190 Journal of Studies 2010 • May Contributors to the Issue Christopher CHASE-DUNN is Distinguished Professor of and Director of the Insti- tute for Research on World-Systems at the University of California, Riverside. His recent books are The Spiral of Capitalism and Socialism: Toward Global Democracy (with Terry Boswell) and Global Social Change (with Salvatore Babones). In 2001 he was elected to the rank of Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. [email protected] Randall COLLINS is Dorothy Swaine Thomas Professor of Sociology at the University of Penn- sylvania, and President-elect of the American Sociological Association for 2010–2011. He is the author of Violence: A Micro-Sociological Theory (2008), and Interaction Ritual Chains (2004). His earlier books include Conflict Sociology (1975), The Credential Society (1979), The Sociology of Philosophies: A Global Theory of Intellectual Change (1998) and Macro-History (1999). [email protected] Axel DREHER is Professor of Development and International Economics at the Georg- August University Goettingen. He is Affiliated Professor at the KOF Swiss Economic Institute, Re- search Fellow of CESifo and at IZA. He is Editor of the Review of International Organizations and author of the KOF Index of Globalization. Most of his current research is in the field of , economic development, and globalization. [email protected] Noel GASTON is Professor of Economics at the School of Business and Director of the Globalization and Development Center (GDC), Bond University, Gold Coast, Australia. He has held academic and visiting appointments at Osaka University, Seoul National University, the University of Konstanz and the University of Tokyo. The academic area in which he has achieved most recognition is globalization and labor markets. In recent years, his areas of research interest have increasingly focused on Asia-oriented research. William C. GAY is Professor of Philosophy at University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He specializes in war and peace studies. With T. A. Alekseeva, he published Capitalism with a Hu- man Face, On the Eve of the 21st Century, and Democracy and the Quest for Justice. With Mi- chael Pearson, he published The Nuclear Arms Race. With I. I. Mazour and A. N. Chumakov, he published Global Studies Dictionary. He has also published numerous articles and a book on is- sues of peace, justice, and nonviolence. [email protected] Leonid GRININ is a Senior Research Fellow of Volgograd Center for Social Research, a co- editor of the Journal of Globalization Studies, Social Evolution & History, co-editor of almanacs ‘History & Mathematics’ and ‘Evolution’. His current research interests include globalization studies, economic cycles, the long-term trends in the cultural evolution and evolution of technolo- gies, periodization of history, political anthropology and long-term development of the political systems. He is author of over 220 scholarly publications, including 18 monographs, e.g. such books as Philosophy, Sociology, and Theory of History (2003, 2007), Productive Forces and His- torical Process (2003, 2006), The State and Historical Process (2007, 2009), Global Crisis in Retrospective. A Brief History of Raisings and Crises (coauthored with A. Korotayev, 2010). Among his contributions to scientific journal are such papers as Globalization and the Transfor- mation of National Sovereignty, The State in the Past and in the Future, Psychology of Economic Crises, and other. [email protected] is Head and Professor of the Department of Modern Asian and African Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow. He is author of over 300 scholarly publications, including such monographs as Ancient Yemen (1995), World Religions and Social Evolution of the Old World Oikumene Civilizations: a Cross-Cultural Perspective (2004), Intro- 191 duction to Social Macrodynamics: Compact Macromodels of the World System Growth (2006) and Introduction to Social Macrodynamics: Secular Cycles and Millennial Trends (2006). At present, together with Askar Akayev and Georgy Malinetsky, he coordinates the Russian Acade- my of Sciences Presidium Project ‘Complex System Analysis and Mathematical Modeling of Global Dynamics’. He is a laureat of the Russian Science Support Foundation in ‘The Best Econ- omists of the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Nomination (2006). [email protected] Pim MARTENS is Director of the International Centre for Integrated Assessment and Sustaina- ble Development (ICIS), Maastricht University. He holds the chair ‘’ at Maastricht University, is a research professor of Globalization, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zurich, and an honorary professor at the Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences at Aberystwyth University, Wales. [email protected] Danielle POE