feel up to it head up to the Seven Towers optional mission. If you don’t want to fufill the mission go in there anyways and check the center tower for a Stardust (#1). When you’re done go back to where Shirley was, save your game, and head to the left.

There are going to be four rooms in the staircase - the first one leads is a dead end, the second one is Rose’s Hairpiece, the third one leads you to Diaz and the last one to a Spirit Potion.

Here you will finally meet Diaz face to face - and everything will be revealed to you. Sorry, this one just gives everything away so there won’t be a spoiler - guess you’ll have to go on to disk 4 - and congratulations, one more CD and you’ll beat this game =-o)

Disk 4 Index

Chapter 4: Moon and Fate

Sands, Air, and Home

Magic City Aglis

Justice City Zenebatos

From Death to Tree

Time Sands, Wings, and Home


:Death Frontier:

1. Gladius

2. Bandit’s Shoes

3. Various crappy items that really aren’t worth taking since the town isn’t too far away and there’s two refresh points in this area. :Ulara:

1. Sun Rhapsody

2. Moon Serenade


1. Wargod’s Amulet

2. Learner’s Costume

3. 100 Gold

Stardust: 3 (Ulara) 1 (Rogue)

Total Stardust: 50 (no more stardust after this point)

Ok, there are two things I could do here: 1. I could show you how to find every item in this level, including all the stupid ones. 2. I can give you a list of everything but guide you to the good stuff(which is only two) and forget the crap. I think everyone likes the second option and get you faster to Ulara.

Here’s the map to get to the two items and a re- fresh/save area to build up levels at (u is up, d is down, l is left, r is right) from the screen you start at (i.e. the screen above): 1d, 1r, 3d, 1r, 1u, 1r will get you to the first save/refresh point.

From the first save/refresh point, go

1r, 1u, 1r, 2d to get the Gladius in a chest in the lower right side. Return to the first save/refresh point. From there,

1r, 3u, 1l, 1u and you’ll be at the second save/refresh point - here is a good place to fill up on levels. To find the Bandit’s Shoes, head

1l, 2u, 2r and enter into the vortex at the bottom of the screen. You’ll land by chest and inside the chest are the shoes. Follow it around and you’ll exit to the first refresh point.

Welcome to Ulara - well, it’s hidden!

There we go!

This town of Winglies gave Rose the ability to live forever by way of the choker she wears. Proceed to the right after entering the town and talking to Caron. There are going to be three ways to go - northwest, northeast, and southeast. Go northwest and you’ll find a flower bed; look around it for a Stardust(#1). Continue west and you’ll be in a shop with a man behind a counter (weapons) and a lady (items) - gear up and stock up now, especially with items, because she won’t be back before you leave. On the north wall there will be a Stardust(#2). Head back to the second screen (the one right after you spoke with Caron) and head to the northeast. The southeast has a bar but you can’t enter it yet until later on. Check the man-eating plants for a Stardust(#3) and talk to the wingly on the left side - he’ll tell you more about the man you met in the teleporter where you found the Theray Ring in Flanvel. Head to the top left.

Meet Charle Frahma, Melbu Frahma’s older sister. You will get to ask her some questions and she will answer all of them; ask them in the order she gives them from top to bottom. There will be a total of 5 - don’t stop until you get all of them. Charle will then ask you to stay the night, which you will accept. Head out and go to the weapon shop to find Albert and Kongol, then to the bar for Haschel and Miranda. Meru is chatting with Caron. Once you found Meru the winglies will get together and send you over to Giant’s Town so you can get to Fletz.

Once in Fletz head to the castle and see the king; he will be thrilled and excited about all that’s going on. You will be given the Queen Fury once again to head to Haschel’s home. Hit the door on the right and talk to Kayla when you’re ready. (still no Legendary Helm? Don’t leave without one!)

Once you get close to Rogue, the townspeople are going to be happy. Quickly head up the stairs and talk to the people - you will find an item and weapon shop - then continue up to see the mayor but don’t talk to him yet.

