
Open-Closed Super Field Theory

Mritunjay Verma

INFN, Napoli

(Work with Faroogh Moosavian and ) (ArXiv: 1907.10632 + Ongoing work)

Workshop on Fundamental Aspects of , ICTP-SAIFR/IFT-UNESP, Sao Paolo, June 2020

University of California, Davis, December 2017 Brief Outline

1. Introduction

2. Construction of open-closed string field theory

3. Generalization to unoriented strings Introduction

String Field theory is the field theoretic formulation of string • theory. (Kaku, Kikkawa; Witten; Zwiebach; Hata, Zwiebach; Sen; Berkovits; ··· )

The usual string theory based on Polyakov prescription re- • lies very heavily on world sheet conformal field theory.

The world sheet CFT gives powerful tools allowing us to • explore the theory deeply. However, it also puts some re- strictions on how far one can go.

The world sheet calculations typically give IR divergences. • One can trace these divergences to be coming from bound- ary regions of the . Introduction

Some of these divergences can be cured within the frame- • work of world-sheet theory by making an analytic continua- tion in the external momenta. (Berera; Witten)

However, for some of the problems such as • Mass renormalization of generic string state • Tadpole divergences due to incorrect vacuum • Contribution of D to perturbation theory, • the analytic continuation is not enough.

During the last few years, string field theory has given sys- • tematic tools to deal with these IR issues. ( Rudra, Pius, Sen; Sen) Introduction

String field theory has also given a deeper understanding • of the issues of unitarity and analyticity in string theory. (Pius, Sen; Sen; Lacroix, Erbin, Sen) The string field theory has also been used to study the su- • perstrings in RR background. (Cho, Collier, Yin)

Apart from perturbative questions, the string field theory • has also given insights into the non perturbative aspects of string theory.

Following Ashoke Sen’s work on condensation, a • lot of results have been obtained both anlytically and numer- ically regarding the open strings in D- backgrounds. (Sen; Sen, Zwiebach; Gaiotto, Rastelli; Schnabl; Erler, Maccaferri;··· ) Introduction

The bosonic closed string field theory was developed in • early 90s and provides the language we shall be using. (Zwiebach; Sen, Zweibach)

The closed superstring field theory has been constructed • recently. (Sen)

The open super string field theory was first constructed by • . However, it was soon found that it contained divergences which correspond to propagation of closed string states. (Freedman, Giddings, Shapiro, Thorn) Introduction

There have been various attempts to reformulate the open • string field theory so that these divergences disappear. (Berkovits; Gaberdiel, Zwiebach; Kroyter, Okawa, Schnabl, Torii, Zwiebach; Earler, Konopka, Sachs; Kunitomo, Okawa; ··· )

One way to deal with these divergences is to explicitly add • the closed string sector to the open string field theory which leads to combined open closed string field theory. Such systems natuarally arise in the presence of D .

For the bosonic case, the combined open closed string field • theory was constructed by Zwiebach.

Our goal will be to describe the super symmetric version of • the combined open closed theory. (Moosavian, Sen, MV) How to Construct String Field Action ?

Before proceeding further, we describe the schematic way • in which the string field theories are typically constructed.

A string field is a general linear combination of all the string • states which appear in first quantized world-sheet theory X Ψ = ψr φr r | i

where φr denote the basis states which are in one to one correspondence| i with the states in the world-sheet theory and ψr turn out to be the space-time fields. How to Construct String Field Action ?

The usual string theory, based on Polyakov prescription, • gives a formal expression for the on-shell amplitudes given as integrals over the moduli spaces. Z g,n = [dmi] 1 n g,n A Mg,n hV ···V i

where mi denote the coordinates on the moduli space and { } 1 n g,n denotes a correlation function on the genus g RiemannhV ···V i surface with n external string states.

One generalizes this to construct the off shell amplitudes. • This involves making the amplitudes depend upon some off shell data (such as local coordinates around the punctures). How to Construct String Field Action ?