is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the University of Dayton. Her research interests are in contemporary issues of peace and the work of Luce Irigary. Her recent work in- cludes ‘Mothers and Civil Disobedience’ in Peace and Justice Studies (2009), ‘Replacing Just War Theory with an Ethics of Sexual Difference’ in Hypatia (2008) and ‘On U.S. Lynching: Re- membrance, Apology, and Reconciliation’ in Philosophy in the Contemporary World (2007). She and Eddy Souffrant from University of North Carolina at Charlotte co-edited Parceling the Globe: Philosophical Explorations in Globalization, Global Behavior, and Peace (2008). [email protected] Rafael REUVENY is Professor of Public and Environmental Affairs at the Indiana University, Bloomington. His research focuses on the causes and effects of economic globalization, democra- cy, military conflict, and sustainable development. He is the author and co-author of numerous articles, and co-author and co-editor of several books. His most recent co-authored book, Democ- racy and Economic Openness in an Interconnected System: Complex Transformations (2009). Reuveny was program chair of the 2006 meeting of the International Studies Association and the North America program chair of the 2008 meetings of the Global International Studies Confer- ence. He won two teaching awards at Indiana University and is the co-recipient of the 2007 Award of Excellence in World Society Research, First Place, from the World Society Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland, and the 2003 Best Article on Democratization Award from the American Association. [email protected] Tom ROCKMORE is Professor and former Chairman in the Department of Philosophy at Duquesne University (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania) and McAnulty College Distinguished Professor. His current research interests encompass all of modern philosophy, with special emphasis on se- lected problems as well as figures in German idealism (Kant, Fichte, Hegel), Marx and recent continental philosophy (Heidegger, Habermas, Lukacs). He is continuing to explore the episte- mology of German idealism as well as the relation between philosophy and politics. His most recent work concerns a new theory of knowledge as intrinsically historical. He is the author of many books, including Kant and Idealism (2007). [email protected] Arno TAUSCH is Adjunct Professor (Universitaetsdozent) of Political Science at Innsbruck University. In his academic career, he was also Associate Visiting Professor, Department of Polit- ical Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa, and Guest Researcher, International Institute for Comparative Social Research, Science Center, West Berlin, upon invitation by the late Karl Wolfgang Deutsch, Stanfield Professor of International Peace at Harvard University. He served as an Austrian diplomat abroad and was Counselor for Labor and Migration at the Austrian Embassy in Warsaw. His research program is focused on world systems studies, development and dependency studies, European studies, and quantitative peace research. In addition, he authored or co-authored 15 books in English for major social science publishers, such as Dutch University Press, Palgrave 192 Journal of Globalization Studies 2010 • May Macmillan, Nova Science Publishers, Rozenberg, and Saint Martin's Press, N.Y. In all, Tausch's works were published or re-published in 26 countries around the globe. [email protected] William R. THOMPSON is Rogers Professor of Political Science at Indiana University, Bloom- ington and Managing Editor of International Studies Quarterly. He is a past president of the In- ternational Studies Association (2005–06). Recent edited and co-authored books include Globali- zation and Global History (with Barry K. Gills), Globalization as Evolutionary Process: Model- ing Global Change (with George Modelski and Tessaleno Devezas), Systemic Transition: Past, Pre- sent, and Future and Limits to Globalization and North-South Divergence (with Rafael Reuveny). [email protected] Lotte VAN BOXEM is Tutor and Coordinator for interdisciplinary courses on globalization and development, project and communications manager in youth work for sustainable development in the Maastricht University. XU YANLING is Professor of Political Science at the University of Shandong, . Her research focuses on the politics of globalization. She is the author of numerous books including Globaliza- tion, Antiglobalization and Socialism (2005), Globalization in Visual Field of Marxism (2004) and Social Comprehensive and Harmony Development and Human's Holistic Development (2002). She has carried out many research projects commissioned by the Education Ministry of China and the Fund of National Social Sciences. Currently, she is in charge of Globalization and capitalism, a program for New Century Excellent Talents in University NCET. [email protected]