Citrus County Chronicle
Project1:Layout 1 6/10/2014 1:13 PM Page 1 2020: A sports year like no other captured with photos /B1 FRIDAY TODAY CITRUSCOUNTY & next morning HIGH 72 Partly sunny and LOW pleasant. 48 PAGE A4 DECEMBER 11, 2020 Florida’s Best Community Newspaper Serving Florida’s Best Community 50¢ VOL. 126 ISSUE 64 NEWS BRIEFS Panel backs Pfizer vaccine Citrus County COVID-19 Full FDA OK of COVID-19 shots expected soon, though questions remain update LAURAN NEERGAARD Shots could begin within days, reactions in two people who re- non-government experts in vac- According to the Flor- AND MATTHEW depending on how quickly the Food ceived the vaccine earlier this cine development, infectious dis- ida Department of Health, PERRONE and Drug Administration signs off, week when Britain became the eases and medical statistics was 46 positive cases were Associated Press as expected, on the expert commit- first country to begin dispensing considered critical to boosting reported in Citrus County tee’s recommendation. the Pfizer-BioNTech shot. Americans’ confidence in the since the latest update. WASHINGTON — A U.S. gov- In a 17-4 vote with one absten- Despite all the remaining un- safety of the shot, which was de- Four new hospitaliza- ernment advisory panel endorsed tion, the government advisers knowns, in an emergency, “the veloped at breakneck speed less tions were reported; no widespread use of Pfizer’s coro- concluded that the vaccine from question is whether you know than a year after the virus was navirus vaccine Thursday, putting Pfizer and its German partner enough,” said panel member Dr.
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