
(No Model.) C. MEISTER. FOR , No. 377,493. Patented Feb. 7, 1888.

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SPECIFICATION forming part of letters Patent No. 377,493, dated February 7, 1888. Application filed March 1, 1886. Serial No, 193,546. (No model.) To all, whom it may concern: will produce a varied effect, as desired. A 5o Be it known that I, CHARLES MEISTER, of single reciprocation of the valve in one direc the city and county of Philadelphia and State tion may be caused to open in Succession two of Pennsylvania, have invented an Improve or more ports or passages, and, if desired, these ment in Mouth-Pieces for Cornets, of which passages may be all of one diameter or of dif the following is a specification. ferent diameters, My invention has reference to musical in In the drawings, Figure 1 is a side elevation struments, particularly relating to cornets; of a embodying my improvements, and it consists in certain improvements, fully showing the mouth-piece in section; and Fig. IO set forth in the following specification, and 2 is a sectional elevation of a modified arrange shown in the accompanying drawings, which ment of mouth-piece, showing the orifice in form part thereof. the valve, two or more in number and of dif When what is known as double O ferent diameters. “triple' is produced, a most wonder A is the mouth-piece, and B is the extension I5 ful and pleasing effect is given to solo-playing. tube, which may be of any length or shape as With amateurs this effect is one which offers is customary in cornets or instruments of this great difficulties and is attainable only by con class. The bulb D of the mouth-piece is pro stant and most wearying practice, in many in vided with a vertical valve-passage, E, which stances covering a period of several years. crosses the air-passage d. The object of this invention is to produce F is the valve, and works in the passage E, this effect by a mechanical attachment readily and is preferably limited in its upward and applied to all cornets or equivalent instru downward movement by shoulders f. ments. The use of this attachment will enable G. are pads or mufflers to prevent a sound a performer to produce double and triple during the striking of the valve at the limits 25 tonguing notes and also a tremolo, and the of its movements. This valve is provided said effects may be produced instantaneously with one or more openings or orifices, H, ar by a simple movement of one of the fingers, ranged parallel to the air-passages d, whereby 75 preferably of the left hand. In addition to the as the valve is reciprocated the current of air above effects it is well known that to play may be intermittently cut off and continued, the notes in the high registers or above the forming pulsations. staff the mouth must be contracted and rigidly The valve F may be reciprocated directly by held with a smaller opening. This change of pressing the finger upon itsubstantially in the the mouth and the necessarily increased air manner of the main piston-valves C, or it may pressure is a source of more or less discomfort be reciprocated by a connection passing to the 35 to the player where long and constant and high forward part of the instrument, where the first register playing is required; and, further, the or second finger of the left hand may operate object of my improvement is to overcome this it. This last arrangement is shown in the difficulty by a mechanical attachment which drawings. The mouth-piece is provided with shall be capable of changing the larger orifice a standard, K, to which is pivoted the lever in the mouth-piece to one of smaller diameter, J, one end of which is connected to the valve thus accomplishing in a mechanical way what E at I. has heretofore been necessarily produced by T is a spring operating on the Said lever to 9O the lips or changing of the mouth-piece. cause the valve to be raised, as shown in Fig. The essential feature of my invention consists 1. This lever J is oscillated by the rod L be in providing the mouth-piece with a valve at ing reciprocated through its support or bear tachment capable of being reciprocated by the ing N, which is adjustably clamped at O to the 95 action of the fingers to intermittently cut off extension-section B of the cornet. the passage of air, and thus in effect produce M. Mare two stops secured to the rod L. pulsations. The rapidity of these pulsations and arranged on each side of the Support to

2 377,493 limit the reciprocation of the said rod. The 3. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equivalent pads in prevent the said stops from striking wind-instrument, provided with a valve hav directly against the support, and thereby muffle ing two or more orifices or apertures of differ the Sound. ent sizes or areas to interrupt the current of 5 R is a finger-piece connected by a shank, ', air and produce pulsations, in combination with the adjustable tubular sections, fitted to with a key to reciprocate said valve, whereby the end of the rod L, and secured thereon by the effect of double and triple tonguing and a set-screw, S. The length of this rod and tremolo may be mechanically obtained, Sub finger-piece may be varied to suit different stantially as and for the purpose specified. IO sizes of cornets and differentlengths of exten 4. