
30 March 2001

Chemical Physics Letters 337 22001) 143±150 www.elsevier.nl/locate/cplett

Non-ionic and zwitterionic forms of neutral arginine ± an ab initio study

Piotr Skurski a,b, Maciej Gutowski b,c, Robyn Barrios a, Jack Simons a,*

a Henry Eyring Center for Theoretical , Department of Chemistry, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT 84112, USA b Department of Chemistry, University of Gdansk, ul. Sobieskiego 18, 80-952 Gdansk, Poland c Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory, Paci®c Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA99352, USA Received 14 November 2000; in ®nal form 23 January 2001

Abstract Six low-energy structures of arginine were studied at the zero-point corrected CCSD/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp)//MP2/ 6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) level. Two new non-ionic structures were identi®ed, one of which is 1.75 kcal/mol lower than any previously reported structure. Two new zwitterion conformers are lower in energy than any previously reported zwitterion. The lowest non-ionic structure is lower in energy than the lowest zwitterion by 2.8 kcal/mol at our highest level of theory, and for no basis or theory level is a zwitterion structure suggested to be the global minimum. Finally, we also examined, at Koopmans' theorem level, the electron binding energies of the six structures. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction gas phase [3] but these ®ndings were inconclusive [4]. Other recent e€orts concentrated on hydrated It is well known that, in aqueous solutions at [5,6], protonated [3,7,8], and alkali cationized [7±9] pH ˆ 7, aminoacids exist primarily in their zwit- aminoacids. terionic forms with the carboxyl group deproto- We have recently suggested stabilizing the nated and one of the nitrogen atoms protonated. zwitterion form of an aminoacid in the gas phase In contrast, the zwitterionic forms are usually with an excess electron [10] and it was via this higher in energy in the gas phase than the corre- route that we began our exploration of various sponding non-zwitterion H2N±CHR±COOH tau- arginine energetics. Our reasoning is that tomers. Moreover, for some aminoacids 2e.g., the zwitterion form of an aminoacid would possess glycine), the zwitterionic structure does not even a larger dipole moment than the non-zwitterion correspond to a local minimum on the gas-phase form. It is well established that a with a potential energy surface [1,2]. There have been dipole moment larger than ca. 2.5 D binds an ex- attempts to identify a zwitterionic tautomer of a cess electron [11] with an electron binding energy neutral aminoacid which is globally stable in the roughly correlated with the magnitude of the di- pole moment [12]. Therefore, we anticipated the instability of the zwitterion relative to the non- * Corresponding author. Fax: +1-801-581-8433. zwitterion structure might be reversed by the E-mail address: [email protected] 2J. Simons). excess electron binding energy. It is our plan to

