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Jouvenaar S4234537/0 Jouvenaar S4234537/0 Jouvenaar S4234537/1 Essay Cover Sheet AMERICAN STUDIES Teacher who will receive this document: Dr. Markha Valenta and Dr. László Munteán Title of document: The Satirical Message of Grand Theft Auto V: a critique on contemporary American society. Name of course: BA Thesis American Studies 2017 Date of submission: 15-06-2017 The work submitted here is the sole responsibility of the undersigned, who has neither committed plagiarism nor colluded in its production. Signed B. Jouvenaar Name of student: Barbara Jouvenaar Student number: S4234537 Jouvenaar S4234537/2 Abstract The aim of this bachelor thesis is to answer the question what kind of persuasive message about America is being expressed in the video game Grand Theft Auto V. The video game Grand Theft Auto V contains many controversial characters and features that criticize American society. To analyze the way in which Grand Theft Auto V enables this critique on American society, I have used the theory of Jesse Schell on game mechanisms and the theory of Ian Bogost on the procedural rhetoric of video games. In order to analyze specifically the critique, I have used the theory of Test on satire. The research is divided into two parts; a first chapter on the game mechanisms and procedural rhetoric of Grand Theft Auto V and a second chapter on the satirical messages of the video game. The game mechanisms of Grand Theft Auto V play a crucial role in creating its rhetorical messages. The interactions between game mechanisms create procedural rhetoric that enables the use of satire in a video game. The results suggest that through the use of satire, Grand Theft Auto V creates a critique on not only the American government, but also on the American media industry, the cliché LA lifestyle, and American race issues. Keywords Video games, game mechanisms, procedural rhetoric, satire, critique, Grand Theft Auto, Michael De Santa, Trevor Philips, Franklin Clinton, American culture and society. Jouvenaar S4234537/3 Table of Contents Essay Cover Sheet ...................................................................................................................... 0 Abstract ...................................................................................................................................... 2 Keywords ................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 4 Theoretical Framework .............................................................................................................. 8 1. Procedural Rhetoric .............................................................................................................. 16 1.1 Space: perspectives .................................................................................................... 16 1.2 Objects, attributes, and states ..................................................................................... 18 1.3 Actions ....................................................................................................................... 19 1.4 Rules .......................................................................................................................... 20 1.4.1 Barriers and sanctions .............................................................................................. 20 1.4.2 Goals and motivation ............................................................................................... 21 1.4.3 When the rules speak ............................................................................................... 23 1.5 Skills .......................................................................................................................... 24 1.6 Chance ....................................................................................................................... 25 1.7 Conclusion ................................................................................................................. 25 2. Satire ..................................................................................................................................... 27 2.1 Trevor Philips’ chaos and violence ............................................................................. 28 2.2 Michael De Santa’s arrogant cliché LA lifestyle ........................................................ 32 2.3 Franklin Clinton’s race difficulties ............................................................................. 36 2.4 Conclusion .................................................................................................................. 39 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................ 41 Discussion ................................................................................................................................ 43 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................. 44 Jouvenaar S4234537/4 Introduction Video games are well-known in western society. Even if one has not played any video games, the character of Mario or Zelda is engraved in our memories. It seems as though these video games only tend to function as an informal medium in contemporary society, but this idea is changing. In 2013 a new sequel of Grand Theft Auto was launched. I could not help but notice that in every game store this new video game was top rated and I could not resist buying it. The realization that this video game is such a hype among so many game players, made me think about why people are obsessed with Grand Theft Auto and how it has infiltrated popular culture. At first glance video games are seen as part of popular studies and the entertainment business, though another striking aspect, which will be the focus of this thesis, is that many contemporary video games also have deeper meaning incorporated in them. Different research fields become more and more interested in analyzing video games such as scholars from psychology, anthropology, economy, education, and sociology. These new generations of scholars, who consider video games as their primary research, have struggled for academic credibility. However, nowadays video games are accepted as a field of study. Universities, such as Loyola University in New Orleans, offer programs in the field of game studies. These programs provide courses that deal with digital media and their growing influence on contemporary society. This confirms the idea of game studies being an acknowledged research field. Espen Aarseth is one of the first scholars in the field of game studies that saw it as a valid academic discipline. He belongs to the school of ludologists and is therefore an important figure in the field of game studies. Ludologists believe that video games do not only constitute true narratives, but also create, with play and interaction being the most Jouvenaar S4234537/5 fundamental parts of the game, a form unique to games. Also Henry Jenkins, a professor of comparative media studies, agrees with him and states that video games “shape our culture” and that video games deserve to be critically reflected on in the same way as traditional art forms such as photographs and films (Jenkins 177). Jenkins is an important researcher in the field of game studies, being actively involved with the Convergence Culture Consortium, which is a faculty network that seeks to build bridges between academic researchers and the media industry. Jenkins also wrote a paper on learning in a participatory culture that focus on preparing students to engage with the new media landscape (Jenkins 2). In his works, Jenkins argues that video games are an art form that is still at the beginning of its development. According to Jenkins, however, some video games do have such advanced aesthetics that the video game can provoke strong feelings while playing it. This proves that video games have a lot of potential to become an academic field that will be researched as much as for example the field of film studies. This potential lies mainly in the fact that as mentioned before video games are incorporated with deeper meaning. According to Jenkins, meaning arises because game players actively interpret the video game. New meanings are formed on the basis of game players’ frame of reference, giving each game player a different experience and interpretation while playing the same video game (Jenkins 20). This means that a video game contains certain features that cause game players to create meaning. This research will therefore focus on such techniques in video games that stimulate game players to accept the satirical meaning that a video game can contain. The importance of this research is due to the fact that video games can create representations of reality that can give game players a new perspective on the world. A video game can present an aspect of reality from, for example, a particular ideological viewpoint, giving the game player a new way of thinking about his aspect. The use of satire is one way to do this (Bogost 122 and 123). Jouvenaar S4234537/6 Previous research concerning satire in video games has mainly
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