
WORLD Much of world bans jet involved in crash A5 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | Serving South Carolina since October 15, 1894 $1.00 School board takes no action Military rep: Shaw leaders on F.J. DeLaine’s reopening ‘troubled’ by board’s actions BY BRUCE MILLS [email protected]

Leadership with the 20th Fighter Wing at Shaw Air Force Base has indi- cated it is “troubled” by the actions of Sumter School District’s Board of Trustees in recent months to revert against last year’s school consolida- tion plan by the district. Jane Allen, deputy director for in- stallation support with the 20th Fighter Wing, is a non-voting member of the school board but can ex- press her opinion in the voting process even though her vote isn’t offi- ALLEN cially counted with the nine elected trustees. During Monday night’s school board meeting and discussion on whether to reopen F.J. DeLaine Elementary School in Wedgefield, she made the following statement, which she pre- pared herself after discussion with leadership of the 20th Fighter Wing:

“Leaders of the 20th Fighter Wing and military parents with children at- tending school within the Sumter School District are troubled by the looming repercussions of further rever- sion of the outlined school consolida- PHOTOS BY MICAH GREEN / THE SUMTER ITEM tion plan. Sumter School Board Chairman the Rev. Ralph Canty, third from right, expresses a point Monday night in the board’s discussion The previous consolidation plans of reopening F.J. DeLaine Elementary School as other trustees look on. were a step towards alleviating the fi- nancial challenges of the school district in an effort to provide a better educa- Same issues dominate trustees’ meeting Monday night tion for our students. Undoing these ef- forts will restrict our ability to reassure BY BRUCE MILLS airmen, soldiers and their families cur- [email protected] rently assigned to Shaw and moving to the Sumter community that this district It was more of the same discussion can meet the educational needs of their but with a different outcome Monday children. night at the Sumter School District We’ve received continual feedback Board of Trustees’ regularly sched- from those assigned to Shaw that the uled monthly meeting. school district is one of their greatest Ultimately, the full board took no concerns when they receive an assign- action on whether to reopen F.J. De- ment here. Most importantly, we need Laine Elementary School in Wedge- to focus on stability for our youth and a field. high-quality education that leads to a At February’s regularly scheduled productive and a prosperous future for board meeting, the trustees voted 6-3 our students by allowing the consolida- to reopen Mayewood Middle School, tion plan voted on by the previous and Area 1 Representative Brian board to run its course.” Alston asked for a similar discussion Area 1 Representative Brian Alston, third from left, speaks Monday night at the Allen voted against next year’s re- this month on F.J. DeLaine, which is school board meeting as fellow trustees Frank Baker, the Rev. Daryl McGhaney and opening of Mayewood Middle School in his district. Less than a year ago, Sherril Ray look on. at the Feb. 11 board meeting and the nine-member board — consisting against pursuing an appeal to the state of five different trustees before the grams have been implemented there spirited, 30-minute discussion revisit- Board of Education of State Superin- November midterm election — voted to potentially increase student ing the topic of both schools’ clos- tendent of Education Molly Spear- to close both schools as a way to save achievement and the marketability ings. man’s “fiscal emergency” declaration money due to low enrollment. At the of the school. Mayewood students Alston was adamant that F.J. De- on Feb. 28. She also abstained on time, the district was emerging from have moved into R.E. Davis Elemen- Laine reopen and that its closing has March 4 from the board’s vote to select a financial crisis from overspending tary School, which is now operating and will severely hurt the local com- Columbia-based White and Story LLC its fiscal 2016 budget by $6.2 million. as R.E. Davis College Preparatory munity. to help district administration and the F.J. DeLaine students this year Academy, a K-8 school with a magnet “When it comes to DeLaine, as a board in preparing its appeal. have consolidated into Cherryvale curriculum. board and as a community, we talk The decision in April 2018 to close Elementary School, which is three In open session Monday, several miles away, and new academic pro- trustees engaged in a sometimes- SEE BOARD, PAGE A9 SEE SHAW, PAGE A8 BELTON O’NEAL COMPTON JR. • 1951 - 2019 Item’s Fireside Fund helps woman Actor remembered increase propane access efficiency

BY KAYLA ROBINS for talent, personality [email protected]

BY ADAM PARKER “Nixon,” “Di- Any help from a generous neighbor or Post and Courier abolique,” “Deep philanthropic stranger can positively im- Impact” and “Pri- pact the life of someone in need, but assis- Belton O’Neal Compton Jr., a mary Colors.” He tance provided to many seniors, disabled film and TV actor who spent appeared in TV and working poor clients at Sumter Unit- years in Charleston, died Feb. shows such as ed Ministries is more than they expect. 18, 2019. He was 68. COMPTON “Martin,” “Quan- The Sumter Item is nearing the final few O’Neal Compton spent the tum Leap,” “Home weeks of its Fireside Fund, a monetary who represented a giving spirit and light 1990s in Los Angeles working as Improvement,” donation drive we run during the year’s on those around him or her. This year’s a character actor in numerous “Seinfeld” and “Coach.” cold months to benefit the ministry’s life- Fireside Fund is in memory of Roger Ack- popular movies, including “At- He also made photographic changing heating assistance. The fund- erman. tack of the 50-Foot Woman,” raiser is named in honor of a different “Made in America,” “Nell,” SEE COMPTON, PAGE A8 late member of the community each year SEE FIRESIDE, PAGE A8

VISIT US ONLINE AT CONTACT US DEATHS, B5 WEATHER, A12 INSIDE Information: 774-1200 Andrew Moses WARM WEDNESDAY 3 SECTIONS, 22 PAGES the .com Advertising: 774-1246 VOL. 124, NO. 103 Carolyn Rhodes Ford Sunny to partly cloudy today; Classifieds: 774-1200 Robert Frances Jr. Delivery: 774-1258 increasing clouds tonight Classifieds B6 Opinion A11 News and Sports: 774-1226 HIGH 70, LOW 51 Comics C2 Sports B1 Food C1, C4 Television C3 A2 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 THE SUMTER ITEM

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Main Street Society hosting Holocaust scholar to Wine & Cheese Open House speak at Temple Sinai at Sumter Military Museum BY IVY MOORE medals and other artifacts, Special to The Sumter Item most of them from former ‘When the Rainbow Breaks’ to be presented on Thursday military service men and The Main Street Society women and their families BY IVY MOORE will host a Wine & Cheese from the area. Special to The Sumter Item 7 NOAHIDE COMMANDMENTS Open House at the Sumter The society “presents at Military Museum from 5 to least two socials a year, some- The Sumter County Museum will present a In the story of Noah, a rainbow follows the 6:30 p.m. Friday featuring an times more,” Neaderhiser Holocaust lecture by Dr. Henry “Hank” flood as a sign that God will not destroy the informal tour of the museum said. “Sometimes, we do his- Knight at 6:30 p.m. Thursday at the Temple world by floods and as a symbol of human obli- and information about the so- toric homes. One of the bene- Sinai Jewish History Center. The lecture ti- gation for all peoples to follow the seven Noa- ciety’s function. fits of membership in the tled “When the Rainbow Breaks” is one of a hide commandments expected of all human Neal Neaderhiser, chair- Main Street Society is that lecture series conceived by the late Roger beings: man of the society, said the members get to visit these Ackerman, who was instrumental in estab- • Prohibition against idolatry; group “wants to offer an op- homes and stay very in- lishing the center along with Jay Schwartz, • Prohibition against taking God’s name in portunity for people to see formed about what’s going on Frank Edwards and others. vain; what’s going in the downtown downtown.” Knight is the director of the • Prohibition against murder; central business district.” Main Street Society mem- Cohen Center for Holocaust and • Prohibitions against adultery and sexual im- Sammy Way, curator and bers attend the social events Genocide Studies at Keene State morality; director of the Sumter Mili- at no charge; a donation of $5 College and teaches in the col- • Prohibition against theft; tary Museum who also serves is requested of non-members. lege’s academic program, which • Prohibition against eating flesh torn from a as The Sumter Item’s archi- Guests attending the open offers the nation’s first under- living animal; and vist and author of the paper’s house can join the society KNIGHT graduate major in Holocaust • Obligation to establish courts of justice. weekly Reflections and Yes- during the event. The Sumter and Genocide Studies. Knight is teryear series, will be present Military Museum is located also co-chairman of the bienni- to answer questions about at 129 S. Harvin St. in the al Steven S. Weinstein Holocaust Symposium classroom with both the Outstanding Teacher the museum, which is filled James E. Clyburn Transpor- (formerly the Pastora Goldner Holocaust Award for the university as well as the Excel- with uniforms, photographs, tation Center. Symposium) that he and Leonard Grob of lence in Teaching Award from the College of Fairleigh Dickinson University co-founded in Arts and Sciences. In 2018, the Keene State 1996. College Alumni Association honored him as His topic, “When the Rainbow Breaks,” Keene State’s Distinguished Teacher of the Knight said, explores the issues and ques- Year. SCDOT holding its agency-wide highway litter tions “What does it mean for the binding val- A judge for the Elie Wiesel Foundation’s cleanup Thursday; motorists asked to be cautious ues of civilized life to be utterly shattered? national essay on ethics contest for American What does it mean for a transcendent God in college students, Knight is active in national BY KAYLA ROBINS in that responsibility. By partic- covenantal partnership with humanity and as well as local interfaith relations. He also [email protected] ipating in the Spring Spruce Up all creation to sanction the slaughter of 1.5 served as director of the Council for Holo- event, SCDOT employees are million children by divine absence? caust Education of Tulsa, Oklahoma — a The South Carolina Depart- doing their part to combat the “These questions are the kinds that are partnership of the Jewish Federation of ment of Transportation will litter problem in South Caroli- raised when the rainbow breaks. Tulsa and The Sherwin Miller Museum of hold its annual agency-wide na.” “Just as surely, one must ask what could Jewish Art. highway litter clean-up event SCDOT asks motorists to be lead to a sign of hope breaking forth in the af- Knight is the author, co-author or editor of Thursday. aware of cleanup activities termath of such a storm of destruction as four books on post-Holocaust faith — The SCDOT’s “Spring Spruce Up” along the roadsides and to use that wrought by the Shoah.” Uses and Abuses of Knowledge, Confessing includes hundreds of employ- caution as necessary. Knight received his Bachelor of Arts de- Christ in a Post-Holocaust World, Celebrating ees — from engineers and at- Sumter has recently put a gree in English from the University of Ala- Holy Week in a Post-Holocaust World and torneys to administrative staff focus on litter cleanup as a way bama and his Master of Divinity and Doctor Post-Shoah Dialogues. He is married to Pam and leadership — volunteering to beautify the city and county of Ministry degrees from Emory University, Damron Knight, formerly of Sumter. to pick up litter across South and prevent businesses from where he concentrated in theology and pasto- Annie Rivers, executive director of the Carolina roadsides, according not locating here. Economic de- ral hermeneutics (the study of the principles Sumter County Museum, said Thursday’s to a news release. velopment officials have said of interpretation). He has also served as chap- program is one of several planned by the cen- “SCDOT recognizes the nega- roadways and the sides of high- lain and as a member of the departments of ter. Those attending Thursday’s lecture may tive impact of litter. Not only is ways covered in trash stunts religion at The University of Tulsa (Oklaho- also tour the Temple Sinai Jewish History it an eyesore, but it can discour- economic growth. ma) and Baldwin-Wallace College in Berea, Center during a reception following Knight’s age economic development and The Sumter Litter Alliance Ohio. lecture, she said. hurt our state’s economy,” Sec- announced a new Assign-A- It was at Baldwin-Wallace that Knight first Temple Sinai Jewish History Center, 11 retary of Transportation Chris- Highway program at the begin- began teaching courses on the Holocaust Church St., is on the corner of Church Street ty Hall said. “The best solution ning of the month, where judg- more than 25 years ago. His peers at The Uni- and Hampton Avenue. Admission is free to is not to litter in the first place, es will soon begin using clean- versity of Tulsa honored his work in the the public to the 6:30 p.m. Thursday event. and all South Carolinians share up as part of probation orders. Crime report Business news Rembert woman faces charges, accused Berkshire Hathaway John Brabham of not returning company cellphones Real Estate agents, office recognized

FROM STAFF REPORTS cellphones, a folding table, FROM STAFF ing to a news release. A Rembert woman is fac- a tablet and a company REPORTS The following ing charges in connection table cloth, a total value of Berkshire Hatha- agents were named WELCH WEEKS OSTEEN EDENS to an accusation she re- $1,710, from SIMTRUE. Law way John Brabham national award win- ceived items from a compa- enforcement obtained re- Real Estate office and ners: ny and appro- cords and a written state- agents have been rec- • Millie Welch was priated them ment from a company su- ognized for outstand- named to The Presi- for personal pervisor confirming the ing productivity in dent’s Circle, which use. cellphones were issued to 2018, with the Sumter places her in the top Christina Oakley, according to a news office being named as 5 percent of Berk- Lynn Oakley, release. a 2018 recipient of shire Hathaway GULLEDGE MOSES RAUCH STRIVENS 30, of East According to the warrant, Berkshire Hatha- agents nationwide; Scenic Lake OAKLEY two cellphones were activat- way’s Number One • Denise Weeks and Gulledge, Charles associates with more Drive, was ar- ed, and Oakley reportedly in Region Award for Susan Osteen were Moses, Katherine than 1,450 offices in rested on did not return the remain- the U.S. South Re- named Leading Edge Rauch and Nina 47 states and Germa- March 10 and charged with ing 28 and the other items. gion. award winners, plac- Strivens were recog- ny, England and breach of trust with fraud- A $1,500 personal recogni- Sumter’s office and ing them in the top 8 nized as Honor Soci- Italy. Berkshire Ha- ulent intent, value $2,000 or zance bond was set and agents will be recog- percent of all Berk- ety producing agents. thaway John Brab- less, according to Sumter posted Monday, according nized at the Berk- shire Hathaway sales Berkshire Hatha- ham Real Estate be- County Sheriff’s Office. to Adrienne Sarvis, public shire Hathaway an- associates; and way Real Estate is came a member of A March 4 warrant al- information officer for the nual sales conference • Charles Edens, comprised of approx- the Berkshire Hatha- leges Oakley received 30 sheriff’s office. in Las Vegas, accord- C.O. “Buddy” imately 50,000 sales way network in 2015.


IS YOUR PAPER MISSING? TO BUY A SUBSCRIPTION 36 W. Liberty St., Sumter, S.C. 29150 ARE YOU GOING ON VACATION? Call (803) 774-1200 (803) 774-1200 The Sumter Item is published Call (803) 774-1258 Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. five days a week except for Saturday & Sunday, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Vince Johnson Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. July 4, Thanksgiving, Christmas Publisher Saturday & Sunday, 7 a.m. to 11 a.m. and New Years Day (unless those [email protected] SUBSCRIPTION RATES fall on a Sunday or Wednesday) by Osteen Publishing Co., 36 W. (803) 774-1201 TO PLACE A NEWSPAPER AD Standard Home Delivery plus Digital Liberty St., Sumter, SC 29150. Kayla Robins Rhonda Barrick Call (803) 774-1200 Monday through Friday, Subscription Executive Editor Newsroom Manager 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. TUESDAY THROUGH FRIDAY PLUS Periodical postage paid at [email protected] [email protected] SUNDAY Sumter, SC 29150. (803) 774-1235 (803) 774-1264 TO PLACE AN ANNOUNCEMENT One year - $199; six months - $109; three Postmaster: Send address months - $59; one month - $20; EZPay, changes to Osteen Publishing Kathy Stafford Sandra Holbert Birth, Engagement, Wedding, $15.99/month Co., 36 W. Liberty St., Sumter, SC Customer Service Manager Obituary / Newsroom clerk Anniversary, Obituary 29150 Call (803) 774-1226 Classifieds, Subscriptions and [email protected] Publication No. USPS 525-900 Delivery (803) 774-1226 Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mail Delivery [email protected] One year - $276; six months - $138; three (803) 774-1212 months - $69; one month - $23 THE SUMTER ITEM LOCAL / STATE WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | A3 Domestic dispute at Super 8 Get ready for turkey season hotel ends in 2 shot, assault SALE GOOD and battery by mob charges Wednesday, March 13 - Saturday, March 16

BY KAYLA ROBINS of Covington Street, and Kelsie [email protected] Shynique Stuckey, 18, of North Guignard Drive, are each Two 17-year-olds who are still charged with third-degree as- hospitalized from gunshot sault and battery by mob. Ash- wounds and four of their asso- ley K. Davis, 19, of Tumbleweed Calling ciates are all facing charges Court, is charged with assault after an ongoing domestic dis- and battery. Champion pute turned physical at the All four non-hospitalized sus- Super 8 hotel on Broad Street pects were booked Saturday March 15 in Sumter. into Sumter-Lee Regional De- According to tention Center. Mc- 10am - 4pm Tonyia McGirt, Girt said three Call • Mouth Calls Sumter Police De- have since been re- partment public in- leased. Demonstrations • Glass Calls formation officer, According to in- 21-year-old Jim- mate records at the Youth Hunters • State Calls mique Tyshaun detention center, Frazier, of Ginger STUCKEY FRAZIER Clark has not yet Welcome • AluminAluminum Lane, is accused of posted her $25,000 firing the shots surety bond and that injured the has a court date set Tillman Britt of two teens during for May 3. An offi- Browning guns the incident that cer at the center, Wesmark occurred before 2 which is run by the Only will be on hand to p.m. on Saturday in Sumter County answer all your the back parking CLARK DAVIS Sheriff’s Office, Turkey Hunting lot of the hotel and said Frazier posted has been charged with two a $100,000 surety bond, Stuckey Mitchell questions Saturday, counts of attempted murder. posted a $2,500 surety bond and March 16 from The teens, Cazieh Malik Rob- Davis posted a $2,500 personal JOhnston 10am - 4pm. inson, of Tupelo Lane, and recognizance bond. 10% Off Zanaya Ikeia Billie, of a differ- Robinson and Billie will face ent Tupelo Lane address, were third-degree assault and bat- • Attracts all both initially to Prisma tery by mob charges pending gobblers Health Tuomey Hospital before their release from medical • Perfect feather detail/ 1/2 Strut Jake Turkey Lookout Hen,Hen, being transferred to a Colum- treatment, McGirt said. In relaxed wing bia area hospital. Robinson is South Carolina, 17-year-olds are position. Brooder HeHenn or in stable condition, and Billie is considered adults in criminal Turkey Feeder Henen • Unmatched realism in critical condition, McGirt proceedings and sentencing. Season and detail said. An investigation is continu- Decoy • Includes carry bag and Jardaisha Shyquan Clark, 22, ing. collapsible stake $ 99 March 20 - $ 97 64 Reg. 89 Reg. $75.97 S.C. lawmakers nix proposal to give 2 percent $108.96 Mayy 5 2019 raise to state workers making less than $100K Arriving Strut Lite Thursday • Lightweight Jake COLUMBIA (AP) — South came in a proposal to give foldable, Carolina lawmakers are start- state workers who make less Killer B hollow body ing to debate items in the $9 than $100,000 a 2 percent pay • Tail fan moves construction from full strut for easy billion state budget where raise. to 3/4 strut to lying flat transportation some of them disagree. Democratic Rep. Gilda • Rolls up for easy and storage The House started its sec- Cobb-Hunter of Orangeburg carry in your vest. • Includes decoy, ond day of budget talks Tues- suggested an amendment that decoy carrying day after spending the day be- would give an additional 2 bag, fan holder, $ 99 $ 99 and instructionl 54 MSRP. 39 Reg. fore approving dozens of sec- percent raise to state employ- DVD $83.45 $44.99 tions of the budget by large ees who make less than Wingman margins and without debate. $50,000. The House voted 76-37 Strut Doghouse The first major debate against the additional raise. Turkey Chair Blind • Steel frame Seat • Includes holds up to Arriving with folding ground blind, 300 lbs. legs carrying case, • High back for Thursday Man to serve 16 months in S.C. prison for role stakes & high all day comfort wind tie downs. • Mesh back for in international scheme to traffic rare turtles • Realtree Edge cooling air flow. Pattern

COLUMBIA (AP) — Prosecu- dealers in New York, Hong $ 99 $ 97 $ 99 14 69 Reg. 39 MSRP. tors say a man who was a king- Kong and the Carolinas. Au- $79.99 $60.95 pin in an international scheme thorities say the industry has Stretch Fit Mossy Oak to traffic in rare turtles will be- imperiled South Carolina’s na- Break Up come the first person to serve tive turtle species, which can Face prison time in South Carolina fetch high prices in China. Turkey Snake Chaps for illegal wildlife smuggling. Mask • Available in reg, The State reports 38-year-old • Stretch fit face short and long. mask Gloves Husky widths also Steven Verren Baker was sen- • Flexible • 3/4 mask construction for available. tenced to serve 16 months in • Mossy Oak max movement federal prison Monday for his Break Up Camo hands & finger role in trading rare turtles on $ 99 the black market. Baker plead- $ 97 $ 99 9Reg. 6 69 ed guilty to wildlife trafficking EVERY DAY $12.99 last June. He originally faced BXD Extra up to five years in prison, but EC9s 9MM • 7 + 1 capacity Distance was given credit for helping au- Grand Slam, 3rd • Black, High thorities prosecute others. performance nylon grip Degree & TSS Pistol • 3.12” Barrel Turkey Prosecutors say Baker regu- • Turkey Shell shot larly trafficked in rare turtles Ammo in 2” and 3.5”, Ammo in a scheme that involved turtle 12 ga. and 20 ga. • Factory rebates available starting at starting at Exceptional • 3” and 3.5” $ 99 • 12 gauge and $ 99 $ 96 20 gauge 10 219 MSRP. 8 Exciting $299.99 Long Beard XR Experienced G2c 9MM • 12 round capacity • Matte black slide Turkey Pistol • 3.2” Barrel length Ammo • 2” and 3.5” • Available 9mm, • Factory .38, .40, .45 and rebates .380 available • Allows the shooter to starting at starting at visually see the projectiles $ 99 $ 99 path towards its $ 97 target. 12 199 MSRP. 17 $316.89 Reef Blue Coolers PF18FX have arrived! Scouting Camera Kit • 14.0 Megapixels • No glow IR • Includes batteries (8) and 8 GB SD Card Available in Life is full of choices, but • 60 ft. flash range choosing the right senior living Roadie 20 community should be Easy! $ 99 99 Qt., 35 Qt., Exceptional - All Day Dining Featuring Regional 45 Qt. and Cuisine and Signature Recipes Tundra Haul Exciting - Award-Winning Lifestyle360 Wellness and SIGN UP FOR OUR EMAIL LIST TO BE THE FIRSTT TO SEE OUR SPECIALS Activity Programs Not All Items Available At All Locations Experienced - A 40 W Wesmark Blvd. • Sumter 2500 Lin-Do Court dedicated team of seasoned Sumter, SC 29150 professionals available to 803-773-3397 803-469-4490 assist anytime 110 N. Brooks St. • Manning 803-435-2651 www.MorningsideOfSumter.com www.simpsonhardwareinc.com ASSISTED LIVING • RESPITE CARE Pet ©2017©2019 Five Five StarStar Senior Living Friendly A4 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 LOCAL THE SUMTER ITEM



Summerton holds a joint parade celebrating Scott’s Branch High School’s girls and Clarendon Hall’s boys basketball state championships.

Kingsbury celebrates Dr. Seuss during Read Across America Read Across America Week at Kingsbury Elementary School was jam-packed with events geared to en- courage reading and celebrate the life of Dr. Seuss, also known as Theodore Seuss Geisel. He was a writ- er and cartoonist who in his career published more than 60 books that have taught children to love reading, rhyme and the whimsical cadence of words. He is known for such masterpieces as “Green Eggs and Ham” and the “Cat in the Hat.” All over Kingsbury Elementary last week, students were dressed as Dr. Seuss characters — reading or listening to his books, writing in his style or solving math problems geared toward his characters’ playful antics. Whether it was wacky sock day, door decorating contests or mis- matched clothes, there were many events to demon- strate to the students how important reading is and what lengths their teachers will go to prove that. On Friday, the school was full of guest readers from the community including doctors, lawyers, firefighters, police officers, superintendents and dance instruc- tors. Thank you to everyone who came out to em- phasize to the children just how essential reading is and how fun it can be.