0009-2614/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 0 9 - 2 6 1 4 2 0 1 ) 0 0 166-X 144 P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150 report on our arginine anion ®ndings in a future thermodynamically unstable form may have a publication. However, because there is strong suciently long lifetime to be observed experi- current interest in arginine itself, we decided to put mentally. Moreover, the sources of arginine used forth our ®ndings on the neutral species at this in the Williams and Saykally experiments are dif- time. ferent. One employes solution electro spray at 37± In a recent study, we demonstrated that the 149°C; the other employes a heated pulsed beam instability of the zwitterion structure of glycine is source of pure arginine at 170°C. signi®cantly reduced by the attachment of an ex- The geometrical shapes of the protonated, so- cess electron as a result of which a local minimum diated, and cesiated arginine were probed in the develops on the anionic potential energy surface gas phase by using the ion mobility based ion [10]. However, its energy is still higher than that of chromatography method [7,9]. Unfortunately, the the anion based on the non-zwitterion isomer of qualitative structure of the protonated arginine glycine. This outcome may be related to the fact could not be unambiguously determined from that the proton anity of glycine of 211.9 kcal/mol these experiments. It has been suggested that the is the smallest among all 20 common naturally alkali cationized arginine forms a salt bridge occurring amino [7]. The largest proton af- structure, related to the zwitterion form of this ®nity of 251.2 kcal/mol is displayed by arginine [7], aminoacid. Results from the collisionally activated which possesses an extremely basic guanidine dissociation experiments of Williams et al. [13] and group. Therefore, we selected arginine for our the kinetic experiments of Cerda and Wesdemiotis study on stabilization through electron binding [14] indicated, however, that the structure of gas- which leads to the results presented here. phase arginine±alkali metal cation complexes de- The question of which tautomeric form of pends on the size of the alkali metal cation. For neutral arginine is dominant in the gas phase has Li‡ and Na‡, the non-zwitterion arginine solvates recently been addressed in experimental studies the metal ion. For the larger metal ions, a salt [3,4,7,9,13,14]. Williams and co-workers [3] con- bridge is formed in which the arginine exists as a cluded, on the basis of black body infrared radi- zwitterion. ative dissociation plus Fourier transform-mass Maksic and Kovacevic 2MK), inspired by the spectrometry measurements, that protonated di- variety of intriguing experimental ®ndings, per- mers of arginine are bound in a salt-bridge. formed an extensive computational investigation Moreover, the results of their extensive computa- in order to ®nd the global minimum for neutral tional study at the BLYP/6-31Gà and MP2/6-31Gà arginine [15]. They concluded from their thorough levels suggested that a zwitterion form of arginine MP2 and B3LYP calculations using several basis is the global minimum on the potential energy sets, that the most stable structure is a non-ionic. surface, lower by 1 kcal/mol than the lowest non- These authors admitted, however, that the energy ionic tautomer. Saykally and co-workers [4], di€erence between the lowest non-ionic and a pair however, did not con®rm the dominance of the of low lying zwitterion structures is relatively small zwitterion of arginine in their infrared cavity 2within 1±3 kcal/mol depending on the theoretical ringdown laser absorption spectroscopy experi- model applied) [15]. ments. The observed band at ca. 1700 cmÀ1, which As detailed above, our long-term goal is to de- is associated with the carbonyl stretch mode of a termine whether an excess electron can stabilize a carboxylic , implied the presence of a non- zwitterion structure of arginine. This goal requires ionic structure in their gas-phase sample. The ab- extensive knowledge about the potential energy sence of bands in the 1500±1660 cmÀ1 region, surface for the neutral species, and in this contri- which are associated with the carboxylate stretch bution we characterize what we have found to be modes, suggested a small or vanishing population the most promising neutral non-ionic and zwit- of the zwitterion. It was pointed out, however, that terionic structures. In addition to the structures there may be a signi®cant barrier that separates the characterized so far [3,15], we identi®ed two non- neutral and zwitterion forms of arginine and the zwitterion and two zwitterion structures that are P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150 145 promising candidates. Their relative energies have In terms of atomic orbitals, we primarily used been determined at the MP2, B3LYP, and CCSD 6-31++G2d,p) [21,22] basis sets to describe the levels and their dipole moments have been calcu- neutral molecule. We supplemented this basis with lated at the MP2 and B3LYP levels. These dipole di€use functions having lower exponents to: 2i) moments will guide us as to the ability to bind an make our electronic energies consistent with those excess electron. With this goal in mind, the vertical that we are presently calculating for the corre- electron attachment energies are determined at sponding anionic species, and 2ii) estimate prop- Koopmans' theorem 2KT) level. An unexpected erly the vertical electron attachment energies at outcome of the current study on the six low energy Koopmans' theorem level [23]. Thus, we centered tautomers of arginine is that the largest dipole even-tempered [24] ®ve-term s and ®ve-term p sets moment of ca. 9 D is displayed by the lowest en- of di€use functions on the positive end of the ergy zwitterion's structure and by one of the non- molecular dipole of each species. This was either ionic structures. However, their vertical electron the C atom surrounded by three nitrogen atoms or detachment energies, determined at the KT level, one of the N atoms belonging to the ±C2NH2)2 2or di€er considerably. C2NH)NH2) functional group. The extra di€use s and p functions share exponent values, the geo- metric progression ratio was equal to 5.0, and we 2. Methods started to build up the exponents from the lowest sp exponent included in the 6-31++G2d,p) basis set The equilibrium geometries of the neutral spe- designed for nitrogen. As a consequence, we cies have been optimized at the second-order achieved lowest exponents of 2:0448  10À5 a.u. Mùller-Plesset 2MP2) perturbation theory level as for both s and p symmetries. In the B3LYP well as by applying the DFT method with a hybrid calculations, the 6-31++G2d,p) basis set was B3LYP functional. The latter method was also supplemented with even-tempered two-term s and used to calculate harmonic vibrational frequencies two-term p sets of di€use functions centered on the that were used in zero-point vibrational energy C atom surrounded by three nitrogen atoms. We corrections for all the structures. In addition, sin- veri®ed, at the MP2 level, that the relative energies gle point coupled-cluster calculations were per- of the examined here are insensitive on the formed with single and double excitations 2CCSD) centering of the additional di€use 52sp) set. In for every structure at its corresponding MP2 particular, if the additional 52sp) di€use set is minimum geometry. Since the system studied removed, the relative energies are a€ected by less contains 12 heavy atoms and 14 hydrogen atoms than 0.03 kcal/mol. 2which led to 320 contracted basis functions in the To probe the e€ect of extending our valence chosen basis set), we had to limit the level of our basis, we also computed the energies by perform- calculations to the CCSD level. Although we are ing single point MP2 calculations with a not able to attain a better 2e.g., CCSD2T) level) 6-311++G2d,p) [21,22] basis set at the MP2/6- treatment of electron correlation, recent work by 31++G2d,p) geometries. Nguyen et al. [16] on glycine has shown that the All calculations were performed with GAUS- energy ordering for normal and zwitterion forms is SIAN 98 [25] and the coupled-cluster calculations 1 the same at the CCSD and CCSD2T) levels. were performed with MOLPRO on 500 MHz dual Moreover, recent ®ndings of Fogarasi [17] on processor Intel Pentium III computers and on SGI tautomers and rotomers of cytosine show that Origin2000 numerical servers. CCSD-level predictions are in good agreement with available experimental data. Finally, the general performances of CCSD vs CCSD2T) the- ories are discussed in [18±20]. For all of these reasons, we feel comfortable in reporting the 1 It is a package of ab initio programs written by H.-J. CCSD data that we have been able to achieve. Werner, P.J. Knowles, CCSD [26]. 146 P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150