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equivalent sion-sections by simply loosening the set-screw wind-instrument, provided with a valve to in S, adjusting the thumb-piece longitudinally terrupt the current of air and produce pulsa upon the rod L, and fastening it in such new tions, whereby the effects of double and triple position. tonguing and tremolo may be mechanically ob P is a guide-rod secured to one of the stops tained, in combination with a finger piece or of the piece M, and works through a guide, key to reciprocate said valve, substantially as p, on the Support N; but any other form of and for the purpose specified. - guide device may be used. As shown, a 5. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equivalent pressure upon the finger-piece R would cause wind-instrument, provided with a valve to in each of the openings or orifices H in the valve terrupt the current of air and produce pulsa to pass successively before the opening d, tions, whereby the effects of double and triple thereby with each reciprocation of the valve tonguing and tremolo may be mechanically ob making a series of pulsations or intermittent tained, in combination with the body portion puffs of air equivalent in its effect to what is of the cornet and a finger piece or key to re produced in double and triple tonguing. By ciprocate said valve, having an extension a very rapid action of the valve between two whereby it is brought to the forward part of passages H a tremolo effect may be produced. the cornet, substantially as and for the pur Referring to Fig. 2, it will be observed that pose specified. w the valve is shown as provided with two ori 6. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equivalent 95 3O fices, the upper of which is of smaller diame wind-instrument, provided with a valve to in ter than the lower one. If the upper hole, h, terrupt the current of air and produce pulsa be brought in line with the air-passaged, the tions, whereby the effects of double and triple Same action of the mouth which, with the tonguing and tremolo may be mechanically ob large Opening H, produces the lower tones tained, in combination with the body portion OC of the cornet and a finger piece or key to re 35 bewill reciprocated now produce therapidly, high notes.as previously If this valve de ciprocate said valve, having an adjustable ex scribed, the peculiar tonguing effect will be tension whereby it is brought to the forward produced, as hereinbefore specified. part of the cornet, substantially as and for the I do not limit myself to any particular form purpose specified. Or shape of valve or the means for accom 7. Acornet having the usual tone-valves and plishing the reciprocations, as they may be provided with an auxiliary wind-interrupter changed or modified to suit the ideas of the in the mouth-piece to admit the air to the Inanufacturer and the instrument to which it is valves in pulsations, substantially as and for to be applied. Neither do I limit myself to the purpose specified. IIO --5 the number of orifices in the valve or thesizes 8. A cornet having its mouth-piece provided of Same. with a loose valve mechanism for changing the Having now described my invention, what area of the wind-passage and a key to rapidly I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters reciprocate said valve, substantially as and for Patent, is the purpose specified. II5 50 1. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equiva 9. The cornet-body, in combination with the lent Wind-instrument, provided with a valve extension-section B, the mouth-piece A, hav to interrupt the current of air and produce ing a reciprocating valve, a support, K, remov pulsations, in combination with a key to re ably clamped to the cornet, and a reciprocating ciprocate said valve, whereby the effects of rod working in said guide to operate the valve double and triple tonguing and tremolo may and provided on its end with a finger-piece, 55 be mechanically obtained, substantially as and substantially as and for the purpose specified. for the purpose specified. 10. The cornet-body, in combination with 2. A mouth-piece for a cornet or equivalent the extension-section B, the mouth-piece A, wind-instrument, provided with a valve hav having a reciprocating valve, a support, K, I 25 ing a Series of orifices or apertures to interrupt removably clamped to the cornet, a reciprocat the current of air and produce pulsations, in ing rod working in said guide to operate the combination with a key to reciprocate said valve and provided on its end with a finger valve, whereby the effects of double and triple piece, and stops upon said rod to limit its tonguing and tremolo may be mechanically ob. movement in either direction, substantially as I 30 tained, substantially as and for the purpose and for the purpose specified. specified. 11. The cornet-body, in combination with 377,493 3 the extension-section B, the mouth-piece A, said valve in one direction, and a spring to to having a reciprocating valve, a support, K, move said valve in the other direction, sub removably clamped to the cornet, and a recipro- stantially as and for the purpose specified. cating rod adjustable as to its length and work. In testimony of which invention I hereunto 5 ing in said guide to operate the valve and pro- set my hand. vided on its end with a finger-piece, substan- CHARLES MEISTER. tially as and for the purpose specified. Witnesses: 12. The combination of the cornet mouth J. H. BUCHANAN, piece A, having the valve F, lever T, to move WM. H. WARNE.