ACTIVE TIMES Publ1c Nottce Shri Abdul Majeed Mehmood Khan a Member ——— Dies After of the Shaan ‘B’ Apt

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ACTIVE TIMES Publ1c Nottce Shri Abdul Majeed Mehmood Khan a Member ——— Dies After of the Shaan ‘B’ Apt 6 2019 4 Friday September NATIONAL ACTIVE TIMES Publ1c Nottce Shri Abdul Majeed Mehmood Khan a Member ——— dies after of the Shaan ‘B’ Apt. C.H.S.Ltd., having address 6-year-old boy PUBLIC NOTICE at Kurta Pipe Road, Near Kurta Nursing Home, 1st Floor, and holding Flat no. 101 in the Indore: 20 students NOTICE IS HEREBY given on behalf of my in in building of the Society, died on 23/05/2004 client SMT. ANITA DEVI JAIN is the owner of falling open gutter without making any nomination. after Flat No. 302, on the THIRD Floor, in ”A" wing, The Society hereby invites claims and hospitalised SADVICHAR CO-OP. HSG. SOC. Mumbai's Nala LTD., objections from the heir or heirs or other situated and at Manibhadra B. P. breakfast at Sopara lying Nagar, claimants Iobjector 0r objectors to the transfer eating Mumbai: A six-year-old child was found dead on Cross Road No. 5, Bhayandar (East), Tal & of the said shares and interest of the deceased Dist-Thane-401105. My client has lost the member in the of the Thursday after he fell into an open gutter in Mumbai’s capital/property Society school Original Share Certificate bearing Share within a period of 15 days from the publication Nala area. as Sopara The incident occurred several Certificate No. 14 bearing distinctive Nos. of this notice, with copies of such documents Indore. students fell ill after Om Sai Twenty allegedly drains in the area were opened due to torrential rainfall Nagar Co-Op. from 066 to 070. Any person/s of any claim and other proofs in support of his/herltheir at a are consuming breakfast served primary objection of whatsoever nature may get it to claims/objections received within the happening in Mumbai and suburbs over the past two Housing Society Ltd. school in Indore, Pradesh, on the notice of the said society and should period prescribed above, the Society shall be Madhya Abubakar Survey No. 79/2, Survey No. 79/1 B, Ramnagar, claimed that the days.On Wednesday evening, six-year-old intimate the same in writing to me directly or free to deal with shares and interest of the Wednesday.Parents Near Patel Bekery, Palghar (E.), Tal. Dist. Palghar who lived in Nala Santosh Bhavan to client at the above address within 7 deceased member in the capital/property of children have fallen ill after eating Pav Bhaji Sheikh, Sopara’s my DEEMED CONVEYANCE NOTICE from the of the notice the Society in such manner as is provided for also that fell into an storrnwater drain. A search was days receipt publication served breakfast. They claimed area, open under the byelaws 0f the Society inthe newspaper. R. L. Mishra the dish was the school launched to locate him after he went on Notice is hereby given that the above society has applied to this For and on behalf of prepared by missing Date : 06/09/2019 Mumbai office for declaration of Deemed Conveyance ofthe following properties. Advocate, High Court, The Shaan ‘B’ Apt. C.H.S.Ltd. administration using contaminated which continued till Off. N0. 23, 1st Floor, Sunshine Height, Wednesday night Thursday The next hearing is kept on 17.09.2019 at 2.00 PM. Place : Mumbai Sdl- water.One of the named Tushar Near Railway Station, Nallasopara (E), students, morning. Later, his body was recovered by the police Mls S. F. Agency Through Partner Shri Huzepha Shabbir Madha Date - 6/9/2019 Secretary "1 ate Pav & Mls R. K. Builders And Shir Mulchand F. Agarwal claimed, Bhaji during team involved in for him.There have been Devlopers Through searching Sharma and Others those who have interest in the said PUBLIC NOTICE lunchtime. After a few minutes, I vomited. property may PUBLIC NOTICE several incidents of children into submit their say at the time of hearing at the venue mentioned below. By this Notice, Public in general is informed that Foul smell was from the bread young falling KNOWN ALL PUBLIC SHALL COME, that My coming Failure to submit it shall be that has Late Mrs. Ravinder Kaur B. Dhani & Mr. storrnwater drains that were left due to incessant any say, presumed nobody any Clients saythat MR. BRIJESHGULABCHAND which was served to us." open and further action will be taken. Dhani were the members of objection PATHAK & RAJESH GULABCHAND Bhupinder Singh rainfall in the Earlier in an 1 8-month-old of the Tal. Dist. the Sheetal Sarovar Co-operative Housing All the 20 children were immediately rushed city. July, boy, Description property- Palghar, Vasai, Palghar PATHAK was joint owner of Shop No. 19, Society Ltd. and holders of Flat No. E1202, to Cloth Market after who fell into an open storrnwater Ground floor, Bldg. No. 102, Haji Kasam hospital they Divyansh Singh, Survey No. Hissa No. Area Sheetal Sarovar, Sheetal Mira Road Chawl, Shree Santoshi Mata CHSL, Shree Nagar, near was - complained of stomach ache and vomiting. drain Malad’s Ambedkar Chowk area, found 79 1/B 1012.00 