
J. Phys. Chem. B 2001, 105, 11873-11879 11873

Vapor Phase Homogeneous Nucleation of Higher : , , and . 2. Corresponding States and Scaling Law Analysis†

Mark Rusyniak and M. Samy El-Shall* Department of Chemistry, Virginia Commonwealth UniVersity, Richmond, Virginia 23284-2006

ReceiVed: June 5, 2001

The results from corresponding states and scaled nucleation models indicate that the nucleation behavior of the normal alkanes follows a predictable trend. Systematic deviations from ideal fluid behavior can be correlated to physical properties, such as the increase in the entropy of vaporization and the increase in the excess surface entropy of the nucleating clusters. Hale’s scaled nucleation model allows for the accurate prediction of nucleation threshold behavior for the alkanes. Experimental agreement with the model is maintained throughout the temperature range studied. The scaled model for the nucleation rate provides a better description of the experimental rates than the classical nucleation theory. The addition of extra terms to the classical expression of the free energy of cluster formation and the inclusion of the Fisher’s droplet model term significantly compensate for the strong temperature dependence present in the flux prefactor of the classical rate equation. For accurate predictions of the nucleation rates, the proper inclusion of the configurational entropy term to the droplet free energy must be considered in a consistent manner.

19,20 I. Introduction substances SiCl4, SnCl4, and TiCl4. In these systems, the There is currently an enormous growth of interest in studying experimental Sc(T) agrees within a few percent with the the vapor phase homogeneous nucleation for different classes predictions of classical nucleation theory (CNT). However, when of substances.1 This interest is due in part to the need for the experimental results are compared among the series using comparing experimental data with predictions from different a suitable dimensionless form, it becomes clear that TiCl4 shows nucleation theories in order to develop an adequate quantitative a different behavior compared to the other tetrachlorides CCl4, theory. In addition, these measurements are important in SiCl4, and SnCl4. We have also studied the homogeneous determining the nucleating ability of different vapors and the nucleation of the highly polar substances, acetonitrile, benzo- conditions of their participation in the formation of ultrafine nitrile, nitromethane and nitrobenzene where the dipole moments 21-23 aerosols.2 range from 3.5 to 4.4 D. The experimental Sc(T) of this Scaled models for homogeneous nucleation provide useful series reveals significant disagreements with the predictions of - ways of correlating the experimental data for a series of different the CNT.21 23 The supersaturated vapors of these compounds materials with their molecular properties.3-18 In particular, are found to be more stable with respect to condensation than scaling models deal with the correlation of critical super- those of the weakly polar or nonpolar substances, which are saturations (Sc(T)), supersaturations required for the onset of well described by the CNT. In a recent study, we investigated nucleation at a rate of 1 drop/cm3/s) and nucleation rates, J(S,T), the vapor phase homogeneous nucleation of a series of hydrogen of wide classes of substances over wide ranges of experimental bonding substances, namely ethylene glycol, propylene glycol, conditions using reduced (nondimensional) thermodynamic trimethylene glycol, and glycerol.24 For these substances, it was parameters. These correlations lead to identifying universal found that at lower temperatures the measured Sc(T) was lower temperature dependencies, which complicate the extraction of than predicted by the CNT. Corresponding states analysis further general patterns from the nucleation data of individual revealed that glycerol exhibits nucleation behavior quite different substances.3-18 from the other glycols: at the same reduced temperatures, Systematic studies of homogeneous nucleation of different glycerol required higher critical supersaturations.24 classes of compounds with a variety of molecular properties In this paper, we present the applications of scaled nucleation are desirable in order to test nucleation theories. Such studies models to the nucleation data (Sc(T) and J(S,T)) of the higher provide insight into the role of different molecular properties alkanes: dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane. We also extend in the nucleation process. This information is necessary in order the scaling law analysis to all of the published data on the vapor to develop scaling laws for homogeneous nucleation, which are phase homogeneous nucleation of the series. The analyses not dependent on any particular form of the theory. In this way, are based on two scaled models for homogeneous nucleation. general patterns in nucleation behavior can be revealed that The first is the corresponding states approach developed by cannot be seen on the basis of a substance-by-substance McGraw to predict the nucleation properties of different comparison between experiment and theory. Toward this goal, substances under constant reduced nucleation barrier height.3 we have examined the homogeneous nucleation of the nonpolar In the second approach, we employ the scaled model developed † Part of the special issue “Howard Reiss Festschrift”. by Hale for the predictions of critical supersaturations and the * To whom correspondence should be addressed. temperature-dependent nucleation rates.7,14 10.1021/jp012118n CCC: $20.00 © 2001 American Chemical Society Published on Web 11/26/2001 11874 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 105, No. 47, 2001 Rusyniak and El-Shall