3. Results RHF/6-31Gà method were used by them to select a few low lying conformers. Then MP2 and BLYP 3.1. Identi®cation of tautomers methods, with 6-31Gà basis sets, were applied to determine ®nal energies of these candidate struc- The ®rst zwitterion 2Z1) and non-zwitterion tures [3]. structures 2N1) were kindly provided to us by the The structures Z1 and N1 can be characterized Williams group 2see Fig. 1) [27]. Species Z1 was as possessing three and two hydrogen bonds, re- identi®ed in [3] where it was characterized as the spectively, as indicated in Fig. 1, and they di€er lowest energy zwitterion structure consistent with primarily by movement of a proton from the the ®ndings of MK who labeled this structure 3 carboxylic acid group to the terminal guanidine [3,15]. Species 2N1) is the same as the lowest en- group. ergy non-ionic structure 4 characterized by MK We also examined a number of other structures [15]. The extensive search performed by the Wil- suggested by our own chemical intuition. In par- liams group involved checking 240 arginine con- ticular, we designed a number of `test' conformers formers. Molecular dynamics as well as the by attempting to generate as many hydrogen bond semiempirical AM1 and PM3 methods and the contacts as possible while not causing too much internal strain. We also began with an open chain- like structure and allowed it to rearrange to min- imize the energy. Frankly, it was through a rather exhaustive albeit non-systematic process that we were able to generate the candidate structures that we subsequently examined in greater detail. At present, we are extending this study, using a ge- netic algorithm 2within a molecular mechanics force ®eld) to attempt to ®nd even more potential low-energy structures. Nevertheless, using the intuitive procedure outlined, we succeeded in identifying four other low-lying structures labeled Z2 and N2 2see Fig. 2) and Z3 and N3 2see Fig. 3). Z2 is a zwitterion that di€ers from Z1 by having a di€erent network of hydrogen bonds 2i.e., only one oxygen atom is involved in all three hydrogen bonds which is a consequence of a di€erent orientation of guanidine group with respect to Z1). Species N2 is a non- ionic structure which di€ers from N1 primarily in the orientations of the carboxylic acid and alpha- amino groups. The hydrogen atom 2H13) belong- ing to the ±COOH group forms a H-bond with a nitrogen 2N5) lone pair in structure N2 but not in N1. In both non-ionic structures, the alpha-amino group is also involved in a hydrogen bond with the guanidine group, but it acts as a proton acceptor in N1 and as a proton donor in N2 2see Figs. 1 and 2). For the Z3 structure, both oxygen atoms are Fig. 1. The equilibrium MP2/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) geometries of neutral arginine corresponding to the lowest energy struc- involved in hydrogen bonds with the ±NH±C± tures Z1 and N1. 2NH2)2 terminus 2see Fig. 3). The O2 atom is P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150 147