Mtr. (East), Dist. Thane 401 107, both died intestate Sq. Santoshi Mata CHSL, Dalal Estate, Lamington 19 out of 20 children have been even even more than 140 on 27/07/2014 and 3/09/2004 respectively by discharged untraceable after after hours. Place : Sdl- Road, Marzban Parsi Colony, CS No. 332, Siddhivinayak Residency nominating Mrs. Paramjit Sukhpal Dhani. The the while one child is said to be S. 21332, of Tardeo Division, Mumbai Central, by hospital of search Mumbai continued to Ganray Apartment, (D. Hausare) Share Certificate and in of rigorous operations. - membership respect to trustee ofVaishno Near ISKCON Temple, Competent Authority Mumbai 400 008. and RAJESH critical.Speaking ANI, reel under rainfall on even as the the said flat is transferred in the name of nominee heavy Thursday Tal. Dist. Dist. GULABCHAND PATHAK was expired on Girdhari Palghar (E.), Palghar Dy. Registrar, Mrs. Dhani due School, Gopal Nagar, said, 27/03/2018 behind as heirs to Paramjit Sukhpal by adopting Indian issued. Date : 04/09/2019 leaving legal Meteorological Department (IMD) ® Co—Op. Society, Palghar of the laws of the and now "Around 700 students were served the VANDANA RAJESH PATHAK, AKASH procedure bye society nominee is holding the said flat. My clients Mr. breakfast. All of them are fine from RAJESH PATHAK, POOJA RAJESH apart .J. Mr. Rambahadu SHREEYAM POWER MID STEEI. INDUSTRIES LIMITED PATHAK, NEHA RAJESH PATHAK, Shyambahadur Chaurasiya, these 20 students. At present, only one child WHITEHALL COMMERCIAL COMPANY LIMITED .J. 8 Mr. Lalbahadur .J. CIN: U45200MH1995PL0090807 NANDITA RAJESH PATHAK, [hereinabove Chaurasiya Chaurasiya is still in the but the rest 19 have Regd. Office: Flat No.502, 5th Floor, Sterling Heritage, Plot No.388, are purchasing the said flat from Mrs. Paramjit hospital - Called and are owner of Regd. Office: 621, Tulsiani Chambers, Nariman Point, Mumbai 400021. Sankara Mattam Mumbai —400 019. my clients] they joint $2. Road, Matunga (C.R.) Sukhpal Dhani. My clients are hereb been are into the Tel. : +91 22 22886267 I 22025098 | Fax : +91 22 22025084 above said shop with MR. BRIJESH discharged.""We looking cm: L51900MH1985PL0035669 Tel:022-22020876; Fax: 02242020359 from the h GULABCHAND PATHAK and clients is inviting claims/objections person/s, matter are to 3 reeyom E-Mail : my and making efforts identify Website: E-mall :whitehallOflhoocom for sale of to said with Bank. claimants/objectors having objection . going mortgage shop lfany whether the bread or water was EXTRACT 0F AUDITED Fl NCIAL RESULTS FOR NOTICE of the 33"1 Annual General Meeting, Remote E-Votlng and Book Closure the said flat by Mrs. Paramjit Sukhpal Dhmi, the person has any objection claim, charge of any THE YEAR ENDED 31 T MARCH, 2019 Notice is hereby given that the Thirty Third Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Whitehall claimants / inform to the contaminated," he assured. nature against said shop. The same be objectors may Rs. in Lacs Commercial Company Limited ("the Company') will be held on Monday, 30th September, within of 15 from the brought within 14 days from date of publication undersigned period days 2019 at 3.00 pm. at Flat No.502, 5'" Floor, Sterting Heritage Plot No.388, Sankara Mattam date of of this notices which the Year ended of notice to the undersigned with cogent publication failing SI ' Road, Matunga (C.R.), Mumbai - 400 01 9., to transactthe business as set out in the Notice sale transaction will be and thereafter Particulars on 3191 evidence else letter on no claim shall be completed Two killed in N° the whereof have been sentto the shareholders in the Annual Punjab: 2019 convening AGM, copies noclaims orobjections will be considered. March, entertained. S d/_ Report, accompanied bytheAudited BalanceSheetasat31‘March, 2019andthe Statement Santosh D. Tiwari 1 Total Income from Date : 06/09/2019 (Advocate High Court) K. R. Tiwari Operations 101,389.57 of Profit and Loss and Cashttowforthe year ended on that date together with the Reports of (Advocate) 15, MP. Near Shobhana J. M. Road, No. Tarn Taran in blast in 2 Net Profit] for the Directors' and Auditors' thereon. Nagar, Bldg, Shop 14, A-5, Sector-7, (Loss) period (before Tax, Exceptional item) 7,624.73 - Pump House, Andheri (East), Mumbai 400093. Mira Road, Dist. Thane. 3 Net Profit] for the before tax Shantinagar, (Loss) period (after Exceptional item) 119,821.68 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 101 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20 of field 4 Net Profit] (Loss) for the period aftertax (after Exceptional item) 119,821.68 the Companies (Management and Administration) Amendment Rules, 2015, electronic agricultural “ 5 Total Comprehensive Income for the period [Comprising Profit/(Loss) copies of the Notice convening the AGM and the Annual Report for the year ended 31 Avadhut for the period (after tax) and Other Comprehensive Income (after tax)] 119,835.06 March, 2019 have been sent by e-mail to the Members of the Company whose e—mail Co-Op.
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