TABLE 1: Scaling Law Parameter Ω and Acentric Parameter ω, for the n-alkane Series Calculated at a Reduced Temperature Tr ) 0.45 compound temp, K Ω ω 228.5 2.18 0.299 243.0 2.29 0.350 256.0 2.37 0.397 267.0 2.44 0.443 278.0 2.51 0.490 dodecane 288.6 2.60 0.573 hexadecane 318.7 2.89 0.737 octadecane 327.3 2.94 0.812

29 that of a simple fluid, the systematic increase of log Sc with the chain length of the alkane reflects the increase in the entropy of vaporization among the alkane series.

III. Scaled Nucleation Model

Figure 1. Critical supersaturation vs reduced temperature. The lower Hale developed a scaled nucleation model, valid at temper- , solid and upper dashed curves are for simple fluids and represent barrier atures T Tc, for qualitative analysis of homogeneous nucleation heights of 70 and 50 kT, respectively. measurements and as a guide for systems with limited experi- mental parameters such as surface tension and vapor pressure II. Corresponding States Correlation data which are necessary to calculate the CNT predictions.7,8,14 In this approach, the nucleation behavior of simple fluids This scaled model has proven to be a powerful tool for serves as a reference point from which systematic deviations correlating nucleation threshold behavior for diverse substances 7,8 9,19,20 due to complex fluids can be revealed and easily associated ranging from simple molecules and nonpolar and highly 13,21-23 with a particular molecular property. The free energy maximum polar molecules to metallic vapors and vapors of refrac- 10-12 -3 -1 of nucleation, W*, (the barrier height) is expressed in the tory materials. For a nucleation rate of 1 cm s , the 14 dimensionless form: scaling law is expressed as

- ) Ω - 3/2 ) 2 ln Sc 0.53( [(Tc/T) 1]) (3) W*/kBT 282.3G(Tr)(log S) (1) where Ω is the excess surface entropy per molecule in the where cluster. The corresponding bulk liquid value of Ω can be - approximated by the Eo¨tvo¨s constant,30,31 K , which is defined T 3(1 - T )11/3 e ) R r as G(TR) (2) [1 + 0.75(1 - T ) + 1.75(1 - T )1/3]2 r r 2/3Ω ≈ ) F 2/3σ - kBNA Ke (M/ ) /(Tc T) (4) ) kB is Boltzmann’s constant and Tr T/Tc, where Tc is the critical F σ temperature. Equation 1 is based on Guggenheim’s empirical where M is the molecular weight, is the liquid density, is correlations of the surface tension and the number density of the surface tension, and NA is Avogadro’s number. The Eo¨tvo¨s constant is roughly 2.1 for simple liquids and 1.5 for associated the heavier rare gases and therefore is a good approximation Ω for the reduced barrier height of simple fluids.25 For nucleation liquids. As shown by eq 4, the Eo¨tvo¨s constant is times the 2/3 ) Ω rates near unity (J ∼ 1cm-3 s-1), W* lies between 50k T and constant kBNA 0.984; therefore, and Ke have nearly the B same value. An alternative method for evaluating the excess 70kBT. The dependence of supersaturation on Tr for simple fluids σ - is shown in Figure 1 as solid and dashed curves for barrier surface entropy is to approximate /(Tc T) with the temper- ature dependence of the surface tension according to heights of 70kBT and 50kBT, respectively, along with the experimental S values for dodecane, hexadecane, and octa- c ∂σ 2/3 26 Ω )- /(k n˜ ) (5) decane reported in paper 1. Figure 1 also compares the Sc [∂T] B values of the lower molecular weight alkanes, hexane through decane, obtained from the literature.27,28 where n˜ is the liquid number density.13 It is clear, from the results shown in Figure 1, that at a given To investigate the effect of the parameter Ω on the predictive reduced temperature the critical supersaturation increases with ability of the scaling law, we used eqs 4 and 5 to calculate Ω increasing chain length among the alkane series. Figure 1 also for the : dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane indicates that as the chain length increases the systematic at a midrange temperature of our data. Using these parameters, departure from the nucleation behavior of simple fluids in- we calculated the critical supersaturation as a function of creases. This increased departure is a reflection of the increased temperature using eq 3. The results are shown in Figure 2 where complexity of the intermolecular interactions among the alkane Ω calculated from eqs 4 and 5 are referred to as Ω1 and Ω2, molecules as the number of atoms increases. The respectively. It is clear that the Ω values calculated using eq 5 observed trend in log Sc vs Tr correlates well with the Pitzer (3.35, 3.85, and 4.10 at 305, 325, and 330 K for dodecane, acentric parameter ω of the alkanes as shown in Table 1. For hexadecane, and octadecane, respectively) result in critical example, n-hexane with a relatively small ω (0.299) has log Sc supersaturations in poor agreement with the experimental values values slightly above the 50kBT barrier height curve of simple across the entire temperature range. On the other hand, Ω values fluids, whereas octadecane with a large ω of 0.812 has log Sc calculated from eq 4 (2.64, 2.87, and 2.97 at 305, 325, and 330 values significantly above the simple fluid curve. Because ω K for dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane, respectively) result provides a measure of the excess entropy of vaporization over in remarkably good predictions of the critical supersaturations Vapor Phase Homogeneous Nucleation J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 105, No. 47, 2001 11875

