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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 2017 No. 23 Senate The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The President pro tempore is some- how you build friendships with both called to order by the President pro thing of a legend in the Beehive State. Robert Bork and Ted Kennedy. That is tempore (Mr. HATCH). He is a published author. He has gold how you establish yourself as one of f and platinum albums hanging on the the most productive legislators in mod- wall, and he is a great fighter for his ern history, as Senator HATCH has. PRAYER home State. He isn’t slowing down any time soon. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- It is not hard to see why Utahns keep He is actually getting more done than fered the following prayer: sending him back. It is not hard to see ever. He just passed dozens of bills out Let us pray. why they chose to make him the long- of the Senate last Congress, and many Give ear to our words, O Lord. Listen est serving Senator in Utah history. of them became law. Now our friend, to the sounds of our intercession. We Senator HATCH has come a long way the Finance Committee chairman, is in look to You with the vibrant expecta- from the grinding poverty of his child- a unique position to continue having tion that You can transform dark yes- hood, and just recently, he passed yet an impact on a range of issues, and I terdays into bright tomorrows. We are another significant milestone. He be- am sure he will. grateful that we can fulfill Your pur- came the longest serving Republican I hope he still finds some time to poses because of the strength we re- Senator in American history. Now, keep up with his songwriting career. ceive each day from You. that is impressive. You should listen to his stuff. It is Lord, show our lawmakers Your com- Yet, given what we all know about good. He has penned everything from a passion. Give them a peace that tran- our colleague, it isn’t all that sur- love song on the ‘‘Ocean’s Twelve’’ scends human understanding. May they prising. Senator HATCH is almost al- soundtrack to his world-famous Ha- face life’s challenges with the faith ways in the mix on the most con- nukkah song. Senator HATCH would that nothing is impossible for You. In- sequential issues of the day. He has want me to remind you that it ranked crease their faith, filling them with a been a leading voice on everything somewhere between the Black Eyed more complete trust in You and with a from labor law to judicial nominations, Peas and Lady Gaga on the hit charts. willingness to follow Your guidance. religious freedom to tax reform. This ‘‘Everyone,’’ he says, ‘‘loves my We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen expansive policy expertise helps ex- music’’—everyone. You have to admire that confidence. f plain why his colleagues chose him to We look forward to seeing the great PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE serve as chairman of three major com- things he will be able to achieve for mittees: HELP, Judiciary, and today The President pro tempore led the Utahns, for the country, and for the the powerful Finance Committee. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: music industry in the years to come. Senator HATCH remains as much of a I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the It has been my distinct privilege to key player as ever in advancing the recognize our colleague in the Chair United States of America, and to the Repub- Senate’s agenda. His guidance will be lic for which it stands, one nation under God, today. I would ask colleagues to join indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. crucial as we continue to move forward with Senator HATCH’s family—his wife with repealing and replacing f of nearly 60 years, Elaine, their 6 chil- ObamaCare, as we turn to tax reform, dren, 23 grandchildren, and 19 great RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY and as we consider the President’s Su- grandchildren—in marking this impor- LEADER preme Court nominee. tant milestone. The tasks before us are as diverse as The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The f majority leader is recognized. they are challenging, but I know our ATTORNEY GENERAL JEFF f colleague from Utah is up to the charge. SESSIONS CONGRATULATING SENATOR The man known as ‘‘Honest Orrin’’ is Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, it HATCH: THE LONGEST SERVING one of the kindest and most gracious was great to see our now-former col- REPUBLICAN SENATOR IN AMER- guys you will ever meet. He is a man of league, Senator Sessions, confirmed as ICAN HISTORY deep faith and principled conviction. the Nation’s 84th Attorney General Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I But Senator HATCH is anything but a yesterday. We all had to watch as he would like to begin this morning by di- pushover. He is a fighter for Utah and was subjected to a terrible campaign of recting some remarks to the Chair. I for the Nation. He is a proud conserv- unfair and deeply personal attacks. He would like to recognize an important ative. He has simply learned the art of endured it all with grace, though, and milestone of his, but let me start off disagreeing—sometimes strongly— with the same considerable dignity, re- this way. without being disagreeable. That is spect, and courtesy we have long ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S975 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:45 Feb 09, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A09FE6.000 S09FEPT1 SSpencer on DSK4SPTVN1PROD with SENATE S976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 9, 2017 known Senator Sessions for. We are The Association of American Medical EXECUTIVE SESSION going to miss him in the Senate, but Colleges supports him and says: ‘‘[H]e we couldn’t be more proud of him as he will bring a thoughtful, measured ap- begins this new position. proach to tackling the wide range of EXECUTIVE CALENDAR f issues affecting the nation’s health.’’ The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under And the Healthcare Leadership Coun- the previous order, the Senate will pro- SENATOR-DESIGNATE LUTHER cil couldn’t be more enthusiastic. ‘‘It is ceed to executive session to resume STRANGE difficult,’’ they said, ‘‘to imagine any- consideration of the nomination of Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, of one more capable of serving his nation THOMAS PRICE, of Georgia, to be Sec- course the departure of one Senator as the Secretary of Health and Human retary of Health and Human Services, typically heralds the arrival of a new Services than Congressman Tom which the clerk will report. one. Today is no different. I hope col- Price.’’ The senior assistant legislative clerk leagues will join me in welcoming Ala- That is high praise. It also happens read the nomination of Thomas Price, bama’s newest Senator later today, LU- to be accurate. of Georgia, to be Secretary of Health THER STRANGE, who will be sworn in The American people need Dr. TOM and Human Services. this afternoon. PRICE applying his practical knowledge The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- You won’t have much trouble finding as a doctor and as a legislator at the ator from Utah. him. He will be the tallest guy around Department of Health and Human Mr. SCHUMER. Will the Senator here. Now, you would expect nothing Services, an agency in great need of yield? different from a former college basket- new leadership. Mr. HATCH. I will be happy to yield. ball player. Senator THUNE and Sen- This job is a big one. There is no Mr. SCHUMER. I thank my col- ator COTTON last night were somewhat doubting that. It requires overseeing league. distressed by the notion that they some of the Nation’s most important RECOGNITION OF THE MINORITY LEADER would be replaced by an even taller programs, like Medicare and Medicaid, The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator, and that will happen later and helping to protect public health at Democratic leader is recognized. today. the CDC and helping to find cures at CONGRATULATING SENATOR HATCH: THE LONG- LUTHER STRANGE, like the man who EST SERVING REPUBLICAN SENATOR IN preceded him, is a devoted Eagle Scout. NIH and helping to ensure at the FDA that those cures can make it to the pa- AMERICAN HISTORY He shares his interest in the law too. Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, before He even argued successfully before the tients. It is a big job, but TOM PRICE is the our great friend from Utah gets up, I Supreme Court. It is notable experi- have other remarks; I will let the Sen- ence to bring to any job, especially this right man for it. We shouldn’t wait a ator from Utah speak before those. But one, and especially at a time when we moment longer to confirm him. As I want to join my distinguished friend are actively involved in the process of soon as we do, we will turn to the nom- the majority leader in recognizing the considering a new—and superbly quali- ination of Steve Mnuchin to lead the Senator from Utah, who has become fied—nominee to the Court. Department of the Treasury. We are looking forward to the con- the longest serving Republican Senator tributions that Alabama’s newest Sen- f in history.