Instead, head to the southeast for a Wargod’s Amulet and then exit out to the mid-right for a Learner’s Costume. Go back in and head towards the north - you’ll meet Martel again; it seems she is a native of Rogue. Go past her and exit north, then hang a left and find 100 Gold in the chest; right around the chest you’ll find the very last Stardust. Head back to Martel and watch the Stardust do its stuff and she will give you the final rare items and the Vanishing Stone, your key to going into the optional mission The Elder. Now go talk to the mayor.

It seems that while Haschel has been gone a strange pillar has come out from the sea. Exit the mayor’s house and head outside, then hang a left. Continue going and you’ll find a training area -go up the ramp and look out to the sea...someone’s created a path for you to reach the pillar. Magic City Aglis


1. Burn Out

2. Gushing Magma

3. Moon Serenade

4. Magical Hat

5. Angel’s Prayer

6. Sun Rhapsody 7. Healing Fog

8. Healing Rain

9. Psychedelic Bomb X

10. 200G

11. Healing Breeze

12. Pretty Hammer (Boss)

Head back out to the sea from Rogue and you will get an option to either go back to Rogue, the Queen Fury, or the pillar at sea - save your game if you haven’t and head to the pillar. Once you get there you will not be back to the world map for a bit. Make sure you’ve stocked up on a lot of items because there are a lot of random battles here....this would be such a perfect area for level-building but it’s not a good idea.

WOW...another great example of the psx’s power...this underwater city is wonderfully de- signed! Head to the teleporter and continue on your way.

This little guy is one of Aglis’ magical items, Ruff. It’s been waiting for you for over 11,000 years and its creator would like to meet you. Follow it and grab the Burn Out and a Gushing Magma.

Go to the next screen; use the teleporter before the exit to go to a room with a Moon Serenade and a Magical Hat. Go back and take the exit.

You’ll be in the R&D section. There are going to be several of the little magic creatures running all over the place and a viewscreen - the one you saw yourself on earlier. Take the Angel’s Prayer.

Take the teleporter on the right and get the Sun Rhapsody. Proceed and don’t worry about missing a chest in the center of the next area - you can’t get to it as of yet. On your way back just take the teleporter on the left hand side and you’ll get a Healing Rain. Wow...I’m on some old guy’s spying glass....EWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This guy must be the gloved one of the winglies.....

After passing the viewing room , go through the teleporters again and you’ll meet Savan, a wingly ally. He will test all the party’s courage individually.

Kongol: 2nd answer

Miranda: 2nd answer, 2nd answer

Albert: 2nd answer

Meru: 2nd answer

Haschel: 2nd answer

Dart: 1st answer

After passing all the tests follow Savan. Take the first teleporter, then the second, then the third and follow the last one out. Y

You’ll get the Psychadelic Bomb X. This is an actual usable item; it will regenerate after every match and is a multi-item. It’s quite strong but has a shorter-than-average tap time. Once again, follow through the teleporters and save your game. Up next is the fight...

You’ll have to fight the so-called guardian of the Signet, the Last Kraken. Zieg’s taken over it and is smashing the Signet. You should be well above 60 by now. This guy isn’t tough; just keep using your standard attacks/dragoon if you need to/heal/guard. Man some of these bosses are way too easy to kill. Every now and then, two fairies will pop out - just swat them. You’ll get a Pretty Hammer for winning.

