182 Unified Faces GREEK Fraternities and Sororities Were an Integral Portion of the Life at the University of Delaware
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KIZZIE COBB 182 Unified Faces GREEK fraternities and sororities were an integral portion of the life at the University of Delaware. Signs were seen in every direction, inviting students to rush a certain group. Fellowship, mixers, formals, commu- nity service, and greeting new members were the high points of many Greek organizations. SOME fraternities and sororities were fortunate in receiving a house near main campus, allowing for a closer network of brother and sisterhood. TH E annual Greek games was one of the many activities participated in by the members of the Greek community. TO- GETHER, the brothers and sisters were recognized as unified faces. wo members of the Chi Omega so- rority relax after an extensive day of fun and fellowship. The annual event of Greek Games allowed fra- ternities and sororities to show their spirit and unity. Greeks Divider 183 Carey McDaniel is surrounded by sisterhood. Alpha Phi sisters get ready to go to a formal. The Alpha Phi's on a "Great Adventure. 184 Alpha Phi The Epsilon Nu Chapter of Alpha Phi the DuPont Country Club. This year we has grown into an enthusiastic 162 member also adopted a highway to benefit the state sorority as we approach our twentieth an- of Delaware. niversary next fall Alpha Phi sisters are Alpha Phi's social calendar is filled with active in every aspect of the University of mixers, tailgates, hayrides, date parties and Delaware. We have sisters that are mem- formals. Alpha Phi always looks forward to bers of the track, tennis, swimming and Greek Week. Our enthusiasm has helped crew teams. Many of our sisters are also us to win Greek Games for the past three active in honor societies and other college years. We also have many sisterhood activ- councils. ities that help build our sense of unity, such Alpha Phi is committed to helping the as our annual Crab Feast/Senior Roast, our community. To support our philanthropy, Family Day Picnic at Lum's Pond and our the American Heart Association, we held sister retreat to Rehobeth Beach, Dela- our annual Teeter Totter Marathon as well ware. as our First Annual Golf Tournament at Alpha Phi's are a close group of friends whose diverse interests and talents help to Two sisters are all smiles at the Fledge Gong Show. create our special bond of sisterhood. Photos courtesy of Alpha Phi Sisters tailgate before Homecoming. Cheers! Homecoming '91 Greeks 185 The Rho Lambda Chapter of Chi Omega ar- ey, to organizations and causes. Chi Omegas may rived on campus in 1987 and has grown im- be found assisting in a soup kitchen, spending mensely in the number and strength of its mem- time with senior citizens at the Newark Senior bers since then, with over 140 initiated sisters. Center or just having fun at our house at 69 West Chi Omega is the largest national fraternity for Delaware Avenue. women, with 176 active chapters all over the All of these activities plus mixers, formals and United States. date parties keep Chi Omegas busy! They also Chi Omega participates in many campus ac- draw us closer into a sisterhood that offers life- tivities md community service events as well as long friends and a chance to grow together emo- social functions. Chi Omega's philanthropies tionally, academically and socially. vary, as we dedicate our time, rather than mon- Th j sisters of Chi Omega. Chi-0 sit ters take a break from talking to prospective rushees. T1 ings were muddy at this year's Greek Games. 186 Chi Omega The "Rho Lambda" chapter of Chi Omega. Photos courtesy of Laurie Costa XO sisters rolling around on a hayride. Greeks 187 Phi Siglma Sigma's diversity spans hold their annual ''Haunted House11 at throughout its membership and functions. PIKA to raise money for the Delaware As- As a sorori ;y Phi Sig contains women of all sociation of Retarted Citizens. In addition, religions and backgrounds. Its members to the Haunted House and Swing-a-Thon, strive in excellence to bring each of their Phi Sig holds many events to benefit oth- own talent:; and abilities to strengthen sis- ers. Annually, Phi Sig and Sigma Phi Ep- terhood bonds and form lifelong friend- silon raise money for Newark's homeless in ships. Phi gig's Delta Eta Chapter of the their spring "Twister" contest. To further University of Delaware was founded by Phi Sig's ties with the Newark community, eighteen U niversity students in the Spring the sorority has participated in blood drives of 1981 and received University status in and food drives. In addition to this active 1983. Curr sntly, Phi Sig has grown into a involvement with the community, Phi Sig