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BY ELIAS MESERET “There was nothing to see,” and YIDNEK KIRUBEL he said. “It looked like the The Associated Press earth had swallowed the air- craft. ... We were surprised!” HEJERE, Ethiopia — Much He said it explained why res- of the world, including the en- cue officials quickly sent bull- tire European Union, grounded dozers to begin digging out the Boeing jetliner involved in large pieces of debris. the Ethiopian Airlines crash or Ethiopian Airlines, widely banned it from their airspace seen as Africa’s best-managed Tuesday, leaving the United airline, grounded its remain- States as one of the few re- ing four 737 Max 8s until fur- maining operators of the plane ther notice. The carrier had involved in two deadly acci- been using five of the planes dents in just five months. and was awaiting delivery of Britain, France and Germa- 25 more. ny took steps to keep the Boe- On Tuesday, a group of offi- ing 737 Max 8 out of the air, cials from China, which also joining Asian and Middle East- grounded planes, paused in ern governments and carriers THE ASSOCIATED PRESS their work at the scene to re- that also gave in to safety con- Foreign investigators examine wreckage at the scene where the Ethiopian Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 flect with an offering of in- cerns in the aftermath of Sun- crashed shortly after takeoff on Sunday, killing all 157 on board, near Bishoftu, or Debre Zeit, south of cense, fruit, bread rolls and a day’s crash, which killed all 157 Addis Ababa, in Ethiopia on Tuesday. plastic container of the Ethio- people on board. pian flatbread injera. Indicating possible trouble lar aircraft from the skies. It comparisons too soon with the that additional “complexity As the global team searched with a reportedly damaged does not intend to issue new Lion Air crash in Indonesia in creates danger” in modern air- for answers, a woman stood flight data recorder, British recommendations about the October that killed 189 people. craft and hinders pilots from near the crash site, wailing. regulators said they based aircraft to customers. Its tech- But others in the U.S. began making “split second deci- Kebebew Legess said she was their decision on the fact that nical team joined American, Is- pressing for action. sions” to ensure passengers’ the mother of a young Ethiopi- “we do not currently have suf- raeli, Kenyan and other avia- The Association of Profes- safety. an Airlines crew member ficient information from the tion experts in the investigation sional Flight Attendants, The Ethiopian Airlines plane among the dead. flight data recorder we have.” led by Ethiopian authorities. which represents more than crashed six minutes after tak- “She would have been 25 Turkish Airlines, Oman, The Federal Aviation Admin- 26,000 flight attendants at ing off for Nairobi, killing peo- years old, but God would not Norwegian Air Shuttle and istration said it expects Boeing American Airlines, called on ple from 35 countries. allow her,” she wept. “My South Korean airline Eastar will soon complete improve- CEO Doug Parker to “strongly A pilot who saw the crash daughter, my little one.” Jet were among the latest car- ments to an automated anti- consider grounding these site minutes after the disaster As night fell, Ethiopian Air- riers to halt use of the Boeing stall system suspected of con- planes until an investigation told the AP that the plane ap- lines offered no new updates model. Ireland, the Nether- tributing to the deadly crash of can be performed.” peared to have “slid directly on the investigation. An airline lands, Malaysia, Australia and another new Boeing 737 Max 8 Consumer Reports called on into the ground.” Capt. Solo- spokesman said victims’ re- Singapore suspended all flights in October. airlines and the FAA to ground mon Gizaw was among the mains should be identified in into or out of their cities. Some U.S. airlines expressed the jets until a thorough safety first people dispatched to find about five days. A Turkish Airlines official support for the Boeing model, investigation is complete. the plane. The wreckage was Some insights into the disas- said two Britain-bound planes and American Airlines and Even President Donald discovered by Ethiopia’s air ter and its cause could take returned to Istanbul after Brit- Southwest continued flying Trump weighed in, tweeting force. months, aviation experts said. ish airspace was closed to the them. A vice president for aircraft. The official spoke on American, the world’s biggest condition of anonymity be- carrier, which has 24 Max 8s, cause he was not authorized to said they had “full confidence speak publicly. in the aircraft.” U.S.-based Boeing has said it Safety experts cautioned Classic Elegance has no reason to pull the popu- against drawing too many Done Right. Cash in a FLASH! We Buy: Gold & Silver Jewelry, Silver Coins & Collections, Sterling/.925, Diamonds, Pocket Watches, Antiques & Estates Broadstone Manor Lafayette Gold Antiques & Interiors 204 & 208 BROAD STREET and Silver Exchange SUMTER, SC 29150 Inside Vestco Properties THURSDAY - SATURDAY 10:00-5:00 480 E. Liberty St. Sumter, SC 29150 (inside Coca-Cola Building) 803.968.3086 Mon. - Fri. 8:30 - 5:30 PM • Sat: 8 - 2 PM 803-773-8022 www.broadstonemanor.com

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2Network size varies by market. Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, a Medicare Advantage organization with a Medicare contract. Enrollment in the plan depends on the plan’s contract renewal with Medicare. AARP encourages you to consider your needs when selecting products and does not make specific product recommendations for individuals. UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company pays royalty fees to AARP for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of AARP. AARP and its affiliates are not insurers. You do not need to be an AARP member to enroll. Y0066_190109_084652_M A6 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 NATION THE SUMTER ITEM With New York cash, feds test 100K rape kits and arrest 1K

NEW YORK (AP) — Lan- The two agencies have paid simply got sidelined over the according to a report re- three years into its sexual guishing evidence in more to send years-old kits to labs years by police and prosecu- leased Tuesday. assault kit initiative, which than 100,000 sexual assault from dozens of states and tors who unduly disbelieved In Riverside, California, includes other things besides cases around the country communities, ranging from or downplayed victims’ alle- arrests included a suspect in testing. has been sent for DNA test- Flint, Michigan, to Mobile, gations. the rape of a teenage girl DNA testing is far from a ing with money from a New Alabama, to Las Vegas. New York City worked asleep on her couch in 1996, surefire way to close cases. York prosecutor and federal Some cities also have mo- through a 17,000-case back- the report said. The Tempe Only some rape kits have authorities, spurring more bilized on their own. But the log between 2000 and 2003, Police Department in Arizo- sufficient DNA to generate a than 1,000 arrests and hun- big grants from Manhattan an effort that yielded more na assigned two cold-case in- profile of a potential suspect. dreds of convictions in three and Washington “infused than 200 prosecutions. vestigators to work full-time Just some of those match years, officials said Tuesday. this movement with resourc- Vance, a Democrat elected in on rape kit cases there. any profile in the FBI data- It’s estimated that another es,” said Ilse Knecht of the 2009, offered other places North Dakota cleared its en- bank — and sometimes it’s 155,000 or more sex assault Joyful Heart Foundation, a money to attack their own tire backlog of 210 kits. just a match to DNA that evidence kits still await test- sexual assault victims’ advo- backlogs and negotiated dis- Meanwhile, another nearly turned up at another crime ing, and thousands of results cacy group that has spot- count rates with labs. 45,000 rape kits have been scene, with no name at- have yet to be linked to sus- lighted the backlog. His program — financed sent to labs through the Jus- tached unless the person pects. Many who have been “There’s a lot more to do,” with $38 million from settle- tice Department program — gets arrested in the future. identified can’t be prosecut- she said, but “this was the ments in banking-related and it’s produced nearly 899 Even when DNA matches a ed because of legal time lim- right thing to do.” cases — dispatched more prosecutions and 498 convic- known offender, prosecution its and other factors. The backlog built up over than 55,000 rape kits to test- tions and plea bargains, ac- is sometimes impossible be- Still, “we have begun to decades, partly due to the ing labs. The results have cording to data the agency cause the legal time clock rectify what has been a trag- cost of tests that can run yielded 186 arrests and 64 provided Monday to The As- has run out, the suspect has ic failure of government and $1,000 or more. convictions to date, with sociated Press. died, the victim is unavail- law enforcement at all levels But victims’ advocates also more investigations and The Justice Department able to testify or other rea- — a decades-long, systematic say many sex assault cases prosecutions still underway, has put $154 million over sons. denial of equal rights for women in the justice sys- tem,” Manhattan District At- torney Cyrus R. Vance Jr. said in a statement while re- leasing results of his $38 mil- © 2019 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 35, No. 14 Fairy Shoe Sorter lion investment in testing Draw lines between each pair of fairy shoes to make exact matches. Look carefully! outside his own turf. Law enforcement and law- makers have faced growing calls in recent years to elimi- round St. Patrick’s Day, you We make shoes for fairies! So, we are alwaysalways busy making nate what’s known as the will often hear legends new shoes for r them.themt . AndAnd theytheyp payay us in goldd – LOTS–– LOTS ofo gold! rape kit backlog — swabs about leprechauns and their pot of and samples collected in sex gold at the end of the assault cases but never test- rainbow. Have you ed for DNA. Victims’ advo- ever wondered cates see the untested kits as where they get Their shoes wear outut all of that gold? very quickly because signs that sexual assaults fairies dance all night. Standards Link: Follow simple written directions. weren’t taken seriously enough. Vance, who took office hat if the leprechaun spent more gold coins to make W the shoes than he charged the fairies? He would run after New York City cleared out of gold pretty quickly! Find the words in the puzzle. Just making and selling shoes isn’t 50 gold coins!? LEPRECHAUN its own testing backlog, and enough to collect the gold needed That’s way too How many of them can you to fill a leprechaun’s pot. If it costs 7 gold coins for the expensive for me! CUSTOMERS find on this page? the Department of Justice Leprechauns have to keep supplies to make one pair of PATRICK have worked in tandem since an eye on the costs of fairy shoes, what should the Y S U B S R H K O P making fairy shoes, too. leprechaun charge so that LEGENDS 2015 to help other places he covers his costs and has FAIRIES G O L D I E P C S R tackle theirs. Take a look at the cost some money left over to L A N A T O O I P O of shoe supplies on pay himself for his work PETALS this list. to make the shoes? PROFIT E D P H T S S R R F How many COSTS shamrocks G P G R T E O T I I Picking the right price is important. If the leprechaun SHOES can you find E I C T on this page? charges too little, he will lose money. But if he charges PRICE F S O I P A Honda recalls too much, he will lose customers. NIGHT N U A H C E R P E L Use these worksheets to add up the costs of making each pair GOLD D T S E I R I A F S of shoes. Then find the difference between the costs and the PAIR selling price to determine the profit for each pair of shoes. S C U S T O M E R S 1.2M more BUSY POT Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recongized identical Pixie Prancers Pretty Petunias Refined Rosies words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. vehicles with LEPRECHAUN’S GOLDEN VOCABULARY WORD: TREE BARK ...... TREE BARK ...... TREE BARK ...... PROFIT: Money earned after DAISY PETALS ...... DAISY PETALS ...... DAISY PETALS ...... the expenses are paid. PINE NEEDLES ...... PINE NEEDLES ...... PINE NEEDLES ...... unsafe air bags LILAC PETALS ...... PETUNIA PETALS ..... ROSE PETALS ...... TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: TOTAL COST: Small, Large, Larger PRICE: PRICE: PRICE: and Largest DETROIT (AP) — A type of PROFIT: PROFIT: PROFIT: Find four numbers in today’s newspaper. Cut Takata air bag inflator once them out and glue them on a piece of paper in thought to be safe has now order from the smallest to the largest. come under scrutiny after a Add up the coins on each path that leads to the Leprechaun piggy bank. Which path has the most gold coins? Math is Standards Link: Research: Use the newspaper to locate crash and explosion in Mary- GOLDEN! information. land injured the driver of a Numbers are Honda minivan. useful every day. Look through the The incident forced Honda on newspaper to find a Tuesday to recall about 1.2 mil- number that tells each All About Mom Send your story to: lion vehicles in North America of the following: An address Write about a special day or and Central America from the A price a special experience you had 2001 to 2016 model years that A phone number with your mom (or another were not included in the massive An age A year special lady in your life). string of Takata recalls for air Standards Link: Research: Deadline: April 7 Published: Week of May 5 Use the newspaper to Please include your school and grade. bags that can hurl shrapnel into locate information. the passenger compartment. Takata used ammonium ni- trate to create a small explosion and inflate air bags in a colli- Carolina Children’s Dentistry VESTCO PROPERTIES sion. But the chemical can dete- riorate when exposed to high Buying used Mobile Homes, Lots, temperatures and humidity and Acreage, or Houses In Need of Repair 805 N. Wise Dr blow apart a metal canister, Call 803-773-8022 anytime Sumter, SC 29153 spewing out shrapnel. At least Columbia, SC Sumter, SC 23 people have been killed by (803) 736-6000 (803) 775-4793 “Proud Supporters Of Literacy 803-795-4312 the company’s inflators and 1091 Broad St., Sumter www.glassdoctor.com/sumter-sc hundreds more injured. Specializing In Infants, Children, and Adolescents 938-9767 In Our Community” The inflators in the Tuesday recall contain a moisture-ab- This page is brought to you by these This page is brought to you by these sorbing chemical called a desic- community minded businesses. community minded businesses. cant that was added to keep the ammonium nitrate stable. They Gene Lady were thought to be safe and Operating Partner were never part of the broader recall. They had even been used 226 South Pike W. Call 1-800-293-4709 Sumter, SC 29150 Call 1-800-293-4709 to replace older inflators under to sponsor this Exciting Page! to sponsor this Exciting Page! recalls that began in 2014. 803-773-3321 The recall covers certain Honda and Acura models largely in the U.S. and Canada. Included are the 2001 to 2007 Sumter Cut Rate Drugs and 2009 Honda Accord, the piggly wiggly 2001 to 2005 Civic, the 2002 to 803-773-8432 2007 and 2010 and 2011 CR-V, 32 S. Main St. • Sumter 4 Locations To the 2003 to 2011 Element, the Serve You Better 1283 Broad Street 2007 Fit, the 2002 to 2004 Odys- Since 1936 Sumter, SC 29150 sey, the 2003 to 2008 Pilot, and Hours: M-F: 7AM - 6PM • Sat 9AM-4PM “Investing In Our Futures by the 2006 to 2014 Ridgeline pick- www.sumtercutratedrugs.com “Promoting Literacy For Our Kids” 803-905-5500 up. Also included are certain 2003 Acura 3.2CL cars, as well as the 2013 to 2016 ILX, the This page is brought to you by these Myson’s Tire Sales 2003 to 2006 MDX, the 2007 to community minded businesses. New and Used Tires Buy a Happy Meal or a 2016 RDX, the 2002 to 2003 Your Authorized Continental Tire Dealer 3.2TL, the 2004 to 2006 and 2009 www.mysonstiresales.com Mighty Kidʼs Meal and to 2014 TL, and the 2010 to 2013 ZDX. 470 S. Guignard Drive 3272 Broad Street Ext. GET A NHTSA said not all vehicles Sumter, SC 29150 Call 1-800-293-4709 803-494-9677 that received replacement air 803-938-5312 1200 S. Guignard Dr. to sponsor this Exciting Page! 803-775-1555 FREE COOKIE bag inflators are affected. Tires, Wheels, Alignments, Brakes, Suspensions and Oil Changes Some had replacement parts from other manufacturers that are safe. The agency urged This page is brought to you by these community minded businesses. owners to check for open re- calls by keying in their 17-digit vehicle identification number on the NHTSA website www. Call 1-800-293-4709 to sponsor this Exciting Page! nhtsa.gov/recalls. THE SUMTER ITEM NATION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | A7 Algorithm helps NYPD spot crime patterns

BY MICHAEL R. SISAK list of results,” said Chohlas- Associated Press Wood, now the deputy director of the Stanford Computational NEW YORK — When a sy- Policy Lab at Stanford Univer- ringe-wielding drill thief tried sity. sticking up a Home Depot near In the past, analysts worked Yankee Stadium, police figured only with crimes in their pre- out quickly that it wasn’t a one- cinct, making it difficult or off. A man had also used a sy- even impossible for them to ringe a few weeks earlier while spot patterns in other parts of stealing a drill at another the city. Home Depot 7 miles south in “Truthfully, it was ineffi- Manhattan. cient,” Levine said. “It wasn’t a The match, though, wasn’t modern way to do these made by an officer looking things.” through files. It was done by Even with crime rates fall- pattern-recognition computer ing sharply, there were still software developed by the New more than 68,000 robberies, York Police Department. burglaries and larcenies in The software, dubbed Pat- New York City last year. Tradi- ternizr, allows crime analysts tional techniques are still stationed in each of the depart- being used to identify other ment’s 77 precincts to compare crime patterns, such as rapes robberies, larcenies and thefts and homicides. to hundreds of thousands of To reduce possible racial bi- crimes logged in the NYPD’s ases, the Patternizr software database, transforming their THE ASSOCIATED PRESS doesn’t examine the race of hunt for crime patterns with Rebecca Shutt, who works in the New York Police Department’s Office of Crime Control Strategies, utilizes crime suspects when it is look- the click of a button. a software called Patternizr, which allows crime analysts to compare robbery, larceny and theft incidents ing for crime patterns. It’s much faster than the old to the millions of crimes logged in the NYPD’s database, aiding their hunt for crime patterns. The New York Civil Liber- method, which involved ana- ties Union said it had not re- lysts sifting through reports, sistant commissioner of data more easily that we can identi- Chohlas-Wood sought out the viewed Patternizr but urged racking their brains for key de- analytics, and Alex Chohlas- fy patterns in those crimes, the uniformed officers who had de- caution as technology is in- tails about various crimes and Wood, the department’s former more quickly we can identify cades of experience identifying creasingly incorporated into deciding whether they fit into a director of analytics, spent two and apprehend perpetrators.” patterns using traditional law enforcement. pattern. It’s more comprehen- years developing the software Levine and Chohlas-Wood methods. “To ensure fairness the sive, too, with analysts able to before rolling it out in Decem- were inspired by the work of a “The real advantage of the NYPD should be transparent spot patterns across the city in- ber 2016. New York University team that tool is that we minimize the about the technologies it de- stead of just in their precinct. The department disclosed its studied a similar approach to amount of leg work and busy ploys and allows independent “Because Patternizr picked use of the technology only this pattern recognition but never work that analysts or detectives researchers to audit these sys- up those key details in the algo- month, with Levine and Choh- produced a workable version. have to do and really allow tems before they are tested on rithm, it brought back com- las-Wood detailing their work The two trained the program them to leverage their exper- New Yorkers,” NYCLU legal plaints from other precincts in the INFORMS Journal on on 10 years of patterns that the tise and their experience in director Christopher Dunn that I wouldn’t have known,” Applied Analytics in an article department had manually going through a much smaller said in email. said Bronx crime analyst Re- alerting other departments identified. In testing, it accu- becca Shutt, who worked on how they could create similar rately re-created old crime pat- the Home Depot case. “That software. Speaking about it terns one-third of the time and 2019 Sumter was incredibly helpful. That with the news media for the returned parts of patterns 80 could have been a pattern that first time, they told The Associ- percent of the time. The NYPD Disabilities wasn’t made.” ated Press recently that theirs says the cost was minimal be- Benefi t Gala The software also found two is the first police department in cause the two developers were Presented by the Sumter County Developmental Disabilities Foundation other thefts committed with a the country to use a pattern- already on staff. An exciting evening, off ering a delectable fare of fi ne food, syringe by the same suspect, recognition tool like this. Like human crime analysts, complimentary beer and wine and silent auction. who was eventually arrested “The goal of Patternizr is, of the software compares factors March 28, 2019 • 6 – 9 p.m. and pleaded guilty to larceny course, to improve public safe- such as method of entry, type The O’Donnell House and assault. ty,” said Levine, an astrophysi- of goods taken and the distance Attire: Cocktail/Black Tie Optional To purchase tickets ($75) or to sponsor event, call 803-778-1669, Ext. 150 Evan Levine, the NYPD’s as- cist by academic training. “The between crimes. Levine and or visit www.sumterdisabilities.org COMMITTED SPONSORS Kelley Construction of Sumter Platinum $2,000 Knowlton Properties FTC Cal and Kimberly Land Turbeville Hardware Leo’s Home of the Chicken Wing Sign up for a wireless Lewis Lawn Services Gold $1,000 Liberty Street Seafood security system and get a Carolina Filter, Inc. Little’s Personal Cleaners EMS - CHEMIE (North America) Inc. Bran and Deb Lunsford First Citizens Bank M & M Carpets, Inc. Hodge Systems and Consulting Services Mass Mutual Eddie and Gretchen Meyers Henry and Virginia McFaddin Shaw Parkway Storage, LLC Dr. John and Liz McGinnis

McLaughlin Ford Silver $500 Margie McLeod FREE BD David and Laurie Merchant Bank of Clarendon Miss Libby’s School of Dance & Gymnastics Butler Electric Co., Inc. Offi ce Church and School Supply Co. indoorOR outdoor C Simmons Construction, Inc. Offi ce of the Solicitor City of Sumter * Palmetto Oyster House Coker Insurance video surveillance camera! Palmetto Pigeon Plant David and Stefanie Durham SAFE FCU Jet-Vac Equipment Company, LLC Dr. Larry Scheele / Scheele Eye Associates, PC Kiwanis Club of Sumter Silverpaper Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Moore Representative G. Murrell Smith, Jr. NHC HealthCare Sumter State Farm – Ben Griffi th Prisma Health-Tuomey Hospital State Farm - Tammy Kelly Whit and Robin Shaw/Shaw Lumber Company State Tree Service Stonequarters Countertops, LLC Sumter Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram Sumter County Government Sumter Cut Rate Drug Co. The Sumter Item Sumter Insurance Group, Inc. Live 24/7 alarm monitoring Sumter Living Magazine Sumter Pediatrics Sumter Sertoma Club Tangles Hair Studio, LLC Sumter Utilities The Citizens Bank Synovus View live video from up to six cameras on your John Thompson/Colonial Life Patron $250 Wally’s Hardware smartphone or other internet-connected device Adams Outdoor Advertising John Watkins Advance Doors, LLC Sharry Williams, Realtor, ERA Wilder Realty Allstate - Jim Thorne Patty Wilson Ard’s Appliance Charlene Wyant Homeowners insurance credits Ashley Furniture HomeStore of Sumter W.L. Youngblood, Sr. $ At Your Service Home Care Yucatan Mexican Restaurant of up to 20% BC Mulch & More Badcock Home Furniture & More MENU ¢ Bilton Lincoln The following provided by Christi & Co. Catery: ¢ Black River Electric Cooperative Beef Strip Loin Carving Station Low monitoring fees Bobby Beatson Agency, Inc. Sautéed Quail with Creamed Grits Station Mark and Shelly Brown Chicken and Waffl es Station Browns Furniture and Bedding Shrimp Cocktail C & A Carpet Baked Gnocchi Free, no-obligation site assessment Carolina Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Fruit and Gourmet Cheeses Carpathian Flooring Vegetable Crudité Drs. Brent and Dee Carraway Fried Asian Spring Rolls Central Carolina Technical College Chicken Tenders by Chick-fi l-A Protect your system with a maintenance plan Century 21 Hawkins and Kolb Baked Pimento Cheese & Croutons by Lilfred’s Colonial Aesthetics Advanced Laser & Day Spa Teriyaki Beef by Logan’s Roadhouse from FTC Security for only $4.95 a month** Colonial Family Practice and Urgent Care Ahi Tuna by Outback Steakhouse Commander Healthcare Facilities, Inc. Crab Cakes by Willie Sue’s Covenant Place of Sumter, Inc. Desserts by Baker’s Sweets Roy Creech and Serendipity Catering P. Douglas deHoll, M.D. Truffl es and Chocolate Covered Strawberries by Discount Furniture Outlet Edible Arrangements Edward Jones Call today for your FREE in-home estimate! Ronnie Eldridge Supplies and Beverages Donated by: Elmore-Cannon-Stephens Funeral Home Piggly Wiggly ftcsecurity.com | 888-218-5050 Chuck and Sue Fienning IGA Stores of Sumter Floors By Design of Sumter The Yahnis Co. Flowers and Baskets, LLC Special thanks to Chris Moore for *For a limited time. Wireless package only. Three-year monitoring contract required. **Does not include sensor battery replacement and trouble found Gary and Jan Geig photographing the event and Kevin Jarvis to be caused by equipment or circumstances external to the system, such as negligent damage, vandalism, fire or similar cause. BAC5277M 2/19 The Honorable and Mrs. Fred H. Gordon, Jr. & AshLee Holloman, Kipper Ackerman and H.R. Avin Associates, LLC Stevie Harris for providing the music. We would also like to thank the Sumter High School Harkey Chiropractic Junior ROTC, James Formal Wear, Domino’s Harvin Choice Meats, Inc. Pizza, Bradley’s Market, Sumter Council of Calvin K. Hastie, Sr. – Hastie Law Firm Garden Clubs, Derek Burress and Community Hines Furniture Broadcasters. Last, but not least, we also Jones & McIntosh, LLC owe a special thanks to Rick Brownlow, Toast Jones Buick GMC Bartending, and Wanda Hunter and Sarah Jones Chevrolet Cadillac Malyerck and their staff at The O’Donnell House and Christi & Co. Catery. See the Difference. Feel the Comfort. Sumter’s headquarters for almost 50 years of quality home furnishings and bedding