Fig. 2. The equilibrium MP2/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) geometries of neutral arginine corresponding to the lowest energy struc- tures Z2 and N2.

bound to H13 and O3 to H21. There is also a Fig. 3. The equilibrium MP2/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) geometries hydrogen bond between O2 and H25, as it was for of neutral arginine corresponding to the lowest energy struc- Z1 and Z2. In the neutral structure N3, a H atom tures Z3 and N3. transfers from nitrogen N9 to N12 2see Fig. 3). A short hydrogen bond is formed between N9 and H13 of the ±COOH group and standard hydrogen to be the lowest energy structure at every level of bonds develop between O2 and H252H26). The theory and for all basis sets 2see Table 1). The MP2 importance of such structures was recognized by results obtained with the 6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) Price et al. [3] and by MK [15] who label such a basis set 2®rst two rows in Table 1) suggest that the species 4. Unfortunately, these authors focused on neutral structure N3 is the most stable, and the a higher energy structure with a di€erent set of zwitterion Z3 the second most stable. The relative hydrogen bonds. energies of all six structures were also computed within a larger valence basis at the MP2/6- 3.2. Relative energies and dipole moments 311++G2d,p)// MP2/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) level 2Table 1, third row). Even though the separation The energies of all the structures were deter- between N3 and two higher in energy neutral mined relative to the energy of N3, which appears structures N1 and N2 remains relatively stable 148 P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150

Table 1 Relativea electronic and zero-point corrected energies of the non-ionic and zwitterionic structures of the neutral arginine studied in this workb Method Z1 Z2 Z3 N1 N2 N3 MP2 3.388 2.269 1.278 2.861 1.612 0.000

MP2 ‡ DE0;vib 3.374 2.580 1.135 3.155 2.500 0.000 MP2c 5.729 4.533 3.509 2.893 1.379 0.000 B3LYP d 3.681 3.855 1.408 2.221 1.506 0.000 d B3LYP + DE0;vib 3.674 4.163 1.262 2.512 2.394 0.000 CCSD 4.309 3.213 2.988 1.022 0.904 0.000

CCSD ‡ DE0;vib 4.305 3.524 2.845 1.751 1.792 0.000 a The electronic energies of isomer N3 calculated at the MP2, B3LYP, and CCSD levels are )604.8242180, )606.5885150, and )604.903364 au, respectively. MP2 and CCSD calculations were performed with 6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) basis set. b Energies are given in kcal/mol. c MP2 calculations with 6-311++G2d,p) basis set. d B3LYP results were obtained in the 6-31++G2d,p) basis set supplemented with the 22sp) di€use set. with respect to the MP2/6-31++G2d,p)+52sp) re- computational approaches more accurate than sults, the zwitterionic Z1, Z2, and Z3 structures are those applied by us in the current study. signi®cantly destabilized when the large The dipole moments of Z1±Z3 and N1±N3, 6-311++G2d,p) valence basis is used. collected in Table 2 display interesting features. At the DFT B3LYP level, the non-ionic N3 The dipole moment of the lowest energy zwitterion structure is still favored but Z3 is lower in energy Z3 is higher than that of the lowest energy neutral than N2 by 0.1 kcal/mol. This di€erence increases structure N3. However, the dipole moment of N2 to 1.13 kcal/mol after including the zero-point is comparable to that of Z3 for all computational vibrational correction 2E0;vib). approaches. Thus our original assumption that the N3 remains the lowest energy structure at the zwitterion form of the aminoacid would possess a CCSD levels. At this level, N1 and N2 are very larger dipole moment than any non-zwitterion close in energy but they are less stable than N3 by form [12] is not valid. Arginine may be unique due 1.8 kcal/mol. Z3 proves again to be the lowest to the presence of a guanidine group, but other energy zwitterion and is separated from N3 by aminoacids should be thoroughly examined. There 2.8 kcal/mol. is also a signi®cant di€erence of 5 D between the The stability of the non-ionic structures N1, N2, dipole moment of N2 and that of N1. The di€er- and N3 relative to the zwitterion structures Z1, Z2, ence is apparently related to the di€erent H-bond and Z3 supports the experimental ®ndings of network which causes di€erent relative orientation