flourishing! unit with approximately 114 tries to help Delaware's students by pro- sisters and 41 pledges. Service, scholarship, viding a safewalk at the Morris Library, and friend ;hip are the goals of Phi Sigma This "Safewalk" will be held from October Sigma, anc it is through the attainment of 22 until December 19 with the brothers of these goals that Phi Sig actively functions. Sigma Chi Lamda in attempt to improve By consi sting of a diverse but unified sis- saftey on the University's campus, terhood an d by maintaining an active so- To support the sisters and publicize the cial calendar as well as an outstanding pub- events, Phi Sigma Sigma utilizes banners, lie image, ' ^hi Sigma Sigma is able to con- flyers, and the Review. By maintaining an tribute to shilanthropies, the community, outstanding public image Phi Sig is able to and other Greeks at the University of Del- accomplish its successful philanthropic aware. The women who make up Phi Sig events. Also, with a positive image the sis- are exceptional. Phi Sig prides itself in ters are able to incorporate multiple social keeping sisters individuality while main- events for the sisterhood, its alumnae, and taining a whole. Among its members some parents. Such events include Homecoming, talents include: ice skating, field hockey and Parents Day, Bar-be-ques, as well as mix- lacrosse pliyers, tour guides, multi-lingual ers. speakers, designers, and intellects. This Phi Sigma Sigma attempts to further the years 1991 Greek Games illustrates Phi community, philanthropies, other greeks, Sig's talen ;s, with Phi Sig placing first in and students at the University of Delaware the best Eiody on the Beach and Greek while forming and maintaining strong sis- Goddess contests. terhood ties. Phi Sig will continue to pro- Due to t lis strong membership. Phi Sig- mote Greek Unity and a possitive attitude ma Sigma actively participates in multiple toward the Greek community. A sorority is philanthropic and social functions. On Oc- about friendship and fun, but a sorority is tober fourteenth the sisters of Phi Sig held also an organization which benefits the a twenty-four hour swing-a-thon to raise community, campus, and people in need, money for its national philanthropy, the The sisters of Phi Sigma Sigma pledge to National Kidney Foundation. Also, on Oc- uphold their sorority's goals: Service, tober 30 Phi Sig and Pi Kappa Alpha will Scholarship, and Friendship. Phi Sig s sters show their spirit. Brrrr! sist jrs shiver before they go jogging. 188 Phi Sigma Sigma Two sisters write signs for Big and Little Sister Day. Photo courtesy of Kizzie Cobb. Three sisters grab a snack at Greek Games. Phi Sigma Sigma sisters await the results on Bid Day. Photos courtesy of Phi Sigma Sigma. Greeks 189 Alpha Sigma Alpha began this school year kicked off the spring semester with a Val- with a grea t rush. Our open house theme entine's Day date party at the Sheraton in was the "ASA Jamboree" with a group of Newark. We have our 20th Reunion For- sisters performing an actual square dance, mal on April 11 at the Raddison Hotel in The first invite rush party's theme was a Wilmington. We expect a number of ASA pirate then e. A slide show was shown while alums to be there. all of the sisters sang a song called "Some- Our philanthropy is aid to the mentally thing about ASA", a takeoff of Bryan Ad- retarded, so this year we helped out with ams' song "Something about Christmas- the Special Olympics in March. We will be time." The second invite party had a circus having a fundraising activity in the spring theme with a skit full of characters such as to raise money for our philanthropy, a clown, a lion tamer, and "Siamese twins." This summer we are looking forward to We took 41 pledges last semester. They had out National Convention which will be held their overr ight pledge retreat at a camp in Baltimore this year. Our advisor, Julia near Perryville, Md. Hoffer, is in charge of it, so many of our We had some great social functions this chapter's members are planning on being year too. Along with mixers, we had a fall there, hayride that was fun for everyone. We Jeanne Manning and date hit the dance floor at the Valentine's Date Party. PHOTO COURTESY OF MELANIE WETTINGFELD. Sue Holt, Melanie Wettingfeld, Kristen Wheeler and Sue Durante enjoy cake on Bid Day. Heather K enney, Kathleen Schmand, Kerri Friedman, Jessica Mayers, Kristina Scoglio, D'Ann Auty and Christine Backes at Rehobeth Beach for their Initiation Retreat. Kathy Kennedy and Jeanne Joyce tailgate at Homecoming. Kim Cassidy, J.T. Tomlinson, Lisa Ferrell, Colleen Caffery, Eilse Bauer and Sue Durante are all smiles on Bid Day. The A2A pledges take a break from dancing at The Pledge Gong Show.