March 1, 1958
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VOLUME XIX -NUMBER 24 MARCH 1, 1958 The new AMI automatic music machine is destined to be seen as far away as the River Kwai, says Mitch Miller who helps introduce the Model “I” series above. The new machines are currently being shown throughout the country by all AMI distributors. Likewise Mitch has a hit which is probably on most of the machines currently on location, “River Kwai March & Colonel Bogey” on Columbia. . DID YOU HEAR ABOUT iERRY c/w THE MARCHING SAINTS 47/a0-7t76 I LOVE YOU MORE c/w OVERNIGHT 47 / 20-7171 Watch for these network in NBC-TV shows color and black-and-white. THE PERRY COMO SHOW, THE GEORGE GOBEL SHOW, THE EDDIE FISHER SHOW, — The CashBox Volume XIX Number 24 March 1958 FOUNDED BY BILL GERSH — 1, BILL GERSH, Managing Director JOE ORLECK, Publisher SID PARNES, Editor-in-Chief BOB AUSTIN, Gen. Mgr., Music Dept. The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. 1721 Broadway, New York 19, N. Y. (All Phones: JUdson 6-2640) Cable Address: CASHBOX, N. Y. BOOTLEGGING! JOE ORLECK • CHICAGO OFFICE 32 West Randolph St., Chicago 1, 111. (All Phones: DEarborn 2-0045) BILL GERSH For years the record industry has only logical way to deal with boot- Lee Brooks o heen plagued with the problem of legging is through federal legisla- HOLLYWOOD OFFICE bootlegging. It is estimated in some tion. 6272 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood 28, Cal. quarters that several record firms (Phone Hollywood 5-2129) Now how is federal legislation JACK DEVANEY are losing as much as of their Bob Martin 25% achieved? One obvious way is • gross business because their label BOSTON OFFICE through a lobby. Almost every in- product are literally being 80 Boylston St., Boston 16, and dustry in the nation is represented (Phone: HAncock 6-8386) stolen. And yet no one has bothered GUY LIVINGSTON in Washington by experienced per- • effective answer. to come up with an sonnel who know how to present LONDON OFFICE 17 Hilltop, London, N.W. 11, England If ever there was a project for the problems of that industry to (Phone: Speedwell 2596) the Industry Association of MARCEL STELLMAN Record Congress in an effective manner. • America, as spokesman for the rec- Why shouldn’t the record industry, EDITORIAL STAFF NORMAN ORLECK, Editor ord business, to work on, we would which has the major problem of MARTY OSTROW, Editor is IRA HOWARD, Associate Editor think this is it. Here obviously trying to keep its product from IRV LICHTMAN, Assistant Editor an industry-wide problem which by being stolen, also be represented in CISSIE GERSH, Woman’s Editor POPSIE, Staff Photographer the farthest stretch of the imagina- Washington? BRUNO DUTKOWSKY, Art Director tion cannot be termed controversial. • The cost? It is infinitesimal com- JERRY SHIFRIN, Adv., Music Dept., N. Y. Here obviously is a project which pared to the amount lost each year A. MARINO, Office Manager everyone who manufactures records in bootlegging. Wouldn’t it make —^the at- T. TORTOSA, Circulation should be in accord with • sense for every record firm to ac- tempt to keep the record manufac- ADVERTISING RATES on request. All advertising cept an appropriation in proportion closes Friday at 12 Noon preceding week of issue. turer’s product from being put out its Advertisements subject to approval of publishers. to RIAA dues to create an effec- on the market without his consent SUBSCRIPTION RATES $15 per year anywhere in tive lobby in order to achieve this the U. S. A. Published weekly. Second class mailing and without any income being real- privileges authorized at New York, N. Y. obviously necessary legislation THE CASH BOX covers the entire music industry, ized by him. which is the only way by which the ranging from retail record and music stores to disk jockeys, music publishers, recording artists, record Why then no action? Mostly product of the record industry can manufacturers, music composers and arrangers, ladio and TV stations, and all others allied to the music because record executives, even be protected? industry throughout the world. through their own organization, THE CASH BOX covers the entire coin machine in- Now that the gross sale of records dustry all over the world. Operators, jobbers, distribu- are not in contact with each other. tors, manufacturers and suppliers of automatic music is no longer a minor matter, now vending, service and amusement machines are covered. For instance the problem of boot- that stealing even a small percentage THE CASH BOX coverage extends to finance