Royal Humane Society of Annual Report 2018/19 ROYAL HUMANE SOCIETY OF NEW SOUTH WALES Incorporated Instituted 25th July 1877 ABN Number: 68 581 296 689

PATRON IN CHIEF Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

PATRON Her Excellency AC QC Governor of New South Wales

PRESIDENT Mr Donald McDonald AC OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY CHAIR Level 3 City of Fire Station Mrs Beatrice Gray 213 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 PO. Box A830, SYDNEY SOUTH, NSW 1232 Telephone (02) 9265 2773 VICE CHAIR Ms. Dianne Truss

HONORARY TREASURER Mr Jim O’Connell (retired July 2019) Mr Chris Honey (appointed July 2019)

COUNCILLORS Major The Honourable Justice Clifton Hoeben AM RFD (Ret’d) 2000 Rear Admiral Anthony Hunt AO RAN (Ret’d) (retired March 2019) 2001 Colonel Alexander Dangar (Ret’d) 2016 Commissioner Shane Fitzsimmons AFSM, NSW Rural Fire Service 2016 Commissioner Dominic Morgan ASM, Ambulance Service of NSW 2016 Commissioner Michael Fuller APM, NSW Police Force 2017 Commissioner Paul Baxter QSO, Fire and Rescue NSW 2017 Mr David Turner B.Arch. MDes SC FAIA 2017 Commissioner Carlene York APM, NSW State Emergency Service 2019

HONORARY SECRETARY AND PUBLIC Mr Peter Stathis AFSM Assistant Secretary – Mrs Julia Simonides (retired March 2019) Mr Michael Delman – (appointed March 2019)

HONORARY PUBLICITY OFFICER AUDITOR Major John Hoban (Ret’d) Mr Mark O’Connor BCom CA CIA Partner, Cutcher & Neale HONORARY SOLICITORS Mr A.J. Mc Minn LLM BANKERS Norton, Rose, Fulbright (Specialist Legal Advice) National Bank PAST PRESIDENTS 1877 - 1921 Mr F. H. DANGAR 1922 - 1930 Mr A. F. ROBINSON 1931 No President 1932 - 1958 Mr W. A. MACKAY 1959 - 1966 General Sir KCMG KCVO CB KStJ 1967 No President 1968 - 1984 His Honour Sir Adrian CURLEWIS CVO CBE 1985 - 1989 Sir Neville PIXLEY MBE GCStJ VRD 1990 - 1999 Air Marshal Sir James ROWLAND AC KBE DFC AFC KStJ 2001 - 2014 The Honourable Sir Laurence STREET AC KCMG QC

OFFICE OF THE SOCIETY PAST CHAIRMEN Level 3 City of Sydney Fire Station 1888 - 1910 Mr J. H. STOREY 213 Castlereagh Street, SYDNEY NSW 2000 1911 - 1937 Captain S. G. GREEN OBE PO. Box A830, SYDNEY SOUTH, NSW 1232 1938 - 1951 Commander F.W. HIXSON OBE VD Telephone (02) 9265 2773 1952 - 1953 Captain J. C. REID 1954 - 1964 J. SHARP MBE 1965 - 1975 Mr R. A. FENWICK 1975 - 1984 Sir Neville PIXLEY MBE GCStJ VRD 1985 - 1987 Mr G. A. ARCHER 1988 - 1990 Major General R. J. SHARP AO RFD ED 1991 - 1993 Mr A.D.M. GRAHAM AM APM 1994 - 1996 Major General G. L. MAITLAND AO OBE RFD ED 1997 - 1998 Mr R. W. EATON OBE 1998 - 2000 Major General G. L. MAITLAND AO OBE RFD ED (Ret’d) 2001 - 2003 Vice Admiral I.D. MAC DOUGALL AC AFSM RAN (Ret’d) 2004 - 2006 Rear Admiral A.L. HUNT AO RAN (Ret’d) 2007 - 2009 Major General The Honourable Justice C.R. HOEBEN AM RFD 2010 - 2012 Rear Admiral A.L. HUNT AO RAN (Ret’d) 2013 - 2015 Mr R. HEIN AM 2015 - 2017 Rear Admiral The Honourable A Rowlands AO RFD QC RANR (Ret’d) 2018 - Mrs. B. GRAY BA LLM