Figure 2. Critical supersaturation vs temperature as predicted from the scaling law using Ω calculated from eqs 4 and 5 for dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane. The predictions of CNT are also shown for comparison.

Figure 4. Scaled critical supersaturations for the n-alkane series using Figure 3. Scaled critical supersaturations for the n-alkane series. Solid the scaling factor Ω ) 2.12. Solid line represents the behavior of an line represents the prediction from the model. ideal fluid. as shown in Figure 2. Note that the agreement extends throughout the entire temperature range studied. This indicates To correlate general patterns of nucleation behavior with that the use of the temperature dependence of the surface tension molecular properties, one should use the ideal value of Ω of to approximate σ/(Tc - T) can lead to substantial errors in the 2.12 corresponding to a simple fluid and examine the Sc(T) predictions of critical supersaturations by the scaled model. This among a series of structurally related molecules. The resulting result is consistent with the trend observed in the analysis of pattern for the alkane series is shown in Figure 4 where the the nucleation data of glycols, where Ω calculated using eq 4 solid line serves as a convenient reference for the nucleation did a better job in the predictions of the critical supersaturations threshold of simple fluids. The systematic departure from this than the Ω calculated using eq 5.24 A similar conclusion has behavior is evident as the chain length increases among the been reached in the scaled model analysis of the condensation alkane series as shown in Figure 4. It is interesting that both of metallic vapors.12 forms of the scaled law (McGraw’s corresponding states The results shown in Figure 2 also indicate that the Hale approach and Hale’s scaled model) result in the same systematic scaled model using the Ω parameter calculated based on the departure from the nucleation behavior of simple fluids as the Eo¨tvo¨s constant does a better job of predicting the nucleation size of the alkane molecules increases. This trend correlates with threshold of the higher alkanes than the CNT. Motivated by the increase in the entropy of vaporization as reflected in the ω29 the excellent predictions of Sc for the higher alkanes, we Pitzer acentric parameter and with the increase in the excess extended the analysis of the scaled model to the full range of surface entropy of the nucleating clusters as reflected in the alkane data available in the literature.27,28 The experimental data Eo¨tvo¨s parameter Ω.30,31 3/2 3/2 are plotted as ln Sc/Ω vs [(Tc/T) - 1] as shown in Figure The measured supersaturations can be used to extract values 3, where the solid line in the graph represents the prediction of for Ω using eq 3. Figure 5a exhibits plots of ln Sc vs [(Tc/T) - 3/2 the model. The Ω values calculated using eq 4 are given in 1] based on the experimental values of Sc. The linearity of Table 1 at a constant reduced temperature of 0.45. It is clear the plots is evident and from the slopes of the lines, we calculate that Hale’s model allows for an accurate prediction of the the Ω values of 2.59, 2.67, and 3.12 for dodecane, hexadecane, threshold nucleation behavior of the normal alkane series. This and octadecane, respectively. Obviously, these values are very is evident from the remarkable agreement between the experi- close to the calculated ones using eq 4 because these values mental Sc and the predictions of the scaling law shown in Figure reproduce the experimental results. By rearranging eq 3, Hale’s 3. model can be used to estimate the critical temperature. Figure 11876 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 105, No. 47, 2001 Rusyniak and El-Shall