Savan will lay everything on the line and give you a way to go to Zenebatos with what he has left. He gave his life to contain the explosion of the Signet. Don’t let his death be in vain; go to where you met ruff and take the door that’s on the left. It will teleport you out to Zenebatos. Law City Zenebatos


1. Flash Hall 2. 200G

3. Frozen Jet

4. Burning Wave

5. Spectral Flash

6. Night Raid

7. Rainbow Dress

8. Down Bust

9. Spirit Cloak

10. Gravity Grabber

Welcome to Zenebatos, the wingly branch of law and legislature. I found it to be quite amusing with all the laws, red tape, and runarounds you have to do - but you have to watch out for those DMV flashbacks! Head upstairs to the teleporter and a robot will tell you that you are not allowed to enter because non-winglies are denied passage. Even though Meru is there, her power is not strong enough to be recognized as a wingly, due to statute 703 but you can change it by following due pro- cess. Head back down. The flying sea world exhibit is Coolon, a flying manta-ray. After realiz- ing that Savan must have realized all his night- mares into creatures Coolon will tell you that he will fly you around the world (i.e. the map). If you don’t have a Legendary Helm GO GET ONE NOW!!!!!

Once you’re back or ready head to the right and talk to the robot on the next screen. He will arrange transport to the ‘permitted’ access areas. Head over to the entry of the Law Factory and talk to the robot to buy some stuff.

Concentrate on healing items from now on; disre- gard any of the attack items because they will just take up space for your healing/restoration items - and gear up!

First, head over to the Legislation Center, then the Law Factory, and finish it up at the Law Launch. You’re going to have to do the same thing all around: go to each teleporter to move on until you get to the floor. Get caught one time for a funny save by Kongol and so you can get 200 Gold from the prision - pass on the Flash Hall. There are some tricks to not get caught in the areas:

1. Standing inside the doors and in front of the teleporters will keep you from getting caught.

2. Try to run the whole time.

3. Learn the pattern of the robot and try to out-manuver it.

4. When you get asked for the section, use 703 the first time and 410 the second time (yep, ya gotta do it twice: once to get in and again to get out)

Bypass the treasure chests except the second treasure chest in the Law Factory for a Rainbow Dress and in the Law Launcher the second one again for a Spirit Cloak. Skip the rest; they’re all attack items.

Once you have done all three items, the law will be amended and you can go back to the first screen and the robot will let you pass into the Signet area where the Grand Magistrate is. As soon as you get there, you’ll be greeted by a weird announcement that you are criminals and the powerful ‘save- before-the-boss’ point. Have plenty of healing items and Angel’s Prayer as well as some Mind and Body Purifier

Meet the judge...

Once the rudderick is all over, you will have to fight the Executioners: Kubila, Vector, and Selebus. Rose is pretty good for this battle since she can take the hits from the dark side; give her the Talis- man also. I did alright with Haschel equipped with a Therapy Ring in this battle and Dart should still have the Therapy Ring. These guys are no pushovers; Kubila can attack the whole party and cause status effects, Selebus can heal the party (but not herself, which is a good thing) and is pretty tough, while Vector is slow but a bit powerful; however when Selebus kisses Vector on the cheek Vector will grow rather large and can hit everyone with a butt-stomp. Keep using the usual tactics but when Kubila is almost dead let Rose finish him off; when he dies he uses an instant death attack. Take out Selebus and then Vector.

Zieg’s beaten you to yet another Signet and has destroyed it. No chance now but to go to Mayfil and try to prevent the destruction of that one. When you try to exit, you’ll be blocked yet again - redo the whole process of getting an amendment and change code 410, then go back to the teleporter that brought you here. Restock on items (and a couple extra Mind Purifiers) before you leave. From Death to Tree

Treasures: Mayfil:

1. Down Bust (dragon)

2. Poison Guard

3. Stun Guard

4. Panic Guard

5. Protector

6. Frozen Jet (dragon)

7. Active Ring

8. Flash Hall (dragon)

9. Destone Amulet

10. Magic Ego Bell

11. Healing Rain

12. Healing Rain (Boss)

13. Halberd (Boss)

Divine Tree:

1. Phoenix Plume

2. Silver Dragon Armour

3. Moon Serenade (Boss) 4. Sun Rhapsody (Boss)

5. Healing Rain (Boss)

Man do I hope you got the Helms....once you enter Mayfil it’s going to be quick; the teleportation mazes are a bit harder but everything else is, as usual, straight forward and easy. If you stocked up on healing items in Zenebatos you will be fine; otherwise go back and get them. There are a lot of rings here to get so you’re not going to have uneccessary items taking up space.

