Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.69.810.308 on 1 April 1993. Downloaded from Postgrad Med J (1993) 69, 308 - 311 © The Fellowship of Postgraduate Medicine, 1993

Clinical Reports Obstructive sleep apnoea associated with C. Ellis, N. Curzen and H. Katifi Wessex Neurological Centre, Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, UK

Summary: We present a case of obstructive sleep apnoea in association with syringomyelia. We describe the successful treatment ofthe respiratory obstruction by continuous positive airway pressure and then by surgical means. This rare combination of conditions and the management is reviewed.

Introduction Syringomyelia-syringobulbia has been reported to Reflexes were absent in the right arm but were cause either isolated central sleep apnoea' or normal elsewhere. Gait and coordination were also isolated obstructive sleep apnoea.2- The anatomy normal. There was absent pain and temperature and behaviour of these lesions allows them to sensation in the distribution ofC5-C8, and T5-T7 interfere with either the central drive to breathe or dermatomes on the right as well as T6 and T7 on with the innervation to oropharyngeal muscles the left. Light touch and posterior column sensa- involved in maintenance of local tone. Here we tion was normal. report a case of syringomyelia associated with profound obstructive sleep apnoea which res- ponded dramatically to treatment. Investigations copyright. Renal, liver and thyroid function tests were nor- Case report mal, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate was 10 mm/hour, and syphilis serology was negative. A 32 year old farm labourer presented with an 8 However, the haemoglobin was 17.3 g/dl with a month history ofprogressive daytime tiredness and packed cell volume of 0.52. Arterial blood gases in of falling asleep at work. He had previously been air were as follows: pH 7.40, Paco2 6.5 kPa, well, though he smoked 40 cigarettes a day and Pao2 8.2 kPa, bicarbonate 31 mmol/l, oxygen drank at least four bottles of red wine and 15 pints saturation 91%. The chest X-ray showed patchy ofbeer per week. He snored loudly at night and had basal atelectasis and the electrocardiogram P- noticed persistent numbness in his right upper limb pulmonale and an axis of + 90. There was a and painless ulcers of his right elbow and hand. In thoracic kyphoscoliosis and a healed fracture ofthe addition, he frequently burnt himself when cigar- sixth cervical vertebra on the plain spinal films. ettes fell onto his chest when he went to sleep. Plain X-rays of his right elbow and wrist showed Sometimes the pain would wake him, but in one evidence of neuropathic arthropathy. on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected area of his chest he could not feel himself being Magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated a burnt. syrinx at the level of C2 to T7, with the cerebellar On examination he was plethoric and obese, tonsils protruding through the foramen magnum weighing 107 kg at a height of 1.74 m. He had by 5 mm, corresponding to a type 1 Arnold-Chiari ulceration of his right hand and elbow as well as malformation.6 It also demonstrated the massive cigarette burns in a band across his chest. Cranial enlargement of the soft palate and uvula. nerve examination was normal as was his speech. At spirometry the forced expiratory volume in 1 His orpharynx, however, revealed huge tonsils and second (FEVI) was 2.971 (predicted 4.11 1) and soft tissue hypertrophy. Tone and power in the forced vital capacity (FVC) was 4.341 (predicted limbs was normal apart from grade 4/5 weakness of 4.90 1). There were low maximum inspiratory and finger abduction and adduction of the right hand. expiratory mouth pressures of 2.1 kPa (predicted 9.98 kPa) and 4.7 kPa (15.96 kPa), respectively, Correspondence: N. Curzen, B.M., M.R.C.P., Royal suggesting weakness of respiratory musculature. Brompton, National Heart and Lung Hospital, Sydney Overnight sleep studies were performed with finger Street, London SW3 6NP, UK. oximetry, chest wall excursion monitoring and Accepted: 14 September 1992 careful observation. These revealed recurrent Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.69.810.308 on 1 April 1993. Downloaded from CLINICAL REPORTS 309 episodes of obstructed respiration with hypox- good symptomatic response. The patient remained aemia: the arterial oxygen saturation dropping to on CPAP at night for the next 18 days. In view of below 50% on five occasions during the night this evidence he underwent uvulopalatopharyn- (Figure 1). Fluroscopic screening ofthe oropharynx goplasty. One year after presentation he has a was also undertaken during midazolam-induced settled sleep pattern (Figure 3), and has stopped sleep. This demonstrated the obstruction of the drinking. He has lost 12 kg in weight and has pharyngeal lumen by the floppy redundant soft recovered his former mental alertness. His palatal tissues. At no time during the sleep studies neurological condition is stable. did complete cessation of chest wall movement occur, and the pattern of these movements were characteristic of obstructive sleep apnoea. Discussion Sleep apnoea is classified into three broad Management categories with some overlap between the groups.7'8 It can be a purely central problem, with disruption The patient was treated initially with continuous of the respiratory centres of the medulla, or more positive airway pressure (CPAP) during sleep via a commonly it can be an obstructive problem. In the tightly fitting nasal mask at a mean pressure of latter group a previously narrow airway becomes 10 cm water. There was a dramatic improvement in obstructed at night, due to the physiological relaxa- oxygen saturation during use (Figure 2), with a tion of oropharyngeal muscle tone and this


Arterial -- copyright. oxygen saturation

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... @.e._...... 20 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Hours of sleep Figure 1 Overnight oximetry at presentation.

