Adult survey Domestic abuse service provision

Draft survey

Part 1: Introduction

Central Council is committed to tackling domestic violence and abuse. Domestic violence and abuse is more than physical violence. It involves the use of power by one person over another. It can affect anyone regardless of race, age, gender or sexuality.

Domestic violence and abuse is the physical, emotional, verbal, sexual or financial abuse of one person by another with whom they have or have had an intimate or family-type relationship. It arises from the misuse of power and control by one person over another. It is rarely a one-off event, but tends to escalate in frequency and severity over time. We want to find out more about domestic violence and abuse services in to find out how people that have experienced abuse have found them.

This short survey is completely anonymous. It will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please only complete this survey if you feel safe and able to do so. The survey is only open to people over the age of 18 that currently live in Central Bedfordshire. You can change your mind at any point in the survey by simply exiting the screen.

The aim of the survey will be to let us know your experiences of all types of services, such as the council, social services, police or specialist domestic abuse services. We will use all of the feedback we receive to form our future decision making.

In an emergency, always call the police 999 (emergency) 101 (non-emergency).

If you have experienced domestic abuse, there is help available; 24-hour National Domestic Violence Freephone Helpline - 0808 2000 247

If you are concerned about your behaviour, there is help available; The Respect national helpline is open Monday – Friday 9am-5pm - 0808 802 4040 (free from landlines and most mobiles). Or email [email protected].

Thank you for completing the survey.

Part 2: A little bit about your current situation

1) This survey is about your experiences of domestic abuse. Please, tick any of the boxes that apply to you. I am currently a I am a survivor I am or have been None of these apply victim of domestic of/have previously abusive to a current to me abuse/violence been a victim of or previous partner domestic *go to section 5 *go to section 3 abuse/violence *go to section 4

*go to section 3

© SafeLives 2015 Registered charity number 1106864 0117 403 3220 1 *insert link on this page about local support services for victims and perpetrators*

2) Do you have any dependent children? Yes No – my No – I do not Prefer not to children are have any say now adults children [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 2 Part 3: Your experience of abusive or controlling behaviour

In this section, we will ask you questions about your experiences of services and organisations that you have used in Central Bedfordshire. Please use the free text boxes to give us any additional comments or feedback.

3) Are you currently living with the person that was abusive? Yes – in a Yes – but we No – we never No – No – Prefer not relationship have separated lived together separated and separated to say I moved out and they moved out

4) How much do you agree that you know what to do/where to go if you are experiencing domestic abuse? Strongly Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Strongly disagree Agree disagree

5) Have you received any specific support in relation to the abuse? (please tick relevant support) No I have not received Refuge/Rehoused Independent Freedom programme any support Domestic Violence Advisor (Idva) *skip to question 6* Counselling/therapeutic Helpline Pattern changing Stepping Stones support (group programme) Other. Please state:

5a) Can you tell us a bit about your experience of the service? (

5b) How did you find out about the services? Being told by a friend or At work Advert in public Hospital notice board family member amenities (e.g. bathrooms) Through a school or Television GP notice board Children’s Centre college

Radio Referred by someone On public transport Social media (e.g. else (e.g. GP, social (e.g. bus poster) Facebook, Instagram) worker, police) Websites (e.g. Google, Council offices Bedfordshire domestic BBC) abuse partnership (eg. Website, leaflet) Other. Please state:

6) Do you feel like you got the right type of help and support, at the right time? Yes, I got the Somewhat, I No, I did not Prefer not to right help at did get some get the right say [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 3 the right time help help at the right time (if ticked, answer 6a) (if ticked, answer 6a)

6a) Please tell us a bit about the help or support you hoped to have received?