LIFE GOVERNORS Major General Raymond SHARP AO RFD ED (Ret) Mr Alan BATLEY AM Mr Stewart DOYLE Vice Admiral Ian Mac DOUGALL AC AFSM Rear Admiral The Honourable Alwynne ROWLANDS AO RFD QC RANR (Ret’d) Rear Admiral Anthony HUNT AO RAN (Ret’d) AUDITOR Mr Mark O’Connor BCom CA CIA LIFE MEMBERS Partner, Cutcher & Neale Mr Robert MAY APM Major Roland MILLBANK MA MPhil JP (Ret’d) BANKERS National Australia Bank 2019 Investiture at Government House, Sydney

Council, Office Bearers and Members of the Royal Humane Society 2019 at Government House

L-R Mr Chris Honey, Major Roland Millbank, Mr Mal Connellan AFSM, Mr Donald McDonald AC (President), Mrs Beatrice Gray (Chair), Her Excellency Governor Beazley AC QC, Ms Dianne Truss (Vice Chair), Major General Hon. Justice Clifton Hoeben AM RFD (Ret’d), Major John Hoban (Ret’d), Mr Michael Delman 2019 Investiture at Government House, Sydney

Gold Medal

Mrs Carla Oliver accepts the posthumous award to her late husband Mr Shaun Oliver Gold Medal

Mrs Saybah (Mary) Kpaba Silver Medal

Mr Sivei AH Chong Bronze Medal

Paramedic Officer Sandra Macken Certificate of Merit

Retained Firefighter Rodney Muddle 142nd ANNUAL REPORT for the YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2019

The Council of the Society is pleased to provide its Annual Report.

PATRON-IN-CHIEF Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

PATRON Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC Governor of NSW

The Society extends its congratulations to Her Excellency, The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC, on her appointment as Governor of NSW, and places on record its sincere thanks for continuing Vice Regal Patronage.

The Society was most grateful for the previous Vice Regal Patronage accorded by His Excellency The Honourable AC DSC (Ret’d) during his tenure as Governor of New South Wales. His interest in the Society’s work and his great support by honouring the Society in presenting the Awards at Government House were much appreciated.

PRESIDENT The Society is appreciative for the enthusiastic involvement of our President Mr Donald McDonald AC in our activities and we are grateful for the support Mr McDonald provides.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Society’s 141st Annual General Meeting was held on Monday 3 December 2018, when Councillors and Office Bearers were elected for twelve months.

Rear Admiral Anthony Hunt AO RAN (Ret’d) retired at the March 2019 Quarterly Meeting after eighteen years of service which included twice serving as Chairman of the Society. The Council unanimously resolved that he be recognised for his great service to the Society by being appointed a Life Governor.

RECOGNITION AS A NATIONALLY REGISTERED CHARITY The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission (ACNC) was inaugurated in 2013 with a requirement that all charities within the Commonwealth must be registered with the Commission.

For decades previously the Society had been registered under NSW Law as a registered charity. With the National Register in place, the Society submitted an application and received recognition in 2013 (ABN 68581296689), and the Society’s Registration has continued through the succeeding years.

FINANCE The Society’s audited balance sheet as at 30 June 2019 and its income and expenditure account for the financial year ending 30 June 2019 appear at the back of this Annual Report. APPRECIATION The Royal Humane Society has worked on a limited budget. The Society’s Councillors gladly give of their time in an honorary capacity. The modest revenue derived from contributions is spent exclusively on the administrative costs of the Society’s Charter “to recognise human bravery when saving or endeavouring to save Life”.

The Awards presented for 2018-2019, described in this Annual Report, comprise 2 Gold medals, 10 Silver Medals, 13 Bronze Medals, 7 Certificates of Merit and 1 Letter of Commendation. Her Excellency The Honourable Margaret Beazley AC QC presented the Awards on 29 November 2019 at Government House. The warm hospitality extended by Her Excellency and Mr Dennis Wilson following the ceremony was greatly appreciated by the recipients and guests.