One now divides the integration regions in ‘’1PI and 1PR • regions” Z Z  g,n = + [dmi] 1 n g,n A 1PI 1PR hV ···V i

The 1PR part includes those regions in moduli space which • correspond to separating type degeneration of Riemann sur- faces.

On the other hand, the 1PI part excludes the separating • type degeneration.

Identifying the 1PI and 1PR parts of amplitudes, we can • construct the vertices of string field theory to be used in the action. How to Construct String Field Action ?



Separating type degeneration non separating type degeneration − Construction of Open Closed

- Ingredients for constructing open closed SFT

- 1PI effective action

- Section Independence Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

We start by introducing the vertices which shall be used in • the construction of the 1PI action.

For this, we introduce some specific vector spaces in which • string fields live

c −1,−1 , H ≡ H ⊕ H−1/2,−1 ⊕ H−1,−1/2 ⊕ H−1/2,−1/2 c e −1,−1 −3/2,−1 −1,−3/2 −3/2,−3/2, Ho ≡ H ⊕ H ⊕ H ⊕ H −1 , H ≡ H ⊕ H−1/2 o e −1 − / H ≡ H ⊕ H 3 2

m,n denotes the of closed string states with H picture number (m, n) and m denotes the vector space of open string states with pictureH number m. Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

For fields Ψc c and Ψo o, we denote the off shell 1PI • i i amplitude/vertex∈ H by ∈ H

c c o o Ψ1 ΨN;Ψ1 ΨM { ··· ··· } Z X 2g−2+b c c o o (gs) Ωp(Ψ1, , ΨN;Ψ1, , ΨM) ≡ g,b≥0 Rg,b,N,M ··· ··· (g,b,N,M)6=(0,1,1,0)

is the part of moduli space of punctured Riemann • g,b,N,M surfacesR which includes information about the local coordi- nates around the punctures and PCO locations.

Ω is a correlation function on the Riemann surface and p = • p 6g 6 + 3b + 2N + M denotes its dimension. − Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

The disc one point function is not included in the definition • of Ψc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo . We need to treat this separately. { 1 ··· N 1 ··· M}

The reason for this is that in the RR sector with picture num- • 1 1 c ber ( 2 , 2 ), the quantity Ψ ; vanishes since it can not satisfy− the− picture number conservation{ } (we need the total picture number to be -2 on the disc).

However, for elements in ec, there is no problem. In the RR • H 3 3 sector, they carry the picture number ( 2 , 2 ) and we can construct non zero disc one point function− − using them (by inserting a picture changing operator). Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

Hence, for Ψ˜ c c, we define Ψ˜ c to be the contribution • e D from one point∈ functionH on the disc.{ }

For the NS-NS sector, we can include the disc one point • c c contribution either in Ψ ; or Ψ˜ D. For uniformity, we { } c { } include it in the definition of Ψ˜ D. { }

The basic reason that the disc one point function needs the • states from ec is that the D branes carry the RR charge and H couple to the RR potential which is contained in Ψ˜ c (the Ψc contain the RR field strengths). Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

Before proceeding further, we note some features of the • section segments g,b,N,M. R The section segments must not contain any separating type • degeneration.

Given two section segments, we can generate new section • segments by repeated applications of following two opera- tions

1. Plumbing fixture (sewing) 2. Hole creation Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

In the plumbing fixture, we take two section segments g ,b ,N ,M R 1 1 1 1 and g2,b2,N2,M2 . We now pick a Riemann surface from one fam- ily andR sew one of its puncture to a puncture on the Riemann surface from the other family by identifying the local coordinates around the punctures.