FURNITURE AND BEDDING 3602 Broad Street Ext. Sumter, SC • (803) 494-2300 HOURS: Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri: 10:00 - 7:00 Wed - Sat: 10:00 - 5:00 • Closed Sunday A8 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 LOCAL THE SUMTER ITEM

ality, was not always easy to work with, FIRESIDE YOUR IMPACT BY COMPTON FROM PAGE A1 but his talent was undeniable, Boatwright FROM PAGE A1 THE NUMBERS said. portraits of celebrities that have been ex- “He was a really natural actor,” he said. A 75-year-old Rembert hibited in galleries and private collections. “Just as soon as you saw him on camera, woman recently visited the $175 Compton was born in Sumter, attended you believed him.” Crisis Relief Ministry, the Anonymous Clemson University and Wofford College, The commercials helped pave the way to portion of SUM that pro- served in the Navy and worked in the the- Hollywood. By the early 2010s, Compton vides assistance for heating ater. An entrepreneur, he built the first cre- was back in Charleston coping with health bills and access with money $1,275 matorium in Atlanta and briefly ran his problems, including a difficult hip replace- from the fund, because Total this week family’s funeral home. ment, Boatwright said. someone told her she could Compton spent the 1980s in Charleston “A hard life caught up with him.” be given food, said Kevin working with artist-filmmaker David Boat- Compton died at the VA hospital in Co- Howell, director of the relief $38,667 wright and friend Timmy Mallard. They op- lumbia. ministry. Total this year erated production and advertising compa- Born on Feb. 5, 1951, in Sumter, he was “She lives alone in a coun- nies and made commercials in which the son of the late Belton O. Compton Sr. try home on $1,000 a month Compton appeared as the Cajun “Big and Dorothy Brunson Compton. He is sur- total income. There was no $48,601.18 Daddy” character Justin Thyme. vived by four brothers, Kell B. Compton money left once she paid all Total last year “We made a bunch of really funky com- (Carol Ann), Lawrence B. Compton (Terri), of her expenses,” Howell mercials for about five years, comic but Joseph R. Compton (Valerie) and Michael F. said. “She did not have any beautiful,” Boatwright said. They shared an Compton (Rebecca); many nieces and neph- unnecessary expenses, and $1,622,014.25 office on Lower King Street at the time. ews; and his caregiver of the last 10 years, she owned her home and car Total since 1969 Compton, who had an oversized person- Sadia Mullins. debt-free. Yet, she was bare- ly getting by month to month.” The woman told the minis- for the tank set fee. Since the board rescinding its de- balance was down to try she uses propane heat, she already had the lines SHAW FROM PAGE A1 cision to close Mayewood, $106,449 and has since been but Howell said the method available to her home, it was saying it was not included built back up to nearly $9 she uses to secure it was an easy solution. The Crisis Mayewood and F.J. De- in a financial recovery plan million after fiscal 2018. “shocking.” Relief Ministry provided a Laine was due to what the that outlined how the dis- “Every two to three days, tank fill-up for the client board said at the time was trict would build its general It’s your world. she would get a neighbor to that should provide enough low enrollment and a way fund balance up to one take a 25-pound propane propane until the weather to save money in light of month’s operating expendi- Read all about it. tank to be completely the district continuing to tures by June 30, 2020, as re- filled. This is changes. It dig out of a financial crisis quired by a new state law. the same size NEED HELP OR WANT was a worthy from fiscal 2016 after an of- At the time the plan was found on TO DONATE? case,” Howell ficial audit revealed $6.2 presented to the state over most patio said. million in budgetary over- the summer, that threshold grills,” he Anyone in need of assistance with He said the spending. was expected to be about $12 heating or heating utility costs can Call (803) 774-1200 said. “Most woman never Spearman’s declaration million. call Sumter United Ministries at and get started today. propane (803) 775-0757. asked for was a way to disapprove of On June 30, 2016, the fund tanks for help. She home heating HOW TO CONTRIBUTE never are 250 Donations can be mailed to: thought her pounds, by The Sumter Item situation was Keep COOL this comparison.” P.O. Box 1677 dire or incon- She has venient. She Sumter, SC 29151 heaters in never com- her home and Drop off donations at our office at plained about Summer a line outside 36 W. Liberty St. her circum- where she What to include stances yet would con- Names, including groups, should rejoiced over • UprightUpr Freezer - White nect it. In a be spelled completely. the gift she • 19.719.7 cu. ft. NEW CONSTRUCTION month like received from When making a donation in • Frost-freeFrost January, this someone’s honor, the names will her Sumter PACKAGES AVAILABLE routine be printed as given. neighbors. • LED LightingL would be re- Donations • FastFast Freeze Option 1152 Pocalla Rd, Sumter peated 10-12 received by times. She said she felt a Monday, March 11, 2019: #WZF79R20DW#WZF7 (803) 773-8016 larger tank was “out of Hubert and Jackie Osteen, Open Mon.-Fri. • 9am-5pm reach for her” after an area in honor of Charles Mc- propane provider with Creight, $500; St. John United whom she had a dispute Methodist Friendship Circle *We Service What We Sell* years ago did not credit her January Mission, $50; from a Financing Available for a payment she made to grateful friend, in honor of www.bobsappliancessc.com the company delivery driver. Martha and Don Kellum, “She felt she had no other $300; and Bethel Volunteer options. The client was able Fire Department, in honor of #MER8650FZ##MER8650FZ to pay for a new company all firefighters, $250. BUY AMERICAN BUY FORD Clearance Sale! BUY McLAUGHLIN 2017 TOYOTA 2015 FORD CAMRY SE MUSTANG GT $18,995 $30,995 YOUR PRICE YOUR PRICE $17,634 $29,870 P8780 188518A EddieCOME / SEEJason

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BY CHRISTINA L. MYERS thon Hill of Townville said his fellow a Republican from Rock Hill. “We ex- sizes are unimaginable,” the Democrat The Associated Press Republicans in House leadership told pected amendments from our Demo- from St. Matthews said. “I believe (the the party’s members to avoid support- crat colleagues about how to spend proviso) has created quite the burden COLUMBIA — The South Carolina ing Democratic-led amendments. this money. It’s unwise to allocate for our teachers and kind of short- House debated its version of the state’s Majority Leader Gary Simrill said money until it has been certified.” changed our students.” $9 billion spending plan Tuesday as Hill’s comments mischaracterized Two other Democratic budget Democratic Rep. Wendy Brawley of Democrats struggled to make changes their meeting and missed the point, amendments to reduce class sizes in Hopkins, whose district enters a west- in the Republican-controlled chamber. which was specific to a $61 million in- schools were rejected. ern portion of Sumter, offered another Work Tuesday focused on disputed come tax windfall the state expects Rep. Russell Ott asked the House to amendment requiring one teacher for budget areas and amendments after from the $878 million lump sum that restore state-mandated student-to- every 15 students in kindergarten to the House spent Monday approving will be paid to the winner of last teacher ratios, which were suspended third-grade classrooms in rural dozens of sections of the budget by year’s Mega Millions lottery. a decade ago during budget cuts in the schools. Brawley said smaller class large margins and without debate. “This one-time windfall has not Great Recession. sizes are especially helpful in rural The tone for the day was set not long been certified and, as of yet, the funds “We need to do this because in some districts with large populations of after debate started, when Rep. Jona- have not been received,” said Simrill, areas of South Carolina, classroom black students.

Mayewood and F.J. De- state board. Canty said redrawing atten- first time. As part of that ap- BOARD FROM PAGE A1 Laine’s combined projected Sumter must reach one dance lines is something the pointment, Sumter’s state leg- enrollment for this year was month’s operating expendi- district will have to discuss at islators mandated that atten- about workforce and eco- 242 students, about 1.5 percent tures in its general fund bal- some point in the future but dance lines form nine single- nomic development,” Alston of the total school system, ac- ance by June 30, 2020, accord- hopefully after the district’s member districts and to ac- said. “You don’t kill commu- cording to district data and ing to a new state law. After new superintendent, Penelope commodate changes in the up- nities and expect economic previous reporting. fiscal 2016, the balance was Martin-Knox, who is coming coming 2020 census. development. Schools are the “When we spend more on down to $106,449. After fiscal from Baltimore, Maryland, bedrock of a community. kids in School X than we’re 2018, it was at $8.6 million. earns trust and can lead that AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION Without schools in our com- spending on School Y, that is In last summer’s financial discussion with the board and After the discussion, the munities, we have nothing. If not equity,” Hilton said. recovery plan that was sub- community. board went into executive ses- we want to actually see our “When we have more kids in a mitted to the state, that one While it may not affect all sion behind closed doors for county grow, then we have to class over here in this school month’s operating spending the issues or low enrollment, discussion on other matters. invest in every community and fewer kids in a class over was about $12 million. attendance lines will be re- When the board returned to in this county, not just a here, that is not equity. This is drawn in 2021 regardless of open session, Canty asked few.” tough stuff. It’s heartbreaking. ATTENDANCE LINES whether the two schools open. trustees if there was any ac- Board Chairman the Rev. But we’re sitting up here be- Alston also said rural Before the financial crisis in tion to be taken on the re- Ralph Canty, who represents cause we were elected to help schools could be helped by re- 2016, there were only seven opening of F.J. DeLaine. No Area 6, and Area 4 Representa- all the children, not just the drawing the district’s atten- board members. The Sumter one spoke. tive Johnny Hilton, who both kids in Area 4, where I live. dance lines, which hasn’t been County Legislative Delegation The board meeting conclud- voted against reopening Not just the kids who live in done since the former two dis- appointed two at-large seats ed about 8:40 p.m. Mayewood, said because his- Area 1, or 2, or 3 or wherever. tricts in Sumter — Sumter 17 in July 2017 to represent the At the end of the meeting, torical data shows fewer and We are serving the entire dis- and Sumter 2 — consolidated entire district, neither of Canty said he’s not sure if a fewer children are living in trict.” into one in 2011. whom won their elections in discussion on reopening F.J. rural portions of the county, Hilton said he thinks that November for the posts that DeLaine will be on next the need for having as many WHERE’S THE COST ANALYSIS will create longer bus routes. were being voted on for the month’s agenda. schools in those areas changes. ON REOPENING DELAINE? Alston said he was upset SCHOOL EQUITY ISSUES that district administration Palmetto Plaza Alston countered by saying didn’t prepare a full cost-esti- FREEDOM FURNITURE Freedom closing rural schools and only mate analysis of reopening Furniture having certain educational F.J. DeLaine as they did for Miller Rd. 493 N. GUIGNARD • SUMTER, SC • 499-2002 Hardees programs in schools in the Mayewood. He said there was 539 A S. MILL ST. • MANNING,SC • 433-2300 Guignard city creates “educational ineq- no excuse for administration Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am - 7:00 pm • Saturday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm • Sunday Closed uities in this county.” not having a presentation pre- Canty and Hilton said re- pared. search shows the cost to edu- In response, Canty said it cate students in low-enroll- was his belief district staff ment schools is disproportion- didn’t have time to prepare a ately high, and that creates in- similar report on F.J. De- equity. Laine, given its regular work- According to a cost analysis load and its work in preparing NO CREDIT district administration pre- the trustees’ appeal to the CHECK sented to the board for hours state Board of Education that before they voted to reopen will be later this month. Mayewood, the middle school With its decision to reopen on East Brewington Road had Mayewood last month, the the highest average per-pupil state Department of Educa- expenditures of Sumter’s tion declared a “fiscal emer- seven middle schools at gency” in the district at the $15,236 in fiscal 2018. Only end of February. The school Hillcrest and Chestnut Oaks board is in the middle of ap- middle schools broke $10,000. pealing that declaration to the NO CREDIT CHECK

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Established 1969 520 West Boyce Street • Manning, SC 29102 Monday - Friday 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-3pm (803) 435-8094 A10 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 STATE THE SUMTER ITEM 2020 Democratic candidates aim to bring messages into rural America BY BILL BARROW sues and compete for votes in be a general election battle- The Associated Press places that gave President ground. Donald Trump his most in- Several candidates plan to DENMARK — Deanna Mill- tense support in 2016. attend a March 30 rural issues er Berry doesn’t often see “Organizing in every pre- forum at Buena Vista Univer- presidential candidates. So cinct is the key to winning sity in Storm Lake, Iowa — when New Jersey Sen. Cory both the caucus and the gener- population 10,600. Booker recently came to Bam- al election in Iowa,” Iowa The approach matters most berg County, South Carolina, Democratic Chairman Troy immediately because the dele- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS she was primed to unload Price said. gates necessary to become the Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., talks with Deanna Miller Berry in Denmark on about a contaminated water Vermont Sen. Bernie Sand- nominee are awarded in part Feb. 10. Booker has traveled to small towns in South Carolina and New system. ers lamented rural decline from primary and caucus re- Hampshire and told voters that he hears some of the same concerns “What is your plan to fix it?” during an Iowa swing this sults in individual congressio- from them that he hears in his hometown of Newark, New Jersey. Berry asked, her eyes nar- weekend. nal districts, even the most rowed. “All over America, we have rural and Republican-leaning. govern a diverse nation. In Wisconsin, Klobuchar Booker, former mayor of tragically seen more and more But investing there also could “Folks want to be seen,” said, it’s “about knowing the Newark, the largest city in the young people leave the small narrow Republicans’ general Harris said. “They want their issues that matter to people most densely populated state, towns they grew up in, the election margins, by increas- issues to be heard. ... They whether they’re Democrats, assured Berry he cares about small towns they love, because ing turnout among Democrat- could care less about half the Republicans and independents the 3,000 residents of Den- there are no decent-paying ic-friendly constituencies like stuff that gets covered on — and in rural areas it’s not mark, South Carolina. jobs in those towns — we in- rural black and Latino voters cable news networks.” just about the farm bill.” “This is a time in America tend to change that,” Sanders or peeling off white voters or where too many people are said, drawing cheers at the both. feeling left out, left behind, not Iowa State Fairgrounds. That could flip states like included,” he said, promising At the same time, California Iowa, Michigan, Pennsylvania, “a massive infrastructure in- Sen. Kamala Harris was in North Carolina — even Flori- vestment” targeting “forgot- small-town South Carolina ad- da — that propelled Trump to ten” places. vocating more spending on an Electoral College majority. The exchange highlights the telemedicine, broadband inter- Besides helping win the effort by Democratic presiden- net and infrastructure. Booker presidency, rural gains would tial candidates to make in- used his two-day rural swing be necessary for Democrats to roads in rural America. With last month to talk health care, have the muscle on Capitol the first contests unfolding housing, infrastructure and Hill to enact the kinds of next year in South Carolina, criminal justice, among other sweeping policy changes they Iowa and New Hampshire, issues. New York Sen. Kirsten are advocating on many fronts. small-town voters will play a Gillibrand was the first candi- “So much of this is about critical role in choosing the date who ventured to rural the margins,” Iowa’s Price Join us in welcoming next Democratic nominee. northern New Hampshire. said. And the early attention could Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobu- Beyond the politics, candi- help the eventual nominee be char has already visited a tiny dates say rural outreach is re- McKenzie Knight more conversant on rural is- town in Wisconsin, which will quired of anyone who wants to as a new agent BOY’S TREE SERVICE PO LLC McKenzie is here to help you get real savings and real service TREE CARE TREE REMOVAL for all your Auto, Home and Life needs. • TRIMMING • TOPPING Call McKenzie today, even if it’s just to say, hello. • SPRAYING • TREE REMOVAL • PRUNING • STUMP REMOVAL • FERTILIZING 803.773.4301 x. 104 • BUSH HOGGING Po Boy’s 90 W. 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COMMENTARY Trump is undermining Congress’ power of the purse ASHINGTON — mined by a Republican presi- scholars — the law also pro- tion projects, one related to border wall. He can repro- In February 2016, dent. For the first time since vides Congress a mechanism the 1991 Persian Gulf War gram an additional $4.6 bil- while Donald Congress enacted the Nation- to terminate an emergency and one related to military lion from Treasury Depart- WTrump was busy al Emergencies Act in 1976, a declaration that it deems in- response following the at- ment’s drug forfeiture fund sweeping the Republican president has used his emer- appropriate. Why would any tacks of Sept. 11, 2001. So, it and the Defense Depart- presidential field, Sen. Mike gency authority to appropri- Republican not vote to use was not until Trump’s un- ment’s drug interdiction pro- Lee, R-Utah, led a group of ate funds for a policy priority the express authority Con- precedented abuse of the act gram without one. Together conservatives in launching after Congress specifically re- gress granted itself under the that a constitutional crisis with the $1.38 billion Con- the Article 1 Project (or A1P) fused to do so legislatively. law to do so? emerged. gress just appropriated, that — an initiative urging mem- This is not simply circum- Some Republicans are talk- Congress can debate wheth- gives him nearly $6 billion in bers of Congress to reassert venting Congress. It is a di- ing about amending the Na- er the act should be amended immediate wall funding. That their powers under Article 1 rect assault on Congress’ Ar- tional Emergencies Act to in light of that abuse. But is more than he requested of the Consti- ticle 1 powers — exactly the have all emergencies end au- that does not absolve individ- from Congress to begin with. tution. kind of unprecedented abuse tomatically in 30 days unless ual members of their respon- Republicans understand- “Congress of power that A1P was creat- Congress votes affirmatively sibility to address this specif- ably feel a political impera- has delegated ed to fight against. to extend the emergency — ic abuse of power. Some ob- tive to support their presi- too much of One would think that con- shifting power back from the ject that a vote on the resolu- dent. But they also have con- its legislative stitutional conservatives executive to Congress. Fair tion of disapproval is little stitutional and institutional authority to would be leading the fight in enough. But up until now, more than a “show vote” be- imperative to reverse this the executive the Senate to reverse the such a law has not been nec- cause the president will veto abuse of power by voting branch … president’s extraordinary essary, because no president it and it lets Democrats pre- “yes” on the resolution of dis- Marc Thiessen taking up a emergency declaration and has abused his powers under tend that they care about sep- approval. Were Barack new position reclaim Congress’ power of the National Emergencies aration of powers without Obama doing what Trump is as backseat the purse. So far, that’s not Act. doing anything real to ad- doing, they would be united drivers of the republic,” Lee happening. Instead, we’re Almost all of the 59 previ- dress the problem. But it is in opposition. If they care at and then-Rep. Jeb Hensar- seeing plenty of excuses, with ous emergency declarations within the GOP’s power to all about preserving their Ar- ling, R-Tex., wrote at the Republicans arguing that have been to impose sanc- make sure the resolution ticle 1 powers, senators are time, “we have moved from a what the president is doing is tions or trade restrictions on passes with a veto-proof ma- going to have to stand up to nation governed by rule of technically legal, even if he terrorists or other enemies. jority, which would make it the president, the conse- law to one governed by the should not have that kind of In the more than four de- the opposite of a “show vote.” quences be damned. rule of rulers.” Item No. 1 on power. cades since the act was Nor is a vote to reverse the A1P’s agenda? “Reclaiming Sorry, that’s a cop-out. passed, only twice has an president’s executive over- Follow Marc A. Thiessen on Congress’ power of the Even if one thinks the emer- emergency declaration been reach a vote against building Twitter, @marcthiessen. purse.” gency declaration is techni- used to reallocate funds — the wall. The fact is, the pres- Today, Congress’ power of cally legal — and that is a and both instances were to ident does not need an emer- © 2019, The Washington Post the purse is being under- point of debate among legal carry out wartime construc- gency declaration to build a Writers Group EDITORIAL ROUNDUP Recent editorials from South Caroli- na newspapers:

The Times and Democrat March 5 Prescribed burns are an important tool for many reasons

Wildfires are not unusual this time of year around a state rich in wood- lands. We lose thousands of acres of forest annually to fire. It doesn’t have to be. That’s the message from Gov. Henry McMaster and South Carolina experts. The governor has proclaimed March 2019 Prescribed Fire Awareness Month in South Carolina. A coalition of state, federal and non- governmental land-management orga- nizations under the umbrella of the South Carolina Prescribed Fire Coun- cil requested the proclamation to raise awareness of the essential role that fire plays in both the stewardship of our natural resources and the protec- tion of lives and property. made South Carolina one of the best ous? We need such a law?” file that inmate unsupervised visits Prescribed, or controlled, burning is quail-hunting states, is tightly correlat- comes this. with the inmate’s girlfriend, who the skilled application of fire under ed to the decrease in woods burning. Apparently, it will be necessary wound up pregnant. planned weather and fuel conditions Prescribed fire enhances public for some legislation to come out of As much as one would think that to achieve specific forest and land safety by reducing or even eliminating Columbia that would spell out that should spell the end to Booth’s ca- management objectives. Controlled fuel loads, thereby making wildfire on felons cannot seek one of the reer in law enforcement that very burning is an ancient practice, notably that area impossible or unlikely for state’s highest law enforcement po- nearly was not the case. Four years used by Native Americans for crop some time afterward. And wildfires sitions — sheriff. later, Booth filed to run for his for- management, insect and pest control are usually less destructive on areas Based on a rather rich history of mer post and got 31 percent of the and hunting habitat improvement, that have been prescribed burned. abuse of power in office carried out vote. among other purposes. Wildfires often either lose intensity or by no fewer than eight sheriffs in As state Rep. Bruce Bryant, who The practice continues today under go out when they reach areas that the past decade, lawmakers are eye- was sheriff of York County from the direction of land managers who have been prescribed burned. ing legislation that would prevent 1997 to 2017, said, “A sheriff needs understand the appropriate weather The message about prescribed fire anyone from running for sheriff to be held to the highest standards. conditions, fuel loads and atmospheric as one of the best ways to keep who has been convicted, pleaded If you have been convicted of a conditions for conducting such burns. Smokey Bear and his associates from guilty to or been pardoned of a fel- crime, how could the public have These carefully applied fires are an being busy fighting catastrophic wild- ony or crime of moral turpitude, any confidence in your ability to important tool to reduce wildfires, en- fires is an important one. Support and the Associated Press reported this uphold the law fairly for them?” hance wildlife habitat and keep the education are vital. past week. That certainly is a reasonable ex- nearly 13 million acres of forested A law is already on the books pectation, but given the percentage land in South Carolina healthy and that ostensibly would prevent such of votes Booth received in 2016, we productive. Index-Journal a ridiculous scenario since sheriffs wonder about voters’ recall abili- The fires also help restore and have to be certified law officers. A ties. March 6 maintain vital habitat for wildlife, in- felony conviction would prevent Really, one would reason that a cluding bobwhite quail and other certification. sheriff who abuses his office for grassland birds, wild turkeys, white- State bill would But the “moral turpitude” clause personal gain, whether a misde- tailed deer, gopher tortoises and red- surfaced because of scenarios such meanor or felony, would have the cockaded woodpeckers. Beyond the as the one involving former Saluda decency not to run again. And one many wildlife species that require fire- seek to ban felons Sheriff Jason Booth. would reason that voters would dependent habitat, many plants thrive Booth pleaded guilty to miscon- know better than to return such a only in regularly burned forests. from being sheriffs duct in office in 2012 for using in- person to the most powerful law en- The demise of the longleaf pine forest mate labor for construction proj- forcement position in the county. and associated grasslands, which once And now, from the “Are you seri- ects at his home. He also allowed Maybe not.

