Yousaf khan sherbano story pdf

Continue Haramar Hill - Raising a snake, stands on the north side of the Mardan Swabi road near the village of Shahbaz Garhi. As for it from the road, the vertical slope below the highest point (1050 meters) really looks like a spread bonnet of a giant cobra. On the northern slope, just below the summit, there is a lonely tomb shaded by one tree of palos. Here, according to one record, lie the remains of Yusuf Khan; another of his beloved Sher Bano shares the grave with him. A few kilometres from the summit of Haramara in the village of Turlandi, he lived with his sister and widowed mother. Now, in the tradition of Pukhtun, the feud between cousins on the paternal line (turbotor) because of the division of property of the common grandparents is as bitter as that of the sworn enemies. Thus, the orphaned Yusuf Khan and his family were dislocated from the ancestral home by his turbo-jets. Yusuf Khan grew up in the strapping of the youth of great physical beauty and, like the resusing of all the good guys Pukhtun, took on the hunter's lifestyle. Together with his two dogs, he hiked daily from his village to hunt deer and partridges on the pine-covered slopes of Haramara. Its route passed through the village of Shera-Gund, which is located below a hill half a kilometer from Haramar. Now, in Shera-Gund lived the lovely, blue-eyed Shere Bano, who one day espied Yusuf Khan as he passed by with his dogs. After that, every time she heard the ringing of the bells that Yusuf Khan's dogs wore around her neck, Shere Bano would coyly make herself apparent. Soon Yusuf Khan felt the first excitement of love. Time passed, and one day, when in the ravines of Haramara, without his knowledge, a deer chased a deer, his turbomotors hid to make it. Finding their chance, they pushed him over the cliff of the cobra's hood. When he fell, Yusuf Khan was caught distributing tree branches at the foot of the hill. There he might have died if his faithful dogs had not acted. They ran home to warn the family. Hearing the ringing bells and seeing the dogs without his master Shere Bano felt something was amiss. And so when Yusuf Khan's mother and sister came to get the dogs, Shera Bano joined them. Three women took the wounded man from the tree, and the first declaration of love took place between Shere Bano and Yusuf Khan. When he was back on his feet, they got married. But happiness should not have been theirs for long. Hunting for Haramar, Yusuf Khan was blown over by a sheer fall by a sudden gust of wind. When Shera Bano discovered the lifeless form of her lover, she fainted on him and gave up the ghost. And so the lovers, who so briefly shared life, remain together forever in the same grave. Amateurs may have actually existed in real life, but the way it developed the legend sidelined key players. In turn, envy of his father's cousins and the irony of fate: where a cousin's malice failed, nature succeeded. Posted by Salman Rashid No 08:42, 1 Comments: On 11 March 2013 at 09:24, Unknown said ... What a history of lovers ...., the main Pashtun fairy tale For other people of the same name, see Yusuf Khan and Sherbano - the famous Pashtun love nation. Its format is an extended narrative, described as qissa or dastan, and is listed alongside Adam Khan and Durhanai, Ramadad Khan and Ajab Khan as an important Pashtun dastan, which are available as chapbooks or in audio formats. The famous version of this story was put on the verses by the poet Ali Haidar Joshi (Joshi was a pseudonym) in the 1960s and was turned into a film, Yousuf Sher Khan Bano, released in 1969. The poem was translated into French by Benedict Johnson (in 1982) and English by Heston and Nasir (in 1988). The story is transmitted by qissa-khwans, a term usually translated as narrators who speak or sing (Wayel) verses. Joshi told of the origin of the material that he found a manuscript containing a story written in Persian at a local fair wrapped around some medicines. He went back to the seller and got more manuscript. Joshi's account is recorded in a 1982 tape of Lok Virsa. The story has supernatural elements such as five holy men (pierce) that give the heroine the opportunity to travel a long distance in thirty steps, genies that bring a woman and a bed to the mosque at night for the pleasure of yoga. These elements point to the influence on history from outside the Patan culture. However, the social structure in history in particular, the use as villains of paternal male cousins is typical of The Story of Patan, and many patans of different social classes define history as one of their own, according to ethnologist Wilma L. Heston. The film Sher Bano was produced by Nazir Hussain.1st Evergreen Movie Yousaf khan sherbano. Aziz Tabussam was the film's director, as shown in the title of the film, but he said he was mostly hired as a translator for Pakhtoon, where as the film is actually directed by Nazir Hussain the film producer. (Need clarification) Translations by Benedict Johnson, Les contes legendaires pashtun: Analysis and traduction de cassettes commercialization of Legendary Tales on