firms, legging is obviously an interstate loan organizations, factors, banks, and other financial of the total gross can amount to institutions, expressly interested in the financing of coin matter. Yet no one is dealing with machines of all kinds. millions of dollars, doesn’t it make “THE CASH BOX PRICE LISTS” (a combination of it on a national basis. Each state fraction that The Cash Box’ former 'Confidential Price Lists’ and The sense to spend a of has a different law referring to the Cash Box’ former ‘C. M. /. [Co/n Machines Industry'^ amount to achieve legal protection? Blue Book’) are the one and only officially recognized problem, i.e. when there is a law at price quotations guide for all new and used machines in the United States and all over the world where Ameri- all. In many states there is simply The answer is obvious. can made machines are used. “The Cash Box Price Lists” are an exclusive and copyrighted feature of all The Cash no statute at by which the boot- It’s time for the RIAA to act Box. “The Cash Box Price Lists” are recognized officially legger of records can be prosecuted by cities and states throughout the country as the “official and to act with vigor. And if it price book of the coin machines industry.” “The Cash and even in states where there is Box Price Lists” are officially used in the settlement of doesn’t, then let the record com- estates, for buying, selling or trading of all types of coin some sort of legislation, prosecu- operated equipment and are also officially recognized for pany officials, who make up that taxation purposes. “The Cash Box Price Lists” are used tion is in most cases practically im- organization, stop complaining by finance firms, factors, loan companies, bankers, and all possible of the ineffective- other financial institutions to guide them in the mak- because about bootlegging and simply ac- ing of loans to members of the coin machines industry. ness of the law. Furthermore, if we The publishers reserve the right to refuse advertise- cept the fact that nothing is going ments, editorial material and all other subject and continue to deal with the problem advertising matter that does not meet with their com- to be done because they are unwill- plete approval. state by state, nothing is ever going ing to act in concert to prevent their Copyright under the International Copyright Conven- to be accomplished. tion. All rights reserved by the Pan American Copy- product from being stolen from right Convention. Copyright 1958 by The Cash Box Publishing Co., Inc. It seems clear therefore that the under their noses. — — — — —— —— The Cash Box TOP 60 Best Selling Tunes on Records PIN UP CARD For Week Ending MARCH 1, 1958 COMPILED BY The Cosh Box FROM LEADING RETAIL OUTLETS Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. Pos. 2/22 2/15 2/22 2/15 2/22 2/15 2/22 2/15 2/22 2/15 2/22 2/15 , 1—Don't 11 - -Sugartime 22 River Kwai 30—Come To Me 40 Yellow Dog 4950——So Tough 9 24 23 Blues 40 47 March & CO-41 082—JOHNNY MATHIS VI-7150—ELVIS PRESLEY CR-61924—McGUIRE SISTERS 44 33 BB-503—CASUALS / fieg Split When I Am With You Of You Banana Colonel / Love My Darling CO-41094—RAY ELLIS BR-55045—PETE FOUNTAIN CR-61 908—CHARLIE PHILLIPS Tailgate Blues One Faded Rose Bogey 36-26-36 CG-1013—KUF-LINX CR-61 929—BOB CROSBY What 'eha Gonna Do 17 IS Whats New 2—Get A Job CA-3857—CARLSON RAIDERS DO-1 5603—JOHNNY MADDOX 1 2 Teenage March 12 Dede Dinah 31 —Belonging To Sugar Train DO-15695—MILLS BROS. 14—— CO-41066—MITCH MILLER 11 11 LK-452—JOE DARENSBOURG I Found A Million Hey Uttle Baby Bad Someone Martinique Dotlur Baby CN-1011—FRANKIE AVALON LO-1779—EDMUNDO ROS 28 36 Oob La La Motorcycle EM-1029—SILHOUETTES Spanish Gypsy Dance ME-71247—PATTI PAGE / Am Lonoti 60 — MG-12590—ART MOONEY Bring Us Together 41 Jo-Ann 15— Bullfight CM-1 26—STOREY SISTERS 13 Witchcraft VI-7153—DAVID TERRY 30 21 Sweet Daddy CR-61 930—LANCERS 3 13 17 Swinging Shepherd 32 —Short Shorts Blues —Angel Smile The Stroll 3 5 CA-3859—FRANK SINATRA 31 28 RO-4037—PLAYMATES Tell You Love AP-9882—ROYAL TEENS Her Her CA-3860—NAT "KING" COLE You Can't Stop Me 51 The Shake Planot Rock 23 Tequila Back In My Arms From Dreaming VI-EPA-4107—TWIN TONES 55 — DC-175—FOUR WINDS 36 — Fno Minutes More Extended Play 1 Beg Of You AP-9899—EDDIE PLATT KI-5114—TINY BRADSHAW 12 9 Popcorn 33 Rock And Buthat VI-7150—ELVIS PRESLEY CA-3928—STAN KENTON Roll Is 42 This Little 52—Raunchy Don't Cuban Mumble Here — 22 CG-1016—CHAMPS To Stay Girl Of Mine 41 Train To Nowhere 4—Catch A 48 — 34 35 Oh-Oh, I'm Falling Star AP-9899—DANNY & CD-1342—EVERLY BROS.