EDITORIAL PAGE POLICIES EDITORIALS represent the views Columns from readers should be LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are office, 36 W. Liberty St. or mailed to that exceed 350 words will be cut of the owners of this newspaper. typed, double-spaced and no more written by readers of the The Sumter Item, P.O. Box 1677, accordingly in the print edition, but COLUMNS AND COMMENTARY than 850 words. Send them to The newspaper. They should be no Sumter, S.C. 29151, along with the available in their entirety at www. are the personal opinion of the Sumter Item, Opinion Pages, P.O. more than 350 words and sent via full name of the writer, plus an theitem.com. writer whose byline appears. Box 1677, Sumter, S.C. 29151, or e-mail to [email protected], address and telephone number for email to [email protected]. dropped off at The Sumter Item verification purposes only. Letters A12 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 DAILY PLANNER THE SUMTER ITEM

SUPPORT GROUPS Forecasts and graphics provided by AccuWeather, Inc. ©2019 AA, AL-ANON, ALATEEN: Mothers of Angels (for mothers WEATHER who have lost a child) — Third AA — Monday-Friday, noon Support Groups: Wednesday,Tuesday at 6 p.m., Wise Drive and 5:30 p.m.; Saturday, 8 ® March 13, 2019 Baptist Church, (803) 469- AccuWeather ve-day forecast for Sumter p.m.; Sundays, 10:30 a.m. and 6059, (803) 979-4498 or (803) 7 p.m., 1 Warren St., (803) 775- 316-4506. 1852. TODAY TONIGHT THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY EFMP Parent Exchange Group — AA Women’s Meeting — Last Tuesday, 11 a.m.-noon, Wednesdays, 7 p.m., 1 Warren Airman and Family Readi- St., (803) 775-1852. ness Center. Support to ser- AA Spanish Speaking — Sun- vice members who have a Sunny to partly Increasing clouds Mostly cloudy A shower and Cooler with clouds Sunshine and cool days, 4:30 p.m., 1 Warren St., dependent with a disability cloudy t-storm around and sun (803) 775-1852. or illness. Call Dorcus at AA “How it Works” Group — (803) 895-1252/1253 or Sue at 70° 51° 76° / 61° 79° / 48° 63° / 39° 59° / 39° Mondays and Fridays, 8 p.m., (803) 847-2377. Chance of rain: 0% Chance of rain: 0% Chance of rain: 5% Chance of rain: 60% Chance of rain: 10% Chance of rain: 5% 1154 Ronda St., (803) 494-5180. WEDNESDAY MEETINGS: SE 6-12 mph SE 4-8 mph S 7-14 mph SSW 10-20 mph NNW 6-12 mph NE 6-12 mph 441 AA Support Group — Mon- days, Tuesdays and Fridays, 8 Sickle Cell Support Group — Last Wednesday, 11 a.m.-1 Gaff ney p.m., Hair Force, 2090-D S.C. 65/47 441. p.m., South Sumter Resource Center, 337 Manning Ave., Spartanburg Manning Al-Anon Family Group (803) 774-6181. 65/49 — Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Be- TODAY’S Greenville havioral Health Building, 14 Divorce Care and Grief Share — SOUTH 64/50 Church St., Manning, (803) Two separate groups that 435-8085. meet Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., CAROLINA Florence Bethel Baptist Church, 2401 Bishopville 70/50 C/A “Drop the Rock” Group — Bethel Church Road, (803) WEATHER 69/48 Thursdays, 9:30 p.m., 1154 481-2160. Ronda St., (803) 607-4543. Temperatures shown on map are Columbia Sumter Al-Anon “Seekers of Serenity” — THURSDAY MEETINGS: today’s highs and tonight’s lows. 71/51 70/51 Myrtle Mondays, 7 p.m., 1 Warren St., TOPS S.C. No. 236 (Take Off IN THE MOUNTAINS Manning Beach (803) 720-1747 Pounds Sensibly) — Thurs- 71/50 63/53 days, 9 a.m., Spectrum Senior Today: Partly sunny. Winds east-southeast Aiken MONDAY MEETINGS: Center, 1989 Durant Lane, 4-8 mph. Mostly cloudy. 70/50 Sumter Vitiligo Support Group — (803) 775-3926 or (803) 469- Thursday: A thick cloud cover. Winds Second Monday, 5:45-6:45 4789. south-southwest 4-8 mph. p.m., North HOPE Center, 904 Alzheimer’s Support Group N. Main St., (803) 316-6763. through S.C. Alzheimer’s Associ- ON THE COAST Charleston The group is also on Face- ation — First Thursday, 6-8 68/55 book. p.m., National Health Care, Today: Mostly sunny, except mostly cloudy 1018 N. Guignard Drive, (803) in southern parts. High 62 to 70. TUESDAY MEETINGS: 905-7720 or (800) 636-3346. Thursday: Pleasant with clouds and sun. Celebrate Recovery — Tues- Journey of Hope (for family High 70 to 77. days, 6:45 p.m. coffee / members of the mentally ill), snacks, 7 p.m. meeting, Journey to Recovery (for the Drive Baptist Church, Studio mentally ill) and Survivors of 4.3 (youth building), 1305 Lor- Suicide Support Group — Each LOCAL ALMANAC LAKE LEVELS SUN AND MOON ing Mill Road. For help with group meets every first SUMTER THROUGH 2 P.M. YESTERDAY Full 7 a.m. 24-hr Sunrise 7:36 a.m. Sunset 7:28 p.m. struggles of addictions, fami- Lake pool yest. chg Thursday, 7 p.m., St. John Temperature Moonrise 11:54 a.m. Moonset 1:14 a.m. ly problems, pornography, Murray 360 357.61 +0.14 United Methodist Church, 136 High 61° smoking, anxiety, etc. Marion 76.8 76.45 +0.02 First Full Last New Poinsett Drive, (803) 905-5620. Low 46° Heroin Anonymous — Tues- Moultrie 75.5 75.08 none Women (Only) Support Group Normal high 65° days, 9:30-10:30 p.m., 4742 Wateree 100 98.98 -0.16 “Moving from Bitter to Better” Normal low 40° Broad St., (803) 494-5180. Mar. 14 Mar. 20 Mar. 27 Apr. 5 — Third Thursday, 7-8:30 Record high 89° in 1955 Sumter Connective Tissue Sup- p.m., Next Generation Record low 23° in 1969 RIVER STAGES port Group — First Tuesday of Church, 741 Bultman Drive, Flood 7 a.m. 24-hr TIDES January, March, May, July, Precipitation River stage yest. chg Unit 8. For ages 18 and older. 24 hrs ending 2 p.m. yest. trace AT MYRTLE BEACH September and November, 7 Black River 12 10.58 -0.15 Call (843) 327-0393 or email Month to date 2.89" High Ht. Low Ht. p.m., 180 Tiller Circle, (803) Congaree River 19 6.50 -0.69 [email protected]. Normal month to date 1.57" Today 1:56 a.m. 3.0 9:13 a.m. 0.4 773-0869. Lynches River 14 12.22 -0.34 Year to date 6.83" 2:26 p.m. 2.5 9:25 p.m. 0.2 Saluda River 14 7.40 -0.08 Sumter Combat Veterans Group FRIDAY MEETINGS: Last year to date 4.46" Thu. 2:55 a.m. 3.0 10:17 a.m. 0.5 Up. Santee River 80 80.93 -0.06 Peer to Peer — Tuesdays, 11 Celebrate Recovery — Fridays, Normal year to date 8.99" 3:30 p.m. 2.5 10:28 p.m. 0.1 a.m., South HOPE Center, 1125 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. pro- Wateree River 24 18.74 -0.17 S. Lafayette Drive. Veterans gram, Salt & Light Church, helping veterans with PTSD, 360 Miller Road. For help with coping skills, claims and ben- struggles of alcohol, drugs, efits. family problems, smoking, NATIONAL CITIES REGIONAL CITIES “The Gathering” — Second etc. Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu. Today Thu. Tuesday, 5:30-6:30 p.m., North City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W HOPE Center, 904 N. Main St. SATURDAY MEETINGS: Atlanta 69/57/pc 70/60/c Asheville 59/48/pc 61/55/t Florence 70/50/s 77/61/pc Marion 62/44/pc 61/58/t For teens and adults with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/ Chicago 57/51/sh 65/36/t Athens 68/55/c 71/62/c Gainesville 81/59/pc 86/63/pc Mt. Pleasant 68/57/pc 74/62/pc special needs. Call (803) 972- Complex Regional Pain Syn- Dallas 73/48/r 62/37/s Augusta 74/53/pc 80/62/c Gastonia 66/49/pc 71/61/c Myrtle Beach 63/53/s 70/61/pc 0051 or (803) 468-5745. Email drome Support Group — Third Detroit 49/43/r 62/43/r Beaufort 70/56/c 77/61/pc Goldsboro 64/44/pc 74/59/pc Orangeburg 71/51/s 77/61/pc [email protected]. Saturday, 1:30 p.m., 3785 Houston 80/65/t 72/46/pc Cape Hatteras 55/45/pc 66/57/pc Goose Creek 69/55/s 76/62/pc Port Royal 68/58/c 74/62/pc Los Angeles 68/49/s 70/49/s Charleston 68/55/s 76/61/pc Greensboro 62/47/pc 69/58/c Raleigh 63/45/pc 70/59/c Sumter Amputee Support Group Blackberry Lane, Lot 7, (803) 481-7521. New Orleans 79/69/c 80/57/t Charlotte 65/49/pc 72/61/c Greenville 64/50/pc 66/58/c Rock Hill 67/48/pc 73/61/c — Second Tuesday, 6:30 p.m., New York 47/39/pc 55/49/pc Clemson 66/52/c 65/61/c Hickory 60/48/pc 63/58/c Rockingham 67/45/pc 73/60/c Sumter Prosthetics & Orthot- SUNDAY MEETINGS: Orlando 79/61/pc 85/63/pc Columbia 71/51/s 77/62/c Hilton Head 68/58/pc 73/62/pc Savannah 72/57/pc 79/62/pc ics, 259 Broad St., (803) 883- Philadelphia 52/40/s 60/52/pc Darlington 68/48/s 74/60/c Jacksonville, FL 74/57/pc 80/61/pc Spartanburg 65/49/pc 67/61/c 4356. Sumter MS Support Group — Phoenix 65/43/pc 64/48/s Elizabeth City 56/41/s 67/55/pc La Grange 75/62/c 74/61/c Summerville 69/54/s 76/61/pc First Sunday, 3 p.m., Wise Sumter Chapter Parents of Mur- San Francisco 60/41/s 58/43/s Elizabethtown 67/47/pc 74/60/pc Macon 72/56/c 77/62/c Wilmington 62/48/pc 72/60/pc Drive Baptist Church fellow- dered Children (POMC) — Third Wash., DC 59/45/s 65/60/pc Fayetteville 66/47/pc 74/61/c Marietta 68/57/c 69/57/c Winston-Salem 62/47/pc 68/59/c ship hall, 2751 S. Wise Drive, Tuesday, 5:30-7 p.m., Birnie (803) 481-5344 or (803) 464- HOPE Center, 210 S. Purdy St. Weather(W): s–sunny, pc–partly cloudy, c–cloudy, sh–showers, t–thunderstorms, r–rain, sf–snow fl urries, sn–snow, i–ice 6440. Email I.am.me.not.ms.@ Open to anyone who has lost gmail.com or msmiles013@ a loved one to murder in a vi- gmail.com. olent way.


SUMTER COUNTY VOTER REGISTRATION / ELECTION COMMISSION Thursday, 5:30 p.m., registration / election office, 141 N. Main St.

The last word ARIES (March LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): Be in astrology 21-April 19): realistic about what you can do. Concentrate Trust facts and use common sense EUGENIA LAST on being the when it comes to your health and best you can well-being. Put your efforts into SUMTER ANIMAL CONTROL PETS OF THE WEEK be. A compliment will be offered if peace and harmony, not friction you make a subtle change to the and chaos. Don’t overreact or way you look. A generous offer underestimate. Precision is key. should be carefully considered. SUMTER ANIMAL CONTROL Don’t reveal personal information SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Take a NEEDS YOUR HELP. The animal or secrets. Romance is highlighted. break and give yourself a chance to control volunteers are looking for rejuvenate. Do your best to avoid TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Start people to help walk dogs, foster or getting into a scuffle with someone doing your own thing. Be unique help with transport. We desperately close to you. Listen attentively and and show that you’re a self-starter offer suggestions that will appease need 9 a.m. Monday – Friday and ready for whatever challenge you as well as others. walkers. Message us if interested. comes your way. It will be your Must be at least 18 years old. Don’t actions and responses that will SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): help you advance, not copying Don’t let your emotions take over. have extra time to be a volunteer? someone else. If someone says something you We gladly accept donations of the following: newspapers, puppy GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Consider don’t like, walk away. Trust in what it is you want and how best yourself, not information you get pads, canned and dry puppy food, to go about getting it. Don’t rely on secondhand. Put more energy into paper towels, Clorox wipes and anyone offering unrealistic looking your best and taking better heavy duty slip leashes. You can also promises that are likely to lead to care of your health. donate from our Amazon Wishlist disappointment. Follow your heart, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): under Saving Sumter’s Strays at and use your skills to excel. Make positive changes at home https://www.amazon.com/gp/ CANCER (June 21-July 22): Keep that will give you more time to registry/wishlist/10Q422KA0MI19. your emotions locked up relax or to work on something you All donations go toward helping somewhere safe and out of the enjoy. Spin an unexpected turn of Sumter County dogs. Our all- public eye. You’ll accomplish far events into an opportunity. Don’t volunteer organization is making more if you’re rational and let someone from your past a big difference in the lives of so approach daily responsibilities with interfere in your personal life. discipline and the intent to finish many homeless pets. Please help us what you start. Look over contracts AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): continue to save animals. and agreements. Personal improvements should be handled with care. You can get LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Slow down good results without going and consider the best route to take TOP: Nikki is a doll baby. She is less than a year old and weighs 25 pounds. Nikki is a little shy but is learn- overboard or over the budget. An before you react. Inconsistent or ing to trustNikki the volunteers. is a little Sheshy, loves loves snuggles Nathan and lovesattention to be and gets along with other dogs. Nikki came unexpected opportunity can turn unpredictable behavior won’t help to the sheltersnuggles with her brother Nathan. Thispetted, little is cutie a sweetie is looking pie for a new family. you keep the peace or get what into extra cash. Allocate your time and energy wisely. BELOW: Nathan is a sweetie pie. He was brought in with his sister Nikki and is still a little unsure of the you want. Someone is likely to shelter situation. He is less than a year old and weighs 27 pounds. He loves to be petted and especially embellish the facts. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your likes belly rubs. Nathan is learning to walk on a leash. He is getting along well with the other dogs at the VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Trust in unique way of looking at things shelter. It will be Nathan’s lucky day when he finds his forever home. what you know, not what someone can be enlightening but also costly. tells you or tries to persuade you to Select your options carefully. If you are interested in meeting Nikki in kennel 30 or Nathan in kennel 21 at Sumter Animal Control, 1240 do. A change should be carefully Follow the most conservative path Winkles Road, call (803) 774-3232 or email [email protected]. As with all of our adoptable dogs, a considered, especially if it will affect to eliminate getting in over your spay or neuter agreement is required, and it is strictly enforced. Proof of spay / neuter after adoption will be your health or disrupt a relationship head emotionally, physically and required. We have many other adoptable dogs as well as animals who were found and are waiting for their with someone close to you. financially. owners to claim them. Check Sumter Animal Control on Facebook. SECTION B WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 Call: (803) 774-1241 | E-mail: [email protected]

JA WATCH PREP FOOTBALL Coaches talk Ja Morant Local coaches that went up against the former Crestwood Lakewood’s standout discuss the Murray State phenom’s development Chatman signs FROM DANNY KELLY [email protected] with Erskine

Murray State’s Ja Morant has ex- BY DENNIS BRUNSON ploded on the college basketball scene. The Associated Press So did the high school coaches who coached against Morant when he was a George Chatman didn’t standout at Crestwood see all of this know what the future held for coming? The Sumter Item’s Danny him in regards to football Kelly posed some questions to three heading into his senior year at local coaches. Lakewood High School. Well, he did know he SHAWN JONES, SUMTER HIGH SCHOOL wouldn’t be playing for the Ga- Did you see Morant’s potential early on? tors in the 2018 season thanks “Definitely. Either his 10th- or 11th- to tearing all three ligaments grade year, we played them at their in his right knee place and he scored 49 points on us. We in spring practice. beat them, but we were sending three That’s what led guys at him. His strength was getting to his doubts. to the basket. I saw it early; who scores “Since I didn’t 49 points? We had a pretty get to play my good team (that year). I whole senior sea- called (NCAA) Division I CHATMAN son, I wasn’t sure coaches (I knew) immedi- if I would get the ately after (to tell them chance to play college football,” about Morant).” said Chatman, a 6-foot-3-inch, How do you think Mo- 300-pound offensive lineman. rant improved so much Well not only is Chatman JONES from his freshman to soph- going to get to play at the col- omore year? legiate level, he’s going to get “Timing. He was waiting his turn. He another year to rehabilitate had to get a little stronger, get used to and practice before he plays the pace and understand the game a an official college snap. little better. He’s one to handle it very Erskine College, which is lo- well. It’s a process; some take four cated in Due West, is restart- years, some take two, and some take ing its program and has signed one like (Duke’s) Zion Williamson. He Chatman as well as teammate (Morant) needed that one year to get Omar Holland. Erskine, which stronger. His skill set is there; you THE ASSOCIATED PRESS last had a team in 1951, will could see that early.” Belmont’s Dylan Windler (3) and Seth Adelsperger (50) defend against Murray State’s Ja field its first new squad in the Morant (12) as he goes up for a shot during the second half of the Racers’ victory in the 2020 campaign, meaning the SEE JA, PAGE B3 Ohio Valley Conference men’s tournament championship in Evansville, Indiana on Saturday. Flying Fleet players will have a full year to practice. “I’m blessed to get this op- portunity,” Chatman said. “I’m COLLEGE BASKETBALL just trying to get myself ready for the opportunity to play.” Chatman is thankful to have the year of practice to give him Wofford rallies for SoCon tourney victory the opportunity to readjust. “I feel like it’s a good thing BY STEVE MEGARGEE for me,” he said. ‘I’m sure I’ll The Associated Press be kind of scared about taking that first hit or giving that Wofford made plenty of first hit.” NCAA Tournament at- Chatman had an outstanding large candidates nervous junior season for the Gators. before doing them all a He was an all-region pick as favor. well as a member of The Sum- The 20th-ranked Terriers ter Item All-Area team and was trailed most of the way be- selected as the Offensive Line- fore closing with a 20-3 run man of the Week by the Sum- to outlast UNC Greensboro ter Touchdown Club as well. 70-58 on Monday night in “That’s when I began to the Southern Conference think I might have a chance to Tournament championship play college football some- game at Asheville, North where,” said Chatman, who Carolina. had a preferred walk-on offer Wofford has won 20 con- from South Carolina State. secutive games and en- Lakewood head coach Larry tered Monday 14th in the Cornelius said it is what Chat- NET rankings , which man did off of the field that’s have replaced the RPI as a giving him the opportunity to factor in NCAA Tourna- get back on the field on a full ment selection. So the scholarship. Terriers almost certainly “He brings so much to the had done enough to war- table,” Cornelius said of Chat- rant an NCAA Tourna- man. “He’s getting this chance ment bid even if they'd THE ASSOCIATED PRESS because he took care of all the lost Monday. Wofford forward Alex Michael (12), guard Donovan Theme-Love (31), forward Keve Aluma (24), guard things besides football. He had Drew Cottrell (14), Chevez Goodwin (1) and guard Storm Murphy (5) celebrate their team’s 70-58 win over his academics in order and his SEE TERRIERS, PAGE B3 UNC-Greensboro in the Southern Conference tournament championship on Monday in Asheville, N.C. ACT, it was a great score.’

COLLEGE BASKETBALL Tough SEC Tournament might lead to drama-filled competition BY TERESA M. WALKER captured Wade's telephone conversations with The Associated Press a person convicted last year of funneling money to the families of basketball recruits. NASHVILLE, Tenn. — While a tougher LSU could decide Tuesday whether freshman Southeastern Conference Tournament field Javonte Smart will play after holding the might lead to drama-filled games, the annual guard out of the last game. question of whether anyone can knock off "I haven't been told otherwise that I'm not Kentucky still looms. going to be," interim LSU coach Tony Benford The tournament is back in Music City after a said of coaching the Tigers during the SEC year away with the Wildcats looking for a fifth Tournament. straight SEC tournament title and 32nd all- LSU, whose lone SEC Tournament title time. A No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament came back in 1980, has an easier path to the possibly awaits the SEC champion. championship game with both No. 4 Kentucky Then there's the off-court mystery with the and No. 8 Tennessee poised for a semifinal cloud looming over the league's regular-season clash in the bottom half of the bracket. Ken- champion. tucky coach John Calipari is more focused on No. 9 LSU is the SEC's hottest team, but may playing either Alabama or Mississippi on Fri- play without its head coach and a star fresh- day night. man. "If we can get by the first, I'm probably not THE ASSOCIATED PRESS While the Tigers have won a league-best five even worried that we're playing the second Tennessee guard Admiral Schofield (5) drives as he’s defended by South straight and own the SEC's best road record at game," Calipari said. Carolina forwards Chris Silva (30) and Felipe Haase (13) during their 9-1, LSU coach Will Wade remains suspended Feb. 13 game in Knoxville, Tennessee. Both teams will be expected to indefinitely after reports that an FBI wire-tap SEE SEC, PAGE B3 make noise in the upcoming SEC Tournament, which starts today. B2 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 SPORTS THE SUMTER ITEM

PRO BASKETBALL Fan accused of courtside racial taunt banned from arena

BY TIM REYNOLDS stands. A melee ensued, and The Associated Press nine players were suspended. Nothing to that extreme has NBA star Russell West- happened since, though inci- brook will play in Utah again dents between players and one day. When he does, a fan fans are hardly uncommon. who allegedly made racial There is a fan code of con- taunts against him will not be duct at all NBA games, includ- there to watch. ing a part that says guests A day after the Oklahoma "will enjoy the basketball expe- City Thunder standout direct- rience free from disruptive be- ed vulgar comments — which havior, including foul or abu- were captured on video and sive language or obscene ges- went viral — toward two fans, tures." Violators are dealt with the Utah Jazz responded by on a case-by-case basis, and banning a fan from their each team handles things its arena. Westbrook also got own way. At the Utah game support from Jazz star Dono- Monday night, some fans were van Mitchell, who said it issued warning cards but al- wasn't the first time a racially lowed to return to their seats. motivated event happened at a Keisel told Salt Lake City Jazz game. television station KSL that he "The Utah Jazz will not tol- told Westbrook to "sit down erate fans who act inappropri- and ice your knees, bro." ately," the Jazz said in a state- Westbrook claimed that Keisel ment. "There is no place in said to "get down on my knees our game for personal attacks THE ASSOCIATED PRESS like you're used to." or disrespect." Russell Westbrook gets into a heated verbal altercation with fans in the first half during a game against The Thunder did not have Westbrook was fined $25,000 the Utah Jazz on Monday in Salt Lake City. any comment other than the for "directing profanity and statement Westbrook made to threatening language to a fan." identified as Shane Keisel, de- child sitting courtside. Others inches from the playing sur- reporters after the game. In the video, which was posted nied saying anything improp- have not been as pleasant, and face, the coaches and the play- Westbrook has been upset to Twitter by The Deseret er or profane . The Jazz did Denver's Will Barton said he ers — with no obstruction be- about fans in Utah before. The News , Westbrook is seen on not name Keisel in their state- believes fans know they can tween them. On occasion, Jazz eliminated the Thunder the sideline near the Thunder ment announcing the ban, get a reaction from Westbrook. some coaches are even seen from last season's playoffs, bench saying "I'll (bleep) you and a phone number for him "They know he's going to engaging in conversations and as Westbrook walked off up, you and your wife." rang unanswered. react a little bit or might say with fans during games. the floor immediately after The comment, and threat- What exactly happened is something," Barton said. Sometimes, the banter is that loss, he swiped at a fan ening a woman, is not a good unclear, but some of West- "Now I feel like every time he friendly. Often, it is not. who was taping him with his look for the image-conscious brook's peers in the NBA goes on the road, they're pick- "It's great having fans into phone. Later that night, West- NBA — especially since it came to his defense Tuesday, ing at him. I don't know what their home team, and taunting brook described fans in Utah came from a former Most saying fans who sit near play- the league can do, but some of and that noise level in great as "truly disrespectful." Valuable Player and one of ers in many arenas now feel those fans are out of control." arenas, opposing places, is "Most of the time, the mi- the game's biggest stars. But emboldened to say things that In a social media age, any- awesome," Miami coach Erik crophone or the camera is on Westbrook, who has had mul- would be described as disre- thing can be captured by cam- Spoelstra said. "That's what the player," Miami Heat guard tiple angry in-game exchang- spectful or worse. Mitchell eras. TMZ Sports obtained you want. But you don't need Dwyane Wade said. "It goes es with fans, insisted that said he will devote some time video last week of New York to cross the line and say some- both ways. A lot of times it's Monday night's video during a in the coming months to try Knicks owner James Dolan at thing that you would never say started from the other way 98-89 Oklahoma City win over to combat racial inequality. Madison Square Garde n if you were walking up to one and is directed at the player. the Jazz told only one side of "Racism and hate speech when he heard a fan that he of these guys on the street." You want to say, 'Be above it. the story. He said he was re- hurts us all, and this is not was walking past yell "Sell the One of the league's lowest Be bigger than that.' But a lot sponding to a racial taunt, the first time something like team." Dolan told the fan he moments came Nov. 19, 2004, of times, if it's personal, it be- and not for the first time in this has happened in our was rude, asked if he wanted during a game between Indi- comes some things that you Salt Lake City. arena," Mitchell said. "The to come to any more games ana and Detroit. Tensions just cannot deny or you can- "Every time I come here, a Utah that I have come to love and then told him to "enjoy boiled over on the floor after a not ignore." lot of disrespectful things are is welcoming and inclusive, watching them on TV." hard foul led to some pushing Westbrook and the Thunder said," Westbrook said. He and last night's incident is not Fans boo. That's expected and shoving, and then fans have finished their season se- added that he has never physi- indicative of our fan base." and even encouraged in are- became involved — a drink ries with the Jazz. Unless the cally abused a woman and Westbrook has had run-ins nas. But unlike games in the was thrown at the Pacers' teams meet in the playoffs, the never would. with fans before — and reacted NFL, NHL and Major League bench, prompting Metta earliest he would play again The man Westbrook was calmly last month when it ap- Baseball, fans in the best seats World Peace (then known as in Salt Lake City is next Octo- shouting at during the game, peared he was touched by a at NBA arenas sit only a few Ron Artest) to climb into the ber.

