Theology of the Body Stations of the Cross by Fr. Vincent Gulikers.
[email protected] THEOLOGY OF THE BODY from Theology of the Body by Christopher West: Chpt. 2 God wants to marry us. The entire biblical revelation unfolds between the marriage of the first Adam and Eve and the marriage of the final Adam and Eve, Christ and the Church. God’s mysterious and eternal plan is to espouse us to himself forever. Christ left his Father in heaven; he left the home of his mother on earth – to give up his body for his bride, so that we might become one flesh with him. We consummate our marriage with Christ ultimately in Heaven, but here on earth we consummate it sacramentally in the Eucharist. The deepest truth of human sexuality is revealed through the Eucharist. The holy communion of man and woman in “one flesh” is a great mystery that is meant to signify the holy communion of Christ and his Church consummated in the Eucharist. MALE CIRCUMCISION Why? Every time a man descended from Abraham consummated his marriage, he and his wife would be reminded of God’s promise of fruitful love. Circumcision foreshadows Christ’s ultimate sacrifice of flesh and blood. God’s generous love involved the sacrifice of one’s own flesh (right where it hurts). Spousal love indicates a total self-giving, a total self-donation. It is our bodies that make visible the call to self-giving love. Love involves the gift of self. The relationship of spouses is the context in which self- giving love is experienced.