3/2 Figure 5. (a) ln Sc vs [Tc/T - 1] for the studied compounds. Least-squares fit through the origin is used to determine the estimated values of Ω. 2/3 (b) ln Sc vs 1/T, for the studied compounds. Least-squares fit is used to determine estimated values of the critical temperature.

2/3 5b shows (ln Sc) vs 1/T, for the experimental data. In this case, the slope of the linear fit divided by the intercept gives the critical temperature. The estimated Tc from Figure 5b for dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane are 699, 824, and 687 K, respectively. These estimates are higher than the literature values of Tc for dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane by 6.4%, 13.9%, and 8.1%, respectively. However, It should be noted that the higher molecular weight alkanes decompose at tem- peratures in excess of around 650 K and that the literature values are themselves estimates.32,33 The estimates that we obtained from nucleation data are in reasonable agreement with those cited.

IV. Scaled Model for the Nucleation Rate

Considering that the nucleation threshold conditions (W* ≈ 50-70kBT) correspond to several orders of magnitude of uncertainty in the absolute nucleation rate, the scaled law Figure 6. Comparison of the predictions of the scaled rate model using prediction of Sc is not as a stringent test of the model as the eqs 14 and 18 with the experimental rates of one isotherm for prediction of the nucleation rate. Hale14 extended the scaled octadecane. model to the steady-state nucleation rate by deriving an ′ ) ′ ) expression for the scaled supersaturation (ln S/A3/2), where A is differences from n 2ton n, which results in the expression the coefficient of the surface term in the free energy of cluster 2/3 1 4A formation [W(n)/k T] according to the CNT ∑δ ′ ≈ An 1 + - (10) B n [ 3n] 3

) 2/3 - 2/3 W(n)/kBT An n ln S (6) By using the expression in eq 10 to replace the An term in the CNT energy of formation (eq 6) and including the “entropy τ 34 Using scaled surface tension through the parameter Ω, A can cost” term ln(n) introduced by Fisher and later employed 35,36 be expressed as by Dillman and Meier, the energy of cluster formation is now expressed as T 1/3 c 1 4A A ) (36π) Ω( - 1) (7) W(n)/k T ) An2/3 1 + - + τ ln n - (n - 1) ln S T B [ 3n] 3 (11) The critical cluster size (n*) and the scaled barrier height (W ) s where the term (n - 1) is used so W(1) ) 0. are then given by Following the new expression for the free energy of forma- tion, the critical size (n*) is now given by n* ) [2A/(3 ln S)]3 (8) ) 3 3 n* [2A/(3 ln S)] f(n*) (12) 16 Tc W ) πΩ3[ - 1] /(ln S)2 (9) s 3 T where

- 14 τ A 3 Hale pointed out that the surface free energy for small f(n*) ) 1 - + (13) clusters can be estimated by summing over free energy [ n*lnS 9(n*4/3 ln S)] Vapor Phase Homogeneous Nucleation J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 105, No. 47, 2001 11877

Figure 7. Isothermal nucleation rates compared with the predictions of the scaled rate model using eq 14 (lines represent the model results). See Figures 6-8 in paper 1 (ref 26) for comparison to the CNT.

Figure 8. Experimental nucleation rates at different isotherms vs the predictions from the scaled model (open symbols) and the CNT (filled symbols).