THURSDAY’S GAMES Boston vs. Detroit at Lakeland, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Boston at Winnipeg, 8 p.m. SCOREBOARD Cleveland at Orlando, 7 p.m. Minnesota (ss) vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Fla., 1:05 Dallas at Minnesota, 8 p.m. Oklahoma City at Indiana, 7 p.m. p.m. Anaheim at Arizona, 10 p.m. Sacramento at Boston, 7:30 p.m. Miami vs. Houston at West Palm Beach, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Nashville at Los Angeles, 10:30 p.m. TV, RADIO L.A. Lakers at Toronto, 8 p.m. N.Y. Mets vs. St. Louis at Jupiter, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Florida at San Jose, 10:30 p.m. Minnesota at Utah, 9 p.m. N.Y. Yankees vs. Toronto at Dunedin, Fla., 1:07 p.m. TODAY Dallas at Denver, 10:30 p.m. Texas (ss) vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Noon — College Basketball: Atlantic Coast Texas (ss) vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. WOMEN’S COLLEGE BASKETBALL Conference Tournament Second-Round Game from FRIDAY’S GAMES Colorado vs. Cleveland at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Charlotte — Clemson vs. North Carolina State (ESPN, Charlotte at Washington, 7 p.m. Cincinnati vs. L.A. Dodgers (ss) at Glendale, Ariz., 4:05 ATLANTIC COAST CONFERENCE WWBD-FM 94.7). p.m. L.A. Lakers at Detroit, 7 p.m. Championship 2 p.m. — Professional Tennis: BNP Paribas Open Sacramento at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. L.A. Angels vs. Milwaukee at Phoenix, 4:05 p.m. Notre Dame 99, Louisville 79 Women’s Quarterfinal Match and Men’s Round- Milwaukee at Miami, 8 p.m. San Francisco vs. Arizona at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 of-16 Match from Indian Wells, Calif. Phoenix at Houston, 8 p.m. p.m. BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE (ESPNEWS). L.A. Dodgers (ss) vs. San Diego at Peoria, Ariz., 9:40 Portland at New Orleans, 8 p.m. First Round 2 p.m. — International Soccer: UEFA Champions League p.m. New York at San Antonio, 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 12 Match — Liverpool vs. Bayern Munich (TNT). Chicago at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. S.C. Upstate at Charleston Southern, 7 p.m. 7 p.m. — NBA Basketball: Brooklyn at Oklahoma City Longwood at Campbell, 7 p.m. (ESPN). Presbyterian at Winthrop, 7 p.m. 7 p.m. — NHL Hockey: Chicago at Toronto (NBC SPORTS NHL STANDINGS Quarterfinals NETWORK). SPRING TRAINING Thursday, March 14 9:30 p.m. — NBA Basketball: Golden State at Houston EASTERN CONFERENCE Atlantic Division At The Dedmon Center (ESPN). AMERICAN LEAGUE GP W L OT Pts GF Radford, Va. 9:30 p.m. — NHL Hockey: New Jersey at Edmonton (NBC W L Pct. GA Radford vs. Winthrop-Presbyterian winner, 6 p.m. SPORTS NETWORK). Kansas City 11 8 .579 x-Tampa Bay 70 53 13 4 110 272 183 UNC Asheville vs. Gardner-Webb, 6 p.m. 4 a.m. — Professional Golf: European PGA Tour Kenya New York 8 6 .571 Boston 69 42 18 9 93 207 173 At The Millis Center Open First Round (GOLF). Cleveland 9 7 .563 Toronto 9 7 .563 Toronto 69 42 22 5 89 246 199 High Point, N.C. Houston 9 7 .563 Montreal 69 36 26 7 79 208 207 High Point vs. Charleston Southern-S.C. Upstate Baltimore 9 7 .563 Florida 69 30 27 12 72 224 234 winner, 6 p.m. NBA STANDINGS Los Angeles 10 8 .556 Buffalo 68 30 29 9 69 194 219 Hampton vs. Campbell-Longwood winner, 8:30 p.m. Oakland 10 8 .556 Detroit 69 24 35 10 58 188 238 Semifinals EASTERN CONFERENCE Minnesota 9 8 .529 Ottawa 70 23 41 6 52 205 261 Friday, March 15 Atlantic Division Tampa Bay 9 9 .500 Metropolitan Division At The Dedmon Center W L Pct GB Detroit 9 9 .500 GP W L OT Pts GF Radford, Va. x-Toronto 48 20 .706 — Seattle 7 8 .467 GA Radford_Winthrop-Presbyterian winner vs. UNC Philadelphia 42 25 .627 5½ Chicago 6 10 .375 Washington 69 41 21 7 89 237 212 Asheville-Gardner-Webb winner, 6 p.m. Boston 41 27 .603 7 Texas 6 10 .375 N.Y. Islanders 69 40 22 7 87 200 168 At The Millis Center Brooklyn 36 33 .522 12½ Boston 6 11 .353 Carolina 69 38 24 7 83 208 191 High Point, N.C. New York 13 54 .194 34½ Pittsburgh 69 37 23 9 83 237 210 High Point_Charleston Southern-S.C. Upstate winner Southeast Division NATIONAL LEAGUE Columbus 69 38 28 3 79 209 204 vs. Hampton_Campbell-Longwood winner, 8 p.m. W L Pct GB W L Pct. Philadelphia 69 34 27 8 76 212 228 Championship Miami 31 35 .470 — San Diego 10 5 .667 N.Y. Rangers 69 28 28 13 69 198 227 Sunday, March 17 Orlando 31 37 .456 1 Atlanta 11 7 .611 New Jersey 69 25 35 9 59 191 232 At Higher-remaining seed Charlotte 30 37 .448 1½ Chicago 11 7 .611 Semifinal winners, 2 p.m. Washington 28 39 .418 3½ Los Angeles 9 7 .563 WESTERN CONFERENCE Atlanta 23 45 .338 9 Philadelphia 9 7 .563 Central Division COLONIAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Central Division Milwaukee 10 8 .556 GP W L OT Pts GF At The Bob Carpenter Center W L Pct GB Arizona 8 8 .500 GA Newark, Del. x-Milwaukee 50 17 .746 — Washington 8 8 .500 Winnipeg 68 40 24 4 84 233 202 First Round Indiana 42 25 .627 8 New York 8 10 .444 Nashville 70 39 26 5 83 210 189 Wednesday, March 13 Detroit 34 32 .515 15½ Miami 8 10 .444 St. Louis 68 36 25 7 79 198 188 Elon vs. Hofstra, Noon Chicago 19 49 .279 31½ St. Louis 7 9 .438 Dallas 68 35 28 5 75 172 172 William & Mary vs. College of Charleston, 2:30 p.m. Cleveland 17 50 .254 33 Colorado 7 10 .412 Minnesota 70 33 29 8 74 191 205 Quarterfinals Pittsburgh 7 11 .389 Colorado 70 30 28 12 72 223 218 Thursday, March 14 WESTERN CONFERENCE San Francisco 6 10 .375 Chicago 69 30 30 9 69 234 256 James Madison vs. Elon-Hofstra winner, Noon Southwest Division Cincinnati 4 10 .286 Pacific Division Towson vs. Delaware, 2:30 p.m. W L Pct GB GP W L OT Pts GF Drexel vs. William & Mary-College of Charleston Houston 42 25 .627 — TUESDAY’S GAMES GA winner, 5 p.m. San Antonio 38 29 .567 4 Detroit 4, Boston 3 San Jose 69 42 19 8 92 249 210 UNC Wilmington vs. Northeastern, 7:30 p.m. New Orleans 30 39 .435 13 Miami 8, N.Y. Mets 1 Calgary 69 42 20 7 91 241 199 Semifinals Memphis 28 40 .412 14½ Minnesota 10, Pittsburgh 4 Vegas 70 38 27 5 81 212 196 Friday, March 15 Dallas 27 39 .409 14½ Atlanta 5, St. Louis 0 Arizona 69 34 30 5 73 184 195 James Madison_Elon-Hofstra winner vs. Towson- Northwest Division Tampa Bay 2, Toronto 1 Edmonton 69 31 31 7 69 195 223 Delaware winner, 1 p.m. W L Pct GB Seattle at Chicago White Sox (ss), cancelled Vancouver 69 28 32 9 65 187 217 Drexel_William & Mary-College of Charleston winner Denver 43 22 .662 — Chicago White Sox (ss) at Kansas City, cancelled Anaheim 70 27 34 9 63 161 214 vs. UNC Wilmington-Northeastern winner, 4 p.m. Oklahoma City 41 26 .612 3 Houston vs. Washington at West Palm Beach, Fla., 6:35 Los Angeles 69 25 36 8 58 164 220 Championship Portland 40 26 .606 3½ p.m. NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for overtime Saturday, March 16 Utah 37 29 .561 6½ Baltimore vs. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa, Fla., 6:35 p.m. loss. Top three teams in each division and two wild Semifinal winners, 1 p.m. Minnesota 32 35 .478 12 San Diego (ss) vs. Cincinnati (ss) at Goodyear, Ariz., cards per conference advance to playoffs. Pacific Division 9:05 p.m. x-clinched playoff spot SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB Oakland vs. San Diego (ss) at Peoria, Ariz., 9:40 p.m. Championship Golden State 45 21 .682 — Texas vs. Arizona at Scottsdale, Ariz., 9:40 p.m. MONDAY’S GAMES Mississippi State 101, Arkansas 70 L.A. Clippers 39 29 .574 7 Cincinnati vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, Ariz., 10:05 p.m. Philadelphia 3, Ottawa 2 Sacramento 33 33 .500 12 Milwaukee vs. San Francisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 10:05 p.m. Tampa Bay 6, Toronto 2 SOUTHERN CONFERENCE L.A. Lakers 30 36 .455 15 Cincinnati (ss) vs. Chicago Cubs at Mesa, Ariz., 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Islanders 2, Columbus 0 Championship Phoenix 16 52 .235 30 San Jose 3, Minnesota 0 Mercer 66, Furman 63 x-clinched playoff spot WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Chicago 7, Arizona 1 Minnesota vs. Boston at Fort Myers, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Edmonton 3, N.Y. Rangers 2, OT SUN BELT CONFERENCE MONDAY’S GAMES Atlanta vs. Washington at West Palm Beach, Fla., 1:05 Carolina 3, Colorado 0 First Round Cleveland 126, Toronto 101 p.m. Monday, March 11 Washington 121, Sacramento 115 St. Louis vs. Miami at Jupiter, Fla., 1:05 p.m. TUESDAY’S GAMES Coastal Carolina 63, Arkansas St. 49 Brooklyn 103, Detroit 75 Toronto vs. Baltimore at Sarasota, Fla., 1:05 p.m. Dallas at Buffalo, 7 p.m. South Alabama 73, Louisiana-Lafayette 61 Houston 118, Charlotte 106 Houston vs. N.Y. Mets at Port St. Lucie, Fla., 1:10 p.m. Boston at Columbus, 7 p.m. At Lakefront Arena Oklahoma City 98, Utah 89 Chicago Cubs vs. Oakland at Mesa, Ariz., 4:05 p.m. Washington at Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. New Orleans L.A. Clippers 140, Boston 115 Cleveland (ss) vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 4:05 Detroit at Montreal, 7:30 p.m. Second Round p.m. San Jose at Winnipeg, 8 p.m. Wednesday, March 13 TUESDAY’S GAMES Milwaukee vs. Cleveland (ss) at Goodyear, Ariz., 4:05 Arizona at St. Louis, 8 p.m. Appalachian State vs. Coastal Carolina, 12:30 p.m. Cleveland at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. p.m. New Jersey at Calgary, 9 p.m. Texas State vs. South Alabama, 3 p.m. New York at Indiana, 7 p.m. Arizona vs. Colorado at Scottsdale, Ariz., 4:10 p.m. Nashville at Anaheim, 10 p.m. Third Round L.A. Lakers at Chicago, 8 p.m. Philadelphia vs. N.Y. Yankees at Tampa, Fla., 6:35 p.m. Thursday, March 14 Milwaukee at New Orleans, 8 p.m. San Diego vs. L.A. Angels at Tempe, Ariz., 9:10 p.m. WEDNESDAY’S GAMES Georgia State vs. Appalachian State-Coastal Carolina San Antonio at Dallas, 8 p.m. San Francisco vs. Seattle at Peoria, Ariz., 9:40 p.m. Chicago at Toronto, 7 p.m. winner, 12:30 p.m. Minnesota at Denver, 10:30 p.m. Chicago White Sox vs. L.A. Dodgers at Glendale, Ariz., New Jersey at Edmonton, 9:30 p.m. Troy vs. Texas State_South Alabama winner, 3 p.m. Portland at L.A. Clippers, 10:30 p.m. 10:05 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Vancouver, 10 p.m. Semifinals Friday, March 15 WEDNESDAY’S GAMES THURSDAY’S GAMES THURSDAY’S GAMES Little Rock vs. Georgia State_Appalachian State- Brooklyn at Oklahoma City, 7 p.m. Philadelphia (ss) vs. Tampa Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., Pittsburgh at Buffalo, 7 p.m. Coastal Carolina winner, 12:30 p.m. Orlando at Washington, 7 p.m. 1:05 p.m. Montreal vs. N.Y. Islanders at Nassau Veterans Texas-Arlington vs. Troy_Texas State_South Alabama- Detroit at Miami, 7:30 p.m. Washington vs. Minnesota (ss) at Fort Myers, Fla., 1:05 Memorial Coliseum, 7 p.m. Louisiana-Lafayette winner, 3 p.m. Memphis at Atlanta, 7:30 p.m. p.m. Washington at Philadelphia, 7 p.m. Championship Golden State at Houston, 9:30 p.m. Philadelphia (ss) vs. Pittsburgh at Bradenton, Fla., St. Louis at Ottawa, 7:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16 Utah at Phoenix, 10 p.m. 1:05 p.m. Tampa Bay at Detroit, 7:30 p.m. Semifinal winners, Noon THE SUMTER ITEM SPORTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | B3


But a UNC Greensboro victory likely would have given the Southern Conference multiple bids and reduced the number of available at-large invitations for potential bub- ble teams such as Indiana, Belmont and North Carolina State. Of course, there's still the possibility the Southern Con- ference could get more than one school in the 68-team field anyway. UNC Greensboro (28-6) is hoping it can take a spot from one of those other bubble teams. The Spartans, who en- tered Monday 57th in the NET rankings, can make a pret- ty strong argument. They won a Southern Conference semifinal with Fur- man, which owns a 25-7 record and was ranked in the As- sociated Press Top 25 earlier this season. They led Wof- ford for more than 33 minutes before fading down the stretch. History suggests that might not be enough. The South- ern Conference never has received an NCAA Tourna- ment at-large invitation. Here's a look at the rising and falling fortunes of some other bubble teams. ON THE RISE Clemson: The Tigers (19-12) strengthened their creden- THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tials by ending the regular season Saturday with a 67-55 Belmont’s Michael Benkert (24) and Murray State’s Ja Morant (12) fight for a loose ball during the second victory over Syracuse. Clemson finished 9-9 in Atlantic half of the Ohio Valley Conference tournament championship game in Evansville, Indiana, on Saturday. Coast Conference competition to tie North Carolina State BRYAN BROWN, LAKEWOOD HIGH SCHOOL for eighth place in the league standings. Those two teams JA will meet Wednesday in an ACC Tournament matchup of FROM PAGE B1 When did you realize Morant was a special bubble teams. player? Georgetown: The Hoyas still have plenty of work to do LAVERNE KNOX, LEE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL “His sophomore year. I was a defensive but helped their cause Saturday by winning 86-84 at No. Did you see Morant’s potential in high school? coach, and our defense was geared to stop peo- 23 Marquette, which was ranked 16th at the time of the “Our last time at Crestwood when he was a ple from scoring. He had 12 at the half. At the game. Georgetown (19-12) has won three of its last four senior, he was unbelievable. He’s the real deal. end of the game, he had 40. When I was watch- games but must fare well in the Big East Tournament to He was making shots falling out of bounds, ev- ing the film, it baffled me. He took advantage have any realistic chance of making the field. erything. He took over the game. He had 30 of peoples’ defensive mistakes. He didn’t have Indiana: The Hoosiers (17-14) went 8-12 in Big Ten com- points. That’s what players (like that) do; when a strength you can take away; he took what petition but ended the regular season with four straight it’s time to take over, they take over.” was given to him. When I sat down and victories, including an 89-73 rout of Rutgers on Sunday. What do you like about Morant’s skillset? watched the film, I realized how good he was.” Indiana still has work to do and has a Big Ten Tourna- “He can shoot the ball and handle the ball as Did you foresee Morant being an NBA lottery ment game on Thursday against Ohio State, another well. He’s athletic. He can shoot the jumper, pick? team on the bubble. shoot mid-range, take the ball to the rack and “I definitely didn’t see him being this good. I Mississippi: A three-game skid had Ole Miss (20-11) shoot the 3(-point shot). He’s a good kid, too; didn’t think it would translate that well. I saw sliding into bubble territory, but the Rebels likely secured he’s a good person. (Former Crestwood head) it (what he had) was special, but I didn’t under- an NCAA bid Saturday by rallying to win 73-68 at Mis- Coach (Dwayne) Edwards did a good job, his stand how special it was. He’s earned the posi- souri. parents did a good job with him, (and so did tion he’s in. He’s worked hard enough. He’s a Saint Mary's: The Gaels (21-11) kept their at-large hopes Crestwood assistant) Coach (Ronnie) Brown.” model for the community and the state.” alive by defeating San Diego 69-62 in a West Coast Confer- ence semifinal late Monday night. That still might not be enough. Saint Mary's entered Monday night's game 37th in the NET rankings, but most bracket projections have NCAA CONFERENCE TOURNAMENTS suggested the Gaels will need to upset No. 1 Gonzaga in SEC FROM PAGE B1 the WCC championship game Tuesday to reach the ACC Wednesday, March 13 At The Spectrum Center Norfolk State vs. Maryland Eastern NCAA Tournament. Tennessee, which lost the Charlotte, N.C. Shore-S.C. State winner, 6 p.m. final to Kentucky last year, First Round N.C. A&T vs. Coppin State-Morgan FADING HOPES Tuesday, March 12 State winner, 8:30 p.m. hasn't won the SEC tourna- Miami 79, Wake Forest 71 Thursday, March 14 Alabama: After ending the regular season with three ment since 1979. The Vols are Notre Dame 78, Georgia Tech 71 N.C. Central vs. Delaware State, 6 Boston College vs. Pittsburgh, 7 p.m. straight losses, Alabama (17-14) likely needs to make a 4-3 over their past seven p.m. Howard vs. Bethune-Cookman, 8:30 deep run in the Southeastern Conference Tournament. games and have dropped to Second Round p.m. Wednesday, March 13 Semifinals Alabama faces Ole Miss in its first game Thursday. their lowest ranking of the N.C. State vs. Clemson, Noon Friday, March 15 Florida: The Gators (17-14) followed up a five-game win- season. Virginia Tech vs. Miami, 2:30 p.m. Norfolk State_Maryland Eastern Louisville vs. Notre Dame, 7 p.m. Shore-S.C. State winner vs. Howard- ning streak by losing three straight to fall back onto the Coach Rick Barnes said he Syracuse vs. Boston College-Pitts- Bethune-Cookman winner, 6 p.m. bubble. didn't know enough about the burgh winner, 9:30 p.m. N.C. A&T_Coppin State-Morgan Quarterfinals State winner vs. N.C. Central_Dela- Furman: The Paladins won at Villanova early this sea- LSU situation but would like Thursday, March 14 ware State winner, 8:30 p.m. son and entered Monday 41st in the NET, but their semi- to think the right thing will be Virginia vs. N.C. State-Clemson win- Championship ner, 12:30 p.m. Saturday, March 16 final loss to UNC Greensboro could put them behind the done. Florida State vs. Virginia Tech-Mi- Semifinal winners, 1 p.m. Spartans in the Southern Conference pecking order if the "What I mean by that, the ami winner, 3 p.m. North Carolina vs. Louisville-Notre OHIO VALLEY CONFERENCE selection committee chooses to give that league multiple No. 1 thing in the spirit of Dame winner, 7 p.m. At The Ford Center Duke vs. Syracuse_Boston College- Evansville, Ind. bids. competition is everybody Pittsburgh winner, 9:30 p.m. First Round Ohio State: Although the Buckeyes (18-13) rallied from plays on a level field," Barnes Semifinals Wednesday, March 6 Friday, March 15 Morehead State 72, SIU Edwards- a 23-point deficit to force overtime Sunday against Wis- said. Virginia_N.C. State-Clemson winner ville 68 consin, they still fell 73-67 for their third straight loss. Some other things to know vs. Florida State_Virginia Tech-Mi- UT Martin 78, Eastern Illinois 71 ami winner, 7 p.m. Second Round Ohio State finished the regular season 8-12 in Big Ten about the SEC Tournament North Carolina_Louisville-Notre Thursday, March 7 play. starting Wednesday night at Dame winner vs. Duke_Syracuse_ Austin Peay 95, Morehead State 81 Boston College-Pittsburgh winner, Jacksonville State 88, UT Martin 81 Texas: The Longhorns (16-15) have impressive noncon- Bridgestone Arena: 9:30 p.m. Semifinals ference wins over North Carolina and Purdue, but they're Championship Friday, March 8 BATTLE FOR NO. 1 SEED Saturday, March 16 Belmont 83, Austin Peay 67 barely over .500 and have dropped four of their last five Semifinal winners, 8:30 p.m. Murray State 76, Jacksonville State games. The tailspin continued Saturday with a 69-56 loss The SEC has three teams in 74 BIG SOUTH CONFERENCE Championship to fellow bubble team TCU. They'll need to do some dam- the Top 25 in Kentucky, Ten- First Round Saturday, March 9 age in the Big 12 Tournament. nessee and LSU. Beating Ten- Tuesday, March 5 Murray State 75, Belmont 65 Presbyterian 106, UNC Asheville 59 nessee in the regular season Charleston Southern 71, SC Upstate SOUTHEASTERN CONFERENCE finale moved Auburn back 52 At Bridgestone Arena Hampton 77, Longwood 71 Nashville, Tenn. into the rankings at No. 22. At Gore Arena First Round Kentucky (26-5) currently is Buies Creek, N.C. Wednesday, March 13 Quarterfinals Missouri vs. Georgia, 7 p.m. projected as a No. 1 seed in Thursday, March 7 Texas A&M vs. Vanderbilt, 9:30 p.m. the NCAA Tournament, Radford 84, Presbyterian 76 Second Round Charleston Southern 77, Winthrop Thursday, March 14 though Tennessee could make 63 Florida vs. Arkansas, 1 p.m. Campbell 86, Hampton 77 Auburn vs. Missouri-Georgia win- its case by advancing to Sun- Gardner-Webb 75, High Point 69 ner, 3:30 p.m. day's final. Semifinals Mississippi vs. Alabama, 7 p.m. Friday, March 8 Mississippi State vs. Texas A&M- "I've been saying it all year," Radford 63, Charleston Southern 54 Vanderbilt winner, 9:30 p.m. South Carolina coach Frank Gardner-Webb 79, Campbell 74 Quarterfinals Championship Friday, March 15 Martin said. "There are three At Higher-Seeded Team LSU vs. Florida-Arkansas winner, 1 teams that are national cham- Sunday, March 10 p.m. Gardner-Webb 76, Radford 65 South Carolina vs. Auburn_Mis- pionship good. They're not souri-Georgia winner, 3:30 p.m. good, they're national champi- COLONIAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIA- Kentucky vs. Mississippi-Alabama TION winner, 7 p.m. onship good." At North Charleston Coliseum Tennessee vs. Mississippi State_ North Charleston, S.C. Texas A&M-Vanderbilt winner, 9:30 BUBBLE REPORT First Round p.m. Saturday, March 9 Semifinals The SEC sent a league-re- James Madison 74, Towson 73 Saturday, March 16 UNC Wilmington 93, Elon 86 LSU_Florida-Arkansas winner vs. cord eight teams to the Quarterfinals South Carolina_Auburn_Missouri- NCAA Tournament a year Sunday, March 10 Georgia winner, 1 p.m. Hofstra 76, James Madison 67 Kentucky_Mississippi-Alabama ago and hopes to match that Delaware 85, William & Mary 79 winner vs. Tennessee_Mississippi this season. First, the SEC Northeastern 80, UNC Wilmington State_Texas A&M-Vanderbilt win- 59 ner, 3:30 p.m. needs Florida (17-14, 9-9) to College of Charleston 73, Drexel 61 Championship beat Arkansas (17-14, 8-10) on Semifinals Sunday, March 17 Monday, March 11 Semifinal winners, 1 p.m. Thursday after the Gators Hofstra 78, Delaware 74, OT SOUTHERN CONFERENCE lost their last three games. Northeastern 70, College of Charles- ton 67 At U.S. Cellular Center Alabama's hopes also have Championship Asheville, N.C. thinned after a three-game Tuesday, March 12 First Round Hofstra vs. Northeastern, 7 p.m. Friday, March 8 skid. VMI 96, Western Carolina 83 Samford 100, The Citadel 71 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS "If we weren't able to have MID-EASTERN ATHLETIC CONFERENCE At Scope Arena Quarterfinals Wofford guard Fletcher Magee (3) tries to control the ball success, I'd feel very uneasy Norfolk, Va. Saturday, March 9 Wofford 99, VMI 72 against UNC-Greensboro forward Khyre Thompson (15) in the for a lot of reasons, probably First Round Monday, March 11 ETSU 68, Chattanooga 64 first half of the Terriers’ victory in the Southern Conference the biggest being we're com- Delaware State 71, Savannah State UNC Greensboro 77, Samford 70 67 Furman 85, Mercer 74 tournament championship game on Monday in Asheville, N.C. ing off a loss," Florida coach Tuesday, March 12 Semifinals Mike White said. "I'm not Maryland Eastern Shore vs. S.C. Sunday, March 10 State, 6 p.m. Wofford 81, ETSU 72 CONFERENCE TOURNAMENT TV SCHEDULE going to worry about bracke- Coppin State vs. Morgan State, 8:30 UNC Grensboro 66, Furman 62 Championship TODAY 9:30 p.m. – Oklahoma vs. West Vir- tology." p.m. Quarterfinals Monday, March 11 ginia Wofford 70, UNC Greensboro 58 MEN BIG 10 DON'T FORGET ACC First Round SOUTH CAROLINA Second Round Big Ten Network have freshman forward Naz week when freshman guard ESPN 6:30 p.m. – Rutgers vs. Nebraska Noon – North Carolina State vs. 9 p.m. – Illinois vs. Northwestern The Gamecocks earned the Reid available after sitting out A.J. Lawson returns from a Clemson BIG EAST No. 4 seed, and Barnes ar- the regular season finale sprained left ankle that cost 2:30 p.m. – Virginia Tech vs. Miami First Round or Wake Forest FOX SPORTS 1 gued South Carolina abso- against Vanderbilt. Reid took him the last three games. Au- ESPN2 7 p.m. – Providence vs. Butler lutely is an NCAA team if an elbow to the head, which 7 p.m. – Louisville vs. Georgia Tech 9:30 p.m. – St. John’s vs. DePaul burn is bringing center Aus- or Notre Dame PATRIOT the selection committee drew blood, in last week's tin Wiley to Nashville after 9:30 p.m. – Syracuse vs. Boston Championship College or Pittsburgh CBS SPORTS NETWORK looks at how Martin took overtime win at Florida. Ben- missing the last six games SEC 7:30 p.m. – Bucknell at Colgate South Carolina to Wyoming ford said Reid was visiting a with a lower right leg injury. First Round SEC NETWORK WOMEN and Michigan rather than doctor again Monday and Wiley has played only 27 min- 7 p.m. – Missouri vs. Georgia MOUNTAIN WEST staying home for easy non- hoped the forward will be utes over the past 25 games, 9 p.m. – Texas A&M vs. Vanderbilt Championship BIG 12 CBS SPORTS NETWORK conference wins. ready to go. and coach Avery Johnson said First Round 10 p.m. – Boise State or Fresno South Carolina, which they want to make sure Wiley ESPNU State vs. San Diego State or Wyo- INJURY REPORT 7 p.m. – Texas Christian vs. Okla- ming doesn't play until Friday, is pain-free before he plays homa State Benford expects LSU will won't decide until later this again. B4 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 SPORTS THE SUMTER ITEM

