■"■" h 1 ! ____ THE EXECUTION OF WILLIAM New Advertisements. to produce 1 0 per cent on the bond­ V a u g h a n C o u n c il .— T he M uni­ Williams, b L. M arsh,.,,...... G ed on the fatal spol! The prisoner was foreign linns. B )es, ...... 3 EZRA BRA]NERD. then heard to say in a lower tone than he American Medical and Toilet Reeipt Hook. ed capital. Prior to the opening cipal Council oi the township of YVides>...... 4 Genuine Family Liquors. of the Montreal Bridge,il amounted Vaughan meets at the Town Hall, had previously used, “ Strangers I am inno- JNoiico— R em oval. T o ta l,...... 32 THE PUISONEU’S LAST SAYINGS. .cent,’ when the drop fell, and the unhappy The Aurora Masonic Band. to £10 per mile per week. Since on Monday next, the 3rd November. ARRIVAL OF TIIE “ ASIA.” SKCOND INNINGS, man was launched into eternely. List of Letters remaining in Richmond [Iilj the bridge has been c.pened the re­ Special Gorrespumlcnce o f ihe Montreal Herald . M a r k h a m C o u n c il .— The Mark­ Teefy, ct Dickson, b A iksey,...... 9 It was at f ir s t supposed that his deatlr P.O. November 1st. turns have risen lo £ 1 2 1 0 s. per JNotieG,— Boavor F ire In su ra n c e A ssociation' ham Council meets- to-morrow, Hartney, b VV, Jenkins,...... 22 T hree R ivers, Oct. 26, 1860. was instaneous, but this opinion was soon N e w Y o u k , Oct. 29th. mile per week, or about one-hall (Saturday) at Size’s Hotel, Union- VV. W arre n , ru n o u t,...... 1 shown to be erroneous by the struggles of English politics unimportant. ^ irz r r m z a what was originally contemplated. Pearce, A., b W. Jenkins, , ...... 5 OUTSIDE THE GAOL. ville, at 2 o’clock. Vanderburgh, leg b w icket,...-,...... /. 5 the dying mail. The work had been very Sir Hairy Smith is dead. The bond interest due in July last McPhillips, G. ct Arksey, b VV. Jenkins,.. 0 About one o’clock in the morning, the awkwardly performed, as the noose was was not paid ; and in consequence D e a f a n d D u m b — W e would Marsh, J. b Falconbridge...... 0 sky which had been previously clear in a adjusted so inaccurately that he gaspeii , FRANCE. CS)c tjerh |cra!t there is a possibility tiiat the work­ call the attention of ihe inhabitants Siver, ct F. McPhillips, b VV. Jenkins, .... 0 certain measure, became overspread with and gurgled for several moments. France was supplying Sardinia with Koilar, not o u t, ...... 0 ing oi the road may be stopped of this place, to the fact that this Jenkins, B. b Falconbiidge, 0 clouds, and a heavy drenching; rain began It was eight or nine minutes befor.e all largo quantities of arms and ammunition. RICI1MOND IIILL, NOV. 2, 1860. wilh very short notice. We say evening (Friday) a deputation from W illiam s, ru n o u t,...... 5 to fall continuously. During the previous motion was sidled, and the body hung in­ Tlie semi-official Comtitulionnel has possibility, for v\e do not think it at this Institute in Toronto, will ...... I day Ihere had been a slight drizzling which sensible. When life bad been pronounced tin article complaining of Sardinia, and all probaiile that such an event will address them in Ambler’s Hall. maintained all and everything in a state of extinct by the gaol physician, the body pointing to a Congress as the means of The Grand. Trunk. occur The variety and extent of We hope to see a crowded house. Tota!— 1st innings,...... 32 gentle humidity. But this morning the was cut down, and removed from the setting matters right. the interests at stake, the ruinous ** —2nd iuningH,...... 57 streets, which were already in a very muddy crowd’s interest ive g.aze. Before this ■ T h e present position of the affairs of F a l l F a i r .—The Vaughan Agri­ was dor.e, however, the rata which, diffing J consequences lo thousands in condition, became a perfect slough in some NArLES. cultural Society will hold their usu­ the last fatal moments had been deeending the Grand Trunk JR. 11. forms just this country, thal would result from — — • - 89 places, under the operation of the ir>ces^ The Garibaldians had gained a fresh now a theme of general discussion al Fall Fair at Pine Grove, on Wed­ sant rain. As the morning advanced, the in torrents, completely drencing the life­ posiiion, but hostilities were suspended for its stoppage, will, we trust, induce To tho Editor of the York Herald. throughout the Province. A few nesday next, the 7lh inst. There thoroughfares leading to