Our annual Investiture is facilitated by the Office of the Governor and Her Excellency’s Official Secretary Colonel Michael Miller RFD who provides outstanding assistance to this Vice Regal occasion.

The New South Wales Government is a long-time annual supporter of the Society.

Fire and Rescue NSW provides the Society with our office and meeting room.

The NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, and Ambulance Service of NSW remain major contributors to investigating and reporting upon cases presented to the Council.

We are most grateful for the financial assistance provided by the NSW Government, NSW Police Force, Fire and Rescue NSW, Employees of the NSW Fire Brigades Relief and Welfare Fund, Police Association of NSW and Mr J.D.O. Burns.

Photographs are provided by Rob Tuckwell Photography, Official Photographer to the Governor of NSW.

There remains no shortage of heros in the State of New South Wales. Ordinary people rising to meet extraordinary challenges bravely. Such actions deserve public recognition as part of the community’s thanks as an encouragement to others to follow the same spirit when life is at risk and they can help.

I thank our Patron, our President, my fellow Councillors, and those who assist in supporting roles for the dedication they bring to fulfilling the Society’s objectives.


The Royal Humane Society of New South Wales was instituted on 25 July 1887. The Society was formed as the National Shipwreck Relief Society and held its first meeting at the Royal Exchange, Sydney on Friday 25 July 1887.

In 1902 His Majesty King Edward VII gave approval for the Society to be known as the Royal Shipwreck Relief and Humane Society of NSW.

In 1968 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II approved the change of name to the Royal Humane Society of NSW in common with all Commonwealth Nations.

The Society was Incorporated on 26 February 2010.

OBJECTIVE The objective of the Society is to give public recognition to acts of bravery by those who risk their life in saving or attempting to save another life and by so doing promote brave and courageous acts in the community and benefit the public in general through encouragement of such acts.

HOW THE SOCIETY FUNCTIONS The management of the affairs of the Society is vested in a Council consisting of a Patron, a President, a Chairman, and Vice-Chairman, Councillors, an Honorary Secretary/Public Officer, an Honorary Treasurer, Publicity Officer, Auditor, and Solicitor.

All nominated cases of reported bravery are investigated by the Society. Such investigations involve reports from the New South Wales Police Force and the Emergency Services. Copies of all reports are distributed to Officers and Councillors of the Society in advance of meetings to enable consideration to be given to them before discussion. Voting at meetings determines the granting of an award.

KINDRED SOCIETIES A warm relationship continues with our kindred Royal Humane Societies in the Commonwealth of Nations.

THE SOCIETY’S AWARDS The Society’s Awards are the Galleghan Award, Gold Medal, Silver Medal, Bronze Medal, Certificate of Merit, Letter of Commendation, and the Sir Neville Pixley Award. The latter is a special award to recognise bravery by a young person in the performance of a humane act.

The Galleghan Award, instituted in 1996, recognises the most outstanding acts of bravery in the year. The winner of the Galleghan Award is nominated by the Society for consideration to receive the Stanhope Medal (U.K).

The 2019 Galleghan Award was awarded to the Late Mr Shaun Oliver. THE GALLEGHAN AWARD


WEARING OF MEDALS AND RIBBONS Recipients of Medals are entitled to wear the medal or ribbon (as appropriate) on the right breast. When only the ribbon is worn, a gold, silver or bronze star emblem is worn centrally on the ribbon to denote the class of medal awarded to the wearer.

Members of the , Police, and Emergency Services who are the recipient of a Royal Humane Society Award are entitled to wear that award in accordance with their respective Service protocols. STANHOPE GOLD MEDAL The Stanhope Gold Medal, an award of the Royal Humane Society (London), was instituted in 1873 as the English Society’s highest award for bravery each year.

In 1962, all kindred Commonwealth Societies were invited to nominate each year their best cases for adjudication for this award.