PRO BASEBALL SPORTS ITEMS USC Sumter softball shuts out Kishwaukee 9-0 MYRTLE BEACH — Alexis Lyles and Anna Ra- chel Tavares combined on a 2-hit shutout in USC Sumter’s 9-0 win over Kish- waukee College. Freshman Team. Lyles pitched the first The coaches selected four innings to get the win. Tennessee forward Grant She allowed the two hits Williams as the league's and walked just one better. player of the year for a Tavares pitched the final second straight season. two innings, walking three He's the first person to and striking out one. win the honor in consecu- Brooke Ward led the Fire tive seasons since Arkan- Ants’ 13 hit attack. She was sas' Corliss Williamson in 3-for-4 with a double and 1994-95. Williams also is drove in four runs. Brooke the Associated Press' SEC Vance was 2-for-3 with a player of the year. double, a triple and a run SEC coaches named Mis- scored. sissippi's Kermit Davis THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Abigale Hudson had two coach of the year, Ken- Atlanta Braves starting pitcher Mike Foltynewicz (26) delivers during the first inning in Game 4 of the 2018 hits, two runs and an RBI, tucky's Keldon Johnson National League Division Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers in Atlanta. and Emily Holmes had two freshman of the year and hits as well. Kristin Wemes LSU's Skylar Mays schol- had a double, two runs and ar-athlete of the year. two RBI, Shelby Nisbet had LSU's Tremont Waters and Braves: Foltynewicz will not a triple, a run and an RBI, Kentucky's Ashton Hagans and Megan Phillips had a are co-defensive players of hit and two runs. the year. THREE USC PLAYERS Coaches' first-team all- HONORED BY SEC SEC selections are Wil- be ready for opening day liams, Waters, Arkansas' A trio of South Carolina Daniel Gafford, Kentucky's KISSIMMEE, Fla. (AP) — season to get him stretched plagued by nagging injuries men’s basketball players PJ Washington, Ole Miss' Bothered by a sore elbow, out to start." during spring training, which were honored with South- Breein Tyree, Mississippi Mike Foltynewicz will not Foltynewicz was expected to has altered the throwing eastern Conference post- State's Quinndary Weath- be ready to pitch for the At- make his first opening-day schedule for pitchers such as season accolades from the erspoon, Silva and Tennes- lanta Braves on opening start after emerging as Atlan- A.J. Minter, Darren O'Day, league's coaches. see's Admiral Schofield. day. ta's top starter last year, when Mike Soroka, Max Fried and Senior guard Hassani Second-team picks in- The All-Star right-hander he went 13-10 with a 2.85 ERA Kevin Gausman. But Antho- Gravett was named the clude Johnson, Mays, Au- has yet to make an appear- and was selected for his first poulos said all are expected to Sixth Man of the Year, se- burn's Bryce Brown and ance in a spring training All-Star Game. He recorded be ready to pitch by opening nior forward Chris Silva Jared Harper, Georgia's game because of discomfort in 202 strikeouts in 183 innings day. was named First Team All- Nicolas Claxton, Ken- his elbow that began about for the Braves, who won the The team is keeping a close SEC and to the All-Defen- tucky's Tyler Herro, Ole two weeks ago. While not be- NL East title and made their eye on Minter, who had 15 sive Team for the second- Miss' Terence Davis and lieved to be a serious issue, first playoff appearance since saves last season and is com- straight campaign, and Tennessee's Jordan Bone. Foltynewicz was forced to 2013.. peting for a spot as the closer. rookie guard A.J. Lawson push back his throwing sched- With Foltynewicz out, the He hurt his left shoulder in a was named to the All- From staff and wire reports ule. Braves could go with right- minor car accident about two General manager Alex An- hander Julio Teheran (9-9, weeks ago. thopoulos said Monday the 3.94 ERA in 2018) on opening "Being left handed, the seat team has been mapping out day for the sixth year in a belt is over on the left side his routine for the next sever- row. Lefty Sean Newcomb and he said he felt it on top of al weeks, but that won't leave (12-9, 3.90) is another possibil- the shoulder," Anthopoulos Keeping SumterAmanda McNulty, Extension Beautiful Agent enough to time for him to be ity. said. "He's moving in the The Smell Alone the Maryland site noticed a particularly ready for the March 28 open- "Philadelphia has a lot of right direction, feeling better. The smell alone should be a reason attractive tree growing amongst several er at NL East rival Philadel- right-handed bats," Antho- Because he's a reliever and not to plant Bradford pear trees. thousand Callery pears. It had been phia. poulos said. "Obviously, we're building him up to Flowers beckon us to dip our noses ignored for decades but was covered "We're just trying to figure Bryce (Harper) is fantastic throw an inning, we have into the blossoms hoping to be with beautiful flowers (perhaps this out at what point do we get from the left side, but it is a time." rewarded with floral perfume. Breeding gentleman had a compromised sense him up to five innings?" An- right-handed-hitting team. Minter is scheduled to re- programs for roses, sadly, have given us of smell) and had a lovely fall color. A florist flowers that last for days and nearby suburb had absolutely no trees thopoulos said. "He's not that Certain guys do line up well turn to the mound this week- days but have no fragrance. Just like far removed from throwing with right-handers. That end. growing and was looking for street shipping tomatoes that are red and trees they could install and that would (off the mound), but we still being said, we're playing "Assuming he feels good, we look good on a hamburger but don’t live with little or no care. want to be careful how we more than one game against can progress and move pretty deliver any taste. The Bradford pear was off to its You don’t need to press your nose to build him up. If he was going them. I know it's a big deal fast after that, "Anthopoulos rapid rise as the most popular tree in to come back as a reliever, who gets the opening-day said. "Obviously, it's a day-to- a Bradford pear flower to know that it stinks. They are really unpleasant America. In addition to its ability to he'd be ready to go that first start. We'll just line things up day thing. We'll see how he's smelling trees when in bloom. Unlike thrive in almost any location and its series. But right now, the and see who gives us the best progressing. But we're still op- those corpse flowers that bloom every resistance to pests and diseases, it way it's trending, it's going to chance to win." timistic that he could be ready seven years with a flower only lasting produced a small, dry, sterile fruit. take a little bit of time in the The Braves have been to go by" the first game. one day, Bradford pears stay in bloom Callery pears are self-sterile; for several weeks. genetically identical trees cannot If that were the only disagreeable fertilize themselves. So as long as only aspect of this plant, perhaps we could the ‘Bradford’ cultivar was planted, no overlook that one misfortune. But viable offspring were possible. AREA ROUNDUP Bradford pears are now a major Sadly, other seedlings from the disaster in the landscape across our Callery pear site were identified as country. being worthy of planting, and that Lakewood softball blanks Lee Central; Sumter Actually, the fault should be called allowed viable pollen to transfer from Callery pears, Pyrus calleryana, an one type to another. Seedlings began Asian species growing naturally in to proliferate and many undesirable Japan, Korea, and China. In the early traits. Four-inch thorns appeared on boys win Optimist Relays; Lady Gators blank O-W 1900’s, the commercial pear business trunks and branches, thorns so strong on the West Coast was being that they punctured tractor tires if Thomas Sumter: Ed Lee discus. decimated by fire blight. Eighty-five Autumn Gibbons tossed a 1-hit shutout to Third farmers tried to remove unwanted lead Lakewood High School to a 15-0 varsity Sumter: Melvin Lundy 100; Austin Burdick pole vault; Jay- percent of the pear crop was lost to this mar Ludd discus; Keron Benbow high jump; Shuttle Hurdle native bacterium. USDA researcher seedlings from their fields. Today softball win over Lee Central on Monday at the (Akeem Williams, Javon Ford, Miguel Bullock, Zaki Jeter). travelled to Asia to collect seeds from Bradford pears, actually Pyrus LHS field. GIRLS Callery pears, bringing back tens of calleryana seedlings, constitute a major Gibbons struck out seven batters. Irmo 86, Sumter 81, Stratford 78, South Florence 48, Wil- thousands of seeds which they planted invasive species in America. Darby Watford and Brittany Epps each son 46, Crestwood 39, Conway 38, Colleton County 35. at research stations in Washington state LOCAL FINISHERS scored three runs for the Lady Gators with one First and Maryland. From these they did Sumter: Sprint Medley; Kayla Greene high jump; Alicia find individual plants resistant to fire of Watford’s runs coming on an inside-the- Spann discus blight and these became used as root Clemson University Cooperative Extension park home run. Crestwood: Sedajah Rembert triple jump stock and our pear industry was saved. Morgan Christmas and Cakhi Fowler both Second Service offers its programs to people of all ages, Sumter 4x800; Christal Cain discus Many of the seedlings grown from regardless of race, color, gender, religion, national scored twice. Third the Asian collection were discarded origin, disability, political beliefs, sexual Sumter 4x100 Distance Medley; Jada Sawyer high jump; Hannah Mer- but several thousand remained happily orientation, gender identity, marital or family chant pole vault; Alicia Spann shot put; growing in fields not needed by the status and is an equal opportunity employer. VARSITY TRACK AND FIELD researchers. In the 1950, a scientist at SUMTER BOYS WIN OPTIMIST RELAYS VARSITY GIRLS SOCCER XEROX SOLID INK PRINTER Sumter County Sumter High School won the boys portion of LAKEWOOD 4 Many Standard the Sumter Optimist Relays on Saturday at Me- ORANGEBURG-WILKINSON 0 Features Public Works morial Stadium. 40 prints per minute The Sumter boys won with 109 points, while ORANGEBURG — Lakewood High School black & white 436-2241 and FULL COLOR Stratford was second with 93.50. opened its Region IV-4A schedule with a 4-0 Xerox Color Qube® 8870MFP Irmo won the girls meet with 86 points, while win over Orangeburg-Wilkinson on Friday at For more information contact your local rep. Sumter was second with 81. J. Frank Baker Stadium. Call Thomas Cuttino @ 778-2330 Winners for the Sumter boys were Ja’kheem Treasure Smalls led the Lady Gators with XDOS, Inc. heyward in the long jump, Jaleel Carr in the two goals. Lacey McKenzie and Emily Cadena high jump, the 4x800-meter relay team of Ther- each scored a goal. Xerox® and Phaser® registered trademarks of Xerox Corporation. on Bradford, Noah Bradford, Dylan Vance and Shelby Brown had four saves in goal. Jakarriez Sanders, the 4x400 team of Vance, To Outdoor To Theron Bradford, Anthony Dinkins-McCall VARSITY BOYS SOCCER Appearance and Lodaine Redwood, and the 4x100 team of HARTSVILLE 3 advertise advertise Heyward, Dinkins-McCall, Robert McKnight SUMTER 0 499-9312 and Melvin Lundy. here P. O. Box 41 here Winners for the Sumter girls were the sprint HARTSVILLE — Sumter High School lost to Dalzell, S.C. 29040 medley team of Niya Womack, Kalieah Moten Hartsville 3-0 on Monday at the HHS field. call Debbie Hayes call Ebony Douglas and Kayla Greene, Greene in The Gamecocks fell to 5-3 on the season. 803-774-1212 Spraying Services 803-774-1212 the high jump and Alicia Spann in the discus. Lawns and Shrubs Crestwood’s Sedajah Rembert won the triple JV SOFTBALL outdoorappearance.com jump. WILSON HALL 10 BOYS CAROLINA 6 Sumter 109, Stratford 93.50, Irmo 72, South Florence 65 Wilson 53.50, Crestwood 32, Colleton County 28, Conway 19, Thomas Sumter 9. LAKE CITY — Wilson Hall defeated Caroli- To advertise LOCAL FINISHERS na Academy 10-6 on Monday at the CA field. First Olivia Beasley and Kaylin Boudreau both had here call Sumter: 4x100 (Ja’Kheem Heyward, Anthony Dinkins-Mc- Call, Robert McKnight, Melvin Lundy); 4x400 (Dylan three hits to lead the Lady Barons. Ava Sliwon- 803-774-1212 Vance, Theron Bradford, Dinkins-McCall, Lodaine Red- ik and Sullivan Jarecki had two hits apiece. wood); Jaleel Carr high jump; 4x800 (Theron Bradford, Noah Bradford, Vance, Jakarriez Sanders). Aubrey Payne was the winning pitcher, Crestwood: Zyricq Rufus shot put. striking out six in five innings. Second Sumter: Phillip Newman pole vault. Crestwood: Montrel White long jump. From staff reports THE SUMTER ITEM SPORTS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | B5

PRO FOOTBALL Foles to Jaguars, Collins to Washington, Brown to Oakland

BY BARRY WILNER teed and could be worth up to teed in the richest contract Philadelphia THE ASSOCIATED PRESS $102 million with incentives ever for an offensive line- quarterback as he replaces Blake Bortles, man. Nick Foles (9) NEW YORK — Nick Foles is who threw 103 touchdown According to Pro Football works in the headed to Jacksonville, Land- passes in five seasons but was Focus, Raiders tackles al- pocket against on Collins to Washington and known more for inaccuracy lowed 30 sacks in pass protec- the New Or- Trent Brown to Oakland. and inconsistency that led to tion last season, most in the leans Saints in The big-money offers for Jacksonville's offensive insta- NFL, while Brown gave up the second half NFL free agents began Mon- bility. Bortles is expected to just three in 580 pass blocking of the NFL divi- day, two days before they be released this week before a snaps. sional playoff can sign contracts. Foles $1 million roster bonus comes game in New brings a Super Bowl pedi- due Sunday. Orleans. gree to quarterbacking the The Redskins agreed to MORE TO THE STORY THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Jaguars, and Brown has a sign the 25-year-old Collins to Read on at www.theitem.com. championship ring as he a six-year, $84 million deal moves to the Raiders' offen- with $45 million guaranteed. sive line at left tackle. Safety He led the Giants with 96 Collins heads a few hours tackles last season, and his south from the New Jersey 437 since entering the NFL in Meadowlands, where he 2015 are the most among safe- could haunt his former team ties in that time, but the Gi- SUMTER ROTARY CLUB twice a year. ants opted not to give him the All of Monday's deals were franchise tag. Collins fills one PRESENTS THE confirmed by people with of Washington's biggest knowledge of the agree- needs on a defense that ments who spoke to The As- ranked 17th in the league last 6th Annual sociated Press on condition season. of anonymity because noth- Brown was a real find for ing can be official until New England before last sea- Wednesday. son, and his payday will Foles has agreed to sign a come with the Raiders after four-year, $88 million contract agreeing to a four-year deal with the Jaguars. The deal in- worth $66 million. He will re- to cludes $50.125 million guaran- ceive $36.75 million guaran- MARCH 21, 2019 • 6-9PM SUMTER CIVIC CENTER OBITUARIES ANDREW MOSES friends at the home, 1049 Fur- TICKETS $30 ($40 AT THE DOOR) man Drive, Sumter, SC 29154. (INCLUDES FOOD AND BEVERAGE) Andrew Moses, 90, husband Funeral arrangements are of Adlear Charles Moses, died incomplete and will be an- BUSINESS CASUAL DRESS on Tuesday, March 12, 2019, at nounced by Palmer Memorial KershawHealth Medical Cen- Chapel Inc. ter at Camden. Proceeds benefit: Born on Jan. 15, 1929, in Lee County, he was a son of Mat- thew Moses. CART (COINS FOR ALZHEIMER’S The family will receive rela- RESEARCH) , 4-H, UNITED MINISTRIES, tives and friends at the home, 68 Moses Road, Bishopville. WARM HEART FUND AT SHAW AFB Funeral arrangements are incomplete and will be an- ROBERT FRANCES JR. nounced by Williams Funeral Tickets Home Inc. Robert Frances Jr., 70, died on available at Tuesday, March 12, 2019, at Pris- CAROLYN RHODES FORD ma Health Tuomey Hospital. THE SUMTER ITEM Carolyn Rhodes Ford, 58, Born on Sept. 12, 1948, in GALLOWAY & MOSELEY wife of Herbert Ford, died on Sumter, he was a son of Rob- SOUTHERN STATES Monday, March 11, 2019, at ert Frances Sr. and Susan Nel- Augusta University Hospital son. FARM STORE in Augusta, Georgia. The family will receive rela- FRASIER TIRE Born in Sumter County, she tives and friends at the home, AND ANY SUMTER ROTARY was a daughter of the late 1345 Boise Lewis Road, Gable. CLUB MEMBER Frank Washington and Ce- Funeral arrangements are leste Azalee Rhodes. incomplete and will be an- The family will receive nounced by Williams Funeral

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CHARTER 803-795-4257 MEMBER 22420 Visit us at - www.boykinacs.com 1994 B6 THE ITEM CLASSIFIEDS WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 CLASSIFIED DEADLINES 11:30 a.m. the day before for Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday edition. 11:30 a.m. Friday for Sunday’s edition.

We will be happy to change your ad if an error is made; however we are not responsible for errors after the fi rst run day. We shall not be liable for any loss 803-774-12 or expense that results from the printing or omission of an advertisement.  We reserve the right to edit, refuse or cancel any ad at any time. CLASSIFIEDS OR TO PLACE YOUR AD ONLINE GO TO WWW.THE ITEM.COM/PLACEMYAD

