The Attorneys on the Attached List Have the Opportunity to Comply With
NOTICE: The attorneys on the attached list have the opportunity to comply with outstanding requirements prior to the effective date of the Supreme Court Order and not be administratively suspended. The current license status of a Pennsylvania attorney can be found on the Disciplinary Board’s website. public/find-attorney Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Attorneys Certified for Administrative Suspension Year: 20-21 08/12/2020 Philadelphia County Active ID# Attorney 89853 Ahonkhai, Imiebihoro Teresa 323305 Angus-Anderson, Wendy Elizabeth 35522 Askot, Stuart K. 81211 Barbich, Marie Sarkees 326969 Batastini, Joseph 37661 Bischoff, Jamie Barton 90457 Bloise, Diana Maria 67392 Borum, Trevan 318041 Brett, Colin E. 93242 Brody, Tyler 89819 Brooks, Marni J. 324587 Brophy, Anne K. 321444 Brother, Melanie Las 21705 Brown, Medford J. III 37332 Burdumy, Stephen Thomas 30069 Cameron, Edward J. 95105 Capobianco, Christina Lynn 81848 Cataldi, Richard A. 42261 Cawley, Michael J. 315959 Chapman, Julia 315744 Chiaramonte, Neha Yadav 316768 Chivinski, Justin Faust 80943 Conlin, Kelly A. 47347 Conway, Gwendolyn A. 78236 Corcoran, Matthew F. 320264 Daulerio, Hugh 320815 deMedeiros, Alison Gene 202108 Dixon, Daniel Michael 29561 Dochney, Francis X. 49231 Doherty, Dawn Courtney 12386 Dolfman, Murray B. 309114 Dorliae, Kou 311879 Elder, William Robert Jr. 206663 Engel, Kimberly Michelle 88113 Esterbrook, Scott 67515 Fabiani, Christa Ann 307206 Feden, Kristen Marguerite Gibbons 1 Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Attorneys Certified for Administrative Suspension Year: 20-21 08/12/2020 Philadelphia County Active ID# Attorney 36736 Felix, Elit R. II 204303 Foley, Catherine Anne 27081 Franqui, Angel Luis Jr.
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