Saykally et al. that non-ionic arginine dominates of the ±COOH and ±NH±C2NH2)NH groups in in the gas phase [4,13,14]. Due to the small energy N1 with respect to N2. The dipole moments of two di€erences between N1, N2, and N3, determina- zwitterion structures, Z1 and Z2, are similar 27±8 tion of the global minimum of arginine will require D) and slightly smaller than that of Z3 29 D). The

Table 2 Dipole moments 2in Debye) for the zwitterions and neutral tautomers of arginine followed by vertical electron attachment energies 2in kcal/mol) determined at Koopmans' theorem level 2DKT) Z1 Z2 Z3 N1 N2 N3 lSCF 7.040 6.664 9.432 3.774 9.678 8.216 lMP2 7.022 6.673 9.209 3.648 8.854 7.477 lB3LYP 8.471 7.714 9.054 3.903 9.203 7.959 DKT 0.885 0.659 3.024 0.013 1.255 1.111 P. Skurski et al. / Chemical Physics Letters 337 62001) 143±150 149 fact that charge-separated structures 2zwitterions 23) The non-ionic structure N3 is lower in ener- Z1 and Z2) have smaller dipole moments than that gy than the lowest zwitterion Z3 by 2.8 kcal/ found for non-ionic isomer N2 is surprising but mol. Hence, neutral arginine should exist pri- can be explained when one notices that a network marily as a non-ionic tautomer in the gas phase of hydrogen bonds makes both zwitterionic at room temperature. structures very compact. In contrast, the H-bonds 24) The largest dipole moment of ca. 9 D is dis- in structure N2 allow the C- and N-termini to be played by the lowest zwitterion structure Z3 and well separated, which maximizes the net value of the non-ionic structure N2. The vertical electron the dipole moment 2see Figs. 1 and 2). In zwitte- attachment energies of N2 and Z3 amounts to rions 2Z1 and Z2) the partial charges 2resulting 1.3 and 3.0 kcal/mol, respectively, at Koop- from a proton transfer) are localized relatively mans' theorem level. closely to each other 2due to the H-bond network) 25) Further re®nement in the global minimum of which decreases the value of total dipole moment arginine will o€er a serious challenge to compu- for those structures. tational chemists due to the small energy di€er- The reported values of dipole moments are ences among the di€erent tautomers and larger than the critical value of ca. 2.5 D required conformers. to bind an excess electron [11]. The vertical electron attachment energies, determined at Ko- opmans' theorem level and reported in Table 2, Acknowledgements correlate with the values of SCF dipole moments and span a range from 3.02 kcal/mol for Z3 to The authors thank Prof. Evan R. Williams' 0.01 kcal/mol for the lowest-dipole structure N1. group for providing their minimum energy struc- Interestingly, the Z3, with a SCF dipole moment tures of non-ionic and zwitterion arginine and Dr. of 9.05 D, binds the excess electron 2.4 times Janusz Rak for his valuable comments. This work stronger than N2 with a SCF dipole moment was supported by the NSF Grants CHE9618904 0.15 D larger than that of Z3. Determination of and CHE9982420 to J.S. and the Polish State geometrical relaxation of the molecular frame- Committee for Scienti®c Research 2KBN) Grant works upon electron attachment and inclusion of No. DS/8371-4-0137-0. M.G. was supported by orbital relaxation and electron correlation e€ects the US DOE, Oce of Basic Energy Sciences, is, as noted earlier, the subject of our ongoing Chemical Sciences Division. The computer time study. provided by the Center for High Performance Computing at the University of Utah is also gratefully acknowledged. 4. Conclusions

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