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Arterial 6 ...... oxygen saturation

40~ ~4-

I-olws of sleep I I_ * CROPP Figure 2 Overnight oximetry showing effects of CPAP for I hour. Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.69.810.308 on 1 April 1993. Downloaded from 310 CLINICAL REPORTS


Arterial oxygen 40' - _ saturation 40 .(%)

0. ' . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figure 3 Overnightfroximer gerP Figure 3 Overnight oximetry following surgery. stimulates increasingly vigorous respiratory efforts alcohol. Syringomyelia-induced denervation ofthe to overcome it. Finally, sleep apnoea can be a respiratory muscles may have caused weakness combination of these two mechanisms - when contributing to his difficulty in overcoming the recurrent obstruction-induced hypoxaemia and upper airway obstruction. hypercapnia also progesses to a down-grading of The first line of treatment for obstructive sleep to the central drive breathe. apnoea consists of simple measures, such as weight copyright. Central sleep apnoea has been reported with loss and abstension from alcohol in the evenings. several lesions including infarction of Tricyclic antidepressant drugs that decrease the the medulla,9, olivopontocerebellar degeneration,'0 time in rapid eye movement sleep and increase the ," and Arnold-Chiari malformation.' tone in the muscles of the upper airway have also It may also be idiopathic as the classical 'Ondine's been used.'8 Unfortunately they have a large Curse'." number of side effects related to their anti- Obstructive sleep apnoea most often occurs in cholinergic properties.

obese men, particularly those who drink alcohol Nasal CPAP increases the patency of the heavily at night. It is common in chronic mouth pharyngeal lumen by the application of positive breathers and in those with anatomical narrowing pressure via a tightly-fitting nasal mask.'9 The of the upper airway.8 It has been reported, how- degree of pressure applied is determined by the ever, in neurological conditions which can cause response at sleep study and the range is usually airway obstruction such as poliomyelitis,'4 Shy- between 0.5-1.5 kPa. There are various problems Drager syndrome,'5 and motor neurone disease.'6 with this treatment that are not uncommon. The Syringomyelia-bulbia with or without Arnold- mask itselfcan be very uncomfortable, especially at

Chiari malformation have been found to be first, and iffitted incorrectly can cause sores on the on September 29, 2021 by guest. Protected associated with central sleep apnoea,1,'7 and syrin- skin. Secondly, the maintenance of positive pres- gomyelia has caused obstructive sleep apnoea via sure within the pharyngeal lumen is restricted ifthe vocal cord paralysis.5 Two cases have also des- mouth falls open during sleep, and sometimes this cribed cranial nerve dysfunction and oropha- has to be prevented. Finally, nasal congestion ryngeal muscle weakness with airway occlusion due renders the system considerably less effective. to a syrinx extending into the brainstem. Both cases Treatment can sometimes be surgical, as in this responded to tracheostomy and demonstrated no case. The operation ofuvulopalatopharyngoplasty interruption of the central drive to breathing.2'3 consists of the removal of 'excess' mucosal tissue in Here we report a case ofobstructive sleep apnoea the pharynx including the tonsils, uvula and a and pure syringomyelia: this is the second time this variable amount of the soft palate.20 One of the combination has been reported, but in this case most serious complications ofthe procedure occurs there was no evidence of vocal cord paralysis. We if too much tissue in the soft palate is removed, cannot, however, exclude an element of central which can result in escape of air and fluid through sleep apnoea since our study did not include the nose. The procedure usually provides good polysomnography. Our patient was obese with soft relief of snoring, but is less successful at preventing tissue hypertrophy of the palate and drank excess apnoeic episodes. The definition that is usually CLINICAL REPORTS 311 Postgrad Med J: first published as 10.1136/pgmj.69.810.308 on 1 April 1993. Downloaded from applied in studies assessing the success of such low success rate, and is probably best reserved for surgery is at least a 50% reduction in sleep- those in whom visualization and imaging demon- disordered breathing events. If this definition is strates severe soft tissue obstruction of the taken, the 'response' rate is usually found to be pharyngeal lumen, particularly at the about 50%.2 It is not yet clear how to predict who oropharyngeal level. will respond best to treatment by surgery. How- We suspect that other cases of syringomyelia- ever, some studies do suggest that those patients syringobulbia, as well as other neurological condi- with obstruction at the level ofthe oro- rather than tions such as those mentioned above, may benefit the hypo-pharynx do better.22 There is no agree- from identification and treatment of the obstruc- ment as to whether body weight correlates with tive apnoea syndrome to which they may be more response.23 The operation therefore has a relatively prone.

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