In fact, don’t even worry about the items; you will not have any use for them at all and you won’t need to sell for money. All you need is the Protec- tor and the Magic Ego Bell plus whatever the boss gives you.

Just tear through this area; the teleporters are straight forward IF you remember that there can be invisible floors linking two areas ;) On the first screen, use one of these to the left to find the Poison Guard. From the chest, take a right and you’ll end up with the Protector. You will come across these dragons - don’t bother to fight them; they do not do anything that enhance the game or the storyline.

Once you reach this floor, be careful; the steps you need to use will light up red when the beams from the floor hit them. Just wait for it and step on the right set. The first room has a refresh point in it and the Magic Ego Bell. Exit the room and con- tinue in the same fashion.

You’ll pass by a room that has people who have died from the Black Monster. This is Rose’s most touching moment. Reach the teleporter and warp out of there. Head to the right and get the Healing Rain and save. You’re going to meet an old buddy.

Lavitz is dead and...well, dead. He’ll talk to Dart and Albert for a bit before freaking out. It seems that he has a demon attached to his back - take it out. This match starts off easy but you are going to need the extra Mind Purifiers you picked up in Zenebatos. The first phase has the demon clinged to his back. Every time you get a chance to talk to Lavitz do so. Lavitz will turn his back and expose the demon so you can attack it.

Eventually it will come off of Lavtiz’s back and attack you in his full form. He’s a formidable opponent who is capable of hitting you multiple times or your whole party multiple times. Keep going at him; he will turn into a low-level bat - guard during this time. Keep up the usual pattern and you’ll have him beat. You’ll get a Healing Rain and a Halberd for your troubles.

Lavitz, with the last of his strength, will warp you out of Mayfil to the Divine Tree. Save your game before leaving and if you have the time or the extreme need head back to Zenebatos and pick up more items.

The Divine Tree looks fairly imposing but it’s a walk through the park.

Just proceed straight through the level. Check every shiny point for a Phoenix Plume, a refresh point, and a Silver Dragon Armor. Continue up and save your game; feel free to raise levels going back and forth from the save to the refresh area.

Eventually you will go through a flow chute and land - Kongol will land rather heavily. This will awaken a caterpillar nearby - that’s your next boss.

The caterpillar has three forms: caterpillar, cocoon, and butterfly. As a caterpillar, it can attack physically or with poison/paralyze. The cocoon form cannot attack at all but has strong defense (duh!) - take this time to guard and heal any lost life. Finally, the butterfly will appear; it is more even on its stats than the other two. It will attack directly with physical or with magic; or it will cause despirit or some other status on you. If you have Miranda pretty beefed up her dragoon techniques are good against the status effects; otherwise, just gear up and kick its butt. You’ll win a Moon Serenade, Sun Rhapsody, and a Healing Rain.

Continue left to head for the Moon that Never Sets. Time Treasures:

1. Frozen Jet

2. Down Bust

3. 200G

4. Spectral Flash

5. Flash Hall

6. Indra’s Axe (Boss)

7. Gold DG Armour

8. Night Raid

9. Burning Wave

10. Gravity Grabber.

Welcome to the Moon that Never Sets. Same situation with the ‘crap’ items - just bypass all of them except the Gold DG Armour and Indra’s Axe. Equip Miranda with a Therapy Ring. Eventually you’l hit a snowfield and Miranda will run off.

Miranda will have to fight a large flower that has her mother’s head in it - after you’ve been thor- oughly disturbed, just keep attacking her. Once you beat her, head back out and to the lower left; inside the cave, take the first left and you’ll be inside a small reconstruction of Serdio.

There will be a weapons and item shop here. You’ll see a girl head through a mirror; follow her after you go to the Inn and save (btw, this is a good level-earning area!) Equip Haschel with a Therapy Ring.