Using the expression for (n*), eq 12, Hale showed that the liquid number density, pressure, Planck constant, and Boltzmann steady-state homogeneous nucleation rate (J) can be obtained constant. The subscript c denotes the critical-point quantities. from Equation 12 is solved iteratively to determine n*. The value of τ can be determined using Riemann Zeta functions (s) ) 4 3 1 - ∞ -s ) + + τ - τ - 1/3 - ∑ ) k and the relation (τ)/(τ - 1) ) Zc where Zc is the ln J ln J0 A ln(n*) An* k 1 3 2 2 critical compressibility (Zc ) Pc/kTcnc). Rational Chebyshev - ln S Wsf(n*) (14) approximations are used to solve this relationship for τ. Using this procedure, the values of τ determined for dodecane, where hexadecane and octadecane are 2.186, 2.177, and 2.154, respectively. ) 2 2 14 J0 JcI[P/Pc] S (15) Hale showed that an approximate form of eq 14 may be given by P 2 Γ 2/3 ) c c ln J ≈ ln Γ - W (18) Jc Γ ( ) (16) c s hkBTc c nc The quantity ln Γc in eq 18 is found to be nearly constant 2/3 1/2 3/2 n˜c Tc Tc (about 60 in cgs units) for most substances. For dodecane, I ) 2( ) [Ω( - 1)] ( ) (17) Γ n˜ T T hexadecane, and octadecane, the ln c values are calculated as 64.1, 64.7, and 64.9, respectively. We used eqs 14 and 18 to In the above equations, J0 is the kinetic prefactor for the calculate the isothermal nucleation rates of dodecane, hexa- homogeneous nucleation rate according to the CNT (including decane, and octadecane and to compare the predictions of the 2 3/2 the Zeldovitch factor); Γc ) (2πmkBTc/h ) is the inverse scaled rate model with the experimental rates. An example from thermal wavelength cubed at Tc; and n˜, P, h, and kB are the such a comparison is shown in Figure 6 for the nucleation rate 11878 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 105, No. 47, 2001 Rusyniak and El-Shall

the τ ln(n) term, which is present at the critical point in Fisher’s droplet model,34 remains a term not well understood nor substantiated in nucleation models for temperatures far below the critical point. At the same time, it appears that by considering 1 -1/3 the τ ln(n) and the /3An terms the temperature dependence of the CNT can be brought to close agreement with the experimental data. These problems, like that of the “replacement free energy”,39,40 can be effectively addressed by rigorous statistical mechanical molecular treatments such as the molecular theory of nucleation39,40 or density functional theory.41,42

V. Conclusions The results from corresponding states and scaled nucleation models indicate that the nucleation behavior of the normal alkanes follow a predictable trend. Systematic deviations from ideal fluid behavior can be correlated to physical properties, such as the increase in the entropy of vaporization as reflected ω Figure 9. Scaled model prediction of nucleation rate fits to the in the Pitzer acentric parameter and with the increase in the experimental results showing the temperature dependent correction excess surface entropy of the nucleating clusters as reflected in factors. the Eo¨tvo¨s parameter Ω. Hale’s scaled nucleation model allows for the accurate prediction of nucleation threshold behavior for of octadecane. It is clear from the results presented in Figure 6 the alkanes. Experimental agreement with the model is main- that eq 14 gives better agreement with the experimental data. tained throughout the temperature range studied. The scaled The same trend was found in the analysis of the nucleation rate model for the nucleation rate provides better description of the data of dodecane and hexadecane. However, it is interesting to experimental rates than the classical nucleation theory. The note that despite the simplicity of eq 18 it provides reasonable addition of the extra terms arising from the summing discretely predictions of both the temperature and supersaturation depend- over small cluster free energy differences and the inclusion of encies of the nucleation rate. the Fisher’s droplet model term significantly compensate for Figure 7 displays comparisons of the supersaturation depend- the strong temperature dependence present in the flux prefactor ence of the experimental rates with the calculated ones using of the CNT rate equation. Rigorous statistical mechanical eq 14 for dodecane, hexadecane, and octadecane. Figure 8 molecular treatments should be able to identify the correct displays ln(Jexp) versus ln(Jscaled) for the three compounds at descriptions of the kinetics and thermodynamics of the nucle- different nucleation temperatures. For comparison, the values ation process that will quantitatively agree with the experimental of ln(JCNT) calculated from the CNT are also included in Figure data. 8. The results indicate that Hale’s model predicts the correct dependence of the nucleation rate on supersaturation, similar Acknowledgment is made to NASA Microgravity Materials to the CNT. However, the scaled model is superior to the CNT Science Program (NAG8-1484) for the support of this research. in predicting the temperature dependence in reasonable agree- ment with the experiment. This can be seen from Figure 8 where References and Notes the scaled rates corresponding to different isotherms show less (1) Heist, R. H.; He, H. J. Phys. Chem. Ref. 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