7) Please tick any of the generic organisations or services that you use of have been in touch with whilst experiencing the abuse? (you don’t have to have told them about what was happening) Police Child’s school GP Probation service Hospital Health visiting Children centre Mental Health service services Sexual health service Hospital Children’s Services Adult Social Care Housing association/ DWP/Job Centre Dentist Local bank branch Council housing department Local services (my Religious Employer Drug or alcohol hairdresser, barber) establishment (e.g. service church, mosque) College/University Other. Please state:

8) Did anyone from the above services and organisations ask you about your domestic abuse?

9) Did you speak to any of the services above about what happened?

10) Who would or did you tell about your experience? Friend GP Local service (my Teacher hairdresser, barber)

Colleague Care professional Religious leader Children’s centre staff (social worker, carer) Parent(s) or carer A family member Employer Police

A specialist helpline I wouldn’t/didn’t tell Other. Please state: anyone [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 4

11) Who would or did you seek help from?

Friend GP Local service (my Teacher hairdresser, barber)

Colleague Care professional Religious leader Children’s centre staff (social worker, carer) Parent(s) or carer A family member Employer Police

A specialist helpline I wouldn’t/didn’t tell Other. Please state: anyone

12) What type of help or support did/do you want or need in relation to the abuse?

Legal support Financial advice Someone to talk to in Support for my children person Housing support Counselling Support groups Emergency accommodation

Support with parenting Information and advice Help for my abusive Protection or security on my options partner (e.g. panic alarm)

Other. Please state:

13) What would be important to you when accessing a domestic abuse service?

Evening availability Text support 24 hour service Fixed appointments

Disability access Phone support Childcare/crèche Home visits

Telephone support One to one support, Flexible Confidential face to face Different languages One to one support Drop in Help with transport available online Somewhere to meet in A women only space A men only space the community

14) Did the person who was abusive or violent towards you get any help or support? Yes – they had Yes – they No – it was No – they didn’t I don’t know to accept it as it wanted to get offered but they get offered any was mandatory help didn’t accept it help or support

*Answer 14a* *Answer 14a* *Answer 14b* *Answer 14b*

14a) Please describe how the help or support affected their abusive behaviour? (e.g. was it a positive, negative or no change) [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 5

14b) Do you think the person would have accepted support, if offered?

15) Can you tell us about the type of support you were offered or received as a whole family? (eg. Your partner/ex-partner and any children)

16) Finally, is there anything else about your experience of services in Central Bedfordshire? [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 6

Part 4: Your experience of using abusive or controlling behaviour

In this section, we will ask you questions about your experiences of services and organisations that you have used in Central Bedfordshire. Please use the free text boxes to give us any additional comments or feedback.

17) Can you tell us a bit more about your behaviour? Tick all that apply Now I am concerned My partner is I have been I can be about my concerned about my violent in my controlling and/or behaviour in my behaviour current verbally abusive current relationship in my current relationship relationship

In the I was concerned My previous partner I have been I was controlling past about my was concerned violent in a and/or verbally behaviour in a about my behaviour previous abusive in a previous relationship previous relationship relationship

18) Which of the following statements best applies to you? I have already I know my I know my Other people My behaviour is accepted help to behaviour is a behaviour can think my not a problem change my problem and I sometimes be a behaviour is a and I behaviour want/wanted help problem and I problem, but I would/would not to change would/would have don’t agree so have needed considered did not/did not help support to need help to change change

19) Are you currently living with the partner you are/were abusive to?

Yes – in a Yes – but we No – we never No – No – Prefer not relationship have separated lived together separated and separated to say I moved out and they moved out

20) How much do you agree that you know what to do/where to go to get help for your behaviour?

Strongly Agree Neither agree nor Disagree Strongly disagree Agree disagree

21) Have you received any specific support in relation to your relationship or behaviour? (please tick relevant support) No I have not received Building Better The Change Project Anger management any support Relationships course course

*skip to 21d* One to one Couples Helpline (e.g. counselling/therapeutic counselling/therapeutic Respect) support support Other. Please state:

21a) What motivated you to address the behaviour? [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 7

21b) Please describe how the help or support affected or changed your behaviour or relationship?