Continue down and you’ll see the girl go into a vortex. Haschel knows she is his daughter Claire and that she is Dart’s mom - in the words of the immortal south “we got us kin!”. Head after her and you’ll find out she’s been possessed; fight her with your additions but she has a reduce-to-one hp attack; after she attacks just sit there and block until your hp goes back up to 80% or so.

Once you beat her continue south through the cave. Dart & Rose will be separated from the rest of the party. Kongol will see the place where Doel res- cued him and will continue into the Home of Gigantos and fight his brother Indra.

Indra fights just like Kongol when he was a boss; block/heal and don’t screw up any additions; you will get Indra’s Axe and in the area below you will find the Gold DG Armour.

Now we’ll switch back to Dart and Rose; it seems they are at the dragon hatchling area. Continue moving to the east and then north; you’ll see a cubbyhole on the right-hand side - this is your way out after the battle.

Keep going up and you will have to fight Rose’s dragon, Michael. Just keep blocking until Rose tells you it’s weakpoint. Head back to the cubbyhole after the battle.

The party will regroup; head to the castle outside of Serdio and equip Albert with the Therapy Ring.

Albert will fight Doel again but this time Albert will have to destroy both of the swords first before being able to hurt Doel.

Equip Meru with the Therapy Ring. Head back to where your party was before Michael split it up and continue upward. You will come across the Palace of the Wingly and Meru will have to fight the Archangel.

It has a down-to-one hp attack as well. Just keep attacking and blocking/healing as needed and you’ll win.

The party will rejoin Meru; before doing that head back to the small Serdio if you need to restock (and I do suggest you do so); return to the palace, enter the center teleporter and you will be transported over to an area that looks like a M.C. Escher drawing.

Continue going through and you will find a save point. Save your game - this is the last one in the game - and proceed through the cool-looking area. You will have to fight a Super Virage. Kongol is excellent for this battle because the Super Virage will hit with earth-based attacks plus, even though the Super Virage is also earth, Kongol seems to be able to hit it for more damage than usual. You should have 3 Legendary Helms if you paid attention; in that case you don’t even have to worry about the magic attacks and just concentrate on the body. If you don’t have any concentrate on the body but you will have to heal a lot. Persistence will prevail, and you will pass into the embryo chamber.

First up is Zeig. He will don the Red-Eye Crystal from Dart and attack you as a dragoon. Dart will not be able to transform for this battle but I doubt it’s going to be a problem. If you don’t have Legendary Helms or if you have less than 3, make sure Dart is equipped with the Red-Eye DR Armor because ‘daddy’ is going to spank you with all your techniques. He’s not too high on the HP mark so you’ll finish him off.

It turns out that Mabel Frahma took over Zeig and used him all this time -now you have to fight Frahma. Lloyd will show up but... he won’t be a match.

Lloyd will give Dart the Divine Dragoon Crystal and to Rose the Dragon Buster. Use these weapons against Frahma in his embryo form. As you fight him, time will change behind you - and so will his attacks.

1st Season: Frahma will attack with a sword against single targets and occasionally suck someone in and throw them back out for major damage.

2nd Season: no battle

3rd Season: no battle

4th Season: physical attacks become catch and hold attacks (kind of like Indra’s hold) and will be attacking multiple targets with magic. He can occasionally call down 4 explosive stars to deal damage to everyone and when it’s daytime he can use fire magic and a spinning attack plus ‘mute’ a character’s ability.

5th Season: no battle

6th Season: Frahma’s going to be pissed and show it; he’s close to being dead and will hit you for high damage. He will be using multiple attacks against all your characters and has a move that takes out anywhere from 1/2 to 3/4 life from everyone. Once you reach this point, keep banging and he will die.

Congratulations, you just beat Legend of Dragoon. Watch the ending and congratu- late yourself then proceed to go and apologize to everyone you’ve neglected over this time ;)