−s−iθ Closed String : w1w2 = e , 0 s −s ≤ ≤ ∞ Open String : w1w2 = e − Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

In the hole creation operation, the Riemann surfaces from the section segment g,b,N,M are glued to a disc with one closed string puncture R

−s w1w2 = e

This needs to be specified separately since the disc with one bulk puncture is special in the combined open closed super string field theory. Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

c A very useful identity satisfied by and Ψ˜ D is the so called ’main identity’ {· · · } { }

c (QBAe ) D = 0 { } and,

N X c c c c c o o A A (QBA )A A ; A A { 1 ··· i−1 i i+1 ··· N 1 ··· M} i=1 M X c c o o o o o j−1 + A A ; A A (QBA )A A ( 1) { 1 ··· N 1 ··· j−1 j j+1 ··· M} − j=1 N M 1 X X X X  = g2 Ac Ac c; Ao Ao −2 s { i1 ··· ik B j1 ··· j` } k=0 {i1··· ,ik}⊂{1,··· ,N} `=0 {j1,··· ,j`}⊂{1,··· ,M} c c o o o  +gs A A ; A A { i1 ··· ik B j1 ··· j` } 2 1 c o o c g [A A ; A A ] D , − s { c ··· N 1 ··· M } Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT where

c c c o o c o c c o o o [A¯ A¯ ; A¯ A¯ ] , [A¯ A¯ ; A¯ A¯ ] B ≡ G i1 ··· iN−k j1 ··· jM−` B ≡ G i1 ··· iN−k j1 ··· jM−` with the conditions

i1, , ik ¯i1, ,¯iN−k = 1, , N { ··· } ∪ { ··· } { ··· } j1, , j` ¯j1, ,¯jM−` = 1, , M { ··· } ∪ { ··· } { ··· } The states [; ]c and [; ]o are defined via the inner products

Ψc c− [Ψc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo ]c = ΨcΨc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo , h 0| 0 | 1 ··· N 1 ··· M i { 0 1 ··· N 1 ··· M} Ψo [Ψc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo ]o = Ψc Ψc ;ΨoΨo Ψo h 0| 1 ··· N 1 ··· M i { 1 ··· N 0 1 ··· M} where Ψ denotes the BPZ conjugate of Ψ h | | i Ingredients for Constructing Open Closed SFT

The operator is given by G ( so if so so −1 = |1 i | i ∈o H o G| i ( 0 + ¯0) s if s 2 X X | i | i ∈ H−3/2  sc if sc  −1,−1 | i c | i ∈c H  0 s if s sc = X | i | i ∈ H−1,−3/2 G| i ¯ sc if sc  0 −3/2,−1 X | i c | i ∈c H  0 ¯0 s if s X X | i | i ∈ H−3/2,−3/2 where 0 and ¯0 denote the zero modes of holomorphic and anti-holomorphicX X PCOs I dz I d¯z 0 (z), ¯0 ¯(¯z), X ≡ z X X ≡ ¯z X 1PI Effective Action

Having described the 1PI vertices, we can now write down • the 1PI effective action for the open-closed SFT

1 c − c 1 c − c S1PI = 2 Ψe c0 QB Ψe + 2 Ψe c0 QB Ψ −2 gs h | G| i gs h | | i

1 o o 1 o o Ψe QB Ψe + Ψe QB Ψ −2 gs h | G| i gs h | | i

c − X X 1 c N o M + Ψe c []D + (Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) h | 0 | i N! M! { } N≥0 M≥0

c − c where, Ψe c []D = Ψe D. h | 0 | i { } Even though Ψ˜ c and Ψ˜ o fields appear in the action, they • decouple from the physical processes. 1PI Effective Action

The equations of following from the 1PI effective ac- • tion are

˜ c c ˜ c  2 |Ψ i : QB |Ψ i − G|Ψ i + gs |[]Di = 0

∞ ∞ c c X X 1 c N− o M c |Ψ i : Q |Ψ˜ i + g2 [(Ψ ) 1; (Ψ ) ] = 0 B s (N − 1)!M! N=1 M=0

o o o  |Ψ˜ i : QB |Ψ i − G|Ψ˜ i = 0

∞ ∞ o o X X 1 c N o M− o |Ψ i : Q |Ψ˜ i + g [(Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) 1] = 0 B s N!(M − 1)! N=0 M=0 1PI Effective Action

By appropriately combining the two closed and two open • equations, one gets

∞ ∞ c X X 1 c N− o M c Q |Ψ i + g2 G[(Ψ ) 1; (Ψ ) ] + g2|[] i = 0 B s (N − 1)!M! s D N=1 M=0