134 N. Main St. across from old Summons & Summons & Summons & Summons & court house, Studio Apt: 1 Br, 1 Notice Notice Notice Notice Ba, all new appliances, reserved parking space, WiFi & water incl. and required to appear and defend PLAINTIFF PROCESS, THE FORECLOSURE demanded in the Complaint. ANNOUNCEMENTS $975 mo. + dep. Call Scott Bell by answering the Complaint in this VS. ACTION MAY PROCEED. 803-774-3025. action, a copy of which is hereby TYRONE EDWARD ROSCOE YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE served upon you, and to serve a copy OLIVER NOTICE: THIS IS A that the Plaintiff will move for a Lost & Found of your Answer on the subscribers at DEFENDANTS COMMUNICATION FROM A DEBT general Order of Reference of this HUNTINGTON PLACE their offices at 1201 Main Street, COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO cause to the Master-in-Equity or APARTMENTS Suite 1450, Columbia, SC 29201, TO THE DEFENDANT ABOVE COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY Special Referee for this County, Border Collie found in Mayes- RENTS FROM $700 PER MO. within thirty (30) days after the NAMED: INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL which Order shall, pursuant to Rule YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE, ville/Lynchburg area. 2 years old. 1 Month Free with a service hereof, exclusive of the day 53(e) of the South Carolina Rules of of such service; except that the and required to answer the EXCEPT AS STATED BELOW IN Contact 803-774-3877 for more 13 month lease. Civil Procedure, specifically provide details United States of America, if named, Complaint in this action, a copy of THE INSTANCE OF BANKRUPTCY that the said Master-in-Equity or (2 bedroom only) shall have sixty (60) days to answer which is herewith served upon you, PROTECTION. Special Referee is authorized and after the service hereof, exclusive of and to serve a copy of your Answer to empowered to enter a final judgment LEASING OFFICE LOCATED AT the day of such service, and if you the said Complaint on the IF YOU ARE UNDER THE in this cause with any appeal ASHTON MILL fail to do so, judgment by default will subscribers, Coffey & McKenzie, , at PROTECTION OF THE directly to the South Carolina Court BUSINESS APARTMENT HOMES be rendered against you for the their offices, 2 N. Brooks Street, BANKRUPTCY COURT OR HAVE of Appeals. Manning, South Carolina, within BEEN DISCHARGED AS A RESULT 595 ASHTON MILL DRIVE relief demanded in the Complaint. SERVICES thirty (30) days after the service OF A BANKRUPTCY NOTICE 803-773-3600 TO MINORS OVER FOURTEEN hereof, and if you fail to answer the PROCEEDING, THIS NOTICE IS YEARS OF AGE, AND/OR TO Complaint within the time aforesaid, GIVEN TO YOU PURSUANT TO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Home OFFICE HOURS: MINORS UNDER FOURTEEN the Plaintiff will apply to the Court STATUTORY REQUIREMENT AND the original Summons and Improvements MON-FRI 9-5 YEARS OF AGE AND THE PERSON for a judgment by default against you FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES Complaint in the above-entitled WITH WHOM THE MINOR for the relief demanded in the AND IS NOT INTENDED AS AN action were filed in the Office of the RESIDES, AND/OR TO PERSONS Complaint. ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT Clerk of Court for Sumter County, H.L. Boone, Contractor: Remodel Gamecock Plaza, 1961-F McCrays UNDER SOME LEGAL OR AS AN ACT TO COLLECT, paint roofs gutters drywall blown South Carolina on the 29th day of Mill Rd. Approx. 4,000 sq ft retail DISABILITY: HEARING NOTICE ASSESS, OR RECOVER ALL OR January, 2019, at 4:56 p.m. ceilings ect. 773-9904 space. Call Bobby Sisson, ANY PORTION OF THE DEBT 803-464-2730 YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED A hearing has been set in the above FROM YOU PERSONALLY. Kyle A. Brannon Roofing AND NOTIFIED to apply for the matter for the 22nd day of April, 2019 PO Drawer 2426 appointment of a guardian ad litem at 12:00 o'clock P.M. SCOTT AND CORLEY, P.A. Columbia, SC 29202 REAL within thirty (30) days after the Ronald C. Scott Phone: (803) 771-8900 All Types of Roofing & Roofing service of this Summons and Notice You are hereby notified to be ([email protected]), Attorneys for Plaintiff SC Bar #4996 Repairs All work guaranteed. 30 yrs upon you. If you fail to do so, present in the chambers of the S.C. State Federal Credit Union ESTATE application for such appointment Family Court of the THIRD Judicial Reginald P. Corley exp. SC lic. Virgil Bickley may be made by Attorney for Circuit, located at 215 North Harvin ([email protected]), 803-316-4734. ORDER FOR APPOINTMENT Plaintiff. Street at theaforesaid time. SC Bar #69453 OF ATTORNEY AND Angelia J. Grant GUARDIAN AD LITEM, Tree Service YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE COFFEY & MCKENZIE, PA ([email protected]), AND FOR SERVICE BY that Plaintiff will move for an Order Steven S. McKenzie SC Bar #78334 PUBLICATION UPON THE of Reference or the Court may issue Attorneys for the Plaintiff Allison E. Heffernan CLASSES OF DEFENDANTS A Notch Above Tree Care Log a general Order of Reference of this 2 N. Brooks Street ([email protected]), DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE pickup available. Full quality service action to a Master In Equity / Special Manning, South Carolina 29102 SC Bar #68530 AND RICHARD ROE Matthew E. Rupert low rates, lic./ins., free est BBB Referee, pursuant to Rule 53 of the (803) 435-8847 South Carolina Rules of Civil ([email protected]), accredited 983-9721 Upon review of the Motion and Procedure. SUMMONS SC Bar #100740 Consent for Appointment of Attorney AND NOTICE Louise M. Johnson Ricky's Tree Service Tree removal, and Guardian ad Litem filed in this YOU WILL FURTHER TAKE OF FILING OF ([email protected]), action, it is: stump grinding, Lic & ins, free quote, NOTICE that under the provisions of COMPLAINT SC Bar #16586 803-435-2223 or cell 803-460-8747. S.C. Code Ann. § 29-3-100, effective Tasha B. Thompson ORDERED that, pursuant to Rule 17, ([email protected]), June 16, 1993, any collateral IN THE COURT OF SCRCP, B. Lindsay Crawford, III, Newman's Tree Service Tree assignment of rents contained in the SC Bar #76415 Esquire, a competent and discreet removal, trimming, topping, view referenced Mortgage is perfected COMMON PLEAS H. Guyton Murrell person, is hereby appointed as enhancement pruning, bobcat and Attorney for Plaintiff hereby CASE NO. ([email protected]), Attorney to represent all unknown work stump grinding, Lic & gives notice that all rents shall be 2019-CP-43-00250 SC Bar #64134 Defendants including those that may insured. Call 803-316-0128 payable directly to it by delivery to Craig T. Smith be in the military service its undersigned attorneys from the STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ([email protected]), represented by the class designated date of default. In the alternative, COUNTY OF SUMTER SC Bar #102831 as John Doe, and as Guardian ad PETS & Plaintiff will move before a judge of ATTORNEYS FOR Litem for all unknown Defendants this Circuit on the 10th day after Branch Banking and Trust Company, THE PLAINTIFF that may be incompetent, service hereof, or as soon thereafter PLAINTIFF, 2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite 200 incarcerated, underage, or under ANIMALS counsel may be heard, for an Order VS. Columbia, SC 29204 any other disability, represented by enforcing the assignment of rents, if Patrick C. Hudson, 803-252-3340 the class designated as Richard Roe, any, and compelling payment of all DEFENDANT(S). all of whom may have or may claim rents covered by such assignment (191008.00022) SUMMONS AND to have some interest in or to the Dogs directly to the Plaintiff, which NOTICE OF real property located at 52 Carrol motion is to be based upon the TO THE DEFENDANT(S) PATRICK FILING COMPLAINT Drive, Sumter, South Carolina 29150. original Note and Mortgage and the C. HUDSON ABOVE NAMED: Registered 7 month old English Complaint attached hereto. Prime real estate across from Food IN THE CIRCUIT IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that, male chocolate lab, UTD on shots, YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED unless the unknown Defendants, $800 negotiable. Call 803-840-1320. Lion for sale. Call 678-640-6390 and required to answer the COURT NOTICE Case No. including those Defendants that are Serious inquires only! Complaint in the above entitled incompetent, incarcerated, 2019-CP-43-00143 TRANSPORTATION TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE action, copy of which is herewith underage, under any other disability, NAMED: served upon you, and to serve copy or in the military service, shall, in of your answer upon the STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA person or through someone on their YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE undersigned at their offices, 2712 COUNTY OF SUMTER behalf, within thirty days after final that the Summons and Complaint, of Middleburg Drive, Suite 200, P.O. publication of this Order, procure to MERCHANDISE which the foregoing is a copy of the Box 2065, Columbia, South Carolina S.C. State Federal Credit Union, be appointed some other suitable Summons, were filed with the Clerk 29202, within thirty (30) days after Plaintiff, person as Attorney or Guardian ad of Court for Sumter County, South service hereof upon you, exclusive of vs. Litem in the place and stead of B. the day of such service, and if you [Estate of] Gloria A. McLaughlin For Sale Carolina on January 23, 2019. Lindsay Crawford, III, Esquire, this fail to answer the Complaint within a/k/a Gloria McLaughlin a/k/a Gloria appointment shall be final. or Trade William S. Koehler the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in Ann McLaughlin (deceased), her Attorney, SC Bar No.: 74935 this action will apply to the Court for heirs and assigns, and, any other AND IT IS FURTHER ORDERED Heirs-at-Law or Devisees of Gloria New & used Heat pumps & A/C. Albertelli Law the relief demanded in the that this Order, the Summons and Complaint, and judgment by default A. McLaughlin a/k/a Gloria Will install/repair, Call 843-992-2364 1201 Main St, Suite 1450 Notice of Filing of Complaint shall Columbia, SC 29201 will be rendered against you for the McLaughlin a/k/a Gloria Ann be served upon Defendants John Doe Phone: (803) 828-0880 relief demanded in the Complaint. McLaughlin (deceased), their Heirs, and Richard Roe, including Fax: (803) 828-0881 Administrators, Successors and unknown Defendants, and YOU WILL ALSO TAKE NOTICE Assigns; and all other persons Defendants who may be SUMMONS that should you fail to Answer the entitled to claim through them, and incompetent, incarcerated, EMPLOYMENT AND NOTICES foregoing Summons, the Plaintiff all unknown persons with any right, underage, under any other disability will move for a general Order of title or interest in the real property or in the military service, by Reference of this cause to the described herein, including any publishing a copy thereof, once a IN THE COURT OF person who may be in the military Refurbished batteries as low as Interim Master in Equity for Sumter week for three consecutive weeks in Help Wanted COMMON PLEAS County, which Order shall, pursuant service of the United States of $45. Golf cart batteries $65. The Sumter Item, a newspaper of Full-Time THIRD JUDICIAL to Rule 53(e) of the South Carolina America, being a class designated as general circulation within the Auto Electric Co. CIRCUIT Rules of Civil Procedure, John Doe; any unknown minors or County of Sumter, South Carolina, 102 Blvd Rd. 803-773-4381 CIVIL ACTION NO: specifically provide that the said persons under disability being a and which is hereby designated as Optician/Frame Stylist class designated as Richard Roe; 2018-CP-43-02101 Interim Master in Equity is the paper most likely to give notice Busy Optometric office looking for an authorized and empowered to enter Walter Johnson; Larry Holman; to the Defendants intended to be CitiBank, N.A.; American Express experienced Optician or Frame STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA a final judgment in this cause. served. LEGAL National Bank; Synchrony Bank Stylist to join our team. The ideal COUNTY OF SUMTER TO MINOR(S) OVER FOURTEEN Sam's Club; Synchrony Bank; and, James C. Campbell candidate will have the ability to sell U.S. Bank National Association d/b/a NOTICES Midstate Enterprises, YEARS OF AGE AND/OR MINOR(S) Sumter County Clerk of Court and service eyeglasses with a Elan Financial Services, A Partnership, UNDER FOURTEEN YEARS OF commitment to provide excellent AGE AND THE PERSON WITH Defendants. customer service. Experience work- Plaintiff, vs. WHOM THE MINOR(S) RESIDES Public Hearing Legal Notice TO: ALL UNKNOWN PERSONS ing in Optometric office or similar Harvey Senter and Senter & AND/OR TO PERSONS UNDER WITH ANY RIGHT, TITLE OR medical office position preferred. Associates. SOME LEGAL DISABILITY: INTEREST IN THE REAL NOTICE OF HISTORIC Send resume to 127 Broad Street, Certificate of Assumed Name Defendants. ASSUMED NAME: YOU ARE FURTHER SUMMONED PROPERTY DESCRIBED HEREIN, PRESERVATION Sumter SC, 29150, email to bfort67 INCLUDING ANY PERSON WHO DESIGN REVIEW Benjamin N. Hamlin YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND NOTIFIED to apply for the @sc.rr.com or fax to (803) 773-4314. MAY BE IN THE MILITARY PRINCIPAL PLACE OF BUSINESS: and required to answer the appointment of a Guardian Ad Litem SERVICE OF THE UNITED STATES The Historic Preservation Design 1901 Barnwell Drive, Florence, SC complaint herein, a copy of which is to represent said minor(s) within OF AMERICA, BEING A CLASS Review Committee will meet on 29501; Sumter, SC USA herewith served upon you, and to thirty (30) days after the service of Salvation Army HIRING PT&FT! DESIGNATED AS JOHN DOE; AND, Thursday, March 28, 2019 at 4:30 p.m. NAMEHOLDER(S): serve a copy of your answer to this this Summons and Notice upon you. ANY UNKNOWN MINORS OR in the City Council Chambers located Looking for Managers and Clerks. Name: Hamlin, Benjamin Norris complaint upon the subscriber, at If you fail to do so, application for PERSONS UNDER DISABILITY on the Fourth Floor of the Sumter Contact Rita Blake (803)-775-9336 Address: 1901 Barnwell Drive; 108 the address shown below, within such appointment will be made by BEING A CLASS DESIGNATED AS Opera House (21 North Main Street, Albert Spears Drive Florence, SC thirty (30) days after service hereof, the Plaintiff(s) herein. RICHARD ROE: Sumter, South Carolina). This is a 29501 USA exclusive of day of such service, and public hearing. 50K-100k Opportunity Sumter, SC 29150 USA if you fail to answer the complaint, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Do you have a life insurance license? judgment by default will be rendered the original Complaint in the above SUMMONS HP-19-05, 110 N. Main St. (City) Great opportunity to earn 50 -100K, Summons & against you for the relief demanded entitled action was filed in the office YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED Request for Historic Preservation plus Health and Dental benefits. Notice in the complaint. of the Clerk of Court for Sumter County on February 14, 2019. AND REQUIRED to answer the Design Review approval for exterior Fortune 500 training plus exclusive renovations to include replacement NOTICE OF FILING Complaint in the above-entitled hot leads provided. Local Opportuni- SUMMONS NOTICE OF action, a copy of which is herewith windows, removal of two existing served upon you, and to serve a copy rear windows, and new rear doors on ty. Please call 795-3962. AND NOTICES Please take notice that an action has MORTGAGOR'S RIGHT of your answer upon the property located at 110 N. Main St. (Non-Jury) been commenced and is now TO FORECLOSURE undersigned attorneys at their and represented by Tax Map Nesbitt Transportation is now FORECLOSURE pending in the Court described INTERVENTION offices located at 1230 Main Street, #228-12-04-030. hiring Class A CDL Drivers. Must be OF MORTGAGE above. 23 yrs old and have 2 yrs Suite 700, Columbia, South Carolina TO THE DEFENDANT(S) PATRICK 29201, within (30) days after the date Documents pertaining to the experience. Home nights and week- The Plaintiff will move to refer the IN THE COURT OF C. HUDSON: of such service, exclusive of the date proposed request(s) are on file in the case to the Master in Equity or ends. Also hiring diesel mechanics. of service, except that the United Office of the Sumter City-County COMMON PLEAS Special Referee with any appeal to Call 843-621-0943 or 843-659-8254 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT States of America, if named, shall Planning Department and are CIVIL ACTION NO.: the South Carolina Supreme Court. pursuant to the Supreme Court of have sixty (60) days to answer after available to be inspected and 2019-CP-43-00104 The pleadings in this case are on file Part-time/Full-Time Stock Person South Carolina Administrative Order the service hereof, exclusive of the studied by interested citizens. in the Office of the Clerk of Court for opening at busy liquor store. Submit 2011-05-02-01, you may be eligible for day of such service, and if you fail to STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Sumter County. foreclosure intervention programs application at 1220 Alice Drive COUNTY OF SUMTER do so, judgment by default will be Joseph T. McElveen, Jr. for the purpose of resolving the rendered against you for the relief Mayor Mon.-Fri. 9am-5pm. A. Paul Weissenstein, Jr., above-referenced foreclosure action. Bank of New York Mellon Trust SC Bar #: 6013 If you wish to be considered for a Company, N.A. as Trustee for Attorney for Plaintiffs foreclosure intervention program, Local Industrial Construction Of- Mortgage Assets Management Series P.O. Box 2446 you must contact Scott and Corley, fice in need of certified pipe fitters, I Trust, Sumter, SC 29151 P.A., 2712 Middleburg Drive, Suite pipe welders, concrete finishers, and Plaintiff, (803) 418-5700 200, Columbia, South Carolina 29204 carpenter helper with some con- v. or call (803) 252-3340 within thirty William Swick, III, Elizabeth Swick SUMMONS (30) days after being served with this struction experience send resumes Wilkinson, Rebecca McKnight a/k/a to P-490 c//o The Item, PO Box 1677 notice. Rebecca Wetherby, Any IN THE FAMILY CONTRACTORS Sumter SC 29151 Heirs-At-Law or Devisees of Lois E. Scott and Corley, P.A. represents the Swick a/k/a Lois Eileen Williams COURT OF THE 3RD JUDICIAL Plaintiff in this action. We do not Wanted laborer with CDL license, Swick, Deceased, their heirs, represent you. The South Carolina welding experience is a plus. Salary Personal Representatives, CIRCUIT WANTED Rules of Professional Conduct negotiable. For more info. call Administrators, Successors and DOCKET #: prohibit our firm from giving you any 803-494-9590. Assigns, and all other persons 18-DR-43-1081 legal advice. entitled to claim through them; all Help Wanted unknown persons with any right, STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA IF YOU FAIL, REFUSE, OR Part-Time title or interest in the real estate COUNTY OF SUMTER VOLUNTARILY ELECT NOT TO • WEDGEFIELD • described herein; also any persons PARTICIPATE IN THIS who may be in the military service of PHILLIP MCGREW FORECLOSURE INTERVENTION Attention Farmers, Tractor Own- the United States of America, being a HOME & RACK DELIVERY ers near Alcolu & Manning. I need class designated as John Doe; and any unknown minors or persons 1 Bedroom someone to bush hog 1/2 acre of under a disability being a class land. Call 803 795-3962 designated as Richard Roe, Any Heirs-At-Law or Devisees of William Apartments for R. Swick a/k/a William Raymond If you have good, Swick, Jr., Deceased, their heirs, Personal Representatives, 62 YEARS AND OLDER dependable transportation, RENTALS Administrators, Successors and a phone in your home, and a desire Assigns, and all other persons •Refrigerator •Central Heat & Air •Community Room entitled to claim through them; all unknown persons with any right, •Range •Handicap •Coin Operated to earn extra income title or interest in the real estate Rooms for Rent described herein; also any persons •Blinds Accessible Laundry Room who may be in the military service of •Carpet •Emergency Call Call LORI at 774-1216 Female Roommate wanted for 64 the United States of America, being a class designated as John Doe; and •Ceiling Fans System year old woman in wheel chair. Just any unknown minors or persons for company. Must have own under a disability being a class transportation, ages 40-65. House designated as Richard Roe, The **Rent Based On 30% of Adjusted Income** furnished and in a nice area. Small United States of America, acting by **Utility Allowance Given** amount of rent required. Call and through its agency, the 803-436-9926 Secretary of Housing and Urban Bassett Park Development, Defendant(s). 1390 Granville Court • Sumter, S.C. 29150 36 W. Liberty St. • Sumter, SC Office Rentals 18-028656 For application or information, please call TO THE DEFENDANT(S) ABOVE 803-469-8238 Office Rentals NAMED: $300 space-utilities included. 1150 TTY 800-735-8583 Broad St. Call Sam at 803-983-7330 YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED THE SUMTER ITEM WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | C1

Call Rhonda Barrick at: (803) 774-1264 | E-mail: [email protected] Making pizza in a skillet is a breeze BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN Making pizza at home is gratify- ing, and it almost always tastes bet- ter than what you can get from deliv- ery. But achieving a pizza with a crisp crust in the home oven can also be a real challenge. You need to stretch the dough carefully, preheat a heavy baking stone and then swiftly slide the topped dough round into a hot oven, making sure the pizza maintains its shape. In searching for a foolproof meth- od for cooking pizza whenever the mood struck, we found that making truly great pizza is a breeze in a skil- let. Our dough came together quick- ly in the food processor; after we let it rise, we rolled it thin and then transferred it to a cool oiled skillet, where we topped it with a fast no- cook sauce and slices of fresh moz- zarella cheese. We placed the skillet over a hot burner to get it good and hot and to set the bottom of the crust. Once the crust began to brown, we simply slid the skillet into a 500 F oven. In the oven, the hot skillet functioned like a pizza stone, crisping up our crust in just minutes and melting the cheese. We’ve featured a Margherita pizza topping here, adorning the sauce and cheese with just a sprinkle of basil. But if you’d like a more sub- stantial topping for your pizza, feel free to sprinkle pepperoni, sauteed mushrooms, or browned sausage over the cheese before baking; just be sure to keep the toppings light or they may weigh down the thin crust and make it soggy. The sauce will yield more than is needed in the recipe; extra sauce can be refrigerated for up to one week or frozen for up to one month.

SKILLET PIZZA patted dry with paper towels spoons oil. 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil Transfer dough to lightly floured counter, divide in half, Servings: 8 (Makes two 11-inch pizzas) For the dough: Pulse flour, yeast and salt in food pro- and cover loosely with greased plastic. Press and roll 1 Start to finish: 2 3/4 to 3 1/4 hours (Rising time: 1 1/2 to 2 cessor until combined, about 5 pulses. With processor run- piece of dough (keep remaining piece covered) into 11- hours) ning, add oil, then water, and process until rough ball inch round of even thickness. Dough: forms, 30 to 40 seconds. Let dough rest for 2 minutes, then Transfer dough to prepared skillet, and reshape as need- 2 cups (11 ounces) plus 2 tablespoons bread flour process for 30 seconds longer. ed. Spread 1/2 cup sauce over dough, leaving 1/2-inch bor- 1 1/8 teaspoons instant or rapid-rise yeast Transfer dough to lightly floured counter, and knead by der around edge. Top with half of mozzarella. 3/4 teaspoon salt hand to form smooth, round ball, about 30 seconds. Place Set skillet over high heat, and cook until outside edge of 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil dough seam side down in lightly greased large bowl or dough is set, pizza is lightly puffed and bottom of crust 3/4 cup (6 ounces) ice water container, cover tightly with plastic wrap, and let rise until looks spotty brown when gently lifted with spatula, about doubled in size, 1 1/2 to 2 hours. (Unrisen dough can be re- 3 minutes. Sauce and Toppings: frigerated for at least 8 hours or up to 16 hours; let sit at Transfer skillet to oven, and bake pizza until edges are 1 (28-ounce) can whole peeled tomatoes, drained with room temperature for 30 minutes before shaping) brown and cheese is melted and spotty brown, 7 to 10 juice reserved For the sauce and toppings: Process tomatoes, 1 ta- minutes. Using potholders, remove skillet from oven and 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil blespoon oil, garlic, vinegar, oregano, salt and pepper in slide pizza onto wire rack; let cool slightly. Sprinkle with 1 2 garlic cloves, minced clean, dry workbowl until smooth, about 30 seconds. tablespoon basil, cut into wedges and serve. Being careful 1 teaspoon red wine vinegar Transfer mixture to 2-cup liquid measuring cup, and add of hot skillet, repeat with remaining oil, dough, 1/2 cup 1 teaspoon dried oregano reserved tomato juice until sauce measures 2 cups. Reserve sauce, remaining mozzarella and basil. 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup sauce; set aside remaining sauce for another use. Nutrition information per serving: 322 calories; 152 calories from fat; 1/4 teaspoon pepper Adjust oven rack to upper-middle position, and heat 17 g fat (5 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 20 mg cholesterol; 657 mg sodium; 8 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese, sliced 1/4 inch thick and oven to 500 F. Grease 12-inch oven-safe skillet with 2 table- 30 g carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 3 g sugar; 10 g protein.

Take ham and cheese to the next level by making a slider

BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN HAM AND CHEESE Use butter knife to spread mus- Take your ham and Servings: 2 tard evenly over insides of rolls. cheese sandwich to the Start to finish: 25 minutes Layer 1 slice ham, 2 pickle chips, and 1/2 slice cheese into each roll next level by turning it Ingredients: into a slider. Fluffy potato and press down gently (you should 4 teaspoons yellow mustard dinner rolls are just the have 4 sliders). 4 potato dinner rolls, sliced open right size for a few bites. Place sliders on baking sheet. 4 slices deli ham Heating these small sand- Place baking sheet in oven and bake wiches in the oven makes 8 dill pickle chips until cheese has melted and rolls are the rolls nice and crisp 2 slices deli cheddar cheese, cut in crisp, about 5 minutes. and the cheese melty and half Use oven mitts to remove baking gooey. You can also make Cooking Equipment: sheet from oven (ask an adult for these sliders in a toaster Rimmed baking sheet help) and transfer to cooling rack. oven if you have one. To Parchment paper Use spatula to carefully transfer slid- make a whole bunch of Butter knife ers to 2 plates (baking sheet will be sliders for a party, double Oven mitts hot). Serve. or triple this recipe (to Cooling rack Nutrition information per serving: 364 calo- make 8 or 12 sliders) and Spatula ries; 104 calories from fat; 12 g fat (5 g satu- heat them all on one 2 plates rated; 0 g trans fats); 40 mg cholesterol; 1341 rimmed baking sheet in mg sodium; 49 g carbohydrate; 2 g fiber; 6 g Adjust oven rack to middle posi- sugar; 20 g protein. the oven. Follow this reci- tion and heat oven to 400 F. Line pe with your kids. America’s Test Kitchen provided this article rimmed baking sheet with parch- to The Associated Press. ment paper. C2 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 COMICS THE SUMTER ITEM bizarro Wallace the braVe

andy capp garfield

beetle bailey born loser

blondie zits

mother goose dog eat doug

dilbert jeff macnelly’s shoe

Popular Keepers booklet covers many timeless topics the daily crossWord puzzle

DEAR ABBY — I created because of the high vol- If you have tender thoughts of me, am writing ume of requests from my read- Please tell me now. about your ers for a collection of these If you wait until I am sleeping, Keepers items in one easy-to-use book- Never to awaken, booklet, the let. The subjects are diverse, There will be death between us collection of covering a variety of topics, in- And I won’t hear you then. your most cluding parenting, children, So, if you love me, even a little bit, popular es- aging, animals, forgiveness, etc. Let me know it while I am living says, poems One poem in particular has al- So I can treasure it. Dear Abby and letters. I ways resonated with me. It is ti- ABIGAIL would like to tled “The Time Is Now,” and I Filled with clever observations, my Keepers VAN BUREN purchase a find its message both poignant booklet is both witty and philosophical. It copy, but and meaningful. I hope you can be ordered by sending your name and first, I have a will agree. mailing address, plus check or money order question. Is for $8 (U.S. funds) to Dear Abby Keepers Booklet, P.O. Box 447, Mount Morris, IL there a particular favorite of THE TIME IS NOW 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are in- yours in there? (Author Unknown) cluded in the price. You will find it to be a Big fan in Fort Wayne, If you are ever going to love me, quick and easy read, as well as an inexpen- Indiana Love me now, while I can know sive gift for newly married couples, pet lov- The sweet and tender feelings ers, new parents, and anyone who is griev- ing the loss of a friend or loved one or recov- DEAR FAN — My Keepers book- Which from true affection flow. ering from an illness. let contains 72 column items Love me now Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, that readers have told me they While I am living. also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was Ed Sessa 3/13/19 had read and reread until they Do not wait until I’m gone founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. were yellowed with age and And then have it chiseled in marble, Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or ACROSS 60 Host of a 21 Canadian 44 Bronchial 1 Cascades Friars Club brewery disorder P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. falling apart. This booklet was Sweet words on ice-cold stone. peak event 22 Steak 45 “The Far Side” 7 Cap’n’s aide 64 One of a metaphor cartoonist 11 Classic British comic trio seen on Gary sports cars 65 Invite menus 46 Tended to 14 Character feedback? 23 State with topiary jumble sudoku PREVIOUS SOLUTION builder? 66 Nissan sedan conviction 50 Generic guy 15 __ Domini 67 18-, 34- __ 50- 24 Charity event 51 Germane THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME hoW to play: 16 Vein contents Down 27 Wears 52 Desert By David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek 17 Not yet proven 68 Votes for 28 “There’s wanderer Each row, column and 19 __ drop 69 Oppressive more” letters 53 Like many bad set of 3-by-3 boxes 20 After 18-Down, ruler 29 Jab to keep jokes must contain the actor/golfer them dogies 54 Bridge combo DOWN rollin’ positions numbers 1 through 9 22 Wrestling duo 1 Minded the 32 Slacks 56 Bridge without repetition. 25 Innocent kids measure position 26 Charlottes- 2 “What the?!” 33 Prefix with car 57 Vena __: ville sch. 3 Pigged out, 34 Generic guy major blood 27 Like a cool cat say 36 “How was __ line 30 Edible root 4 Little pig know?” 58 Sacred 31 Depended 5 Yankee 38 Maneuver symbols on (on) manager through pyramid walls 35 Sunlit lobbies before Girardi moguls 61 Reward for 37 After 34-Down, 6 __ rock: 39 Flier on a waiting crime writer/ Queen genre string 62 Confessional poet combo 7 Attend to a 40 Mideast music 42 Worthy of a leaking boat mogul genre standing O 8 How some 41 Strong desires 63 Maze scurrier 43 Pay for one’s data is crime stored Previous Puzzle Solved 44 Suisse peak 9 Sound made 47 Sisters, say using two 48 Spam holder fingers 49 “American 10 “The Dark Horror Story” Knight actress Trilogy” Paulson director 51 Contents of a Christopher teacher’s key 11 Family 55 After 50-Down, nickname president/ 12 Mourn novelist 13 It’s not for combo everyone 59 TV buying 18 Generic channel guy THE SUMTER ITEM TELEVISION WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 | C3 WEDNESDAY EVENING MARCH 13 SP FT 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM LOCAL CHANNELS WIS News 10 at Entertainment Chicago Med “The Things We Do” Man- Chicago Fire “Inside These Walls” Casey Chicago P.D. “Trust” Antonio returns to WIS News 10 at (:34) The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy WIS * 3 10 7 (N) Tonight (N) ning is trapped in a helicopter. (DVS) fights to escape a raging fire. (DVS) work. (DVS) 11 (N) Fallon Mark Ruffalo; Jim Jefferies; Nor- mani. (N) News 19 at 7pm (N) Inside Edition (N) Survivor “I Need a Dance Partner” (N) The World’s Best “The Championships Round, Part 2; The Grand Finale” (Season News 19 at 11pm (:35) The Late Show With Stephen Col- WLTX 3 9 9 Finale) (N) (N) bert Patricia Arquette; Ian McShane. (N)