the town present­ less and repulsive remains of what had twenty-four hours to b'iry their dead. the consummation of arrangements remarks, therefore, on the subject are to be a great number of prizes D e a r Sin : A Game of , be­ ed a spectacle of unusual activity, and a been but a few minutes previously a The fighting recommenced oil the 10th to keep it open. But notwith­ will not, we are sure, be uninter­ awarded, and we hope that all who tween eleven of the Aurora Club anil large number of persons came over from • haughty and high sp’rited human being. and continued to the lltli. standing the present embarrased esting to the majority of our readers. have anything worth showing will sixteen of tlie Springhill Club, was to the opposite side of the river. By nine At this moment, as if to render the scene? ’■ It is repo, ted that Garibaldi was wound­ stale ol the Grand Trunk Company, (more awful, Ihe sky darkened, and a loud *• Fools build houses, and wise exhibit it, and that there will be a have been played at Mr. Chi istison’s o’clock, the avenues leading to the gaol ed at the battle of Volturno. in spile of llie laci the returns do were swarming with an eager throng wad­ peal of thunder rent the' air. men live in them,” is an adage, the large attendance. Hotel, Oak Riuges, on Saturday last.— A decree is issued for a vote on the not now nearly come up to llie ori­ ing through mud up to the ankle—-the Before leaving this harrowing scene it is spirit of which might, with propri­ B a l l .—0;i Friday evening last, st, by universal suffrage, as to the union ginal expectations ; and that in­ Owing to the misrepresentations of tlie destination of all being the prison. As painful to observe that the throng below 2 1 ety, be applied to the builders and a select ball and concert, was held of Italy under Victor Emmanuel. vestors do not yet realize a large person who sent the challenge to the many as could get. umbrellas did so, and behaved in a most unseemly ma iner when Stockholders of railroads in general, at McLeod's Hotel, Aurora. About : the culprit first showed himself upon the The Sardinian Chamber of Deputies per centage on tlieir money ; still Aurora eleven, (who, by the way, had no those who could not were content to abide as well as to those who construct twenty couple were present, and platform, at cue time betraying tlieir adopted the order of the day by rendering the great work has been completed. the storm. The sky every moment as­ 1 dwellings. With the exception of seemed to enjoy themselves first- right more than that of officiousness to do eagerness for the catastrophe by a shouf, Competent judges do not hesilate to sumed a more gloomy appearance, and the homage to Garibaldi. It also approved .a few speculators, who, in the inci­ rate. Dancing and music was so), the Game did not come off; notwith­ rain streamed down more and more piti­ and manifesting.,anything birf a due setise the project of law for annexation, by a assert that the line wili essentially pient stages of railroad enterprise, kept up till the wee small hours. standing that Mr. Christison had, at his lessly. When I arrived at the gaol, the of the solemnity of tbe scene passing be­ vote of 290 to G. realize all that could ever have hy judicious maeceavring, contrive An excellent supper was provided yard was already crowded with an as­ fore their eyes, or a disposal to proft been reasonably expected Irom it, own expense, provided a new ball which Oavour made a speech previous to the to make fortunes, not many who by Mr. McLeod, and everything sembly, who, with a merriment hideous by it. ' . . . , , , „a rote, defining his policy, lie urged for a and that it will pay a reasonable was to be given to the victors in the thus invest capital succeed in real­ passed off in the most agreeable when contrasted with the occasion, were union, and said lie desired Home to be the profit on the outlay. If speculators game by Mr. C. jostling and pushing one another in thei izing large returns. Few will pre­ manner. TORONTO EALL ASSIZES, capital of Italy,, and- uttered a menace do not make fortunes, the country anxiety to secure a place at the best point tend to deny the vast impetus which At ten, a.m. the Aurora eleven liavr.g against Venetian at least will reap benefits thal can­ B r a s s B a n d .