Pashto: Analysis and translation of commercial cassettes. (1982) Memoirs presente pour une maitrise d'etudes iraniennes (thesis of MA), University of Paris, Wilma Heston and Mumtaz Nasir. The bazaar of storytellers. (1988) Lok Virsa Publishing House, Islamabad, , Bibi Jaan, Yousaf Khan aw Sher Bano, Sahar, Voice of , January 2011 Folklore of South Asia: Encyclopedia: Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Taylor and Frances, 2003. p143 - a b Bibi Yaan, Yousaf Khan aw Sher Bano, Sahar, Pashtun Voice, January 2011, p19-24 is available February 17, 2017 at b c d Heston, Wilma L. Footpath Poets of . in Appadurai, Arjuna, Frank Korome and Margaret Ann Mills. Gender, genre and power in South Asian expressive traditions. Motilal Banarsidass Publishe, 1994. p310-311, 326-327 - Heston, V.L. Verse from the Narrators' Bazaar. Asian Folklore Studies (1986): 79-99. Received from you read free preview pages from 4 to 6 are not shown in this preview. MINGORA: Living in solitude, Fakir Gul, assistant cameraman of the first-ever Pashto film, Yusuf Khan Sherbano, remembers the golden days of the Pakistani film industry. Yusuf Khan Sherbano (YSK) was released in in 1969 and a year later in Peshawar. Considered a super-hit of his time, it starred Badar Munir and Yasmin Khan, was directed by Aziz Tabassum and produced by Nazir Hussain. Fakir Gul began his career as an assistant cameraman for the famous film, Heera Pathar, in 1964, which starred Wahid Murad and Seba. Gul not only starred in Pakistani films at the time, but also played several minor roles. (left) Young Fakir Gul on the set of Yusuf Khan Sherbano in 1969. (See above) Gul with Armaan's cast, including and Wahid Murad. AUSTY PHOTOS: A PARTY Gul Idea for Yusuf Khan Sherbano was discussed between director Aziz Tabassum and Fakir Gul, who then presented it to producer Nazir Hussain. Puktun Romeo and Juliet Author Ali Haider Joshi, Yousuf Khan Sherbano is a classic tale of unfulfilled love. This is the story of two lovers, torn by vengeance, divided by society and finally buried in death. The tale was also called Pukhtun Romeo and Juliet. When we discussed it with Nazir, he immediately approved the idea, and we went to work. Ali Haider Joshi got in touch to adapt his story to the script. And so before we knew it, the project was underway, Gul told the Express Tribune. At that time, almost all the actors and film crew involved in the film lived in Karachi. Badar Munir, Nemat Sarhadi, Nazir Hussain, me and others who became stars lived together in Karachi and were good friends. When the filming of Usuf Khan Sherbano started, I offered my services as an assistant cameraman, he added. Each part of the film was developed through consultation; I've even been actively involved in its value. Being a very close friend of Nazir, I obviously worked for free, Gul said. Nostalgically recalling the production, Gul talked about how enthusiastic the teams were about the film, and how will be late every night to discuss the different scenes. When the film was released, the audience was very enthusiastic, and it showed better results than we expected. Not only Pashtun-speaking people flocked to cinemas, but also people from all over Pakistan, Gul said. Pashto's first film witnessed huge success and completed more than 50 weeks in one Peshawar cinema, a feat unsurpassed. Encouraged by their debut success, the same team decided to follow another film. This time they based it on what is probably the most famous Puktun folk tale: Adam Khan aw Durkhanai. Filming of the project was completed in 1970 and released later in 1971. Although Adam Khan aw Durkhanai also proved to be a commercial success, he could not match the recognition received by Yusuf Khan Sherbano. After completing both films, Gul Bade parted with the film industry in the same year and joined the Pakistan Television Corporation (PTV) as a cameraman. The first project I worked on with PTV was Lal Sylla se Lalo Hait, on whom I worked as an assistant cameraman, and Soheil Hashmi was a cameraman, Gul said. He expressed his sorrow at the current unrest in Pakistan and said that he would prefer to go back in a time when there was no disagreement in the country. It really was a good time. All people, regardless of race or sect, coexisted with each other. It was a fraternity. There was no Puchtun, no Punjabi, no mohajir, no baloh; we were all . But now we are moving further away from day to day. Fakir Gul currently lives in with his family. After the accident, Gul lives with a partial physical disability. Despite his old age and illness, he continues to work to earn a living for his family. Gul still owns the camera, and makes a meager salary of shooting rare local news packages for PTV. The man responsible for bringing fame to his culture now lives without glory in any government or ministry. Once part of a glamorous silver screen, Gul now lives a largely forgotten life. Published in The Express Tribune, November 27, 2013. yousaf khan sherbano story pdf. pashto story yousaf khan sherbano. yousaf khan sher bano love story

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