Wheel of Fortune Jeopardy! (N) The Goldbergs Bev- Schooled Lainey Modern Family The (:31) Single Parents Whiskey Cavalier “When in Rome” A ABC Columbia (:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live WOLO 9 5 12 “America’s Game” erly and Adam do a and Erica’s high guys crash Jay’s (N) (DVS) terrorist attack must be prevented. (N) News at 11 (N) (N) cooking show. school reunion. (N) annual hiking trip. (DVS) Favorites Favorites Favorites WRJA ; 11 14

The Big Bang The Big Bang Empire “My Fault Is Past” Cookie strug- Star “When Stars Fall” Star jeopardizes WACH FOX News at 10 (N) (Live) Sports Zone DailyMailTV (N) TMZ (N) WACH Y 6 6 Theory Theory gles with Lucious’ past. (N) (DVS) everything. (N) (DVS)

Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Riverdale “Chapter Fifty: American All American “Best Kept Secret” Spencer Dateline “The Smoking Gun” A new bride Dateline “Frantic” A woman disappears The Game Derwin WKTC Ø 4 22 The Baxters talk Eve decides to join Dreams” Gladys preps for F.P.’s birthday learns why his father left. (N) is found murdered. from a mall in Texas. tries to repair his about immigration. the Junior ROTC. party. (N) relationship. CABLE CHANNELS Zombie House Flipping A zombie home Zombie House Flipping A house Keith Zombie House Flipping Finishing a home (:01) Tiny House Nation “Tiny Forever (:04) Tiny House Nation A couple builds a (12:03) Zombie A&E 46 130 features a foul stench. flipped years ago. before school begins. After” An Atlanta couple goes tiny. 210 sq. foot house. House Flipping (5:00) ›› “National Treasure” (2004) ›››› “The Godfather, Part II” (1974, Crime Drama) Al Pacino, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton. Michael Corleone moves his father’s crime family to Las Vegas. AMC 48 180 Nicolas Cage, Diane Kruger. ANPL 41 100 Lone Star Law “Trespassers Beware” Lone Star Law: Uncuffed Dealing with defensive people. (N) Lone Star Law “Shock on the Bay” Lone Star Law “Roadside Sting” Lone Star Law (5:35) ››› “Love & Basketball” (2000, Romance) Sanaa Lathan, Omar Epps, Alfre ›› “First Sunday” (2008, Comedy) Ice Cube, Katt Williams, Tracy Morgan. Two bumbling thieves’ plan to (:25) Martin “The (11:56) Martin BET 61 162 Woodard. A passion for the game leads to love for two best friends. rob a church goes awry. Bodyguard” “Green Card” The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New York City The Real Housewives of New York City Get a Room With Carson & Thom Thom Watch What Hap- The Real Housewives of New York City BRAVO 47 181 The women recall their trip to Mexico. Bethenny grieves her boyfriend. Barbara throws a clambake. (N) and Carson decorate a grotto. pens Live Barbara throws a clambake. CNBC 35 84 Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal “Million Dollar Lane” Deal or No Deal “Mile-High Millionaire” Deal or No Deal “Flying High” Deal or No Deal Deal or No Deal CNN 3 80 Erin Burnett OutFront (N) Anderson Cooper 360 (N) Cuomo Prime Time (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) CNN Tonight With Don Lemon (N) Anderson Cooper (6:50) South Park (:25) South Park South Park “Ass South Park “AWE- South Park “Ginger South Park “Man- South Park “Time to South Park “Nobody (:36) South Park (12:06) South Park COM 57 136 “The Ring” Burgers” SOM-O” Kids” bearpig” Get Cereal” Got Cereal?” With Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Sydney to the Max Coop & Cami Ask Raven’s Home Raven’s Home Sydney to the Max Coop & Cami Ask Andi Mack Sydney to the Max Bizaardvark DISN 18 200 the World the World DSC 42 103 Moonshiners: Outlaw Cuts (N) Moonshiners “Unfinished Business” (N) (:01) Moonshiners Mark Rogers straightens out a thief. (N) (:03) Moonshiners “Tale of Tickle” Moonshiners ESPN 26 35 NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at Oklahoma City Thunder. (N) (Live) NBA Basketball Golden State Warriors at Houston Rockets. From the Toyota Center in Houston. (N) SportsCenter ESPN2 27 39 College Basketball ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) College Basketball ACC Tournament, Second Round: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) UFC Unleashed FOOD 40 109 Guy’s Grocery Games “Pizza Masters” Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games (N) Guy’s Grocery Games Guy’s Grocery Games “GGG vs. DDD” Guy’s Games FOXN 37 90 The Story With Martha MacCallum (N) Tucker Carlson Tonight (N) Hannity (N) The Ingraham Angle (N) Fox News at Night With Shannon Tucker Carlson (6:00) ››› “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” (1971, ››› “Ratatouille” (2007, Children’s) Voices of Patton Oswalt, Ian Holm, Lou Romano. Animated. A French The 700 Club › “Norm of the FREE 20 131 Children’s) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson. rat enjoys good food and longs to become a chef. North” (2016) FSS 21 47 Hawks Pregame NBA Basketball Memphis Grizzlies at Atlanta Hawks. From State Farm Arena in Atlanta. (N) (Live) Hawks Postgame Hawks 4th Quarter Atlanta Braves NBA Basketball: Grizzlies at Hawks (6:00) “All of My Heart” (2015) Lacey “Love at First Dance” (2018, Romance) Niall Matter, Becca Tobin, Cecilia Deacon. “Love at First Bark” (2017, Romance) Jana Kramer, Kevin McGarry, Anna Van Hooft. The Golden Girls HALL 52 183 Chabert, Brennan Elliott, Ed Asner. Sparks fly between a dance instructor and a wealthy bachelor. A woman falls for her dog’s trainer. “High Anxiety” HGTV 39 112 Property Brothers Property Brothers Property Brothers (N) House Hunters (N) Hunters Int’l Property Brothers “Mad About Plaid” Property Brothers HIST 45 110 Forged in Fire “Wind and Fire Wheels” Forged in Fire “The Falcata” Forged in Fire “Barbarian Sword” (N) (:03) Forged in Fire: Cutting Deeper (N) (:05) Knight Fight (Season Finale) (N) Forged in Fire Blue Bloods “Close Calls” Jimmy is forced Blue Bloods A mom speaks out about her Blue Bloods Danny and Baez must find a Blue Bloods “Your Six” Danny must find Blue Bloods “The Devil You Know” A Blue Bloods “My ION 13 18 to take down mobsters. son’s murder. (DVS) missing girl. (DVS) an escaped criminal. (DVS) terrorist’s phone holds valuable data. Aim Is True” Celebrity Wife Swap Musicians Vince Neil Celebrity Wife Swap Cloris Leachman; Project Runway All Stars Iris Apfel joins (:03) American Beauty Star The artists (:03) Celebrity Wife Swap Robert Carra- (12:01) Celebrity LIFE 50 145 and Gunnar Nelson. Pia Zadora. the judges. (N) pair with NYC designers. (N) dine and Terrell Owens. Wife Swap MSNBC 36 92 Hardball With Chris Matthews (N) All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word The 11th Hour With Brian Williams Rachel Maddow NICK 16 210 Double Dare (N) Henry Danger SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob The Office The Office Friends (:35) Friends (12:10) Friends PARMT 64 153 Mom Mom ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Gary Sinise. A slow-witted Southerner experiences 30 years of history. ›››› “Forrest Gump” (1994) (6:30) ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997, Science Fiction) Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman, The Magicians “Home Improvement” Deadly Class The heroes plan to raid Alien News Desk (:31) ››› “The Fifth Element” (1997) 58 152 Ian Holm. A New York cabby tries to save Earth in 2259. Penny licks an egg; Alice is jealous. (N) Shabnam’s house. (N) “Udder Madness” Bruce Willis, Gary Oldman. Bob’s Burgers “Sea Bob’s Burgers The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Full Frontal With Conan (N) Full Frontal With Seinfeld “The TBS 24 156 Me Now” “Teen-A-Witch” Theory Theory Theory Theory Theory Samantha Bee (N) Samantha Bee Gymnast” (6:00) ›› “Desperate Journey” (1942) ››› “The Bitter Tea of General Yen” (1933, Drama) Barbara (:45) ››› “Hawaii” (1966, Drama) Julie Andrews, Max von Sydow, Richard Harris. A missionary sets out to change native TCM 49 186 Errol Flynn, Ronald Reagan. Stanwyck, Nils Asther, Walter Connolly. Hawaiian customs. TLC 43 157 (6:00) My 600-Lb. Life My 600-Lb. Life “Jeanne’s Story” Jeanne lives in an unhygienic household. (N) Family by the Ton (Season Finale) (N) My 600-Lb. Life “Randy’s Story” My 600-Lb. Life (6:30) ›› “Walking Tall” (2004) The ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016, Action) Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, Amy Ryan. A Drop the Mic (N) Snoop Dogg: ›› “Central Intelligence” (2016) Dwayne Johnson. A CIA TNT 23 158 Rock, Johnny Knoxville. (DVS) CIA agent recruits an ex-classmate for a top-secret case. (DVS) Joker’s Wild agent recruits an ex-classmate for a top-secret case. TRUTV 38 129 Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers I’m Sorry (N) Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers Impractical Jokers TV LAND 55 161 (6:55) M*A*S*H M*A*S*H “Deluge” Love-Raymond Love-Raymond (:15) Everybody Loves Raymond Two and Half Men Two and Half Men King of Queens King of Queens King of Queens Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit A Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Pilot Modern Family Modern Family Modern Family USA 25 132 “Pretend” A teenage boy is killed. bullied teenager disappears. student disappears during a trip. accuses captain of sexual assault. (DVS) (DVS) “White Christmas” WE 68 166 (5:00) ››› “The Perfect Storm” ›› “Deep Impact” (1998) Robert Duvall. A large comet is on a collision course with Earth. ›› “Deep Impact” (1998, Drama) Robert Duvall, Tea Leoni, Elijah Wood. WGNA 8 172 Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Last Man Standing Gone “Crystal” (N) Cops Cops Cops Cops Married ... With Cable offers comfort food and a shot of ‘Moonshiners’

BY KEVIN McDONOUGH to the acquisition of HBO’s • Fire engulfs Casey’s Now for something parent company, Time apartment on “Chicago Fire” completely different. Warner (a huge media (9 p.m., NBC, r, TV-14). Discovery airs something entity), by AT&T (a huge • Star sings the called “Moonshiners: Whiskey company that is a postpartum blues on “Star” Business” (10 p.m., TV-PG). telecommunications (9 p.m., Fox, TV-14). This episode offers a slight behemoth AND a media • F.P. (Skeet Ulrich) turns variation on the company). His comes 50 on “Riverdale” (8 p.m., CW, “Moonshiners” formula. roughly one month before TV-14). Tim Smith will take his the return of “Game of • A rising politician years of experience in the Thrones” for its final scuttles an investigation on backwoods distillery season. Will HBO still be “Chicago P.D.” (10 p.m., NBC, business and help mentor HBO, post-merger and post- r, TV-14). other whiskey makers. He’s ”Thrones”? Stay tuned. • A Rome adventure on the 80-proof version of And while big companies “Whiskey Cavalier” (10 p.m., Gordon Ramsay when he acquire each other, ABC, TV-14). departs from “MasterChef” continues to dominate • Gretchen’s anxiety flares to travel to “Hell and Back” viewers’ attention. Today, on “You’re the Worst” (10 p.m., to save floundering the streaming giant releases FXX, TV-MA). MELINDA SUE GORDON / NETFLIX restaurants. the heist thriller “Triple From left, Garrett Hedlund stars as Ben Miller, Oscar Isaac as Santiago The critic in me rejects the Frontier,” starring Ben “Pope” Garcia, Ben Affleck as Tom “Redfly” Davis, Charlie Hunnam as repetitive nature of these Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie CULT CHOICE William “Ironhead” Miller and Pedro Pascal as Francisco “Catfish” series. But I can see their Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund A stoic young man Morales in “Triple Frontier,” now streaming on Netflix. appeal to viewers, who after and Pedro Pascal. At one (Johnny Depp) cares for his a long day of hard work time, (say two years ago), a shut-in mother (Darlene “Schooled” (8:30 p.m., ABC, booked on “Conan” (11 p.m., appreciate the comforting film like this would be a Cates) and his mentally TV-PG) * The gang invades TBS) * Patricia Arquette, Ian sameness of another day major studio release. impaired brother (Leonardo Jay’s solo hike at Gloria’s McShane and Strand of amongst “Alaskan Bush (“Triple” did have a very DiCaprio) while carrying on request on “Modern Family” Oaks appear on “The Late People” or the soothing short theatrical run.) But an affair with a married (9 p.m., ABC, TV-PG) * Show With Stephen Colbert” predictability of Teutul-on- basically, it’s just another woman (Mary Steenburgen) Spencer discovers something (11:35 p.m., CBS) * Jimmy Teutul shenanigans. offering, on another day, on in director Lasse Hallstrom’s new about his father’s Fallon welcomes Mark Television is entering into Netflix. memorable 1993 drama reasons for leaving on “All Ruffalo, Jim Jefferies and a rather unpredictable Just last week, director “What’s Eating Gilbert Grape” American” (9 p.m., CW, TV- Normani on “The Tonight phase. And I’m not just Steven Spielberg argued that (9:30 p.m., TMCX). PG) * Poppy and Angie Show” (11:35 p.m., NBC) * musing about how “Empire” the Oscars should refrain encounter Chris Harrison at Ricky Gervais, Asia Kate (see below) adjusts to the from considering Netflix the “Bachelor” mansion on Dillon, James Bay and news about Jussie Smollett entries like “Roma” for SERIES NOTES “Single Parents” (9:30 p.m., Allison Miller visit “Late or how “Riverdale” will deal Academy Awards. He feels There’s an opportunity for ABC, TV-PG). Night With Seth Meyers” (12:35 with the sad and sudden that Netflix products should immunity on “Survivor” (8 a.m., NBC) * Sharon death of star Luke Perry. be considered television and p.m., CBS, TV-PG) * Beverly Osbourne appears on “The Whole networks are being honored with Emmys. But wants to appear on a local LATE NIGHT Late Late Show With James swallowed as we speak. Netflix’s ability to disrupt cooking show on “The Karamo Brown appears on Corden” (12:35 a.m., CBS). Sometime this month, most moviegoer’s habits Goldbergs” (8 p.m., ABC, TV- “The Daily Show With Trevor of the entertainment side of transcends the award PG) * Secrets are revealed at Noah” (11 p.m., Comedy Copyright 2019 Fox becomes part of Disney. season, as films like “Triple the high school reunion on Central) * Kathy Bates is United Feature Syndicate Just how two rival networks Frontier” demonstrate. will look when one devours the other remains to be seen. But you can TONIGHT’S OTHER understand why the folks at HIGHLIGHTS Fox haven’t announced • A child’s vital signs wane plans to cancel or renew on “Chicago Med” (8 p.m., “The Passage.” They may be NBC, r, TV-14). too busy worrying about • Cookie and Lucious have their jobs. control in sight on “Empire” 2018-19 Fox is not alone. HBO CEO (8 p.m., Fox, TV-14). Richard Plepler recently • A winner emerges on announced his departure, a “The World’s Best” (9 p.m., move most consider related CBS, TV-PG). 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ContactC Sandra Holbert at Please Mail To: The Sumter Item/Fireside Fund Or Drop Off At The Item (803) 774-1226. PO Box 1677 • Sumter, SC 29150 36 W. Liberty Street C4 | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 2019 FOOD THE SUMTER ITEM Hermits don’t have to be a rock-hard cookie BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN Old-fashioned recipes for hermits often produce rock- hard cookies peppered with bland, tough raisins. We wanted a moist, chewy cookie, gently redolent of molas- ses and warm spices. Traditional recipes for hermits call for creaming the butter, but this produces a dry, biscuit-like cookie. Melt- ing the butter and then cooking it until it browns delivers a chewier, moister cookie, with a nutty flavor. Adding cinnamon, allspice and ginger to the browned butter blooms their natural flavor, which allows us to use a smaller quantity of each for gently spiced cookies that aren’t dusty-tasting like so many old-fashioned versions. Hermits are typically studded with raisins, but those raisins can often bake up hard and chewy. For rich raisin flavor in every bite, we puree them with chopped crystal- lized ginger and then combine the mixture with the melt- ed butter to soften the raisins. This helps distribute raisin flavor throughout the cookies, while the pureed ginger lends pungent sweetness and chew.

HERMITS Servings: 18 Start to finish: 3 hours For this recipe, we prefer using mild (or light) molasses in- stead of the robust or blackstrap varieties. 1 cup raisins 2 tablespoons finely chopped crystallized ginger 8 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground allspice 2 cups (10 ounces) all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup packed (5 1/4 ounces) dark brown sugar 1/2 cup molasses 2 large eggs 1 1/2 tablespoons orange juice 3/4 cup (3 ounces) confectioners’ sugar Adjust oven racks to upper-middle and lower-middle posi- tions and heat oven to 350 F. Line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Process raisins and ginger in food processor until mixture sticks together and only small pieces remain, about 10 seconds. Transfer mixture to large bowl. Heat butter in small saucepan over medium-low heat, swirl- ing pan occasionally, until nutty brown in color, about 10 min- utes. Stir in cinnamon and allspice and cook until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Stir butter mixture into raisin mixture until well combined; let cool to room temperature. CARL TREMBLAY / AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN VIA AP Combine flour, baking soda and salt in bowl. Stir brown sugar, molasses and eggs into cooled butter-raisin mixture until incorporated. Fold in flour mixture (dough will be very sticky) and refrigerate, covered, until firm, at least 1 1/2 hours or up to 24 hours. Irish Brown Soda Bread Divide dough into quarters. Transfer 1 piece of dough to lightly floured surface and roll into 10-inch log. Transfer to pre- pared sheet and use ruler to neatly square off sides. (Each sheet will contain 2 logs.) Repeat with remaining dough. Bake that’s hearty, easy to make until only shallow indentation remains on edges when touched (center will appear slightly soft), 15 to 20 minutes, BY AMERICA’S TEST KITCHEN switching and rotating sheets halfway through baking. Let wheat flavor. logs cool on baking sheets for 5 minutes; transfer parchment Irish brown soda bread is a hearty, whole- The addition of baking powder guaranteed a to wire racks and let cool completely. some loaf that tastes as good with a helping of nicely risen loaf, but we also included baking Whisk orange juice and confectioners’ sugar in small bowl scrambled eggs as it does with a smear of salt- soda for added browning and the characteris- until smooth. Drizzle glaze onto cooled logs and let sit until ed butter or tangy marmalade. And not only is tic mineral tang we love in soda breads. Acidic this humble bread versatile, but it’s also sim- buttermilk contributed even more tangy flavor. glaze hardens, about 15 minutes. Cut logs into 2-inch bars and ple to prepare. Finally, to force the soft dough to rise up- serve. We mimicked the wheaty, nutty flavor and ward rather than outward, we baked our bread Nutrition information per serving: 212 calories; 51 calories from fat; 6 g fat rustic crumb imparted by hard-to-find Irish in a cake pan. Our favorite whole-wheat flour (3 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 37 mg cholesterol; 113 mg sodium; 38 g carbo- hydrate; 1 g fiber; 27 g sugar; 2 g protein. wholemeal flour by combining whole-wheat is King Arthur Premium. To ensure the best flour with wheat bran and wheat germ. Cut- flavor, use fresh whole wheat flour. Wheat ting this mixture with all-purpose flour and a bran can be found at natural foods stores or in touch of sugar helped balance out the strong the baking aisle of your supermarket.

IRISH BROWN SODA BREAD Servings: 10 (one loaf) Start to finish: 1 hour (plus 1 hour cooling time) 2 cups (11 ounces) whole-wheat flour 1 cup (5 ounces) all-purpose flour 1 cup wheat bran 1/4 cup wheat germ 2 teaspoons sugar 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups buttermilk Adjust oven rack to middle position and heat oven to 375 F. Lightly grease 8-inch round cake pan. Whisk whole-wheat flour, all-purpose flour, wheat bran, wheat germ, sugar, baking powder, baking soda and salt together in medium bowl. Add buttermilk and stir with rubber spatula until all flour is moistened and dough forms soft, ragged mass. Transfer dough to counter and gently shape into 6-inch round (surface will be craggy). Using serrated knife, cut 1/2 inch-deep cross about 5 inches long on top of loaf. Transfer to prepared pan. Bake until loaf is lightly browned and center registers 185 F, 40 to 45 minutes, rotating pan halfway through baking. Invert loaf onto wire rack. Reinvert loaf and let cool for at least 1 hour. Slice and serve. To make ahead: This bread is best when served on the day it is made, but leftovers can be wrapped in plastic wrap and stored at room temperature for up to 2 days. Nutrition information per serving: 192 calories; 27 calories from fat; 3 g fat (1 g saturated; 0 g trans fats); 5 mg cholesterol; 556 mg sodium; 35 g carbohydrate; 5 g fiber; 4 g sugar; 8 g protein.

Expert advice on salt, hidden in an array of foods, gets specific

NEW YORK (AP) — It can salt can reduce risk of cardio- Academies for the new cate- Sodium can be be hidden in bread, pizza, vascular disease, even if peo- gory of reduced chronic dis- hidden in soup and other packaged ple are still above the recom- ease risk, according to the re- bread, pizza, foods and restaurant meals. mended limit of 2,300 mg a port, but other nutrients may soup and an Now, advice to watch out for day for most adults. be similarly re-evaluated. array of other salt is coming with a more Previously, the recommend- Otherwise, the report mostly foods. specific reason. ed limit was based on a “tol- reinforces existing recom- A report released last week erable upper intake level,” a mendations, with some STEPHANIE STRASBURG by the National Academies of threshold experts use to indi- tweaks. For example, it said / PITTSBURGH POST- Sciences, Engineering and cate a variety of potential bad there’s no longer enough evi- GAZETTE VIA AP Medicine ties the recom- effects. Now, the report says dence that people who are 51 mended limit on sodium to a the upper intake level will in- and older need less salt than reduced risk of chronic dis- dicate the threshold for po- other adults. ease. The report, which is ex- tential toxicity. It says there’s Advice on potassium, pected to serve as a guide for not enough evidence to set which is found in foods in- sidered adequate for healthy the U.S. Department of Agri- policymakers, says the updat- such a threshold for sodium. cluding bananas and pota- individuals. culture, which oversees the ed guidance is meant to also It’s the first dietary recom- toes, was also adjusted to gen- The report was sponsored government’s dietary guide- convey that cutting back on mendation from the National erally lower the amounts con- by federal agencies including lines.