—We beg to di­ arrived at the ground, and, after waiting of view. The morbid curiosity which is tlie construction ot these thorough­ M o n d a y , October 29. Late advices from the west coast of not easily be overrated. We now rect the aitention of all who are some little time, proceeded according to generally manifested on these occasions fares gives to the onward progress Africa'say that the steamer C ity of Nor­ possess the longest and best con­ partial to good music, 1o an adver­ the established laws of Cricket to pitch was here abundantly evident. Shis un­ Before lion. Mr. Justice Richards. ol a country ; but at the same time, folk' got away with 1,300 slaves. structed railroad in the world ; the tisement in another column from the , which being accomplished seemly spirit led women as well as men, The Court opened at 12 o’clock. As it must be admitted that those in­ L ondon.—Saturday Evening.—The pride and boast of Canadians, the Aurora Masonic Band ; and as they stiil waited, but in vain for the in large numbers to the spot. To do jus the regular business of the court was con­ dividuals who honestly invest Queen arrived at Cologne to-day and was while it is the envy of our Ameri­ wc havo had the pleasure of being Springhill sixteen. But, alas! not one of lice, however, to the inhabitants of the cluded on Saturday, the prisoners convict- • money in them, are not in general town and ilistriet of Three Rivers, the expected to arrive in England on Tuesday. can neighbors. That it possesses present at several concerts at which tin in appeared. The only one, as lur as ed during the sitting of the Assizes were the greatest gainers. In some in­ I can learn, of the Springhill men was Mr. number of those who surrounded the scene brought up to receive their The Press says.-All the Great Powers the recuperative power within it­ this band performed, vve can con­ stances where tracks have been J. Bates who, very handsomely placed his of execution, (about 2 ,000) must have except England notified the Cabinet at self to raise it ere long to a state of fidently recommend them to all SENTENCES. run through favorable districts, re­ conveyance at the service of llie Aurora been exceeded, as far as I could judge, by Tuiin that they shall not recoguize the prosperity, cannot be doubted. The who wish to hear good music. Cornelius Kane and Andrew Collarton, spectable dividends have been the men, lie being at tbe time on his way to Ihe number of those who decently re­ blockade of Gaeta. London Economist thus concludes convicted of assaulting John King, on the result; but in the majority of cases R ic h m o n d H i l l F a i r .— W e beg Newmarket ; but hearing the way that mained at home. The pitiless rain may Tlie Pulrie states that Victor Em­ an article on the suubject : ‘‘It lieve had something to do with this, but 12th July last, were fined each $50. this is rather the exception than to call the attention ol farmers and the Aurora men, together with Mr. manuel will enter Naples on the 17th. “ can be shown that in reality the C. were used, he very handsonely turned slill it is a creditable Tact to which it is His Lordship in passing sentences said the rule. We think, therefore, lhat others to the fact that next Wed­ “ enterprise has in it all the ele- his horses round and joined the Aurora pleasing to bear witness. lhat this trial arose out of a quarrel which... the existing financial embarrass­ nesday the usual monthly fair will ARRIVAL OF THE “FULTON.’ “ ents of rapid recovery and solid men in playing a iriendly game amongst the prisoners at the bar had with a person ment ol our great Provincial line, be held at Richmond IIill. Wc THE PASSAGE TO THE GALLOWS. ol a different religious persuasion, on the “ progress ; and it [can also be themselves. i-s not a matter that should excite hope that all who have anything to Shortly after 11 o’clock the process of night of the twelfth of July. They had S ackville, October 29. “ shown lhat there are no very for- Before I close, I must say a word to much wonder. Jt would indeed be sell will oring it, as there are al­ pinioning the convict commenced in the asked him about King William, and this It was a-serted that there was great “ midable difficulties to be over- Mr. Christison. Thanks are empty words, cell which he had been occupying. The an extraordinary circumstance, if a ways plenly of buyers anxious to but the Aurora men cannot help in joining led lo a disturbance. Such things taking consternation