Since that time, nominations by the Royal Humane Society of New South Wales to the Royal Humane Society in London for the “Bravest of the Brave” award, the Stanhope Gold Medal, have been successful on ten occasions:

1963 Frederick John KNIGHT

1965 Lieutenant Barry J Campbell RAAA

1980 Bruce Wallace McPHERSON

1982 Dulcie KALMS

1992 Rodney Stephen PETERS

1993 Aaron LEDDEN

1996 Constable Ian Maurice BOUGHTON

2001 Dr Richard MORRIS; Ambulance Paramedic Christopher WILKINSON and Ambulance Paramedic Paul FEATHERSTONE

2008 Oguz (Alex) TASKUN SC


CASE 2017/08 SILVER MEDAL Mr Sivei Ah Chong

BRONZE MEDALS Mr Derek Ah Chong Mrs Pearl Ah Chong

CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Constable Andrew Spalding, NSW Police Force Constable Julianne Savage, NSW Police Force

For their actions in rescuing a man from a terrorist act involving attempted murder at Minto on 10 September 2016.

CASE 2018/12 GOLD MEDAL AND GALLEGHAN AWARD The late Mr Shaun Oliver

BRONZE MEDAL Paramedic Andrew Brooker, Ambulance Service of NSW


For their actions arising out of the rescue of two children at City Beach on 10 September 2017 which resulted in the loss of Shaun Oliver’s life. CASE 2019/01 BRONZE MEDAL Mr Michael van Baast

For his actions in rescuing the driver of a vehicle following an accident near Cootamundra on 17 September 2017.

CASE 2019/02 CERTIFICATE OF MERIT Retained Firefighter Shane Green, Fire and Rescue NSW

For rendering assistance whilst off duty to a man following an explosion in Portland NSW, on 24 July 2015.

CASE 2009/03 SILVER MEDALS Captain Mitchell Parker, Fire and Rescue NSW Deputy Captain David Robinson, Fire and Rescue NSW Deputy Captain Andrew Viner, Fire and Rescue NSW Retained Firefighter David Evans, Fire and Rescue NSW

CERTIFICATES OF MERIT Retained Firefighter David Wells, Fire and Rescue NSW Retained Firefighter Rodney Muddle, Fire and Rescue NSW Engine Keeper Matthew U’Brien, Fire and Rescue NSW

For the rescue of multiple persons trapped by floodwaters at Stroud on 21 April 2015.

CASE 2019/08 BRONZE MEDAL Mr Gerran Smith

For his actions in rescuing a kitesurfer at Tuggerah Lakes on 24 June 2014. CASE 2019/12 SILVER MEDAL Sergeant Tyrone Stacey, NSW Police Force

For his actions in rescuing a man attempting to commit suicide at Malabar Headland on 4 February 2017.

CASE 2019/04 SILVER MEDAL Mr Ian Stoddart

For his actions in the rescue of two children and the attempted rescue of their father from a rip at Burrill Lake on 10 January 2014.

CASE 2019/07 SILVER MEDAL Senior Constable Troy Cutler, NSW Police Force (Ret’d) Senior Sergeant Bradyn Murphy, Queensland Police

For the pursuit and arrest of an armed offender and accomplice at Tweed Heads on 5 February 2015.

CASE 2019/06 BRONZE MEDALS Sergeant Justin McEvoy, NSW Police Force Senior Constable Grant Haydon, NSW Police Force Senior Constable Christopher Cooper, NSW Police Force

For the rescue of a man from a house fire at Punchbowl on 31 July 2015. CASE 2018/15 BRONZE MEDAL Chief Inspector Brenton Charlton, NSW Police Force

For the rescue of a woman from a house fire at Tempe on 12 October 2017.

CASE 2019/19 SILVER MEDAL Mr Marco Elice

BRONZE MEDALS Qualified Firefighter Genevieve Delves, Fire and Rescue NSW Paramedic Officer Sandra Macken, Ambulance Service of NSW

For saving the life of a tradesman who had suffered a severe electric shock at a house at Roseville on 6 December 2016.

CASE 2019/20 GOLD MEDAL Saybah (Mary) Kpaba

For rescuing her children from a house fire at Doonside on 6 August 2016 before the arrival of emergency services. The Royal Humane Society of New South Wales gratefully acknowledges the continuing support of its major donors.