∞ ∞ o X X 1 c N o M− o Q |Ψ i + g G[(Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) 1] = 0 B s N!(M − 1)! N=0 M=1 These give the interacting equations of motion for the phys- • ical string fields Ψc and Ψo. The Ψe c and Ψe o can be deter- mined after fixing a solution to Ψc and Ψo upto the freedom c o to add solutions to QB Ψe = 0 = QB Ψe . | i | i This implies that Ψc and Ψo represent the free field degrees • e e of freedom and completely decouple from the interacting part of the theory. 1PI Effective Action

This theory has a natural BV structure and it can be shown • that the 1PI effective action satisfies the classical BV master equation (since we are supposed to work at tree level using the 1PI action).

For this, we identify the fields and anti fields of the theory • in the following manner: We first divide the Hilbert space of the theory as

c = ϕ−, ϕr ; ˜c = ϕ−, ϕr H ⇒ { s +} H ⇒ { es e+} o = φ−, φr ; ˜o = φe−, φer H ⇒ { s +} H ⇒ { s +}

ϕr c− ϕ− = δr = ϕ− c− ϕs , φer φ− = δr = φe− φs h e+| 0 | s i s h er | 0 | +i h +| s i s h r | +i 1PI Effective Action

Using this division, we can expand the string fields as • − c X ϕr c r − X c ∗ r Ψe = gs ( 1) e (ψe ) ϕer gs (ψ )r ϕe+ | i r − | i − r | i − c 1 c X ϕr c r − X c ∗ r Ψ Ψe = gs ( 1) (ψ ) ϕ gs (ψe ) ϕ 2 r r + | i − G| i r − | i − r | i

r o X o r − X ϕ++1 o ∗ r Ψe = √gs (ψe ) φer + √gs ( 1) e (ψ )r φe+ | i r | i r − | i o 1 o X o r − X φr +1 o ∗ r Ψ Ψe = √gs (ψ ) φ + √gs ( 1) + (ψe ) φ 2 r r + | i − G| i r | i r − | i We can consistently assign positive ( 0) ghost numbers • ≥ with the coefficient fields (ψc)r, (ψec)r, (ψo)r, (ψeo)r and nega- tive ( 1) with the coefficient fields (ψc)∗, (ψec)∗, (ψo)∗, (ψeo)∗. ≤ − r r r r 1PI Effective Action

Consequently, for the BV quantization, (ψc)r, (ψ˜c)r, (ψo)r, (ψ˜o)r • c ∗ ˜c ∗ o ∗ ˜o ∗ are interpreted as fields whereas (ψ )r , (ψ )r , (ψ )r , (ψ )r are interpreted as anti-fields.

Using the Main identity, the field expansion and the proper- • ties of the basis states, we find that the 1PI effective action satisfies the classical BV master equation

∂RS1PI ∂LS1PI (S1PI, S1PI) = 2 r ∗ = 0 ∂ψ ∂ψr 1PI Effective Action

The main identity also implies that the 1PI effective action is invariant under the gauge transformation

c c X 1  c c N o M c c N o o M c |δΨ i = Q |Λ i + g2 G[Λ (Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) ] + G[(Ψ ) ;Λ (Ψ ) ] B s N! M! N,M

o o X 1  c c N o M o c N o o M o |δΨ i = Q |Λ i − g G[Λ (Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) ] + G[(Ψ ) ;Λ (Ψ ) ] B s N! M! N,M

c c 2 X 1  c c N o M c c N o o M c |δΨe i = QB|Λe i + gs [Λ (Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) ] + [(Ψ ) ;Λ (Ψ ) ] N! M! N,M

o o X 1  c c N o M o c N o o M o |δΨe i = QB|Λe i − gs [Λ (Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) ] + [(Ψ ) ;Λ (Ψ ) ] N! M! N,M where Λc c, Λo o, Λec ec, Λeo eo, are the gauge transformation| i ∈ H parameters.| i ∈ H | i ∈ H | i ∈ H Section Independence