among the Cabinet of Turin “ come in order lo arrive at these hangman was rather a short, stout man, gigantic undertaking such as the give the highest market rates for wiili rr,e in saying, lhat in Mr. C. they place were liable to lead those belonging in consequence of the Russian and Prussian “ agreeable results.” stock, &c. wilh blackened features, and wearing a to a different religious persuasion to the Ambassadors having remitted formal pro­ Grand Trunk, demanding an im­ met that day a gentlemen and courteous black veil. As lie was pinioning the pris mense outlay of capital, and re­ host. A most sumptuous dinner was pre­ prisoners’, to consider lhat they were justi­ tests against Sardinia invasion of Naples. oner, the latter said—“ you are pinching fied in keeping up such organizations as quiring such a length of lime be­ Cricket; pared by Mr. C., and heartily enjoyed by Advices from China state that the al­ me loo soon ; you are about to commit a they belonged to. It was, indeed, a pity fore profitable returns could be re­ Comsponiuim. all present. murder, and you arc commencing too lies had attacked the Taku camp, aiad that O'v Saturday, the 27th ult.,a friendly Yours Truly. that such organizations should be perpe­ the Chinese fled; in disorder. alized, would be capable of passing soon.” tuated in this countiy, but the prisoners through a period of unprecedented malch was to have been played be­ A CRICKETER. He also said to Mr. Ginnis, the gaoler, The grand attack >on the Taka forts Aurora, Oct. 31, I860. would find that it would be far better if monetaiy depression, without en­ tween eleven of (he Aurora and six­ W e wish it to be distinctly understood, that jthat they should lake care of his portman­ would take place on the 15 August. wo do not hold ourselves responsible for they would obey the law, and thus give countering serious difficulties. teen ofthe Springhill Cricket CJubs, teau, as it contained $ 2 0 , which sum of Flour had a declining tendency,- Wheat opinions expressed by correspondents through those belonging to such societies no reason There has .been hitherto but liltle at Mr. Christison’s, Oak llidg^s.— our columns. money they were to send to his brother to think that their perpetuation was neces­ iad an upward tendency, and prices had The Aurora Masonic Band was in ETOBICOKE AGRICULTURAL Lorenzo. The Sheriff had the key of it. slightly advanced -en some descriptions. information of a popular character sary. It was not desirable, in his opinion, disseminated respecting the iii.story attendance, as also were the mem­ SOCIETY’S PLOUGHING MATCH He had told the Sheriff in the morning that such things should be kept up in this Corn was quiet. 1’iwisisas quiet. [For the Herald. that this money, if his brother did not and position of this line. Tliose bers of the Aurora club; but from country. He then said it was his Intention From the Globe. want, it, would be sufficient to defray the directly iiitei’ested as Shareholders some unexplained cause the Spring­ Our Juvenile Cricketers. to impress a fine he hoped would have the The annual ploughing match of the expense of transporting Iiis remains to his ARRIVAL OF THE “ ILLINOIS.” and Stockholders, generally make hill club did not come, which was effect of preventing such offences being a great disappointment and sur­ A very spirited and closely contest­ Etobicoke Agricultural Society took place birthplace, in Melbourne, near Richmond. committed in future. He then sentenced the attempt, to study and under- Being prepared for the scaffold, he was H alifax, October 27. prise, but as there was no help for ed match at Cricket wi*3 played on on Wednesday, tbe 24th Get., on the the prisoners to pay a fine of $50 eachr“f" sland the Reports of Directors, farm of Benjamin Johnson, Esq., near the conducted by the executioner and turnkey* it, the Aurora Club deter­ the afternoon of Saturday, October II. 13. Hope aid II. Knowles, common The steamship Illinois-Qnv* Havre via. however complicated and difficult; village of Islington, (late Mimic). There from (lie cell through the adjoining cor­ m ined to have a gam e 27, between two parties, of eleven assault, fined $ 1 0 0 each. Southampton tlie 18th, hag pat in here for but the initiated portion of our was a good attendance, and those appear­ ridor and hall, and up tjie stairs along each, chosen from among the junior eoal. Her advices are