21c) How did you find out about the services?

Being told by a friend or At work Advert in public Hospital notice board family member amenities (e.g. bathrooms) Through a school or Television GP notice board Children’s Centre college Radio Referred by someone On public transport Social media (e.g. else (e.g. GP, social (e.g. bus poster) Facebook, Instagram) worker, police) Websites (e.g. Google, Council offices Bedfordshire domestic BBC) abuse partnership (website) Other. Please state:

21d) Please could you tell us whether you think help or support would have been helpful in changing your behaviour or relationship?

22) Do you feel like you got the right type of help and support, at the right time?

Yes, I got the Somewhat, I No, I did not Prefer not to right help at did get some get the right say the right time help help at the right time (if ticked answer 22a) (if ticked answer 22a)

22a) Please tell us a bit about what could have worked better? [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 8

23) Please tick any of the generic organisations or services that you use of have been in touch with? (you don’t have to have told them about what was happening)

Police Child’s school GP Probation service Hospital Health visiting Children centre Mental Health service services Sexual health service Hospital Children’s Services Adult Social Care Housing association/ DWP/Job Centre Dentist Local bank branch Council housing department Local services (my Religious Employer hairdresser, barber) establishment (e.g. church, mosque) Other. Please state:

24) Thinking about the above organisations and services, can you tell us about any that either asked you about domestic abuse, or that you would have spoken to about what happened?

25) Who would or did you tell about your behaviour or seek help from? Friend GP Local service (my Teacher hairdresser, barber)

Colleague Care professional Religious leader Children’s centre staff (social worker, carer) Parent(s) or carer A family member Employer I wouldn’t/didn’t tell anyone Police A specialist helpline Other. Please state:

26) What type of help or support did/do you want or need in relation to your behaviour or relationship?

Legal support Financial advice One to one support Support for my children

Housing support Counselling Support groups Anger management

Emotional support Information and advice Help for my partner Support with parenting

Advocate on my behalf Behaviour change Practical support programme Other. Please state: [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 9 27) Who is aware of your abusive behaviour?

My family My friends Professionals (eg. My colleagues Social workers) My boss My partner’s family My partner’s friends Nobody outside my household knows Other. Please state:

28) Finally, is there anything else about your experience of services in Central Bedfordshire? [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 10 Part 5: About you

Thank you for completing this Survey. To submit your responses, please tell us a little more about you. Remember, your answers are confidential.

29) Please tick which area of Surrey you currently live? Houghton Hall Tithe Farm Parkside – Manshead Dunstable – Northfields Dunstable – Central Dunstable – Ickneild Dunstable - Watling Lingslade North Leighton Buzzard South North Biggleswade South and Langforth Cranefield and Martson Aspley and Woburn Moretaine Heath and Reach Toddington Barton le-Clay and Greenfield and and Shillington Shefford Haynes Sandy Other. Please state:

30) How old are you? 18-19 20-25 26-30 31-50 51-65 66 and over

31) How would you describe your ethnicity? White British Black British Iranian White Irish Caribbean Kurdish Gypsy/ Irish traveller African Other Arab background Other white background Other black background

Asian British White & Asian Prefer not to say Indian White & black African Don't know Pakistani White & black Bangladeshi Caribbean Chinese Other dual heritage Other Asian background

32) How would you describe your gender? Male Female Transgender Other . Please Prefer not to state: say

33) Which of the following options best describes your sexuality? Heterosexual/ Gay Lesbian Bisexual Other Prefer not Straight to say

34) Do you have a disability, long-term illness or health condition? Yes No Prefer not to say

Thank you very much for your time. To find out more about what Central Bedfordshire Council is doing to tackle domestic abuse please visit our website [email protected] 0117 317 8750 © SafeLives 2015. Please acknowledge SafeLives when reprinting. Registered charity number 1106864. 11