In defining the interaction vertices (Ψc)N; (Ψo)M and Ψc , • e D we need to make a choice of PCO{ locations and/or} the{ local} coordinate system around the punctures. These different choices of sections apparently define differ- • ent string field theories. However, it can be shown that all the string field theories • defined this way are related by an appropriate field redefini- tion. More specifically, consider two SFTs defined using nearby • sections. Also, let o and c denote the open and closed string field equations|E i of motion.|E i Section Independence

Let the variation in these equations due to the change in the • section be δb o and δb c respectively. | E i | E i Now, under a string field redefinition • Ψo Ψo + δeΨo , Ψc Ψc + δeΨc | i −→ | i | i | i −→ | i | i we denote the changes in o and c by δe o and δe c , respectively. |E i |E i | E i | E i The independence from the choice of integration subspace • means the following equalities

δb o δe o = 0, δb c δe c = 0 | E i − | E i | E i − | E i upon using the equations of motion o = 0 = c . |E i |E i Section Independence

One can show that using a string field redefinition of the • form (Moosavian, MV) 2g−2+b Z o X gs c N o M Φ δeΨ = gs Ω[U]((Ψ ) ; Φ(Ψ ) ) h | i M!N! Rg,b,N,M+1 G

2g−2+b Z − c 2 X gs  c N o M Ψ c0 δeΨ = gs Ω[U] Ψ(Ψ ) ; (Ψ ) h | | i M!N! Rg,b,N+1,M G Z +gs Ω[U]( Ψ) R0,1,1,0 G

the section independence follows (U denotes an infinitesi- mal vector field connecting the nearby sections). Generalization to Unoriented Strings Some General Remarks

There are essentially two types of open closed superstring • theories : Type I and type II with D branes.

The open closed superstring field theory, we have constructed, • describes the type II with D branes (We have considered only oriented strings).

The type I theory is obtained by of type IIB the- • ory. We now describe the essential differences which one encounters while considering this case. Unoriented Open Closed String Field Theory

The type I theory includes the oriented as well as unori- • ented strings.

The unoriented strings are obtained by making an orien- • tifold operation. This corresponds to taking a projection by the world-sheet parity operator possibly accompanied by some symmetry transformation acting on world-sheet SCFT.

This means that in the vector space in which string fields • live, we need to introduce orientifold projection. All the sewing now should be done with this projection. This automatically gives rise to unoriented surfaces like mobius strip and Klein bottle. Unoriented Open Closed String Field Theory

Denoting the world-sheet orientation reversing operator by • W, the sewing should include the projection operator

1 + W P = 2 Due to the inclusion of this operator in the sewing operation, • one needs to include some numerical factors in the defini- c c o o ˜ c tions of Ψ1 ΨN;Ψ1 ΨM and Ψ D to ensure correct factorization{ ··· near degenerations.··· } { }

The do not refer to any specific CFT. Hence, apart • from{· the · · } above change, essentially the same construction as in the oriented case, can also be applied to the unori- ented theories Unoriented Open Closed String Field Theory

The main new features in the case of unoriented string field • theory are

1. The definition of c, ec, o and eo include the appropriate orientifold projectionH operator.H H H

2. The off-shell amplitudes include the sum over moduli spaces of oriented as well as non orientable surfaces.

c 3. The Ψ˜ D now includes not only the one point function on the disc{ } but also on RP2 (i.e. sphere with one crosscap). Unoriented Open Closed String Field Theory

4. The definition of Ψc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo gets modified to { 1 ··· N 1 ··· M} Ψc Ψc ;Ψo Ψo { 1 ··· N 1 ··· M} X 2g−2+b+c −g−(b+c)/2+M/4 (gs) 2 ≡ g,b,c≥0 (g,b,c,N,M)6=(0,1,0,1,0),(0,0,1,1,0) Z g,b,c,N,M c c o o Ω6g−6+3b+3c+2N+M(Ψ1 ΨN;Ψ1 ΨM) Rg,b,c,N,M ··· ···

The coefficient involving the factor of 2 is needed to ensure that the amplitude factorizes correctly near the degenera- tion limit. Thank You